九州大学 研究者情報
重村 憲徳(しげむら のりあつ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

教授 /  歯学研究院 歯学部門 口腔常態制御学講座

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 重村憲徳, 研究開発の俯瞰報告書/ライフサイエンス・臨床医学分野(2021):感覚器科学(味覚), 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST) 研究開発戦略センター(CRDS) , 総ページ数692, 2021.04.
2. 重村憲徳, 感覚器の基礎と臨床: 味覚の新知見:様々な臓器で機能する味覚システム, Bio Clinica, 37(2), 139-141, 2021.02.
3. 重村憲徳, Q&A 神経科学の素朴な疑問: 冷たいと甘みを感じにくいのは何故ですか?, CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 中外医学社, 39(6) 785, 2021.06.
4. 高井信吾、重村憲徳, インスリンシグナルの末梢味覚器における役割, 化学と生物、日本農芸化学会, 59(3),122-129, 2021.02.
5. 重村憲徳, COVID-19特集:味蕾レニンーアンジオテンシン系とCOVID19との接点, 日本味と匂学会誌, 81-86, 2020.12.
6. 重村憲徳, 巻頭特集:歯科発 QOL向上のためのおいしさ支援 "味覚障害の早期発見&治療" 重村憲徳「味覚の生理的意義および受容伝達メカニズム」, デンタルダイヤモンド, 45(1),25-39, 2020.01.
7. 實松敬介、重村憲徳、二ノ宮裕三, 甘味受容体と味覚修飾物質, Clinical Neuroscience"感覚受容最前線"(中外医学社), 37(12),1444-14447, 2019.11.
8. 重村憲徳, 感覚器科学「味覚」, 研究開発の俯瞰報告書/ライフサイエンス・臨床医学分野(2019), 日本学術振興機構(JST) 研究開発戦略センター, 271-291(分担), 2019.04, [URL].
9. Keisuke Sanematsu, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Binding properties between human sweet receptor and sweet-inhibitor, gymnemic acids, Journal of Oral Biosciences, 10.1016/j.job.2017.05.004, Vol.59, No.3, pp.127-130, 2017.08, © 2017 Japanese Association for Oral Biology Background Gymnemic acids, triterpene glycosides, are known to act as human-specific sweet inhibitors. The long-lasting effect of gymnemic acids is diminished by γ-cyclodextrin. Here, we focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between gymnemic acids and sweet taste receptor and/or γ-cyclodextrin by a sweet taste receptor assay in transiently transfected HEK293 cells. Highlight Application of gymnemic acids inhibited intracellular calcium responses to sweet compounds in HEK293 cells expressing human TAS1R2+TAS1R3 but not in those expressing the mouse sweet receptor Tas1r2+Tas1r3 after application of gymnemic acids. The effect of gymnemic acids was reduced after rinsing cells with γ-cyclodextrin. Based on species-specific sensitivities to gymnemic acids, we showed that the transmembrane domain of hTAS1R3 is involved in the sensitivity to gymnemic acids. Point mutation analysis in the transmembrane domain of hTAS1R3 revealed that gymnemic acids shared the same binding pocket with another sweet inhibitor, lactisole. Sensitivity to sweet compounds was also reduced by mixtures of glucuronic acid, a common gymnemic acid. In our molecular models, gymnemic acids interacted with a binding site formed in the transmembrane domain of hTAS1R3. Conclusion Gymnemic acids inhibit sweet responses in humans through an interaction between the glucuronosyl group of gymnemic acids and the transmembrane domain of hTAS1R3. Our molecular model provides a foundation for the development of taste modifiers..
10. Shigemura N, Taste Sensing Systems Influencing Metabolic Consequences., Current Oral Health Reports, 4(2), 79-86, 2017.06.
11. 重村 憲徳, 二ノ宮 裕三, 特集:摂食調節機構とその破綻に伴う疾患群「味覚と肥満」, Pharma Medica 34(5)13-16, 2016.05.
12. Noriatsu Shigemura, Angiotensin II and taste sensitivity, Japanese Dental Science Review, 10.1016/j.jdsr.2014.09.005, Vol.51, No.2, pp.51-58, 2015.05, © 2014 Japanese Association for Dental Science. The sense of taste plays a major role in evaluating the quality of food components in the oral cavity. Sweet, salty, umami, sour and bitter taste are generally accepted as five basic taste qualities. Among them, salty taste is attractive to animals and influences sodium intake. Angiotensin II (ANG II) and aldosterone (ALDO, which is stimulated by ANG II) are key hormones that regulate sodium homeostasis and water balance. At the peripheral gustatory organs, it has been reported that ALDO increases the amiloride-sensitivity of the rat gustatory neural responses to NaCl in a time course of several hours. A recent study demonstrated that ANG II suppresses amiloride-sensitivity of the mouse gustatory and behavioral responses to NaCl via its receptor AT1 within an hour. Moreover, ANG II enhances sweet taste sensitivity without affecting umami, sour and bitter tastes. These results suggest that the reciprocal and sequential regulatory mechanisms by ANG II (as an acute suppressor) together with ALDO (as a slow enhancer) on the salt taste sensitivity may exist in peripheral taste organs, contribute to salt intake, and play an important role in sodium homeostasis. Furthermore, the linkage between salty and sweet taste modulations via the ANG II signaling may optimize sodium and calorie intakes..
13. 重村 憲徳, 吉田 竜介, 安松 啓子, 大栗 弾宏, 岩田 周介, 高井 信吾, 上瀧将史, 仁木麻由, 實松 敬介, 二ノ宮 裕三, 総説特集II 香辛料の味覚修飾作用及び消化管を介した代謝調節作用-3「ホルモンによる味覚修飾調節-アンジオテンシンII と味覚-」, 日本味と匂学会誌, 2014.04.
14. Masafumi Jyotaki, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Multiple umami receptors and their variants in human and mice, Journal of Health Science, 10.1248/jhs.55.674, Vol.55, No.5, pp.674-681, 2009.10, L-Glutamate and 5′-ribonucleotides are known to elicit a unique taste, "umami," that is distinct from the tastes of sweet, salt, sour and bitter. Recent progress in molecular biology has identified several umami receptor candidates, such as the heterodimer T1R1/T1R3, and brain-expressed and taste-expressed type 1 and 4 metabotropic glutamate receptors (brain- and taste-mGluR1 and mGluR4). This paper summarizes recent findings on the receptor system for umami taste. Most of the findings support the idea that multiple receptors exist for umami taste, at least in mice. The accumulating evidence indicates that the potential role of the signal mediated by the transduction pathway involving T1R1/T1R3 may be different from that mediated by the pathway involving mGluRs. The former signal occurs mainly in the anterior tongue, and plays a major role in preference behavior, whereas the latter occurs mainly in the posterior tongue, is active in mice lacking T1R3, Gα-gustducin, IP3R3 or TRPM5, and contributes to behavioral discrimination between umami and other taste compounds. In humans, unlike in mice, T1R1/T1R3 acts as an umami-specific receptor that can discriminate between umami and other tastes, and thus account for umami-linked preferences or discrimination. ©2009 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan..
15. 重村 憲徳, 三浦 裕仁, 日野 明寛, 二ノ宮 裕三, マウス舌味蕾におけるレプチン受容体とSTAT3 mRNA の発見, 日本味と匂学会誌 = The Japanese journal of taste and smell research, Vol.8, No.3, pp.627-630, 2001.12.
16. 重村 憲徳, 三浦 裕仁, 日下部 裕子, 日野 明寛, 中島 清人, 杉本 久美子, 二ノ宮 裕三, マウス舌味蕾におけるレプチン受容体の発現と味神経甘味応答の抑制, 日本味と匂学会誌 = The Japanese journal of taste and smell research, Vol.7, No.3, pp.523-536, 2000.12.

