Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
TSUJITA    Jun'ichiro Last modified date:2024.04.09

Professor / Archaeology / Department of History / Faculty of Humanities

1. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2021) The bracelet-shaped stone object of the Kofun Period excavated from Chikushi-campus of Kyushu University, Japan (in Japanese). In The site report of Gokuden site, Vol.2, pp.173-180. Kyushu University, Japan. Mar.2021.
2. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2021) The trends of Kofun Period studies in Japanese archaeology (2019) (in Japanese). In Shigaku=Zasshi Vol.129 No.5, pp.25-31, Shigakukai (The Historical Society of Japan), Tokyo: Japan.
3. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2020) The bronze objects excavated from the Obaru Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Obaru site, pp.265-270. Tamana City Board of Education, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
4. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2019) The trends in archaeology in Japan: Kofun Period (2017) (in Japanese with English summary). In Archaeologia Japonica 70, pp.41-50, The Japanese Archaeological Association..
5. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Book review: SAWADA Hidemi (2017) The formation and development of the order of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kofun Period Japan ("Zenpou-kouenhun chitsujo no seiritsu to tenkai" in Japanese). In Kikan Kokogaku (Archaeology Quarterly) No.144, p.109, January 2018, Yuzankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.
6. GOTO, Akira and TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Theme: What is power?: Archaeological examination of ritual and warfare. ABSTRACT OF PAPERS TO BE PRESENTED AT THE 64th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.64 No.4 (256), p.52, March 2018, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies).
7. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Book review: HOJO Yoshitaka (2017) The Direction of Tumuli in Kofun Period and the Sun (in Japanese). In Kikan Kokogaku (Archaeology Quarterly) No.142, p.108, January 2018, Yuzankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.
8. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2017) The historical meaning of Chinese bronze mirror excavated from Tumulus No.8 of the Furuno Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Otogana-area of Onojo City, Vol.21-2, pp.67-70. Onojo City Board of Education, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
9. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro and NAKAI, Ayumi (2017) The Chinese bronze mirror excavated from Tumulus No.8 of the Furuno Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Otogana-area of Onojo City, Vol.21-1, pp.78-84. Onojo City Board of Education, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
10. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2017) NEW BOOK: OKAMURA Hidenori (2017) Ancient histories derived from ancient mirrors (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.64 No.2 (254), p.108, Spetember 2017, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies).
11. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2017) The fragmented bronze mirrors excavated from the Kibune-Nishi Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Kibune-Nishi site,pp.153-156. Tamana City Board of Education, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
12. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2017) Special feature: Reviewing the Eighth World Archaeological Congress in Kyoto 2, State formation and local societies (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.63 No.4 (252), pp.1-3, March 2017, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies).
13. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2016) Research trends in the last decade of the archaeological studies on the bronze mirrors during the Late Yayoi to the Early Kofun Period (in Japanese with English summary). In Kyushu Kokogaku (The Journal of the Archaeological Society of Kyushu) 91, pp.107-118, The Archaeological Society of Kyushu.
14. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2016) The characteristics of the design and technology of production of the gilded bronze mirror with deity and beast design excavated from Saizon-tumulus in Kumamoto Prefecture (in Japanese). In the illustrated catalog of "Admiration to the Golden Culture" on the finds of Saizon-tumulus, pp.28-31, Kumamoto City Museum, Japan.
15. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (ed) (2016) Yamanokami Kofun no Kenkyu (The Study of Yamanokami Tumulus) : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), pp.1-402, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
16. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2015) The bronze mirrors excavated from the Saitobaru tumuli (in Japanese). In The site report of Saitobaru Kofungun,pp.131-142. Miyazaki Prefectural Board of Education, Japan. .
17. Creatures depicted in the bronze mirrors: as seen from Triangle-rimmed bronze mirrors during the 4th to 5th centuries, Japan.
18. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2013) The history of the Northern Kyushu region in the Kofun Period, Japan.
19. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The trends in archaeology in Japan: Kofun Period (2007) (in Japanese with English summary). In Archaeologia Japonica 60, pp.41-49, The Japanese Archaeological Association..
20. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) A study on the bronze mirror with tigar and dragon design excavated from Kurisouzui tumulus in Karatsu City, Japan (in Japanese). In The Kurisouzui Tumulus, pp.107-124, Karatsu City Board of Education. .
21. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) Grave goods excavated from Kurisouzui tumulus, Japan (in Japanese). In The Kurisouzui Tumulus, pp.80-82, Karatsu City Board of Education..
22. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro and Higashi, Noriaki (2009) A study on the Japanese bronze mirror with Daryu design which is said to be excavated from the Mochida Burial Mounds (in Japanese). In Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture Research Bulletin, Vol.5, pp.1-9, Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture..
23. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) Bronze artifacts excavated from Karakami Site, Japan, in 1952 (in Japanese). In K. Miyamoto (ed.) Karakami Site, Iki Island, Japan: Excavation at the first area of Karakami Site, pp.100-103, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
24. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro and MORI, Takanori (2009) The excavation report on the A trench of 2005 excavation at Karakami Site 1st area, Japan(in Japanese). In K. Miyamoto (ed.) Karakami Site, Iki Island, Japan: Excavation at the first area of Karakami Site, pp.9-16, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
25. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The bracelet-shaped stone object of the Kofun Period excavated from Kyushu region, Japan (in Japanese). In S.IWANAGA and Y. TAJIRI (eds) Nakoku no minami (The South of Nakoku), pp.84-99, Kyushu University Museum..
26. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The bracelet-shaped stone object of the Kofun Period, Japan(in Japanese). In S.IWANAGA and Y. TAJIRI (eds) Nakoku no minami (The South of Nakoku), pp.44-45, Kyushu University Museum..
27. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) Northern Kyushu region of the Kofun(mounded tumuli) Period, Japan(in Japanese). In S.IWANAGA and Y. TAJIRI (eds) Nakoku no minami (The South of Nakoku), pp.42-43, Kyushu University Museum..
28. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2008) The Excavation in 2004 at the second area of Karakami site, Iki Island, Japan (in Japanese). In K.MIYAMOTO (ed.) Karakami Site, Iki Island, Japan: Excavation at the second area of Karakami Site, pp.13-25, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
29. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro, The Change in the Distribution System of Bronze Mirrors at the Beginning of Kofun Period Japan: as seen from Fragmented Bronze Mirrors, Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) 1,, 2007.11, [URL].
30. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2007) A book review :FUKUNAGA,S.(2005) Sankakubuchi-shinjukyo no kenkyu (A Study of Sankakubuchi-shinjukyo type mirrors (in Japanese). In Nihon Rekishi(Japanese History), 704, pp.134-136, Yoshikawa-Koubunkan: Tokyo, Japan. .
31. K.MIYAMOTO, J.TSUJITA, K.USHIJIMA, H.MIZUNAGA, T.TANAKA, T.KUROKI (2006) The result of the general and geophysical survey of the Moto'oka Ikenoura and Mine tumuli, Fukuoka City, Japan (in Japanese with English summary). In Kyushu Kokogaku (The Journal of the Archaeological Society of Kyushu) 81, pp.53-70, The Archaeological Society of Kyushu..
32. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2006) Some problems about the bronze mirrors as heirlooms in Japanese archipelago between first to fourth century A.D (in Japanese). In Kikan Hagi (The Quarterly Newsletter of Hagi, Uakami Museum of Yamaguchi Prefecture)152, pp.3-4, Hagi, Uakami Museum of Yamaguchi Prefecture..
33. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2005) The analysis of the transition of bronze mirrors excavated in Yamaguchi Prefecture,from Yayoi to Kofun Period (in Japanese). In Kagami no naka no Uchu (The Cosmology in the Bronze Mirrors), pp.152-156, Hagi, Uakami Museum of Yamaguchi Prefecture..
34. K.MIYAMOTO, J.TSUJITA, K.USHIJIMA, H.MIZUNAGA, T.TANAKA, T.IMAI (2005) The result of the general and geophysical survey of the Shioyoke tumulus,Fukuoka City,Japan (in Japanese with English summary). In Kyushu Kokogaku (The Journal of the Archaeological Society of Kyushu) 80, pp.69-83, The Archaeological Society of Kyushu..
35. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2005) Annual report of the Japanese archeaological studies and excavations: Kyushu region,Kofun Period (in Japanse). In Kokogaku Journal (The Journal of Archaeology) 530, pp.101-105, New Science Sha: Tokyo, Japan..
36. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2005) The analysis of bronze mirrors excavated from Tsukinooka Kofun in the historical context of East Asia from 3rd to 5th century (in Japanese). In Tsukinooka Tumulus, pp.159-164, The Wakamiya Town Board of Education..
37. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2005) The report of bronze mirrors excavated from Tsukinooka Kofun (in Japanese). In Tsukinooka Tumulus, pp.12-17, The Wakamiya Town Board of Education..
38. K.MIYAMOTO, J.TSUJITA, N.TANI, N.KAMIJO, T.WATANABE, Y.WATANABE (2005) The archaeological research of Karakami site of Iki Island (In Japanese). In K.MIYAMOTO(ed.) Archaeological Study on the Imigrated People at the beginning od the Yayoi Culture, pp.21-41, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
39. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2004) Some Problems raised by the result of the 4th research of the Uranota site (in Japanese). In Uranota Site 4: the Stone monumental tombs of Medieval Japan, pp.99-103, The Fukuoka Prefectorial Board of Education..