Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Seinosuke Ide Last modified date:2023.06.16

Professor / Art Studies / Department of Philosophy / Faculty of Humanities

1. Proceedings of the International Symposium "A Comprehensive Look: The Cultural Biography of the Daitokuji Five Hundred Luohans from its Local to Global Contexts".
2. Seinosuke Ide, Standing on the Fringes: An Interactive Perspective on Sōhon Buddhist Paintings in Japanese Collections, Between East and West: Reproduction in Art, Proceeding if the 2013 CIHA Colloquium in Naruto, Japan, 237-253, 2014.05, 宋代の仏教絵画史の課題を、日本に伝来してきた模倣作を使いながら復元的に考察する意欲的な論文。復元可能な模倣作のもつ絵画史的な機能を、従来の日本絵画史のみの視点からでなく、より広範な東アジア絵画史の土俵にたって再検討するための理論的な立場を明確化している。境界から日中双方の広がる言説空間を総合的に検討している。.
3. IDE Seinosuke, Buddhist Paintings from the Song and the Yuan Dynasties: Visual Representations in the Paintings of Devotional Deities, The International Journal of Korean Art and Archeaeology, 4, pp.94-pp.115, 2011.03.
4. IDE Seinosuke/Yukio LIPPIT, translated., The Microcosm of Color: Art Historical Research and the Production of Reproductions, Light and Color―絵画表現の深層をさぐる―(中央公論美術出版), pp.225-pp.232, 2009.09.
5. Deities in Descent.
6. Ide Seinosuke, Shirono Seiji, The Reception of Northern Song Artistic Practice in Goryeo Buddhist Painting: the Representation of Mt. Potalaka in the Water-Moon Avalokitesvara of the Kagami Shrine, National Palace Museum Bulletin, Volume 39 December 2006, pp.53-pp.80, 2006.12.
7. Mahakasyapa.
8. Individuality and Identity in Works of Art: Multi-faceted Form of Buddhist Paintings Imported to Japan from Song and Yuan China.
9. Representing the Self; Zen Portrait Painting of Jiansin Laifu.
10. The World of Goryeo Dynasty Buddhist Painting: The Various Aspects of Boundaries in East Asian Arts.
11. Taishakuten(Sakura devanam indra).
12. Individuality of Work of Art and its Identity: The Ningbo Buddhist Painting and Local Society.
13. "Identity of a Painting and the Existence of the Painter: In the Case of Buddhist Paintings Attributed to Xiji Jushi and Zhang Sigong", Moving Object-Time, Space and Context, Heibonsha, (Tokyo: 2004)..
14. IDE Seinosuke, The World of Goryeo Buddhist Painting, Goryeo Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment(918-1392), pp.34-47 Exhibition Catalog of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco., 2003.10.
15. "The Death of the Buddha Sakyamuni and Related Events Owened by Eifukuji, Osaka", Kokka, no.1263, (Tokyo:2001).
16. Introduction to Jianxin Laifu's Dangyouji (with a brief chronology of Jianxin Laifu), The Bijutsu Kenkyu (The Journal of Art Studies),No.373,Tokyo(200).
17. "The Putouloushan-Sheingjingtu at Joshoji, Nagano",The Bijutsu Kenkyu(The Journal of Art Studies),No.365,Tokyo(1996).
18. "A Koryo Oainting of Amida and the Fugen Gyogan-bon",The Bijutsu Kenkyu(The Journal of Art Studies),No.362,Tokyo(1995).
19. "On Lu Xingzhong :Historical Changes in Nirvana Paintings(Part 2)",The Bijutsu Kenkyu(The Journal of Art Studies),No.355,Tokyo(1993).
20. "On Lu Xingzhong :Historical Changes in Nirvana Paintings",The Bijutsu Kenkyu(The Journal of Art Studies), No.354, Tokyo(1992).
21. "Portraits of Chung-Feng Ming-Pen with Autograph Inscription", The Bijutsu Kenkyu(The Journal of Art Studies), No.343, Tokyo(1989).
22. "A Portrait of Chien-chen Lai-fu of Manzaiji Temple", Bijutsushi(Journal of the Japan Art History Society), no.119(1986).