九州大学 研究者情報
溝口 孝司(みぞぐち こうじ) データ更新日:2023.11.10

教授 /  比較社会文化研究院 環境変動部門 基層構造

1. Koji MIZOGUCHI, 'The Communicative-Cognitive Mode of Existence and Material Differences: An Archaeological-Theoretical Perspective' In The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology (eds. by T. Wynn, K. Overmann, and F. Cooldge), pp. C36S1–C36P88, Oxford University Press, https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192895950.013.36, 2023.06, This chapter shows that the smallest and the most basic phenomenal unit of society is communication, where sociality is generated through the mutual coordination by those who interact/communicate their thoughts and acts. For communication as a system, human individuals and their mind/psychic systems constitute the environment of its reproduction. The material differences that can be recognized archaeologically are involved in and mediate the reproduction of the communication system. This means that material differences are linked with the operation of human cognitive systems through the mediation of communication systems and through the structural coupling of cognitive and communication systems. To solve the innate inaccessibility of the operation of cognitive systems, the concept of mode of existence is proposed. This is the mode in which the communication system and the mind/psychic system are structurally coupled: The communication system and the mind/psychic system mutually irritate each other and react to it in uniquely self-referential manners, respectively..
2. 溝口孝司, 社会考古学講義: コミュニケーションを分析最小基本単位とする考古学の再編, 同成社, 2022.12, [URL], 考古学とは何か。考古学における「人」「モノ」とは何なのか。コミュニケーションを基軸に考古資料と社会システムを考察。著者が目指す社会考古学の実践理論を体系的に提示した、待望の一書。(同成社帯).
3. Mizoguchi, Koji Smith, Claire, Global Social Archaeologies: Making a Difference in a World of Strangers, Routledge, pp. 358, 2019.07, [URL], Global Social Archaeologies contributes to the active engagement of contemporary social archaeology through addressing issues such as postcolonialism, community heritage, and Indigenous rights. It addresses the major challenge of breaking down global divides, especially in relation to fundamental human rights, inequality, and inequities of wealth, power, and access to knowledge.
This authoritative volume, authored by the current and past presidents of the World Archaeological Congress, introduces readers to the various theoretical and methodological tools available for the investigation of the past. Taking into account the implications for contemporary societies, it offers a new framework for social archaeologies in a globalised world. By combining new data from their research with an innovative synthesis and analysis of leading research by others, the authors have developed fresh conceptualisations and understandings of archaeology as a social practice, and of the ways in which it simultaneously straddles the past, present, and future.
Exploring a range of case studies and enhanced by a wealth of illustrations, Global Social Archaeologies highlights a new approach to archaeology, one that places human rights at the core of archaeological theory and practice..
4. Mizoguchi, Koji, Mizoguchi, K. 2017. The Yayoi and Kofun Periods of Japan. in Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology (eds. by J. Habu, P.V. Lape, J.W. Olsen), pp. 561-602. New York: Springer., Springer, pp. 561-602, 2017.12, [URL].
5. Mizoguchi, Koji, Mizoguchi, K. 2017. Anthropomorphic Clay Figurines of the Jomon Period of Japan. in The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines (ed. by T. Insoll), pp. 521-544. Oxford: Oxford University Press., Oxford University Press, pp. 521-544, 2017.04, [URL].
6. 古谷 嘉章, 溝口孝司, 関雄二, 佐々木重洋, 秋山聰, 鏡味治也, 出口顕, 松本直子, 「物質性」の人類学ー世界は物質の流れの中にあるー(溝口孝司「モノの考古学的研究ー世界の未規定性・不確定性の縮減媒体としてのモノ研究の観点から」(pp. 59-81)), 同成社, 溝口孝司「モノの考古学的研究ー世界の未規定性・不確定性の縮減媒体としてのモノ研究の観点から」(59-81頁), 2017.03, [URL].
7. Koji MIZOGUCHI, 史学会125周年リレーシンポジウム4:過去を伝える、今を遺す(pp. 170-194 公共考古学の可能性), 山川出版社, 2015.11, 公共考古学=パブリック・アーケオロジーの現状を世界的動向と同時代社会の編成の基本構造との対比から整理するとともに、その問題点と将来への展望をおこなった。.
8. Koji MIZOGUCHI, Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 16. ( pp. 255-279) 'De-Paradoxisation of Paradoxes by Referring to Death as an Ultimate Paradox: The Case of the State-Formation Phase of Japan', 2015.10, [URL].
9. Koji MIZOGUCHI, The Archaeology of Japan: from the Earliest Rice Farming Villages to the Rise of the State, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-371, 2013.11, This is the first book-length study of the Yayoi and Kofun periods of Japan (c.600 BC–AD 700), in which the introduction of rice paddy-field farming from the Korean peninsula ignited the rapid development of social complexity and hierarchy that culminated with the formation of the ancient Japanese state. The author traces the historical trajectory of the Yayoi and Kofun periods by employing cutting-edge sociological, anthropological and archaeological theories and methods. The book reveals a fascinating process through which sophisticated hunting-gathering communities in an archipelago on the eastern fringe of the Eurasian continent were transformed materially and symbolically into a state..
10. Carl Knappett, ed., Knappett, Carl, ed., 2013. Network Analysis in Archaeology: New Approaches to Regional Interaction (Mizoguchi, K. 'Evolution of prestige good systems: an application of network analysis to the transformation of communication systems and their media', pp. 151-178), Oxford University Press, 2013.04, The paper argues that the systemic generation of differentlal centrality to individual units of social interaction resulted in the formation of large bodies of socio-political integration in ancient societies. The thesis is illustrated through the investigation of evidence from the Yayoi and Kofun periods of Japan by applying formal network analysis methods..
11. J. Lydon and U.Z. Rizvi, eds., Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology, Left Coast Press, Chapter 6: "The colonial experience of the uncolonized and colonized: the case of East Asia, mainly as seen from Japan" (pp. 81-91), 2011.01.
12. Koji Mizoguchi, Archaeology, Society and Identity in Modern Japan, Cambridge University Press, 2006.05, [URL].
13. Miriam T. Stark, et al, Archaeology of Asia: Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology, Blackwell, Oxford, U.K., Chapter 4 "Self-Identification in the Modern and Post-Modern World and Archaeological Research: A Case Study from Japan" (pp. 55-73), 2005.08, [URL].
14. Koji Mizoguchi, An Archaeological History of Japan, 40,000 BC to AD 700, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, U.S.A., pp. 1-274, 2002.04, [URL].
15. Lynn Meskell, Robert Preucel, et.al., A Companion to Social Archaeology, Blackwell, Oxford, U.K., Chapter 17 "Identity, Modernity, and Archaeology: The Case of Japan" (pp. 396-414), 2004.10, [URL].
16. Joanna sofaer Derevenski, et al., Children and Material Culture, Routledge, Chapter 11 "The child as a node of past, present and future" (pp. 141-150), 2000.06, [URL].
17. Holtorf, Cornelius, Karlsson, Hakan, et al., Philosophy and Archaeological Practice: Perspectives for the 21st Century, Bricoleur Press, Sweden, Mizoguchi, Koji Anthony Giddens and Niklas Luhmann. pp. 13-24, 2000.01, [URL].
18. 溝口 孝司, 古墳時代の考古学10: 古墳と現代社会, 同成社, 溝口孝司「古墳時代研究とアイデンティティ」, pp. 9-25, 2014.03, [URL].
19. 小杉康ら(編), 縄文文化の研究、12:研究の行方, 同成社, 溝口孝司「『縄文時代』の位置価」(pp. 97-111), 2010.01.
20. 高橋龍三郎ら, 現代の考古学6:村落と社会の考古学, 朝倉書店, 「弥生時代の社会」(pp. 135-160), 2001.10.
21. 北條芳隆・溝口孝司・村上恭通, 古墳時代像を見なおす:成立過程と社会変革, 青木書店, 2000.08.
22. 納富信留・溝口孝司ら, 空間へのパースペクティブ:九州大学「空間」プロジェクト, 九州大学出版会, 1999.03.
23. 金子裕之ら, 日本の信仰遺跡, 雄山閣, 「墓前のまつり」、53−74頁, 1998.12.
24. 安斎正人ら, 民族考古学序説, 同成社, 「「意味」と「共感」の民族考古学−イアン=ホダー」、55−76頁, 1998.01.

