九州大学 研究者情報
安田 和弘(やすだ かずひろ) データ更新日:2023.06.29

教授 /  工学研究院 エネルギー量子工学部門 エネルギー物質科学大講座

1. K. Yasuda, J.M. Costantini, G. Baldinozzi, Radiation-Induced Effects on Materials Properties of Ceramics: Mechanical and Dimensional Properties, Elsevier, 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.12052-1, 2020.08, Irradiation with energetic particles induces elastic displacement damage and electronic excitation in ceramic compounds, and evolve microstructure change. In this article, three types of ceramic compounds, (1) fluorite-type oxides (such as yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (YSZ), urania, and ceria), (2) silicon carbide, and (3) normal spinel structure oxides (such as magnesium aluminate spinel), were selected to provide their defect formation, accumulation, and microstructure evolution. All of these ceramics are of importance for nuclear applications, but have different nature of chemical bonding and structural complexity. This article clearly shows that the dimensional stability (swelling caused by the accumulation of point defects, amorphization, and the formation of voids) and the mechanical property change (nano-indentation hardness and elastic constant) are significantly different among the ceramics due to the difference in the recombination behavior of point defects, stability of defects including exchange at the anti-sites, response to electronic excitation, and so on, through a variety of experimental and computational techniques..
2. 安田 和弘, 「電子顕微鏡法の応用と実践写真集」, イオン・電子重畳照射した立方晶安定化ジルコニア中の欠陥集合体, 日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会, (2002) p.174..
3. 松村晶、堀内隆夫、安田和弘、渡辺雅人、増本健(分筆), 「材料開発のための顕微鏡法と応用写真集」, イオン照射したFePt グラニュラー薄膜の電子線トモグラフィー観察, 日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会, (2006) p.232., 2006.12.

