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Furuno Hiroshi Last modified date:2024.04.25

Associate Professor / Environmental Engineering Sciences
Department of Internationalization and Future Conception
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Graduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor of Science
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Organic Synthesis
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
My research centers on the development of functional chiral organic compounds and metal complexes, especially rare earth metal complexes, and their use in highly selective asymmetric syntheses. I have also investigated mechanisms in their chiral induction and discrimination. Moreover, I have synthesized novel self-organized coordination polymers and novel (chiral) metal complexes immobilized in ionic liquids, and developed environmentally-friendly (asymmetric) reaction systems using the coordination polymers and metal complexes as a catalyst.
As main educational activities, I have the chair of general chemistry and organic chemistry courses provided in English, which are mainly targeted to international students. I have also arranged some courses provided by extramural lectures in English.
Research Interests
  • Development of Environmentally-Friendly Asymmetric Reaction Systems Which Realize Simultaneous Recovery and Reuse of a Chiral Catalyst and Reaction Solvents.
    keyword : Asymmetric Synthesis, Environmentally-Friendly Reaction System, Ionic Liquid
    2008.04~2021.03We are designing and synthesizing novel chiral self-organized metal complexes, and used as a catalyst for asymmetric reactions under solvent-free conditions. This system would provide green-sustainable tools to solve problems for the large consumptions of organic solvents and metals in asymmetric syntheses..
  • Development of Green-Sustainable Asymmetric Reactions under Solvent-Free Conditions
    keyword : Self-Organized Polymer Catalyst, Solvent-Free Reaction, Asymmetric Synthesis, Green-Sustainable Synthesis
    2007.04~2021.03We are designing and synthesizing novel chiral self-organized metal complexes, and used as a catalyst for asymmetric reactions under solvent-free conditions. This system would provide green-sustainable tools to solve problems for the large consumptions of organic solvents and metals in asymmetric syntheses..
  • Development of Dynamically-Chiral Organic Compounds Displaying High Chiral Induction and Discrimination Abilities
    keyword : Dynamic Chirality, Chiral Ligand, Chiral Probe, BINOL Derivative
    2001.04We are designing and synthesizing novel chiral self-organized metal complexes, and used as a catalyst for asymmetric reactions under solvent-free conditions. This system would provide green-sustainable tools to solve problems for the large consumptions of organic solvents and metals in asymmetric syntheses..
  • Development of and Use for Chiral 3,3'-Disubstituted BINOL Derivatives
    keyword : 3,3'-Disubstituted BINOL Derivatives
    2001.04~2012.03We have designed and synthesized novel 3,3'-disubsutituted BINOLs and their phosphates and used them as a chiral ligand of metal complexes and as a chiral shift agent for NMR mesurement, respectively. The novel chiral compounds were found to have high-levels of chiral inducing and chirality-discrimination abilities, which could not be realized by using BINOL itself and its phosphate having no 3.3'-disubstituents..
  • Development of Chiral Organic Catalysts for Remotely-Enantiocontrol
    keyword : Remotely-Enantiocontrol, Chiral Organic Catalysts, Asymmetric Reaction
    2001.04~2008.03I have synthesized novel chiral (2,5-disubstituted pyrrolidino)pyridines that could work as an effective acyl transfer catalyst in the kinetic resolution of chiral alcohols..
  • Development of Asymmetric Synthesis with Chiral Rare Earth Metal Complex Catalysts
    keyword : Rare Earth Metal Complex, Chiral Catalyst, Asymmetric Synthesis
    1995.04~2012.03I have synthesized novel isolable and storable chiral rare earth metal complexes, and confirmed their high asymmetric catalysis (up to >99% ee) for the enantioselective hetero-Diels-Alder reaction and Michael addition. Furthermore, I found the first example of a remarkably high asymmetric amplification in the metal/chiral ligand 1:3 catalytic system, and explained the mechanism by way of experiment..
Academic Activities
1. Induced-Fit Type Chiral Discrimination and Control.
2. Jinji Inanaga, Hiroshi Furuno, Tetsuji Hayano, Asymmetric Catalysis and Amplification with Chiral Lanthanide Complexes, Chemical Reviews, 102 (6), 2211-2225, 2002.05.
1. Pennapa Tungjiratthitikan, Hiroshi Furuno, A Scandium Arylsulfonate-Based Coordination Polymer as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Friedel–Clafts Reaction of Indoles with Aldehydes, Journal of Oleo Science,, 67, 11, 1473-1481, 2018.11.
2. Toshio Kawanami, Kentaro Ishizuka, Hiroshi Furuno, Yoshihito Shiota, Kazunari Yoshizawa, Junji Inanaga, Efficient 1H NMR Chiral Discrimination of Sulfoxides Caused by the Dynamic Nature of (R,R)-3',3"-biBINOL, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 28, 11, 1587-1590, 2017.11.
3. Hiroshi Furuno, Shuichi Ishida, Shoko Suzuki, Tetsuji Hayano, Satoaki Onitsuka, Junji Inanaga, Heterogeneous Lewis Acid Catalysis with Self-Organized Polymeric Rare Earth Arylsulfonates under Solvent-Free Conditions, Heterocycles, 77, 2, 1007-1018, 2009.02.
4. Hiroshi Furuno, Tetsuji Hayano, Takeshi Kambara, Yuichi Sugimoto, Takeshi Hanamoto, Yumiko Tanaka, Yong Zhi Jin, Takumi Kagawa, Junji Inanaga, Chiral Rare Earth Organophosphates as Homogeneous Lewis Acid Catalysts for the Highly Enantioselective Hetero-Diels-Alder Reactions, Tetrahedron, 10.1016/j.tet.2003.06.011, 59, 52, 10509-10523, 2003.12.
5. Hiroshi Furuno, Takeshi Kambara, Yumiko Tanaka, Takeshi Hanamoto, Takumi Kagawa, Junji Inanaga, Highly Enantioselective Homogeneous Catalysis of Chiral Rare Earth Phosphates in the Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction, Tetrahedron Letters, 10.1016/S0040-4039(03)01460-6, 44, 32, 6129-6132, 2003.08.
6. Hiroshi Furuno, Tadashi Inoue, Atsushi Abiko, Asymmetric Double Aldol Reaction of Chiral Acetyloxazolidinone, Tetrahedon Letters, 43, 46, 8297-8299, 2002.11.
7. Hiroshi Furuno, Yuichi Sugimoto, Takeshi Hanamoto, Junji Inanaga, Remarkably High Asymmetric Amplification in the Chiral Lanthanide Complex-Catalyzed Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction: First Example of the Nonlinear Effect in ML3 System, Organic Letters, 10.1021/ol991189q, 2, 1, 49-52, 2000.01.
8. Takeshi Hanamoto, Hiroshi Furuno, Yuichi Sugimoto, Junji Inanaga, Asymmetric Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction Catalyzed by Chiral Ytterbium(III) Phosphate {Yb[(R)-(-)-BNP]3}: Remarkable Ligand Effect on the Enantioselectivity, Synlett, 1, 79-80, 1997.01.
1. Furuno Hiroshi, Fujii Saori, Onitsuka Satoaki, Inanaga Junji, Asymmetric Catalysis with Reusable Diionic Chiral Rare Earth Metal Complex–Ionic Liquid Systems, 8th International Conference on f-Elements, 2012.08.
2. Asymmetric Catalysis with Diionic Chiral Metal Complexes in Ionic Liquids: Development of Reusable Chiral Catalyst-Ionic Liquid System.
3. Structure-Activity Relationship of Chiral Ionic Rare Earth Metal Complex Catalysts Immobilized Ionic Liquids.
Educational Activities
I have the chair of courses on general chemistry and organic chemistry, provided in English, in Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences (IGSES)
I have arranged classes such as "Industrial Systems", "Exercise of Project Management" and " Industrial Structure of Japan" as the coordinator, which are provided by extramural lectures in English.