九州大学 研究者情報
大枝 良直(おおえだ よしなお) データ更新日:2024.04.24

准教授 /  工学研究院 環境社会部門 都市システム工学講座

1. 周 瑞翔, 大枝 良直, 外井 哲志, ドライバーの運転疲労と施設属性を考慮した高速道路における休憩行動に関する研究, 交通工学論文集(特集号), https://doi.org/10.14954/jste.9.4_A_60, 9, 4, A_60-A_68, 2023.04, [URL], 高速道路での疲労運転を防止するような対策として,休憩施設(SA・PA)への誘導は有効なアプローチとみられている.このような有効な施策を考える方法の一つとして利用者の休憩行動をいくつかの政策要因に対する応答として評価をする方法がある.そこで本研究では,高速道路の休憩施設の利用状況を調査し,高速道路における休憩施設の選択と当該施設のサービス状況,加えてドライバーの走行による疲労状況との関係を考慮した,ドライバーの休憩行動モデルを構築した.調査結果についてモデルを用いたモデルの再現性と妥当性を確認した.連続運転時間による運転の疲労度を表す関数表現ができたことで,自動運転システムなど,技術の進展に伴う人の移動に伴う負荷の減少と交通行動の変化をとらえることに寄与すると考えられる..
2. 合田 理人,外井 哲志, 大枝 良直, 車線規制渋滞時の交互合流定着に向けた情報提供によるドライバー心理と運転挙動の変化, 交通工学論文集(特集号), https://doi.org/10.14954/jste.8.2_A_82, 8, 2, A_82-A_90, 2022.02, [URL], 今後老朽化の進む高速道路の点検や補修のための工事によって各所で車線規制による渋滞の頻発が予想される。このときの交通状況を改善する合流方法とし交互合流法がある。工事車線規制渋滞時の交互合流を定着させるためには、ドライバーに交互合流の関する適切な情報を提供して心理的不安を軽減し、交互合流への協力意識を向上させる必要がある。そこで本研究では、交互合流に関する情報を道路標識で提供するドライビングシミュレータを作成し、情報内容の違いによるドライバーの心理や合流区間での運転挙動の変化を分析した。その結果、ドライバーが奏功する車線やその隣接車線での取るべき行動を道路上で教示することで、ドライバーの心理的負担を軽減し、交互合流への協力意識を向上させ、さらにより安全でスムーズな同流行動を促進しうるという結果を得た。.
3. 大枝 良直, 森 祐輔, 外井 哲志, 高田 正幸,金 基弘, 山内 勝也, 韓国・ソウル市内の 3 交差点におけるクラクション発生に関する研究, 交通工学論文集(特集号), https://doi.org/10.14954/jste.7.2_A_280, 7, 2, A_280-A_288, 2021.04, [URL], 本研究は、クラクション発生要因と交通環境の関係を見るために韓国ソウル市内の3つの交差点について、ビデオ撮影、発生状況を記録し交通状況(進行方向、進行方向制御、交通量、車線運用)とクラクション発生のケースを調べ、さらにその中の一つ、「割り込み」についてモデルの作成を試みた。調査から、発生するクラクションのタイプを「割り込み」、「警告」、「進路妨害」等と定義し、交通の形態を「直進」、「右折」などに分けながら、発生とその原因を大まかであるが推測した。その結果、①右折車線の運用方法、②交差点における流入側と流出側の車線運用がクラクション発生の要因の一つであることが推測された。モデルの作成では交通現象に関係のある要因、「速度」、「距離」など取り上げモデル化を行い、統計的に有意なモデルを得ることができた。.
4. Muhammad Isran Ramli, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, Chiaka Matsunaga, Accommodating flexible daily temporal constraint on a continuous choice model of departure time for urban shopping travel, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 10.1080/12265934.2011.635879, 15, 3, 215-233, 2011.12, [URL], This paper attempts to propose departure time choice model of travellers for one-day shopping travel based on the consideration of the availability of flexible temporal constraint during noon until evening, namely praying time. The model assumes that travellers decide their departure time to minimize the disutility of shortage stay time at the shopping centre, disutility of lateness home arrival time, and disutility of the flexible daily temporal constraint. It is applied to urban shopping travellers on the basis of their home-shopping, centre-home travel pattern. The model is confirmed by a goodness of fit test. It can be applied to develop a model of travel patterns and chosen in further studies..
5. Mingwei Liu, Shouqi Cao, Lizhen Zhang, Yoshinao Oeda, Predicting pedestrian conflict avoidance behavior on the roads surrounding schools when children are coming to and from schools, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 72, 4, 103-114, 2012, Road traffic accidents when children arrive and depart from schools are the major cause of childhood injuries. In China, the school roads are typical of roads with mixed pedestrian and automotive traffic. The roads are narrow, and also have a very high traffic during the start and finish of the school period, which creates a high risk for children. The intent of this paper is to investigate ways of securing the road and guaranteeing the safety of children. In this research we use typical pedestrian's avoidance behavior as an indicator of the dangers to the children and discrete choice model methods of predicting the dangers. Through this model, we quantitatively evaluate the dangers existing in school roads, develop an understanding of microscopic mechanisms of road traffic, and conclude by quantifying and evaluating the possible effects of traffic improvement measures..
6. Byoung Jin Kim, Satoshi Toi, Yoshinao Oeda, Chiaki Matsunaga, Mandkhai Baatarzorig, A study on method of public urban facilities maintenance by private sector - Case of road maintenance in Gwangjin-Gu of Seoul, Korea, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 75, 1, 47-58, 2015.07, An area around railway station where was developed a long time ago In Seoul, requires overall maintenance, which is executed via several urban planning systems, such as a restoration of deteriorating buildings, a road maintenance, and a securing of public urban space. As well as an urban maintenance is increasingly being undertaken road maintenance and improvements by private sector recently. Thus, the private sector plays an important role in urban renewal and maintenance in urban areas. However, with exception of an urban planning district, road maintenance and improvement projects face several challenges; thus, an overall management plan needs to be implemented, as well as the system of compensation for road maintenance undertaken by the private sector. This paper aims to identify these challenges and discuss the role of city administration in road maintenance, as well as to offer suggestions about the part that the private sector can play in the maintenance of public urban facilities. This study consists of data collection through a literature review, interviews with city administration staff, and a case study of Hanrim Tower in Gwangjin-Gu, Seoul. In conclusion, we suggest how urban maintenance can be managed according to proposals from citizens regarding road maintenance and improvements, and recommend that city administration to set up definite criteria to incentivize enterprises that are willing to carry out the work. Amaintenance of public urban facilities by private sector is particularly focused on road maintenance and improvements, which suggests the need for overall improvements to the urban planning system and the system of incentives..
7. Mingwei Liu, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, Multi-objective optimization of intersection signal time based on genetic algorithm, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 78, 4, 14-23, 2018.12, A signal control intersection increases not only vehicle delay, but also capacity reduction in that area. Because more and more fuel and air pollution problems arise recently, an intersection signal control optimization method which aims at reducing vehicle delay, improving capacity is required heavily. This paper proposed a signal control multi-object optimization method to reduce vehicle delay and improve intersection capacity simultaneously at an intersection by using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). Data regarding traffic stream parameters, signal timing details and delay to vehicles are collected from an intersection in Shanghai, Hu Cheng Huan road. The result of the case study shows the optimal timing scheme obtained from this method is better than the observed one..
8. Mingwei Liu, Matunaga Chiaki, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, Modelling fundamental diagrams according to different water film depths from the perspective of the dynamic hydraulic pressure, Scientific reports, 10.1038/s41598-020-63381-1, 10, 1, 2020.12, [URL], In this paper, we propose enhanced fundamental diagrams based on different water film depths by considering the effects of hydroplaning using a physical method. Various factors are calculated to describe the total safe distance headway of main vehicle components. These factors include the driver reaction times, reaction distances, vehicle braking times, and vehicle braking distances corresponding to different water film depths. An excellent match is found between the computed braking distance, the braking time calculated using the proposed numerical model, and the results published in other papers. These calculations are performed to estimate the distance headway and quantitatively analyse the relationships between the speed, density, and water film depth. By using three road-specific parameters estimated by our proposed model, namely, the free-flow speed, jam density, and capacity flow, a link transmission model is developed to analyse the dynamic impact of the water film depth..
9. 森 祐輔,大枝 良直,外井 哲志, 台北市の大交差点流入部におけるクラクションの発生と交通環境に関する研究, 交通工学論文集, https://doi.org/10.14954/jste.6.4_A_38, 6, 4, p. A_38-A_47, 2020.04, 自動車クラクションの発生を見ることは環境問題の改善,また道路構造や運用への改善にもつながることが考えられる.本研究では法規や運用方法も含めて考えるため,これらの異なる台湾を選び,また,進路が多岐にわたる交差点で調査を行い,いくつかの観点から分析を行った.まず,全体の交通量とクラクション発生の関係を把握した.その後にクラクション発生要因の一つである「車両の割り込み」を取りあげ,その一つのパターンについて個々の車の交通条件を考慮して,分析を行った.その結果,前半の全体の交通量からの観点では,ある交通量領域においてクラクション発生回数が多くなること,後半の「車両の割り込み」では,クラクション発生率は割り込む車の速度と割り込まれる車の速度の相対速度と割り込み方向の影響を受けることが示された..
10. 胡 雨吟,外井 哲志,新垣 孝宗, 大枝 良直, 熊本地震における中小輸送事業者による救援物資の輸送実態及び輸送経路の把握 , 日本都市学会年報, Vol.52, 2019.05.
11. 清田勝,猪八重拓郎,大枝 良直,後藤隆太郎,野中健志郎, パーキングパーミット制度における障害者用駐車スペースの不適切な利用実態と改善に向けての取組み, 日本都市計画学会, Vol.54, 1, 1-9, 2019.04.
12. M. W. Liu, S. M. Wang, Yoshinao Oeda, T. N. Sumi, Simulating uni- and bi-directional pedestrian movement on stairs by considering specifications of personal space, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 10.1016/j.aap.2017.11.012, 122, 350-364, 2019.01, [URL], This paper presents an enhanced model that considers the specifications of personal space to describe uni- and bi-directional pedestrian movement on stairs. The shape of the personal space of each pedestrian is regarded as an oval shape, which is composed of four arcs, to precisely quantify movements. Specific models that facilitate the simulation of movement include adjustments to individual speeds based on the proximity of other members, conflict avoidance, overtaking, and direction finding. By implementing these parameters in the simulation, basic data concerning these movement behaviours were collected from the experiment, which was carried out at one a Shanghai subway station. Twenty-four young college students participated in this experiment. Numerical simulation results for a stochastic case under those parameters were obtained. The fundamental diagrams and moving behaviours according to different proportions of ascending and descending pedestrians are analysed and discussed. The results indicate that the simulation platform for personal space can serve as a useful tool to evaluate pedestrian movement on stairs..
13. 大枝 良直,津森 政宏,外井 哲志, 五島地域を対象とする交通条件を考慮した離島住民の島外への買い物行動に関する研究, 日本都市計画学会, Vol.53, 3, 1051-1057, 2018.10, Japan has many remote islands in its territorial waters. The isolation yields intense depopulation under aging society in Japan. Improvement of its life surroundings is important challenge for these areas. Some of researches indicate the necessity of the connection to other areas, such as nearby bigger islands or main islands. This study focus on shopping of remote islands residents, especially going out to other areas. This study had a survey in Goto, Nagasaki, and confirmed the resident’s activity to other areas for making up their demand for shopping. Then, to examine the transportation policies and the replacement of shopping facilities, this study built the shopping model that can predict the frequency of shopping in other islands in relation to transportation parameters like travel time. The model showed the good fitness for shopping behavior of residents in Goto..
14. 大枝 良直, 上五島地域の住民の買物及び通院行動に関する研究, 日本都市学会, Vol.50, 295-304, 2017.05, 本研究は、筆者が昨年発表した下五島に関する日常生活行動、買物と通院に関する調査を次年同様に上五島地域についても行い、下五島の論文で述べた結果を含めながら報告するものである。下五島地域と同様離島住民の生活と交通環境を考えるため、上五島で日常的な活動である買い物と通院行動を中心とした外出行動と交通環境について調査した。その結果、下五島同様、島の規模、あるいは施設の数や大きさ、交通手段によって買い物頻度が異なること、目的地までの所要時間や滞在時間と買い物頻度には相関がみられる。などの知見が得られた。.
15. 大枝 良直, 下五島住民の買い物及び通院行動に関する研究, 日本都市学会, Vol.49, 271-278, 2016.05, 離島住民の生活と交通環境を考えるため、下五島で日常的な活動である買い物と通院行動を中心とした外出行動と交通環境について調査した。その結果、島の規模、あるいは施設の数や大きさ、交通手段によって買い物頻度が異なること、目的地までの所要時間や滞在時間と買い物頻度には相関がみられる。などの知見が得られた。
16. 大枝 良直, 視覚障害者に関わる公共交通利用環境に関する研究, 日本都市学会, Vol.49, 693-269, 2016.05, 本研究では、バリアフリーの設備普及を考えるときに個々の場所での充実を求めるだけではなく、一連の交通行動に関わる「システム」として施設を見、「システム」を構成する設備や環境を評価することを目的に研究を行った。視覚障害者を対象に2週間にわたる外出行動を調査し、交通行動を行う際にどのような障害、不便があるのかを調べ、複数の「システム」の選択行動を通して設備や環境の評価を行った。その結果、点字ブロックの有無、自動車道の横断などの影響力の大きさが得られた。.
17. M.-W. Liu, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, Modeling free-flow speed according to different water depths—From the viewpoint of dynamic hydraulic pressure, Transportation Research, 10.1016/j.trd.2016.04.009, Vol.47, 13-21, 2016.05, [URL], In this paper, we propose a method of modeling free flow speed from the viewpoint of hydroplaning,Conidering the lift forces for different water. The model has a good fitness to data.
18. 松永 千晶, 塚本 恭子, 大枝 良直, 外井 哲志, 中学生との遭遇機会と通学路の物理的環境要因が不審者出没に与える影響に関する研究, 土木学会, Vol.71, 5, 699-709, 2015.07, [URL], 本研究は,トラック輸送に過度に依存した陸上輸送において鉄道輸送へシフトさせるために,フェリー輸送と同じ形態(有人航送形態)を持つ輸送方法の効果を検討するものである.技術的な面では様々な課題が考えられるので,本研究では,鉄道貨物輸送に有人航送の形態をとったことにのみ焦点をあて検討した.検討方法は,貨物輸送における手段選択モデルを用いて,トラック輸送と現在有人航送形態を持つフェリーの選択モデルを構築した後,評価を行いその結果,鉄道の有人航送形態の効果が確認された..
19. 大枝 良直, 塩田 勝利, 角 知憲, 外井 哲志, 有人航送形態を考慮した貨物輸送機関選択モデルを用いた輸送サービスの定量的評価に関する研究, 第19回鉄道工学シンポジウム, Vol.19, 2015.07, 本研究は,トラック輸送に過度に依存した陸上輸送において鉄道輸送へシフトさせるために,フェリー輸送と同じ形態(有人航送形態)を持つ輸送方法の効果を検討するものである.技術的な面では様々な課題が考えられるので,本研究では,鉄道貨物輸送に有人航送の形態をとったことにのみ焦点をあて検討した.検討方法は,貨物輸送における手段選択モデルを用いて,トラック輸送と現在有人航送形態を持つフェリーの選択モデルを構築した後,評価を行いその結果,鉄道の有人航送形態の効果が確認された..
20. ByoungJin KIM, SATOSHI TOI, Yoshinao Oeda, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, A Study on Method of Public Urban Facilities Maintenance by Private Sector - Case of Road Maintenance in Gwangjin-Gu of Seoul, Korea -, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 75, 1, 2015.01.
21. Mandkhai BAATARZORIG, 外井 哲志, 梶田佳孝, 大枝 良直, 松永 千晶, A Study on Transportation Infrastructure Investment Issues in Urban Areas in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 土木計画学研究・講演集, Vol.49, 2014.06.
22. 金 炳珍, 外井 哲志, 大枝 良直, 松永 千晶, 韓国における民間誘導による公共施設の整備に関する研究, 土木計画学研究・講演集, Vol.50, 2014.11.
23. Yoshinao Oeda, Mohamad SYAHMINAN, Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Tomonori SUMI, Study on Inter-Island Freight Transport by Trucks Incorporating Ferry in Java-Sumatra Islands in Indonesia, 4th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG), , 2012.08.
24. Mingwei LIU, Yoshinao Oeda, Shouqi CAO, Lizhen ZHANG, Study on Inter-Island Freight Transport by Trucks Incorporating Ferry in Java-Sumatra Islands in Indonesia , Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Vol.72, No.4, December 2012, Vol.72, No.4, pp.103-114, 2012.11.
25. Yoshinao Oeda, Kingo Asada, Tomonori SUMI, The Study on Daily Combined Activities of Regular Medical Treatment and Shopping for People Who live in Depopulated area, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciwnces, pp.277-283, 2012.08, There are many removed, depopulated aging areas in Japan, including isolated islands. Habitants are usually under poor transportation condition. One of the way to solve this problem is to improve the transportation service. Under this poor situation, it often seems that habitants combine two or three activities in a day. The purpose of this study is to know how people choose their activities, depending on given transportation service. This study pick up two activities of regular medical treatment and shopping that are main purpose of daily trip for elderly person in these place, and made a model for people's behavior when choosing their activity time and activity pattern. Then, we calibrated this model to observed depopulated place, and got a good fitness..
26. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA, Tomonori SUMI and Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Consideration of Praying Time on Simultaneous Choice Model of Departure Time and Travel Mode for Shopping Travel, Proc. of The 13th International Summer Symposium of JSCE, CD-ROM, 2011.08.
27. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Consideration of Accommodating Flexible Daily Temporal Constraint on a Continuous Choice Model of Departure Time for Urban Shopping Travel, International Journal of Urban Science, 15, 3, 1-19, 2011.12.
28. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Daily Temporal Constraint on a Continuous Choice Model of Departure Time for Urban Shopping Travel, International Journal of Urban Science, 15, 3, 215-233, 2011.12.
29. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Mohamad SYAHMINAN, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Study on Departure Time Choice Model of Truck Operator for Coal Transport in Sumatra Island, Proc. of The 14th International Symposium of FSTPT, 9, CD-ROM, 2011.11.
30. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA, Tomonori SUMI and Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Study on departure time choice for shopping travel in consideration of praying time as flexible temporal constraint, Proc. of The 13th International Summer Symposium of JSCE, CD-ROM, 2011.08.
31. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Mohamad SYAHMINAN, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Prospect of Railway System Development to Support Coal Transportation in Sumatra Island-Indonesia, Proc. of The 13th International Summer Symposium of JSCE, CD-ROM, 2011.08.
32. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Consideration of Flexible Temporal Constraint on One-Day Shopping Travel Behavior: Daily Praying Time in Islamic Countries, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9, 2011, 9, CD-ROM, 2011.10, [URL], This paper attempts to describe flexible temporal constraint as specific behavior on one-day shopping travel in Islamic countries, namely daily praying time constraint. In further, the paper take into account the constraint to develop a choice model of leave time from shopping place. The model is derived from minimization of three types of disutility that available during a traveler stays at shopping place and arrives at a destination place, i.e., disutility of shortage stay time at the place, disutility of lateness leave time from shopping place, and disutility of the time constraint as consequence of availability of the temporal constraint during period time of a set origin-destination trip. In order to estimate parameters values of the model, a trial and error process method based on simulation approach was applied. The model was applied to the two categories of shopping centre visitors i.e., car user and motorcycle user categories respectively. By using a goodness of fit test, the proposed model was acceptable. The parameters values show that response of the car users to start the praying activity is later than the motorcycle users. In contrary, durations of the motorcycle users to conduct the constraint activity are later or longer than the car user category. The flexible temporal constraint also can be applied to develop a departure time, trip pattern and mode choice model in further studies..
33. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, A Trip Pattern Choice Model of Shopping Travel Based on Consideration of Flexible Daily Time Constraint, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8 (2011) (The 9th Int'l Conference of EASTS)
, 8, CD-ROM, 2011.07, This paper proposes simultaneous choice model of trip pattern and departure time on one-day shopping travel that consider the availability of a flexible daily time constraint during noon until evening, namely praying time constraint. The choice model assumes that traveler’s decision to the both travel problem is determined at the same time and due to minimize the total disutility of three kinds of disutility. The three include disutility of shortage stay time at shopping place, disutility of lateness home arrival time, and disutility that consider the praying time constraint. The model was applied to the individuals who are living in a residential area and have been conducting shopping centre travel. Mostly they have to choose their departure time and trip pattern for the travel at the same time in a certain time frame, where they should conduct a praying time-activity as Islamic society. By taking a goodness of fit test, the proposed model was acceptable. The model can be applied to develop a model of travel mode choice in further studies..
34. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Consideration of Flexible Temporal Constraint on One-Day Shopping Travel Behavior: Daily Praying Time in Islamic Countries, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8 (2011) (The 9th Int'l Conference of EASTS)
, 8, CD-ROM, 2011.07, This paper attempts to describe flexible temporal constraint as specific behavior on one-day shopping travel in Islamic countries, namely daily praying time constraint. In further, the paper take into account the constraint to develop a choice model of leave time from shopping place. The model is derived from minimization of three types of disutility that available during a traveler stays at shopping place and arrives at a destination place, i.e., disutility of shortage stay time at the place, disutility of lateness leave time from shopping place, and disutility of the time constraint as consequence of availability of the temporal constraint during period time of a set origin-destination trip. In order to estimate parameters values of the model, a trial and error process method based on simulation approach was applied. The model was applied to the two categories of shopping centre visitors i.e., car user and motorcycle user categories respectively. By using a goodness of fit test, the proposed model was acceptable. The parameters values show that response of the car users to start the praying activity is later than the motorcycle users. In contrary, durations of the motorcycle users to conduct the constraint activity are later or longer than the car user category. The flexible temporal constraint also can be applied to develop a departure time, trip pattern and mode choice model in further studies..
35. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Study on Mode Choice Model of Trip for Daily Household Logistic Based on Binominal Logit Model, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Transport and Logistics (T-LOG), CD-ROM, 2010.09.
36. Akira Fujimoto, Yoshinao Oeda, A proposal on road evaluation method considering the effect of shortening emergency medical service transportation time and the rate of aging in Japan in the Future, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 70, 3, 61-73, 2010.12, This paper proposes to introduce the estimate of the increase in survivors of critical care patients as a new factor beyond conventional factors to evaluate the effect of building new roads. The estimation is based on the relationships "between the life-saving rate and the EMS (Emergency Medical Service) transportation time" and "between the over-65 ratio and the number of critical care patients per 10,000," derived from the statistics of emergency medical care records and emergency transportation records. The research could open the door to solve the struggle that some significant determinants of the road evaluation are deliberately ignored..
37. Daiki KITAOKA, Shimpei OKAMOTO, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, A Study on Temporal Distribution of Freight Transportation in Consideration of Daily Work-Life Cycle and Considerations on Refinement of the Model, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Transport and Logistics (T-LOG), CD-ROM, 2010.09.
38. Ikuo Tanaka, Ryousuke Onizuka, Yoshinao Oeda, Study on station square development at hub stations, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 70, 3, 49-59, 2010.12, At major hub stations in wide urban areas, relative changes have taken place over a long period of time between the quantity and quality of passengers and the functions of railways as a transportation system and a transportation node. However, it is often the case that no drastic review has been made about station squares. What is required from station squares in the future to improve the convenience of railway services and at the same time solve problems in fulfilling their functions as a transportation node? In this paper, methods of station square development are discussed from a practical and broad perspective, as well as in connection with the advanced development of station areas and the development of their surrounding districts. In the process, we refer to a development approach that incorporates an urban square function into the station square and also take the development of Hakata Station as an example..
39. 劉明微・梶田佳孝・大枝良直・橋本直樹, 交通シミュレーションを用いた路面冠水時の自動車避難に関する研究, 第30回交通工学研究発表会論文集, pp.161-164, 2010.11.
40. 大枝良直・劉明微・梶田佳孝・角知憲, 道路路面冠水時における交通特性に関する研究, 第30回交通工学研究発表会論文集, pp.161-164, 2010.11.
41. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Toshifumi UEMURA, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI , Study on Choice Model of Departure Time Based on Disutility of Going to City Centre Activity, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, pp.659-671, 2010.05.
42. Muhammad Isran RAMLI, Toshifumi UEMURA, Yoshinao OEDA and Tomonori SUMI, Study on Choice Model of Departure Time Based on Disutility of Going to City Centre Activity, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, CD-ROM, 2009.11.
43. 岡本晋平,角知憲,大枝良直,松永千晶, 電車優先信号導入による路面電車利用客数の変化に関する研究, 鉄道力学シンポジウム論文集, 13, pp.97-103, 2009.07.
44. 劉 建宏・大枝良直・角 知憲, パーソナルスペースを用いた障害物を回遊する歩行者の群衆流動, 土木学会論文集D, Vol.64 No.4,pp513-524, 2008.10.
45. Yoshinao Oeda, A study on the promotion of the using local airports for business travelers, 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies Congress 2008: Traffic and Transportation Studies Congress 2008, ICTTS 2008
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies Congress 2008
Traffic and Transportation Studies Congress 2008, ICTTS 2008
, 10.1061/40995(322)24, 268-275, 2008.01, [URL], There are many airports in Japan. A couple of them are big ones such as Haneda (Tokyo), Itami and Kansai (Osaka) that are located in or around big cities. Other airports, many of them that are local airports are in middle or small scale cities. In case of connecting to the airport in big city, they are able to have large demand of trip. But in case of connecting to one in small cities, they probably are not expected to have large demand. In addition, the presence of high speed rail accelerates the reduction of demand for flight. In this paper, some policies for the promotion of using local airport are examined, especially trip from local airport to another local one. We already had proposed the long trip model for business travelers in which people decides their depart time and mode. We used it to examine the policies and situations such as frequency, fare, access time to the airport..
46. Yoshinao Oeda, A Study on the Promotion of the Using Local Airports for Business Travelers, ASCE, Traffic & Transportation Studies, Proceeding of ICTTS, pp.268-275, 2008.08.
47. 大枝良直、安河内真理、角知憲, ロングトリップの買い物交通とオフピーク時の鉄道運賃割引の効果に関する研究, 土木学会 構造工学委員会 鉄道力学論文集, No.11 pp.75-80, 2007.07.
48. 劉 建宏・大庭武蔵・大枝良直・角 知憲, 階段を含む公共空間における歩行モデルに関する基礎的研究, 第26回交通工学研究発表会論文報告集,交通工学研究会, pp209-212, 2006.10.
49. 劉 建宏・寺町賢一・大枝良直・角 知憲, 車椅子混入が歩行者の群衆流動に与える影響に関する基礎的研究, 第25回交通工学研究発表会論文報告集,交通工学研究会, pp217-220, 2005.10.
50. Wei Chen, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, A Study on A Shopping Freqency Model With The Consideration of Individual Difference, The 6th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1132-1143, 2005.09.
51. Yoshinao Oeda, Hisasi Uemura, Tomonori Sumi, A Study for Model of One Day Tour to Some Some recreational Facilities Based on The Occacional Differnce, The 6th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2005.09.
52. Muhammad Ridho, Yoshinao Ooeda, Tomonori SUMI, Study on the Modeling of Workers’Post-Work Travel Behavior, Proc. of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2005,Korea Planners Association, pp267-277, 2005.08.
53. Yoshinao Oeda, Study of wheel chair user perception level of road roughness, Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
, 4, 614-624, 2004.11, Wheelchair users often complain about uncomfortable vibrations as a result of road asperity.This paper proposes a method to evaluate road roughness and pavement gaps from the viewpoint of wheelchair users. A part of this study has already been reported on other paper (Oeda 2003).This paper presents the methodology used in the study and reports two points that have not been published before, the way to calculate the impact vibration using mathematical model, the comparison with the perception of ordinary persons..
54. 柳原 守・李 強・大枝良直・角 知憲, 通勤時間の質と駐車料金を考慮した通勤者の交通機関選択行動に関する研究, 土木計画学研究・論文集, Vol.21,No.4,pp869-874, 2004.09.
55. Wei CHEN, Toshinobu DEJIMA, Yoshinao OOEDA ,Tomonori SUMI, A Study on the Model of Travel Behavior for Daily Shopping, Proc. of International Symposium on City Planning,City Planning Institute of Japan, pp31-40, 2004.09.
56. Qiang LI, Takahiro HIGUCHI, Yoshinao OOEDA, Guoquan LI, Tomonori SUMI, A Decision Model of Work Arrival Time and Departure Time and its Application in Evaluation of TDM Measure, ASCE, Traffic & Transportation Studies, Proceeding of ICTTS, 249-259, pp.249-259, 2004.08.
57. Kiwook SONG, Kenichi TERAMACHI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Qiang LI, Yoshinao OEDA, Tomonori SUMI, Study on Improvement of Pedestrian Environment and Possibility of Pedestrian-Traffic Inducement, ASCE, Traffic & Transportation Studies, Proceeding of ICTTS 2004, 138-146, pp.138-146, 2004.08.
58. Yoshinao Oeda, Study of Wheel Chair User Perception Level of Road Roughness, The Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 614-624, 2004.08.
59. 中村 隼・李 強・大枝良直・角 知憲, 交通混雑の影響を考慮した自動車通勤者の出・退勤時刻決定モデルに関する研究, 都市計画論文集No.38-3,日本都市計画学会, No.38-3,pp523-528, 2003.11.
60. Yoshinao Oeda, Tomoniri Sumi, Upali Vandevona, Wheelchair User Perception of Road Roughness, 26Th Australasian Transport Resarch Forum, 2003.10.
61. 李強・樋口尚弘・柳原守・大枝良直・角 知憲, 通勤者の出・退勤時刻決定行動に基づいた公共交通機関選択モデルに関する研究, 土木計画学研究・論文集,土木学会, Vol.20,No.4,pp827-834, 2003.09.
62. 角 知憲・古川 準・松永千晶・大枝良直, 広域災害における救出活動に関する考察, 土木学会論文集, 第723号/Ⅳ−58,pp55-62, 2003.01.
63. 江島 武・大枝良直・角 知憲, 個人差を考慮したショッピングモール街利用者の交通行動に関する研究, 都市計画論文集,日本都市計画学会,、37号, pp.145 - 150(2000.11), No.37,pp145-150, 2002.11.
64. Yoshinao Oheda, Takafumi Fukunaga, Qiang Li, Tomonori Sumi, A Mode Choice Model for Long Distabce Travel on Business Integrating Departure Time Decision Behaviors, ASCE, Traffic & Transportation Studies, Proceeding of ICTTS 2002, 405-412, pp.405-412, 2002.07.
65. Kenji TORAYA, Chikashi DEGUCHI, Chiaki MATSUNAGA, Yoshinao OOEDA, Tomonori SUMI, A Study on the Excursion in Recreational Behavior, Proc. of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2001, Korea Planners Association, pp227-236, 2001.08.
66. 藤山智浩,松永千晶,大枝良直,角 知憲, 年度別変動を考慮した鉄道の直接運航費の検討, 土木学会鉄道力学シンポジウム論文集、No.5、pp.1-6、2001.6, 第5号,pp1-6, 2001.06.
67. 堤 敦,神野健二,大枝良直, 地下水位上昇期の観測値を用いた雨水の涵養モデル検討, 水工学論文集、第45巻、pp.367-372、2001.2, 第5号,pp1-6, 2001.06.
68. 虎谷健司,松永千晶,大枝良直,角 知憲, 日帰り交通モデルを用いた集客施設利用料金の集客への影響の定量化, 都市計画別冊(平成12年度都市計画論文集,日本都市計画学会)、pp.427-431(2000.11), No.35,pp427-432, 2000.11.
69. 永原一明,相川 明,大枝良直,角 知憲, 弾性車輪の振動特性と軌道系への影響に関する研究, 土木学会鉄道力学シンポジウム論文集、N0.4、pp.7-11、(2000.6), 第4号,pp7-12, 2000.06.
70. 角 知憲、広松新、厲国権、大枝良直, 交通機関のエネルギー効率に関わる技術的性格に関する検討, 運輸政策研究、Vol13、No.1、pp.14-22, Vol.3,No.1,pp14-22, 2000.01.
71. 大枝良直,筧下雅章,福永隆文,角 知憲, 鉄道の高速化が中長距離都市間交通に与える効果の予測, 土木学会鉄道力学シンポジウム論文集、No.3、pp.5-10、1999.6, 第3号,pp5-10, 1999.06.
72. 大枝良直,角 知憲、寺町賢一、椿辰治、虎谷健司, 2つの目的地を有する業務目的長距離旅客の出発便選択行動モデルの作成, 九州大学工学集報、第27巻、第3号、pp.261-264、1999.5, 第3号,pp5-10, 1999.06.
73. Oheda,Y., T.Sumi, K.Migita, M.Kiyota, Prediction on the Effect of Flex-time Using Psuedo-Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Proc. of 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and the Environment, Vol.2, pp587-594, 1998.05.
74. Sumi,T., A.Hiromatsu and Y.Oheda, Energy Efficiencies of Transportation Modes Considering Opera-tion Profiles and Power Supply Systems, Proc. of 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and the Environment, Vol.1, pp329-340, 1998.05.
75. 寺町賢一,角 知憲,渡辺義則,大枝良直, 最終速度の個人差を考慮した発進する自動車のマンマシンシステムモデル, 土木学会論文集, 第569号/Ⅳ−36,pp95-99, 1997.07.
76. 大枝良直,角 知憲,中西啓造,椿 辰治, 業務目的の航空旅客の出発便選択行動モデルの作成, 土木学会論文集, 第555号/Ⅳ−34,pp83-90, 1997.01.
77. 和泉直助,大枝良直,角 知憲,中島英明, 買い物交通の駐車時間に与える購買額の影響, 土木学会論文集, 第548号/Ⅳ−33,pp65-69, 1996.10.
78. 清田 勝,角 知憲,大枝良直,田中孝典, 住区内細街路において自動車とすれ違う自転車利用者の危険回避行動, 土木学会論文集、No.524、Ⅳ-29、pp131-134、1995.10, 第524号/Ⅳ−29,pp131-134, 1995.10.
79. 角 知憲,大枝良直,中本 隆,中島英明, 休日のリクリェーション交通と買物交通の時間的変動における人の行動特性, 土木学会論文集, 第506号/Ⅳ−26,pp137-140, 1995.01.
80. Ki Wook Song, Kenichi Teramachi, Chiaki Matsunaga, Qiang Li, Yoshinao Oeda, Tomonori Sumi, Study on improvement of pedestrian environments and possibility of pedestrian-traffic inducement, Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
, 138-146, 2004, We focus on the work-to-home trips with little restriction by time and examine the possibility of pedestrian-traffic inducement through improving pedestrian environments. Based on a method in which individual difference is expressed as probability distribution and a limitation of human faculty to discriminate something is reflected by a threshold value, pedestrian-traffic assignment model different from existing models is proposed. According to the results of some hypothetic simulations, it is found that the improvement of pedestrian environments helps induce pedestrians to choose the area where a planner intends them to flow..
81. Qiang Li, Takahiro Higuchi, Yoshinao Oeda, Guoquan Li, Tomonori Sumi, A decision model of work arrival time and departure time and its application in evaluation of TDM measures, Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
Traffic and Transportation Studies - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
, 249-259, 2004, This paper purposes to understand commuter behaviors from a viewpoint of daily life cycle. Based on commuters' responses to the explicit temporal constraints, a decision model of work arrival time and departure is proposed and calibrated. Then the proposed model in temporal domain was extended to model the choice behavior of P&R mode and private car with consideration of riding time, parking cost and transfer resistance. Furthermore, the modal choice model was applied to predict the effects of parking cost in promoting P&R measure..

