九州大学 研究者情報
上原 克人(うえはら かつと) データ更新日:2024.04.02

助教 /  応用力学研究所 附属大気海洋環境研究センター

1. 上原克人, 波浪予測モデルにより見積もられた日本海波浪場の季節特性ならびに長期変動, JpGU Meeting 2023, 2023.05.
2. 松尾俊弥、上原克人, HFレーダーを用いた対馬海峡海況変動の初期解析, JpGU Meeting 2023, 2023.05.
3. 上原克人, 千年スケールの陸値拡大に伴うベトナム・メコンデルタ周辺海域の波浪環境変化, 日本海洋学会2022年度秋季大会, 2022.09.
4. 上原克人, ベトナム南部・メコンデルタの完新世海陸分布変化に伴う波浪営力の変動:数値モデルによる推定, JpGU Meeting 2022, 2022.05.
5. 上原克人, 嘉村拓海, 大阪湾にて観測された数十年スケールの潮汐弱化と海岸線の人為改変, 日本第四紀学会 2021年大会, 2021.08.
6. 嘉村拓海, 松浦浩巳, 上原克人, 大阪湾における数十年スケールの潮汐変化, 日本海洋学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021.09.
7. 松浦浩巳, 木田新一郎, 上原克人, 日本海のSSTトレンドと亜寒帯前線の関係性, 日本海洋学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021.09.
8. Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Obrochta, S., Uehara, K., Okuno, J., Ikehara, M., Miyairi, Y., Characteristic of radiocarbon dates in response to sea-level changes in the Bonaparte Gulf, Northwestern Australia, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021.06.
9. 松浦浩巳, 木田新一郎, 上原克人, 日本海における海面水温の昇温トレンド空間分布について, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021.06.
10. 嘉村拓海, 松浦浩巳, 上原克人, 黒潮大蛇行と日本南岸の潮汐振幅変化の関係, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021.06.
11. 上原克人, 完新世の東京湾波浪環境の変化に対する海水準ならびに陸地形の影響, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021.06.
12. 松浦浩巳, 木田新一郎, 上原克人, 日比谷紀之, 九州北西岸におけるM2潮振幅減少トレンドについて, 日本海洋学会2020年度秋季大会, 2021.11.
13. 嘉村拓海, 松浦浩⺒, 上原克⼈, ⼤阪湾における数⼗年スケールの潮汐変化, 日本海洋学会2020年度秋季大会, 2021.11.
14. 松浦浩巳, 上原克人, 木田新一郎 , 日比谷紀之, 九州北西岸におけるM2潮振幅の減少トレンドについて, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020.05.
15. Uehara, K., Numerical estimation of Holocene paleowave changes in an estuarine environment: case of Tokyo Bay, central Japan, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020.05.
16. 上原克人, 縁辺海海底地形データに対する潮高補正の適用, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020.05.
17. 上原克人, 完新世の東京湾における潮汐変化とその要因, 日本海洋学会2019年度秋季大会, 2019.09.
18. 松浦浩⺒, 上原克人, 木田新一郎, 磯部篤彦, 九州北⻄岸におけるM2潮の経年変動について, 日本海洋学会2019年度秋季大会, 2019.09.
19. Katsuto Uehara, Tidal changes at Asian deltas in response to future sea-level rise, JpGU 2019 meeting, 2019.05.
20. T. Ishiwa, Y. Yokoyama, J. Okuno, S. Obrochta, K. Uehara, M. Ikehara, Y. Miyairi, A sea-level plateau during Marine Isotope Stage 2 evidenced by the Bonaparte Gulf sediments, northwestern Australia, and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling, EGU General Assembly 2019, 2019.04.
21. K. Uehara, Tidal changes in relation to Holocene sea-level rise, KIGAM Foreign experts seminar, 2018.11.
22. 上原 克人, 最終氷期最盛期以降の対馬海峡における潮汐環境変動:数値モデルによる推定, JpGU Meeting 2018, 2018.05.
23. K. Uehara, Tidal modulation on the extent of saltwater intrusion into the Mekong River, southern Vietnam, JpGU Meeting 2018, 2018.05.
24. 上原 克人, 数値モデルによる最終氷期最盛期後の古潮汐推定, シンポジウム「デルタの堆積学と環境変動」, 2018.02.
25. 石輪 健樹, 横山 祐典, 奥野 淳一, オブラクタ スティーブン, 上原 克人, 池原 実, 宮入 陽介, 海洋堆積物コアとGIAモデルによる氷期の全球的海水準変動復元, 地球環境史学会年会, 2017.11.
26. 石輪 健樹, 横山 祐典, 奥野 淳一, Obrochta Stephen, 上原 克人, 池原 実, 宮入 陽介, GIAモデルと北西オーストラリア・海洋堆積物コアを用いた海洋酸素同位体ステージ2における海水準変動, 東京大学大気海洋研究所 共同利用研究集会 地球環境と固体地球変動の関わり, 2017.11.
27. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, M. Gugliotta, V.L. Nguyen, T.K.O. Ta, A. Tanaka, T. Tamura, Intrusion of tides and saline water in the Mekong River Delta, Southern Vietnam, The 3rd ASQUA Conference 2017, 2017.09.
28. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, Response of tides to the Holocene sea-level rise in Tokyo Bay estimated from a numerical model, The 3rd ASQUA Conference 2017, 2017.09.
29. K. Uehara, Tidal and seasonal water-level variability in the Mekong River delta in Vietnam, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017.05.
30. 上原 克人, 数値シミュレーションを用いた過去1万年間の東京湾の潮汐変化推定, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017.05.
31. T. Ishiwa, Y. Yokoyama, J. Okuno, K. Uehara, M. Ikehara, S. Obracta, Marine Isotope Stage 2 sea-level records deduced from sediment cores in the Bonaparte Gulf and glacial isostatic adjustment model, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017.05.
32. K. Uehara, Impact of sea-level change on tides and tidal currents around the Sunda Shelf estimated from a numerical model, Second International Workshop on Scientific Drilling in the Sunda Shelf, 2016.07.
33. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, Holocene tidal changes around the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam, JpGU Meeting 2016, 2016.05.
34. Uehara, K., Saito, Y., Holocene tidal changes around the Mekong River Delta, southern Vietnam, 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2016.02.
35. Uehara, K., Holocene tidal changes associated with the postglacial sea-level rise in the Tokyo Bay, Eastern Japan, XIX INQUA 2015, 2015.07.
36. Scourse, J., Ward, S., Wainwright, A., Uehara, K., Sea level, megatides and rapid deglaciation, XIX INQUA 2015, 2015.07.
37. 上原 克人, Impact of postglacial sea-level and coastline changes on tides in East and Southeast Asian seas, CCOP-GSJ/AIST-KIGAM-PKNU DelSEA III Kick-off meeting, 2015.03.
38. 上原 克人, 南シナ海海底地形データの作成とその検証, 日本海洋学会2014年度春季大会, 2014.03.
39. Uehara, K., Paleotidal estimates around the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam, 2013 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2014.02.
40. Uehara, K., Relation between oceanic conditions in the South China Sea and water levels within and along the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta, 2013 AGU Fall Meeting, 2013.12.
41. Uehara, K., Tidal Changes in China Seas from millennium to decades, The 7th International Symposium on the East Asia Environmental Problems, 2013.11.
42. Uehara, K., Tidal changes during the last 10,000 years and their relations with bottom features off the southern coast of Korean Peninsula, 2013 Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Physical Processes in Ocean and Atmosphere, 2013.09.
43. 石輪 健樹, 横山 祐典, 池原 実, 上原 克人, Bonaparte湾海洋堆積物の化学分析による最終氷期最盛期の古環境推定, 2013年度日本地球化学会年会, 2013.09.
44. 石輪 健樹, 横山 祐典, 池原 実, 上原 克人, 北西オーストラリアBonaparte湾堆積物による最終氷期最盛期の古環境復元, 2013年度地球惑星科学連合大会, 2013.05.
45. Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Uehara, K., Re-visiting the Bonaparte Gulf : reconstructing paleoenvironmental changes during the time into and out of the Last Glacial Maximum, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 10th Annual Meeting , 2013.06.
46. Akiko Tanaka, Katsuto Uehara, Toru Tamura, Yoshiki Saito, Area change detection in river mouthbars at the Mekong River delta using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, 2012 32nd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2012, 2012.12, We propose the use of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) backscatter intensity data as a tool for monitoring coast. ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band SAR) data are analyzed to investigate the temporal changes in shape and area of mouthbars in the Mekong River distributaries. River mouthbars with strong backscatter, which is surrounded by the water, are successfully extracted using a histogram thresholding algorithm. Estimated areas of river mouthbars gradually increase on an annual time scale. Seasonal variations of areas were also recognized, and they appear to be related to the mean monthly sea level, discharge, and rainfall. Moreover, it is highly likely that tidal height at the time of SAR data acquisition clearly reflect the area of river mouthbar by examining over half-day intervals for ascending and descending images. This study shows that if appropriately calibrated, the SAR data is useful to quantifying long-term changes in river mouthbar..
47. K. Uehara, Palaeotidal modelling: history, current trends, and future computing technologies, Fujitsu Palaeotidal Modelling Workshop, 2012.11.
48. A. Tanaka, K. Uehara, T. Tamura, Y. Saito, Area change detection in river mouthbars at the Mekong River Delta using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012.07.
49. H.E. Pelling, K. Uehara, J.A.M. Green, Impact of decadal-scale coastal change associated with the rapid economic growth of the northern China on the sea-current system in the Bohai Sea, Planet Under Pressure 2012, 2012.03.
50. K. Uehara, Handling of subgrid scale topographies in an ocean-tide model, 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2012.02.
51. A. Tanaka, K. Uehara, T. Tamura, Y. Saito, Detection of Area Changes in River Mouthbars at the Mekong River Delta using ALOS/PALSAR data, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, 2011.12.
52. K. Uehara, Impact of River-Dyke Construction on Sediment Dispersal off the Mekong River Estuary, Southern Vietnam, LOICZ Open Science Meeting, 2011.09.
53. J. Scourse, S. Neill, K. Uehara, M. Green, Megatides in the glacial North Atlantic and their role in rapid deglaciation, XVIII INQUA Congress, 2011.07.
54. T. Rippeth, J. Scourse, K. Uehara, Impact of sea-level rise over the last deglacial transition on the strength of the continental shelf CO2 Pump, EGU General Assembly 2011, 2011.04.
55. K. Uehara, Seasonal variability of sea levels and waves in the Red and Mekong river deltas, JSPS and CCOP/GSJ/AIST Joint Seminar on Monitoring and Evaluating Coastal Erosion in Deltas, 2010.11.
56. K. Uehara, Wave climate in the Bohai Sea: approaches from the sea, JSPS-OUC-IGG/AIST Open Seminar on Methods of Monitoring and Assessment of Coastal Erosion, 2010.06.
57. J. Scourse, K. Uehara, M. Green, S. Neill, T. Rippeth, K. van Landeghem, The impact of sea-level change on the hydrodynamics of the northwest European shelf seas since the Last Glacial Maximum: modelling insights, Quaternary Research Association (QRA) - Annual Discussion Meeting, 2010.01.
58. J. Scourse, K. Uehara, M. Green, S. Neill, T. Rippeth, K. Van Landeghem, The impact of sea-level change on the hydro- and sediment dynamics of the Northwest European Shelf Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum: modelling insights, British Sedimentological Research Group Meeting, 2009.12.
59. K. Uehara, Sea-level change and induced tidal regime change, JSPS-SKLEC/ECNU seminar on deltas and sea-level changes, 2009.12.
60. K. Uehara, Influence of delta front on tidal and wave actions along the Yellow River deltaic coast
, International Workshop on Deltas: Coastal Vulnerability and Management, 2009.12.
61. K. Uehara, Impact of the Asian Monsoon Climate on Sediment Resuspension off the Yellow River and Mekong River Deltas, JSPS and CCOP/GSJ/AIST Joint Seminar on Coastal Erosion in Deltas, 2009.11.
62. K. Uehara, Numerical simulation for the evaluation of coastal erosion in deltas, Scientific seminars at Ocean University of China, "Holistic understanding of deltas: natural and anthropogenic changes", 2009.10.
63. 上原克人, 黄河デルタの発達と沿岸域海上風の変化との関係, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 2009.04.
64. K. Uehara, Oceanic processes as potential sources of geohazards to Southeast Asian coasts, CCOP-KIGAM-GSJ/AIST DelSEA-II Workshop on Geolgical Studies for Coastal Areas, Onshore and Offshore, 2009.03.
65. K. Uehara, Wave climatology around the Huanghe Delta estimated from a numerical model, Deltamap conference Shanghai-Qingdao venue, 2008.10.
66. K. Uehara, The role of tidal currents on the resuspension of sediments in the northern East China Sea, Seminar at the Institute of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, 2008.09.
67. K. Uehara, Relative role of tides and wind-waves on sediment resuspension in the Yellow and Bohai Seas, Tidallites 2008 meeting, 2008.09.
68. J.D. Scourse, T. Rippeth, K. Uehara, S. McKeown, The shelf seas: glacial-interglacial cycles, tidal dynamics and the carbon cycle, 13th Biennial Challenger Conference for Marine Science, 2008.09.
69. K. Uehara, The Role of Tidal Currents on the Resuspension of Sediments in the Northern East China Sea, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, General Assembly 2008, 2008.06.
70. K. Uehara, Monsoon-induced seasonality in sediment-resuspension potentials at the Yellow and East China seas, An International Conference on DELTAS (Bangladesh Venue), 2008.01.
71. T.P. Rippeth, J.D. Scourse, K. Uehara, S. McKeown, The influence of sea-level rise on atmospheric CO2 concentration over the last deglacial transition, AGU Fall Meeting, 2007.12.
72. K. Van Landeghem, K. Uehara, J. Scourse, A.J. Wheeler, Bedform distribution and post-glacial dynamics in the southern Irish Sea, 11e Congres Francais de Sedimentologie, 2007.10.
73. 上原克人, 斎藤文紀, 完新世中期における長江河口域の潮汐環境, 日本海洋学会秋季大会, 2007.09.
74. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, Tidal influence on the transport of suspended matter in the paleo-Changjiang estuary at 6000 years ago, 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography, 2007.09.
75. J. Scourse, T. Rippeth, K. Uehara, S. McKeown, The shelf seas: Glacial-Interglacial cycles, tidal dynamics and the carbon cycle
, 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography, 2007.09.
76. 上原克人,楊 作昇,王 厚杰, 東シナ海陸棚における堆積物の挙動. II-潮汐による再懸濁過程, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 2007.03.
77. K. Uehara, Tidal changes and sediment dynamics on the continental shelves during the last 20,000 years
, Seminar in Ocean University of China, 2006.12.
78. K. Uehara, Monsoon-induced seasonality on the occurrence of sediment-resuspension in the Yellow and East China Seas, Program of the East Asian Cooperative Experiments, the 3rd Ocean Science Workshop, 2006.11.
79. J.D. Scourse, K. Uehara, K.J. Horsburgh, K. Lambeck, A.P. Purcell, The tidal evolution of the NW European shelf seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present: an analogue for ancient epi-continental seas?, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2006.10.
80. 上原克人, 東シナ海陸棚における堆積物の挙動. I-波浪による再懸濁過程, 日本海洋学会秋季大会, 2006.09.
81. K. Uehara., Y. Saito, Tidal influence on the transport of suspended matter in the southern Yellow Sea at 6000 years ago, 17th International Sedimentological Congress, 2006.08.
82. K. Uehara, J.D. Scourse, K.J. Horsburgh, K. Lambeck, A.P. Purcell, Tidal evolution of the northwest European shelf seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present, EGU General Assembly, 2006.04.
83. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, Z. Yang, Monsoon-induced seasonality in the transport, deposition, and resuspention of Changjiang-derived sediments in the East China Sea, International Conference on DELTAS (Borneo Venue): Depositional Systems and Stratigraphic Development, 2006.01.
84. 上原克人, J.D. Scourse, 最終氷期最盛期以降の北大西洋の潮汐変化, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 2005.03.
85. K. Uehara, J.D. Scourse, K.J. Horsburgh, The tidal evolution of the NW European shelf seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present day, 8th Int. Conference on Paleoceanography, 2004.09.
86. K. Uehara, Changes of ocean tides along Asian coasts caused by postglacial sea-level change, 1st Annual Meeting of IGCP-475 DeltaMAP and APN Project on the Mega-Deltas of Asia, 2004.01.
87. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Late Quaternary evolution of the Yellow/East China Sea tidal regime and its impacts on sediments dispersal and seafloor morphology, 5th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, 2004.01.
88. K. Uehara, J.D. Scourse, K.J. Horsburgh, The tidal evolution of the NW European shelf seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present day, IUGG 2003 meeting, 2003.07.
89. K. Uehara, J.D. Scourse, K.J. Horsburgh, K. Lambeck, A.P. Purcell, The tidal evolution of the NW European shelf seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present day, EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, 2003.04.
90. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Relation between paleotidal current environment and formation of morebund sand ridges in the East China Sea off Zhejiang, International Conference on Tidal Dynamics and Environment (Tidalite 2002), 2002.08.
91. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Relation between paleotidal current field and moribund sand-ridge formation on the continental shelf southeast of the Changjiang River mouth, International Workshop on Asian Deltas: Their Evolution and Recent Changes, 2002.03.
92. K. Uehara, Comparative studies on the Tidal Dynamics of Patagonian Shelf and East China Sea, 2001 IAPSO meeting, 2001.10.
93. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Paleotidal regime in the Changjiang Estuary, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea at 6 ka and 10 ka estimated from a numerical model, International Conference on Paleocenaography VII, 2001.09.
94. K. Uehara, T. Fujiwara, Relation between postglacial morphologic change and tidal current field in Osaka Bay, central Japan, The 5th international conference on geomorphology, 2001.08.
95. 上原克人, 黄海南西部の潮流場に対する海底傾斜の効果, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 2001.03.
96. K. Uehara, Tidal influence on the morphological evolution of the Osaka Bay, Central Japan, during the postglacial sea-level rise period, Coastal Interactions during Sea-Level Highstands, Patagonia 2000, 2000.11.
97. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Paleotidal regime around the Changjiang Estuary at 6kyr B.P., 2000 IAG Thematic Conference International Symposium on MONSOON CLIAMTE, GEOMORPHOLOGIC PROCESSES & HUMAN ACTIVITES, 2000.08.
98. 上原克人, 藤原建紀, 最終氷期後の海面上昇に伴う大阪湾の潮流変化と地形発達との関係, 日本流体力学会年会2000, 2000.07.
99. 上原克人, 潮汐自由振動に対する黄海の応答特性, 2000年日本海洋学会春季大会, 2000.03.
100. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Paleotidal regime around Changjiang estuary at 6kyrB.P. and 10kyrB.P. estimated from a numerical model, Tidalite 2000: 5th International Conference on Tidal Environments, 2000.06.
101. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, Numerical Simulations of Paleotides around the Changjiang Estuary at 10 and
6 kyr B.P., International Workshop on Deltas: their Dynamics, Facies and Sequences with special references to sea-level changes and human impacts, 2000.03.
102. K. Uehara, Tidal Changes in the Yellow/East China Sea caused by topographic changes in
the last 20000 years, The International Symosium of Sedimentological and Dynamical Processes in Estuaries and on Coasts, 1999.11.
103. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, K. Hori, The tidal regime of the Changjiang Estuary (Eastern China) at 10000yr B.P., estimated from a numerical model, Simposium on tidal action, tidal processes and tidal effects on coastal evolution, 1999.10.
104. 上原克人, 数値モデルによる完新世中期の東京湾の古潮汐推定, 1999年日本第四紀学会大会, 1999.08.
105. K. Uehara, Tidal Changes in the Yellow/East China Sea caused by topographic changes in
the last 20000 years, IUGG 99 conference, 1999.07.
106. K. Uehara, Tidal Changes in the Yellow/East China Sea caused by topographic changes in
the last 20000 years., International Workshop on Sediment Transport and Storage in Coastal Sea-Ocean System, 1999.03.
107. K. Uehara, Changes of tides at the Tokyo Bay due to receding shorelines in the mid-holocene: An estimation from a numerical simulation, IGCP Project 367 Annual Meeting, 1998.09.
108. 上原克人, 完新世中期の東京湾の潮流復元に用いる数値モデルの開発, 九州大学応用力学研究所研究発表会, 1998.06.
109. K. Uehara, Simulating Tides of the Mid-Holocene Tokyo Bay, Western Pacific Geophysic Meeting, 1998.07.

