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上野 高敏(うえの たかとし) データ更新日:2023.11.27

准教授 /  農学研究院 資源生物科学部門 生物的防除研究施設・天敵昆虫学分野

キーワード: 寄生蜂,害虫防除,環境保全型農業,食糧生産,環境,機能的生物多様性,生活史進化
キーワード: 生物的防除,益虫,害虫防除,大量増殖,生産コスト
キーワード: 環境,行動学,学習,天敵,性比,進化生物学
2008.04~2013.03, 代表者:上野高敏, 九州大学農学研究院生物的防除研究施設, 農林水産省.
2001.04, 代表者:上 野 高 敏(代表がどうというより対等な共同研究です), 農林水産省門司植物防疫課
侵入害虫であるアルファルファタコゾウムシの防除のため,アメリカから導入した寄生バチBathyplectis anurusによる生物的防除を成功に導く.同時に,導入寄生蜂の定着・分布拡大過程を追跡し,この天敵寄生バチの防除効果を評価する..
2003.04, 代表者:高木 正見, 九州大学大学院農学研究院, 九州大学大学院農学研究院
1. 井原 史雄, 大野和朗, 後藤千枝, 平井一男, 上野 高敏,  ほか, 天敵活用大事典, 農文協, 2016.08.
2. 上田恵介, 岡ノ谷一夫, 菊水健史, 坂上貴之, 辻和希, 上野 高敏, ほか多数, 行動学事典, 東京化学同人, 2013.11.
3. 上野高敏・仲井まどか・大野和朗・田中利治ほか, バイオロジカル・コントロール, 朝倉書店, 2009.03.
4. 池田 二三高・根本 久・平井 一男・上野 高敏ほか, 天敵大事典ー生態と利用ー:上巻, 農文協, 2004.03.
5. 池田 二三高・根本 久・平井 一男・上野 高敏ほか, 天敵大事典ー生態と利用ー:下巻, 農文協, 2004.03.
1. 上野高敏・上野義人, 絶滅危惧種コガタノゲンゴロウの福岡市東区と新宮町からの記録, Pulex, 100, 904-905, 904-905, 2021.12.
2. Wen Jiang, Takatoshi Ueno, Risk Odors Deriving from Predator Abdominal Gland Secretions Mediate Non-Consumptive Effects on Prey, Journal of Chemical Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-021-01331-5, 48, 89-98, 89–98, 2022.01.
3. Jian Wen, Takatoshi Ueno , Application of predator-associated cues to control small brown planthoppers: non-consumptive effects of predators suppress the pest population, BIOCONTROL, 10.1007/s10526-021-10115-5, 2021.09, Predator non-consumptive effects (NCEs) have been well studied in many ecosystems and NCEs can alter the behavior, morphology and life history of prey, producing strong trait-mediated indirect effects (TMIEs) on host plants. However, studies involving the application of NCEs to control pests in the field, and instances of combined laboratory bioassay and field practice are rare. Here, we examine the development, reproduction and behavior of small brown planthoppers, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén), when exposed to predator cues from caged predators (Paederus fuscipes Curtis), or predator body extracts (in solvents with different polarities) in the laboratory. Field foliage sprays of these extracts were also used to test their effects on the L. striatellus population and rice plant biomass. Nymph development and egg hatch rate in L. striatellus were not influenced, but adult longevity was shorter, and fecundity and weight gain were lower, when nymphs were exposed to the predator cues. Adults exposed to predator cues also gained less weight and laid fewer eggs. The poorer developmental and reproductive performances might result from lower activity levels observed in threatened L. striatellus. The field foliage sprays of predator cues decreased L. striatellus abundance and increased rice plant biomass, suggesting their possible application for pest control. Predator cues extracted using chloroform increased stronger NCEs and TMIEs, indicating their non-polar characteristics. Our studies advance the understanding of how NCEs shape the life history and behavior of L. striatellus and improve rice growth, laying new foundations for future research on novel pest control materials and methods..
4. Jian Wen, Takatoshi Ueno, , Predator cue-induced plasticity of morphology and behavior in planthoppers facilitate the survival from predation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10.1038/s41598-021-96005-3, 11, 1, Article number: 16760, 2021.08, [URL], Predators can induce phenotypic plasticity in prey through selection driven by predation risk. However, defense plasticity is rarely reported in insects, let alone trans-generational plasticity, meaning the mechanisms underlying plasticity, how it impacts ecosystem evolution and how it might be exploited in pest control are poorly understood. Here we examine the morphological plasticity of small brown planthoppers (SBPHs), Laodelphax striatellus, elicited by caged predators, Paederus fuscipes in the parent or F1 generation and reveal the risk cues mediating these effects. We also uncover the survival outcomes in SBPHs with predator-induced defensive morphological traits by examining their survival probability and behavioral plasticity. Results showed that caged predators or predator odor cue gave rise to a higher proportion of long-winged, female SBPHs in the parent and F1 generations, but the proportion of males and their wing length were unaffected. The visual cue from predators elicited weaker effects. Surprisingly, we discovered these long-winged forms suffered a lower predation rate when attacked by P. fuscipes, owing to an enhanced agility level. Our results suggest the within- and trans-generational plasticity of induced defenses may cause profound effects on SBPH population dynamics and prey-predator interaction. Understanding this interaction and its underlying mechanisms illuminates important aspects of ecosystem evolution and helps predict pest dispersal or migration, which in turn may be exploited for pest control..
5. Ibrahim A. KHODEIR, Mohamed A. KHATTAB, Osama M. RAKHA, Amina S. SHARABASH, Takatoshi UENO* and Kareem M. MOUSA, Population Densities of Pest Aphids and their Associated Natural Enemies on Faba Bean in Kafr EL–Sheikh, Egypt, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 65, 97-102, 2020.02.
6. Ahmed S. El–KHODARY, Nora F. GHANEM, Osama M. RAKHA, Nourhan W. SHOGHY and Takatoshi UENO, Primary Screening of German Chamomile Oil as Insecticides, Baits, and Fumigants in Nanoformulations against the Health Pest Periplaneta americana (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae), Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 65, 103-112, 2020.02.
7. Yuma Sugawara, Takatoshi Ueno, Field evaluation of CLB as an attractant for beneficial parasitoid wasps attacking mealybug pests, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8, 192-196, 2020.01.
8. Yuma SUGAWARA, Toshiharu MITA, Jun TABATA and Takatoshi UENO, The genetic and morphological approach to reappraising species validity in two different Anagyrus wasps (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) attracted by cyclolavandulyl butyrate, Entomological Science, doi: 10.1111/ens.12409, 23, 152-164, 2020.06.
9. Youssef Mohamed KATTA, Mohamed Mohamed KAMARA, Mohamed Saad ABD EL–ATY, Waleed Hassan ELGAMAL, Ramadan Mohamed SOLEIMAN, Kareem Mohamed MOUSA, Takatoshi UENO, Effect of Storage Temperature on Storage Efficacy, Germination and Physical Characters of Some Paddy Rice Cultivars during Different Storage Periods, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64, 1, 61-69, 2019.02.
10. Kareem M. MOUSA, Osama M. RAKHA, Takatoshi UENO , Relationships between Development Time, Reproductive Period, Fecundity and Longevity at the Within–individual Level in the Cowpea Aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae), Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64, 1, 101-106, 2019.02.
11. @Kareem M. MOUSA, Takatoshi UENO, Intercropping Potato with Citrus Trees as Ecologically–Based Insect Pest Management, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64, 1, 71-78, 2019.02.
12. Mohamed B. SHAWER, Osama M. RAKHA, Elsaid M. ELNABAWY, Amr A. ELASHMAWY, Takatoshi UENO, Banana Flowers (Musa sp.: Musaceae): an Essential Source of Nectar for Honeybee During the Dearth Period in Egypt, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64, 1, 79-85, 2019.02, A nectar dearth is a period when nectar producing flowers are scarce, and the dearth can be devastat- ing for honeybee colonies. Provision or presence of alternative flowering plants is thus crucial to stable bee- keeping. The present study was carried out at two different locations in Egypt to evaluate the importance of banana flowers as a nectar source during the dearth period (August –October) for honeybees. The inves- tigation on nectar production and sugar content estimated that banana flowers produced a large amount of nectar with a relatively high sugar concentaration and that one feddan of banana plantation during 2016 and 2017 seasons produced 29.2 and 31.5 kg nectar, which contained 4.54 and 5.21 kg sugar. Thus, expected honey yields were 5.67 and 6.51 kg honey/feddan in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Field observations demon- strated that the honeybee Apis mellifera carnica frequently visited banana flowers, in particular, in the morning time and that nectar in uncovered banana flowers decreased in response to honeybee vists while nectar volume in covered flowers remained unchanged. The honeybee colonies in banana farms showed much higher flight activity (foraging and pollen collection) and productivity (stored pollen, brood rearing, bee population, queen rearing, royal jelly production and honey production) than those in control localities. We conclude that moving the apiaries to banana plantations during the dearth period can conserve the strength of honeybee colonies allowing good overwintering, and improve honey yield by 2.69 ± 0.1 kg/col- ony..
13. 柳田 裕紹, 嶽本 弘之, 上野 高敏, 促成栽培イチゴの育苗期に発生するナミハダニに対する土着天敵ハダニアザミウマの保護利用の有効性, 九州病害虫研究会報, https://doi.org/10.4241/kyubyochu.63.37, 63, 37-45, 2017.10, [URL].
14. 柳田 裕紹, 嶽本 弘之, 上野 高敏, ハダニ類(ダニ目:ハダニ科)の捕食性天敵ハダニアザミウマ(アザミウマ目:アザミウマ科)に影響のない薬剤の選抜, 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌, 61, 187-191, 2017.09.
15. Rowfida A. Bassiony, Fayez A. Abou-Attia, Mahmoud A. Samy, Asmhan E. Youssef, Takatoshi Ueno, Infestation caused by the Agromyzid Leafminer Liriomyza trifolii of Bean Crops in Kafr EL-Shiekh, Egypt., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 62, 2, 435-438, 2017.09, Dipteran leafminers of the family Agromyzidae are polyphagous pests that evoke a severe worldwide threat to various vegetable crops. In Egypt, legume yields have recently been reduced due to intensive infestations by the leafminers. In the present study, we examined the composition of dipteran leafminers in two main leguminous crops, i.e., broad bean and snap bean, and evaluated the damage caused by them, in Kafr EL-Shiekh, Egypt. Liriomyza trifolii was the major leafminer species abundantly found on both crops while Melanagromyza phaseoli was found only in snap bean field with low density. Liriomyza trifolii was detected throughout the growing season of bean plants, though the population and infestation levels were significantly low in snap bean. A higher level of infestation on broad bean suggested the presence of host plant preference in the leafminer. Precipitation appeared to affect the infestation level of the leafminer. We discuss the importance of leafminer management in bean fields in Egypt..
16. Dang Hoa Tran, Masami Takagi, Takatoshi Ueno, Efficacy of the extract from pongam leaves (Pongamia pinnata L.) against Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 62, 2, 439-443, 2017.09, The beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and the tobacco armyworm Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are economically important insect pests of a variety of crops primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. Conventional control of these pests usually depends on synthetic chemical insecticides. Botanical pesticides have recently been paid considerable attention as an environmentally friendly measure to manage various insect pests. The present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of a leaf extract from pongam tree Progamia pinnata L. against the two armyworms. The results showed that the acute lethal toxicity of pongam leaf extract was high against the two armyworm species; the LC50 values were 1.94 %, 1.52 % and 1.10 % at 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively for S. litura whereas the values for S. exigua larvae were 3.18 %, 2.57 % and 1.89 % at 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively. Our study also indicated that low concentrations of pongam leaf extract caused significant reductions of vitality of the armyworms; they took more time to mature during the larval stage. Taken together, the treatment with a pongam leaf extract can negatively affect the armyworm populations directly and indirectly, and thus cause a reduction of overall pest numbers in the next generation. Thus, the pongam leaf extract is a recommendable bio-pesticide to control the armyworms..
17. Rowfida A. Bassiony, Fayez A. Abou-Attia, Mahmoud A. Samy, Asmhan E. Youssef, Takatoshi Ueno, Parasitoid Wasps Attacking the American Serpentine Leafminer Liriomyza trifolii in Kafr EL-Shiekh, Egypt., International Journal of Zoological Investigations, in press, 2017.06.
18. 上野 高敏, ラオス産ツマアカスズメバチにおけるネジレバネ寄生の記録, Pulex, 95, 704-705, 2016.12.
19. 上野 高敏,  ニジヒメバチ亜科 Brachycyrtinaeの福岡県からの記録とその 寄主の確認, Pulex, 95, 699-700, 2016.12.
20. Fumi Sasaki, 上野 高敏, Development and Sex Ratio of the Parasitoid Chrysocharis pentheus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on the Leafminer Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60, 1, 133-139, 2016.02.
21. Dang Hoa Tran, Khac Phuc Le, Hoang Dong Thi Tran, 上野 高敏, Control Efficacy of pongam (Pongamia pinnata L.) Leaf Extract against the Turnip Aphid Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60, 1, 141-145, 2016.02.
22. Takatoshi Ueno, Oviposition and Development in Gregopimpla kuwanae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, a Gregarious Ectoparasitoid Wasp Attacking the Rice Skipper Parnara guttata, Journal of Insects, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4706376, vol 2016, Article ID 4706376, 8 pages, 2016.02.
23. Takatoshi Ueno, Beet Armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): a Major Pest of Welsh Onion in Vietnam, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 10.15640/jaes.v4n2a21, 4, 181-185, 2015.12, [URL].
24. Takatoshi Ueno, The Paper wasp Polistes olivaceus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) as an Important Predator of Beet Armyworm in Vietnam, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 10.15640/jaes.v4n2a6, 4, 54-57, 2015.12, [URL].
25. Takatoshi Ueno, Dang Hoa Tran, Neochrysocharis okazakii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as a Major Parasitoid Wasp of Stone Leek Leafminer Liriomyza chinensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Central Vietnam, Psyche, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/179560, Article ID 179560, 6 pp., 2015.12, Liriomyza chinensis is a major pest of Welsh onion Allium fistulosum in Asia but little is known about the abundance of its natural enemies. A field survey was made to explore the major parasitoids of L. chinensis leafminer in central Vietnam. An eulophid parasitoid, Neochrysocharis okazakii, comprised more than 95% of parasitoids reared from leafminer larvae collected in the onion field and 98.3% of leafminer parasitoids found during searches of onion plants. The mean number of female N. okazakii on plants was greater in onion fields with a higher density of L. chinensis, and, during searches, a greater proportion of N. okazakii was found on onion with more L. chinensis mines, suggesting density-dependent parasitoid aggregation. Melanized dead larvae of L. chinensis were more frequently found in onion fields with more parasitoids, demonstrating that melanized leafminers are a good indicator of parasitoid activity. Mean instant rate of host encounter by N. okazakii in the field was estimated as 0.077, and the likelihood of a parasitoid finding a host increased with host density. Taken together, these results show that N. okazakii is the major parasitoid of L. chinensis. Usefulness of this parasitoid in stone leek leafminer management is discussed..
26. 松浦 明, 上野 高敏, ピーマン株間への麻ひも設置によるスワルスキーカブリダニの株間移動促進効果とカップ放飼法における紙コップ設置数の削減効果, 九州病害虫研究会報, 61: 62-67, 2015.11.
27. Takatoshi Ueno, Flower-Visiting by the Invasive Hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), International Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences, 3, 444-448, 2015.12, The Asian hornet or yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax has recently been recorded as an invasive insect evoking environmental, apicultural and medical problems. Many aspects of the ecology, behavior and life history remain unknown, however. The present study focuses on flower-visiting by the hornet in the field. The foraging behavior of V. velutina nigrithorax on and around blooming plants was observed in Tsushima Island, Japan and Busan City, South Korea. The field observations confirmed that the hornet fed on floral nectar of 27 plant species scattering among 15 families. Pollen feeding was not observed. In addition, it was frequently found that V. velutina nigrithorax flew and hovered around a patch of flowers to predate hymenopteran bees and dipteran flies. Hunting behavior was recorded on 20 plant species belonging to 10 families. Field observations and mark-recapture experiments suggested that V. velutina nigrithorax played a role in pollinating at least some plant species. Although numerous hornet workers were found visiting flowers in the public area such as the park, school, hospital and home garden, none of them showed aggressive behavior against humans. Thus, flower-visiting V. velutina nigrithorax away from the nest did not pose a threat or risk associated with hornet stings..
28. Yusuke N. Minoshima, Seiki Yamane, Takatoshi Ueno, An invasive alien hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax du Buysson (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), found in Kitakyushu, Kyushu Island: a first record of the species from mainland Japan, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 21, 2, 259-261, 2015.11, A nest of the invasive alien hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax du Buysson 1905 was collected in 1st September, 2015, from Kitakyushu, Kyushu, western Japan. This represents a first record of the species from mainland Japan. The foundress of the colony might have been transported with ferry cargos from Korea or China. The nest measures 35 cm long and 24.5 cm wide including the envelope, consisting of three combs. The examination of the nest (cell size and pupal caste) indicated that all the combs were for the worker caste and that new queens had not yet been produced..
29. Kanako Sakai, Masami Takagi, Takatoshi Ueno, Evaluation for risk of interspecific mating among native and exotic Orius species (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), Entomology, Ornithology & Herpatology, 10.4172/2161-0983.1000158, 4, 4: 158, 2015.08.
30. Kanako Ueno, Takatoshi Ueno, Host approaching behavior in a parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) as influenced by physiological state and host type, Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology, 10.4172/2161-0983.1000159, 4: 159, 2015.08, sent study highlighted the interactions of host type and physiological state (i.e., the number of mature eggs a female carries) in determining a parasitoid’s host-finding behavior, using the solitary endoparasitoid Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Females took much shorter time to approach and attack healthy hosts of high-value than empty hosts of no-value, discriminating between the host types from a short distance. Variance of the time was much greater for empty hosts. A striking difference was detected in the influence of physiological state on wasp behavior; females with greater egg loads approached an empty host more quickly in order to examine its suitability for oviposition whereas egg load effects were not found for healthy hosts. Thus, egg load was involved in variation of the host-finding behavior but its effects depended on host types. We discuss the adaptive significance of the context dependent effects of egg load on parasitoid behavior..
31. Takatoshi Ueno, Larval habitats of two Coilodera species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) associated with wood feeding cockroaches., The Journal of Tropical Asian Entomology, 4, 28-32, 2015.12.
32. Takatoshi Ueno, Effects of host size and laboratory-rearing on offspring development and sex ratio in the solitary parasitoid Agrothereutes lanceolatus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., European Journal of Entomology, 112, 2, 281-287, 2015.04.
33. Takatoshi Ueno, Unexpected use of pupal stage of a lepidopteran host by the ectoparasitoid wasp Agrothereutes lanceolatus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology, 10.4172/2161-0983.1000140, 4, 1, ariticle ID 140 (6pp.), 2015.02.
34. Hiroaki Kohmura, Hiroyuki Hirayama, Takatoshi Ueno, Diving Into The Water: Cues Related to the Decision-Making by an Egg Parasitoid Attacking Underwater Hosts, Ethology, 10.1111/eth.12326, 121, 2, 168-175, 2015.02, Although adult parasitoids spend a majority of their lives above ground, females of several species must search for their host in the water or on the soil. Adult parasitoids above ground can use a variety of sensory cues to detect their hosts from a distance. However, their sensory cues can be impaired from volatile chemicals, and their visual stimuli can be decreased while submerging or burrowing in the water of soil during their search for their hosts. Searching underwater or underground would incur high forag- ing costs, that is, time and energy consumption and increase risk of drown- ing. Therefore, to reduce such costs and increase searching efficiency, the decision on where to start submerging or burrowing for attacking hosts is important for parasitoids. Furthermore, there are no studies that have examined the cues of submerging or burrowing parasitoids on their exploit for the decision to attack their hosts. We have examined the cues used by the egg parasitoid Tiphodytes gerriphagus attacking underwater hosts. We compared the searching behaviors of T. gerriphagus among four oviposition site conditions. The four sites investigated were oviposition site with both host adult chemical residues and presence of eggs, with only the presence of eggs, with only the host adult chemical residues, and without any cue. Our results indicated that T. gerriphagus more frequently contacted and submerged at oviposition sites with the adult residues rather than at ovipo- sition sites without them. Nonetheless, the presence of underwater host eggs did not affect the host-searching behavior. This suggests that T. ger- riphagus decided to submerge at the oviposition site in response to the adult residues. Furthermore, our observation also suggested that T. gerriphagus has already detected that the adult residues might be volatile before con- tacting the oviposition site. Finally, we will discuss the exploitation pat- terns of host-searching cue by parasitoids that need to submerge from the context of its reliability and detectability problems..
35. Kouhei Matsushita, Kanako Ueno, Takatoshi Ueno, Physiological Parameters Reflecting Longevity of a Parasitoid Wasp (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences, 2, 4, 201-205, 2014.12, Itoplectis naranyae is a common parasitoid wasp inhabiting rice paddies in most part of Asia and is a candidate of biological indicators to assess biodiversity and eco-friendly agricultural practice in rice paddies. Here, we examined physiological factors affecting the longevity of I. naranyae to investigate its basic biology. For this purpose, life expectancy of the male and female was assessed without food (=carbohydrate) provision. As expected, the parasitoid had a much shorter lifetime under food deprivation. Curiously, both forewing length and body weight were not significant indices reflecting the longevity of male and female I. naranyae. Therefore, individual differences in life expectancy under starvation are not simply predicted with body size. Body weight loss during the lifetime instead correlated positively with the longevity, regardless of the sexes. Thus, weight loss, rather than body size, reflects the longevity probably because it reflects nutritional storage available for sustaining the life of I. naranyae..
36. 谷 聡一郎, 上野 高敏, ヒメハラナガツチバチ Campsomeris annulata の簡易飼育法と基礎生態, 九大学芸誌, 69, 55-62, 2014.06.
37. 上野 高敏, 九州地方のスズメバチの発生傾向と外来種ツマアカスズメバチ, 平成26年度 ペストコントロール技術研修会資料, 34-38, 2014.10.
38. Takatoshi Ueno, Age-dependent sex allocation control in a parasitoid wasp., Psyche, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/363174, 2014, Article ID 363174, 4 pp., 2014.11.
39. Takatoshi Ueno, Establishment of the Invasive Hornet Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Japan, International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences, 2, 4, 220-222, 2014.12, The Asian hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax, most probably originated in China, has been pausing an ecological problem in Europe and Korea after its accidental introduction and the subsequent establishment during early 2000s. In 2012, an amateur entomologist collected the first specimen of the hornet in Tsushima Island, Japan, which suggested that V. velutina invaded into the country. Field survey was hence made in 2013 to investigate whether the hornet had been established in the island. The survey confirmed the establishment of V. velutina. Morphological examination of the specimens obtained from Tsushima Island determined that the velutina belonged to the subspecies nigrithorax and was well coincided with the specimens from southern China. Field observations also confirmed that the invaded hornet was frequently found predating Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica, an important pollinator native to the island. The invaded hornet was thought to be accidentally introduced from South Korea, where the hornet had been well established since its invasion..
40. Yoshihisa Abe, Tatsuya Ide, Kazuhiko Konishi, Takatoshi Ueno, Discovery of Cynipidae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) from the Indochina region, with description of three new species, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/AN13180, 107, 399-406, 2014.03.
41. Giang Thi Thu Ho, Hao V La, David R. Hall, Thuy D. Le, Jerry V. Cross, Takatoshi Ueno, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and (Z)-13-octadecenyl acetate improve the attractiveness of the standard sex pheromone of the yellow rice stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in northern Vietnam, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 59, 1, 85-89, 2014.02.
42. Hiroki Itadani, Takatoshi Ueno, Chemically Mediated Mate Finding of the Polyphagous Solitary Parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America, http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/AN12146, 107, 1, 288-294, 2014.01, Polyphagous solitary parasitoids have difficulty finding mates that can be widely dispersed because of their polyphagous natures. Males of polyphagous species are more likely to rely on compounds characteristic of the female or on sex pheromones to find mates. However, the mating biology of few polyphagous parasitoids has been studied and sex pheromones are known for only a few species of parasitoids altogether. Here we examined the mating biology of the polyphagous parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), which attacks a variety of lepidopteran pupae. The existence and timing of emission of female sex pheromones and male response with age were studied in the laboratory. A field test was also conducted to confirm the attractiveness of newly emerged females to wild males over a distance. The results confirmed that volatile compounds are used in the sexual communication in I. naranyae. Females attracted males most strongly shortly after emergence; pupae and older females were much less attractive. Older (30-d-old) males were most responsive to female sex pheromones. Males with prior experience with females responded more strongly than naïve males. The field test showed that traps containing virgin females attracted wild males. These results showed that this solitary polyphagous species uses volatile compounds to find scattered mates at close and moderate ranges. The existence of chemically mediated mate finding suggests that sex pheromone traps may be useful in management of I. naranyae as a biological control agent..
43. Giang Thi Thu Ho, Cuong Viet Le, Thuy Hong Nguyen, 上野 高敏, Dinh Van Nguyen, Incidence of yellow rice stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas Walker in Haiphong, Vietnam and control efficacy of egg mass removal and insecticides, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 58, 301-306, 2013.06.
44. Soichiro Tani and Takatoshi Ueno, Site fidelity and long-distance homing by males of solitary parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), Canadian Entomologist, 145, 333-337, 2013.05.
45. Takatoshi Ueno, Insect natural enemies as bioindicators in rice paddies, CNU Journal of Agricultural Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.7744/cnujas.2012.39.4.587, 39, 587-595, 2012.12, In Asia, including Japan and Korea, rice paddies occupy the largest cultivated area in agricultural land. Rice paddies provide the habitats for many organisms including endemic species, sustaining high biodiversity. Insect natural enemies inhabiting rice paddies have an important function for rice production as agents of ‘ecosystem services’ because they play a major role in suppressing rice pests. The diversity and abundance of natural enemies can be a good index reflecting the ‘healthiness’ of agro-ecosystem services in rice paddies. The present study investigates whether insect natural enemies could be good biological indicators for general arthropod biodiversity and agricultural practice. First, the concept of ideal bio-indicators was summarized. The strategy to explore and select such bio-indicators was then proposed. Lastly, field survey was made to evaluate the abundance and biodiversity of natural enemies in Japanese rice paddies where chemical inputs, i.e., insecticide use, were different. The results showed that reduction of chemical inputs led to an increase in species richness or diversity of natural enemies including parasitoids and predators. Then, the data were analyzed to examine suitable indicator species to assess environmental soundness of agricultural practice and biodiversity in rice paddies. The density of several species of natural enemies did respond both to pesticide use and to general arthropod biodiversity. The analyses thus have indicated that natural enemies can be suitable as bio-indicators. Usefulness of indicator species in rice paddies is discussed in the context of ecologically sound agriculture..
46. Takatoshi Ueno, Bioindicators of Biodiversity and Farming Practice in Rice Paddies, International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences, 1, 84-87, 2013.01, Rice paddies occupy the largest cultivated area in agricultural land of Asia and create the habitats for many organisms, sustaining high biodiversity. Natural enemies inhabiting rice paddies have an important function for rice production as agents of ‘ecosystem services’ because they suppress rice pests. Such natural enemies can be a good index reflecting the ‘healthiness’ of agro-ecosystem services in rice paddies. The present study evaluates whether natural enemies could be good biological indicators for biodiversity and agricultural practice. First, the concept of ideal bio-indicators was summarized. Then, the results based on a field survey were given to show the usefulness of natural enemies. Field studies demonstrated that reduction of chemical inputs led to an increase in species richness of natural enemies. The abundance of several species of natural enemies did respond both to pesticide use and to general arthropod biodiversity. Thus, natural enemies can be suitable as bio-indicators. Usefulness of indicator species in rice paddies is discussed in the context of ecologically sound agriculture..
47. Aung, K.S.D., Keiji Takasu, Takatoshi Ueno, Masami Takagi, Effect of host feeding on reproduction in Ooencyrtus nezarae (Ishii) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) , an egg parasitoid of the bean bug Riptortus clavatus.
, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 57, 115-120, 2012.02.
48. Takatoshi Ueno, Insect natural enemies as bioindicators in rice paddies., International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, pp. 35-42, 2012.11.
49. Takatoshi Ueno, Environmentally sound agro-practice, biodiversity and indicator species in rice paddies., EEBS, 2012.10, Rice paddies occupy the largest cultivated area in agricultural land and provide the habitats for many organisms. Thus, rice paddies are a key ecosystem in agricultural land that sustains a high level of agro-biodiversity. Natural enemies have an important function for crop production as agents of ‘ecosystem services’ because they play a major role in suppressing pests. The diversity and abundance of natural enemies can be a good index reflecting the ‘healthiness’ of agro-ecosystem services in rice paddies. In the present study, a survey was made to investigate the abundance and biodiversity of natural enemies in rice paddies where chemical inputs, i.e., insecticide use, were different. The reduction of chemical inputs led to an increase in species richness or diversity of natural enemies like parasitoids and spiders. Then, it was analyzed to explore suitable indicator species to assess environmental soundness of agricultural practice and biodiversity in rice paddies. Seven spotted ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and a web-constructing araneid spider, Neoscona adianta, (Araneae: Araneidae) were among the commonest species of predators detected in paddy fields, and were tested to examine whether the density of the two could reflect the levels of chemical input and biodiversity. The density of the ladybird did not respond both to pesticide use and to biodiversity, indicating that this species was not suitable as an indicator. In contrast, the araneid spider increased both with a reduction of pesticide use and with an increase of biodiversity. Neoscona adianta was hence a good candidate of natural enemies to assess agricultural practice and biodiversity in rice paddies. Thus, it is possible to select species that are ideal bioindicators for monitoring both environmental soundness and biodiversity in agriculture. Usefulness of indicator species in rice paddies is discussed..
50. Y. Ayabe, Takatoshi Ueno, Complex Feeding Tracks of the Sessile Herbivorous Insect Ophiomyia maura as a Function of the Defense against Insect Parasitoids, PLoS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0032594, 7, e32594, 2012.02.
51. Hongyue LIU and Takatoshi UENO, The Importance of Food and Host on the Fecundity and Longevity of a Host-feeding Parasitoid Wasp, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 57, 121-126, 2012.02.
52. Dang Hoa TRAN and Takatoshi UENO, Toxicity of Insecticides to Neochrysocharis okazakii, a Parasitoid of Liriomyza Leafminers on Vegetables, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 57, 127-131, 2012.02.
53. Tran, D. H., K. P. Le, T. Ueno and M. Takagi , Effect of temperature and host on the immature development of the parasitoid Neochrysocharis okazakii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)., Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 57, 133-137, 2012.02.
54. Thi Thu Giang Ho, Takatoshi Ueno, The effects of honey as a dietary supplement on the survivorship and nutrition-storing capacity of Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a parasitoid of Liriomyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) leafminers., International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 78, 78-84, 2011.06.
55. Baba, N., Hironaka, M., Hosokawa, T., Mukai, H., Nomakuchi, S., Ueno, T., Trophic eggs compensate for poor offspring feeding capacity in a subsocial burrower bug, Biology Letters, 7, 194-196, 2011.05.
56. Aung, K.S.D., T. Ueno and M. Takagi, Effect of temperature on lifetime reproduction of the egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus nezarae (Ishii) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). , Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 56, 67-70, 2011.02.
57. Aung, K.S.D., Takagi, M., Ueno, T., Influence of food on the longevity and egg maturation of the egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus nezarae (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) , Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University , 55, 1, 79-81, 2010.02.
58. Aung, K.S.D., Takagi, M., Ueno, T., Effect of female's age on the progeny production and sex ratio of Ooencyrtus nezarae, an egg parasitoid of the bean bug Riptortus clavatus , Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 55, 83-85, 2010.02.
59. Takatoshi Ueno, Biodiversity in Rice Paddies and Use of Indicator Species to Assess Environmental Friendship of Agricultural Practices , 7th International AFAS Joint Symposium Between Korea and Japan, 7, 126-132, 2010.11.
60. Aung, K.S.D., Takasu, K., Ueno, T., Takagi, M., Effect of temperature on egg maturation and longevity of the egg parasitoids Ooencyrtus nezarae (Ishii) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) , Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 55, 87-89, 2010.02.
61. Thi Thu Giang Ho, Takatoshi Ueno, Host Discrimination and Factors Affecting Incidence of Superparasitism in Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a Parasitoid of the Leafminer Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae), Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 53, 447-452, 2008.10.
62. Ueno, T., Biological control: an ecological approach to manage invasive pest insects, In: Invasive Alien Species in Monsoon Asia: Status and Control, NIAES International Symposium 2007, 8 pp, 2007.10.
63. Dang Hoa Tran, Thi Thien An Tran, Lan Phuong Mai, Takatoshi Ueno and Masami Takagi, Seasonal abundance of Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and its parasitoids on vegetables in southern Vietnam, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 52: 49-55, 2007.02.
64. Dang Hoa Tran, Takatoshi Ueno and Masami Takagi, Comparison of the suitability of Liriomyza chinensis and L. trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) as hosts for Neochrysocharis okazakii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Biological Control, 41: 354-360, 2007.06.
65. Kanako Ueno, Takatoshi Ueno, The effect of prior host experience and egg load on host acceptance behavior of the parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) on empty hosts, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 52, 63-67, 2007.02.
66. Thi Thu Giang Ho, Takatoshi Ueno, Improving parasitoid performance by improving adult food quality: a case study for the leafminer parasitoid Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 52, 57-61, 2007.02.
67. Takatoshi Ueno, Kanako Ueno, The effects of host-feeding on synovigenic egg development in an endoparasitic wasp, Itoplectis naranyae., Journal of Insect Science, 7, no 46, available online: insectscience.org/7.46, 2007.03.
68. Takatoshi Ueno, Current status of insect pests attacking green buunching onion in central and southern Vietnam., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 51, 275-283., 2006.10.
69. Masami Takagi, Masami Okumura, Megumi Shoubu, Akinori Shiraishi, Takatoshi Ueno, Classical biological control of the alfalfa weevil in Japan., International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropds, 2, 14-18, 2005.08.
70. Takatoshi Ueno, Effect of host age and size on offspring sex ratio in the pupal parasitoid Pimpla (=Coccygomimus) luctuosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 50, 399-405, 2005.10.
71. M. Shoubu, M. Okumura, A. Shiraishi, H. Kimura, M. Takagi and T. Ueno, Establishment of Bathyplectes anurus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a larval parasitoid of the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Japan., Biological Control, 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2005.04.009, 34, 144-151, 2005.04.
72. 上野 高敏, 潜葉虫を攻撃する寄生蜂の寄主探索行動., 植物防疫, 59: 222-225., 2005.05.
73. Ueno, K. and Ueno, T., Effect of wasp size, physiological state and prior host experience on host searching beahvior in a parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Journal of Ethology, 10.1007/s10164-004-0126-2, 23, 43-49, 2005.01.
74. Takatoshi Ueno, Offspring performance in the pupal parasitoid Pimpla (= Coccygomimus) luctuosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) as influenced by host age and size., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 49, 2, 321-329, 2004.10.
75. Ayabe, Y. and Ueno, T., Directed search pattern of a leafminer parasitoid among mines of host larvae., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 10.1603/0013-8746(2004)097[0586:DSPOAL]2.0.CO;2, 97, 3, 586-591, 2004.05.
76. Ueno, K. and Ueno, T., Relationship between female size and host-feeding behavior in the parasitoid wasp Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 49, 77-84, 2003.02.
77. Ueno, T., Role of short- and long-term memory in parasitoid foraging., 'Learning in Insect Foraging', The 18th Tsukuba International Insect Science Symposium., 11-14., 2000.11.
78. Takatoshi Ueno, Host concealment: a determinant of host acceptance and host-feeding in an ectoparasitoid wasp., OIKOS (Copenhagen), 10.1034/j.1600-0706.2000.890202.x, 89, 2, 223-230, 2000.06.
79. Ueno, T., Host-feeding and acceptance by a parasitic wasp (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) as influenced by egg load and experience in a patch., Evolutionary Ecology, 10.1023/A:1006582013488, 13, 33-44, 1999.04.
80. Ueno, T., Host-size-dependent sex ratio in a parasitoid wasp., Reseraches on Population Ecology, 10.1007/PL00011982, 41, 47-57, 1999.04.
81. Ueno, T., Adult size and reproduction in the ectoparasitoid wasp Agrothereutes lanceolatus Walker (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)., Journal of Applied Entomology, 10.1046/j.1439-0418.1999.00386.x, 123, 6, 357-361, 1999.05.
82. Ueno, T. and Hirai, K., Larval and pupal parasitoids of the Oriental corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis, Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 43, 3, 135-137,  43: 135-137, 1999.05.
83. Ueno, T., Host-feeding and reproduction in the parasitoid wasp Pimpla nipponica (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 35: 231-237., 1999.05.
84. Ueno, T., Host suitability and sex ratio differences in wild-caught and laboratory-reared parasitoid Pimpla parnarae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 92, 609-614, 1999.07.
85. Ueno, T., Multiparasitism and host-feeding by solitary parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) based on the pay-off from parasitized hosts., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 92, 4, 601-608, 1999.07.
86. Ueno, T., Behavioral evidence for recognition of parasitized hosts by superparasitizing Pimpla nipponica (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Canadian Journal of Zoology, 10.1139/cjz-77-3-413, 77, 413-417, 1999.01.
87. Ueno, T., Sex allocation responses by a parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) to different host species: a question for the mechanism of host size estimation., Journal of Insect Behavior, 11: 811-821., 1998.09.
88. Ueno, T., Selective host-feeding on parasitized hosts in the parasitoid wasp Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and its implications for biological control., Bulletin of Entomological Research, 88, 4, 461-466, 1998.09.
89. Takatoshi Ueno, Adaptiveness of sex ratio control by the pupal parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) in response to host size., Evolutionary Ecology, 13: 33-44., 1998.04.
90. Ueno, T., Host age preference and sex allocation for the pupal parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 90: 640-645., 1997.01.
91. Nose, Y., Lee, J. M., Ueno, T., Hatakeyama, M. and Oishi, K., Cloning of cDNA for Vitellogenin of the parasitoid wasp, Pimpla nipponica (Hymenoptera: Apocrita: Ichneumonidae): Vitellogenin primary structure and evolutionary considerations., Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 10.1016/S0965-1748(97)00091-X, 27, 1047-1056, 1997.01.
92. Ueno, T., Effects of superparasitism, larval competition, and host-feeding in the pupal parasitoid Pimpla nipponica (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) on offspring survival and fitness., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 90: 682-688., 1997.01.
93. Ueno, T. & T. Tanaka, Comparison between primary and secondary sex ratios in parasitoid wasps using a method for observing chromosomes., Entomologia experimentalis et applicata, 82: 105-108., 1997.01.
94. Ueno, T. & Tanaka, T., Self-host discrimination in a parasitic wasp: the role of short- term memory., Animal Behaviour (London), 52: 875-883., 1996.01.
95. 上野 高敏, Estimation of host-size dependent sex ratio in the polyphagous parasitoid Itoplectis naranyae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in the field., Applied Entomology and Zoology, 31, 613-615, 1996.12.
96. Takatoshi Ueno, 寄生蜂アオムシヒラタヒメバチの若齢幼虫による同種競合卵と幼虫の物理的排除, 関東東山病害虫研究会年報, 43, 179-181, 1996.10.
97. 上野 高敏, 寄生蜂アオムシヒラタヒメバチにおける過寄生が蜂の羽化率と性比に与える影響, 関東東山病害虫研究会年報, 43, 175-178, 1996.10.
98. 上野 高敏, Abdominal tip movements during oviposition by two parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) as an index of predicting the sex of depositing eggs., Applied Entomology and Zoology, 30, 588-590, 1995.12.
99. Takatoshi Ueno, Toshiharu Tanaka, Can a female parasitoid recognize a previous rejected host?, Animal Behaviour (London), 47, 988-990, 1994.09.
100. Takatoshi Ueno, Self-recognition by the parasitic wasp Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., OIKOS (Copenhagen), 70, 333-339, 1994.04.
101. Takatoshi Ueno, Toshiharu Tanaka, Comparative biology of sex polyphagous solitary pupal endoparasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): differential host suitability and sex allocation., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 87, 592-598, 1994.10.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 上野高敏, 私たちの暮らしと「むし」のつながり:ツマアカスズメバチの最新情報と外来生物としてのスズメバチ, 鵬図商事(株), 2017.12, [URL].
2. (国研)農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 農業環境変動研究センター 編集発行, 鳥類に優しい水田がわかる生物多様性の調査・評価マニュアル, (国研)農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 農業環境変動研究センター, 2018.03, [URL], サギなど大型の鳥類が暮らしやすい、生物多様性の豊かな水田を判定するための方法を解説しています。


3. 上野 高敏,
私たちの暮らしと「むし」のつながり (2) ツマアカスズメバチと闘うニホンミツバチ
, PMPニュース 356号, 2016.12, ツマアカスズメバチが対馬に侵入し定着してしまったことを前回に紹介しました。対馬では、今、何が起こっているのでしょうか?
4. 上野 高敏, 私たちの暮らしと「むし」のつながり (1) ツマアカスズメバチがやってきた, PMPニュース 350号, https://www.hohto.co.jp/pmpnews/pmp350_1/, 2016.06.
5. 上野 高敏, 九州の特定外来生物ツマアカスズメバチの現状, 昆虫と自然 (ニューサイエンス社), vol. 51: 17-20., 2016.07.
6. 上野 高敏, 日本における外来昆虫の侵入状況と対策, 昆虫と自然 (ニューサイエンス社), vol 51: 2-3., 2016.07.
7. 上野 高敏, 特定外来生物ツマアカスズメバチの生態と問題点, 環境機器(株, 2016.03.
8. 上野 高敏, 生息域拡大が懸念されるツマアカスズメバチ〜その生態と本種が引き起こす問題, 平成27年度ペストコントロールフォーラム資料集, p. 83-94, 2016.02.
9. 上野 高敏, ツマアカスズメバチ〜新たな外来バチの脅威とこれから, ブンイチ(文一総合出版), p. 44, 2016.03.
10. 上野 高敏, 新規外来種「ツマアカスズメバチ」関連の研究, 九州大学環境報告書, 2014.12, [URL].
11. 上野 高敏, 天敵昆虫を利用した害虫防除, 九州大学環境報告書2010年, 2010.11.
12. 上野 高敏, 指標生物で環境保全型農業等の効果を計るメリット, 自然と農業, 59: 13., 2010.08.
13. 上野 高敏, 益虫と害虫を見せること., 農林害虫防除研究会ニュースレター, 2004.06.
14. 上 野 高 敏・綾 部 慈 子, 葉の中に潜る害虫ハモグリバエ(絵描き虫)を見つけだす器用な寄生バチ., 九州大学博物館ディスカバリーズ, No. 005., 2004.03.
15. 上野 高敏, 有用生物に対する化学農薬の影響評価法の策定, 農林水産省流動研究報告書, 2000.03.
1. 上野 高敏, ツマアカスズメバチの生態等について, ツマアカスズメバチに係る研修会(福岡県主催), 2016.02.
2. 上野 高敏, ミツバチを好みの獲物にする外来昆虫ツマアカスズメバチの生態, ミツバチ科学研究会, 2016.01.
3. 上野 高敏, Flower-Visiting by the Invasive Hornet Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), International Multi Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Medical Sciences, 2015.12.
4. 上野 高敏, 特定外来生物ツマアカスズメバチについて, 地球社会統合科学セミナー, 2015.07.
5. 上野 高敏, 長崎県と北九州に侵入した特定外来生物ツマアカスズメバチについて, 九州病害虫研究会研究発表会, 2015.11.
6. 上野 高敏, 侵略的外来種ツマアカスズメバチの捕食特性, 日本昆虫学会第75回大会, 2015.09.
7. 上野 高敏, ツマアカスズメバチの対馬への 侵入を含めた外来生物の現状, 三学会合同福岡大会(日本動物学会九州支部、九州沖縄植物学会、日本生態学会九州地区), 2015.05.
8. 上野 高敏, ミツバチを襲うツマアカスズメバチ、その生態と影響, 熊本県ペストコントロール協会技術研修会, 2015.02.
9. 上野 高敏, 長崎県対馬に侵入したツマアカ スズメバチの発生状況と今後の課題, 日本応用動物昆虫学会大会, 2014.03.
10. 上野 高敏, 九州地方のスズメバチの発生傾向と外来種ツマアカスズメバチ, 日本ペストコントロール協会 九州地区技術研修会, 2014.10.
11. 壬生浩貴, 上野 高敏, 水田の主要天敵アオムシヒラタヒメバチItoplectis naranyaeに対する農薬の影響, 第57回日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2013.03.
12. 甲村孔明, 平山寛之, 上野 高敏, 水中のターゲットの手がかり: 潜水を必要とする卵寄生 蜂の寄主探索行動, 第57回日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2013.03.
13. 上野 高敏, 水田の指標寄生蜂アオムシヒラタヒメバチの密度を決定する要因, 第57回日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2013.03.
14. 上野 高敏, Environmentally Sound Agriculture and Biological Indicators in Rice Paddies, Global Conference on Entomology, 2013.11, Rice is the main food in Asia, where rice paddy systems are traditionally used for the production of rice. Rice paddies, together with the associated irrigation ponds, ditches and ridge, often constitute the traditional landscape in rural environments. Rice paddies commonly occupy the largest cultivated area among agricultural land, and form an ecosystem representing a major semi-natural environment with high biodiversity. Insect natural enemies inhabiting rice paddies have an important function for rice production as agents of ‘ecosystem services’ because they play a major role in suppressing rice pests. The diversity and abundance of natural enemies can be a good index reflecting the ‘healthiness’ of agro-ecosystem services in rice paddies. The present study investigates whether insect natural enemies could be good biological indicators for general arthropod biodiversity and agricultural practice. First, the concept of ideal bio-indicators was summarized. The strategy to explore and select such bio-indicators was then proposed. Lastly, the results of field survey was given to evaluate whether the abundance and biodiversity of natural enemies in Japanese rice paddies could be good indicators to assess environmental soundness of agricultural practices and general biodiversity. The results showed that reduction of pesticide use led to an increase in species richness or diversity of natural enemies including parasitoids and predators. Use of chemical manure enhanced parasitoid diversity. The density of several species of natural enemies did respond both to pesticide use and to general arthropod biodiversity. The analyses thus have indicated that natural enemies are suitable bio-indicators. Usefulness of indicator species in rice paddies is discussed in the context of ecologically sound agriculture..
15. Takatoshi Ueno, Insect natural enemies as bioindicators in rice paddies, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2012.11.
16. Takatoshi Ueno, Environmentally Sound Agro-practice, Biodiversity and Indicator Species in Rice Paddies, International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (EEBS'2012), 2012.10, Abstract—Rice paddies occupy the largest cultivated area in agricultural land and provide the habitats for many organisms. Thus, rice paddies are a key ecosystem in agricultural land that sustains a high level of agro-biodiversity. Natural enemies have an important function for crop production as agents of ‘ecosystem services’ because they play a major role in suppressing pests. The diversity and abundance of natural enemies can be a good index reflecting the ‘healthiness’ of agro-ecosystem services in rice paddies. In the present study, a survey was made to investigate the abundance and biodiversity of natural enemies in rice paddies where chemical inputs, i.e., insecticide use, were different. The reduction of chemical inputs led to an increase in species richness or diversity of natural enemies like parasitoids and spiders. Then, it was analyzed to explore suitable indicator species to assess environmental soundness of agricultural practice and biodiversity in rice paddies. Seven spotted ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and a web-constructing araneid spider, Neoscona adianta, (Araneae: Araneidae) were among the commonest species of predators detected in paddy fields, and were tested to examine whether the density of the two could reflect the levels of chemical input and biodiversity. The density of the ladybird did not respond both to pesticide use and to biodiversity, indicating that this species was not suitable as an indicator. In contrast, the araneid spider increased both with a reduction of pesticide use and with an increase of biodiversity. Neoscona adianta was hence a good candidate of natural enemies to assess agricultural practice and biodiversity in rice paddies. Thus, it is possible to select species that are ideal bioindicators for monitoring both environmental soundness and biodiversity in agriculture. Usefulness of indicator species in rice paddies is discussed..
17. Takatoshi Ueno, Use of natural enemies as a bio-indicator for assessing environmental soundness of agricultural practices in rice paddies, 24th International Congress of Entomology, 2012.08.
18. Soichiro Tani, Takatoshi Ueno, Adaptive signifi cance of homing behavior in male scoliid wasps (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), 24th International Congress of Entomology, 2012.08.
19. Hiroki Itadani, Takatoshi Ueno, The mating system using volatile and substrate-born sex pheromones in a polyphagous solitary parasitoid wasp, Itoplectis naranyae, 24th International Congress of Entomology, 2012.08.
20. Takatoshi Ueno, Functional biodiversity in rice paddies and exploring indicator species that reflect environmentally benign agricultural practices, 7th International AFAS Joint Symposium Between Korea and Japan, 2010.10.
21. Souichiro Tani and Takatoshi Ueno, How does the Scoliid wasp (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae) search underground hosts from the aboveground?, 日本・オランダ共同セミナー, 2010.08.
22. Hiroki Itadani and Takatoshi Ueno, Sex pheromone and mating period of Itoplectis naranyae, a bioindicator parasitoid wasp in paddy fields of Japan, 日本・オランダ共同セミナー, 2010.08.
23. Narumi Baba, Nobuo Kitano and Takatoshi Ueno, Orientation to non-natal host and male-male combat in an egg parasitoid, 日本・オランダ共同セミナー, 2011.08.
24. Yoshiko Ayabe and Takatoshi Ueno , Host defense deters leafminer parasitoids to select the largest class of host in the field, 日本・オランダ共同セミナー, 2010.08.
25. Takatoshi Ueno, The presense and availability of non-host food affect behavior and activity of parasitoid wasps, 日本・オランダ共同セミナー, 2010.08, [URL].
26. K. S. D. Aung, M. Takagi, T. Ueno , Effect of rearing and cold storage conditions on Ooencyrtus nezarae reproduction, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2010.03.
27. 上野高敏(, 導入寄生蜂の餌源としてのカラスノエンドウ群落の重要性, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2010.03.
28. 上 野 高 敏, 寄生蜂における餌の重要性を再考する, 日本昆虫学会, 2009.09.
29. Ueno, T, Factors affecting functional biodiversity in paddy fields., APCE 2009 Beijing, China, 2009.10.
30. Ueno, T. , Analysis of Environmental Factors Influencing Functional Biodiversity in Rice Paddies., NIAES MARCO Symposium 2009, 2009.10.
31. Takatoshi Ueno, Functional biodiversity in rice paddies and exploring indicator species that reflect environmentally benign agricultural practices. , ASIAHORCs Symposium (ASIAHORCs生物多様性シンポジウム), 2009.07.
32. 上野高敏, アルファルファタコゾウムシ導入寄生蜂の寄生率がレンゲで伸びない理由, 農林害虫防除研究会, 2008.06.
33. Ueno, T., Biological control: an ecological approach to manage invasive pest insects, NIAES International Symposium, 2007.10.
34. Ueno, T., Takesaki, K. and Hayashikawa, S., Extrafloral nectar as an important food source of an introduced parasitoid of alfalfa weevil, NIAES International Symposium, 2007.10.
特許出願件数  0件
特許登録件数  1件
2018.06,  エジプトの国立機関ならびに大学との共同研究を推進し、また博士号審査委員としてエジプトの若手研究者の育成に貢献している。.
2010.10, 生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議におけるサイドイベントにおいて、農林水産省プロジェクト研究「農業に有用な生物多様性の指標及び評価手法の開発」について講演を行い
2004.03, 「チョウ目害虫の寄生蜂の行動生態学的研究」ー日本応用動物昆虫学会奨励賞.
International Organization for Biological Control
Entomological Society of America
2016.04~2020.03, 天敵利用研究会, 幹事.
2016.04~2020.04, International Institute of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, 運営委員.
2015.12~2020.11, International Scientific Academy of Engineering & Technology, 運営委員.
2012.04~2020.03, 九州病害虫防除研究会, 編集委員.
2010.03~2012.02, International Organization for Biological Control, 副会長.
2009.04~2011.04, 九州病害虫研究会, .
2009.01~2011.01, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 評議員.
2009.02~2011.01, 日本生態学会, 幹事.
2005.02, 日本昆虫学会, 幹事.
2003.04, International Organization for Biological Control, 運営委員.
2002.04~2004.03, 日本昆虫学会, 運営委員.
1999.04~2001.03, 日本昆虫学会, 運営委員.
1999.04~2000.03, 日本昆虫学会, 幹事.
2015.12.15~2015.12.16, International Multi Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Medical Sciences, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.10.13~2012.10.14, 2nd International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (EEBS'2012) , 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.09, International Symposium on Biological Control of Aphids and Coccids, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.11.08~2013.11.12, Global Conference on Entomology, 基調講演.
2013.11.08~2013.11.12, Global Conference on Entomology, session Chair.
2012.10.13~2012.10.14, 2nd International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (EEBS'2012) , Session Chair.
2011.09.08~2011.09.12, 2nd World Biodiversity Congress, 基調講演.
2011.03.24~2011.03.27, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 大会事務局長.
2004.10, アジア学術セミナー.
2004.12, 日本動物行動学会大会, 学会事務局長.
2009.03~2011.02, 九州病害虫研究会報, 国内, 編集委員.
2003.04, 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌, 国内, 編集委員.
2003.04, Applied Entomology and Zoology, 国内, 編集委員.
2000.04~2002.03, 昆虫ニューシリーズ:日本昆虫学会和文誌, 国内, 編集委員.
2000.04~2002.03, Entomological Science, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2008年度 12 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
フエ大学, Vietnam, 2005.02~2005.03.
フエ大学, Vietnam, 2005.07~2005.07.
2023.02~2024.01, 1ヶ月以上, University of Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2020.08~2021.08, 1ヶ月以上, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, EGYPT, Egypt.
2019.08~2020.08, 1ヶ月以上, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, EGYPT, Egypt.
2020.08~2021.09, 1ヶ月以上, University of Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2019.09~2020.08, 1ヶ月以上, University of Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2018.06~2019.08, 1ヶ月以上, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, EGYPT, Egypt.
2018.08~2019.08, 1ヶ月以上, University of Kafrelsheikh, Egypt.
2016.08~2017.08, 1ヶ月以上, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, EGYPT, Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2016.08~2017.08, 1ヶ月以上, University of Kafrelsheikh, Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2016.08~2016.08, 2週間未満, Sejong University, Korea, Korea, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2016.08~2016.08, 2週間未満, 柑橘研究所、RDA, Korea, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2015.10~2015.10, 2週間未満, 柑橘研究所、RDA, Korea, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2015.06~2015.06, 2週間未満, 柑橘研究所、RDA、KOREA, Korea, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2014.04~2014.04, 2週間未満, Rural Development Administration, Korea, Korea, 学内資金.
2013.12~2013.12, 2週間未満, Rural Development Administration, Korea, Korea, 学内資金.
2013.12~2013.12, 2週間未満, Rural Development Administration, Korea, Korea, 学内資金.
2009.10~2009.10, 2週間未満, Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO), UnitedKingdom, 日本学術振興会.
2007.03~2007.03, 2週間未満, イギリス・ランカスター大学教授, Netherlands, 日本学術振興会.
Best Presentation Award, International Scientific Academy of Engineering & Technology, 2014.12.
International Scientist of the Year 2004, IBC, Cambridge, UK, 2004.01.
日本応用動物昆虫学会奨励賞, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 2004.03.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 外来種ツマアカスズメバチの生態解明と定着による生態系への影響評価.
2012年度~2014年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 急速な農耕地拡大で絶滅が危惧されるベトナム・ラオスの天敵・中立昆虫相の解明.
2012年度~2014年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 天敵生物を利用した環境保全型と慣行型水田の評価.
2009年度~2012年度, 一般研究(B), 分担, 親の投資をめぐる利害対立の進化的帰結:ツチカメムシ類の栄養卵生産と種子給餌.
2003年度~2005年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 天敵の利用を中心としたわが国と東南アジアにおける蔬菜害虫の総合的害虫管理.
2013年度~2017年度, 生物多様性を活用した安定的農業生産技術の開発(農林水産省), 代表, 暖帯平野景観九州における代表種選定と生息条件に及ぼす農法の解明.
2008年度~2011年度, 受託研究(農水省委託プロジェクト), 代表, 「農業に有用な生物多様性の指標及び評価手法の開発」.
2007年度~2009年度, 農林水産研究高度化事業委託事業, 分担, 諫早湾干拓地における環境保全型大規模生産技術体系の構築.
2006年度~2010年度, 農林水産省指定試験, 分担, アルファルファタコゾウムシの蔓延防止技術の開発.
2005年度~2006年度, 独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所, 分担, 共生系解明による生物基盤技術の開発.
2021年度, スズメバチなど蜂類の駆除に関する研究.
2020年度, スズメバチほか蜂類の駆除に関する研究.
2019年度, スズメバチなど蜂類の駆除に関する研究.
2018年度, スズメバチなど蜂類の駆除に関する研究.
2013年度, Rural Development Administration, Korea, 農学研究院研究資金(生物的防除に関連する学術研究助成).

