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Kenji Takeuchi Last modified date:2023.12.06

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor of Laws
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Doctor
Field of Specialization
Criminology, Juvenile Law
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Eine Forschung über Jugendstrafvollzugsgesetz
    keyword : Jugendstrafvollzugsgesetz, Erziehungsgedanke
  • Das System der öffentlichen Verteidigung in der Jugendrechtspflege
    keyword : Verteidiger, Justiz-funktion, Wohlfahrt-funktion, Beseitigungen schaedliche Nachteilen der Freihetsentzug
  • Ein Vergleichsforschung über das Strafvoollzugssystem zwischen Japan und Deutschland
    keyword : Das rechtliche Wohlfahrsstaatsprinzip
  • Eine Historische Forschung über Jugendrechtspflege in Japan
    keyword : due-process, case-work
  • Eine Vergleichsforschung über Jugendrechtspflege zwischen Japan und Deutschland
    keyword : Die Jugendstrafrechtsreform durch die Praxis, Vermeidung des Freiheitsentzugs
Academic Activities
1.  In July 2012 an accused person in forties with the developmental disorder who has been charged with his sister's murder was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by the Osaka district court. This sentence attracted public attention. The following are the reason for this: (1) the court that gave this sentence of the hardest imprisonment with definite term was "Saibanin-Saiban", in which 6 lay judges with 3 career judges not only announce findings but also decide sentencing in the case. (2) This judgment went 4 years over the penalty demanded by the prosecutor. (3) This judgment was based on the understandings that there are few institutions in the society for the treatment of the ex-convict with the developmental disorder and therefore early release from a prison is not good for the prevention of second offenses.
 This sentence reflects the characteristics of the japanese criminal justice system. Firstly also in the case of the developmental disorder the japanese criminal courts judge the responsibility capacity according to the framework made for the schizophrenia. Secondly in japan there is no system like as presentence reports. Therefore not all sentencing are based on the enough information about defendants, for example a living situation, developmental history and social capitals around her or him. Finally besides, in the "Saibanin-Saiban" carrier judges regard speed of the trial as important, so that professional opinions are not heard in courts often.
Japanese criminal justice system has the basic structure to give a defendant with the developmental disorder social stigmas easily. .
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japanese Association of Offenders Rehabilitation
  • Criminal Law Society of Japan
  • Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology
  • Japanese Society of Law and Forensic Social Services
  • Japanese Society for Law and Psychology
  • Deutsche Vereinigung für Jugendgericht und Jugendgerichtshilfe