九州大学 研究者情報
濱田 繁(はまだ しげる) データ更新日:2024.04.23

教授 /  工学研究院 機械工学部門 材料力学講座

1. 三好 詠太(九大),植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,伊東 誠司(九大,日本製鉄),濱田 繁(九大), 冷間圧延ロールへの適用を想定した軸受鋼の強度特性に及ぼすサブゼロ処理の影響, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
2. 新井 悠介(九大),木野 峻,任 鵬旭,植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,伊藤 大輔(九大,日本製鉄),濱田 繁(九大), デジタル画像相関法を用いた 18Ni マルテンサイト鋼におけるひずみ分布とき裂進展挙動の関係, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
3. 宇田 千紘,植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,濱田 繁, 自立 Zr 基金属ガラス薄膜の疲労き裂進展特性, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
4. 角田 亘陽,植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,濱田 繁, ラスマルテンサイト組織を有する焼入れまま低炭素低合金鋼の疲労限度, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
5. ジョン スンフム,植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,濱田 繁, 自立銅薄膜のき裂前方の微視的変形・破壊の定量評価, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
6. 谷口 祐人,建部 啓太,植木 翔平,近藤 俊之,濱田 繁, 損傷蓄積型疲労き裂進展を誘起する材料パラメータと力学パラメータの関係, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024.03.
7. Shigeru HAMADA, Fatigue Crack Extension by Damage Accumulation, 13th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2022+1), 2023.11.
8. Pengxu REN Daisuke ITOH Shigeru HAMADA, Carbon content effect on fatigue crack extension behavior and extension mode in 18%Ni martensitic steels, 13th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2022+1), 2023.11.
9. Shun KINO Daisuke ITOH Shohei UEKI Shigeru HAMADA, Fatigue Crack Extension Mode for 18Ni Martensitic Steel and Its Effect on Fatigue Limit, 13th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2022+1), 2023.11.
10. 濱田 繁,大川 雄大, 繰返し負荷による塑性ひずみの局所化を誘起する材料因子, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
11. LIU JIALONG,濱田 繁, 角部を有するマグネシウム合金の疲労限度に及ぼす応力比の影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
12. 川口 龍太郎,早田 日向子,濱田 繁,片桐 大輔, 鋼板の疲労強さにおよぼすレーザ加工の影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
13. 鈴木 弦,濱田 繁, 結晶塑性有限要素法を用いた 7000 系 Al 合金の水素脆化の評価, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
14. 藏藤 彰宏,ブライアン プロアニョ,濱田 繁, LPBF 法により作製された難燃性 Mg 合金製品の疲労強度に及ぼす表面組織の影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
15. 建部 啓太,濱田 繁, 損傷蓄積モード疲労き裂進展を支配する塑性ひずみ局所化現象の発生因子解明, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
16. ゲーターノン ウォーラポン,濱田 繁, 粗さ誘起き裂閉口を考慮した修正 Dugdale モデルの実験的評価, 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス, 2023.09.
17. Ren Pengxu Daisuke Itoh Shigeru Hamada, FATIGUE CRACK EXTENSION MODE OF 18%Ni MARTENSITIC STEEL, 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15), 2023.06.
18. Bryan Proaño Hirofumi Miyahara Kohei Morishita Toshiharu Matsumoto Hitoshi Sakai Shigeru Hamada, INFLUENCE OF THE CONTOUR PARAMETER IN MICROSTRUCTURE DUALITY AND FRACTURE INITIATION IN NON-COMBUSTIBLE MAGNESIUM ALLOYS FABRICATED BY LASER POWDER BED FUSION, 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15), 2023.06.
20. Shigeru Hamada Yudai Yamaguchi Yudai Okawa Yamato Araki, DAMAGE ACCUMULATION MODE FATIGUE CRACK PROPAGATION AND PROPAGATION BEHAVIOR PREDICTION METHOD, 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15), 2023.06.
21. 建部 啓太,山口 雄大,濱田 繁, 損傷蓄積型疲労き裂伝ぱ挙動を支配する塑性ひずみ局所化現象に及ぼす異方性の影響, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2023.03.
22. 田崎 春駒,藏藤 彰宏,濱田 繁, 難燃性マグネシウム合金部品の疲労限度予測手法の開発, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2023.03.
23. 毛利 哲士,任 鵬旭,植木 翔平,伊藤 大輔,濱田 繁, マルテンサイト鋼疲労き裂進展における進展モード, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2023.03.
24. 川村 悠嗣,木野 峻,伊藤 大輔,濱田 繁, 18Ni マルテンサイト鋼における損傷蓄積モード疲労き裂進展, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2023.03.
25. 早田 日向子,川口 龍太郎,濱田 繁, 高疲労強度信頼性レーザ切断加工手法の開発, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2023.03.
26. 濱田 繁・劉 嘉龍・杜 喆, 溶接止端部を模擬した角部を有する難燃性マグネシウム合金圧延板の疲労限度予測手法, 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 第143回秋期大会, 2022.11.
27. 濱田 繁, 山口雄大, 大川雄大, 荒木大和, 損傷蓄積型疲労き裂伝ぱとその伝ぱ挙動予測手法, 日本材料学会 第35回 疲労シンポジウム, 2022.10.
28. パク テスル, プロアニョ ブライアン, 濱田 繁, SLM 法で製造された As-built 状態の難燃性 Mg 合金構造体に対する破壊じん性値測定, 日本機械学会 M&M2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022.09.
29. 永田 温樹, 濱田 繁, 修正 Dugdale モデルを用いた粗さ誘起き裂閉口現象の解析, 日本機械学会 M&M2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022.09.
30. 濱田 繁, 大川 雄大, 荒木 大和, 繰返しせん断負荷によるひずみの局所化現象と損傷蓄積型疲労き裂伝ぱ, 日本機械学会 M&M2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022.09.
31. 山口 雄大, 大川 雄大, 濱田 繁, 損傷蓄積型疲労き裂進展挙動における塑性ひずみの局所化現象を誘起する材料因子について, 日本機械学会 M&M2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022.09.
32. Du Zhe, 濱田 繁, 角部を有するマグネシウム合金圧延板の疲労限度特性評価, 日本機械学会 M&M2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022.09.
33. Taeseul Park, Bryan Steve Proaño Sarauz, Shigeru Hamada, Fracture Toughness Measurement of Non-Combustible Mg Products Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting in As-Built Conditions, ECF23, the 23rd European Conference on Fracture 2022, 2022.06.
34. Akihiro Kurafuji, Bryan Steve Proaño Sarauz, Shigeru Hamada, Effect of Surface Microstructure on Fatigue Strength of Non-combustible Mg Products Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting, ECF23, the 23rd European Conference on Fracture 2022, 2022.06.
35. Shun KINO, Daisuke ITOH, Shigeru HAMADA, Fatigue Strength Properties of 18Ni Martensitic Steels as a Function of Microstructure Size, ECF23, the 23rd European Conference on Fracture 2022, 2022.06.
36. Pengxu REN, Shigeru HAMADA, Fatigue Crack Extension Mode Analysis in 18%Ni Steel, ECF23, the 23rd European Conference on Fracture 2022, 2022.06.
37. Bowen Chen, Shigeru Hamada, Quantification of fatigue damage and its effect on fatigue limit, ECF23, the 23rd European Conference on Fracture 2022, 2022.06.
38. 喜納 大生, Li WANJA, 濱田 繁, 局所ひずみに注目した結晶塑性有限要素法を用いた応力集中部における応力‐ひずみ分布解析, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
39. 酒井 信之介, 白水 那青,濱田 繁, せん断負荷を受ける切欠け材における平面応力状態と平面ひずみ状態, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
40. 半田 唯人, 加藤 孝憲, 牧野 泰三, 濱田 繁, 混合モード負荷を受ける圧延異方性材料の疲労限度予測手法開発, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
41. 木野 峻, 伊藤 大輔, 濱田 繁, ラスマルテンサイト鋼のき裂進展挙動と組織因子, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
42. 藏藤 彰宏, ブライアン プロアニョ, 濱田 繁, 積層造形難燃性マグネシウム合金の疲労限度予測手法開発, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
43. イム ギョンウク, PROANO BRYAN STEVE, 濱田 繁, 非連続体における小規模降伏条件が成立する条件の解明, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022.03.
44. Bryan S. Proano; Hitoshi Sakai; Shigeru Hamada; Toshiharu Matsumoto; Hirofumi Miyahara; Kohei Morishita, Microstructure Duality Influence in Plastic Strain Formation from an Artificial Defect in As-Built Non-Combustible Mg Products Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting, ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, ICAM2021, 2021.11.
45. 岩切大地 (九大院), 濱田繁 (九大工), 野口博司 (九大工), 材料特性が疲労限度の予き裂依存性に与える影響の解析, ⽇本材料学会 材料シンポジウム「若⼿学⽣研究発表会」, 2021.10.
46. 大川雄大 (九大院工), 濱田繁 (九大工), 損傷蓄積モード疲労き裂伝ぱにおけるせん断ひずみ分布の in-situ 連続観察, ⽇本材料学会 材料シンポジウム「若⼿学⽣研究発表会」, 2021.10.
47. 白水那青 (九大院工), 濱田繁 (九大工), 野口博司(九大工), 傷等を考慮した応力集中源に対する疲労き裂発生に寄与する簡便な応力集中係数の見積もり方法, ⽇本材料学会 材料シンポジウム「若⼿学⽣研究発表会」, 2021.10.
48. 石黒 遼(九州大学), 津﨑 兼彰(国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構), 野口 博司, 濱田 繁(九州大学), 静的負荷を受ける 80Ni20Cr 合金平滑材におけるき裂発生と拡大に及ぼす水素と予ひずみの影響, ⽇本機械学会 M&M 2021 材料⼒学カンファレンス, 2021.09.
49. LIU YUSHEN(九州大学), 川口 龍太郎(三菱電機株式会社), 濱田 繁(九州大学), レーザ切断加工が疲労強度に及ぼす影響, ⽇本機械学会 M&M 2021 材料⼒学カンファレンス, 2021.09.
50. 古賀智遥,岩切大地,濱田繁,野口博司, 金属材料の疲労き裂進展試験法に関する解析的検討, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021.03.
51. 朴泰璱,北原明日香,濱田繁,野口博司, 弾塑性体における静止き裂先端近傍の応力・ひずみ場特性に及ぼす平面応力・平面ひずみの影響, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021.03.
52. 田口祐治,濱田繁,白水那青, 試験片切欠き部の力学状態の厚さ方向変化に対するせん断負荷が及ぼす影響解析, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021.03.
53. 七条拓海,任鵬旭,石黒遼,濱田繁,野口博司, 18%Ni マルテンサイト鋼の疲労進展モードに及ぼす組織因子, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021.03.
54. 谷口夏彩,大川雄大,荒木大和,濱田繁,野口博司, 損傷蓄積型疲労き裂進展におけるき裂先端近傍の塑性ひずみ局所化に及ぼす水素の影響, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021.03.
55. 濱田 繁, パンチ加工が金属材料の強度特性に及ぼす影響, 日本鉄鋼協会 第181回春季講演大会, 2021.03.
56. Virendra Kumar Verma, Shigeru Hamada, Motomichi Koyama, Understanding the damage initiation mechanism of precipitation-strengthened Fe-Ni-Cr based austenitic steel, 10th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization, 2020.02.
57. He Liu, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi , Harmless preexisting crack in structures made of hydrogen-embrittlement sensitive materials under monotonic tension, 2020 4th International Conference on Material Science and Technology (ICMST 2020), 2020.01.
58. He Liu, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi , Harmless preexisting crack in structures made of hydrogen-embrittlement sensitive materials under monotonic tension, International Conference on Engineering & Technology (ICET-19), 2019.12.
59. 相原 将敬, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 疲労き裂伝ぱ寿命がばらつかなくなるき裂長さの定量的予測, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
60. 佐野 天馬, 佐々木 大輔, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 水素ガス中におけるぜい性ストライエーション形成機構のシミュレーション, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
61. 北原 明日香, 小山 元道, 小林 憲司, 濱田 繁, 津﨑 兼彰, 野口 博司, 水素脆化におけるき裂伝播の新たなモデルの提案~Ni20Cr に着目して~, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
62. 新留 浩太朗, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, パンチ加工を受けた鉄鋼材料の強度特性低下とその加工部の材質変化の関係, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
63. 甲斐田 健人, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 桜田 栄作, 横井 龍雄, 野口 博司, 疲労破面直下の塑性ひずみを用いた荷重推定法の提案, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
64. 張 珂謹, 濱田 繁, 小山 元道,横井 龍雄, 野口 博司, 引張負荷を受けるパンチ穴材の破壊様式に及ぼすせん断影響域(SAZ)の作用, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
65. 濱田 繁, 上田 正治, 野口 博司, せん断モードの疲労き裂進展とは?, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
66. 荒木 大和, 野口 博司,濱田 繁, 上田正治, Mode II 負荷による損傷蓄積型疲労き裂進展における塑性ひずみ局在化現象, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
67. Ren Pengxu, Hamada Shigeru, Noguchi Hiroshi, Effect of hardness HV on plastic strain gradient around sharp stress concentration source of S45C Steel with a mechanically long crack, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
68. Chen Tingshu, Liu He, Zhang Kejin, Koyama Motomichi, Hamada Shigeru, Noguchi Hiroshi, Notch sensitivity in pure nickel determined by two mechanisms of hydrogen-assisted crack extension: sub-/main-crack coalescence versus main-crack growth, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
69. Verma Virendra Kumar, He Liu, Shigeru Hamada, Tatsuo Yokoi, Hiroshi Noguchi, Effect of initial crack length on the transition of fatigue properties for precipitation hardened steel, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
70. Liu He, Chen Tingshu, Verma Virendra Kumar, Hamada Shigeru, Koyama Motomichi, Noguchi Hiroshi, Similarity between shallow notch and crack effects on structure strength governed by plastic instability, 日本機械学会 M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス, 2019.11.
71. Bryan PROANO, Tomoya YAMAGUCHI, Hirofumi MIYAHARA, Toshiharu MATSUMOTO, Shigeru HAMADA, Hitoshi SAKAI, Kiyoshi OGAWA, Suyalatu and Hiroshi NOGUCHI , Weakest Region Analysis and Size Effects on the Nature and Distribution of Defects and Their Influence on Strength of Noncombustible Mg Products Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting, First European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM19), 2019.09.
72. Virendra Kumar Verma, He Liu, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Fatigue crack propagation study of precipitation hardened steels, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications [IConAMMA 2019], 2019.08.
73. 荒木 秀一,野口 博司,濱田 繁,小山 元道 , き裂先端の塑性変形場を用いた疲労限度評価, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第50回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2019.03.
74. 新留 浩太朗,濱田 繁,小山 元道,横井 龍雄,野口 博司 , パンチ加工を受けた鉄鋼材料の強度特性に及ぼす加工影響部の塑性変形と材質変化の影響, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第50回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2019.03.
75. 荒木 大和,末益 太郎,小山 元道,濱田 繁,上田 正治,野口 博司, DIC法を用いた繰返しMode II負荷による塑性ひずみ局所化現象の連続観察, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第50回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2019.03.
76. 濱田 繁, 末益 太郎, 小山 元道, 上田 正治, 野口 博司, Mode II 負荷における疲労き裂進展機構に関する検討, 日本機械学会 M&M2018 材料力学カンファレンス, 2018.12.
77. Kejin Zhang, Shigeru Hamada, Motomichi Koyama, Tatsuo Yokoi and Hiroshi Noguchi, Influence of shear-affected-zone due to punching in tensile characteristics of steel plate, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
78. Temma Sano, Daisuke Sasaki, Motomichi Koyama, Shigeru Hamada and Hiroshi Noguchi, Proposal and verification of novel fatigue crack propagation simulation method by finite element method, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
79. Taketo Kaida, Motomichi Koyama, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Eisaku Sakurada, Tatsuo Yokoi, Kousaku Ushioda, Proposal of fractographic analysis method coupled with EBSD and ECCI, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
80. Shigeru Hamada, Taro Suemasu, Motomichi Koyama, Masaharu Ueda and Hiroshi Noguchi, Re-examination of fatigue crack propagation mechanism under cyclic Mode II loading, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
81. Taro Suemasu, Motomichi Koyama, Shigeru Hamada, Masaharu Ueda and Hiroshi Noguchii, The influence of fracture surface contact in fatigue crack propagation of material having texture under Mode II loading, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
82. M. Aibara, M. Koyama, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi,, Analysis of fatigue crack configuration influence on fatigue life, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, 2018.08.
83. Saburo OKAZAKI, Junichiro YAMABE, Hisao MATSUNAGA, Shigeru HAMADA, Saburo MATSUOKA, Influence of hydrogen on tensile and fatigue life properties of 304/308 austenitic stainless steels butt welded joints, 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 2018.07.
84. 相原 将敬, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 二相鋼における疲労き裂安定進展形状の力学的シミュレーション, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第49回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2018.03.
85. 佐野 天馬, 佐々木 大輔, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 疲労き裂先端におけるひずみ時効硬化の影響を考慮した弾塑性炭素移流拡散連成解析, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第49回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2018.03.
86. Cho Junsu, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 角部の疲労限度予測を可能にするパラメータの開発, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第49回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2018.03.
87. 甲斐田 健人, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 桜田 栄作, 横井 龍雄, 潮田 浩作, EBSD 法とECCI を用いた破面直下の微視組織観察による疲労破壊解析法, 日本機械学会九州支部 九州学生会 第49回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2018.03.
88. 沈 洲暁, 濱田 繁, 小山 元道, 野口 博司, 疲労き裂とインデンテーションの塑性域の相似点に基づいた硬さによる疲労限度評価の改善, 日本機械学会九州支部 第71期総会・講演会, 2018.03.
89. 濱田 繁, 叶 航, 小山 元道, 野口 博司, 高強度鋼が硬さに応じて疲労限度が上昇しない機構についての再考察, 日本機械学会九州支部 第71期総会・講演会, 2018.03.
90. 中村 眞実, 岡崎 三郎, 濱田 繁, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 佐藤 豊幸, 山口 則和, 高圧水素ガス中におけるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼溶接金属の疲労寿命特性, 日本機械学会 M&M2017材料力学カンファレンス, 2017.10.
91. 岡﨑 三郎, 中村 眞実, 濱田 繁, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 高圧水素ガス曝露を施したオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼板突合せ溶接継手の疲労寿命特性, 日本鉄鋼協会 第174回秋季講演大会, 2017.09.
92. 横井 龍雄, 小山元道, 土山 聡宏, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 高強度熱延鋼板のせん断加工部疲労限に及ぼすミクロ組織の影響, 日本鉄鋼協会 第174回秋季講演大会, 2017.09.
93. 横井 龍雄, 小山元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 土山 聡宏, 高強度熱延鋼板のせん断加工部疲労特性に及ぼす強化機構の影響(その3), 自動車技術会 2017年春季大会, 2017.05.
94. 岡﨑 三郎, 中村 眞実, 濱田 繁, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 井藤賀 久岳, オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼板突合せ溶接継手の疲労寿命特性に及ぼす水素の影響, 日本鉄鋼協会 第173回春季講演大会, 2017.03.
95. 小野 陽春, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 疲労き裂進展特性における粗さ誘起閉口効果の評価手法提案, 日本機械学会九州学生会 第48回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2017.03.
96. 末益 太郎, 福留 秀渡, 小山元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 集合組織を有する材料のモードII疲労き裂進展における粗さ誘起閉口現象, 日本機械学会九州学生会 第48回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2017.03.
97. Saburo Okazaki, Shigeru Hamada, Hisatake Itoga, Hisao Matsunaga, Masami Nakamura, Saburo Matsuoka, A case study of a cooling pipe for a pre-cooler used in a 70-MPa hydrogen station, ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2017, 2017.01, [URL], A case study was conducted on the cooling pipe of a pre-cooler which had been used in a 70-MPa hydrogen station demonstration project. The cooling pipe consisted of a main pipe, a mechanical joint pipe and a mechanical joint. The main and mechanical joint pipes had been joined using TIG welding. Through chemical composition analysis, microstructure observation and Vickers hardness measurement, it was revealed that the main and mechanical joint pipes had been manufactured from SUS316L and that 316L was the filler metal used for TIG welding. Round-bar specimens were machined out of the main pipe in order to investigate the tensile properties of the base metal. On the other hand, both round-bar specimen without reinforcement and square-bar specimens with reinforcement were fabricated from the weld-joint. Using the three types of specimens, slow strain rate tensile tests were performed in 0.1 MPa nitrogen gas and in 115 MPa hydrogen gas at a temperature of -40 °C. Reduction of area (RA), φ, for the round base-metal specimen, the round weld-joint specimen and the square weldjoint specimen were respectively, 83.5 %, 71.3 % and 81.4 % in nitrogen gas, whereas the related values in hydrogen gas were 60.1 %, 61.3 % and 40.1 %. In other words, the RA for the three types of specimens was smaller in hydrogen gas than in nitrogen gas. Dimples were formed on the fracture surfaces of the three specimen types in nitrogen gas, whereas both dimples and quasi-cleavages were formed in hydrogen gas..
98. Saburo Okazaki, Shigeru Hamada, Hisatake Itoga, Hisao Matsunaga, Masami Nakamura, Saburo Matsuoka, A case study of a cooling pipe for a pre-cooler used in a 70-MPa hydrogen station, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 2017.01, Copyright © 2017 ASME. A case study was conducted on the cooling pipe of a pre-cooler which had been used in a 70-MPa hydrogen station demonstration project. The cooling pipe consisted of a main pipe, a mechanical joint pipe and a mechanical joint. The main and mechanical joint pipes had been joined using TIG welding. Through chemical composition analysis, microstructure observation and Vickers hardness measurement, it was revealed that the main and mechanical joint pipes had been manufactured from SUS316L and that 316L was the filler metal used for TIG welding. Round-bar specimens were machined out of the main pipe in order to investigate the tensile properties of the base metal. On the other hand, both round-bar specimen without reinforcement and square-bar specimens with reinforcement were fabricated from the weld-joint. Using the three types of specimens, slow strain rate tensile tests were performed in 0.1 MPa nitrogen gas and in 115 MPa hydrogen gas at a temperature of -40 °C. Reduction of area (RA), φ, for the round base-metal specimen, the round weld-joint specimen and the square weldjoint specimen were respectively, 83.5 %, 71.3 % and 81.4 % in nitrogen gas, whereas the related values in hydrogen gas were 60.1 %, 61.3 % and 40.1 %. In other words, the RA for the three types of specimens was smaller in hydrogen gas than in nitrogen gas. Dimples were formed on the fracture surfaces of the three specimen types in nitrogen gas, whereas both dimples and quasi-cleavages were formed in hydrogen gas..
99. 横井 龍雄, 山田 薫, 濱田 繁, 小山元道, 土山 聡宏, 野口 博司, 高強度熱延鋼板のせん断加工部疲労特性に及ぼす強化機構の影響(その2), 自動車技術会 2016年秋季大会, 2016.10.
100. 横井 龍雄, 山田 薫, 伊藤 嵩, 土山 聡宏, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 高強度熱延鋼板のせん断加工部疲労特性に及ぼす強化機構の影響, 自動車技術会 秋季大会, 2016.10.
101. 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 微小き裂と長いき裂の境界に及ぼす引張平均応力の影響とマグネシウム合金疲労限度予測への応用, 自動車技術会 秋季大会, 2016.10.
102. 松岡 三郎, 吉田 聡子, 濱田 繁, 飯島 高志, 松永 久生, 山辺 純一郎, 115MPa水素ガス中におけるSCM435の水素誘起き裂進展下限界値KI,Hの試験法, 日本機械学会 M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス, 2016.10, 高圧水素ガス中のKI,Hの試験方法を決めるため,ASME KD-10(定荷重試験, 定変位試験), ASTM E1820, ASTM E399による4種類の試験をSCM435を用いて115MPa水素ガス中で行った..
103. 松岡 三郎, 濱田 繁, 井藤賀 久岳, 中村 眞実, 岡崎 三郎, 松永 久生, 70MPa水素ステーション実証試験で使用されたプレクーラー冷却パイプの事例解析, 日本機械学会 M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス, 2016.10, 本研究では,実証プロジェクトの一環として実施された70MPa水素ステーション実証試験で使用されたプレクーラー冷却パイプを事例解析した結果を示す..
104. 濱田 繁, 張 継旺, 小山元道, 横井 龍雄, 野口 博司, パンチ加工が及ぼす疲労強度特性への影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス, 2016.10, パンチ加工によって硬さは上昇するが疲労強度特性は低下し,その低下の程度は材料によって大きく異なる.DP鋼と析出強化鋼を例に,パンチ加工によって生じる材質変化が疲労強度特性へ及ぼす影響について報告する..
105. 中村 眞実, 濱田 繁, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 佐藤 豊幸, 山口 則和, -45 ℃,106 MPa水素ガス中におけるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼溶接金属のSSRT特性, 日本鉄鋼協会 第172回秋季講演大会, 2016.09.
106. 岡﨑 三郎, 濱田 繁, 中村 眞実, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 井藤賀 久岳, 水素ステーション実証試験で使用されたプレクーラー用冷却パイプの事例解析, 日本鉄鋼協会 第172回秋季講演大会, 2016.09.
107. 野口 博司, 李 博川, 濱田 繁, 小山元道, ダグデールモデルを用いた疲労き裂停留限界解析, 日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会, 2016.09.
108. 濱田 繁, 小山元道, 野口 博司, インデンテーションと疲労き裂伝ぱ時に生じる塑性ひずみの類似性に着目した硬さと疲労限度の関係, 日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会, 2016.09, 全く異なる現象を数値化した「硬さ」と「疲労限度」には,経験的に相関があることが知られている.どちらも特異点における現象であること,塑性ひずみ分布が類似していることに着目し,これらの相関を明らかにする..
109. 中村 眞実, 松永 久生, 濱田 繁, 山辺 純一郎, 松岡 三郎, 304/308 溶接金属のSSRT 特性に及ぼす水素の影響, 日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会, 2016.09.
110. 濱田 繁, 福留 秀渡, 小山 元道, 上田 正治, 野口 博司, 塑性変形を受けた材料におけるモードⅡ疲労き裂進展特性, 日本機械学会 M&M2015材料力学カンファレンス, 2015.11.
111. 濱田 繁, 山田 薫, 伊藤 嵩, 土山 聡宏, 横井 龍雄, 野口 博司, パンチ加工によって生じる疲労限度の物理的な意味の変化, 一般社団法人日本鉄鋼協会 第170回秋季講演大会, 2015.09.
112. Shuto FUKUDOME, Shigeru HAMADA, Masaharu UEDA, Hiroshi NOGUCHI, Shear mode crack propagation along with plastic flow of small area, 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM12), 2015.05.
113. 中西正樹, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, き裂先端近傍と硬さ試験押し込み部近傍のひずみ分布の相関の検討, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第46回卒業研究発表会, 2015.03.
114. 松永 久生, 吉川 倫夫, 小川祐平, 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 115MPa水素ガス環境下における低合金鋼と炭素鋼のS-N特性, 日本材料学会 第32回疲労シンポジウム, 2014.11.
115. 濱田 繁, 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 松永 久生, 松岡 三郎, 使用条件を考慮した高圧水素用VH3 容器の疲労強度評価法, 日本材料学会 第32回疲労シンポジウム, 2014.11.
116. 松永 久生, 吉川 倫夫, 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 115MPa水素ガス環境下における低合金鋼SCM435および炭素鋼SM490Bの引張強度特性と疲労寿命特性, 日本鉄鋼協会 第168回秋季講演大会, 2014.09.
117. 山辺 純一郎, 井藤賀 久岳, 粟根 徹, 松永 久生, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 高圧水素ガス中における低合金鋼SCM435の疲労き裂進展評価と破壊前漏洩評価, 日本鉄鋼協会 第168回秋季講演大会, 2014.09.
118. 濱田 繁, 井藤賀 久岳, 松岡 三郎, 高圧水素V3容器の評価法, 日本鉄鋼協会 第168回秋季講演大会, 2014.09.
119. Hisao MATSUNAGA, Michio YOSHIKAWA, Hisatake ITOGA, Junichiro YAMABE, Shigeru HAMADA, Saburo MATSUOKA, Tensile- and fatigue-properties of low alloy steel JIS-SCM435 and carbon steel JIS-SM490B in 115 MPa hydrogen gas, 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 2014.07.
120. Junichiro YAMABE, Hisatake ITOGA, Torhu AWANE, Hisao MATSUNAGA, Shigeru HAMADA, Saburo MATSUOKA, Fatigue-life and leak-before-break assessments of Cr-Mo steel pressure vessels with high-pressure gaseous hydrogen, 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 2014.07.
121. 大西 洋輔, 西本 篤史, 佐々木 大輔, 小山 元道, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 水素環境での極低周波数域におけるS10Cの疲労き裂進展挙動, M&M2014 材料力学カンファレンス, 2014.07.
122. Toshiyuki Ishina, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Derivation of Non-dimensional Number for Elastic-perfectly Plastic Continuum Body and Elastic-perfectly Plastic Solid Materials in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, The 20th European Conference on Fracture, 2014.07.
123. 山辺 純一郎, 井藤賀 久岳, 松永 久生, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 低合金鋼の高圧水素ガス中での疲労き裂進展評価と破壊前漏洩(LBB)評価, 第21回燃料電池シンポジウム, 2014.05.
124. 松永 久生, 吉川 倫夫, 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 高圧水素ガス環境下における低合金鋼SCM435および炭素鋼SM490Bの引張強度特性と疲労寿命特性, 第21回燃料電池シンポジウム, 2014.05.
125. 井藤賀 久岳, 松尾 尚, 松永 久生, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 高強度オーステナイト系ス テンレ鋼のSSRT特性と疲労き裂進展特性に及ぼす水素の影響, 第21回燃料電池シンポジウム, 2014.05.
126. 福村 直樹, 佐々木 大輔, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, Dugdaleモデルを用いた塑性誘起き裂閉口解析の無次元化表示による工学的応用, 日本材料学会 第63期学術講演会, 2014.05.
127. 山田 康介, 横川 修斗, 石名 敏之, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 2種類の疲労限度を用いた種々の応力集中源を有する材料に対する疲労限度予測方法の提案, 日本材料学会 第63期学術講演会, 2014.05.
128. 李 慧超, 車 仁清, 金 鍾天, 澤口 孝宏, 津﨑 兼彰, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 実機の評価と材料開発を目的としたTWIP鋼の疲労強度特性評価, 日本材料学会 第63期学術講演会, 2014.05.
129. 付 依然, 金 鍾天, 大本洋平, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 鋭い切欠きを有するエポキシ樹脂における疲労限度に関する実験的解析, 日本材料学会 第63期学術講演会, 2014.05.
130. 濱田 繁, せん断型疲労き裂における有効応力拡大係数範囲測定方法の開発, 日本材料学会 公開部門委員会 接触疲労と破壊力学, 2014.05.
131. 山辺 純一郎, 井藤賀 久岳, 吉川 倫夫, 松永 久生, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 低合金製蓄圧器の解析による設計で必要な疲労き裂進展特性と破壊靱性, 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第6回), 2014.04.
132. 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 水素ガス中における低合金鋼SCM435の破壊靭性の検討, 日本鉄鋼協会 第167回春期講演大会, 2014.03.
133. 福留 秀渡, 濱田 繁, モードⅡ疲労き裂進展における破面に作用する摩擦力と反力の影響, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第45回卒業研究発表講演会, 2014.03.
134. 柏 昇吾, 佐々木 大輔, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, ナノインデンテーションを用いた局所材料特性測定法の提案と検証, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第45回卒業研究発表講演会, 2014.03.
135. 財前 賢吾, 濱野 泰明, 松枝 剛広, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 人工欠陥と予き裂の疲労限度における等価性を力学的に確認する方法の提案, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第45回卒業研究発表講演会, 2014.03.
136. 大西 洋輔, 西本 篤史, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 二次イオン質量分析器を用いた応力集中域における水素分布の分析, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第45回卒業研究発表講演会, 2014.03.
137. 尾崎 大, 山田 康介, 横川 秀人, 石名 敏之, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 画像処理を用いた強度に対する自然欠陥の干渉による影響の評価手法について, 日本機械学会 九州学生会 第45回卒業研究発表講演会, 2014.03.
138. 濱田 繁, 井藤賀 久岳, 松岡 三郎, 圧縮水素容器VH3容器の水圧力サイクル試験結果の解析法 -CHMC1におけるもう一つの問題点 -, 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第5回), 2014.01.
139. 井藤賀 久岳, 松永 久生, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 吉川 倫夫, 松岡 三郎, CHMC1の検討(第2報), 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第5回), 2014.01.
140. Junichiro Yamabe, Hisatake Itoga, Tohru Awane, Hisao Matsunaga, Shigeru Hamada, Saburo Matsuoka, Fatigue-life and leak-before-break assessments of CR-MO steel pressure vessels with high-pressure gaseous hydrogen, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 2014.01, Copyright © 2014 by ASME. Pressure cycle tests were performed on two types of Cr-Mo steel pressure vessels with inner diameters of 306 mm and 210 mm and notches machined on their inside under hydrogen-gas pressures, varied between 0.6 and 45 MPa at room temperature. One of the Cr-Mo steels had a fine microstructure with tensile strength of 828 MPa, while the other had a coarse microstructure with tensile strength of 947 MPa. Fatigue-crack growth (FCG) and fracture-toughness tests of the Cr-Mo steels were also carried out in gaseous hydrogen. The Cr-Mo steels showed accelerated FCG rates in gaseous hydrogen compared to ambient air with an upper bound corresponding to an approximately 30-times higher FCG rate. Furthermore, in gaseous hydrogen, the fracture toughness of the Cr-Mo steel with coarse microstructure was significantly smaller than that of the steel with fine microstructure. Four pressure vessels were tested; then, all of the pressure vessels failed by leak-before-break (LBB). Based on the fracture-mechanics approach, the LBB failure of one pressure vessel could not be estimated by using the fracture toughness in gaseous hydrogen. The fatigue lives could be estimated by using the upper bound of the accelerated FCG rates in gaseous hydrogen..
141. Hisao Matsunaga, Michio Yoshikawa, Hisatake Itoga, Junichiro Yamabe, Shigeru Hamada, Saburo Matsuoka, Tensile-and fatigue-properties of low alloy steel JIS-SCM435 and carbon steel JIS-SM490B in 115 MPA hydrogen gas, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 2014.01, Copyright © 2014 by ASME. Slow strain rate tests using smooth specimens of two types of steels, low alloy steel JIS-SCM435 and carbon steel JIS-SM490B, were carried out in nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas under a pressure of 115 MPa at three different temperatures: 233 K, room temperature and 393 K. In nitrogen gas, these steels exhibited the so-called cup-and-cone fracture at every temperature. On the other hand, in hydrogen gas, in both steels a number of cracks initiated on the specimen surface and coalesced with each other at every temperature, which led to a marked reduction in ductility. Nonetheless, even in hydrogen gas, JIS-SCM435 exhibited a certain reduction of area after the stress-displacement curve reached the tensile strength (TS), whereas JIS-SM490B exhibited little, if any, necking in hydrogen gas. In addition, tension-compression fatigue testing at room temperature revealed that in both steels there was no noticeable difference between the fatigue strengths in air and 115MPa hydrogen gas, especially in a relatively long life regime. Considering that there was little or no hydrogen-induced degradation in either TS or fatigue strength in JIS-SCM435, it is suggested that JIS-SCM435 is eligible for fatigue limit design on the basis of a safety factor (i.e. TS divided by the allowable design stress) for mechanical components used in hydrogen gas up to 115 MPa..
142. 佐々木 大輔, 東田 賢二, 金山 寛, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 水素環境下でのき裂先端における塑性領域局所化の再現を目的とした新たな構成方程式の提案と水素脆化メカニズムへの応用, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10, 水素脆化において水素存在の局所性と局所的塑性不安定現象の重要性を説明するために、水素環境下でき裂先端における塑性域局所化の再現を目的とし、弾塑性水素拡散連成解析に用いる新たな構成方程式を提案する。.
143. 山田 康介, 野口 博司, 濱田 繁, 石名 敏之, 横川 秀斗, 任意の欠陥を持つ材料の疲労限度の予測と5056アルミニウム合金での検証, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10, 本研究は,5056アルミニウム合金について,任意形状の欠陥を持つ材料の疲労き裂発生限界応力を予測する方法を提案し,実験で得た微小穴材及び切り欠き材の疲労き裂発生応力との比較検討を行った..
144. 濱野 泰明, 財前 賢吾, 松枝 剛広, 坂本 惇司, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, S45C焼入れ焼戻し材を用いた欠陥形状が疲労き裂の停留挙動に及ぼす影響の検討, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10, S45C焼入れ焼戻し材にドリル穴もしくはFIBによる鋭い切欠きを導入した試験片を用い,√areaが等しく形状が異なる欠陥が疲労き裂の停留挙動および疲労限度にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて検討する.
145. 付 依然, 金 鐘天, 大本 洋平, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 鋭い切欠きを有するエポキシ樹脂における疲労き裂進展挙動の実験的解析, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10.
146. 李 慧超, 車 仁清, 金 鐘天, 澤口 孝宏, 津﨑 兼彰, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, TWIP 鋼におけるひずみ制御低サイクル疲労挙動特性, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10.
147. 福村 直樹, 佐々木 大輔, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, Dugdale モデルを用いた下限界応力拡大係数範囲の解析, 日本機械学会 M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス, 2013.10.
148. 松永 久生, 吉川 倫夫, 井藤賀 久岳, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 低合金鋼SCM435と炭素鋼SM490BのSSRT試験結果と疲労試験結果, 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第3回), 2013.09.
149. 松岡 三郎, 松永 久生, 山辺 純一郎, 濱田 繁, 井藤賀 久岳, 吉川 倫夫, CHMC1の検討, 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第3回), 2013.09.
150. 山辺 純一郎, 井藤賀 久岳, 吉川 倫夫, 松永 久生, 濱田 繁, 松岡 三郎, 水素ステーション蓄圧器用低合金鋼SCM435の高圧水素ガス中での破壊靭性試験とLBB評価, 日本機械学会 高圧水素機器の設計合理化に関する研究分科会(第3回), 2013.09.
151. 石名 敏之, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 有限要素法解析による小規模降伏条件の提案, 日本機械学会2013年度年次大会, 2013.09, [URL].
152. Shigeru Hamada, Minjian Liu, Measurement of effective stress intensity factor range of mode II fatigue crack growth using
hysteresis loop, 13th International Conference on Fracture, 2013.06, [URL], A method was proposed for measuring the effective stress intensity factor ranges of Mode II fatigue crack growth by using the hysteresis loop for a specimen's surface strain. Many cases of rolling contact fatigue failure, such as those that occur in railway rails, bearings and gears are due to repeated high shear loads. In order to prevent such fatigue failures, the resistance of a material to repeated high shear loads must be determined. The fatigue crack growth characteristics are dependent on the Mode II stress intensity factor range. However, conventionally measured Mode II fatigue crack growth characteristics vary according to the measurement methods. Therefore, the authors improved the experimental measurement method proposed by Murakami, and proposed a way to measure the Mode II effective stress intensity factor range. Improvements to the jigs and specimen were made based on the ideal mechanical model of the experimental method. Furthermore, to measure the Mode II fatigue crack growth behavior, strain gauges were applied to the specimen and the hysteresis loop of the strain was measured with high accuracy by using a newly developed subtraction circuit..
153. Shigeru Hamada, Minjian Liu, Measurement of effective stress intensity factor range of mode II fatigue crack growth using hysteresis loop, 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 2013.01, A method was proposed for measuring the effective stress intensity factor ranges of Mode II fatigue crack growth by using the hysteresis loop for a specimen's surface strain. Many cases of rolling contact fatigue failure, such as those that occur in railway rails, bearings and gears are due to repeated high shear loads. In order to prevent such fatigue failures, the resistance of a material to repeated high shear loads must be determined. The fatigue crack growth characteristics are dependent on the Mode II stress intensity factor range. However, conventionally measured Mode II fatigue crack growth characteristics vary according to the measurement methods. Therefore, the authors improved the experimental measurement method proposed by Murakami, and proposed a way to measure the Mode II effective stress intensity factor range. Improvements to the jigs and specimen were made based on the ideal mechanical model of the experimental method. Furthermore, to measure the Mode II fatigue crack growth behavior, strain gauges were applied to the specimen and the hysteresis loop of the strain was measured with high accuracy by using a newly developed subtraction circuit..
154. Shigeru Hamada, Minjian Liu, Measurement of effective stress intensity factor range of mode II fatigue crack growth using hysteresis loop, 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 2013.01, A method was proposed for measuring the effective stress intensity factor ranges of Mode II fatigue crack growth by using the hysteresis loop for a specimen's surface strain. Many cases of rolling contact fatigue failure, such as those that occur in railway rails, bearings and gears are due to repeated high shear loads. In order to prevent such fatigue failures, the resistance of a material to repeated high shear loads must be determined. The fatigue crack growth characteristics are dependent on the Mode II stress intensity factor range. However, conventionally measured Mode II fatigue crack growth characteristics vary according to the measurement methods. Therefore, the authors improved the experimental measurement method proposed by Murakami, and proposed a way to measure the Mode II effective stress intensity factor range. Improvements to the jigs and specimen were made based on the ideal mechanical model of the experimental method. Furthermore, to measure the Mode II fatigue crack growth behavior, strain gauges were applied to the specimen and the hysteresis loop of the strain was measured with high accuracy by using a newly developed subtraction circuit..
155. shigeru hamada, Strength Evaluation for Micro Polycrystalline Silicon Structure and Hermetic Seal of MEMS package, The Sixth KAIST-Kyushu University Joint Workshop on Frontiers in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2012.09, There are two important points to develop MEMS package from the view point of reliability. The first one is the strength reliability of micro polycrystalline silicon structure, and the second one is bonding strength reliability for hermetic seal. In order to evaluate strength of micron size polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) structure for MEMS considering surface morphology difference between top and sidewall and effective surface area, bending strength tests of cantilever beam, surface roughness measurement and fracture surface analysis are performed. The specimens are made by CVD process for poly-Si deposition and deep RIE process for sidewall formation, and then the surface morphology of the top and the sidewall surface are different. The various size notches on the specimen are introduced in order to change effective surface area. By the fracture surface analysis, it was found that the fracture initiation point was not always maximum stress point; this is because there exist stress concentration on the surface. Surface roughness was measured using atomic force microscope (AFM). Then the maximum stress concentration of the specimen on the top and the sidewall surface respectively were presumed using extreme statistics, and effective surface area was defined. Then, bending strength and effective surface area shows good correlation. In order to secure the certain operation of MEMS devices, it is very important to design a hermetically sealed package which protects the device from wet environments, taking into account the reliability of cap bonding of MEMS packages. Anodic bonding is a popular cap bonding method. In this process, glass and single crystal silicon are bonded at high temperature under high voltage conditions. In this study, the new production method of device size specimen with an interface crack by wafer process is proposed. And an attempt is made to establish a method of testing the cap bonding strength of packages and to make clear the interface strength of anodic bonding between the glass and single crystal silicon..
156. T. Kinoshita*, K. Hayashi S. Hamada,I. Shigematsu, H.Noguchi, Evaluation of joint defects on FSW of Mg alloy using statistical method, 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19), 2012.08, [URL].
157. T. Fujisawa*, D. Sasaki , S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Relation between fatigue crack initiation and structure in pearlitic steel, 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19), 2012.08, [URL].
158. H. Wu*, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, The effect of prestrain on fatigue property of precipitation strengthening stainless steel SUH660, 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19), 2012.08, [URL].
159. T. Ishina*, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Ductile to brittle transition in magnesium alloy with a crack, 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19), 2012.08, [URL].
160. M. Liu*, S. Hamada, Determination of effective stress intensity factor range of mode II fatigue crack propagation with improved experimental method, 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19), 2012.08, [URL].
161. 久保 大騎, 古賀 紀光, 中田 伸生, 土山聡宏, 高木 節雄, 濱田 繁, 野口 博司, 上田 正治, パーライト鋼の回転曲げ疲労試験に伴う組織変化, 日本鉄鋼協会九州支部・日本金属学会九州支部・軽金属学会九州支部 平成24年度 合同学術講演大会, 2012.06.
162. ○松岡 史都・石名 敏之・林 功明・木下 拓也・濱田 繁・野口 博司, 難燃性マグネシウム合金鋳造材の高温下における疲労限度の評価法の提案, (社)日本機械学会 九州学生会 第43回卒業研究発表講演会, 2012.03.
163. ○藤澤 友也・佐々木 大輔・濱田 繁・野口 博司, パーライト鋼平滑材における疲労き裂発生と組織との関係, (社)日本機械学会 九州学生会 第43回卒業研究発表講演会, 2012.03.
164. M. Liu, S. Hamada, Determination of effective stress intensity factor range of mode ii fatigue crack propagation using improved experimental method, 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, 2012.01, Many cases of rolling contact fatigue failure, such as those that occur in railway rails, rolling bearings, and gears, are due to repeated high shear load. In order to prevent such fatigue failures, the resistance of a material against to repeated high shear load must be determined. The fatigue crack growth rate is dependent on the stress intensity factor range of Mode II ΔK II. However, Mode II crack propagation characteristics vary according to the method by which they are determined. We improved the experimental method proposed by Murakami and measured the effective stress intensity factor range of Mode II AK IIeff. Changes to the jigs and specimen were made and the experimental method was such that the ideal mechanical model was expected to be approached. Furthermore, to measure the ΔKIIeff, several strain gauges were applied to the specimen around the crack tip. Using the improved method, some ΔK IIeff values during the Mode II fatigue crack propagation tests can be measured..
165. Toshiyuki Ishina, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Ductile to brittle transition in magnesium alloy with a crack, 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, 2012.01, We evaluated the strength of a cast non-combustible magnesium alloy that is intended for use in automobile engines. This alloy contains thin sheet-like oxides because of its production process. The size of these thin sheet-like oxides varies, and this means that the temperature dependency of the strength characteristics of the alloy cannot be determined by a tensile test alone. Initially, specimens of the alloy having an artificial pre-crack of 5 [mm] to simulate the sheet-like oxides were subject to tensile testing. The testing was carried out at room temperature (23 [°C]), 150 [°C], 200 [°C] and 250 [°C]. 250 [°C] is the temperature of the environment in which the alloy will be used in automobile engines. All the fractures propagated from the artificial pre-crack and the alloy exhibited its maximum strength at 150 [°C]. To investigate the temperature dependency of the fracture mechanism, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the region near the tip of the pre-crack on the fracture surface of the specimens tested at room temperature and at 250 [°C]. On the fracture surface of the specimen tested at 250 [°C], some dimples were observed over some of the surface near the tip of the artificial pre-crack; however, the fracture surface of the specimen tested at room temperature showed brittle fracture surface morphology over the entire area. For the magnesium alloy, the critical resolved shear stress for non-basal slip, which is a characteristic of a hexagonal close-packed metal, is dependent on temperature. Therefore, ductile to brittle transition was considered to be occurred at a temperature between room temperature and 250 [°C]. Mechanical restraint is also considered to be affected the ductile to brittle transition..
166. Komei Hayashi, Shigeru Hamada, Ichinori Shigematsu, Michiru Sakamoto, Hiroshi Noguchi, Effect of friction stir welding condition on fatigue limit of welded non-combustible Mg alloy, Key Engineering Materials, 2012.01, The atigue strength of Friction Stir Welding is affected by the structure and the welding defect size. The welding defect sizes have a scatter. Therfore, the effect of Friction Stir Welding condition on fatigue limit of welded noncombustible Mg alloy was investigated with the specimen which has a controlled defect size. As a result, the good correlation between the fatigue limit and the hardness of the welding area was clarified. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications..
167. T. Kinoshita, K. Hayashi, S. Hamada, I. Shigematsu, H. Noguchi, Evaluation of joint defects on FSW of mg alloy using statistical method, 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, 2012.01, To select the welding conditions that can ensure a particular fatigue strength for safe use in a structure produced by the FSW (Friction Stir Welding) of Mg alloys, this paper proposes a method for determining the range of welding conditions that can ensure a particular joint defect size limit. The welding parameters used are the rotation speed of the tool ω and the welding speed v. Generally, a welding condition is selected using only the fatigue strength as an index. However, ensuring the fatigue strength in a particular welding condition does not insure the strength and reliability of a welded part, because actual welding is not typically carried out in a particular welding condition. Therefore, a range of conditions that can ensure a particular fatigue strength is required. Moreover, we also consider parameters that represent the factors that decrease fatigue strength, namely, √area, HV, and R, because the welding conditions that can ensure a particular fatigue strength are determined by an evaluation of these factors, as well. Therefore, in this study, a method for determining a range of welding conditions that can ensure a welding defect size limit is proposed. Furthermore, FSW welding tests were carried out and the validity of the proposed method was evaluated. X-ray transmission measurements were carried out to measure the welding defect size obtained using the method. Then, the prediction of the maximum welding defect size was carried out for a welding length of 25 [m], which is representative of body of a the Shinkansen rolling stock car..
168. T. Fujisawa, D. Sasaki, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Relation between fatigue crack initiation and structure in pearlitic steel, 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, 2012.01, To clarify the relation between fatigue crack initiation and the crystal structure in pearlitic steel used for railroad rails, fatigue tests are performed, focusing on crack initiation. Then, the fracture surfaces are analysed using a scanning electron micro-scope (SEM). To observe the crystal structure, before the fatigue is performed, the specimen surface is etched chemically. The crystal structure of pearlitic steel, is comprised of "pearlite colonies" which have the same lamellar structure direction, and "pearlite blocks" which have the same ferrite crystal direction. A fatigue crack initiation region should be affected by the crystal structure; however, the relation between the crack initiation region and the crystal structure in pearlitic steel has not been clarified. From the fatigue test results, the fatigue crack of the pearlitic steel was initiated at a very early stage of the fatigue test. To determine the unit of fatigue crack initiation in pearlitic steel, the relation between the crack initiation region and crystal structure was clarified by using SEM analysis..
169. H. Wu, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, The effect of prestrain on fatigue property of precipitation strengthening stainless steel SUH660, 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, 2012.01, In precipitation-strengthened steel, precipitation particles are considered to be cut by the prestrain treatment and affect the fatigue property of the steel. In this study, fatigue tests on prestrained specimens were performed to investigate the effect of the prestrain and precipitate cutting on the crack initiation and propagation characteristics of precipitation-hardened stainless steel (SUH660). Plain specimens were used to observe the process of crack initiation and propagation. The fatigue life was divided into the crack initiation life and the crack propagation life. The results of the fatigue test showed that the crack initiation life of a prestrained specimen was longer than that of a nonstrained specimen. The observed crack propagation mode was mainly Mode II. The measured crack propagation life of the prestrained specimen was shorter than that of the non-strained specimen, which was the opposite of the results observed for carbon steel. It was assumed that this was because Mode II crack propagated more easily and faster in the prestrained specimen, where the precipitates were cut, than in the non-strained specimen. Therefore, the relationship between the fatigue life of the prestrained specimen and the non-strained specimen is considered to be dependent on the stress level. When the crack propagation life governed the fatigue life, the fatigue life of the prestrained specimen was shorter than that of the non-strained specimen. However, when the crack initiation life governed the fatigue life, the fatigue life of the prestrained specimen would be longer than that of the non-strained specimen..
170. ○木下 拓也(九大院),森重 利紀,林 功明,石名 敏之,濱田 繁(九大工),野口 博司 , 難燃性Mg合金微小き裂材の引張平均応力下における疲労限度の評価法の提案, 日本機械学会 M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス, 2011.07.
171. ○呉 昊(九大院),濱田 繁(九大工),野口 博司 , 析出強化型ステンレス鋼A286の疲労特性に及ぼす硬さの分布の影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス, 2011.07.
172. ○濱田 繁(九大工),佐々木大輔(九大院),中田伸生(九大工),土山聡宏,上田正治(新日鐵),高島和希(熊大工),野口博司(九大工), パーライト鋼平滑材における疲労き裂発生起点解析方法の体系化, 日本機械学会 M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス, 2011.07.
173. ○石名 敏之(九大工),濱田 繁(九大院),野口 博司 , 欠陥を有するMg合金の強度評価法, 日本機械学会 M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス, 2011.07.
174. ○劉 敏健(九大院),濱田 繁(九大) , モードII疲労き裂進展の有効応力拡大係数幅の測定, 日本機械学会 M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス, 2011.07.
175. S. Hamada*, D. Sasaki, M. Ueda and H. Noguchi, Fatigue limit evaluation considering crack initiation for lamellar pearlitic steel, 11th International Conference on the mechanical behavior of materials (ICM11), 2011.06, [URL].
176. T. Ishina*, K. Morishige, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Characteristic of threshold stress intensity factor range form small crack on magnesium alloys, 11th International Conference on the mechanical behavior of materials (ICM11), 2011.06, [URL].
177. H. Wu*, Y. Oshida, S. Hamada and H. Noguchi, Fatigue strength properties of precipitation strengthening stainless steel A286 focused attention on small fatigue crack behaviour, 11th International Conference on the mechanical behavior of materials (ICM11), 2011.06, [URL].
178. M. Liu*, S. Hamada, Measurement of Effective Stress Intensity Factor Range of Mode II Fatigue Crack Propagation, 11th International Conference on the mechanical behavior of materials (ICM11), 2011.06, [URL].
179. 濱田 繁, 鉄道レールの疲労問題, 日本材料学会九州支部 第47期 特別講演会, 2011.03.
180. ○木下 拓也・森重 利紀・林 功明・石名 敏之・濱田 繁・野口 博司, 難燃性Mg 合金微小き裂材の引張平均応力下における疲労限度の評価法の提案, (社)日本機械学会 九州学生会 第42回卒業研究発表講演会, 2011.03.
181. T. Ishina, K. Morishige, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Characteristic of threshold stress intensity factor range for small crack on magnesium alloys, Procedia Engineering, 2011.01, In order to propose a prediction expression of a threshold stress intensity factor range (AKlh) for magnesium alloys with small crack, rotating bending fatigue tests in three magnesium alloys which have a different hardness and low carbon steel (JIS S10C) were carried out. In these tests, the AK of a crack propagation lower limit from an annealed pre-crack as the AKlh was measured. One of the three magnesium alloys have the same Vickers hardness (HV) as the low carbon steel, however the AKth was half of the low carbon steel. In order to make this difference clear, the authors focused on an effective threshold stress intensity factor range (AKeffth), because there is large difference in the AKeffth which is not negligible to evaluate the AKlh between magnesium alloys and steel. Considering the difference in the AKefflh, a prediction expression was proposed based on Murakami's prediction expression which can predict the AKlh in various metals by applying only two parameters i.e. the HV and an initial crack size. However, the prediction expression cannot evaluate the AK th of the magnesium alloys. In this expression, Young's modulus which is proportional to the AKeffth was used to modify Murakami's prediction expression. In addition the new prediction expression was speculated to be accurate. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd..
182. S. Hamada, D. Sasaki, M. Ueda, H. Noguchi, Fatigue limit evaluation considering crack initiation for lamellar pearlitic steel, Procedia Engineering, 2011.01, In order to evaluate the fatigue limit of lamellar pearlitic steel used for railroad rails, tensile tests and fatigue tests are performed. Although the fatigue ratio of the lamellar pearlitic steel is lower than that of general steels, the reason for this has not been clarified. The fatigue cracks of the pearlitic steel initiate at a very early stage during the fatigue test. It is speculated that the steel should be treated as a steel with initial defects. In order to determine the initial defect size of the ultra-low cycle fatigue test, tensile tests are performed. Based on the test results, it was clarified that the crack initiation size depends on the crystal structure. In order to predict the fatigue limit of the pearlitic steel, Murakami's prediction method is applied to the steel. The measured defect sizes are applied to the method, and the fatigue tests are performed. The predicted fatigue limits and the test results have good agreement. In addition, from the SEM observations, the initial crack causing the fatigue failure was found to be a pearlite block. We then concluded that the fatigue limit of the pearlitic steel can be predicted by Murakami's method and the defect size is the pearlite block size. If the pearlite block sizes then become small, the fatigue limit of the pearlitic steel will increase. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd..
183. H. Wu, Y. Oshida, S. Hamada, H. Noguchi, Fatigue strength properties of precipitation strengthening stainless steel A286 focused attention on small fatigue crack behaviour, Procedia Engineering, 2011.01, In order to safely use precipitation strengthening type A286 stainless steel in high cycles, the fundamental fatigue strength characteristics were investigated using fatigue tests at room temperature. During the fatigue test, the author paid attention to the behaviour of small fatigue cracks in order to clarify the fatigue strength properties in more detail than the usual fatigue test. As a result of the fatigue test, the fatigue strength characteristic of the A286 steel became clarified as shown below. The fatigue strength ratio of the A286 steel is lower than 0. 5 which is the ratio value of most steels. The cracks propagate which result in a failure even after 107 cycles. It was found that there are two crack mechanisms propagation of the A286 steel; i.e., in a high load-stress, the cracks monotonously propagate and result in failure. Under a low load-stress, the cracks intermittently propagate even after 107 cycles. The non-propagating cracks coalesce with a new crack which initiates near the crack tip and it becomes longer, finally resulting in a failure. This is the reason why the fatigue failures occur even after 10 7 cycles. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd..
184. M. Liu, S. Hamada, Measurement of effective stress intensity factor range of Mode II fatigue crack propagation, Procedia Engineering, 2011.01, Many rolling contact fatigue failures, such as those that occur in railway rails, rolling bearings and gears, is due to the high repeated shear load. In order to prevent such fatigue a failure, the resistance of the material against such a load must be determined. The fatigue crack growth rate is dependent on the stress intensity factor range of the Mode II Δ KII. However, the Mode II crack propagation characteristic varies according to different experiment methods. Therefore, in this study, we measured the effective stress intensity factor range of the Mode II Delta; KIIeff. As it is difficult to carry out the Mode II fatigue crack propagation in the laboratory, this test was carried out using a bending load in this study. This bending load was applied to the tips of a double cantilever specimen and the Mode II fatigue crack propagation could be carried out between the two cantilevers. Furthermore, in order to measure the Δ KIIeff, several strain gauges were applied to the specimen around the crack tip. Using this technique, some Δ KIIeff value during the Mode II fatigue crack propagation tests will be reported. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd..
185. ○石名 敏之(九大院),森重 利紀(九大),林 功明(九大),濱田 繁(九大),野口 博司(九大), Mg合金の微小き裂領域における下限界応力拡大係数幅の特性, 日本機械学会 M&M2010材料力学カンファレンス, 2010.10.
186. ○呉 昊(九大院),忍田 雄樹(九大),濱田 繁(九大院),野口 博司(九大院), 微視疲労き裂の挙動に注目した析出強化型ステンレス鋼A286の疲労強度特性, 日本機械学会 M&M2010材料力学カンファレンス, 2010.10.
187. Komei HAYASHI*, Shigeru HAMADA, Hiroshi NOGUCHI, Proposal of distribution characteristic evaluation method of flaky inclusion (examination by simulation), XV INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM MECHANICAL FATIGUE OF METALS, 2010.09, [URL].
188. Shigeru HAMADA*, Hiroshi NOGUCHI, Yuu SAKODA, Masaharu UEDA, Fatigue strength evaluation method of lamellar pearlite rail steel, XV INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM MECHANICAL FATIGUE OF METALS, 2010.09, [URL].
189. ○林功明(九大),濱田繁,松本敏治(戸畑製作所),坂本満(産総研),野口博司(九大) , 片状介在物の分布特性評価法の提案(シミュレーションによる検討) , 日本材料学会第59期学術講演会, 2010.05, [URL].
190. ○濱田繁(九大),迫田優,上田正治(新日鐵),野口博司(九大) , パーライトレール鋼における疲労強度評価方法の提案, 日本材料学会第59期学術講演会, 2010.05, [URL].
191. Yuichi Suzuki, Hisatake Itoga, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Hydrogen exposure effect on tensile strength of high strength steel sharp notched specimen, 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12, 2009.12.
192. S. Hamada, Y. Sugimoto, Strength evaluation of polycrystalline silicon structure considering sidewall morphology, 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12, 2009.12, In order to evaluate strength of micron size polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) structure for MEMS considering surface morphology difference between top and sidewall and effective surface area, bending strength tests of cantilever beam, surface roughness measurement and fracture surface analysis are performed. The specimens are made by CVD process for poly-Si deposition and deep RIE process for sidewall formation, and then the surface morphology of the top and the sidewall surface are different. The various size notches on the specimen are introduced in order to change effective surface area. By the fracture surface analysis, it was found that the fracture initiation point was not always maximum stress point; this is because there exist stress concentration on the surface. Surface roughness was measured using atomic force microscope (AFM). Then the maximum stress concentration of the specimen on the top and the sidewall surface respectively were presumed using extreme statistics, and effective surface area was defined. Then, bending strength and effective surface area shows good correlation..
193. Y. Suzuki, H. Itoga, S. Hamada and H. Noguchi, Hydrogen Exposure Effect on Tensile Strength of High Strength Steel Sharp Notched Specimen, 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF12) , 2009.07.
194. S. Hamada*, Y. Sugimoto, Strength Evaluation of Polycrystalline Silicon Structure Considering Sidewall Morphology, 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF12) , 2009.07.
195. ○杉本理英・濱田繁・野口博司, 形状・大きさの異なる多結晶シリコンの強度評価法, (社)日本機械学会 九州学生会 第40回卒業研究発表講演会, 2009.03.
196. ○林功明・松本敏治・濱田繁・野口博司, 新Mg合金鋳造材の破壊機構に基づいた強度評価法の提案, (社)日本機械学会 九州学生会 第40回卒業研究発表講演会, 2009.03.
197. Yuu Sakoda, Suguru Kashiwagi, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Microscopic deformation behavior of lamellar pearlite steel, 17th European Conference on Fracture 2008: Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures, 2008.12, Fatigue ratio of lamellar pearlite steel used for railroad rail is lower than the ratio of general steels. The reason is not clarified. It is reported the direction of lamellar microstructure in lamellar pearlite steel effects fatigue characteristics. In order to clarify microscopic deformation behavior of lamellar microstructure considered to effect fatigue characteristics, static tensile tests of lamellar pearlite steel was conducted, in this report. Using the plastic replica technique, microscopic deformation behavior, the initiation and propagation of micro crack was observed. By the observation, it is clarified that the crack initiates but does not propagate during static tensile test. The authors presume the fatigue of lamellar pearlite steel as follow: The grain size crack initiate at initial stage of fatigue process, and the crack act as initial defect of the lamellar pearlite steel. Based on the presumption, the fatigue limit of the lamellar pearlite steel was predicted, and the fatigue limit was confirmed by fatigue tests. As the result, the predicted fatigue ratio are 0.32~0.33 which show good agreement with the fatigue test result..
198. Takumi Fujii, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Proposal of estimation method for notched specimen fatigue limit of commercially pure titanium, 17th European Conference on Fracture 2008: Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures, 2008.12, In order to identify the fatigue limit for a sharp notched specimen of commercially pure titanium, rotating bending fatigue tests on smooth and notched specimens were curried out. In previous studies, it was found that the fatigue limit for a sharp notched specimen of commercially pure titanium could not be determined and it is not sure whether it fail over N=10 7 cycles or not. Based on the experimental results, in the smooth specimen and notched specimen (p=1.0mm), they have fatigue limits and knee points, while the sharp notched specimen (p=0.1mm) does not. As an estimation method, the fatigue crack initiation of each specimen was then investigated. The investigation results are as follows. (1) The proportional relationship exists between the maximum stress K iωa at the notch root and logarithm of the number of cycles to fatigue crack initiation N i. (2) Based on the slope of the relationship between the maximum stress K iωa and the number of cycles to fatigue crack initiation N i at the notch root, there is no possibility that the fatigue crack in the same mechanism initiates over N=10 7 cycles. Therefore, the stress amplitude that is not initiated the fatigue crack at N=10 7 cycles is the fatigue limit..
199. ○濱田繁(九大工),中浦寛之(九大(学)),橋爪健二, 微小多結晶Siにおける破壊強度の評価法, 日本材料学会 第4回マイクロマテリアルシンポジウム, 2008.09.
200. ○濱田 繁(九大),中浦寛之(九大・学), 応力集中部を有する微小多結晶Si構造体における寸法効果, 日本機械学会 M&M2008材料力学カンファレンス, 2008.09.
201. ○鈴木裕一(九大院),井藤賀久岳(産総研),濱田 繁(九大),野口博司, 高強度鋼SCM435 切欠き材の引張強度に及ぼす水素の影響, 日本機械学会 M&M2008材料力学カンファレンス, 2008.09.
202. Takumi Fujii, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Proposal of Estimation Method for Notched Specimen Fatigue Limit of Commercially Pure Titanium, 17th European Conference on Fracture, 2008.09, [URL].
203. Yuu Sakoda, Suguru Kashiwagi, Shigeru Hamada, Hiroshi Noguchi, Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Lamellar Pearlite Steel, 17th European Conference on Fracture, 2008.09, [URL].
204. ○鈴木 裕一,井藤賀 久岳,濱田 繁,野口 博司, 水素ガス環境中における高強度切欠き材の引張特性, 社団法人日本機械学会九州支部第61期総会講演会, 2008.03.
205. ○柏木 卓,園田 晃大,濱田 繁,野口 博司, 切欠き材の引張破断条件を用いたヒートクラック発生条件の評価法, 社団法人日本機械学会九州支部第61期総会講演会, 2008.03.
206. ○中浦 寛之,濱田 繁,野口 博司, 多結晶Siにおける破壊強度の評価法, 社団法人日本機械学会九州支部第61期総会講演会, 2008.03.
207. ○江頭 良太,濱田 繁,野口 博司, Mg新合金鋳造材における欠陥評価法の提案, 社団法人日本機械学会九州支部第61期総会講演会, 2008.03.
208. 野口 博司,藤井 匠,○濱田 繁, 難燃性マグネシウム合金の疲労特性とその応用, 社団法人日本材料学会 疲労部門委員会 第75回組織構造分科会, 2008.03.
209. ○Shigeru HAMADA, Katsu OHNISHI, Hideaki NISHIKAWA, Development of hydrogen measurement method by SIMS, International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum 2008, 2008.02.
210. ○濱田 繁,橋爪 健二,中浦 寛之, 微小多結晶シリコン構造体のばらつきに及ぼす結晶方位の影響, 社団法人日本材料学会 第13回破壊力学シンポジウム, 2007.12.
211. ○迫田 優,柏木 卓,濱田 繁,野口 博司, 層状パーライト鋼の塑性変形に伴う微視的変形挙動の観察, 社団法人日本機械学会M&M2007材料力学カンファレンス, 2007.10.
212. ○園田晃大,濱田 繁,野口 博司, 熱衝撃によるヒートクラック発生条件の定量的評価, 社団法人日本機械学会M&M2007材料力学カンファレンス, 2007.10.
213. ○Shigeru Hamada and Kenji Hasizume, Strength Reliability of Micro Polycrystalline Silicon Structure, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2007 (ATEM'07), 2007.09.
214. Takumi Fujii, Kazunori Morishige, Shigeru Hamada, ○Hiroshi Noguchi, Michiru Sakamoto and Hidetoshi Ueno, Fatigue Strength Characteristics of Non-combustible Mg Alloy, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2007 (ATEM'07), 2007.09.
215. ○藤井 匠,森重利紀,濱田 繁,野口博司, 工業用純チタン切欠き材の疲労強度特性, 社団法人日本機械学会年次大会, 2007.09.
216. ○S. Hamada and K. Hashizume, Strength Reliability of Micro Polycrystalline Silicon Structure, 10th International Conference on The Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM10), 2007.05.
217. 野口 博司,森重利紀,藤井 匠,川添 宇昭,○濱田 繁, 軽金属における微小き裂についての下限界応力拡大係数幅予測式提案, 社団法人日本材料学会第56期学術講演会, 2007.05.
218. Shigeru Hamada, Kenji Hashizume, Strength reliability of micro polycrystalline silicon structure, Key Engineering Materials, 2007.05, In order to evaluate strength reliability of micron size polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) structure, bending tests of cantilever beam and Weibull analysis are performed. Recently, the importance of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in society is increasing, and the number of production is also increasing. The MEMS devices, which contain mechanical movement, have to maintain their reliability in face of external shock, thermal stress and residual stress from manufacturing processes. In greeting the mass production era of the MEMS, in case the material strength design of MEMS is performed, required strength data is not average value but the variation, especially minimum value of the material. Micron size poly-Si structure is widely employed in the MEMS such as microsensor, switching device and so on. Then, in order to evaluate strength reliability of micron size poly-Si structure, tests and analysis are performed. The specimen is made by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process and thickness is 3.5, 6.4 and 8.3 micrometer and the specimen has notch. The test specimen used for the test changed characteristics of (1) film thickness (2) stress concentration, and investigation about the influence each effects of the variation in a bending strength are discussed..
219. 橋爪健二,濱田繁, MEMSに使用されるポリシリコンの強度信頼性, 日本機械学会 九州支部第60期総会講演会, 2007.03, [URL].
220. 川添宇昭,藤井匠,森重利紀,濱田繁,野口博司, 難燃性マグネシウム合金溶接継手の疲労強度特性, 日本機械学会 九州支部第60期総会講演会, 2007.03, [URL].
221. 藤井匠,川添宇昭,森重利紀,濱田繁,野口博司, 難燃性マグネシウム合金切欠き材の疲労強度特性について, 日本機械学会 九州支部第60期総会講演会, 2007.03, [URL].
222. 大本洋平,吉岡純夫,出水通之輔,谷周一,田宮洋一,松尾雄一,西中川勇人,濱田繁, Web利用の破面データベースの活用(疲労破面(マクロ)), 第28回 疲労シンポジウム, 2006.10.
223. 濱田繁,森重利紀,川添宇昭,藤井匠,野口博司, 切欠きをもつ難燃性マグネシウム合金の疲労強度, 第28回 疲労シンポジウム, 2006.10.
224. 濱田繁,橋爪健二,野口博司,片桐大輔, 微小多結晶シリコン構造体の強度信頼性, 第3回 マイクロマテリアルシンポジウム, 2006.09.
225. Shigeru Hamada, Shuichi Tani, Daisuke Katagiri, Masahiro Tsugai, Makio Horikawa, Hiroshi Otani, Stress concentration and surface roughness effect on strength of polycrystalline silicon structure, Proceedings of the ASME/Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems: Advances in Electronic Packaging 2005, 2006.02, In order to clarify the stress concentration and surface roughness effect on strength of the polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) structure, bending tests of poly-Si microcantilever beam specimen and surface roughness measurement is performed. The bending test results are analyzed by means of maximum stress at the notch root calculated by FEM models, and it is found that this approach cannot describe the test results. Therefore, modified approach is taken into account by use of two parameters that are the maximum stress and area where stress is larger than 50% of the maximum stress, which indicates stress extension around the position of maximum stress representatively. By this two parameters approach, the test results are explained quantitatively and a strength design chart for stress concentration area of the poly-Si structure is obtained. On the other hand, relationship between strength and surface roughness are confirmed and useful information for the process quality control are obtained. Copyright © 2005 by ASME..
226. 片桐大輔,濱田繁,谷周一,上貝康己,田宮洋一,和田拓真, ヒートサイクル加速試験に基づく実装製品はんだ接合部の市場寿命予測, 第21回材料・構造信頼性シンポジウム, 2005.12.
227. 片桐大輔,濱田繁,谷周一, MEMSパッケージ封止接合部の強度信頼性評価, M&M2005 材料力学カンファレンス, 2005.11.
228. 濱田繁, MEMS微細構造における強度信頼性評価手法の開発, RC214 エレクトロニクス実装における信頼性設計と熱制御に関する研究分科会(第15回), 2005.10.
229. 濱田繁,片桐大輔,谷周一, MEMSパッケージ封止接合部の強度信頼性評価, 第12回破壊力学シンポジウム, 2005.10.
230. Shigeru HAMADA, Shuichi TANI, Daisuke KATAGIRI, Masahiro TSUGAI,Makio HORIKAWA, Hiroshi OTANI, Stress Concentration and Surface Roughness Effect on Strength of Polycrystalline Silicon Structure, InterPACK '05, 2005.07.
231. 片桐大輔,濱田繁,谷周一, ヒートサイクル加速試験に基づく実装製品はんだ接合部の市場寿命予測, 第49回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会, 2005.09.
232. 濱田繁,谷周一,片桐大輔,番政広,堀川牧夫,大谷浩, 微小ポリシリコン構造体における強度と表面粗さの関係, 第2回マイクロマテリアルシンポジウム, 2004.09.
233. 濱田繁,吉岡純夫,出水通之輔,谷周一, 回転機の疲労破壊事例, 第85回フラクトグラフィ部門委員会, 2004.01.
234. 濱田繁,谷周一, マイクロマテリアルの実製品への適用と課題について, 第25回マイクロマテリアル部門委員会, 2003.11.
235. 濱田繁,谷周一, 微小ポリシリコン構造体の強度特性評価, 第77期定時総会講演会, 2002.03.
236. Eiji Yoshikawa, Masahiro Tsugai, Makio Horikawa, Hiroshi Otani, Shigeru Hamada, Influence of RTA parameters on residual stress and stress gradient of multilayered LPCVD polysilicon film, 15th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MEMS 2002, 2002.01, This paper reports the experimental results of examining the residual stress and stress gradient of LPCVD multilayered polysilicon film according to various rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in a nitrogen atmosphere. In particular the stress gradient of multilayered polysilicon film ranging from -17.1 to +1.5 MPa/μm as the RTA processing time increased could be reduced to nearly zero by selecting the appropriate RTA time. The mechanism responsible for this dependence was examined by using both experimental data and material analysis using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is concluded that the shift of the stress gradient is mainly caused by the thin nitride layers at surface and interface of multilayered polysilicon film..
237. Eiji Yoshikawa, Masahiro Tsugai, Makio Horikawa, Hiroshi Otani, Shigeru Hamada, Influence of RTA parameters on residual stress and stress gradient of multilayered LPCVD polysilicon film, Proceedings of the IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2002.01, This paper reports the experimental results of examining the residual stress and stress gradient of LPCVD multilayered polysilicon film according to various rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in a nitrogen atmosphere. In particular the stress gradient of multilayered polysilicon film ranging from -17.1 to +1.5 MPa/μm as the RTA processing time increased could be reduced to nearly zero by selecting the appropriate RTA time. The mechanism responsible for this dependence was examined by using both experimental data and material analysis using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is concluded that the shift of the stress gradient is mainly caused by the thin nitride layers at surface and interface of multilayered polysilicon film..
238. S. Hamada, S. Tani, M. Horikawa, H. Otani, M. Tsugai and E. Yosikawa, NOTCH EFFECT OF MICRO POLYCRYSTALLINE SILICON CANTILEVER, 10th International Conference on Fracture, 2001.12.
239. 濱田 繁,谷 周一,堀川 牧夫,大谷 浩,番 政広,吉川 英治, 微小ポリシリコン構造体における切欠き効果, 材料力学談話会 第195回例会「企業における材料力学」, 2001.05.
240. Shigeru HAMADA, Shuichi TANI, Makio HORIKAWA, Hiroshi OTANI, Masahiro TSUGAI and Eiji YOSIKAWA, Notch Effect of Micro Polycrystalline Silicon Structure, 50th ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA ON MATERIALS SCIENCE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (ISMS-21), 2001.05.
241. 濱田繁,谷周一,堀川牧夫,大谷浩,吉川英治, 微小構造物における切欠き・寸法効果, 第17回マイクロマテリアル部門委員会, 2001.02.
242. 上貝康己,濱田繁,佐藤耕平,谷周一, 機械的負荷を受けるBGA接合部の強度信頼性, Mate 2001 「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム, 2001.02.
243. 濱田繁,上貝康己,谷周一,出水通之輔, 半導体デバイスの破面解析, 第79回フラクトグラフィ部門委員会, 2000.04.
244. 濱田繁,上貝康己,谷周一, BGAパッケージの熱疲労寿命に及ぼすはんだボール−ランド間接続携帯の影響, RC-162 エレクトロニクス実装における信頼性評価に関する研究分科会(第17回), 1999.12.
245. 濱田繁,上貝康己,谷周一,松嶋弘倫,橋本知明, BGAパッケージの熱疲労寿命に及ぼすはんだボール−ランド間接続携帯の影響, M&M '99 材料力学部門講演会, 1999.10.
246. 村上敬宜,栄中,濱田繁,大小森義洋, 圧延機用バックアップロール中のモードⅡき裂の進展挙動と解析, 材料学会通常総会, 1997.05.
247. Shigeru HAMADA, Yukitaka MURAKAMI, Measurement of Mode II threshold stress intensity factor range DKIIth, International Conference on Materials and Mechanics '97 (ICM&M'97), 1997.04.
248. Y Murakami, C Sakae, S Hamada, Mechanism of rolling contact fatigue and measurement method of DKIIth for steels, International conference on the importance of understanding the fundamentals of the fatigue process in counteracting its effects in engineering components and structures, and to reflect on the contributions of K.J.Miller, 1997.03.
249. 村上敬宜,濱田繁,仲保俊弘,永井茂夫, 赤外線応力測定と解析を組み合わせたスポット溶接部の応力解析, 日本機械学会第74期通常総会講演会, 1997.03.
250. Shigeru HAMADA, Yukitaka MURAKAMI, New Measurement Method of Mode II Threshold Stress Intensity Factor Range DKtth and Its Application, Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength '96, 1996.09.
251. 村上敬宜,濱田繁, モードⅡ疲労き裂伝ぱ抵抗値ΔKτthの測定方法とその応用, 日本機械学会通常総会, 1995.04.
252. 村上敬宜,濱田繁, モードⅡ疲労き裂伝ぱ抵抗値(ΔKIIth)の測定方法とその応用, 日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会, 1995.08.
253. 村上敬宜,濱田繁,杉野和男,高尾健一, せん断(Mode II)疲労き裂伝ぱ抵抗値ΔKτthの測定方法とその応用, 第7回破壊力学シンポジウム, 1993.09.

