Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Kazuto (Real name: Kazuo) Misumi Last modified date:2024.04.08

Professor / Social Change / Department of Social Studies / Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

1. Modern State and Potential of Local Community on Water Common Goods.
2. Cumulative Damage of Disasters and Social Vulnerability: Kumamoto Earthquake, Takeo Flood, and the Pandemic.
3. Community Module Complex: Integrating Commons Theory and Community Theory.
4. Community as A Social System for Managing Regional Common Goods.
5. Kazuto Misumi, The Significance of Comparative Analysis of ‘Crossroad’ , Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (地球社会統合科学), 27, 2, 16-21, 2021.03, In this article we discuss the practical significance of sociology for Crossroad as the disaster prevention tool and the academic significance of Crossroad in sociology, from three perspectives. The first one is comparative analysis of Crossroad questions. We introduce five classification axes, and discuss the importance of especially two axes, dilemma type and theoretical framework, to extract sociological meaning from Crossroad questions as the disaster case data. The second one is comparative analysis by setting theoretical reference point questions. In this case we introduce two reference point questions: one is based on N person prisoner’s dilemma, and the other is based on social capital theory in regard with solving dilemmas. We illustrate comparative analysis of two questions of Crossroad Kumamoto with these reference point questions and show how to extract sociological implications from them. The third one is comparative analysis of reactions of Crossroad players. By taking a question on distribution of insufficient supplies in a shelter, we consider theoretical meaning of the response difference when an additional condition of counting the number of evacuees in advance is introduced..
6. Preface: Disaster Research and Sociology.
7. Kazuto Misumi, Functioning of Free Rider for Community Resilience: A Social Capital Theory of Disaster, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (地球社会統合科学), 25, 1, 1-9, 2019.01, Based on field research on Kumamoto earthquake disaster, in this paper we focus on sociological problems around management of evacuation shelters. The key concept is social capital that captures dynamism of the social structure as the basic sociological scope for disaster. At first, by focusing on conditions for autonomous (successful in a sense) shelter management, we find four social capital elements and discuss importance of their combined effects to strengthen community resilience. The elements include volunteer among victims who are ordinary free riding on community management. Why free riders cooperate in emergency, in other words, why ‘disaster community’ appears? We answer this question in terms of two mechanisms within rational choice framework. At first, there is the overt urgent demand for solidarity at the time of disaster, which motivates everyday free riders to become volunteers. Secondly, standing on the view of divided supply of public goods, most free riders are ‘quasi-free riders’ whose levels of threshold for cooperation are relatively low. Thus, the free rider can be incorporated into the mechanism of social capital that strengthens community resilience against disaster..
8. Norm Composition of Tolerant Solidarity.
9. Kazuto Misumi, Free Rider Facilitated by Trust
, The Journal of Culture Contents (Research Institute of the Creative Contents), 8, 95-114, 2016.12, 信頼にフリーラーダーを促進する側面があることを、合理的選択理論の枠組みで論理的に示し、その実際のあり方を「関東甲信越健康調査」データの分析によって実証的に論じた。その上で、信頼が促進するフリーライダーが地域マネジメントにおいてもつ積極的な意味をもちうることを主張した。なお、ここで信頼は、アスレイナーによる信頼の道徳的基礎の議論をふまえて独自に導入した地域社会信頼である。.
10. Kazuto Misumi, The Structure of the Sense of Solidarity: Notes on 2012 Solidarity Survey
, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University(地球社会統合科学), 22, 2, 1-13, 2015.12.
11. Kazuto Misumi, Net-base Theory of Social Capital, Social Analysis (社会分析), 41, 67-85, 2014.03.
12. Kazuto Misumi, Whole Life Stratification and Safety-net Status: From an East Asian Comparative Viewpoint, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , 18, 33-45, 2012.03.
13. Solidarity as Network Imagination and Its Net-base Foundation.
14. Possibility of Neoclassical Sociology by Interpretive Formalization.
15. Kazuto Misumi, Gender Bias in Branching Employment Sequence: A Comparative Study between Japan and Korea, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , Vol.15、59-74, 2009.03.
16. Social Capital in Stratification Research (Japanese Sociological Review 59(4): 716-733, 2009).
17. Kazuto Misumi, Social Capital on Net-Bases: A Methodological Note, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , Vol.14、49-63, 2008.03.
18. Kazuto Misumi, Whole-net Base and Social Capital: Stratified Opportunity Structure of Social Capital, 理論と方法 (Sociological Theory and Methods), 20, 1, 5-25, Vol.20 No.1、5-25, 2005.09.
19. Case Study, Sampling Survey, and Sociological Theory: To Bridge Them (Nishinihon Shakaigaku Nenpo 3: 29-41, 2005).
20. Role as a Knowledge Adjustment Process (Hikaku-Shakai-Bunka 11: 61-70, 2005).
21. Sociology toward the Support of Social Planning (Shakai Bunseki 30: 23-37, 2003).
22. Kazuto Misumi, Boolean model of role discrimination, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol.26 No.1-2:111-121, 2002.06.
23. The Logic of Multi-responses in Social Reserach: Exploration by Boolean Approach (Hikaku-Shakai-Bunka 8: 57-65, 2002).
24. Kazuto Misumi, Two levels of dyscommunication: An analysis by Boolean role model, 理論と方法 (Sociological Theory and Methods), 16, 2, 229-243, Vol.16 No.2、229-243, 2001.10.
25. Forward the Urban Sociological Theory of "Sibirbia" (Nihon Toshi-Shakaigaku Nenpo 19: 3-21, 2001).
26. Comparative Narratives as the Secondary Analysis: Reconsidering 'Hachinosu-Jo Conflict' (Riron to Hoho 16(1): 103-120, 2001).
27. Distribution of Role Images and the Role Discrimination (Shakai-Bunseki 27: 37-51, 2000).
28. Disputed Points on Sexual Division of Labor from the Viewpoint of Role Image Accordance (Piesis 16: 33-48, 2000).
29. Residential Mobility and Stratification among Women: An Analysis of 1995 SSM Data (Hikaku-Shakai-Bunka 5: 113-122, 1999).
30. Comparative Narratives for Community Conflict (Hikaku-Shakai-Bunka 4: 37-47, 1998).
31. Differentiated Social Support among Stratified Groups (Shakaigaku Hyoron 48(1): 2-17, 1997).
32. Umino's Commons Dilemma Model Reconsidered: On Its Validity and Implications (Riron to Hoho 8(2): 277-285, 1993).
33. Generalization of the Social Dilemma Models (Riron to Hoho 8(1): 89-107, 1993).
34. A Model of the Role by Digraphs (Riron to Hoho 6(2): 3-19, 1991).
35. Reconsidered Schema of Urban-pull vs. Rural-push from the Mobility Viewpoint (Shakaikagaku Ronshu 31: 129-163, 1991).
36. Kazuto Misumi, Communication Structure, Trust and the Free Rider Problem, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 14, 4, 273-282, Vol.14 No.4、273-282, 1989.08.
37. Social Mobility and Social Change under Semipermeable Urbanization: Some Aspects of the Experiment in Hisayama (Shakai-Bunseki 18: 97-114, 1989).
38. The Management of Unintended Consequences in Regions (Riron to Hoho 4(1): 73-92, 1989).
39. Some Notes on Social Dilemmas with Heterogeneity: Expanding the Scheme of Social Dilemma (Shakaikagaku Ronshu 29: 122-156, 1989).
40. Character and Possibility of the Community in Metropolis: Comparative Analysis of the Community Consciousness (Shakai-Bunseki 17: 285-316, 1988).
41. Recent Tendency of Japanese Sociology (Shakai-Bunseki 16: 137-156, 1987).
42. Status Inconsistency and Consciousness on Stratification: Perspective from Reference Group Theory (Bungaku Kaishi 37: 139-154, 1986).
43. Log-linear Models and the Concept of Structural=Circulation Mobility (Shakaigaku Hyoron 37(2): 72-80, 1986).
44. Class Concept in SSM Research (Gendai Shakaigaku 20: 55-77, 1985)(Co-auther: Junichi Kobayashi).
45. Fundamental Study of Social Stratification: Analysis of Mobility Tables (MA, Kyushu University, 1984).
46. Social Stratification and Mobility: Basic Perspective of Status Attainment Research (Shakaigaku Kenkyu-Nenpo 13: 75-92, 1983).