九州大学 研究者情報
溝口 孝司(みぞぐち こうじ) データ更新日:2023.11.10

教授 /  比較社会文化研究院 環境変動部門 基層構造

1. MIZOGUCHI, Koji, Making Sense of the Transformation of Religious Practices: A Critical Long-term Perspective from Pre- and Proto-historic Japan, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 10.1017/S0959774321000366, 2021.06, This paper proposes a novel procedural framework for the archaeological study of the long-term transformation of religious practices by heuristically defining the religious in terms of their functional-effective elements. Thus, religious activities constitute a distinct communicative domain that responds to and processes the uncertainties and risks of the world. Drawing on this re-definition, this paper proposes a procedure comprising the following units of investigation: (A) what uncertainties and risks of the world were generated in and differentiated by a certain social formation; (B) how were they responded to and processed; and (C) how is the mode of the responding and processing changed as social formations are transformed? The applicability of this procedure is examined through a case study from the pre- and proto-historic periods of the Japanese archipelago. It is hoped that the framework reintroduces causally explanatory, comparative and long-term perspectives to the archaeological study of religious practices..
2. MIZOGUCHI, Koji, Making Sense of Material Culture Transformation: A Critical Long-Term Perspective from Jomon- and Yayoi-Period Japan, Journal of World Prehistory, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10963-020-09138-0, 2020.03, [URL], This JWP Focus paper argues that material culture transformation can be understood as the transformation of the way human beings and material culture mutually open up their potentialities. Such opening up/becoming takes place in the domains of their encounter, which often take the form of human communications. In communication, human beings and material culture mutually mediate/intervene/transform their modes of existence as the former cope with various uncertainties and risks that the world generates and that communication differentiates. Drawing upon the theory of communication developed by the social systems theorist, Niklas Luhmann, the paper will elucidate and elaborate this perspective through an examination of the long-term transformation of the mode of such mutual opening up/becoming by human beings and the material culture of their potentialities that took place in the Jomon and the Yayoi periods of Japan between 13000 Cal BC and AD 250/300..
3. Mizoguchi, Koji, Re-thinking the origin of agriculture through the‘beginnings’ in the Japanese archipelago, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, 6, 2, 95-107, 2019.03, The way in which we investigate the origin of something is largely determined by the way we intend to understand it. In the case of the origin of agriculture, the situation is further complicated by the tone of the investigation, which is not only determined by how we define and understand the set of human activities characterised and described as agriculture but also influenced by the way in which we define and understand those other beginnings we believe were causally linked to the development of agriculture, that are, the development of complexity, the beginning and spread of language and ethnic groups, and so on. The investigation of the beginning of agriculture in Japan offers us some good cases which show that the uncritical coupling of agriculture with those beginnings not only are erroneous but also hinder the development of nuanced approaches to human-plant/animal interactions and their impact on human society. This paper illustrates those problems by studying Jomon food procurement activities and proposes a way to overcome the problems by introducing the concept of the spatio-temporal organisation of social life and by linking hunting, gathering and farming practices to the spatio-temporal organisations of Jomon and Yayoi social life..
4. Mizoguchi, Koji, Uchida, Junko, The Anyang Xibeigang Shang royal tombs revisited: a social archaeological approach, Antiquity, https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2018.19, 362, 709-723, Issue 362, 2018.05, [URL], The Shang Dynasty has attracted much archaeological research, particularly the renowned ‘royal tombs’ of the Xibeigang cemetery at Anyang Yinxu, the last Shang capital. Understanding of the social strategies informing Shang mortuary practices is, however, very limited. A new reconstruction of the detailed chronology of the cemetery is presented here, allowing social theory to be applied, and reveals the strategic social decisions behind the placement of the tombs in relation to each other. The results of this analysis are important not only for the reconstruction of the social structure and organisation of the late Shang dynasty, but also for understanding the relationship between mortuary practices and the functioning of early states in other regions..
5. 溝口孝司, 弥生時代の〈神話〉 : いわゆる「連作四銅鐸」の分析から, 考古学研究, 64, 4, 61-81, 2018.03, [URL].
6. Koji MIZOGUCHI, STAŠA BABIĆ, RAIMUND KARL, MONIKA MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, CARSTEN PALUDAN-MÜLLER, TIM MURRAY, JOHN ROBB, NATHAN SCHLANGER, ALESSANDRO VANZETTI, What is ‘European Archaeology’? What Should it be?, European Journal of Archaeology, https://doi.org/10.1017/eaa.2016.12, 20, 1, 4-35, 2017.01, [URL], ‘European archaeology’ is an ambiguous and contested rubric. Rooted in the political histories of European archaeology, it potentially unites an academic field and provides a basis for international collaboration and inclusion, but also creates essentialized identities and exclusionary discourses. This discussion article presents a range of views on what European archaeology is, where it comes from, and what it could be..
7. Koji Mizoguchi, The yayoi and kofun periods of japan, Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology, 10.1007/978-1-4939-6521-2_34, 561-601, 2017.01, [URL], The Yayoi and Kofun (meaning ‘old tumuli’) Periods of the Japanese Archipelago witnessed the introduction of rice paddy field agriculture and the subsequent rapid development of social complexity and hierarchy, culminating in the establishment of ascribed social stratification and the formation of an early state. The process can most typically be observed in the transformation of the way people dwelled and buried the dead. In what follows, I trace that process in Japan and describe possible causes of significant changes punctuating the historical trajectory by focusing on settlement and mortuary evidence.1.
8. Koji MIZOGUCHI, 考古学理論の転変と史的背景に関する一試論ー欧米考古学を主要な対象としての分析と提言ー, 考古学研究会, 63, 3, 85-104, 2016.12, [URL].
9. Koji MIZOGUCHI, A Future of Archaeology, Antiquity, http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2014.39, 89, 343, 12-22, 2015.02, [URL], As archaeologists we look to the past, but where might archaeology be going in the future? In this issue of Antiquity we begin a new feature where we invite archaeologists from different parts of the world to consider how the subject may or should develop in the coming years. For the first of these, Koji Mizoguchi, President of the World Archaeological Congress and Professor at Kyushu University in Japan, offers a perspective on the regional traditions of archaeology within an increasingly globalised world..
10. Koji MIZOGUCHI, 世界が変わるとき:弥生時代中期の北部九州を素材として, 考古学研究, 61, 3, 50-70, 2014.12.
11. Koji MIZOGUCHI, The centre of their life-world: the archaeology of experience at the Middle Yayoi cemetery of Tateiwa-Hotta, Japan, Antiquity, 88, 341, 836-850, 2014.09, [URL], Social analysis of cemeteries has traditionally viewed them as static images of social organisation. In this study of the Middle Yayoi jar-burial cemetery of Tateiwa-Hotta, however, the dynamic interrelationship between competing groups and successive generations can be discerned. Two initial burials proved to be foundational acts, followed by over 40 further burials spread over a series of generations. Differences in grave orientation and grave goods signalled the separate identities of the adjacent hamlets that came to bury their lineage leaders in this prominent location. Competition between lineages is indicated by externally acquired grave goods, including prestigious bronze mirrors from the Han commandery of Lelang in Korea, and by the varying styles of burial jar that illustrate and symbolise connections or alliances with other communities..
12. 溝口 孝司, 出自と居住をめぐる弥生集落論:「成層化に抗する社会」とその変容, 考古学ジャーナル, 2012年8月号, 2012.08.
13. 溝口孝司, 古墳時代開始期における広域中心化・成層化の機制と過程:ジーナ・L・バーンズ「古墳時代前期における統治支配権仮説」に触発されて, 古代学研究, 191, 28-35, 2011.10.
14. 溝口孝司, 弥生社会の組織とその成層化:コミュニケーション・偶発性・ネットワーク, 考古学研究, 57, 2, 22-37, 57(2) 22-37頁, 2010.09.
15. MIZOGUCHI, Koji, Nodes and edges: A network approach to hierarchisation and state formation in Japan. , Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Vol.28-1: 14-26, 2009.03, [URL].
16. Mizoguchi, Koji, The emergence of anthropomorphic representation in the Japanese archipelago: a social systemic perspective, Image and Imagination: a global prehistory of figurative representation (McDonald Institute Monographs), pp. 185-197, 2007.11.
17. Mizoguchi, Koji, Genealogy in the ground: observations of jar burials of the Yayoi period, northern Kyushu, Japan, Antiquity, 79, 304, 316-326, Volume 79, Number 304: 316-326, 2005.06, [URL].
18. 溝口孝司, 考古学的物質文化研究における「変化」:社会考古学的立場から, 日本考古学:日本考古学協会誌, 第18号、1−19頁, 2004.11.
19. 溝口孝司, 物質文化としての考古資料, 歴史学研究:歴史学研究会誌, 第795号、2−10頁, 2004.11.
20. 溝口孝司, 考古学はなにを語るのか, 考古学研究会50周年記念論文集:文化の多様性と比較考古学, 361−370頁, 2004.04.
21. Mizoguchi, Koji, Time and genealogical consciousness in the mortuary practices of the Yayoi period, Japan, Journal of East Asian Archaeology, Vol.3, Nos.3-4: 173-197, 2002.06, [URL].
22. Mizoguchi, Koji, The protection of the site: Discursive formation and self-identification in contemporary society, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol.6, No.4: 323-330, 2000.12, [URL].
23. 溝口孝司, 北部九州の墓制, 季刊考古学, 第67号:49−53頁, 1999.05.
24. 溝口孝司, 社会的行為としての考古学:その構造に関するメタクリティーク, 物質文化:考古学民俗学研究, 第67号、20−26頁, 1999.05.
25. 溝口孝司, メタセオリー,一般理論と考古学の場所−山尾幸久氏のコメントを媒介として−, 考古学研究, 第44巻第4号、96ー103頁, 1998.01.
26. Mizoguchi, Koji, The reproduction of arcaheological discourse: the case of Japan, Journal of Euroepan Archaeology, Vol.5, No.2: 149-165, 1997.12, [URL].
27. 溝口孝司, 福岡県甘木市栗山遺跡D群墓域第6号甕棺墓:社会考古学的観点からの若干の検討, 比較社会文化:九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要, 第3巻:53ー62頁, 1997.03.
28. 溝口孝司, 考古学的研究の基本構造に関する一試論:欧米考古学を主要な素材としての分析と提言, 考古学研究, 第44巻第1号、51−71頁, 1997.01.
29. 溝口孝司, ポストプロセス考古学の見取図:社会考古学的視座から., 民族考古 別冊特集号:ポストプロセス考古学の射程−ホダー理論に対する実践的リプライの試み−, 5−15頁, 1997.01.
30. 溝口孝司, 福岡県甘木市栗山遺跡C群墓域の研究:北部九州弥生時代中期後半墓地の一例の社会考古学的検討, 日本考古学, 第2号:69ー94頁, 1995.11.
31. 溝口孝司, 福岡県筑紫野市永岡遺跡の研究:いわゆる二列埋葬墓地の一例の社会考古学的再検討, 古文化談叢, 第34集:159−192頁, 1995.05.
32. Mizoguchi, Koji, Time in the reproduction of mortuary practices, World Archaeology, Vol. 25-2: 223-35, 1993.10, [URL].
33. Mizoguchi, Koji, A historiography of a linear barrow cemetery: a structurationist's point of view, Archaeological Review from Cambridge, Vol. 11-1: 39-49, 1992.01.
34. 溝口孝司, 古墳出現前後の土器相:筑前地方を素材として, 考古学研究, 第35巻第2号:90−117頁, 1988.09.

