九州大学 研究者情報
五十君 麻里子(いぎみ まりこ) データ更新日:2024.02.03

教授 /  法学研究院 基礎法学部門 法文化学

1. Mariko Igimi, ius / lex for Comparative Analysis of Current Law, Societe International de Droit de l'Antiquite, 2023.08, Notably, ius as well as lex have been used in wide variety of meanings throughout our legal history. Just to mention a few examples, ius, defined as "ars boni et aequi" by Celsus, could mean the law of jurists, natural law, etc., while lex were imperial statutes, positives Recht, or just terms of conditions in contracts. According to legal tradition in East Asia, however, the "law" was mainly lex, namely written ~material~ lex.
In this presentation, analysis of some topics in current law would be tried applying the dichotomy of ius / lex. The topics may include "rule of law" in China, "fundamental human rights" in Japan, "tort law" in Nepal.
2. 五十君麻里子, ius/lex SIHDA 2024へのご招待, 日本ローマ法学会, 2023.03, 2024年9月23日から28日にわたって、大阪大学を中心に、国際古代法史学会(SIHDA)が東アジアで初めて開催される。共通テーマはius/lexである。
3. 五十君麻里子, ユスタ事件再考, 日本ローマ法学会, 2022.03, 1940年台から研究されてきたヘルクラネウム出土の蝋板資料を、従来とは全く異なる解釈をもって、多くの謎を解明した。.
4. 五十君麻里子, 家族・働き方・奴隷労働〜史的観点から見た現代日本の諸問題, 九州法学会, 2021.06, 水野紀子先生によると、江戸時代における「イエ」は、必ずしも血縁による結びつきを前提としない企業のようなものであった。すなわち「イエ」とは「家業」という仕事目的の集団であり、自律性の高いコミュニティーを形成していた。明治民法では、同じ姓を持ち同一戸籍に記載される者の集団が「家」となったが、戸主の強い権限の下、「家」の自律性は引き続き尊重された。このため、公は「家」の内部には介入せず、戸籍をメディアとして身分行為を管理するという、特殊なシステムが成立する。戦後の家族法改正により「家」制度は解体されるも、このシステムは維持され、ただその対象となる「家族」の構成メンバーが著しく減少し続けているのが現状である。このような歴史的変遷を遂げる中で、我が国においては、公の介入しない少人数の閉じられた「家族」が出来上がってしまった。このことが現代日本のさまざまな社会問題の根本原因となっているようにも思われる。
5. 五十君麻里子, A Legal Dictionary from Year 1883. A Story Behind the Reception of Civil Law in Japan, Asian Law Institute, 2021.04, The Reception of European legal tradition in Asia started in the late 19th Century in Japan. After the fall of BAKUFU or SHOGUN-government in 1868, the new MEIJI government was forced to modernize the country including its legal systems as quickly as possible. The comparative analysis of laws in different jurisdictions led Japan to choose Civil Law as its model and to implement a system which was totally foreign to its traditional law. The presentation aims to demonstrate difficulties that Japanese then faced, by focusing on a law dictionary printed in 1883 for the use of the Ministry of Justice.
Before focusing on the dictionary, a brief introduction of the Civil Law tradition in contrast to Common Law will be presented from a historical perspective. Civil Law does not only mean the "codified law" or " the law applied in the continental Europe" but it comes from ius civile, which originates in the Twelve Tables in 451-450 BC and developed within ancient Rome. Starting from the 12th Century, Civil Law was widely recepted not only in the continental Europe but also in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
The Civil Law system recepted in Japan was "transformed" and further recepted by other countries in Asia, such as Thailand, Korea and Taiwan. One of the most important features of this transformation was to "create" legal terms in Chinese characters. At first, they thought a simple transcription from French terms into KATAKANA, the Japanese phonetic alphabets for foreign words, would suffice. Nevertheless, this scheme was prevented from some characteristics of Japanese language itself, i.e. scarcity of sounds and habit of "seeing" while reading. To tackle with the issue, the Ministry of Justice employed former BAKUFU officers, who worked as interpreters for generations in Nagasaki under the isolation policy in the Edo era.
6. 五十君麻里子, libertis libertabusque relicta alimenta, Societé International du Histoire de Droit de l'Antiquitè, 2019.09, Alimentum is the maintenance that consists of habitation, food, clothing etc. D.34,1 deals with the legacy of alimentum of which most of the legatees are freedmen and freedwomen. This explains why the oratio of Marcus Aurelius required authorization of the praetor to compromise in respect of alimenta left by will (D.2,15,8). The reason for this intervention is that the persons to whom maintenance was left tend to be satisfied by immediate payment of small sum of money.
The oratio was aplied, however, only to the compromise between the heir and the legatees. What was the living condition of freedmen and freedwomen while testator, i.e. the former owner was still alive? How did they maintain their living?
The presentation analyzes the texts which deal with alimenta given to freedmen and freedwomen and tries to highlight the mechanism that served as "social welfare" for the majority of people who were not well-off..
7. 五十君麻里子, ローマの奴隷と現代法〜AIの責任から社会保障まで〜, グローバル化による法の変容, 2019.08, 奴隷の虐待のイメージを払拭し、その実態に迫れば、現代法への示唆が見えてくることを指摘した。.
8. 五十君麻里子, トリボニアヌスの法創造〜D.2,15,6; D.29,3,1,1を中心に, 日本ローマ法学会, 2019.03, D.2,15,6とD.29,3,1,1はともにガイウス『属州告示注解第17巻』に由来し、Lenel, Palingenesiaでは、両法文は同じ箇所の引用として、Gai.302の番号が付されている。さらにD.29,3,3、D.29,3,7も同著作からの引用であり、D.29,3,1,1、D.29,3,3、D.29,3,7をつなげて検討することによって、古典期のガイウスの著作の中でのD.2,15,6=D.29,3,1,1の文脈と意味を理解することができる。
9. Mariko Igimi, IKIMONO. Japanese Concept of Animals and Law, III Global Animal Law Conference, 2018.05, The presentation was aimed to demonstrate current situation of animal protection and related issues in Japan focusing on overall relationship between men and animals..
10. 五十君麻里子, 動物法の世界的動向〜日本法成熟期における比較法の試み〜, 九州法学会, 2018.05, 第3回世界動物法学会の報告を比較法的観点から行なった。.
11. 五十君 麻里子, Marking a "point of no return”.  e-commerce and stipulatio, Messages from the Antiquity. How can Roman Law contribute to the Current Debate in Law?, 2016.02, Revising the presentation presented at the University of Groningen, the presentation aimed to concentrate on the consumer protection aspect of stipulatio and tried to illustrate the connection to its needs in connection to e commerce..
12. 五十君 麻里子, Marking a "point of no return”.  e-commerce and pactum, Symposium on 'user-friendly private law' , 2015.10, The presentation aimed to illustrate the attitude towards consensus and tried to compare the situation related to e commerce. .
13. 五十君 麻里子, Roman Law for International Students
~Experience and Challenges of LL.M., Kyushu-University~, SIHDA, 2015.09, ローマ法教育が学会テーマであったため、九大法学府の経験と、法学の普遍性について報告した。.
14. Mariko Igimi, Colonization and Law in East Asia, Globalization and Law, 2014.12.
15. Mariko Igimi, Slaves Concluding pactum ~ an Analysis of a Case in Plautus' "Bacchides", Societé International de Histoir de Droit Antiquitè, 2014.09.
16. Mariko Igimi, Slaves Concluding pactum. an Analysis of a Case from Plautus' "Bacchides", International Symposium on Roman Law. "Roman Law between Tradition and Modernity", 2014.07.
17. 五十君 麻里子, 九大発グローバル人材育成について, 九州法学会, 2014.06.
18. Mariko Igimi, The Marriage Law of Augustus, Augsburg-Munich-Kyushu Symposium 2014, 2014.02.
19. Mariko Igimi, Ein Beispiel der Rezeption von "Digestenexegese" in Fukuoka Japan, Societé International de Histoir de Droit Antiquitè, 2013.09.
20. Mariko Igimi, TAMEN COACTUS VOLVI. Privatautonomie und die Römer, Provatautonomie - Aufgaben und Grenzen. Konferenz des CDIR, 2013.05.
21. Mariko Igimi, occupatio im Alltag der Römer, Kolloquium für römisches Recht, 2013.03.
22. Mariko Igimi, Funny Laws. Legal Knowledge of the Audience of Plautine Comedies, Societé International de Histoir de Droit Antiquitè, 2012.09.
23. Mariko Igimi, Die Formgebundenheit der Konsensualverträge? Was wir von Rom nicht rezipiert haben., Rezeption europäischer Rechte in Ostasien, 2012.02.
24. Mariko Igimi, Rezeption in der Rechtsgeschichte Japans und das Rechtsdenken der Japaner, Rom, Eurapa, Asienä Gleiches Recht für Alle?, 2011.11.
25. 五十君麻里子, 合意の法的効力――諾成契約債務と問答契約債務との関係を手がかりとして, 法制史学会, 2005.10.
26. Mariko Igimi-Yasutake, contrarius consensus of All the Consensual Contracts, Societe International d'Histoire de Droit Antiquite, 2000.09.
27. Mariko Igimi, "res integra bei Mandatum", SIHDA, 1997.09.
28. Mariko Igimi, "contrarius consensus", SIHDA, 1996.09.
29. Mariko Igimi, "res integra as a Required Condition of All Consensual Contracts", SIHDA, 1995.09.
30. 五十君麻里子, 「contrarius consensus ローマ組合契約の解消を中心として」, 法制史学会, 1995.05.
31. Mariko Igimi, "The Function of renuntiatio by societas", SIHDA, 1992.09.

