九州大学 研究者情報
志堂寺 和則(しどうじ かずのり) データ更新日:2024.04.16

教授 /  システム情報科学研究院 情報学部門 知能科学

1. Y. Taniguchi, S. Taniguchi, K. Shidoji,, The relationship between cycling behaviour, attitude to traffic and attitude to daily life of junior and senior high school students., Transactions of Transport Sciences, 13, 2, 27-35, 2022.06.
2. 福田 恭介, 水口 美咲, 松尾 太加志, 志堂寺 和則, 早見 武人, 「喉まで出かかっている」ときの瞬目の抑制と発生, 心理学研究, 92, 2, 122-128, 2021.06.
3. 谷口嘉男・谷口俊治・志堂寺和則, 小・中学生の自転車運転行動とヘルメット着用の背景要因, 交通心理学研究, 36, 1, 31-41, 2021.03.
4. Akihiro Nakamura, Shinji Sakai, Kazunori Shidoji, Virtual rotation with visuo-haptics., 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2019, 1094-1095, 2019.03.
5. He Xi, Kazunori Shidoji, Driving behavior and characteristics of eye movements during inattentive driving, The 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum FUKUOKA 2018, 677-690, 2018.05.
6. 隅田 康明, 松永 勝也, 合志 和晃, 志堂寺 和則, 車輪付き手動移動体の走行負荷に基づく歩道の評価方法, 情報処理学会論文誌, 57, 7, 1652-1662, 2016.07.
7. Yasuaki Sumida, Katsuya Matsunaga, Kazuaki Goshi, Kazunori Shidoji, Simple device to measure physical strength to move manual wheelchair., Journal of Machinery Manufacturing and Automation, 4, 4, 38-45, 2015.12.
8. Ichiro Ono, Kazunori Shidoji, Preventing accidents caused by unintended sudden acceleration and subsequent continuous acceleration in automatic transmission vehicles., International Symposium on Socially and Technically Symbiotic Systems, 21-28, 2015.08.
9. 森 久美子, 福田 恭介, 松尾 太加志, 志堂寺 和則, 早見 武人, 感情語提示時における大学生の瞳孔反応と抑うつ・不安との関連, 福岡県立大学人間社会学部紀要, 23, 2, 33-44, 2015.02.
10. 隅田 康明, 合志 和晃, 松永 勝也, 志堂寺 和則, 横断勾配路での移動における車いす使用者の負担の定量化と評価, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 20, 1, 1-6, 2015.01.
11. 谷口 嘉男, 松木 裕二, 谷口 俊治, 志堂寺 和則, 中学生・高校生対象の自転車交通安全教育実施に関する感情、認知、行動特性:教習指導員、技能検定員と安全運転管理者、運行管理者との比較検討, 交通科学, 45, 1, 28-37, 2014.09.
12. 鳥居 武史, 松尾 典義, 内海 章, 多田 昌裕, 山本 直樹, 志堂寺 和則, ドライバ状態の共有による交通事故低減技術の研究, スバル技報, 4, 120-125, 2014.08.
13. Akira Utsumi, Masahiro Tada, Naoki Yamamoto, Noriyoshi Matsuo, Takeshi Torii, Kazunori Shidoji, Active safety with enhanced communication among traffic participants, IEEE ITSC2013, 2013.10.
14. Yuji Matsuki, Katsuya Matsunaga, Kazunori Shidoji, A study about the relationship between driver's reaction time and the level of awareness, Vision in Vehicles - IX, 80-85, 2012.09.
15. Takehito Hayami, Katsuya Matsunaga, Kazunori Shidoji, Yuji Matsuki, On detection of the state of low awareness and developing a system to give a warning signal to enlarge headway time, Vision in Vehicles - IX, 86-91, 2012.09.
16. Kazuaki Goshi, Katsuya Matsunaga, Daiichiro Kuroki, Kazunori Shidoji, Yuji Matsuki, Experiment of education by ASSIST: Safe driving at crossroads without traffic lights., Vision in Vehicles - IX, 145-152, 2012.09.
17. Yuji Matsuki, Kazunori Shidoji, Katsuya Matsunaga, Reaction time while driving with an insufficient headway, Vision in Vehicles - VIII, 301-306, 2012.09.
18. 清水誠次・志堂寺和則・松木裕二・植草理・加藤直治, 実車を用いた危険運転抑止システムの効果測定, 自動車技術会論文集, 42, 3, 789-794, 2011.06.
19. M. Ogawa, K. Shidoji, Relationship between perception of image resolution and peripheral visual field in stereoscopic images., Proceedings of International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XXII, 2011.01.
20. M. Ogawa, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Assessment of stereoscopic multi-resolution images for a virtual reality system. , The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 9, 2, 31-37, 2010.06.
21. K. Shidoji, M. Funakoshi, M. Ogawa, Perception of absolute and relative distance in stereoscopic image., Proceedings of International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XXI, 2010.01.
22. T. Kumagai, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Dangerous Driving Deterrence System that Employs Competition., Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on ITS, 2008.11.
23. T. Kumagai, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Automotive Telematics System for Safe Driving., Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on System Safety, 2008.10.
24. 崔正烈・長村健太郎・志堂寺和則, 提示画像の解像度と写角が両眼立体視における奥行き知覚に及ぼす影響, 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol.62, No.6, pp130-135, 2008.06.
25. K. Shidoji, T. Kumagai, S. Watanabe, Y. Matsuki, T. Nakamura, Development of a safe driving promotion system by displaying driving scores and rankings. , International Journal of ITS Research, Vol.5, No.1, pp.55-62, 2007.10.
26. Y. Kohi, K. Shidoji, K. Toko, S. Etoh, What relationship does color have with desirability in fruits and vegetables?, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, pp. 363-368, 2007.10.
27. M. Ogawa, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Perception of multi-resolution in stereoscopic images., Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, , 2007.10.
28. 熊谷太郎・志堂寺和則・松木裕二, 他車の車線変更に対する運転者の注意特性, 自動車技術会論文集, Vol.38, No.4, pp.163-166, 2007.07.
29. 福田恭介・早見武人・志堂寺和則・松尾太加志, ビジランス課題中における持続性瞬目と一過性瞬目, 福岡県立大学人間社会学部紀要, Vol.15, No.2, pp.27-35, 2007.03.
30. 志堂寺和則・都甲潔, ケーキの外観印象の共分散構造分析, 日本食品科学工学会誌, 54巻1号pp.1-8, 2007.01.
31. 松永勝也・松木裕二・梅崎康二・丸山兼司・合志和晃・志堂寺和則, 追突と出会い頭衝突事故防止のための安全運転教育用シミュレータの開発, 交通科学, Vol.37, No.1, pp.27-35, 2006.10.
32. 熊谷太郎・志堂寺和則・松木裕二, 自動車運転者の心理特性:車間時間と移動効率の関係, 電子情報通信学会論文誌A基礎・境界, J89-A巻10号pp.822-830, 2006.10.
33. 荒木滋郎・崔正烈・志堂寺和則・松木裕二・松永勝也・日高滋紀・木下信博・塚本裕二・山崎伸一・平川和生・江西浩一郎, SHM靴装着歩行時における大腿、下腿の回旋角度, 生体医工学, 44巻1号pp.122-129, 2006.03.
34. 熊谷太郎・志堂寺和則・山村健, 覚醒水準と瞬目率の関係性仮説, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 11巻1号pp.17-22, 2006.03.
35. 志堂寺和則, 動作と身体:運動プログラミングを中心として, 基礎心理学研究, 24巻1号pp.95-99, 2005.09.
36. S. Watanabe, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, K. Goshi, Education of truck drivers using the ASSIST driver support system, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 39, 3, 307-322, 39巻3号pp.307-322, 2005.01.
37. 志堂寺和則, バーチャル空間と人間の知覚・認知・感性, 九州大学感性融合創造センター年報, Vol.1, pp.59-64, 2005.03.
38. T. Ienaga, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, M. Otsuru, S. Araki, Y. Matsuki, An effect of large overlapped area of stereo pairs at the working point on a spatial multi-resolution stereoscopic video system, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2005, pp.277-278, 2005.03.
39. 松永勝也・志堂寺和則・松木裕二・合志和晃, 安全運転のためのITS, ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌, Vol.7, No.1, pp.3-10, 2005.02.
40. S. Watanabe, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Traveling efficiency and collision probability when driving in haste, Review of Automotive Engineering, Vol.26, No.1, pp.47-51, 2005.01.
41. S. Kono, T. Sekioka, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, A study of the method of the video image presentation for the manipulation of forceps, Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 13, 111, 255-258, pp.255-258, 2005.01.
42. T. Fuse, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Comparison of reaction times at low and high speeds, (Eds.) T. Rothengatter & R. D. Huguenin, Traffic & Transport Psychology: Theory and Application, pp. 85-90, 2004.01.
43. S. Watanabe, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, K. Goshi, Development of an intelligent driver support system for commercial vehicle drivers, Proceedings of 11th World Congress on ITS, CD-ROM, 2004.10.
44. S. Watanabe, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, K. Goshi, Educational effects of the driver support system ASSIST on truck drivers, International Conference on Application of Information & Communication Technology in Transport Systems in Developing Countries, CD-ROM, 2004.08.
45. Y. Matsuki, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, On the development of a real-time evaluation system for safe driving, International Conference on Application of Information & Communication Technology in Transport Systems in Developing Countries, CD-ROM, 2004.07.
46. 家永貴史・源雅彦・松永勝也・大津留誠・志堂寺和則・合志和晃・松木裕二, 映像下でのブルドーザーの排土板の高さと傾きの調節精度の評価を通しての遠隔操作用画像提示法の検討, 日本ロボット学会誌, 22(5), 124-129, 2004.07.
47. T. Kondo, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, A study of overlapping virtual objects on real objects in 3D space, Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 98, 171-173, 12, 171-173, 2004.01.
48. T. Kondo, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Overlaying virtual objects on real objects in 3D space, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Science and Electrical Engineering 2003,, 645-646, 2003.11.
49. Y. Furui, K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, Issues in reviewing on-line discussion logs and their solutions, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 4344-4351, CD-ROM, 2003.10.
50. 松木裕二・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, 運転者の車間距離保持特性に関する研究(第2報), 自動車技術会論文集, 34(3), 99-104, 2003.07.
51. M. Otsuru, H. Matsugashita, K. Matsunaga, K. Goshi, K. Shidoji, Digital video system with monoscopic wide-angle images and stereoscopic high-resolution images, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies CCCT' 03, 92-97, 1, 92-97, 2003.07.
52. T. Ienaga, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, M. Ohtsuru, S. Nezu, Y. Matsuki, A comparison of work performance between a teleoperation under the stereoscopic video system with embedded high spatial resolution images and direct operation, Proceedings of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 31-36, 10, 31-36, 2003.07.
53. Y. Furui, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Discussion over a shared file system, Proceedings of HCI International 2003, Human-Centered Computing: Cognitive, Social and Ergonimic Aspects, 3, 709-713, 2003.06.
54. 古井陽之助・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, WWWとファイルシステムの双方向リンクによる共同作業支援, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 8(1), 43-48, 2003.03.
55. Z. Cui, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Effect of force and acoustic feedback on teleoperation work, Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 10.1117/12.477376, 5007, 400-407, 8, 400-407, 2003.01.
56. T. Hayami, K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, S. Horimoto, H. Matsugashita, Measuring visual axis as an independent variable from a fixation distance, Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, CD-ROM, 2002.10.
57. T. Hayami, K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, An ellipsoidal trajectory model for measuring the line of sight, Vision Research, 10.1016/S0042-6989(02)00191-8, 42, 19, 2287-2293, 42(19), 2287-2293, 2002.09.
58. T. Hayami, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Detecting drowsiness while driving with eye movement – A pilot study, Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 156-161, 156-161, 2002.09.
59. 崔正烈・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, 人工現実感環境下の物体挿入作業における接触反力フィードバックの効果, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 7(2), 105-110, 2002.09.
60. 松木裕二・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, 運転者の車間距離保持特性に関する研究, 自動車技術会論文集, 33(3), 157-160, 2002.07.
61. 早見武人・堀本修平・志堂寺和則・松永勝也, 注視距離が眼球の水平回転に与える影響について, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 7(1), 19-22, 2002.03.
62. 松尾典義・岡田徹・岩本太郎・布施智行・松ヶ下勇人・志堂寺和則・松永勝也, 車室内ディスプレイ表示内容の視認性評価, 自動車技術, 56(3), 69-73, 2002.03.
63. 崔正烈・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, 人工現実感環境下の作業に及ぼす力覚、振動覚、聴覚による触覚情報のフィードバックの影響, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 7(1), 23-32, 2002.03.
64. 家永貴史・松永勝也・志堂寺和則・合志和晃・松木裕二・永田裕樹, 中心部に高解像度部分を持つ立体ビデオシステムにおける映像伝送チャンネル数削減の試み, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 7(1), 15-22, 2002.03.
65. 早見武人・松永勝也・志堂寺和則・松木裕二, 車間距離情報の呈示による衝突事故防止方法の検討, 自動車技術会論文集, 33(1), 85-88, 2002.01.
66. K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, K. Goshi, Y. Matsuki, T. Yamamoto, The effect of overlap rate between a stereoscopic image pair on work performance in VR environment, Proceedings of International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering 4660 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.468019, 4660, 1-8, 9, 1-8, 2002.01.
67. T. Ienaga, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, K. Goshi, Y. Matsuki, H. Nagata, Stereoscopic video system with embedded high spatial resolution images using two channels for transmission, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 111-118, 2001.11.
68. 志堂寺和則・松永勝也, 高齢運転者の交通事故, 心理学評論, 44(1), 19-32, 2001.07.
69. 合志和晃・松永勝也・黒木大一朗・志堂寺和則・松木裕二, 自動車運転事故防止のためのITS−安全運転管理教育システムASSIST, 情報処理学会論文誌, 42(7), 1754-1761, 2001.07.
70. H. Matsugashita, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji,K. Goshi, Development of a Stereoscopic Video System with Embedded High Resolution Image that Follow a Gazing Point, Proceedings of the 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Ⅲ Emergent Computing and Virtual Engineerin, 338-343, 2001.07.
71. K. Goshi, K. Matsunaga, D. Kuroki, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Educational intelligent transport system ASSIST, Proceedings of the fourth IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 150-154, 2001.06.
72. Y. Matsuki, K. Maruyama, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, The education system for convincing drivers of Inefficiency of speedy-driving, Proceedings of the fourth IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 145-149, 2001.06.
73. Y. Matsuki, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Evaluation of education system for discerning suitable headway, Proceedings of the fourth IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 109-113, 2001.06.
74. T. Fuse, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, K. Umezaki, The cause of traffic accidents when drivers use car phones and the functional requirements of car phones for safe driving, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 10.1504/IJVD.2001.001924, 26, 1, 48-56, 26(1), 48-56, 2001.06.
75. T. Yamamoto, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, The effect of the ratio difference of overlapped areas of stereoscopic images on each eye in a teleoperation, Research reports on information science and electrical engineering of Kyushu University, 6(1), 13-18, 2001.03.
76. Y. Kashiwagi, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, The effect of tactual feedback by the vibration device in virtual reality environment, Research reports on information science and electrical engineering of Kyushu University, 6(1), 7-12, 2001.03.
77. T. Fuse, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, Comparison of driver's reaction time associated with driving speed on actual driving, Research reports on information science and electrical engineering of Kyushu University, 6(1), 1-6, 2001.03.
78. 田口学・松永勝也・松木裕二・合志和晃・志堂寺和則, 自動車のタイヤ−路面間摩擦係数の推定法に関する研究, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 6(1), 65-68, 2001.03.
79. 早見武人・志堂寺和則・松永勝也, 楕円体推定による注視点測定, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 6(1), 59-64, 2001.03.
80. 松木裕二・松永勝也・志堂寺和則, 自動車運転時における進行方向空間の大きさと認知・反応時間の関係, 九州大学大学院システム情報科学紀要, 6(1), 53-58, 2001.03.
81. T. Inoue, K. Matsunaga, Y. Matsuki, K. Shidoji, Reaction times and P300s latencies of youths and the elderly, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
82. K. Maruyama, Y. Matsuki, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, The Development of a driving simulator for experiencing efficiency of driving using personal computers, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
83. T. Fuse, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, Comparison of reaction times at low and high speeds, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
84. Y. Matsuki, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, A New driving simulator system for discerning suitable headway, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
85. K. Shidoji, K. Matsunga, K. Inoue, Y. Matsuki, The recording system of the distance from a vehicle to obstacles, velocity, and location, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
86. K. Matsunaga, K. Umezaki, K. Goshi, Y. Matsuki, K. Shidoji, Improvement of driving behavior to avoid collisions at intersections using a driving simulator --A pilot study--, Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2000, (Presentation: 2000.9) (CD-ROM: 2001.3), 2001.03.
87. 合志和晃・松永勝也・永田 裕樹・松ヶ下勇人・志堂寺和則, 中心視用に高精細画像をもつデジタル複合画像立体映像システムの開発, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 6(1), 49-55, 2001.03.
88. K. Goshi, K. Matsunaga, H. Nagata, H. Matsugashita, K. Shidoji, Digital stereoscopic video system with embedded high resolution images, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 10.1109/VR.2001.913786, 191-197, 191-197, 2001.03.
89. T. Ienaga, K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, K. Goshi, Y. Matsuki, H. Nagata, Relationship between operational efficiency and field-refreshing rates of stereoscopic image-pairs in teleoperational work, Proceedings of International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering 4297 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.430804, 4297, 83-90, 8, 83-90, 2001.01.
90. K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, R. Watanabe, T. Yamamoto, K. Goshi, Y. Matsuki, The effect of overlap rate between stereoscopic images on performance in a teleoperation, Proceedings of International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering 4297 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.430833, 4297, 14-21, 8, 14-21, 2001.01.
91. T. Fuse, K. Matsunaga, Y. Matsuki, K. Goshi, K. Shidoji, Developmental studies on the KM driving safety test on the WWW, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, 179-185, 2000.11.
92. K. Shidoji, K. Matsunaga, M. Minamoto, Y. Nose, K. Ebuchi, Y. Matsuki, Visual interface for remote control, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 12(1), 40-46, 2000.03.
93. K. Matsunaga, T. Yamamoto, K. Shidoji, Y. Matsuki, The effect of the ratio difference of overlapped areas of stereoscopic images on each eye in a teleoperation, Proc. of 12th International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering 3967,Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.384447, 3957, 236-243, 7, 236-243, 2000.01.
94. K. Matsunaga, K. Shidoji, and K. Matsubara, A comparison of operation efficiency for the insert task when using stereoscopic images with additional lines, stereoscopic images and a manipulator with force feedback, Proc. of 11th International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering,Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.349414, 3639, 50-56, 6, 50-56, 1999.01.
95. K.Matsunaga, Y.Nose, M.Minamoto, K.Shidoji, K.Ebuchi, D.Itoh, T.Inoue, T.Hayami, Y.Matsuki, Y.Arikawa, and K.Matsubara, A new stereoscopic video camera and monitor system with central high resolution, Proc. of 10th International Symposium of the International Society for Optical Engineering,Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, 10.1117/12.307160, 3295, 164-170, 5, 164-170, 1998.01.
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