九州大学 研究者情報
永野 純(ながの じゆん) データ更新日:2023.09.28

教授 /  キャンパスライフ・健康支援センター

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 丸山 徹, 山本 紀子, 眞崎 義憲, 入江 正洋, 永野 純, 土本 利架子, 梶谷 康介, 佐藤 武, 国立大学の学生の血圧と脈拍数 : 学生健康診断から見た30年間の推移 (特集 学生の健康白書), Campus health 公益社団法人全国大学保健管理協会機関誌, Vol.57, No.2, pp.17-22, 2020.06.
2. 永野 純, 感情的な行動を強く制止する行動特性と関節リウマチ患者の機能予後 : 日本における多施設共同縦断研究(英文誌から), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.55.1_85, Vol.55, No.1, p.85, 2015.06.
3. 浮池 宜史, 酒見 拓矢, 江島 準一, 丸山 徹, 眞崎 義憲, 永野 純, 入江 正洋, 上園 慶子, 成人先天性心疾患における健康指標 : 心室中隔欠損症とファロー四徴症の比較, 健康科学, 10.15017/27212, Vol.35, pp.85-88, 2013.06, Adult congenital heart disease is currently prevalent due to improved procedures of open heart surgery and perioperative intensive care. The present study aimed to investigate the health-related parameters in adult patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD, n = 11) and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF, n = 13), which are representatives of congenital heart diseases. Age- and sex-matched participants of health check-up program were served as controls (n = 29). Somatic growth such as body weight (p = 0.038) and height (p = 0.009) was significantly poor in the TOF group relative to the control group, whereas blood pressure was equivalent among the three groups. Fasting glucose level in the TOF group was significantly elevated than that in two other groups (p ≤ 0.001), whereas total cholesterol level was significantly lower in the TOF group than that in the VSD group (p = 0.030) and the control group (p = 0.011). Considering fetal cyanotic stress and low cardiac output in TOF, these results were compatible with fascinating hypothesis of fetal origins of adult diseases such as diabetes..
4. 永野 純, 角田 千景, 本村 知華子, 母親のストレス,養育態度と子どもの喘息の経過 (特集 幼児期生育環境と身体化 : そのメカニズム), ストレス科学 : 日本ストレス学会誌, Vol.25, No.4, pp.277-288, 2011.03.
5. 丸山 徹, 永野 純, 眞崎 義憲, 入江 正洋, 上園 慶子, 学生定期健康診断の心電図でみられた呼吸性右脚ブロック, 健康科学, 10.15017/13957, Vol.31, pp.99-103, 2009.06, Right bundle branch block (RBBB) is frequently observed in congenital, valvular and ischemic heart diseases in addition to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, RBBB in young generation is mainly based on the physiologic right ventricular volume overload leading to stretch of right bundle branch. This indicates that RBBB may be periodic in some cases depending on respiratory phase, because intrathoracic pressure and systemic venous return vary periodicaly due to respiration. Here, we present four cases of university students showing cyclic RBBB in standard electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded in the annual health check-up program. ECG in the first three male students demonstrated remarkable respiratory sinus arrhythmia and RBBB limited under tachycardia presumably due to inspiration. Because cardiac vagal nerve activity is known to be inhibited by lung inflation. ECG in the fourth male student showed transient RBBB independent of heart rate. ECG in all these students commonly showed vertical or mild right QRS axis. They were all slender and physically active. Physiologic respiratory splitting was heard in their second heart sounds, suggesting that congenital cardiac anomalies are unlikely. So far, functional RBBB has been reported during tachyarrhythmia, and vagaly mediated negative dromotropism is well known. Respiratory RBBB is considered to be attributable mainly to cyclic right ventricular expansion in addition to rate-dependent functional block of right bundle branch synchronized by inspiration (first three cases) or negative dromotropic actions based on juvenile vagotony without macroscopic heart rate variability (fourth case). Therefore, intermittent RBBB depending on respiration is concluded to be a normal variant..
6. 永野 純, 生活習慣病の心身医学における疫学研究の意義(パネルディスカッション : 生活習慣病と心身医学,2007年,第48回日本心身医学会総会(福岡)), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.48.3_205, Vol.48, No.3, pp.205-215, 2008.06, 慢性的ストレスは人々の生活習慣や精神生理的機構を介してさまざまな生活習慣病の発症や進展に影響すると考えられる.心理社会的介入によって慢性的ストレスが緩和し,生活習慣病の予防や予後の改善が図れれば,この領域において心身医学は大きな貢献ができることになり,ひいてはサービスの提供者の社会的,経済的環境の向上にもつながるであろう.そのためには,心身医学が生活習慣病対策に貢献できることを国民が納得することが条件となるであろうし,その際には説得力のある疫学データを示すことが必要となるであろう.本稿の前半では,生活習慣病の中でわが国の死亡原因の第1位と第2位を占める悪性腫瘍と心疾患(とりわけ冠動脈心疾患)について,いくつかの心理社会的危険因子との関連や心理社会的介入の効果に関する疫学データを,主に最近の総説を通して振り返った.後半では,Grossarth-Maticekらによる生活習慣病とパーソナリティに関する一連の疫学研究を例として取り上げ,国内外で行われたその追試研究を概観した..
7. Nobuyuki Hamajima, Kenji Wakai, Mariko Naito, Kazuko Nishio, Yoshiko Ishida, Rieko Okada, Kaori Masui, Emi Morita, Tetsuo Kuroishi, Chiba Cohort, Haruo Mikami, Miki Ohira, Shuichi Fujimoto, Kimiko Takayama, Eiji Maruyama, Yuka Orii, Keiko Sato, Toru Masui, Kenji Matsui, Akiko Tamakoshi., Shuji Hashimoto, Kei Nakachi, Kazue Imai, Hidetaka Eguchi, Takashi Takahashi, Akira Okayama, Yoichi Kurosawa, Takeo Nakayama, Kaori Muto, Zentaro Yamagata, Yatami Asai, Masumi Suzuki, Hiroko Fukada, Akiko Tomoda, Yasoko Misu, Shiro Katase, Satoru Tokumasu, Yoko Kato, Murakami Yoichi, Koyama Atsushi, Kazuo Tajima, Kaoru Hirose, Akio Hiraki, Keitaro Matsuo, Takeshi Suzuki, Kiyonori Kuriki, Toshiko Saito, Miki Watanabe, Sadao Suzuki, Shinkan Tokudome, Akihiro Hosono, Kazuyuki Arakawa, Nami Hattori, Ryosuke Ando, Tsutomu Tanaka, Yukiko Kitabayashi, Hirotsugu Ueshima, Yoshikuni Kita, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Kenji Matsui, Takako Yamamoto, Turin Tanvir Chowdhury, Hideki Sugihara, Yutaka Morita, Nobuyoshi Tomioka, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kotaro Ozasa, Mariko Yuge, Kyohei Hayashi, Masako Shigeta, Satoko Mitani, Etsuko Ozaki, Daisuke Matsui, Tomio Sakazaki, Kokichi Arisawa, Hirokazu Uemura, Mineyoshi Hiyoshi, Yasunobu Sagara, Suminori Kono, Guang Yin, Jun Nagano, Tetsuya Mizoue, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Keizo Ohnaka, Hisaya Kawate, Masahiro Adachi, Malcolm A. Moore, Kengo Toyomura, Kayoko Isomura, Tomoko Hagiwara, Jin Fukumoto, Akiko Nanri, Taiki Yamaji, Daigo Yoshida, Makiko Morita, Naoyuki Ueda, Takako Maki, Mizuko Ikeda, Keitaro Tanaka, Koichi Shinchi, The Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort Study (JMICC Study) to detect gene-environment interactions for cancer, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol.8, No.2, pp.317-323, 2007.06, The Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort Study (J-MICC Study) launched in 2005, supported by a research grant for Scientific Research on Special Priority Areas of Cancer from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Although the main purpose is to confirm and detect gene-environment interactions of lifestyle-related diseases, mainly of cancer, through the cohort analyses, it includes cross-sectional analyses on lifestyle factors, biomarkers, and genotypes, as well as confirmation/screening of new biomarkers usable for early diagnosis of cancer. The endpoints are cancer diagnosis and death. The participants diagnosed as cancer will be identified through population-based cancer registries, hospital cancer registries, mail questionnaires, questionnaires at repeated visits, death certificates, health insurance data, and second survey questionnaires. Subjects are individuals aged 35 to 69 years enrolled from respondents to study announcements in specified areas, inhabitants attending health checkup examinations by local governments, visitors at health checkup centers, and patients at a cancer hospital. The number of subjects was set to be 100,000 throughout Japan. The enrollment period is from April 2005 to March 2010. The second survey is scheduled 5 years after their enrollment. The participants will be followed until 2025. The J-MICC Central Office is placed at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. Ten participating research groups (Cohort Study Executing Groups) send baseline data and blood samples (buffy coat, serum, and plasma) anonymized with an identification number (J-MICC ID) to the Central Office. The data of second survey and follow-up will be linked using J-MICC ID. This study is expected to produce many findings on lifestyle and genetic traits associated with lifestyle-related diseases including cancer among Japanese..
8. 永野 純, 大腸がん発症における疾病親和性パーソナリティの役割についての症例対照研究, 2007.03.
9. 丸山 徹, 図師 宏美, 田畠 弘子, 岩本 朋子, 入江 正洋, 馬場 園明, 永野 純, 上園 慶子, 清水 周次, 松本 裕子, 林 純, 33. 病院内視鏡室におけるグルタルアルデヒド濃度測定の経験(第15回日本産業衛生学会産業医・産業看護全国協議会, 地方会・研究会記録), 産業衛生学雑誌, Vol.48, No.1, p.26, 2006.01.
10. 永野 純, がんの危険因子としてのパーソナリティについての研究の動向, 癌の臨床, Vol.51, No.1, pp.27-35, 2005.06.
11. 永野 純, がん親和性パーソナリティが肺癌患者の予後に与える影響についての前向き研究, 2005.03.
12. 永野 純, がんとパーソナリティ, 心療内科, 9: 87-94, 2005.01.
13. 永野 純, がんの危険因子としてのパーソナリティについての研究の動向, 癌の臨床, 51: 27-35, 2005.01.
14. 永野 純, がんとパーソナリティ, 2005.01.
15. 丸山 徹, 永野 純, 入江 正洋, 臨牀指針 本学〔九州大学〕定期学生健康診断で遭遇する風邪による心筋障害に関する非観血的検討, 臨牀と研究, Vol.81, No.2, pp.294-298, 2004.02.
16. 丸山 徹, 永野 純, 馬場園 明, 上園 慶子, 藤野 武彦, 定期学生健康診断における風邪罹患時の心電図ST-T異常, 健康科学, 10.15017/733, Vol.24, pp.11-16, 2002.06, Asymptomatic viral myocarditis associated with common cold as a cause of cardiovascular accidents has been recognized. Since studies investigating electrocardiographic (ECG) manifestation observed in such a condition are scanty, we conducted ECG and, in part, echocardiographic recordings of Kyushu University students at annual health examination in April. Catching cold or not was judged by questionnaire conducted simultaneously in the examination. Abnormal ST-T change was observed with significantly (p
17. 永野 純, 久保 千春, 66. 心身症および神経症に対するautonomy trainingの有用性について(一般演題)(第36回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.37.8_643_4, Vol.37, No.8, p.643, 1997.08.
18. 永野 純, 久保 千春, 27.心身症および神経症に対するAutonomy trainingの有用性について(第36回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.37.6_465_4, Vol.37, No.6, p.465, 1997.01.
19. 永野 純, 遠山 尚孝, 山内 照章, 松本 雅裕, 石津 汪, IB-3 糖尿病自己管理行動に影響する心理社会的因子(内分泌代謝I), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.35.Abs_72_1, Vol.35, No.0, p.72, 1995.06.
20. 永野 純, 久保千春, 加齢と栄養障害−思春期, 1995.01.
21. 永野 純, 山内 照章, 松本 雅裕, 石津 汪, 48. 尿糖自己測定記録表による糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールの改善と、コントロール悪化群の予測(内分泌・肥満), 心身医学, 10.15064/jjpm.34.Abs_62_2, Vol.34, No.0, p.62, 1994.06.
22. 永野 純, 冨岡 洋海, 岡崎 美樹, 坂本 廣子, 石原 享介, 岩崎 博信, 梅田 文一, 中井 準, 67.硬化性血管腫の一例(第52回日本肺癌学会関西支部会), 肺癌, Vol.30, No.4, p.605, 1990.08.

