九州大学 研究者情報
笹岡 孝司(ささおか たかし) データ更新日:2024.04.15

准教授 /  工学研究院 地球資源システム工学部門 資源システム工学講座

1. Takashi Sasaoka, Engineering Considerations for Pipe-jacking Technology, Pipe-jacking Technical Seminar in ITB, 2023.11.
2. 入口梨佳,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,児玉淳一,出口剛太 , 石炭地下ガス化における低位品炭による水素生成の可能性に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2024.03.
3. 河合頼芽,濵中晃弘,ワヒューディ・スゲン,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,阿部智彦 , CO2ナノバブルを用いた低炭素型セメント材料の開発 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2024.03.
4. 濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,出口剛太,高橋一弘,児玉淳一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹 , 未利用資源の有効利用に向けた露頭炭層石炭地下ガス化現場実験 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2024.03.
5. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Prediction of Box-Jacking Force Using a Probabilistic Observational Approach , Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering 2023 , 2024.01.
6. Yuka OTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI , Preliminary Study on Application of Fractal Dimension to Evaluation of Fracture Condition in Rock Mass for Bench Blasting , The 11th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques , 2023.12.
7. Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Masato TAKEUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Shiro KUBOTA, Tei SABURI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Research on Influence of Rebar on Stress Wave Propagation of Reinforced-Concrete by Experimental and Numerical Method , The 11th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques , 2023.12.
8. Tianqi JIANG, Bing CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Thernal Stimulation Mechanical Response and Shear Dilatation Predictive Model Improvement of Granite Fractures in an Enhanced Geothermal System , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
9. Tieng RATHNAK, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Study on the Optimization of Waste Dump Design for Open Pit Mine -A Case Study of Okvau Gold Mine in Cambodia- , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
10. Atsushi KUBO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Yuki MIZUNOE, Norimitsu HAMAOKA , Study on Growth of Artemisia Princeps under Pyrite-bearing Soil Conditions at a Mine-out Site , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
11. Tatsuki INOUE, Seelae PHAISOPHA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Study on Crown Pillar Design in Transition from Open Pit Mining to Underground Mining in Sepon Mine, Laos , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
12. Yuma ISHII, Rika IRIGUCHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI , Study on AE and Gas Generation from Subbituminous Coal and Lignite in Coal Heating Experiments , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
13. Ken HONGO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Gota DEGUCHI, Kazuhiko TAKAHASHI, Junichi KODAMA, Shunsaku HADARA, Yukio HAMA, Ji-Hyum KIM, Shinya YAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Solidification of CO2 through Injection of Blast Furnace Slag Slurry Using Microbubbles in Underground Coal Mine Goafs , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
14. Rika IRIGUCHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI , Fundamental Study on the Effect of Water Injection on the Composition of Product Gas and the Reaction Temperature in Underground Coal Gasification , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
15. Ryutaro SHIMIZU, Xiaohu HU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Application of New Ground Improvement Technique in Tunnel Floor to Control Floor Heave under Weak Strata , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023 , 2023.11.
16. Hideki SHIMADA, Peng MA, Bosong YU, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Baosong MA , Prediction Equation of Jacking Force for Different Shapes of Rectangular Pipe Jacking , The 14th International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology , 2023.11.
17. 入口梨佳,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田智  , 矩形推進工法におけるオーバーカットの状況を考慮した推進力予測式の構築に関する検討 , 第34回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2023.11.
18. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Investigating Box-jacking Forces in Soft Soils of Tokyo, Japan: A Comparative Study , NO-DIG 2023 39th International Conference and Exhibition , 2023.10.
19. Hideki SHIMADA, Peng MA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Prediction Equation of Jacking Force for Different Shapes of Rectangular Pipe Jacking , NO-DIG 2023 39th International Conference and Exhibition , 2023.10.
20. 石井悠真,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,児玉淳一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,出口剛太 , 石炭地下ガス化(UCG)システムにおける反応領域の温度計測に代わるAEモニタリングの適用性 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2023.09.
21. Ian KROP, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Rawnaq EZATULLAH , Prediction of Peak Vector Sum as an Alternative to Peak Particle Velocity in a Lignite Mine: A Comparative Study of Selected Machine Learning Models Using Random Search, Bayesian Optimization & Genetic Algorithm , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
22. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Optimum Bench Design for a Karst Prone Weak Coral Limestone Quarry , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
23. 本郷 健,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,板倉賢一,Zhao Yafei,高橋一弘,濱 幸雄,金 志訓,山中真也,児玉淳一,原田周作 , 坑内炭鉱の払跡におけるマイクロバブルを用いた高炉スラグスラリーの注入によるCO2 の固定化 , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
24. 入口梨佳,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,板倉賢一,児玉淳一,出口剛太 , UCG(石炭地下ガス化)システムにおける AE モニタリングによる石炭の反応領域の可視化 , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
25. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Factors Affecting Jacking Force of Square Steel Pipe-roof in Tsunashima Tunnel: A Case Study , The 2023 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics , 2023.08.
26. 笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島⽥英樹,⾼橋良尭,佐分利禎,久保⽥⼠郎, 露天掘り鉱⼭における機械学習を⽤いた起砕物の粒度制御, 安全⼯学シンポジウム2023, 2023.06.
27. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yuma ISHII, Kenichi ITAKURA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Faqiang SU, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI , Assessment of Gasification Area with Acoustic Emission Instead of Temperature Monitoring in Underground Coal Gasification , 26th World Mining Congress , 2023.06.
28. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,濵中晃弘,久保田士郎,佐分利禎,高橋良尭 , 横孔発破における起砕挙動および起砕物の飛翔挙動に関する基礎的研究 , 第82回石灰石鉱業大会 , 2023.05.
29. 久保敦志,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,水ノ江雄輝,濱岡範光 , 掘削跡地の黄鉄鉱含有土壌条件下におけるヨモギの生育に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2023.05.
30. 井上達喜,Seelae PHAISOPHA,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹 , ラオスSepon鉱山における露天掘りから坑内採掘移行時のクラウンピラーの設計および採掘方法に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2023.05.
31. 入口梨佳,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,板倉賢一,児玉淳一,出口剛太 , UCGにおける水注入が生成ガスおよび反応領域の温度に与える影響に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2023.05.
32. 石井悠真,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,島田英樹,児玉淳一,出口剛太,笹岡孝司 , 石炭加熱実験による石炭の品位がAE及びガスの発生に与える影響 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2023.03.
33. 荒金祐一郎,橋川広都,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN , インドネシアの軟弱地盤を対象とした長壁式採炭システムにおける保安炭柱の設計に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2023.03.
34. 鳥越崇史,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹, 混合層カバーシステムにおける廃石混合割合の酸性坑廃水抑制効果に関する検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2023.03.
35. 濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,出口剛太,Yafei ZHAO, 高橋一弘,児玉淳一,原田周作,濱 幸雄,金 志訓,山中真也,菅井裕一,江﨑丈裕,笹岡孝司,島田英樹, CO2マイクロバブル水および高炉スラグの坑内炭鉱の採掘跡への注入実験, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2023.03.
36. Soshi TORIGOE, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shinji MATSUMOTO, Reduction of Acid Mine Drainage Generation with Reduction of Oxygen Concentration, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
37. Masato TAKEUCHI, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shiro KUBOTA, Tei SABURI, Fundamental Study on Dynamics Failure of Concrete with Steel Reinforcement near Free Surfaces, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
38. Yifei ZHAO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Simultaneous Stochastic Optimization Study of Open Pit Mining Complex under Uncertainty, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
39. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, A Methodology for Slope Stability Analysis in Karst-prone Rock Mass Using Random Number Generator and Finite Element Analysis, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
40. Yuma ISHII, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI, Study on AE Generation from Subbituminous Coal and Lignite in Coal Heating Experiments, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
41. Yuichiro ARAGANE, Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Numerical Study on Underground Development from Open Pit Mining at the Naryn Shukhait Mine in Mongolia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
42. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Phanthoudeth PONGPANYA, Munkhzorig ENKHDELGER, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Ian Krop TSUMA, The Study of the Correlation between Gate Road Direction and In-situ Major Horizontal Stress in Steeply Dipping Underground Coal Mining, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
43. Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Pisith MAO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Jiro OYA, Research on Safety Pillar in Longwall Mining under Weak Geological Condition by Means of Numerical Simulation, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
44. Yuka OOTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Fundamental Study on Applicability of Fractal Dimension for Evaluation of Fracture Conditions in Rock Mass at an Open Pit Mine, 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2022.11.
45. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Yuichiro ARAGANE, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Crown Pillar Design in The Transition from Open Pit to Underground in Narynsukhait (Ns) Coal Mine, Mongolia, 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2022.11.
46. 白石祐希子,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智, 矩形推進工法における推進摩擦力の評価方法ならびにその適用性に関する検討, 第33回非開削技術研究発表会, 2022.11.
47. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Naung NAUNG, Effect of Previous Mined-out Activities on Redevelopment of Underground Gold Mine in Myanmar, Uzbekistan-Japan International Conference on Energy-Earth-Environment-Engineering, 2022.11.
48. Peng MA, Hideki SHIMADA, Baosong MA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Simulation Investigation on the Engineering Effects of Geometric Parameters in Rectangular Pipe Jacking, NO-DIG 2022 38th International Conference and Exhibition, 2022.10.
49. Yukiko SHIRAISHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Effect on Deformation of Surrounding Ground in New Pipe Jacking Method with Different Excavation Shape, NO-DIG 2022 38th International Conference and Exhibition, 2022.10.
50. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Numerical Investigation of Stress and Stability Issues for Steeply Dipping Longwall Coal Mining, Mongolia, International Workshop on Resource Science and Sustainable Development, 2022.10.
51. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Numerical Investigation of Stress and Stability Issues for Steeply Dipping Longwall Coal Mining, Mongolia, International Workshop on Resource Science and Sustainable Development, 2022.10.
52. 橋川広都,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアの軟弱地山を対象とした長壁式採炭システムを用いた坑内掘り炭鉱における保安炭柱の安定性評価に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2022.09.
53. 白石祐希子,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智, 矩形推進工法における摩擦力予測式の構築に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2022.09.
54. 竹内将人,高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,佐分利禎,久保田士郎, 自由面近傍の鉄筋が及ぼすコンクリート板の動的破壊に関する基礎的研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2022.09.
55. 石井悠真,安藤勇大,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,児玉淳一,出口剛太, 石炭加熱実験による石炭の品位がAEの発生に与える影響, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2022.09.
56. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Current Construction Situation of Rectangular Pipe Jacking and Its Problems, 2022 International Trenchless Technology Workshop in Thailand, 2022.09.
57. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Challenge of the Pipe Jacking into Conglomerate Soil and Its Countermeasures, 2022 International Trenchless Technology Workshop in Thailand, 2022.09.
58. 大田有夏,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹 , フラクタル次元を用いた岩盤内き裂の評価に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2022.05.
59. 荒金祐一郎,Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , モンゴル Naryn Shukhait鉱山における露天掘りからの坑内展開に関する数値解析的研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2022.05.
60. 鳥越崇史,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 酸素濃度低減に伴う酸性坑廃水発生の抑制に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2022.05.
61. 安藤勇大,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,蘇発強,高橋一弘,児玉淳一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,出口剛太 , 大規模UCG模型実験における反応領域の推定に向けたAE計測の適用性 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2022.03.
62. 弦川 聖,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,仲井亮平,崎山智彦,一ノ瀬政友 , ディープラーニングによる発破に伴う起砕物の粒度予測に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2022.03.
63. 濵中晃弘,大坪 寛,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹 , ミャンマー北部の露天掘り金鉱山における酸性坑廃水抑制に向けた廃石の埋め戻し設計に関する実験的研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2022.03.
64. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Effect of the Seam Dip Angle in Inclined Extra-thick Coal Seam Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
65. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Dyson MOSES, Tumelo K.M. DINTWE , Estimation of Rock Mass Properties Based on a Modified Geological Modified Index (GSI) and State of Kartsification , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
66. Seelae PHAISOPHIA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sunthorn PUMJAN, Songwut ARTITTONG, Phanthoudeth PONGPANYA, Patthana BOUNLIYONG, An Open Pit Design for Gold Mine Development in Laos, PDR , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
67. Las KURI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Dyson MOSES , Study of Slope Stability of Tailing Dam Height Expansion from Elevation (RL) 2000m to RL 2035 at Hidden Valley Mine, Papua New Guinea , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
68. Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Evaluation of Pillar Stability in Underground Coal Mine under Weak Geological Condition in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
69. Sho TSURUKAWA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Tei SABURI , Study on the Influence of Blasting Vibration due to Bench in Open-pit Mines , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
70. Yukiko SHIRAISHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Effect on Deformation of Surrounding Ground in New Pipe Jacking Method with Different Excavation Shape , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
71. Yuki ANDO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI , Applicability of AE Monitoring for Estimating Gasification Zone in Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
72. Kan OTSUBO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shinji MATSUMOTO , Fundamental Study on the Effect of Oxygen Concentration on Acid Mine Drainage Generation , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
73. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shinji MATSUMOTO , Evolution of Plant Growth with Mixture of Fly Ash to Acidic Soil for Rehabilitation of Disturbed Land in Open-cut Mines , 3rd International Symposiumon Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2021.10.
74. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yoshimitsu MAKABE, Ken-ichi ITAKURA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Nuhindro Priagung WIDODO, Budi SULISTIANTO, Gota DEGUCHI , Study on Generating Acoustic Emission with Heating Coal for Application as Monitoring System for Underground Coal Gasification , The 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2021.10.
75. Hideki SHIMADA, Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Xiaohu HU, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Application of Under-pinning Pipe Jacking on Tunnel Auxiliary Construction , The 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2021.10.
76. 高橋良太,胡 暁虎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,佐藤 徹,三野栄作 , 全周配置型パイプルーフ工法における周辺地山への影響に関する数値解析的研究 , 第32回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2021.10.
77. 白石祐希子,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智 , 大断面推進工法における上部判断面掘削工法の適用性と断面形状に関する解析的研究 , 第32回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2021.10.
78. Hideki SHIMADA, Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Ground Improvement with Sodium Silicate Chemical Grouting to Tropical Volcanic Regions, 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volicanic Fields, 2021.09.
79. 安藤勇大,濵中晃弘,板倉賢一,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,児玉淳一,出口剛太, 石炭地下ガス化(UCG)システムにおける反応領域の推定に向けたAE計測の適用性, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2021.09.
80. 橋川広都,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹, 軟弱地山条件下の坑内掘り炭鉱における保安炭柱の安定性に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2021.09.
81. 中尾佳敬,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,仲井亮平,崎山智彦,一ノ瀬政友, ベンチ発破における機械学習を適用した起砕物粒度予測に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2021.09.
82. 橋川広都,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,大屋二郎,一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアの軟弱地山が長壁式採炭切羽の進行に伴う沿層坑道の安定性に与える影響 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2021.05.
83. 弦川 聖,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,仲井亮平,崎山智彦,佐分利禎,高橋良尭,一ノ瀬政友 , 露天掘り鉱山における採掘切羽のレベルダウンに伴う発破振動への影響 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2021.05.
84. 大坪 寛,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,松本親樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 酸性坑廃水発生に与える酸素濃度の影響に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2021.05.
85. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Peng MA , Current Situation of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Technology in Japan , 25th International Trenchless Technology Conference , 2021.04.
86. Ryota TAKAHASHI, Peng MA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Application of Under-pinning Pipe Jacking on the Existing Infrastructure , 25th International Trenchless Technology Conference , 2021.04.
87. 坂本友希,Dyson MOSES,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,濵中晃弘,一ノ瀬政友 , 露天掘りカーボナタイト鉱山における角礫岩層が斜面の安定に与える影響に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2021.03.
88. 橋川広都,Ulaankhuu BADSAIKHAN,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 軟弱地山条件下の坑内掘り炭鉱における切羽採炭が周辺地山に与える影響に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2021.03.
89. 濵中晃弘,田頭良浩,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹 , ミャンマー北部の露天掘り金鉱山における酸性坑廃水抑制に向けた廃石の埋め戻し設計に関する実験的研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2021.03.
90. 笹岡孝司、濵中晃弘、島田英樹, 露天掘り鉱山における起砕物挙動の予測による飛石災害の防止に関する研究, 第12回動的破砕研究会, 2021.03.
91. 池松祥吾,胡 暁虎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,佐藤 徹,一ノ瀬政友, パイプルーフ工法における余掘り部の充填材の強度特性および鋼管の打設順序が周辺地山の変形に与える影響に関する数値解析的研究, 第31回非開削技術研究発表会, 2020.11.
92. 高橋良太,胡 暁虎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智,一ノ瀬政友, 推進工法を用いたアンダーピニング工法におけるパイプの配列が周辺地山の変形に影響に関する数値解析的研究, 第31回非開削技術研究発表会, 2020.11.
93. Tumelo K.M.DINTWE, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Dyson MOSES, Peng MA, Fanfei MENG , Effects of Underground Mining on the Open Pit Slope Walls , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
94. Fanfei MENG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Mechanical Behavior of Broken Rock Mass under Triaxial Compression Based on Particle Discrete Elements , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
95. Cho Thae OO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Analyze the Stability of Underground Mine Based on Different Vein Angles and GSI values (Sn-W Deposits) at Hermyin Gyi Mine, Myanmar, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
96. Ryota TAKAHASHI, Xiaohu HU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Numerical Study on Applicability of Under-pinning Method Using Pipe Jacking and Influence on Surrounding Ground, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
97. Yoshitaka NAKAO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Control the Particle Size of Muck Pile with Delay Time Considering Discontinuity of Rock Mass, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
98. Yoshimitsu MAKABE, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kenichi ITAKURA, Junichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI, Nuhindro Priagung WIDODO, Budi SULISTIANTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Experimental Study on Co-axial System with A Horizontal Well of Underground Coal Gasification to Evaluate Gasification Efficiency , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
99. Las KURI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Cho Thae OO , Slope Stability Analysis of Hamata Tailings Dam, Hidden Valley Mine, Papua New Guinea, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
100. Yuki SAKAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Dyson MOSES , Slope Design and Slope Stability Analysis of Carbonatite Mine at Songwe Hill in Malawi , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
101. Dyson MOSES, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Akihiro HAMANAKA, Tumelo K.M.DINTWE, Peng MA, Fanfei MENG, Cho Thae OO , Assessment of the Influence of a Brecciated Zone on Slope Stability , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
102. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI , Study of the Roadway Stability and Design of Support System in Underground Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
103. Sifei LIU, Jingyi CHENG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Zhijun WAN, Yuan ZHANG , Study on Evaluation Technology of Coal Pillar Stability Base on Vision Technology , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
104. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Application of the Conception of Underpinning for Ground Stability Control with Pipe Jacking Method, 24th International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2020.09.
105. Shogo IKEMATSU, Xiaohu HU, Han Huor OENG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Toru SATO, Reduction of the Surface Settlement Caused by Pipe Roof Construction with Lubricants and Installation Sequence, 24th International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2020.09.
106. Peng MA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Key Issue and Development Trends of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machine in Japan, 24th International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2020.09.
107. 池松祥吾,Tumelo K.M.DINTWE, 島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,一ノ瀬政友, オープンピット終掘後のサブレベルストーピング法を用いた坑内展開に おけるクラウンピラーおよび周辺地山の安定性に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2020.05.
108. 坂本友希,Dyson MOSES,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘りカーボナタイト鉱山におけるき裂卓越層が斜面の安定性に与える影響とその改善に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2020.05.
109. 高橋良太,胡暁虎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智,一ノ瀬政友, 推進工法を用いたアンダーピニング工法の適用性および周辺地山への影響に関する数値解析的研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2020.05.
110. 中尾佳敬,塩盛貴弘,笹岡孝司,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,高橋良尭,一ノ瀬政友,井上 雅,前田将平, 岩盤の不連続面を考慮した起砕物粒度に及ぼす起爆秒時差の影響に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2020.05.
111. 田頭良浩,濵中晃弘,Thant Swe WIN,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹,Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, ミャンマーのKyaukpahto金鉱山における酸性鉱山廃水抑制に向けた廃石の埋め戻し設計に関する研究, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2020.03.
112. 濵中晃弘,前原一稀,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,佐久間誠也, 二段土留め施工におけるアンカー工法適用による土留め壁の変位制御に関する研究, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2020.03.
113. Fanfei MENG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Chunde PIAO , Subsidence Calculation Model of Different Zone after Mining Based on Optical Fiber Sensor , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 2019.12.
114. Takahiro SHIOMORI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Effect of Firing Pattern on the Size Distribution of Rock Fragmentation in Open Pit Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019 , 2019.12.
115. Cho Thae OO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Tun NAING , Preliminary Study of Mine Closure for Underground Mines in Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 2019.12.
116. Bilguun ENKHBOLD, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI , Investigation on Slope Stability of Internal Dump of the Baganuur Open Pit Mine in Mongolia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 2019.12.
117. Yoshihiro TAGASHIRA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI, Study of Applicability of Sealing Material with Low Specific Gravity for Suction Mining of Rare-earth Rich Mud, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 2019.12.
118. Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yasuharu TOSHIDA, Tomohiko ABE , Application of Sodium Silicate Chemical Grouting to Tropical Regions , The 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019 , 2019.12.
119. Takashi SASAOKA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA , Drilling, Blasting and Excavation Engineering Effect of Delay Time and Firing Patterns on the Size of Fragmented Rocks by Bench Blasting , The 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019, 2019.12.
120. Naung NAUNG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Pisith MAO , Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Applications Evaluation on the Instability of Stope Mining Influenced by the Risks of Slope Surface and Previous Mined-out Activities , The 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019, 2019.12.
121. Pisith MAO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Jiro OYA, Naung NAUNG , Numerical Investigation on Gate-Entry Stability of Trial Panel in Indonesia Longwall Coal Mine , The 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019, 2019.12.
122. Kazuki MAEHARA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Fundamental Study on Application of Underpinning Method Using Pipe Jacking by Means of Numerical Simulation , The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future , 2019.12.
123. Shogo IKEMATSU, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Study on the Safety Distance between the Mining Area and the Underground Space for Crushing Facility under Different Rock Mass Conditions at Limestone Quarry, The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, 2019.12.
124. Thant Swe WIN, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hiroto YAMASAKI, Shinji MATSUMOTO, Myo Min TUN , Assessing the Potential Acid Forming Waste Rocks in Kyaukpahto Gold Mine, Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar , 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future , 2019.12.
125. Naung NAUNG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Pisith MAO, Risk Evaluations for Stope Mining Affected by Slope Surface, The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, 2019.12.
126. Tomonori HOSHINO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Study on the Influence of Ground Characteristics on Wearing of Shield Machine Cutter Bit in Gravel Ground , The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, 2019.12.
127. Pisith MAO, Tsuyoshi SAISHO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Jiro OYA, Naung NAUNG , Numerical Analysis of Longwall Gate-Entry Stability under Difference Remains Coal Thickness , 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future , 2019.12.
128. Dyson MOSES, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI , Slope Angle Optimisation for Songwe Open Pit Mine , 8th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Management , 2019.12.
129. Ma PENG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Chunde PIAO, Deyu QIAN , Application of Efficient Support System for Rapid Excavation in Deep Underground Coal Mine , 8th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Management , 2019.12.
130. 高橋良尭,久保田士郎,佐分利禎,緒方雄二,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘 , 露天掘り鉱山における岩盤状態を考慮した飛石予測に関する研究 , 火薬学会2019年度年会 , 2019.12.
131. 前原一稀,胡暁虎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智 , 推進工法を用いたアンダーピニング工法の適用による既設構造物および周辺地山への影響の低減に関する検討 , 第30回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2019.11.
132. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Han Huor OENG, Kazuki MAEHARA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Toru SATO , Effects of Lubricants in Over-cutting Area of Pipe Roof Method on Reducing Surface Settlement , VCRES 2019 International Symposium , 2019.11.
133. Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Tei SABURI, Shiro KUBOTA, Yuji OGATA , The Effect of Blasting Designs and Rock Mass Conditions on Flyrock and the Its Prediction , International Conference on Explosives and Blasting (ICEB 10) , 2019.10.
134. 前原一稀,佐久間誠也,濵中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹 , アンカー工法を用いた二段土留め施工における土質の相違が土留め壁の挙動に及ぼす影響に関する検討, 第40回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2019.09.
135. 山崎寛人,Thant Swe WIN,濵中晃弘,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松本親樹,一ノ瀬政友 , ミャンマーのKyaukpahto金鉱山における酸性鉱山廃水問題の発生要因に関する研究 , 第40回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2019.09.
136. 星野智紀,服部鋭啓,阿部 靖,浦田 築,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘 , 砂礫地盤におけるカッタービットの摩耗量の評価試験について , 令和元年度土木学会全国大会 , 2019.09.
137. 前原一稀,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,濱中晃弘,星野智紀,一ノ瀬政友 , 砂礫地山における礫および地山がシールドマシンカッタビットの摩耗に及ぼす影響に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2019.09.
138. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Stability of Surrounding Soil by Using Underpinning Pipe Jacking Method , NO-DIG 2019 37th International Conference and Exhibition , 2019.09.
139. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shinji Matsumoto, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Sendy Dwiki, Classification Method of Waste Rocks for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage by Considering AMD Potential in a Short and a Long Term, National Seminar in Acid Mine Drainage and Mine Water Management in Indonesia, 2019.09.
140. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Koichiro WATANABE, Akira IMAI, Takeshi TSUJI, Hajime MIKI , Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering between Kyushu University and Hokkaido University, Japan , 30th SOMP Annual Meeting and Conference , 2019.07.
141. Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Behavior of Surrounding Soil in the Case of Application of Under-pinning Method by Using Pipe Jacking , Trenchless Asia 2019 , 2019.07.
142. Kazuki MAEHARA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Development of Filling Material with Fly Ash and Slag as Lubricant in Pipe Jacking under Acid Sulfate Soils , 23rd International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing and Workshop Waste - Secondary Raw Materials , 2019.06.
143. Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI , Study on Addition of Surfactants Agents to Improve the Behavior of High Water Content Sediment for Rare Earth Mining in Deep Sea , 23rd International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing and Workshop Waste - Secondary Raw Materials , 2019.06.
144. Takashi SASAOKA, Pisith MAO, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Jiro OYA , Study on Control Measures of Shield Support in Longwall Face under Weal Geological Condition in Indonesia , Aachen International Mining Symposia - Mines of the Future - , 2019.06.
145. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,濱中晃弘,Sugeng WAHYUDI,久保田士郎 , 起爆秒時差の起砕メカニズムならびに起砕物挙動に及ぼす影響に関する研究 , 第78回石灰石鉱業大会 , 2019.05.
146. 最所剛志,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,大屋二郎,一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアのGDM坑内掘り炭鉱における沿層坑道の安定性評価及び支保設計に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2019.05.
147. 塩盛貴弘,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , ベンチ発破における起爆秒時差を用いた起砕物の粒度及び均等性制御に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2019.05.
148. Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Application of Rectangular Pipe Jacking to Excavation of Large Space, 23rd International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2019.04.
149. Kazuki MAEHARA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Development of Lubricant Material into Over-cutting Area for Reduction of Jacking Thrust, 23rd International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2019.04.
150. Peng MA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Analytical Study on Soil Behavior and its Countermeasures Using Pipe Jacking Method in Deep Strata, 23rd International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2019.04.
151. 前原一稀,佐久間誠也,船津貴弘,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 二段土留め施工におけるアンカー工法適用の検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2019.03.
152. 江藤創平,Naung NAUNG,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,船津貴弘,一ノ瀬政友 , ミャンマー坑内掘り金鉱山における採掘跡の影響を考慮した採掘空洞上部の保安鉱柱の安定性に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2019.03.
153. 濱中晃弘,Thant Swe WIN,山崎寛人,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹 , ミャンマーの金鉱山における酸性鉱山廃水本題の現状調査 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2019.03.
154. 高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,西森光輝,濱中晃弘,島田英樹 , 露天掘り鉱山における起爆秒時差を用いた発破振動抑制手法に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2019.03.
155. 山内 哉,高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,Sugeng WAHYUDI,島田英樹 , 室内発破試験と数値解析における応力波の伝播挙動および破壊メカニズムに関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2019.03.
156. Takashi SASAOKA, Kizuku URATA, Hideki SHIMADA, Tomoki HOSHINO, Toshihiro HATTORI, Tetsuo HATORI , Experimental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2018.11.
157. 田中雅弘,島田英樹,船津貴弘,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智 , 推進工法を用いたアンダーピニング工法の適用に伴う周辺地山の変形挙動に関する検討 , 第29回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2018.11.
158. 浅野 哲,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,利田靖治,阿部智彦 , インドネシアにおける立坑保護のための薬液注入工法の適用性に関する基礎的検討 , 第29回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2018.11.
159. 前原一稀,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,吉田安廣 , 推進工法における脂肪酸を添加した充填材の水分収支と推進力低減に関する検討 , 第29回非開削技術研究発表会, 2018.11.
160. Naung NAUNG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Pisith MAO , Fundamental Study of Stope and Barrier Pillar Stability by Using Cut and Fill Method for Redevelopment of Rest Gold Mine, Myanmar , 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2018.11.
161. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroto YAMASAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shinji MATSUMOTO, Application of Fly Ash to Acidic Soil to Improve Plant Growth in Disturbed Land of Open-cut Mining, 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, 2018.11.
162. Takahiro FUNATSU, Tomohiko SAKIYAMA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI , Modification of High Water Content Sediment for Rare Earth Mining in Deep Sea by Surfactants Agents , 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, 2018.11.
163. Naung NAUNG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Pisith MAO , Optimization of Stope's Stability under the Influence of Overlaying Mined-out Regions , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018 , 2018.11.
164. Pisith MAO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Naung NAUNG , Numerical Analysis of Seam Interaction on Gate Entry in Multiple Seams Longwall Coal Mine in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
165. Tumelo K.M. DINTWE, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Ma PENG, Takafumi SEIKI, Shizuo NOGUCHI , A Fundamental Study on the Static and Dynamic Stability of the Room and Pillar Underground Quarry in Oya , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
166. Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Shiro KUBOTA, Hajime YAMAUCHI, Tei SABURI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takahiro FUNATSU, Hideki SHIMADA, Yuji OGATA , Experimental and Numerical Study on Effect of Blasting Designs on Stress Wave Propagation and Rock Fracture Mechanism , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
167. Masahiro TANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Study on the Application of Under-pinning Method Using Pipe Jacking Method , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
168. Han Huor OENG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Toru SATO, Pisith MAO , Fundamental Study on the Effects of Grouting Materials of Pipe Roof Method on Reducing Surface Settlement , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
169. Kazuki MAEHARA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU , Development of Backfilling Material in Over-cutting Area with Fatty Acids to Decrease Thrust for Pipe Jacking , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
170. Cho Thae OO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Tun NAING, Naung NAUNG , Design of Underground Mining System at Shallow Area in Bawsaing Mine, Myanmar, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
171. Satoru ASANO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yasuharu TOSHIDA, Tomohiko ABE , Fundamental Study of Sodium Silicate Chemical Grouting Application in the Case of Indonesian Soil Environment , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
172. Thant Swe WIN, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Myo Min TUN , Identification of Acid-generating Waste Rocks from Waste Dump in Kyaukpahto Gold Mine, Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
173. Xiangyang SUN, Amarsaikhan TSEDENDORJ, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA , Preliminary Study on Optimization of Buffer Zone between Open-pit and Dumping Site in the Open-pit Copper Mine in Mongolia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
174. Mitsuki NISHIMORI, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Study on the Effect of Delay Time and Direction on Ground Vibration , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
175. Hiroto YAMASAKI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shinji MATSUMOTO , Improvement of Plant Growth of Acacia Mangium with Addition of Fly Ash into Acidic Soil , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
176. Xiaohu HU, Kazuki MAEHARA, Peng MA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Toru SATO , Design of Pipe Roof Jacking Method on Adjacent Building Structure , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
177. Peng MA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Tumelo K.M. DINTWE, Deyu QIAN, Nong ZHANG , Study on the Application of Screw Bolt in Coal Mine Roadway Support , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
178. Kizuku URATA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Study on the Effects of Gravel Characteristics and Ground Conditions on Cutter Bit Wear of Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
179. Seiya SAKUMA, Kazuki MAEHARA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Study of the Factors Affecting Behavior of Earth Stepped-twin Retaining Wall , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
180. Shohei ETO, Naung NAUNG, Hideki SHIMDADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Sugeng WAHYUDI , Fundamental Study of Stope and Barrier Pillar Stability under Overlaying Mined-out Area in Modi Taung Gold Mine, Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
181. Meng FANFEI, Hai PU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI , Simulation of Fracture Extension Law of Roof under the Case of Time-dependent Behavior and Seepage Action , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
182. Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita, Eiji Sakai, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka and Kikuo Matsui, Study On Bit Wear for High Density Slurry Pipe Jacking Crusher Type Machine Through A Hard Ground Pipe Jacking, International No-Dig 2018 36th International Conference and Exhibition, 2018.10.
183. Hideki Shimada, Kazuki Maehara, Masahiro Tanaka, Sugeng Wahyudi, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Fumihiko Matsumoto and Tomo Morita , Behavior of Soil around Rectangular Pipe by Using New Type Excavation of Pipe Jacking, International No-Dig 2018 36th International Conference and Exhibition, 2018.10.
184. Naung NAUNG, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA,Sugeng WAHYUDI, Pisith MAO , Geotechnical Assessment of Rock Mass and Potential Failures in Stope Mining at NPGPGL Underground Gold Mine, Myanmar , 2018 Joint International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation , 2018.10.
185. Seiya SAKUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Case Study of Cutter Soil Mixing (CSM) Method on Hard Soil Conditions , 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2018.10.
186. Toru SATO, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Development of a Micro-tunnel Boring Machine (MTBM) in Pipe-roofing Considering Ground Conditions , 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2018.10.
187. Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Satoru ASANO, Kazuki MAEHARA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Application of Soil Improvement by Sodium Silicate-based Grouting on Indonesian Sand , 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2018.10.
188. 前原一稀,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,船津貴弘,一ノ瀬政友 , 推進工法における推力低減を目的とした脂肪酸添加型滑材兼裏込材の開発 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2018.09.
189. 田中雅弘,島田英樹,船津貴弘,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,松元文彦,森田 智,一ノ瀬政友, 推進工法を用いた上部判断面掘削工法の適用に伴う地山変形挙動に関する検討 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2018.09.
190. 浅野 哲,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,利田靖治,阿部智彦,一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアにおけるダム修復時の一次止水としての薬液注入工法の適用性に関する検討 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2018.09.
191. 浦田 築,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 砂礫地山における地山特性および礫の特性がシールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗特性に及ぼす影響 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2018.09.
192. 江藤創平,Naung NAUNG,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,船津貴弘,Sugeng WAHYUDI,一ノ瀬政友, ミャンマー坑内掘り金鉱山における採掘跡の影響を考慮した十点式採掘法適用時の安定性に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2018.09.
193. 高橋良尭,久保田士郎,佐分利禎,笹岡孝司,山内 哉,船津貴弘,Sugeng WAHYUDI,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,緒方雄二 , 発破規格が応力波の伝播挙動および破壊メカニズムに及ぼす影響に関する検討 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2018.09.
194. 西森光輝,高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,Sugeng WAHYUDI,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り鉱山における起爆秒時差を用いた発破振動の低減に関する検討 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2018.09.
195. 松本親樹,村上海人,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹 , 露天掘り石炭鉱山における酸性鉱山廃水対策へのフライアッシュの適用とその抑制機構 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2018.09.
196. 船津貴弘,崎山智彦,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,高橋恵輔 , 海洋底資源開発のための界面活性剤が海洋底堆積物の流動特性改質に及ぼす影響 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2018.09.
197. 山内 哉,高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,Sugeng WAHYUDI,島田英樹,佐分利禎,久保田士郎,緒方雄二, DICによるひずみの可視化と室内発破試験における亀裂の進展挙動に関する研究, 第39回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2018.09.
198. 前原一稀,佐久間誠也,船津貴弘,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友 , 二段土留め施工における土留め壁の挙動に及ぼす各種要因に関する検討 , 第39回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2018.09.
199. 星野智紀,服部鋭啓,羽鳥哲夫、浦田 築,島田英樹,笹岡孝司 , 砂礫地盤におけるカッタービットの摩耗量の評価試験について , 平成30年度土木学会全国大会 , 2018.08.
200. 佐久間誠也,前原一稀,島田英樹,笹岡孝司 , CSM機導入時の岩に対する掘削性能試験 , 平成30年度土木学会全国大会 , 2018.08.
201. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Koichiro Watanabe, Takeshi Tsuji, Ryo Imai, Hajime Miki, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Yuichi Suigai, Kotaro Yonezu, Naoki Hiroyoshi, Cooperative program for resources engineering between Kyushu University and Hokkaido University-International Field Exercise 2017, 29th Annual Meeting and Conference for Society of Mining Professors , 2018.07.
202. Takashi SASAOKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Jiro OYA , Study on Appropriate Support System and Control Criteria for Main Roadway under Weak Geological Conditions in Indonesia, Mining In Asia International Symposium, 2018.07.
203. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Koichiro Watanabe, Takeshi Tsuji, Akira Imai, Hajime Miki, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Yuichi Sugai, Kotaro Yonezu, Junichi Kodama, and Naoki Hiroyoshi , International Field Trip 2017-Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering Between Kyushu University & Hokkaido University-
, The 8th Society of Mining Professors Regional Meeting Technical Program, 2018.07.
204. 高橋良尭,笹岡孝司,山内 哉,船津貴弘, Sugeng WAHYUDI,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,久保田士郎,佐分利禎,緒方雄二, 発破による応力波の伝播挙動と破壊の発生に関する実験的・数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
205. 真壁良充,Sugeng WAHYUDI,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,Tri KARIAN,一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア・Cibaliung 金鉱山におけるクラウンピラーの最適設計に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
206. 山崎寛人,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,船津貴弘,一ノ瀬政友,松本親樹, 露天掘り鉱山採掘跡地の酸性環境におけるフライアッシュの適用が植物生育へ及ぼす影響, 資源・素材学会九州支部若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
207. Hideki SHIMADA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Optimum Backfilling Material into Over-cutting Area Surrounded by Acid Sulfate Soils in East Asian Countries, Trenchless Asia 2018, 2018.05.
208. 島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,Sugeng WAHYUDI,久保田士郎,佐分利禎, 飛石の発生メカニズムとその制御に関する基礎的研究, 第77回石灰石鉱業大会, 2018.05.
209. Takashi SASAOKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Phanthoudeth PONGPANYA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Guidelines for an Apropriate Support System and Control Criteria for Main Roadway under Weak Geological Conditions in Indonesia, AIMS2018 First International Conference Mines of the Future, 2018.05.
210. 濱中晃弘,山崎寛人,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松本親樹 , 露天掘り鉱山採掘跡地におけるフライアッシュの酸性土壌への適用が植物生育に与える影響 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2018.03.
211. 浅野 哲,Rizky Satria PUTRANTO,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,利田靖治,阿部智彦, インドネシアにおける土留め壁構築時の薬液注入工法の適用性について, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2018.03.
212. 高橋良尭,久保田士郎,佐分利禎,笹岡孝司,山内 哉,Sugeng WAHYUDI,濱中晃弘,島田英樹,緒方雄二,一ノ瀬政友 , 室内小規模発破試験による強度特性が亀裂進展挙動に及ぼす影響に関する研究, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2018.03.
213. 浦田 築,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,濱中晃弘,星野智紀,一ノ瀬政友 , 礫含有率および礫の特性がシールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗特性に及ぼす影響に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2018.03.
214. 前原一稀,佐久間誠也,船津貴弘,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹, FEMによる二段土留め施工における土留め壁の挙動に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2018.03.
215. 西森光輝,高橋良尭,山口耕太郎,笹岡孝司,濱中晃弘,Wahyudi SUGENG,七海睦二,井上 雅,安藤健太,一ノ瀬政友 , ベンチ発破における起砕物の飛翔挙動に関する実験的検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2018.03.
216. Satoru Asano, Rizky Satria Putranto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yasuharu Toshida, Tomohiko Abe , Fundamental Study of Sodium Silicate Chemical Grouting Application on Indonesian Sand , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
217. Taiko Tagami, Tomohiko Sakiyama, Takahiro Funatsu, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Keisuke Takahashi , Study on Deformation Behavior of Rare-earth Elements Rich Mud and Applicability of Sealing Materials in Seabed Mining , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
218. Shinji Matsumoto, Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma , Utilization of Coal Ash for Prevention of Environmental Issues in Mine Sites: Necessity of a Multidisciplinary Approach , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
219. Mitsuki Nishimori, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki Shimada , Study on Prediction of Ground Vibration in Consideration of Fragmentation in the Rock , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
220. Masahiro Tanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takahiro Funatsu, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita , Study on Application of New Pipe Jacking Method with Rectangular Shape in Shallow Strata , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
221. Han Hour Oeng, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Toru Sato , Fundamental Study on Behavior of Surrounding Soil by Using Pipe Bursting , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
222. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Tei SABURI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng Wahyudi, Shiro KUBOTA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yuji OGATA, Fundamental Study on Rock Fracture Mechanism Induced by Blasting in Small-scale Blasting Tests, The 6th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications, 2017.11.
223. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma , Environmental Issues in Open-cast Coal Mine in Southeast Asia: Interrelation of Environmental Problems within a Mine Operation in Indonesia , Coal Mining and Utilization for Sustainable Development International Conference , 2017.11.
224. Zhiyi Zhang, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka , Numerical Study on the Effectiveness of Grouting Reinforcement on Large Heaving Floor of Retained Gob-side Gateroad in Deep Underground Coalmine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
225. Naung Naung, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Tin Htun, Kyaw Htet Aung , Evaluation on Rock Mass Condition and Current Mining Condition in NPGPGL Underground Gold Mine, Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
226. Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Naung Naung , Ground Behavior of Mine Portal Excavated in Poor Rock Mass at PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
227. Kai Wen, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI , Numerical Study on Tunnel Face Stability and Ground Deformation of Slurry Pipe Jacking in Cold Region , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
228. Kizuku Urata, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Tomonori Hoshino , Experimental Study on the Influence of Gravel Characteristics and Gravel Content on the Cutter Bit Wear of Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
229. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma , Characterization of Fly Ash Types Based on Geochemical and Physical Behavior in the Using for Acid Mine Drainage Prevention , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
230. Thant Swe Win, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Myo Min Tun , Preliminary Study on Acid-Generating Waste Rocks in the Open-pit Backfilling of Monywa Copper Deposit, Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017 , 2017.11.
231. Cho Thae Oo, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki Shimada, Tun Naing, Su Su Kyi, Wa Aung, Naing Zaw , Zonation and Preventative Measures of Landslide along Falam-Hakha Car Road, Chin State in Myanmar , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11.
232. Xiangyang Sun, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Zhiyi Zhang , Preliminary Study on Mechanism of Floor Heave in Underground Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11.
233. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Tei Saburi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shiro Kubota, Hideki Shimada, Yuji Ogata , Dynamic Strain Measurement by means of Digital Image Correlations Method for Study on Rock Fracture Mechanism Induced by Blasting, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11.
234. Kentaro Nishie, Hideki Shimada, Keiko Sasaki, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Shinji Matsumoto , Physical Influence of New Radioactive Material Adsorbent Using Montmorillonite on Cement Solidification Treatment , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11.
235. Zaya Buyanbat, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Sendy Dwiki , Fundamental Characterization of Waste Rock for Dry Cover Prevention Method of Acid Mine Drainage Generation by Using Fly Ash and Organic Material , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11.
236. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma , Environmental Conservation in Consideration of Regional Characteristics in Open-pit Coal Mine in Southeast Asia , 53rd CCOP Annual Session , 2017.10.
237. 浅野 哲, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 利田 靖治, 阿部 智彦 , インドネシアにおける推進立坑土留め壁構築時の薬液注入工法の適用性に関する基礎的検討 , 第28回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2017.10.
238. 田中 雅弘, 島田 英樹, 船津 貴弘, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 松元 文彦, 森田 智 , 低土被り地山の大断面矩形推進工法における上部判断面掘削工法の適用に関する数値解析的検討 , 第28回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2017.10.
239. Kotaro Yanaguchi, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada , Experimental Study on the Effect of Blasting Patterns and Rock Mass Conditions on Flying Behavior of Fragmented Rock in Open Pit Metal Mine, The 9th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting , 2017.10.
240. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Shinji Matsumoto, Kaito Murakami, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka , Application of a Mixture of Fly Ash and Topsoil for Rehabilitation in Open-pit Coal Mines in South East Asian Countries , 2nd International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restration , 2017.10.
241. Hideki Shimada, Shinji Matsumoto, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma , Effect of Acid Soil Properties on Soil Erosion at a Dumping Site in an Open-pit Coal Mine, Indonesia , 2nd International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restration , 2017.10.
242. 田中 善広, 星野 智紀, 野口 宏治, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹 , 地盤の礫の特性および礫含有率がカッタービット摩耗量に及ぼす影響に関する研究 , 平成29年度土木学会全国大会 , 2017.09.
243. 浦田 築, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 濵中 晃弘, 星野 智紀, 一ノ瀬 政友 , 砂礫地山におけるシールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗特性に及ぼす礫の特性および礫含有率の影響に関する研究 , 第38回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2017.09.
244. 崎山 智彦, 船津 貴弘, 濵中 晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 高橋 恵輔 , 海洋底資源開発におけるレアアース泥の採掘挙動およびシーリング材施工による環境負荷低減効果に関する研究, 第38回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2017.09.
245. 山口 耕太郎, 高橋 良尭, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, ワヒュディ スゲン, 一ノ瀬 政友, 久保田 士郎, 佐分利 禎 , 岩盤内き裂を考慮した発破挙動の伝播特性に関する研究 , 第38回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2017.09.
246. Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Tei SABURI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Shiro KUBOTA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yuji OGATA , Study on Rock Fracture Mechanism Induced by Blasting and the Effect of Delay Time with Mortal Block, The 6th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and Their Applications , 2017.09.
247. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 濵中 晃弘, 高橋 良尭, 七海 睦二, 藤原 崇行 , 露天掘り鉱山における起砕物挙動予測に関する研究 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2017.09.
248. 笹岡 孝司, Koichiro Watanabe, 辻 健, 三木 一, 島田 英樹, 藤光 康宏, 菅井裕一, 米津 幸太郎 , チェコ共和国における国際フィールド調査, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2017.09.
249. 船津 貴弘, 坂本 聖一, 濵中 晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 高橋 恵輔 , 海洋底資源開発におけるレアアース泥の採掘挙動に及ぼす含水状態の影響 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2017.09.
250. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Shizuo Ikuta , Development of Chain Conveyor Cutter Method and Its Application , 26th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2017.08.
251. Takashi Sasaoka, Kizuku Urata, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Tomonori Hoshino, Koji Noguchi , Fundamental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , 26th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2017.08.
252. Keisuke Takahashi, Toshiro Yamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Application of Cement-based Sealants for Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Impact of Submarine Resource Mining , 26th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2017.08.
253. 西森 光喜, 高橋 良尭, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 七海 睦二, 藤原 崇行, 起爆秒時差及び起爆方向が発破振動と起砕物挙動に与える影響に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部 平成29 年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2017.06.
254. 西江 健太郎, 島田 英樹, 笹木 圭子, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 一ノ瀬 政友, モンモリロナイトを用いた新規放射性物質吸着材がセメント固化体処理に与える影響, 資源・素材学会九州支部 平成29 年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2017.06.
255. 村上 海人, 濵中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松本 親樹, 加藤 剛, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り鉱山の採掘跡地におけるフライアッシュ混合土壌が植物生育に与える影響, 資源・素材学会九州支部 平成29 年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2017.06.
256. 七海 睦二, 藤原 崇行, 是枝 武史, 山口 耕太郎, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹 , 現場発破試験に基づいた起砕物挙動の予測による飛石災害の防止 , 平成29年度全国鉱山・精錬所現場担当者会議 , 2017.06.
257. 笹岡 孝司, ワヒュディ スゲン, 島田 英樹, 久保田士郎, 地質構造及び岩盤状態に基づく残壁の安定性に及ぼす発破振動の影響評価方法の確立, 第76回石灰石鉱業大会, 2017.05.
258. 高橋良尭,佐分利禎,笹岡孝司,Sugeng WAHYUDI,久保田士郎,島田英樹,緒方雄二 , 室内小規模発破試験による岩石の破壊メカニズムに関する検討, 火薬学会2017年度年会 , 2017.05.
259. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Toru Sato, Fumihiko Matsumoto, Application of Pipe Jacking Technology into ASEAN Countries
, NASTT's 2017 No-Dig Show and ISTT's 35th annual International No-Dig , 2017.04.
260. 佐々木 駿尚, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濵中 晃弘, 吉田 安廣, 酸性硫酸塩土壌による推進工法用充填材の劣化メカニズムの検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2017.03.
261. 高橋 良尭, 佐分利 禎, 山口 耕太郎, 笹岡 孝司, ワヒュディ スゲン, 久保田 士郎, 濵中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 緒方 雄二, 発破による岩石に破壊メカニズムに関する室内実験的検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2017.03.
262. 山元 寛哲, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 野口 宏治, 大前 慶恵, 羽鳥 哲夫, 砂礫地盤におけるシールドカッタービットの摩耗評価に関する研究, 第14回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2017.01.
263. 崎山 智彦, 生田 静夫, 高橋 良尭, 松本 親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 一ノ瀬 政友, チェーンコンベアカッター工法の海面廃棄物処分場における遮水工への適用に関する研究, 第14回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2017.01.
264. 高橋 良尭, 山口 耕太郎, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 藤原 崇行, 竹内 啓介, 露天掘り鉱山における岩盤状態および発破規格の起砕物挙動への影響に関する検討 , 第14回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2017.01.
265. Naung Naung, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Tomo Morita, Fumihiko Matsumoto, Recent Pipe Jacking Technology in Japan and Its Application Examples into ASEAN Countries
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
266. Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Deyu Qian, Numerical Study on Failure Mechanism of Roadway in Case of High Horizontal Stress Condition , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
267. Zhiyi Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Optimization of Hard Roof Structure over Retained Goaf-side Gateroad by Pre-split Blasting Technology
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
268. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Kotaro Yamaguchi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Effects of Blasting Designs and Rock Mass Conditions on Rock Fragmentation Induced by Blasting in Open Pit Metal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
269. Shunta Ogata, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Study on Effective Revegetation at Post-mining Land in Indonesian Open-cut Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
270. Kai Wen, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Deyu Qian, Preliminary Study on Application of Pipe Jacking Technology to Infrastructure Construction in Cold Regions
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
271. Mingwei Zhang, Shengdong Liu, Deyu Qing, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Determination of Microseismic Focus Energy Using Residual Seismic Wave Attenuation in Deep Rock Stratum
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016 , 2016.12.
272. Seiichi Sakamoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, Keisuke Takahashi, Fundamental Study on Deformation Behavior of Seafloor Covered with Sealing Materials in Seabed Mining
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
273. Toshinao Sasaki, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shuichi Fujita, Applicability of Chemical Grouting on Improvement of Soil in Indonesia
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
274. Shinji Matsumoto, Shunta Ogata, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Effects of Soil Acidification on Soil Erosion in Open-cast Coal Mines in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
275. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Evaluation of Oxygen Behavior in Overburden Dumping Area: A Field Measurement Study Comparing Potentially Acid Forming and Non-acid Forming Rock, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
276. Hirotaka Ishimatsu, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Classification of Waste Rocks in Terms of Physical and Geochemical Property to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage in Open-cut Coal Mines in Indonesia
, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 2016.12.
277. 佐々木 駿尚, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 吉田 安廣, 酸性硫酸塩土壌における推進工法のための充填材の配合に関する検討, 第27回非開削技術研究発表会, 2016.11.
278. 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 吉田 安廣, インドネシアにおける地盤改良を目的とした薬液注入工法の開発 , 第27回非開削技術研究発表会, 2016.11.
279. 山元 寛哲, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 野口 宏治, 大前 慶恵, 羽鳥 哲夫, 砂礫地盤におけるシールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗評価に関する研究 , 第26回トンネル工学発表会 , 2016.11.
280. Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Recent Pipe Jacking Technology in Japan and Its Application into ASEAN Countries
, 20th Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering , 2016.11.
281. Takashi Sasaoka, Naung Naung, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Application of Pipe Jacking Technology to Development of Underground Mine Roadway under Weak Geological Condition
, International Conference on Earth Sciences and Sustainable Geo-resources Development , 2016.11.
282. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shuichi Fujita, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Takashi Senda, Practical Design of Over-cutting Area on Pipe Jacking Method by Application of Chemical Grouting , The 8th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering , 2016.11.
283. Tri Karian, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Budi Sulistianto, Sill Pillar Application for Crown Pillar Recovery Optimization in Overhand Cut and Fill Underground Mine , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
284. Rizky Satria Putranto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shuichi Fujita, Yoshihito Kanemasu, Experimental Study of Sodium Silicate Grouting Material: Characterization and Mechanical Performances , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
285. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Shizuo Ikuta, Tomohiko Sakiyama, Application of Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC) Method to Construction of Ocean Disposal Sites , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
286. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Kotaro Yamaguchi, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Study on Mechanism and Occurrence Conditions of Fly Rock at Bench Blasting , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
287. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shuichi Fujita, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Keisuke Takahashi, Development of Construction Material for Covering of Seabed Resources Using Fly Ash, 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
288. Shunta Ogata, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Effects of the Change of Soil pH on Soil Erosion in Indonesian Open-pit Coal Mine , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
289. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Physical Changes of Coal-bearing Rock in the Dumping Site with the Utilization of Fly Ash and Organic Material as Cover Layer to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage Generation
, 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2016.10.
290. SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Characteristics of Rock Blast Damage and Damage Criterion of Limestone Rock Mass , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2016.10.
291. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Tei Saburi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Yuji Ogata, Study on Effect of High Precision Detonation on Fracture Mechanism in Small Scale Blasting Tests
, 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
292. Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Naung Naung, Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Tunnel Crown Deformation Generated by Pipe Jacking Technology in a Weak Rock Underground Coal Mine , International NO-DIG Beijing 2016 34th International Conference and Exhibition , 2016.10.
293. Toshinao Sasaki, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Fundamental Study on Development of Filling Material into Tail-void Surrounded by Acid Sulfate Soils in Tropical Regions
, International NO-DIG Beijing 2016 34th International Conference and Exhibition , 2016.10.
294. SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Rizky Satria Purtanto, Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshihiro Kanemasu, Yasuharu Toshida, Sodium Silicate-Based Grouting Material Performance on Various Soil Particle Size Fractions Under Acidic Conditions , International NO-DIG Beijing 2016 34th International Conference and Exhibition , 2016.10.
295. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Prediction of Blast-induced Ground Vibration Considering Rock Mass Fracture Condition , 6th International Conference on Computer Application in the Mineral Industries , 2016.10.
296. 高橋 良尭, 山口 耕太郎, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 藤原 崇行, 竹内 啓介, 起砕物の飛翔挙動に及ぼす切羽の節理方向の影響に関する検討, 第37回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2016.09.
297. 松本 親樹, Putranto S. Rizky, 島田 英樹, ワヒュディ スゲン, 笹岡 孝司, 藤田 修一, 一ノ瀬 政友, 金舛 能史, 利田 靖治, 珪酸ソーダを用いた地盤改良材の数種の地盤への適用性に関する実験的検討, 第37回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2016.09.
298. Takashi Sasaoka, PHANTHOUDETH Pongpanya, ULAANKHUU Batsaikhan, Hideki Shimada, TAKAMOTO Hiroshi, OYA Jiro, Study on Support Design for Main Roadway in New Underground Coal Mine Developed from Open-cut Highwall in Indonesia, 35th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China, 2016), 2016.09, Indonesia is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for about 30 Mt annually. They produce over 400 Mt in 2015, over 99% of which is from open-cut mines. However, the conditions of surface mining are becoming worse year by year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching to the economic ratio and the infra-structure for coal transportation from inland mining areas is not prepared enough. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed. Under these conditions, our research program is being conducted to study the potential for underground coal mine in Indonesia through the roadway heading research program in which an underground coal mine is attempted to be developed from open pit highwall. The greatest challenge for underground coal mine development in Indonesia is safety of mine roadway in soft rock during heading, because the rock is weaker than other countries. There is a problem of possibility of heading below mobile unconsolidated soft sediment then heading move to deep area. It makes the problem of stability of support system occur due to the increase of ground pressure. The ground behavior of around roadway was measured by using Telltale, Extensometer and conver-gence measures. Moreover, the rock property tests were also conducted by using exploration drilling cores. Based on the geologi-cal data and monitoring data, a series of numerical analyses were conducted in order to discuss the appropriate support design of main roadway to 200m depth..
299. 笹岡 孝司, 高本 拓, ポンパンニャ ファンソウデス, 大屋 二郎, 島田 英樹, ワヒュディ スゲン, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシアGDM炭鉱における岩盤工学的諸問題, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09, インドネシアやタイをはじめとする東南アジア諸国では,生産される石炭の大部分が露天採掘によるものである.これら露天掘り石炭鉱山の多くは,剥土比の上昇や環境保護規制の強化に伴う採掘区画の制限等により,生産状況は年々悪化している.このような状況下で,増加する石炭需要に応えるためには,坑内掘り石炭鉱山の開発やそれへの移行が必要不可欠である.そこで,幾つかの露天掘り石炭鉱山では,最終残壁から坑内掘り石炭鉱山の移行開発が企てられ,試験採掘も実施されている.しかし,東南アジア諸国の露天掘り石炭鉱山の地山条件は,米国や豪州,欧州と比べて力学的に非常に軟弱なため,これまで欧米各国で用いられてきた採掘法および採掘設計では,最終残壁の崩壊や採掘切羽の不安定化等,様々な地山制御問題が発生し安全な採掘が困難であると考えられる.東南アジア諸国の露天掘り石炭鉱山における坑内掘りへの迅速な移行および石炭生産量の確保を可能にする有効な手段として検討すべき課題である.そこで本報告では, 東南アジア諸国で最大の産炭国であるインドネシア・GDM炭鉱における坑内掘り石炭鉱山の開発における岩盤工学的問題点について述べる..
300. 坂本 聖一, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松本 親樹, 高橋 恵輔, 一ノ瀬 政友, 海洋底資源開発における無機系シーリング材被覆時の吸引採掘挙動に関する研究, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09, 我が国において、将来の資源供給先を確保することが喫緊の課題である。しかしながら、開発可能な資源量の減少や陸上資源の枯渇が叫ばれている中、今まで以上に資源の獲得は困難になってきている。近年その打開策の一つとして、海洋底資源の開発が有力視されており、いくつかの調査の結果から海洋底に存在する資源埋蔵量は陸上での埋蔵量の100倍以上に匹敵することが明らかとなってきた。一方で、様々な開発技術が提案されているものの、海洋底における環境基準などを定めた法整備は整っておらず、開発に伴う懸濁粒子の拡散など周辺環境への影響に関して未だ十分な検討がなされていない。既往の研究において、無機系シーリング材を用いて予め鉱区を被覆することにより、開発に伴う海洋底堆積物の飛散に起因する環境擾乱を抑制する方法が提案された。そこで本研究では、生産性、操作性の観点から最も有力視されているポンプ式採掘に着目し、吸引試験を実施するとともに、シーリング材を施工した場合に試験を行った際の吸引挙動を把握するため、室内試験を行った。その結果、土壌表面の変形挙動に差異が見られ、シーリング材の施工により環境擾乱に対する抑制効果が見られた。.
301. 笹岡 孝司, 米津 幸太郎, 島田 英樹, 藤光 康宏, Koichiro Watanabe, 九州大学の地球システム工学インターンシップの現状・課題, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09, 我が国においては,国内の地下資源産業が衰退の一途をたどる一方で,石炭や石油,天然ガス等のエネルギー資源,鉄鉱石・銅鉱石等の鉱物資源のほとんどを海外に依存せざるを得ず,これらエネルギー資源・鉱物を安定的に輸入するためには,資源開発技術を理解したグローバルに対応できる技術者を育成していくことが急務であろう.このような技術者を育成するためには,大学で受講した内容を操業現場で再認識させるとともに,種々の問題点の把握とその解決策を自らが見出す能力を育成する必要がある.この理念から,九州大学大学院工学研究院地球資源システム工学部門(以下,九大資源と略記)では,海外への学生(院生を含む)の派遣,海外の大学や研究機関との共同研究を推進してきた.このような海外と連携した教育・研究を通じ,九大をアジア(世界)での資源開発・利用の分野のナンバーワンを目指し,アジアにおける研究教育拠点としてその地位を確立すべく部門を挙げて様々なプロジェクトに取り組んできている.
302. 松本 親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 一ノ瀬 政友, 濱中 晃弘, Kusuma Ginting, Gautama Rudy, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山における酸性坑廃水への対策とその現状, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09, インドネシアは世界の主要な石炭輸出国のひとつであるが、石炭の採掘現場では深刻な酸性坑廃水の問題が発生している。また、同国の多くの露天掘り石炭鉱山では、本問題への対策として覆土工法と呼ばれる方法が主流となっているが、依然として多くの問題が残されている。 そこで本研究では、インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山の廃石堆積場において現場試験、試料採取および分析を実施することにより、酸性坑廃水の抑制を目的とした覆土工法の施工状況を調査した。調査結果より、インドネシアの鉱山現場における覆土工法の問題点として、覆土層に使用する岩石の不足、覆土層の崩壊による酸性坑廃水の発生、覆土層上部における植物の枯死という3つの問題点が確認された。すなわち、これらの問題を解決するためには、地化学的、物理的、農学的観点からの取り組みが必要である。このように石炭の採掘現場において生じる問題は分野横断的な問題であるため、複数の視点から問題に取り組むことが重要であり、幅広い知識を有した研究者および技術者の存在が必要不可欠である。.
303. 高橋 良尭, 山口 耕太郎, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 藤原 崇行, 竹内 啓介, 岩盤状態および発破規格が起砕物の飛翔特性に与える影響に関する検討, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09, 発破作業は、露天掘り採掘において効率性や経済性の観点から重要な作業である。しかしながら一方で、他の作業と比べ、飛石や地盤振動など周辺環境に影響を与える可能性が高いと言える。本研究の対象である春日鉱山(株)では2013年10月、発破により発生した飛石が敷地外の倉庫を破損する災害が発生した。今後更なる採掘に向け、安全で効率的な鉱山開発を行うために、発破による飛翔特性を解明し、その制御方法を確立することが必要不可欠である。そこで本研究では、稼働中の採掘切羽において、亀裂状態の異なる切羽で最小抵抗線長および爆薬原単位を変更した発破試験を実施した。その結果、岩石の破砕性や飛翔方向・距離が亀裂状態に大きく依存することが分かった。また、飛翔距離は最小抵抗線長や爆薬原単位によって異なることも明らかとなり、岩盤状態に応じた発破規格の変更により、飛石発生を制御した効率的な発破作業が可能であることが示された。.
304. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 久保田士郎, 発破振動の最終残壁に及ぼす影響を考慮したプレスプリットの最適施工に関する研究, 第75回石灰石鉱業大会, 2016.05.
305. Takashi Sasaoka, Hiro Yamamoto, Hideki Shimada, Koji Noguchi, Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Drivage Machine, AIMS2016 First International Conference Mining in Europe, 2016.05.
306. Shinji Matsumoto, Shunta Ogata, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Evaluation Method of Soil Conditions in Rehabiitation Area in Consideration of the Effect of Acid Soil on Vegetation in Coal Mines in Indonesia, AIMS2016 First International Conference Mining in Europe, 2016.05.
307. 石松 紘宇, 松本 親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山における酸性鉱山廃水の抑制を目的とした採掘廃石の分類に関する研究, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2016.03.
308. 緒方 俊太, 松本 親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 一ノ瀬 政友, 濱中 晃弘, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山における石炭灰を適用した植栽基盤の浸食特性に関する検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2016.03.
309. 坂本 聖一, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松本 親樹, 高橋 恵輔, 一ノ瀬 政友, 無機系シーリング材を適用した海底資源開発における深海底での地形追従性に関する検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2016.03.
310. 高橋 良尭, 佐分利 禎, 笹岡 孝司, ワヒュディ スゲン, 島田 英樹, 緒方 雄二, 室内小規模発破試験による高精度起爆が起砕メカニズムに与える影響の検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2016.03.
311. 松本 親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 佐藤 徹, 一ノ瀬 政友, 松井 紀久男, 矩形管渠推進工事における周辺地山の変形挙動に関する数値解析的検討:円形管渠施工時との比較, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2016.03.
312. Shunta Ogata, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Study on Effects of the Cover Layer by Using Coal Ash on Revegetation in Indonesian Open Cut Coal Mine, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, 2016.02.
313. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Fundamental Research of Fly Ash and Organic Material Utilization as Dry Cover Layer for Acid Mine Drainage Prevention Method: Column Leaching Study, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, 2016.02.
314. 山元 寛哲, 辻本 康平, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 野口 宏治, 大前 慶恵, シールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗の定量的評価に関する研究, 土木学会第44回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2016.01.
315. Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Deyu Qian, Water Inflow Associated with Ground Subsidence Caused by Undersea Coal Mining, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
316. Ryota Yoshida, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Toru Sato, Analytical Study on the Construction of Tunnels nearby Buildings by Pipe Roof Method, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
317. Seiichi Sakamoto, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Keisuke Takahashi, New Development Covering Material Using Fly Ash for Construction of Seabed Structures, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
318. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Study of Fly Ash and Organic Material Utilization as Cover Layer in the Dry Cover Method for AMD Prevention in the Coal Mine, Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
319. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Keisuke TAkeuchi, Hiroaki Tanaka, Fundamental Study on Behavior of Flyrock in Open-pit Metal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
320. Shunta Ogata, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ikuo Miyajima, Study on Utilization of Coal Ash as Topsoil Substitutes for the Reclamation of Post-Mining Area in Open Cast Coal Mine in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
321. Hirotaka Ishimatasu, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Fundamental Research of a New Classification of Potentially Acid Forming Aiming at the Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage in Open-pit Coal Mines in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
322. Ulaankhuu Batsaikhan, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Analysis of Stability and Dimensioning of Openings/Pillars with Highwall Mining System in Panian Pit of Semirara Coal Mine, Philippines, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
323. Naung Naung, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita, Fundamental Study on the Behavior of Ground Subsidence by Using Rectangular Pipe Jacking Method, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
324. Ysohinori Miyamoto, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Study on Construction of Waste Dump by Considering the Change of Physical Properties Associated with Acid MineDrainage in Open Pit Coal Mines in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
325. Shinji Matsumoto, Shunta Ogata, Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Fundamental Research on Evaluation of Acid-topsoil for Effective Revegetation at Post-mining Land in Indonesian Open Cast Coal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
326. Zhiyi Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Application of Combined Support System in Deep Retained God-side Entry, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
327. Tri Karian, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Crown Pillar Characteristics in Cut and Fill Underground Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
328. Kento Fukui, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Shiro Kubota, Study on Control of Rock Fragmentation at Limestone Quarries, The 8th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques, 2015.11.
329. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Tei Saburi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Yuji Ogata, Fundamental Study on an Effect of High Precision Detonation on Fracture Mechanism, The 8th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques, 2015.11.
330. 吉田 亮太, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松元 文彦, 森田 智, 酒井 栄治, 大断面矩形推進における周辺地山の挙動に関する数値解析的検討, 第26回非開削技術研究発表会, 2015.11.
331. Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Shuichi Fujita, Material for Construction of Seabed Structures Using Fly Ash - Surfactant Mixtures, The 23rd International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2015.11.
332. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahasi, Hirokuni Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Hiroaki Tanaka, Keisuke Takeuchi, Field Experiments on Flight Behavior of Fragmented Rocks and Control Measure of Fly Rock , The 23rd International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2015.11.
333. Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Study on Method for Minimizing Soil Erosion in Open-cut Mines in Tropical Regions , 34th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China 2015) , 2015.10, Akihiro Hamanaka (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Hideki Shimada (Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
Takashi Sasaoka (Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering).
334. Donghua Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Formation Mechanism of Benches on Stability of Dumping Area , 34th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China 2015) , 2015.10.
335. Hirotaka Ishimatsu, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Fundamental Study on Application of Potentially Acid Forming for a Cover Layer in Open Pit Coal Mine in Indonesia, The 14th Conference on Science and Technology on Earth Resources and Petroleum , 2015.10.
336. Shunta Ogata, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ikuo Miyajima, Applicability of Coal Ash for the Revegetation of Post-mining Land in Indonesian Open Cut Coal Mine , The 14th Conference on Science and Technology on Earth Resources and Petroleum, 2015.10.
337. SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, Takashi Senda, Analytical Study of Backfilling Injection into Over-cutting Area of Deep Pipe Jacking to Improve Surrounding Soil , 4th Annual International Conference on Geologicaland Earth Science, 2015.10.
338. Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita, Eiji Sakai, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Pipe Jacking Method in Connecting New Pipeline to the Existing Underground Structure Including Right Angle
Curve Route , International NO-DIG 2015 33rd International Conference and Exhibition, 2015.09.
339. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Naung Naung, Toru Sato, Application of Pipe Roof by Using Pipe Jacking under Different Design on Behavior of Ground Surface after
Tunnel Construction , International NO-DIG 2015 33rd International Conference and Exhibition , 2015.09.
340. 山元 寛哲, 野口 宏治, 大前 慶恵, 辻本康平, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 硬質砂礫地盤におけるシールドカッタービットの摩耗予測に関する基礎的研究 , 平成27年度土木学会全国大会, 2015.09.
341. 笹岡 孝司, ワヒュディ スゲン, 島田 英樹, 一ノ瀬 政友, 東南アジアにおける石炭資源開発における岩盤工学的諸問題 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2015.09.
342. 濱中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 熱帯地域の露天掘り石炭鉱山における採掘跡地における土壌浸食予測 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2015.09.
343. 高橋 恵輔, 山中 寿朗, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 岡本 慶, 海底資源開発に伴う汚染防止とリハビリテーションへの海底シーリング材の応用に関する研究, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2015.09.
344. 森田 智, 松元 文彦, 酒井 栄治, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, ボックス推進工法における低負荷型函渠築造方法について , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2015.09.
345. 佐々木 勝之, 平井 正哉, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, ジャカルタ目抜き通りにおける泥水式推進工法, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2015.09.
346. 山元 寛哲, 辻本康平, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 野口 宏治, シールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗評価に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2015.09.
347. 辻本康平, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 山元 寛哲, 野口 宏治, シールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗予測に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2015.09.
348. 石松紘宇, 松本親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるPAF廃石の堆積場への適用に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2015.09.
349. 緒方俊太, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中 晃弘, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山の採掘跡地における石炭灰の植栽土壌への適用に関する検討 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2015.09.
350. 松本親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中 晃弘, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における酸性坑廃水のための適切な覆土層の構築に関する検討, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2015.09.
351. 高橋良尭, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 田中 博章, 竹内 啓介, 露天掘り鉱山における発破による起砕物の飛翔特性に関する研究 , 第36回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2015.09.
352. 石松紘宇, 松本親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山における黄鉄鉱を含む廃石の堆積場への適用を目的とした分類に関する研究 , 第36回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2015.09.
353. 辻本康平, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 山元 寛哲, 野口 宏治, 砂礫地盤におけるシールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗特性およびその予測手法に関する研究 , 第36回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2015.09.
354. 吉田亮太, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 佐藤 徹, 推進工法を用いたパイプルーフ施工による地中構造物の隣接施工に関する数値解析的検討 , 第36回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2015.09.
355. 濱中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 熱帯地域の露天掘り鉱山における土壌の浸食抑制法に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会北海道支部 春季例会, 2015.06.
356. 松本親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中 晃弘, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山の廃石堆積場における酸性坑廃水の抑制を目的とした剥土岩石の取り扱いに関する検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部, 2015.06.
357. 緒方俊太, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中 晃弘, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山の採掘跡地における石炭灰の植栽土壌への適用に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部 , 2015.06.
358. 坂本聖一, Tri Karian, ワヒュディ スゲン, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, Budi Sulistianto, 一ノ瀬 政友, Cibaliung金鉱山におけるシルピラーおよびロックボルトを用いた採掘空洞の支保設計に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部 , 2015.06.
359. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Suhichi Fujita, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Construction of Seabed Structure by New Development Covering Material Using Fly Ash, 19th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2015.06.
360. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, The Use of Sulfur-bearing Rocks For The Cover Layer To Prevent Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in The Cover System: Characterization of Rocks , 19th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2015.06.
361. Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Shota Ogata, Takashi Sasaoka, Ikuo Miyajima, Utilization of Coal Ash For Preparation of Seedbed in Disturbed Land in Indonesian Open Cut Coal Mine, 19th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2015.06.
362. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Takashi Sasaoka, Shinji Matsumoto, Fatimah Koten, Evaluation of Acid Mine Drainage Characterization for Prediction Post Drainage Water Quality in Coal Mines, 19th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2015.06.
363. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shizuo Ikuta, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Issues for Development of Underground Coal Mine from Open Pit Highwall in Seashore Region, 5th International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2015.05.
364. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ginting J. Kusuma, Rudy S. Gautama, The key Factors of the improvement of classification Method of Waste Rocks aimed at the Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage, 5th International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2015.05.
365. 坂本聖一, 濱中晃弘, Amarsaikhan Tsedendorj, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 一ノ瀬政友, モンゴル砂漠地域における露天掘り石炭鉱山のダンピングサイトの安定設計に関する研究, 資源・素材学会 , 2015.03.
366. 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 高橋恵輔, 吉田安廣, 一ノ瀬政友, 海底熱水資源開発に伴う環境擾乱のハビリテーションに向けた海底シーリング材の適用性評価 , 資源・素材学会 , 2015.03.
367. 松本親樹, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における硫化鉱物を含有する廃石が多量に存在する地域での酸性鉱山廃水抑制を目的とした覆土工法モデルの検討 , 資源・素材学会 , 2015.03.
368. 高橋 良尭, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 田中博章, 一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り鉱山における発破に伴う起砕物の飛翔特性 , 資源・素材学会 , 2015.03.
369. 辻本康平, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 山本寛哲, 野口宏治, シールドマシンカッタービットの摩耗評価に関する基礎的研究 , 資源・素材学会 , 2015.03.
370. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Matsui Kikuo, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Fundamental Study of Effect of Waste Rock Condition on Control of Acid Mine Drainage at Open Pit Coal Mine in Tropical Regions , VIETROCK 2015 International Symposium , 2015.03.
371. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Budi Sulistianto, Masatomo Ichinose, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical Issues on Application of Highwall Mining System in Indonesia , VIETROCK 2015 International Symposium , 2015.03.
372. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Assessment of Soil Erosion at Rehabilitation Area in Tropical Regions Based on Laboratory Experiment , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
373. Ronald Widjojo, Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Ridho Kresna Wattimena, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Creating a Software to Determine the Underground Blasting Geometry Design , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
374. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Kento Fukui, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Shiro Kubota, Tei Saburi, Numerical Study on Effects of Constructing Trench and Reducing Charge Weight on Blast Vibration in Metal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
375. Hirokuni Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Hiroaki Tanaka, Masashi Inoue, Study on Control of Fragmentation Size by Changing Blasting Pattern at Open Pit Metal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
376. Deyu Qian, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Amarsailhan Tsedendorj, Matsui Kikuo, Application of Goaf-side Roadway Retained with Multiple Segments in Deep Underground Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
377. Sendy Dwiki, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Imam Fadll, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Fatimah Koten, Mine Void Management Study: Water Quality Assessment of Post Closure in Coal Mining by Using Forward and Inverse Modelling , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
378. Shinji Matsumoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Management of a Large Amount of Potentially Acid Forming for the Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
379. Naoya Inoue, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Applicability of Fly Ash as a Topsoil Substitute for the Reclamation of Post Mine Area in Indonesian Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
380. Tri Kalian, Hideki Shimada, Budi Sulistianto, Takashi Sasaoka, Pandu Winarno, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Mohammad Joannes Djuharlan, Matsui Kikuo, Indirect In-situ Stress Determination from Tunnel Deformation Monitoring , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
381. Kohei Tsujimoto, Purwanto, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Tri Kalian, Matsui Kikuo, Evaluation of Tangential Stress at Sidewall after Cut and Fill Excavation at Underground Gold Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
382. Kento Fukui, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Distribution of Rock Fragmentation after Blasting and Development of Its Prediction Method , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014 , 2014.12.
383. Kento Fukui, Hirokuni Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Shiro Kubota, Tei Saburi, Study on Control Measures for Blast-induced Ground Vibration in Open Pit Metal Mine by Means of Numerical Analysis , 4th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques , 2014.11.
384. 吉田 亮太 , 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 渡辺 大, 位置修復グラウチングにおける排土工に伴う埋設管の位置修復に関する数値解析的検討 , 第25回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2014.11.
385. 夕田 奈々 , 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 佐藤 徹, 推進工法を用いたパイプルーフ施工における施工計上の地表面変形挙動への影響に関する数値解析的検討 , 第25回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2014.11.
386. Akihiro Hamanaka, Amarsailhan Tsedendorj, Naoya Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Current Geotechnical Issues in Open Cut Mining in Desert Area in Mongolia , 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China) , 2014.10.
387. Hiroshi Takamoto, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Jiro Oya, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Surface Subsidence due to Longwall Mining Operation under Weak Geological Condition in Indonesia , 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China) , 2014.10.
388. Naoya Inoue, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Fundamental Study on Application of Fly Ash as Topsoil Substitute for the Reclamation of Mined Land in
Indonesian Open Cut Coal Mine , Beijing International Symposium Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2014.10.
389. Donghua Zhang, Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Stability of Water Content on Dominant Loess Dumping Areas , Beijing International Symposium Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2014.10.
390. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Evaluation of the Current System for Waste Rock Treatment Considering the Rock Conditions in Open Pit Coal Mine, Indonesia , Beijing International Symposium Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2014.10.
391. Qing Yu, Jinrong Ma, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Influence of Aquifer Drainage on Land Subsidence in Eastern Chinese Coal Mines , Beijing International Symposium Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2014.10.
392. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, An Experimental Study for Assessment of Soil Erosion at Rehabilitation Area in Indonesian Coal Mine , Beijing International Symposium Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration , 2014.10.
393. Tri Karian, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Matsui Kikuo, Surface Subsidence Prediction of longwall Underground Coal Mining Prototype by Using Numerical and Empirical Method , 2014 ISRM International Symposium and 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2014.10.
394. SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Fundamental Study on Directional Directional Characters of Site-specific k and b of PPV Prediction Model , 2014 ISRM International Symposium and 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2014.10.
395. Deyu Qian, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Amarsailhan Tsedendorj, Cheng WANG, Matsui Kikuo, Analysis Coal Pillar Width and Stability Control of Gob-side Entry Driving in Deep Island Coal Face , 2014 ISRM International Symposium and 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2014.10.
396. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Senda, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Dai Watanabe, Analytical Study on Soil Behavior and Its Countermeasures Using a Pipe Jacking Method in Deep Strata , International NO-DIG 2014 32nd Internatinal Conference and Exhibition , 2014.10.
397. Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita, Eiji Sakai, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, New Pipe-jacking Method in Connecting New Pipeline to the Existing Underground Structure , International NO-DIG 2014 32nd Internatinal Conference and Exhibition, 2014.10.
398. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 濱中晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, Budi Sulistianto, 東南アジアの露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるパンチマイニングシステムの適用について, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 現在、インドネシアにおける石炭生産量の99%は露天掘りによって採掘されている。しかしながら、現在いくつかの炭鉱が坑内展開を実施あるいは計画中であるが、稼行中の露天採掘炭鉱での深部化と剥土費の増加によるコスト上昇、露天採掘可能埋蔵量の減少、指定森林区域における露天採掘の禁止など今後、増加し続ける石炭需要を満たすためには露天採掘から坑内採掘への展開は必要不可欠かつ急務であるといえる。そこで、露天掘り鉱山の最終残壁からパンチマイニングシステムを用いた坑内展開を提案し、この坑内展開の可否や最適な採掘設計について数値解析を用いて種々検討した結果について述べる。 .
399. 加藤 正剛, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, 砂利採取鉱山における脱水ケーキダンピングサイト設計に関する解析的検討 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 我が国の天然骨材資源は,国土の保全や社会基盤整備等のための構造物の骨格を成すコンクリートの材料として開発が行われてきた。骨材の大消費地である首都圏の需要に応えている千葉県では,平成24年実績で8,618千m3の天然骨材を生産している。骨材生産の洗浄・選別工程で発生する廃棄物の脱水ケーキは、現状ではほぼ全量が採取場内で埋立処分されているが、地表近くに埋立処分されると、透水性悪化により跡地緑化に大きな影響を及ぼす。跡地緑化に影響を及ぼさない深度に脱水ケーキを埋立処分するためには、十分な深度を持つ処分場が確保されるまで脱水ケーキを一時保存する場所が必要であるが、採取場面積の限られている砂利採取鉱山では、十分な場所を確保することが困難な状況となっている。本検討では、二次元応力解析プログラムPhase2を用いて、安定かつ狭い面積で実現可能な脱水ケーキダンピングサイト設計について解析的検討を行った。.
400. 田中博章, 品川賢治, 井上雅, 井上 博国, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 岩戸鉱山における起砕鉱粒度解析により導き出された最適発破規格による操業改善 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 岩戸鉱山では一次クラッシャーに投入できる起砕鉱の粒径は500mm以下である。したがって、起砕鉱の中から500mm以上を選別し、ブレーカーにより500mm以下に小割する作業が必要となる。現発破規格では、500mm以上の起砕鉱の割合が多く、小割作業が採掘費を増加させる一要因となっていることから、それを削減することが課題となっている。一般に、発破による起砕鉱の粒径は、その規格のみならず岩盤状態(亀裂、強度)、地質など様々な要因に影響を受ける。したがって、上記課題解決のために、岩盤状態を考慮した最適な発破規格を導き出すことを目的とし、粒度解析、亀裂評価、力学試験を実施した。まず、現発破規格で発破を行い、起砕鉱粒度分布の解析を行った。また、岩盤状態がその粒度分布に与える影響を検討するため、発破箇所ごとに、発破前切羽壁面の亀裂評価、起砕鉱の力学試験を実施した。その後、発破規格を変更して、同様の粒度解析、亀裂評価、力学試験を実施した。最後に、その結果および各作業のユニット・コストを元に、最適な発破規格を採用することによる粒度分布の変化が採掘費に与える改善効果を試算した。.
401. 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における環境修復の現状および今後の展望 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, インドネシアでは石炭のほとんどが露天掘りにより採掘されており,開発後には大規模な荒廃した土地が採掘跡地として形成される。開発によって形成された荒廃した採掘跡地では,熱帯雨林の消失や土砂流出による河川の汚濁など深刻な環境問題が引き起こされるため,環境修復のための効果的な対策を開発初期段階より検討・策定する必要がある。インドネシアは熱帯雨林気候に属しており,多量の降雨と開発地域特有の地質状況によって露天掘り鉱山開発に伴い酸性鉱廃水(Acid Mine Drainage: AMD)問題が深刻化している。AMD問題はインドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山において重要視されている環境問題の一つあり,鉱山会社においてもAMD抑制対策のための廃石の埋め戻しシステムや水質管理に対して様々な取り組みを行っている。また,採掘跡地は生態系や環境保全といった理由から最終的に地表面は植物で覆われる必要があるが,近年では農作物の栽培や乳牛および肉牛の放牧等の産業用途のための採掘跡地の利用も同時に検討されている。本報告ではインドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における環境修復の現状および今後の展望に関して大規模鉱山の操業を例に述べる。 .
402. 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における環境修復の現状および今後の展望 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, インドネシアでは石炭のほとんどが露天掘りにより採掘されており,開発後には大規模な荒廃した土地が採掘跡地として形成される。開発によって形成された荒廃した採掘跡地では,熱帯雨林の消失や土砂流出による河川の汚濁など深刻な環境問題が引き起こされるため,環境修復のための効果的な対策を開発初期段階より検討・策定する必要がある。インドネシアは熱帯雨林気候に属しており,多量の降雨と開発地域特有の地質状況によって露天掘り鉱山開発に伴い酸性鉱廃水(Acid Mine Drainage: AMD)問題が深刻化している。AMD問題はインドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山において重要視されている環境問題の一つあり,鉱山会社においてもAMD抑制対策のための廃石の埋め戻しシステムや水質管理に対して様々な取り組みを行っている。また,採掘跡地は生態系や環境保全といった理由から最終的に地表面は植物で覆われる必要があるが,近年では農作物の栽培や乳牛および肉牛の放牧等の産業用途のための採掘跡地の利用も同時に検討されている。本報告ではインドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における環境修復の現状および今後の展望に関して大規模鉱山の操業を例に述べる。 .
403. 高橋 良尭, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 田中博章, 久保田士郎, 一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り鉱山における発破振動の抑制に関する数値解析的検討 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 発破作業は、鉱山や土木の分野で重要な技術として古くから用いられてきたが、法令によって火薬類の利用が制限されていることをはじめ、振動・騒音・飛石などほかの工法よりも周辺環境に悪影響を及ぼす可能性が高いといえる。本研究の対象鉱山である春日鉱山(株)では、近年、最近隣住宅において自主規制値と同等もしくはそれを超える発破振動が観測されており、発破振動の伝播挙動の把握およびその対策が急務となっている。そこで、春日鉱山で発破振動の実測を行うとともに、有限要素法による数値シミュレーションを試み、本鉱山における発破振動の伝播挙動を解明し、防振壁の構築及び装薬量の減少による発破振動の低減効果について種々検討した。これにより、現場試験の結果と数値解析の結果の比較から解析モデルの妥当性を確認できた。また、本解析手法の適用により、防振壁の施工や装薬量を減少させることで発破振動の低減が確認できた。今後、本鉱山では、採掘計画、地質条件および採掘コストを考慮し、適切な発破振動低減対策を選択する必要があると考えられる。 .
404. 井上直也, 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山の採掘跡地における環境修復のためのフライアッシュの表土代替物としての適用に関する基礎的研究, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 近年、インドネシアでは高い経済成長に伴い、石炭を中心としたエネルギーの需要が高まってきている。そのため、石炭火力発電所において産業廃棄物として発生するフライアッシュの量が増加することが予想される。フライアッシュは通常、埋め立て処分がされているが、埋め立て場の制限があることなどから、有効利用をますます進めていく必要があると考えられる。インドネシアにおいては、フライアッシュの約8割は主にセメントの原料として広く利用されてきたが、将来的な経済成長の停滞に伴いセメント需要が逼迫することなどを考慮すると、他の有効利用法の検討を行うことは非常に有意義であるといえる。 そこで本研究では、インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山を対象とし、フライアッシュの物理的・化学的試験を行うことにより、フライアッシュの表土代替物としての適用性の検討を行った。その結果、土壌の物理性とホウ素の溶出量を考慮してフライアッシュを施用することで、フライアッシュの表土代替物としての適用が可能になると考えられる。 .
405. 夕田 奈々, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 千田尚, 一ノ瀬政友, 大深度推進工法における種々条件下でのテールボイド変形挙動に関する検討 , 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, 近年、都市部のインフラ整備が急速に進み、地下鉄、道路、電気、ガス、上下水道等の新たなトンネルや管渠埋設施工の需要が増大している。しかしながら、原則としてこれらの地下構造物は公共用地の地下にしか許可されず、また地下浅部においても既存の構造物が輻輳しているため、新たな管渠埋設を目的として大深度(地下40m以深、以下大深度)での施工の必要性が今後更に高まっていくものと考えられる。この大深度における管渠埋設施工については、地上からの開削は論外であり、一般に非開削工法が適用されている。特に、非開削工法の一種である推進工法は技術革新が進み、地下深部における適用性が向上しているが、大深度の推進施工実績・学術的検討については未だ十分ではない。そこで本研究では、大深度推進施工においての重要な検討案件であるテールボイドの状態について数値解析を用いて種々検討した。.
406. 濱中晃弘, 井上直也, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, USLE式を用いたインドネシア露天掘り鉱山における土壌浸食の評価法に関する検討, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09, インドネシアでは,石炭のほぼ全量を露天掘りにより生産しているため,程度の多少はあれ,開発・生産に伴い周辺環境に影響を与えることは避けられないため,環境負荷低減型の鉱山開発を行うために,適切なリハビリテーションプログラムを開発初期段階より検討・策定する必要がある。インドネシアは熱帯雨林気候に属しており,年間降雨量が多く,多量の降雨によって土壌浸食が容易に発生する環境であることから,過度の土壌浸食現象により,流出した土壌が河川の川底に堆積し,水質汚濁が引き起こされるだけでなく,植栽基盤としての良質な土壌の流出によってリハビリテーションエリアにおける再緑化の阻害を引き起こす可能性がある。そのため,リハビリテーションエリアの中長期的な維持・管理のためには,対象区域の土壌浸食状態を事前に予測して対策を講じる必要がある。そこで,本報告では降雨に伴う土壌流出量を予測する式として広く一般的に用いられている,USLE式(Universal Soil Loss Equation)を用いた土壌浸食予測に関して各種室内試験および現場調査より検討を行った結果について述べる。.
407. 福井 健人, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, 久保田 士郎, 佐分利 禎, 露天掘り鉱山における防振壁の施工および装薬量による発破振動への影響に関する数値解析的検討
, 第35回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2014.08, 発破作業は,鉱山や土木の分野で重要な技術として古くから利用されてきたが,法令によって火薬類の利用が制限されていることをはじめ,振動・騒音・飛石など,他の工法よりも周辺環境に悪影響を及ぼす可能性が高いと言える。その中でも発破振動は比較的広範囲に影響を及ぼし,その最大振幅が大きい場合や周波数が構造物の固有周波数と近い場合には,共振により被害を及ぼす恐れがある。そのため,振動の最大振幅だけでなくその経時変化を考慮することも必要となる1)。そこで,発破振動の効果的な低減手法を検討するため,九州南部に位置する露天掘り鉱山を研究対象として現場試験および数値解析を行った。すなわち,発破振動の実測を行うとともに有限要素法による数値シミュレーションを試み,本対象鉱山における発破振動の伝播挙動を解明して解析モデルを構築し,防振壁の構築および装薬量の減少による発破振動の低減効果について種々検討した。.
408. 夕田 奈々, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 千田 尚, 一ノ瀬 政友, 大深度推進工法における施工に伴うテールボイドの変形挙動に関する数値解析的検討
, 第35回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2014.08, 近年,大都市部の交通機関やインフラの整備が急速に進み,地下鉄,道路,電気,ガス,上下水道等の新たなトンネルや管渠埋設施工の需要が増大していたが,原則としてこれらの地下構造物は公共用地の地下にしか許可されず,またその地下浅部には既存の多種多様な構造物が輻輳していたため,新たな地下構造物の計画には大きな障害となり,既設のそれらよりもさらに深部に構築せざるを得なくなってきていた。このような情勢を受け,都市再生や都市機能の強化等を目的として,平成12年5月,「大深度地下の公共的使用に関する特別措置法」(以下;大深度地下法)が成立(実施は平成13年4月)し,地下空間利用に関する新たな選択肢が加わった。なお,この法律における「大深度」とは,土被り40m以深が想定されている。そして,この大深度地下法の成立を契機に大深度地下利用は事業実施段階に入り,各方面において大深度地下利用制度の利点を盛り込んだ事業が活発に計画され始めた。現在,既に一部では実施されているが,この大深度での地下構造物の構築法は,開削工法は論外であり,シールド工法や推進工法に依らざるを得ない。しかし,経験の浅い大深度での施工に関しては,特に推進工法において解決すべき種々の課題が残っていると考えられている。
409. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Challenges in Acidic Water Control by Considering the Effects of Waste Rock Condition, Aachen International Mining Symposium -Sixth International Symposium on High Performance Mining-, 2014.06, Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) problem is considered as one of the serious problems in mining operation in the world. This problem is generated due to sulfide minerals in waste rocks. Sulfide minerals are very commonly included in any types of crustal rocks, resulting in AMD and a negative impact on the ecosystem. In this research, some experiments were conducted with the rocks sampled in the open pit coal mine in Indonesia to understand the effects of the rock condition on acidic water generation. The result indicated that wetting and drying process affected the disintegration of rocks caused by both physical and chemical factors in the rock sample. Hence, AMD generation is promoted due to both factors while waste rocks are stored in tailings in the current system. It suggests that the system for waste rock management should be improved to prevent AMD generation..
410. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Nay Zar Lin, Budi Sulistianto, Punch Multi-slice Mining System for Thick Coal Seam Under Weak Geological Conditions, Aachen International Mining Symposium -Sixth International Symposium on High Performance Mining-, 2014.06, Most of coal is produced from open-cut mines in Southeast Asian countries. However, the conditions of their surface mines are worsening each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching economic ratio and the regulation of environmental protection. To meet the demand for coal, underground mines have to be developed in the near future. Under these circumstances, the development of new coal mines from open-cut highwalls are being planned in Southeast Asian countries. Moreover, some of the Southeast Asian mines have thick coal seams. However, if the conventional mining systems and designs introduced in US, Australia and European countries are applied, several geotechnical issues can be expected due to the mines’ weak geological conditions. From these backgrounds, this paper proposed a punch multi-slice mining system with stowing for thick coal seam under weak geoligical conditions and discussed its applicability and suitable design by means of numerical analysis..
411. 福井健人, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 濱中晃弘, 久保田士郎, 佐分利 禎, 一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り石灰石鉱山におけるプレスプリットによる発破振動低減効果に関する基礎的研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2014.05, 本研究では,露天掘り石灰石鉱山において発破振動の実測を行うとともに,有限要素法による数値シミュレーションを行い,生産発破と最終残壁面の距離,プレスプリットの施工深度等をパラメータとしてプレスプリットによる最終残壁周辺の発破振動の低減効果,および最終残壁の安定性に及ぼす発破振動の影響について種々検討した..
412. 田中博章, 品川賢治, 井上 雅, 井上 博国, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 岩戸鉱山における起砕鉱粒度解析で導き出された最適発破規格による操業改善, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2014.05.
413. 辻本康平, 濱中晃弘, Purwanto, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア・Cibaliung鉱山の採掘坑道天盤におけるロックボルト支保設計に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2014.05, 本鉱山では、天盤の安定性保持のために天盤支保によるロックボルトが適用されているが、採掘坑道において天盤崩落などが頻繁に発生しているため、現在喫緊の対応が求められている。そこで、この問題を解決するために採掘坑道周辺の応力解析を行い、本鉱山におけるロックボルト支保効果を最大限に発揮させるための打設方法に関する検討を行った。また、本鉱山では、今後開発の更なる深部化が検討されているため、ロックボルトの支保効果の限界深度に関する検討も併せて行った。

414. 濱中晃弘, 井上直也, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り鉱山の採掘跡地におけるカジノキの現場適用性に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2014.05, カジノキの実生を用いて現場生育試験を行うとともに、カジノキの生育に適した土壌を特定し、緑化を効率的に進めるための土壌条件を検討するために、砂と粘土をさまざまな比率で混合した人工培土でカジノキ実生を栽培し最適な培土を検討した。

415. 宮本佳典, Deyu Qian, 濱中晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, 中国の坑内掘り石炭鉱山における断層破砕帯を通過する主要坑道の設計に関する基礎的研究
, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2014.05, 本研究では、中国・安徽省西部に位置するGuqiao石炭鉱山を研究対象とし、地下深部の断層破砕帯周辺における主要坑道の変形挙動の把握ならびに地山改良による坑道の安定性の改善効果について数値解析により種々検討した。.
416. Naoya Inoue, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Effective Assessment Methods of Soil Erosion Control in Indonesian Open Pit Mine, 18th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2014.05.
417. Shogo Kato, Yoshiaki Sakai, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Application of Soil Conditioner Made from Dewatered Sludge to Revegetation Aggregate Mining Site, 18th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2014.05.
418. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Revegetation for Utilization of Disturbed Land by Paper Mulberry in Indonesian Open Cut Mine, 18th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2014.05.
419. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 久保田士郎, 種々の岩盤条件下における発破振動および起砕物粒度予測に関する研究, 第73回石灰石鉱業大会, 2014.05.
420. 上野宏次郎, 船津貴弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 岩石の破壊靭性評価のためのSCB試験片の寸法に関する研究, 日本材料学会学術講演会, 2014.05, SCB試験を実施した結果、来待砂岩、諫早砂岩ともに破壊靭性の寸法効果が認められた。SR試験の結果との比較により、諫早砂岩のような引張強度の強い砂岩ではChongらの式は適用可能であるということが判った。.
421. 加藤 正剛, 堺 義明, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, 脱水ケーキを利用した土壌改良材の砂利採取跡地緑化への適用に関する検討
, 資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会, 2014.03, 我が国の天然骨材資源は,国土の保全や社会基盤整備等のための構造物の骨格を成すコンクリートの材料として開発が行われてきた。骨材の大消費地である首都圏の需要に応えている千葉県では,平成23年度実績で7,973千m3の天然骨材を生産している。同県で生産されている天然骨材資源は主に山砂・砂利であるが,山砂・砂利資源開発はCO2吸収源とされる林野地を開発するため,地球温暖化抑止の観点からも,また採取跡地や近隣地の環境維持からも採取跡地の緑化促進は喫緊の課題である。


422. 松本 親樹, 濱中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山における廃石の風化が酸性鉱廃水の発生に与える影響, 資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会, 2014.03, 世界各国では近年の急激な経済の発展に伴い石炭需要は増加し続けると予測される一方で、石炭資源開発の活発化による環境問題の増加が世界中で懸念されている。この環境問題のひとつに硫化鉱物を含有する岩石(採掘廃石)が水や酸素に曝されることで酸性水を発生する鉱害、いわゆる酸性鉱山廃水(Acid Mine Drainage;以下AMD)がある。我が国の主要な石炭輸入先国であるインドネシアは、その石炭生産量は世界第5位(2012年)であり、我が国のエネルギー資源の安定供給を図る上で重要な国であるが、熱帯雨林気候に属するインドネシアは高温多湿な気候であるため、AMDの発生がより助長、顕在化する傾向にあり、多方面からの種々の対策が求められている。

 インドネシアKPC(Kaltim Prima Coal) 石炭鉱山では、石炭資源の開発により発生するAMD問題に対して、簡易的な地化学分析によりAMD発生の可能性を有する廃石の分類を行い、例えば図2に示すような覆土工法を施工することでAMD抑制に努めている。しかしながら本工法では、廃石の埋戻し過程前に地化学分析によりAMD発生の可能性を有すると分類された廃石を個別に貯蔵する必要があるため、貯蔵中に廃石が風雨に曝されることで風化し、AMDや土壌流出などの問題の発生が懸念される。また、既往の研究よりAMD問題を議論するには風化作用を考慮する必要があり、物理的風化作用と化学的風化作用の相互緩衝により、AMD発生が促進されることが指摘されているが 、その影響は現場の気候や廃石の特性により異なる。本報告では、現場より採取した廃石を用いて、風化試験及び種々の分析を実施し、風化試験前後における廃石の性状を比較することで、廃石の物理的風化および化学的風化がAMDの発生に与える影響に関して検討を行った結果を述べる。

423. 濱中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山のリハビリテーションにおける土壌浸食評価, 資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会, 2014.03, 日本はインドネシアから年間約3,000万tもの石炭を輸入しており、それはオーストラリアに次ぐ第2位の石炭輸入量である。インドネシアでは、石炭のほとんどが露天掘りにより採掘されているため、周辺環境に多大な影響を与えがちである。また、インドネシアの石炭生産量はここ20年程度の間に飛躍的な増加を示し、今後も石炭資源開発は飛躍的に増加していくものと予想されているため、鉱山開発に伴う周辺環境への影響も増大していくものと考えられている。したがって、周辺環境への影響を最小限にした環境負荷低減型の持続可能な資源開発に向け、適切なリハビリテーションプログラムを開発初期段階より検討・策定する必要がある。


424. Deyu Qian, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Cheng Wang, Stability Control of Roadway in Protected Seam of Deep High-gas Multi-seams through Ascending Mining in China, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, The number of coal mines with coal and gas outburst is shooting up with mining depth increasing in China. Mining protective coal seam is one of the most effective technologies preventing coal and gas outburst for mining high-gas multi-seams with low permeability. However, the difficulty of controlling roadway stability in upper protected seams above the gob jumps after mining lower protective coal seam. Based on the problem of surrounding rock stability control for roadway in the overlying protected seam of high-gas multi-seams through ascending stress-relief mining in Huainan mining area, the numerical simulation model is established according to actual engineering to analyze the redistribution of stress during roadway excavation and mining lower protective coal seam, and influence of bolt support on fissure and displacement fields of surrounding rock. Support technique of “three-high” bolt support system combined with pre-stressed anchor cable beam structure is put forward that is successfully applied in Guqiao Coal Mine. Field measurement has proved that the deformation of surrounding rock tended to be stable in 41 days after the support scheme was implemented in the roadway that was excavated in the upper protected seam in 150 days after mining the lower protective seam..
425. Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Mechanism of Localized Stress Concentration in Interlayer Rock Mass and Its Impact on Deep Multi-seam Mining, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, Although the extraction in the stress relaxation zone of deep multi-seam coal mining is relative safely, unnatural accidents still occur occasionally and sometimes threaten worker’s life security seriously. To explore the primary factor that caused these issues, the characteristics of lateral stress reconstruction and floor failure behavior in interlayer rock mass were surveyed based upon a series of field investigations. And both the redistribution of principle stress and phenomenon of interlayer rock failure were analyzed by numerical simulation. Then by the infinitesimal strain method, two types of infinitesimal analysis models in vertical and horizontal direction respectively were created to explore the reason of floor failure behavior and the mechanism of localized stress concentration. And the impact of localized stress concentration in interlayer rock mass induced by the extracted liberated seam on the subsequent extraction of protected seam was discussed finally. Main findings indicate that a certain extent of localized stress concentration in interlayer rock mass induced by the increased lateral stress results in these accidents. Reconstructed lateral stress provides the mechanical conditions for rock element failure; meanwhile the rock failure behavior further aggravates localized stress concentration in its lower half. Based upon the impact of localized stress concentration in interlayer rock mass, an extraction of protected seam is divided into safe, risky and general types, which helps the reliable mining in deep multiple coal seams..
426. Amarsaikhan Tsedendorji, Ryo Yamamoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical Issues of Narynsukhait Open Pit Coal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, Coal production in Mongolia has rapidly increased with the development of new coal mines; from 5 million tons in 2000 to 25 million tons in 2012. However, in accordance with the rapid development of coal mines in Mongolia, geotechnical, operational and environmental issues have occurred such as the stability of highwall/lowwall and dumping/stock piles, the maintenance of transportation system, etc.

Especially, the geotechnical investigation and data are insufficient in main coal deposits. This is main cause of current problems such as slope slides, failures and collapses occurred at most open pit coal mines. In order to develop an appropriate mine design, these investigations have been conducted. In addition, the geological data has to be collected and urgent issues for further coal mine development were discussed.

This paper describes the current conditions of Narynsukhait open pit coal mine and then discusses its geotechnical issues.

The study began with rock and water sampling in Mangkalapi pit and its surrounding. Rock samples were employed for the geochemical composition while the water samples were analyzed for some quality parameters. The simulation on post-mining water quality was conducted using the PHREEQC software. The laboratory kinetic test using Free Draining Column Leach Test was also performed for some selected rock samples.

Simulation was conducted for different scenarios based on the assumed distribution of sulfide minerals in the pit wall. The results of simulation have indicated the potential of acid water with pH value range from 4.48 to 5.10. Scenario of mixing of leachates from different leach columns containing different type of rock samples was also being simulated for comparison.

427. Purwanto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Support Design of Cut and Fill Mine Method at Underground Gold Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, A detailed study to propose new design support systems for underground mine was carried out in this paper. Serious shotcrete failures have often occurred in Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine in Indonesia. Three main rock types, quartz vein as ore body, andesite-breccia altered by clorite-adularia on foot wall abundance and andesite-breccia altered by smectite-illite dominant on hanging wall rock. The cut and fill mining method was selected for this mine in accordance with the geometry of vein, topographic specifications, and annual production rates. Excavation size, distance between stope and decline, depth, and the impact of fault will influence the induced stresses. Different depths in multiple excavations were analyzed in this study especially on decline area. In this study, the engineering properties of rock masses were defined from field and laboratory test for each rock types. Support systems for decline were designed based on the suggestions of the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system and the Q system of rock mass classification. Induced stress on different levels were calculated to define Stress Reduction Factor (SRF) and applied to predict the support system by Q system..
428. Naoya Inoue, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Fundamental Study on Application of Paper Mulberry for Effective Utilization of Post Mine Area in Opencast Coal Mine in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, Opencast mine is a typical mining method to product coal in Indonesia and a large scale of disturbed land occurs in this method. Therefore, an appropriate revegetation process must be designed to complete the rehabilitation in the disturbed area. The basic concept of revegetation in opencast mines is the recovery of the nature and ecosystem and the creation of a self-sustaining land surface in the disturbed area involved the creation of conditions suitable for the establishment. However, the productive use in the large scale of disturbed land is considered in recent years. In this study, application of Paper Mulberry as productive use in the disturbed area was discussed by means of several laboratory and field tests. It was revealed that 1) hot-water treatment in 80℃ for 10 seconds is the most effective treatment to improve germinating rate (more than 80%), 2) Paper Mulberry can grow up under the rehabilitation area in Indonesian opencast mine and the growth rate can be improved by the earlier transplanting to the field after seed germination..
429. Kojiro Ueno, Takahiro Funatsu, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Evaluation of Mode I Fracture Toughness in SCB Specimen by Comparison with SR Specimen, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, Crack initiation and propagation are key factors affecting rock deformability, strength and hydraulic properties. Fracture toughness is a parameter, which indicates crack initiation or the onset of propagation of a material. A number of standard methods have been proposed to determine the ModeⅠfracture toughness of rock. They include those based on short rod specimen, chevron bend specimen and cracked chevron-notched Brazilian disc specimen. The semi-circular bend (SCB) specimen was suggested in 1984 for testing mode I fracture toughness of rock. Recently, SCB specimen was extended and improved for many other applications by various researchers owing to inherent favorable properties such as its simplicity, minimal requirement of machining and the convenience of testing that can be accomplished by applying 3-point compressive loading using a common laboratory load frame though short rod (SR) specimen is recommended method by International Society for rock mechanics (ISRM). However, there are still rooms to consider for determining the fracture toughness of rock exactly by SCB specimen. This paper discusses the application of the SCB specimen for determining the fracture toughness of rock by comparison between the result of SCB specimen and SR specimen with Isahaya sandstone and Kimachi sandstone, and size effect using the SCB specimen..
430. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Several Considerations on Soil Erosion at the Rehabilitation Area in Indonesian Coal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 2013.12, Indonesia produces over 350Mt of clean coal in 2012 and is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for 30 Mt/y. Almost of the coal produced is from open cut mines. Mining operation of open cut mines gives serious impacts on surrounding environment. Therefore, an appropriate rehabilitation program has to be taken into consideration when the mine plan is designed.

Indonesia belongs to tropical rainforest climate and the average annual rainfall shows 2,000~4,000mm/year. One of major environmental problem occurred in rehabilitation area is soil erosion due to heavy rainfall. Soil erosion is easy to accelerate under the high rainfall level, especially in sharp cloudbursts such as squall.

From series of investigation and discussion, the soil spread to rehabilitation area shows different soil composition due to mixing overburden during soil stripping and stockpiling process. Moreover, it can be expected that this condition could be critical factor for the risk of soil erosion. Therefore, adequate rehabilitation process to limit soil erosion has to be considered such as establishment of erosion control structures and rapid growing cover crop species.

431. 夕田 奈々, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 佐藤 徹, 二連式推進工法を用いたパイプルーフ施工に伴う地山変形挙動に関する検討, 第24回非開削技術研究発表会, 2013.11, 推進工法は都市部における上下水道管等のライフラインの施工において広く用いられている工法である。また近年、推進工法は主に地上の構造物を防護する先受工法の一つであるパイプルーフ工法等への適用が始まっており、成果を挙げている。しかし、多数のパイプ打設を必要とする工事においては、施工時間が増大するため、工期短縮とそれに伴う工費の削減が期待できる多連式推進工法のニーズが高まっている。しかし、多連式推進工法の技術を踏まえたパイプルーフ施工の実績はこれまでなく、施工による地盤変形挙動の解明は学術的に不十分である。そこで、本研究は二連式推進工法を適用したパイプルーフ工法に着目し、周辺地山への影響について検討するために、3次元有限要素解析プログラム3D-σを用いて解析を行った結果について報告する。.
432. 前田 泰孝, 千田 尚, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 大深度推進工法における施工に伴うテールボイドの変形挙動およびその対策に関する検討, 第24回非開削技術研究発表会, 2013.11, 近年、都市部における土地利用は高度化・複雑化し、地上における社会資本整備は極めて困難な状況となっている。地下浅部においても、ライフラインや交通機関が輻輳しているため、管渠構築における大深度地下利用の必要性が今後とも高まっていくと考えられる。このような地下における管渠構築には、交通機能を低下させることがないということ、さらには騒音・振動等の問題も少ないということから、一般に非開削工法が適用されている。特に、非開削工法の一種である推進工法に関しては、長距離・急曲線化等の技術革新が進んでいるが、大深度における推進施工実績は極めて少なく、大深度推進工法に関する学術的検討は未だ不十分である。


433. Shitoku Shibata, Nay Zar Lin, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Three Dimension Numerical Modeling of Underground Mining Method at Mae Moh Lignite Mine in Thailand, The 7th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2013.11, Mae Moh mine is the largest open-pit lignite mine in Thailand. In this mine, the development of underground mine from final highwall is considered after the surface mining operation is finished. Longwall mining is a common method for extracting coal from various thickness of coal seam. However, due to unfavorable geological conditions such as weak strata and huge final pit slopes, various preliminary studies on the introduction of underground mining systems have been conducted so far. This paper discusses the applicability of longwall mining system and its suitable design by means of three-dimensional numerical modeling: FLAC3D..
434. Naoya Inoue, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Effect of Soil Composition on Growth of Paper Mulberry at Post Mine Surface in Open Pit Coal Mine, The 7th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2013.11, Open cut mining is the typical mining method to produce coal in Indonesia and it gives serious impacts on surrounding environment. Therefore, an appropriate rehabilitation program has to be designed. The basic concept of rehabilitation in open cut mines is the creation of a stable and self-sustaining land surface. Hence, the soil characteristics and adequate selection of species to plant in rehabilitation area have to be considered. This paper describes the current situations in rehabilitation area at one of open cut coal mine in Indonesia and then discusses the effect of soil composition for growth of Paper Mulberry as one of effective species planted in post mine surface based on the laboratory tests. .
435. Kojiro Ueno, Takahiro Funatsu, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Effect of Specimen Size on Mode I Fracture Toughness by SCB Test, The 7th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2013.11, The semi-circular bend (SCB) specimen was suggested in 1984 for testing mode I fracture toughness of rock. Recently, SCB specimen was extended and improved for many other applications by various researchers due to ease in handling though short rod (SR) specimen is recommended method. However, there are still rooms to consider for determining the fracture toughness of rock exactly by SCB specimen. This paper discusses the application of the SCB specimen for determining the fracture toughness of rock by comparison between the result of SCB specimen and SR specimen, and size effect using the SCB specimen..
436. Shinji Matsumoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Occurrence of Acid Mine Drainage Inner Part of Dumping Site at KPC Coal Mine, Indonesia, The 7th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2013.11, Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the serious problems which are caused in the mining operation and it may impact on the ecosystem due to low pH. Considering the fact that the dumping site is a large stockpile of waste materials and it is always exposed to the local climatic conditions, this area can be deemed as one of the sources of AMD. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of AMD from dumping site after constructng it. This paper describes the results of field investigation and laboratory experiment about AMD problem, and discuss the relevancy between the inner structure of dumping site and the occurrence of AMD. .
437. 濱中晃弘, 井上直也, 宮島 郁夫, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山跡地における環境修復の取り組み-カジノキ(Broussonetia Papyriferaを用いた再緑化)-, 農業生産技術管理学会, 2013.10.
438. Taisuke Yamaguchi, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hiroaki Tanaka, Shiro Kubota, Study on the Propagation of Blast-induced Ground Vibration and Its Control Measure in Open Pit Mine, 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2013.10, In modern mining industry, the blasting technique is one of the most adopted techniques for rock excavation and fragmentation due to its economical and efficient aspects. However, compared with other methods, the use of explosives in blasting is limited by law as it may have a severe impact on the surrounding environment such as vibration, noise and dust. Especially, a ground vibration induced by blasting has to be paid much attention in the mining operation as it may give an obvious impact on the surrounding facilities and buildings and in many established safe level blasting criteria, the ground vibration level is characterized by using three parameters; duration, amplitude (peak particle velocity :PPV) and frequency. Current studies on the blast-induced ground vibration focus on two parameters amplitude and frequency that suggested by USBM when the concerned subject is structure, i.e.. Hence, the control of PPV and dominant frequency are very important in order to design an appropriate blasting standard and minimize its environmental impacts.

This paper discusses the propagation behavior of blast-induced ground vibration in the open pit mine and study by means of field experiments and numerical simulation. In addition, the methods for reduction of blast-induced ground vibration are also discussed by means of numerical simulation in this study.

439. Sitoku Shibata, Nay Zar Lin, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Preliminary Study on Design of Longwall Mining from Final Highwall at Mae Moh Lignite Mine in Thailand
, 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2013.10, The EGAT Mae Moh lignite mine is the largest open-pit coal mine in Thailand. The total geological and economical reserves of Mae Moh coal field are approximately 1,140 Mt and 825 Mt, respectively. The annual production is 12 Mton, which represents 90 % of the total coal production in Thailand, and tends to decrease gradually. In this mine, the development of underground mine from final highwall is considered after the open-pit mining operation is finished. Longwall mining is one of the common methods for extracting coal in various thickness of coal seams and is much more effective, productive and safer than any other mining methods. The productivity of longwall mining is potentially high because it is basically a continuous operation requiring fewer workers and allowing a high production rate to be sustained. Due to unfavorable geological and geotechnical conditions such as weak strata and huge final pit slopes in this mine, however, various studies on the introduction of underground mining systems have been conducted so far. Optimizing boundary and/or safety pillars and panel design for both safety and economics is a key part of planning longwall mines. This paper discribes the applicability of the longwall mining system from final highwall and its suitable design taking the slope stability into consideration by means of three-dimensional explicit finite-difference program FLAC3D producted by ITASCA..
440. Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Study on the Water Quality Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage from Many Different Perspectives, 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2013.10, Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the serious problems which are caused in the mining operation. The main factors which cause the problem are H2O and O2 and sulfide minerals such as iron pyrite. Sulfide minerals are usually contained in any type of crustal structure, and there is a possibility of generation of AMD in any area. The problem may impact on the ecosystem or people in the surrounding area since the acidic water is low-pH and usually contains high level of heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to prevent the problem in mining operation. A passive treatment is low-cost and easy to maintain for dealing with AMD problems. In a passive remediation, the study on behavior of AMD generation and elution behavior of heavy metals in a laboratory is necessary before introducing it in the mine site to construct it designed for the situation. Moreover, elution behavior may be changed by management of waste rock, as a practical matter, acidic water generates due to a rough treatment of waste rock in some mine sites. Therefore, in this research, the study on the waste rock was conducted for predicting a quality of acidic water by characterizing the rock and for elucidating effects of treatment of waste rock to elution behavior of heavy metals. This paper describes the results of laboratory experiments such as a column test and a sequence extraction for predicting elution behavior of heavy metals and an occurrence of acidic water, and treatment of waste rock for effective countermeasure for dealing with acidic water for a long term is discussed..
441. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Ikuo Miyajima, Study on Backfilling of Soil for Revegetation at the Rehabilitation Area in Indonesian Coal Mine, 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2013.10, Mining operation of open cut mines gives serious impacts on surrounding environment such as disturbance of the tropical rainforest, the pollution of surface and/or ground water, subsidence and erosion. Under such situations, rehabilitation is one of the important and considerable topics for an environment protection. Adequate rehabilitation program will solve these environmental issues and recover the ecosystem. The basic concept of rehabilitation in open cut mines is the creation of a stable and self-sustaining land surface in post mine surface involved the creation of conditions suitable for the establishment and permanent development of a dense cover of vegetation. In usual, a lot of open cut mine keep the topsoil individually in the natural forest during soil stripping process and spread the topsoil to rehabilitation area for success of revegetation. However, there are some considerable points for dealing with topsoil in situ such as the soil properties and severe compaction by heavy equipment. Therefore, the proper topsoil management has to be considered for establishment of vegetation in post mine surface.

This paper describes the current situations of rehabilitation at one of open cut coal mine in Indonesia and the results of investigation about the characteristics of soil spread in rehabilitation area as plant base.

442. Hideki Shimada, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Yasutaka Maeda, Takashi Sasaoka, Shuichi Fujita, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Development of Grouting Material for Fly Ash Backfilling by Application of Chemical Injection, 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2013.10, Generally, grouting in dam construction is the construction method that soil voids and crack around borehole is filled by pressurized injection of grouting material such as cement and permeability or mechanical characteristics of rock mass is improved.

It was previously mentioned that backfilling material plays an important role as a support against overburden pressure after finishing construction. Therefore most of the underground deformations caused by the injection may be caused by changing the condition of surrounding rock masses and numbers of cracks. That is why the discussion of appropriate injection methods, etc. in preparation for such changes is inevitable. From this point of view, the new backfilling material can be developed for several kinds of soil conditions in this paper. .
443. 濱中晃弘, 井上直也, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるカジノキを用いた再緑化に関する検討, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2013.09, インドネシアは年間約3,000万tの石炭を我が国に輸出している日本第2位の石炭輸入先である。インドネシアでは石炭のほとんどを露天掘り採掘により生産されているため、開発後の環境修復に向け、採掘跡地の再緑化を行う必要がある。本来、採掘跡地の再緑化の目的は自然系の回復であり、採掘跡地を自立した土地として再生することである。しかしながら、現在、農作物や繊維資源など産業用途のための採掘跡地の有効利用も考慮されつつある。

そこで本報告では、良質な繊維資源としての有効利用が期待される植栽種としてカジノキ(Paper Mulberry)に着目した。我が国においてもカジノキの生育は確認されており、主に世界的に評価の高い高級和紙の原料として利用されている。また、カジノキは早期生育で繁殖能力が高いため、適切に採掘跡地に植栽することで採掘跡地から継続的な繊維資源の供給が可能となり、新しい産業の確立にもつながると考えられる。


444. 島田 英樹, Yasutaka Maeda, Takashi Senda, 笹岡 孝司, 藤田 修一, 松井 紀久男, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Dai Watanabe, Development of Backfilling Injection into Over-cutting Area Including Lubricant Behavior for Pipe Jacking in Deep Strata, 2013 International NO-DIG, 2013.09, In Japan when urban infrastructures need to be constructed, the difficulty of utilizing the ground or shallow strata will necessarily lead to the more frequent use of the deep strata. The common construction methods are open-cut, pipe jacking, and shield methods. In recent years a new pipe jacking method has been established that can be adapted to 20 m below the ground or more. Using the method, the drivage machine and the jacking pipe continue to move an underground until the completion of the driving. Therefore an over-cutting area (so-called tail-void) must be formed to lower the friction between the ground and the pipe. The over-cutting area is filled with lubrications. However, because the stress release of the ground continues to advance when the over-cutting area is formed, there are some challenges required to cope with the stability of the surrounding ground. In order to utilize the pipe jacking method in the deeper strata layers, the theory, analysis and installation of over-cutting area have to be systemized, and such systematic data must be stored. Therefore, the conditions of over-cutting area in the deep pipe jacking method are discussed using numerical analyses. Moreover, a lubricating material comprised of a mixture of surfactant and fly ash was developed for the application of pipe jacking in deep strata..
445. Fumihiko Matsumoto, Tomo Morita, Eiji Sakai, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, Application of a Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machine for Pipeline Construction under Important Expressway, 2013 International NO-DIG, 2013.09, Today's pipe jacking technology in Japan is used as a construction method for pipe lines, such as water, sewer and power supply. This method has been achieved remarkable progress with the development of technical infrastructure. Usually, circular pipes are used for pipe line construction. Recently, various infrastructures are buried underground, and the effective use of underground is demanded. From this situation, demands of the pipe line construction using rectangular pipes are increasing gradually. To cope with these demands, the Box Culvert Pipe Jacking Method using rectangular pipe jacking machine was developed and has been used for rectangular pipe line construction.

This paper introduces about the characteristics and applicability of the rectangular pipe jacking method and shows the rectangular pipe line construction case using rectangular pipe jacking machine.

446. 夕田奈々, 千田尚, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 大深度推進工法におけるヒューム管の適用に関する検討, 第34回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2013.08, 推進工法における管渠埋設施工において、安全性や経済性といった観点から管の破壊を未然に防止することが求められる。しかし、大深度では地下浅部に比べ、より大きな土圧と推進力が鉄筋コンクリート製のヒューム管に作用するため、管の破壊リスクが高いと考えられる。そこで、本報告では、三次元有限要素解析を用いて、管周辺の地山条件や管の規格の違いによる、大深度推進施工における管の破壊条件に関して種々検討した結果について述べる。.
447. 柴田至徳, Nay Zar Lin, 島田 英樹, 濱中晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Application of Longwall Mining System at Mae Moh Lignite Mine, 第34回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2013.08.
448. 山口泰介, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, ワヒュディ スゲン, 一ノ瀬 政友, 田中博昭, 久保田士郎, 露天掘り鉱山における発破振動の伝播特性に関する検討, 第34回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2013.08, 本研究対象である春日鉱山では,近隣への発破振動の影響を考慮した発破設計および発破振動抑制対策について検討を行っており,地質状況および地形を考慮した当鉱山およびその周辺地域における発破振動の伝播特性の把握およびその予測手法が求められている.


449. Purwanto, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, Ridho Wattimena, Simulation Study of Support Design of Cut and Fill Mine Method at Underground Gold Mine, The 6th International Symposium of In-situ Rock Stress, 2013.08, In the last decade, the price of gold continues to rise, that generate mining activities increase linearly. Indonesia is one of the top ten gold producers in the world. One of the gold mines in Indonesia is Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine where located in west part of Java Island. Follows the trend, increasing production will be further target of this company.

The type of ore of Cibaliung underground gold mine is vein with low sulphidation. Basaltic andesite, andesite porphyritic, andesite breccia and vein breccia are constituent rocks and altered by smectite and chlorite. The mining method that carried out this mine is relative similar with some underground gold mines in Indonesia (Pongkor and Nusa Halmahera Mining) i.e. cut and fill mining method. For underground mine, geological information is a key to design such as geological structure, rock mass classification, discontinuities, and other geological parameters. They are linked each other. Four types support system has been recommended in Cibaliung mine. However some cracks still occurred in shotcrete support system along decline access. This paper discusses about support design of cut-and-fill mine method at underground gold mine. Commercial software namely Phase2 is used to review the stability of support system. Rock mass classification includes Q system and RMR, and laboratory tests were carried out to determine parameter for numerical modeling analysis..
450. 笹岡 孝司, Yanlong Chen, 島田 英樹, Akihiro Hamanaka, 松井 紀久男, Appropriate Mining System for Residual Coal around End-slopes in Chinese Surface Coal Mines, 32nd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2013.08, Due to large mining depths, sometimes the stripping ratio becomes so large that some coal around the end-wall cannot be mined considering the economic factors at large-scale open pit coal mines in China. Also, to meet requirements of haul roads in the end-wall transporting system, wide transportation benches have to be left, which makes the slope angle of the end-wall slope smaller. Consequently, a large quantity of coal has to be left under the final end-wall slope. For these remaining coal resources, they will be buried again by the inpit dumping site and are impossible to be extracted once more in future. Therefore, how to recover the remaining coal around the end-wall slope with a safe and efficient extraction system before they are buried by the inpit dump is very urgent and valuable research for open pit coal mines in China. .
451. Nana Yuda, Takashi Senda, Yasutaka Maeda, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, Fundamental Study on Deep Underground Pipe Construction Using a Pipe Jacking Method, 8th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2013, 2013.06, This paper describes a fundamental study on deep underground pipe construction using a pipe jacking method. This study is aimed to discuss the probability of failure under constructing pipe in deep underground. The study has been carried out using a numerical simulation method. The 3D-σ was used to analyze the failure proximity. The failure proximity is based on the failure criterion of Mohr-Coulomb. This study was carried out by changing some influential parameters of the condition of the pipe and surrounding ground i.e. overburden, thickness of pipe, friction resistance, and aberration from the center of distributed force in order to grasp a response of the failure proximity. The simulation result shows that the failure proximity of the pipe rises with increasing overburden, friction resistance and aberration from the center of the distributed force, while on the other hand the failure proximity reduces by increasing thickness of the pipe. .
452. Ryo Yamamoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Donghua Zhang, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, Study on Formation of Dumping Site at Open Pit Mine in Desert Area, 8th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2013, 2013.06, Dumping area consists of the artificial slope which had been piled up by the mining waste granular. Dumping operation is one of the important works in open-pit mines. Overburden is stripped and waste soil/rock is transported to dumping area in order to expose and extract coal seams. Dumping operation is to transport waste rock from mining working face to dumping areas, and then form benches for slope stability and rehabilitation. This work spends much cost and represents a significant investment. Waste embankments usually have little if any practical use and may represent a long-term liability in the form of a potential source of pollution or stability hazard. Because of economic considerations, a risk of slide and a potential of its environmental impacts, dumping sites must be designed carefully.
However, the systematic researches on the stability of dumping sites are quite few and the large scale landslides still occur in the dumping sites. For instance, on October 29, 1991, a large slide which volume was about 10 Mm3 was occurred in the south external dumping site of Antaibao open pit mine in China. This slide caused 6 fatalities and many facilities loss. At present, a greater effort must be paid for the design and formation of appropriate dumping sites in order to save the investment, maintain the stability of dumping sites, mitigate the environmental impacts, and promote a long-term reclamation.

Moreover, in dessert area for instance north-west China and Mongolia, the dumping material is “loess” and landslides and subsidence often occur in their dumping sites. One of the major causes is the characteristics of loess. The strength of loess changes dramatically due to its water content and it becomes to be low under wet condition. The systematic researches on the stability of dumping sites of loess are also quite few because the property of loess is very unique.
This paper describes the present conditions of dumping sites in open pit coal mines and then discusses the formation mechanism of dumping piles under different conditions based on the results of laboratory tests.

453. Akihiro Hamanaka, Naoya Inoue, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, Fundamental Study on Revegetation of Post Mine Surface by Paper Mullberry in Open Cut Mine, 8th International Forum on Strategic Technology, 2013.06, Indonesia produces over 350Mt of clean coal in 2012 and is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for 30 Mt/y. Almost of the coal produced is from open cut mines. Mining operation of open cut mines gives serious impacts on surrounding environment. Therefore, an appropriate rehabilitation program has to be taken into consideration when the mine plan is designed. The basic concept of rehabilitation in open cut mines is the creation of a stable and self-sustaining land surface in post mine surface involved the creation of conditions suitable for the establishment and permanent development of a dense cover of vegetation. Hence, the soil characteristics in rehabilitation area and adequate selection of species to plant in there have to be considered.
This paper describes the current situations in rehabilitation area at one of open cut coal mine in Indonesia and then discusses the application of Paper Mulberry as one of effective species planted in post mine surface based on the laboratory tests.

454. Amarsaikhan Tsedendorji, 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, Study on Exploration Procedures and Optimization of Opencast Mining Parameters for Deeper Coal Deposits, 8th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2013, 2013.06, Deep coal deposits tend to be explored and have more exploitation according to certain procedures, and if its correlation with opencast mining scales on the ground surface is defined properly, it will be an important issue of theory and practice. This paper describes the technical issues on the procedures of exploration and the optimization of the opencast mining parameters. .
455. 島田 英樹, 吉田 安廣, 千田 尚, 前田 泰孝, Takashi Sasaoka, 藤田 修一, 松井 紀久男, 渡辺 大, Development of Backfilling Material Using Fly Ash by Application of Chemical Injection, 17th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2013.06, Lubrication can effectively reduce the needed thrust if a discrete layer of lubricant is maintained between a pipe and the excavated soil. A lower frictional force allows greater jacking lengths to be achieved. The reduction of frictional stress around the pipe strongly affects the efficiency of lubrication injection. The lubricant must be designed to form a layer in the surrounding soil, be pressurized to overcome ground water pressure and stabilize the over-cutting area. The lubricant should also fill the over-cutting area completely to minimize surface settlement. However, for a commercial lubricant to be effective, it has been suggested that ingredients such as sodium and potassium be eliminated. As a result, in order that a lubricant does not lose its function as a support against the overburden pressure of an over-cutting area and to enable a reduction in thrust, a higher quality lubricant which can overcome these problems must be developed as soon as possible. In this paper, in order to examine the characteristics and behaviour of a material developed as a lubricant and backfilling for a deeper strata excavation system such as a pipe jacking, a fundamental investigation is performed and the various results are discussed..
456. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 竹内啓介, 濱中晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 佐々木誠, 林克彦, Development of Multi-layer Structure Bit and Its Suitable Design for Tunnel Drivage Machine, Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS 2013) Fourth International Symposium Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2013.05, Tunnel drivage machines, such as the shied machine, are now widely applied for the construction of underground space. In recent years, the distance of their construction span has been increasing and the shield tunneling system can be applied for ground that contains cobble stones and gravel soil. Therefore, the application of a shield drivage machine has become wider due to their advanced technology. However, once the conventional cutter bit hits with cobble stone and/or a boulder stone, the cutter bit fails and the cutting efficiency decreases dramatically or is completely lost. Therefore, the improvement of the impact resistance of their cutter bit is one of the major research topics for a shield tunneling system.
This paper describes the multi-layer structure bits developed in our research and discusses the impact resistance and suitable design by means of laboratory tests and numerical simulation.
457. 山口 泰介, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, 井上 雅, 露天掘り鉱山における発破振動挙動に関する数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 発破工法は,機械的工法と比較して安全面,経済性,工期の面で有利な場合があることから,古くから鉱山や土木の分野で重要な技術として利用されてきた.最近は都市部の構造物解体にも適用が試みられるようになり,改めてその有用性が認識されつつある.しかしながら,発破工法は,火薬類の使用が法令により制限されていることや振動,騒音,飛び石のような周辺環境への影響を十分考慮する必要がある.その中でも発破振動は、比較的広範囲に影響を及ぼし,特にその振動数が構造物の固有振動数と近い場合には,共振により想定以上の被害を及ぼす恐れがある.そのため,発破振動の最大振幅だけでなくその振動数も考慮する必要がある.
458. 柴田 至徳, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 濱中 晃弘, 松井 紀久男, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Pinyo Meechumna, 一ノ瀬 政友, タイのMae Moh炭鉱におけるHighwall Mining導入の検討, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, タイ北部に位置するMae Moh炭鉱は、電力公社EGAT(Electric Generating Authority of Thailand)所有の露天掘り石炭鉱山である。褐炭を生産しており、その生産量は年間約1,500万トンで、全国生産量の70%以上を占める国内最大の石炭鉱山である1), 2)。採掘された褐炭はすべて本炭鉱に隣接するMae Moh石炭火力発電所(2,400MW)に供給されている。確定鉱量は11億4千万トン、内可採埋蔵量は8億1千4百万トンであり、2035年まで露天採掘を継続後、坑内採掘への移行が検討されつつある。
459. 濱中 晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 宮島 郁夫, 一ノ瀬 政友, インドネシア露天掘り鉱山のリハビリテーションエリアにおける再緑化に向けた表土の埋め戻しに関する検討
, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, インドネシアは年間約3,000万tの石炭を我が国に輸出している日本第2位の石炭輸入先である。このインドネシアでは石炭のほとんどを露天掘り採掘により生産しているため、程度の多少はあれ、開発・生産に伴い周辺環境に影響を与えることは避けられず、熱帯雨林の消滅、水の汚染、大規模なすべりといった種々の環境問題の発生が懸念されている。したがって、環境負荷低減型採掘法の検討はもちろんのこと環境修復のための効果的な対策を開発初期段階より検討・策定する必要があり、適切なリハビリテーションプログラムの設計および実施が極めて重要である。リハピリテーションプログラムの目的は、自然系の回復のみならず跡地を自立した土地として再生することであり、最終的には植物による緑化を含む半永久的な自然環境の確立を目指さなければならない。
460. 前田 泰孝, 千田 尚, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, 地山改良に伴う大深度推進工法の地山変形挙動に関する数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 近年、都市部における土地利用は高度化・複雑化が進み、地上における社会資本整備は極めて困難な状況となっている。地下浅部においても、ライフラインや交通機関が輻輳しているため、管渠構築における大深度地下利用の必要性が今後とも高まっていくと考えられる。このような地下における管渠構築には、交通機能を低下させることがないということ、さらには騒音・振動等の問題も少ないということから、一般に非開削工法が適用されている。特に、非開削工法の一種である推進工法に関しては、長距離・急曲線化等の技術革新が進んでいるが、大深度における推進施工実績は極めて少なく、大深度推進工法に関する学術的検討は未だ不十分である。
461. 松本親樹, 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り炭鉱におけるAMD抑制に向けたダンピングサイトの形成に関する検討
, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, インドネシアの石炭生産量は、2011年の時点でおよそ3億1千万 tonであり、世界でも有数の石炭生産国である。インドネシアの東カリマンタン島に位置するKPC (Kaltim Prima Coal) 鉱山は、インドネシア最大級の露天掘り石炭鉱山であり、2011年の生産量は4,050万ton である。近年の世界中でのエネルギー資源の急激な需要増加から、KPC鉱山においても増産が策定されており、採掘ピットの再開発や拡大の検討がなされているが、露天掘り鉱山開発が活発化することによる周辺環境に及ぼす影響についても十分に考慮しなければならない。
現在、KPC鉱山においては鉱山開発に伴う環境問題の中でもAcid Mine Drainage (鉱山酸性廃水、以下AMD) が最も問題視されている。AMDは鉱山操業に伴い発生する廃石に含有される硫化鉱物が酸素や水に暴露されることにより酸性水が発生する環境問題である。発生した酸性水は低pHであり、重金属などの有害物質が溶出するため、周辺環境および生態系へ影響を及ぼす。このようなAMD問題への対処には、ダンピングサイトの内部設計を計画的に行い、鉱廃水発生の抑制を行う必要があると考える。そこで本研究では、既設のダンピングサイトに埋め戻されている廃石の物理的および地化学的特性の把握ならびに内部構造の調査を実施し、AMD抑制を目指したダンピングサイトの形成に関して種々検討を行った。

462. 山本 諒, 濱中晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り石炭鉱山における剥土岩石の効率的なダンピングシステム形成に関する実験的検討
, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 現在,世界的な石炭需要の増加に伴い,世界の石炭生産量は急激な増加傾向にある.全石炭生産量の約40%が露天採掘で生産されているが,露天採掘では剥土に伴い大量の剥土岩石が発生する.一般に,上盤岩石はドラッグラインやトラック&ショベルのような大型重機により剥土・運搬され,ダンピングサイトに堆積されるが,ダンピングサイトとして利用可能な敷地面積が限られていることや,剥土作業が露天掘り鉱山において最も作業量が多く生産能率や生産コストに大きな影響を及ぼす作業であることを考慮すると,効率的かつ安定なダンピングサイトの形成が求められている.しかしながら,これまでダンピングサイトの最適設計および形成に関する学術的な検討は十分に行われておらず,その設計および施工に関する定量的な指針は未だ確立されていない.
463. 山本 諒, 濱中晃弘, 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り石炭鉱山における剥土岩石の効率的なダンピングシステム形成に関する実験的検討
, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 現在,世界的な石炭需要の増加に伴い,世界の石炭生産量は急激な増加傾向にある.全石炭生産量の約40%が露天採掘で生産されているが,露天採掘では剥土に伴い大量の剥土岩石が発生する.一般に,上盤岩石はドラッグラインやトラック&ショベルのような大型重機により剥土・運搬され,ダンピングサイトに堆積されるが,ダンピングサイトとして利用可能な敷地面積が限られていることや,剥土作業が露天掘り鉱山において最も作業量が多く生産能率や生産コストに大きな影響を及ぼす作業であることを考慮すると,効率的かつ安定なダンピングサイトの形成が求められている.しかしながら,これまでダンピングサイトの最適設計および形成に関する学術的な検討は十分に行われておらず,その設計および施工に関する定量的な指針は未だ確立されていない.
464. 加藤 剛, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 堺 義明, 一ノ瀬政友, 脱水ケーキを利用した土壌改良材を用いる砂利採取跡地緑化工法の検討, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 我が国の天然骨材資源は,国土の保全や社会基盤整備等のための構造物の骨格を成すコンクリートの材料として開発が行われてきた。骨材の大消費地である首都圏の需要に応えている千葉県では,平成22年実績で10,315千m3の天然骨材を生産しているが,同県で生産されている天然骨材資源は主に山砂・砂利である。山砂・砂利資源開発は,CO2吸収源である林野地を開発するため,地球温暖化抑止の観点からも,また採取跡地や近隣地の環境維持からも採取跡地の緑化促進は喫緊の課題である。骨材の主要な産地である千葉県においてこの課題に取り組むことは,同様の課題をもつ全国砂利採取場においても緑化促進の一助となるものと考える。
465. 岡崎 臣, 加藤 剛, 濱中晃弘, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 松井 紀久男, 堺 義明, 一ノ瀬政友, 砂利鉱山における脱水ケーキを用いた土壌改良材の採取場跡地への埋め戻しに関する検討
, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 我が国の天然骨材資源は、国土の保全や社会基盤整備等の構造物の骨格を成すコンクリートの骨材材料として開発が行われてきた。骨材の大消費地である首都圏の需要に応えている千葉県では、平成22年実績で約1,031万m3の天然骨材が生産されているが、この天然骨材資源は主に山砂・砂利である。山砂・砂利資源の採掘は林野地を開発するため、その採取跡地の緑化促進は、保全、景観のみならず地球温暖化抑止の観点からも喫緊の課題である。

466. 渡辺 大, 荒木 紘一, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, 濱中 晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 一ノ瀬 政友, 位置修復グラウチングによるグラウト注入後の地山移動予測に関する検討, 資源・素材学会平成25年度春季大会, 2013.03, 都市化の進行に伴って地下利用は高度化し、都市中心部のみならず、広範な市街地道路において地中パイプラインの輻輳は増大の一途を辿っている。その一方、経年劣化による老朽化、近傍の土木工事、震災による地盤の不同沈下などの影響によってパイプラインに蛇行やたるみが生じ、それに伴い埋設管のクラック・破損・腐食、管渠内での滞水等が発生する事例も多く報告されている。パイプラインの蛇行・たるみは開削工法によって所定の位置に修復されるのが標準的であるが、交通支障、騒音、振動等の建設公害への対処が問題となっており、特に都市部における適用は非常に困難である。そこで、これらの問題を解決するために、パイプラインの蛇行やたるみの計測から、破損や破断などの修復に至るまでの一連の施工工程を、非開削工法で実施する要求が高まっている。
以上の観点から、筆者らはグラウチング技術を応用した非開削によるパイプラインの蛇行・たるみの修復と周辺地山の強化を図ったU.G.S.工法(Under Ground Scope)と呼ばれる新たな工法を開発し、これまで多数の位置修復工事を行ってきた。しかしながら、これまで本工法は過去の施工経験の蓄積に基づき現場対応的に行ってきたため、研究的な観点からの工事に関する定量的に明確な指針は得ておらず、本工法を適用する際に非常に重要となるグラウト材の地盤内での挙動と、グラウチングに伴う隆起等の地盤変状の関連性について、これまでほとんど検討を加えていなかった。そこで本報告では、U.G.S.工法における定量的指針を得るための足がかりとして、本工法に用いられるグラウト材を用いて実験室内で注入実験を行い、粘性土地盤におけるグラウト材の挙動および注入に伴う地盤の移動特性を調べるとともに、本実験を解析ソフトウェアを用いてシミュレートし、その解析結果に基づいて、解析手法の本工法の施工設計手段としての適用性およびグラウト注入量と地盤変形量について検討した結果を報告する。
467. Shitoku SHIBATA, Hideki SHIMADA, Nay Zar LIN, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Pipat LAOWATTANABANDIT, Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Underground Mining Method at Mae Moh Lignite Mine in Thailand, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.03, The Mae Moh mine is located in Mae Moh district, Lampang province, about 630 kilometers north of Bangkok, Thailand. This mine is operated by EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand), and it is the largest open-pit lignite mine in Thailand. The total geological and economical lignite reserves of the Mae Moh coal field are approximately 1,140 million tons and 825 million tons, respectively. The annual production is about 16 million tons, which represents 70 % of the total coal production of Thailand. All of the lignite produced from the mine is supplied to the 2,400 MW Mae Moh power plant, which is providing 15% of the total electricity demand of Thailand. 347 MT of lignite has been produced, and the remaining future reserve is about 478 MT (as of 2010). In the near future, the open pit limit will be reached and underground mine will be developed from the depth of 400-600 m from the surface. However, due to the problems such as poor geological conditions, extra thickness of coal seams (20-30 m thickness) and weak mechanical properties of rock, various studies, such as final open pit stability, an applicable underground mining system for Mae Moh mine are being conducted at the present. In this paper, it is discussed the response of pit slope in different extent of rib pillars, which is measured horizontally minimum distance from the open pit wall to underground mine, and in different size of panels and mining height, and the interaction between open pit slope and underground working by means of numerical analyses using three-dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D..
468. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Development of Coal Mine in South Gobi, Mongolia, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, Much attention is paid to Mongolia, particularly, South Gobi as a new source of coal. Many countries such as Japan, Korea, USA, as well as nearby China and Russia are very interested in large scale coal mine projects, namely, Tavan Tolgoi project in South Gobi area where affluent and high quality coal deposits for steaming and metallurgical use are underlain. There is, however, a bottle neck by poorly developed infrastructure in South Gobi, which has for a long time prevented from coal mine development there. A couple of new coal mines have already been developed and coal has been mined in South Gobi. Considering environmental impacts from development of coal mines, the Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University (DEREKU) has started a joint research program with Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)..
469. Yasutaka MAEDA, Takashi SENDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Analytical Study on Behavior of Improved Surrounding Soil by Grouting during Pipe Jacking Construction in the

Deep Strata, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, In Japan, the land of large metropolitan areas is highly utilized in increasingly complex conditions; therefore, the underground area is used to establish social infrastructures because of difficulties to use on the ground. Even in the publicly used shallow strata such as road sections, social infrastructures including subways, water and sewage systems, electrical equipment, communications facilities, and gas pipelines have already been installed and are very congested. Nowadays, when urban infrastructures need to be constructed, the difficulty of using the ground or shallow strata will necessarily lead to the more frequent use of the deep strata.

The general advantages of using the deep strata which will help maintain the quality of social capital include stability, earthquake resistance, constant temperature and humidity, and blockages of vibration and noise, all of which will not affect the view on the ground. The good quality of social infrastructure will be installed by taking advantages of the deep strata construction of social infrastructures. Consequently, the development of effective, appropriately designed utilization of the deep strata will be strongly encouraged.

Generally used construction methods include open-cut, pipe jacking, and shield methods. In the past, even during constructing in the shallow strata, due to the neighboring construction it is difficult to secure road traffic, prevent construction hazards such as vibration and noise, and to also take steps to protect the existing congested underground installations. In addition, the pipe jacking method has been widely adopted as a general construction method owing to its recent marvelous technological development. However as to the pipe jacking, example of construction in the deep strata is few and study is insufficiency.

From above, in this paper the applicability of pipe jacking method in the deep strata is discussed. Especially, a behavior of the tail-void which is considered important factor in pipe jacking construction is discussed.

470. Shinji MATSUMOTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI,Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Study on Geo-chemical and Geotechnical Properties of Overburden Dumps for the Control of Acid Mine Drainage
, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, The main operation of surface coal mining is basically the removal of topsoil and overburden in order to extract the coal. If the overburden rocks contain a significant amount of reactive sulfide minerals rather than alkali minerals, severe acid mine drainage (AMD) is likely to occur when they are exposed and react with oxygen and water. AMD development in the overburden dumps occurs via complex physical and chemical weathering reactions. The different rates of the various mineral weathering reactions within the overburden coupled with the local climate conditions (i.e. intervals of rainfall, temperature) may cause temporal changes to the drainage chemistry. Several studies have been conducted in order to recognize the heterogeneity of the overburden dumps with several purposes, such as those focusing on the field monitoring, large-scale testing and numerical methods. In this study, a series of field investigations, physical and geochemical laboratory characterizations were conducted in order to evaluate the internal physical structure and geochemical characteristics of the coal mine overburden dumps.

471. Jin OKAZAKI, Shogo KATO, Yoshiaki SAKAI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fundamental Study on Development of Soil Improvement Agent for Revegetation in Aggregate Mine, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, In Japan, the number and the scale of public works and construction of buildings have been decreased due to the recession and the critical public opinion about public works. However, the necessary public works have been done as same as before.

Development of aggregate resources for use in structural concrete has been encouraged in Japan to support infrastructure improvement and national land conservation. Natural aggregate is a valuable resource necessary for sound economic development and its importance is growing. However, against the backdrop of the ongoing depletion of resources, growing concern over nature conservation and increasingly tightened control over resource use, the supply of natural aggregates such as sea/river/pit sand and sea/river gravel has been decreasing.

Natural aggregate resources have been developed to be used for production of structural concrete for national land conservation and infrastructure improvement. In Chiba prefecture which is adjacent to the Tokyo Metropolitan District where concrete is consumed in large quantities, 16,016m3 of natural aggregate resources were extracted in 2009.The national aggregate resources extracted in Chiba are mostly pit sand/gravel, and development of sand and gravel resources are accompanied by forest development which absorbs carbon dioxide. Therefore, promotion of revegetation on mined land is urgent issue in terms of suppressing global warming. Addressing this issue on Chiba prefecture which is major production area for aggregates will contribute to promotion of revegetation in aggregate mining sites in other prefectures, which face a similar issue.

It has been pointed out that the main cause of plant death in mined land is low permeability, lack of nutrients, and soil compaction caused by heavy equipment. In this consideration, we aimed to improve soil physical properties on mined land and feed nutrients necessary for plant growth by making soil conditioner from dewatered sludge, which generated in the process of washing and classifying aggregates.

472. Taisuke YAMAGUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shiro KUBOTA, Numerical Simulation on Propagation of Blast-induced Ground Vibration, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, Rock blasting is the rock excavation technique most widely adopted in the various fields of the mining and construction industries because of its economical and efficient aspects.

However, the application of blasting technique is limited by law because it may have a serious impact on surrounding environment such as ground vibration, noise and dust. Especially, ground vibration may cause the damage to the surrounding structures. Thus, mining companies which apply the blasting technique have to control the blast-induced ground vibration in order to minimize or eliminate the possibility of damage to nearby structures or to reduce complaints from neighbors.

As many researches have studied on blasting techniques and its impact on the surrounding environments, several equations and methods for prediction of blast-induced ground vibration have already been proposed so far. Most of them adopt the Peak Particle Velocity for evaluation the degree of blast vibration. Each particle in the rock mass vibrates in a complicated motion, which is approximately elliptical motion in several cycles with varying amplitudes. The highest velocity during this motion is called as Peak Particle Velocity (PPV). However, the general prediction equation and/or method have not been developed yet because the different rock parameters and ground conditions have an obvious impact on elastic wave propagation.

From these points of view, the 2-D numerical simulation method has been developed and evaluated by means of the results of field experiments in this study. In addition, a case study has also been conducted by using this numerical simulation in order to discuss the effects of ground conditions on blast vibration in quantity.

473. Ryo YAMAMOTO, Donghua ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Experimental Study on Formation of Dumping Piles at Open Pit Mines in Dessert Area, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, Dumping area consists of the artificial slope which had been piled up by the mining waste granular (Guangjin Wang, 2011). Dumping operation is one of the important works in open-pit mining operation. Overburden is stripped and waste soil/rock is transported to dumping area to expose and extract coal seams. Dumping operation is to transport waste rock from mining working face to dumping areas, and then forming a bench for slope stability and rehabilitation. This work spends much cost and represents a significant investment. Waste embankments usually have little if any practical use and may represent a long-term liability in the form of a potential source of pollution or stability hazard. Because of economic considerations, a risk of slide and a potential of its environmental impacts, dumping sites must be designed carefully.

However, the systematic researches on the stability of dumping sites are quite few and the large scale landslides still occur in the dumping sites. For instance, on October 29, 1991, a large slide was occurred in the south external dumping site of Antaibao open pit mine. The sliding volume has about 10Mm3, caused 6 person death and a huge property loss. At present, a greater effort must be paid for design and formation of appropriate dumping sites in order to save investment, maintain dumping sites stability, mitigate environmental effects, and promote long-term reclamation. Moreover, the dumping material is “loess” in dessert area for instance north west China and Mongolia where the seismic disasters such as land slide and subsidence occur. The strength of loess is high under dry condition. On the other hand, it becomes to be low under wet condition. The systematic researches on the stability of dumping sites of loess are also quite few because the property of loess is very unique. This paper describes the field investigation conducted in Heidaigou open pit mine where overburden material is loess in China and discusses the formation mechanism of dumping piles under different conditions based on the results of laboratory tests.

474. Shitoku SHIBATA, Hideki SHIMADA, Nay Zar LIN, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Pipat LAOWATTANABANDIT, Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Underground Mining Method at Mae Moh Lignite Mine in Thailand, The Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan BUILD UP Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resource Engineering, 2013.01, The Mae Moh mine is located in Mae Moh district, Lampang province, about 630 kilometers north of Bangkok, Thailand. This mine is operated by EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand), and it is the largest open-pit lignite mine in Thailand. The total geological and economical lignite reserves of the Mae Moh coal field are approximately 1,140 million tons and 825 million tons, respectively. The annual production is about 16 million tons, which represents 70 % of the total coal production of Thailand. All of the lignite produced from the mine is supplied to the 2,400 MW Mae Moh power plant, which is providing 15% of the total electricity demand of Thailand. 347 MT of lignite has been produced, and the remaining future reserve is about 478 MT (as of 2010). In the near future, the open pit limit will be reached and underground mine will be developed from the depth of 400-600 m from the surface. However, due to the problems such as poor geological conditions, extra thickness of coal seams (20-30 m thickness) and weak mechanical properties of rock, various studies, such as final open pit stability, an applicable underground mining system for Mae Moh mine are being conducted at the present. In this paper, it is discussed the response of pit slope in different extent of rib pillars, which is measured horizontally minimum distance from the open pit wall to underground mine, and in different size of panels and mining height, and the interaction between open pit slope and underground working by means of numerical analyses using three-dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D..
475. Yanlong CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Simulation Accuracy Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Finite Element Shear Strength Reduction (SSR)Method, The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, 2013.01, Comparing with the traditional limit equilibrium methods, a finite element method has some obvious advantages for analyzing slope stability. As a result, a strength reduction factor method based on the finite element theory is used widely. This paper represents the fundamental principle of the shear strength reduction approach for calculation of slope safety factor by means of finite element method. Also, the influence factors for the accuracy of the slope safety factor were discussed. It is found that the slope model should be built by using the six-node triangle type, and the element size ratio is 0.03, and it is recommended that the distance from the crest of the slope to the left boundary should be more than 2.5 times of the slope width; the distance from the toe of the slope to the right boundary should be at least 3 times of the slope width; and the distance from the toe of the slope to the bottom boundary should be at least 1.5 times of the slope height. The outcome shows that the simulation results by using optimal slope model have the high accuracy..
476. Mingwei ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, De-noising Processing and Feature Analysis of Remote Blasting Waves Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform, The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, 2013.01, Wavelet analysis, as the typical represent of time-frequency analysis technique, has been extensively applied to vibration signal analysis, which is also a vital research subject in signal de-noising field. In this article, discrete wavelet transform is used to analyze the weak remote blasting signals and extract small features, also is applied emphatically in de-noising processing of blasting waves based on the theory of wavelet analysis. The optimal selection of wavelet function and existing practical problems are emphasized with amounts of waveforms aiming to obtain the excellent blasting signals. Time frequency characteristics, particle

velocity and effect duration are discussed deeply. The results indicate that wavelet analysis to some extent has advantages on de-noising processing, and the signal to noise ratio is enhanced. The value of remote blasting waves in use is improved greatly..
477. 濱中晃弘,岡崎 臣,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山跡リハビリテーションにおける土壌浸食予測のための実験的検討 , 第13回岩の力学国内シンポジウム , 2013.01, インドネシアでは,石炭のほぼ全量を露天掘りにより生産しているが,その環境修復箇所において土壌浸食が問題となっており,リハビリテーションの維持・管理のためには,予め土壌浸食状況を予測し対策を講じておく必要がある.土壌浸食量予測のためにUSLE式(Universal Soil Loss Equation)が現在世界中で広く利用されているが,インドネシアのような年間降雨量が多い裸地状態への適用については実績がない. 


478. PURWANTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahiro FUNATSU, Ridho WATTIMENA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Shotcrete Crack Condition at Cikoneng Decline - Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine, The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, 2013.01, Mine mineral demand in the world is increasing with the increase of mineral price and gold is one of the rapid increase mineral in a last decade. Geological information is a key for underground design. The most important parameters are geological structure, rock mass strength, main stress and strain, rock mass classification, discontinuities, etc. All of these may have impact on underground stability, if some are suitable, and only just one is troubled, it can be due to instability in underground.

Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine (CUGM) is one of the gold mines in Indonesia were located in west part of Java in Indonesia. The type of ore is vein with low sulphidation epithermal deposit. This underground mine has two-shot targets; Cikoneng area, production is carried out predominantly through the hanging wall, and Cibitung area, production is primarily through the foot wall of the vein. In this paper, are discussed the fundamental information regarding the cracks those occur on shotcrete along Cikoneng Decline as a main road in CUGM. Field investigation such as scan line method, joint orientation measurement combine to secondary data is used for this study.

479. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Designing Geodatabase Template for Monitoring for Reclamation Progress in Indonesia Coal Mining, The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, 2013.01, Reclamation is an integral part of the mining operation with the ultimate aim is to restore disturbed land caused by surface mine operation to function according to its designation. Considering the importance of the mining reclamation, Indonesian government had issued several regulations concerning reclamation. Indonesian government regulation No 78/2010 concerning reclamation and mine closure stated that mining permit holder and special mining permit holder of exploration and production operation are obliged to reclaim the area until result satisfies the success criteria.

The Minister of Forestry Regulation of Indonesia No.P.60/Menhut-II/2009 regarding guidance for assessment the success of forest reclamation mentioned that the assessment of reclamation success includes site preparation, erosion control, and re-vegetation. The reclamation area needs to be monitored periodically to identify the progress of reclamation and monitor the reclamation success and its success is dependent on many parameters. Hence, it is a significant challenge on how to manage and monitor multi parameter and multi temporal data.

Taking account the matters mentioned above, this study therefore aims to design a geodatabase template for monitoring reclamation progress in Indonesian coal mining and ArcCatalog ArcGIS 9.3 software was used. The required data for building the geodatabase refers to Minister of Forestry Regulation No.P.60/Menhut-II/2009. The process of building the geodatabase template includes the following steps: collect and group dataset; design feature dataset, feature class and attribute; create geodatabase; and create database dictionary.

According to the research result, geodatabase template is very promising for monitoring reclamation progress in Indonesian coal mining, it allows to monitor the reclamation progress periodically with easily.

480. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Preliminary Study on Design of Rib Pillar between Open-pit Slope and Underground Working Area in Extra-thick

Coal Seams, The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, 2013.01, The paper discusses preliminary study on design of rib pillar between open-pit slope and underground working in thick seams in Mae Moh lignite mine in Thailand. Mae Moh mine is currently operated as open pit mine and it is the largest open pit coal mine in Thailand. In the near future, however, the final pit limit of the mine will be reached and underground mining will be developed from the final highwall in the depth of 400-600 from the surface. However, due to the adverse geological and geotechnical conditions, such as weak mechanical properties of rock, extra-thickness (20-30 m) of coal seams, and huge final pit slope, various studies for future underground mine, including open pit slope stability, an applicable underground mining method, and effect of underground mining on open pit slope stability, etc., are being carried out at the present. In this study, it was investigated the response of pit slope in different extent of rib pillars, which is measured horizontally minimum distance from the open pit wall to underground mine, and in different size of panels and mining height, and the interaction between open pit slope and underground working. The investigation was conducted by means of numerical analyses using three dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D..
481. Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Coal Mine Development in South Gobi, Mongolia, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2012.11, Much attention is paid to Mongolia, particularly, South Gobi as a new source of coal. Many countries such as Japan, Korea, USA, as well as nearby China and Russia are very interested in large scale coal mine projects, namely, Tavan Tolgoi project in South Gobi area where affluent and high quality coal deposits for steaming and metallurgical use are underlain. There is, however, a bottle neck by poorly developed infrastructure in South Gobi, which has for a long time prevented from coal mine development there. A couple of new coal mines have already been developed and coal has been mined in South Gobi. Considering environmental impacts from development of coal mines, the Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University (DEREKU) has started a joint research program with Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)..
482. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shuichi FUJITA, Ikuo MIYAJIMA, Effect of Mixture Materials Using Waste Rock and Flyash for the AMD Prevention and Vegetation, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection , 2012.11, Almost of the coal resources are produced from open cut mines in Indonesia. Mining operation of open cut mines gives serious impacts on surrounding environment. Therefore, it can be said that appropriate rehabilitation program for environmental protection should be considered.

As one of the most important environment impact, acid mine drainage (AMD) problem is concerned in Indonesian coal mines. And the cover layer system is suggested and implemented for prevention of AMD. The concept of this system is covering over Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) by Non Acid Forming (NAF) as barrier layer to minimize water and/or oxygen infiltration. In current research, application of flyash (FA) is also discussed to prevent AMD generation. And finally, revegetation of the surface applied the cover layer system should be considered.

This paper describes the relationship between AMD problem and the effect for vegetation from waste rock or FA.
483. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Candra NUGRAHA, Kris PRANOTO, Nurwita SARI, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Monitoring of Reclamation Progress in Indonesian Coal Mining Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS), The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection , 2012.11, Reclamation is an integral part of the mining activities to restore disturbed land by mining operation in order to be safe, stable and productive land according to its capability and designation. Considering the importance of reclamation in mining activities, Indonesia Government had issued several regulations related to mine reclamation. Monitoring of reclamation area should be conducted periodically to assess the success of reclamation and to monitor the progress of reclamation for continual improvement. Monitoring of reclamation area by collecting data and information directly in the field will be very time consuming. Thus, there is a need of methods that can periodically monitor a wide reclamation area rapidly and accurately. Purpose of this study is to monitor reclamation progress in Indonesia coal mining using remote sensing and geographic information system. Based on research result, multi temporal satellite images can be applied for identification reclamation area change, vegetation density change and correlation between vegetation density (NDVI) value and age of vegetation planting..
484. Takashi SASAOKA, Keisuke TAKEUCHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Makoto SASAKI, Katsuhiko HAYASHI, Development of New Long-life Bit for Tunnel Drivage Machine, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2012.11, Tunnel drivage machine such as shield machine are now widely applied for the construction of underground space. In recent years, the distance of each span is getting longer and longer in order to decrease the construction cost and prevent the change of bits and/or the installation of intermediate shafts. Under these conditions, a new long life bit with high wear and impact resistances has been designed and developed by using cemented carbide tips and unique structures..
485. Hideki SHIMADA, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Shnji MATSUMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Model of the Internal Structure of Coal Overburden Dumps for the Control of Acid Mine Drainage Generation, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2012.11, The presence of water and oxygen are some of the important factors influencing the oxidation rate of sulfide minerals within overburden dumps. In the overburden dumps, the availability of water and oxygen is strongly controlled by the physical structure of the dump, as well as the surface climate and geochemical reaction within the dump. In this study, made up of a series of field investigations, physical and geochemical laboratory characterizations were conducted in order to evaluate the internal physical structure and geochemical characteristics of coal mine overburden dumps. As the result of a series of analysis, alternate geochemical characteristics may control the acidification-neutralization reaction of infiltrated water, the precipitation of secondary minerals and may subsequently determine the quality of the overburden dump drainage. The internal structure formed and the spatial heterogeneity of geochemical characteristics in the overburden dumps controls the acid drainage inhibition process within the dumps..
486. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Jiro OYA, Rockbolting at Underground Coal Mines with Weak Strata, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2012.11, In longwall mining system, gateroads must be well supported in order to withstand high abutment load created by a retreating longwall face. Standing supports such as steel aches or three-piece sets (props and bars) along with the necessary struts and lagging have been traditionally used in underground coal mines in Japan due to severe strata conditions. Therefore, coal mines tried to introduce rockbolting system so as to raise productivity levels and reduce operating costs. This paper describes rockbolting technology applied to longwall gateroads in Japan and discusses rockbolting application to poor strata conditions.

487. Taisuke YAMAGUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shiro KUBOTA, Study on Prediction of Blast-induced Ground Vibration in Limestone Quarries by Means of Numerical Simulation, The 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2012.11, In modern mining industry, blasting is the rock excavation and fragmentation technique most widely adopted because of its economical and efficient aspects. However, a ground vibration induced by blasting may give serious impacts on surrounding environment and has to be paid much attention in the mining operation. Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) is one of the important parameters related with ground vibration. Hence, the prediction of PPV is very important in order to design an appropriate blasting standard and minimize its environmental impacts.

This paper discusses the applicability of the numerical simulation to the prediction of PPV in limestone quarries based on the results of field experiments. In addition, the effects of rock properties and geological conditions on ground vibration are also discussed by means of numerical simulation in this study.

488. 前田泰孝,千田 尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友 , 大深度推進工法の施工に伴う地山の変形挙動および対策に関する数値解析的考察 , 第23回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2012.11, 今後、特に大都市圏で社会資本を整備するに当っては、地上および浅深度地下利用の困難のために大深度地下利用についての必要性が高まっていくものと考えられる。このような施工環境を踏まえれば、施工方法としては非開削のシールド工法、推進工法が現実的であろう。推進工法に関しては昨今施工技術がほぼ確立し、土被り20m以深への適用も可能となってきている。推進工法は、掘進機および推進管が施工完了まで地中を移動するため、管周辺の摩擦力を低減させる目的でテールボイドを形成させ、その中に充填材が注入される。しかし、テールボイドの形成に伴い地山の応力開放が継続する側面もあるため、周辺地山の安定性を向上させるために要求される課題も多い。さらに、今後の大深度での推進工法の利用拡大のためには、テールボイドに関する理論・解析・施工という一連のシステムを理論体系として構築し、かつ系統的データの蓄積が望まれる。そこで本研究では、都市部の洪積層を想定した解析モデルを用いて、大深度推進施工におけるテールボイドの変形性について種々の検討を行った。 .
489. 前田泰孝,千田 尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友 , 大深度推進工法の施工に伴う地山の変形挙動および対策に関する数値解析的考察 , 第23回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2012.11, 今後、特に大都市圏で社会資本を整備するに当っては、地上および浅深度地下利用の困難のために大深度地下利用についての必要性が高まっていくものと考えられる。このような施工環境を踏まえれば、施工方法としては非開削のシールド工法、推進工法が現実的であろう。推進工法に関しては昨今施工技術がほぼ確立し、土被り20m以深への適用も可能となってきている。推進工法は、掘進機および推進管が施工完了まで地中を移動するため、管周辺の摩擦力を低減させる目的でテールボイドを形成させ、その中に充填材が注入される。しかし、テールボイドの形成に伴い地山の応力開放が継続する側面もあるため、周辺地山の安定性を向上させるために要求される課題も多い。さらに、今後の大深度での推進工法の利用拡大のためには、テールボイドに関する理論・解析・施工という一連のシステムを理論体系として構築し、かつ系統的データの蓄積が望まれる。そこで本研究では、都市部の洪積層を想定した解析モデルを用いて、大深度推進施工におけるテールボイドの変形性について種々の検討を行った。 .
490. 青山俊也,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,佐藤 徹,一ノ瀬政友 , 2連式推進工法を用いたパイプルーフ施工に伴う地山変形挙動に関する数値解析的検討 , 第23回非開削技術研究発表会, 2012.11, 推進工法は都市部における上下水道管などのライフラインの施工において広く用いられている工法である。また近年、推進工法は主に地上の構造物を防護する先受工法の一つであるパイプルーフ工法等への適用が始まっており、成果を上げている。しかし、多数のパイプを打設しなければならない工事においては、推進日数が長くなり工期が延長してしまうという問題がある。そのため、工期の短縮とそれに伴う工費の削減を図るため、多連式推進工法のニーズが高まっている。しかしながら、多連式推進工法を適用したパイプルーフ工法により施工を行った事例はこれまで無く、施工による地盤変形挙動の解明は学術的に不十分である。そこで、本報告では2連式推進工法を適用したパイプルーフ工法による周辺地山への影響について検討するために、三次元応力解析ソフトウェア3D-σを用いて解析を行った結果について述べた。 .
491. Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Long Distance Pipe Jacking Cases Using Long Life Cutter Bits in the Big Boulder and Hard Rock Ground, NO-DIG2012 30th International Conference and Exhibition, 2012.11, Mechanical pipe jacking methods are adopted for no-dig infrastructure-constructions because of reliability and safety. In especially, high density mud slurry pipe jacking method had much actual results under unique works. Nowadays these methods are desired any diversification under working surrounding. That is, “Direct-Arrival-Method to the existing underground structure”, “Sharp radical curve pipe jacking works, for example ,U・L turning curved pipe lines”, “Recovery function for un-expectation objects in the ground”, and “Rectangular (Box Culvert) pipe jacking method” are demanded. On the other hands, the works in big cobble and hard rock layer are increasing. Under these conditions, the long life inspection of cutting bits is the most important problem. In generality, at life-time over, cutter bits are exchanged in the shield machine or outside pit with bad conditions. However, there are some troubles in these conditions. This report shows the works with long distance pipe line construction through the big cobble and hard-rock layer without replacing cutting bits. .
492. Hideki SHIMADA, Koichi ARAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Dai WATANABE, Analytical Study on Prediction of Pipeline Positions by a Restoration Method, NO-DIG2012 30th International Conference and Exhibition, 2012.11, Buried pipelines that have sagged can result in damage to welded joints, disconnections and so on. Performance can also be affected with stagnation or stoppage of flow, which can lead to major secondary problems, such as caved-in roads or effluent leakage. To overcome these problems, various methods have been proposed and used for the restoration of flow performance and fixing damaged sections of underground pipelines without the need for excavation. However, there are not many methods available that do not require excavation for repairing reduced flow performance and stoppages, or pipeline damage caused by sagging, which is thought to be the major contributor to this type of damage. The authors provide a report on construction methods and examples that do not require excavation, but instead use a system of grouting for the ground, surrounding the buried pipeline, to aid in the repair of the pipeline position, which can actually improve the surrounding foundations..
493. Takashi SENDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shuichi FUJITA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Property of Backfilling Injection into Tailvoid Including Lubricant Behavior for Pipe Jacking, NO-DIG2012 30th International Conference and Exhibition, 2012.11, Lubrication can effectively reduce necessary thrust for over-cutting if a discrete layer of the lubricant is maintained between the pipe and the excavated soil. The lubricant must be designed to form a layer in the surrounding soil, be pressurized to overcome underground water pressure and stabilize the over-cutting area. The lubricant should fill the complete over-cutting area to minimize surface settlement. However, it has been clarified that for a commercial lubricant to be effective, the ingredients such as sodium and potassium should be eliminated. As a result, for a lubricant not to lose its function as a support against the overburdening pressure of an over-cutting area (hereinafter referred to as tail void) and to enable a reduction in thrust, it is necessary to develop a better quality lubricant that can overcome these problems as soon as possible. From this perspective, a lubricating material comprised of a mixture of surfactant and fly ash was developed. This report focuses attention on minimizing soil deformation. In particular, to stabilize the layer in tail void between the pipe and the excavated soil and to examine the characteristics of material attributes to avoid reduction in thrust, a variety of experiments were performed using both traditional lubricating materials and a new material mixed with fly ash.

494. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Jin OKAZAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on the Effect of Soil Texture and Slope Angle on Soil Erosion in Indonesian Coal Mining Reclamation Area, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
495. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Design of Rib Pillars between Open Pit Wall and Adjacent Underground Workings, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
496. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Design of Rib Pillars between Open Pit Wall and Adjacent Underground Workings, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
497. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shuichi FUJITA, Ikuo MIYAJIMA, Effect of Mixture Materials Using Waste Rock and Flyash for the AMD Prevention and Vegetation, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
498. Yanlong CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Mining System for Recovering Final End-wall Coal in Surface Coal Mine, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
499. Donghua ZHANG, Ryo YAMAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Research Status of Surface Coal Mine in China, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
500. Mingwei ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on the Dynamic Failure Mechanism in Underground Protective Mining by Infinitesimal Units, The 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science, 2012.11.
501. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Jin OKAZAKI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Soil Erosion in Indonesian Coal Mining Reclamation Area: Laboratory Studies on the Effect of Slope and Soil
, The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2012.10, Coal mining companies in Indonesia are obliged to perform reclamation effort to achieve sustainability post mining land use and as much as possible to restore after mined land to the initial condition. The main factor that normally affects the reclamation success is the loss of soil fertility due to soil erosion. Soil erosion causes the loss of top soil layer which has a very important role in plant growth because this layer contains the highest concentration of organic matters and microorganisms. Soil erosion is influenced by climate properties, soil properties, topographic properties, cropping management factor and human intervention in conservation practice factor. The aim of this research is to analyze effect of soil properties and slope to the soil erosion in Indonesia coal mining reclamation area using rainfall simulator. This research was conducted using three types of soil texture including clay, clay loam and silty clay loam; also conducted using three types of slope including 2o, 15o, and 30o. According to research result, the amount of soil loss increased with the increasing angle of slope and increasing of clay content..
502. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, An Investigation on Effect of Underground Mining of Extra-thick Coal Seams on Large Open-pit Slope Stability, The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2012.10, The paper discusses preliminary study on the effect of underground mining on large open pit slope stability in Mae Moh coalfield in Thailand. Mae Moh mine is currently operated as open pit mine and it is the largest open pit coal mine in Thailand. In the near future, however, the final pit limit of the mine will be reached and underground mining will be developed from the final highwall in the depth of 400-600 from the surface. However, due to the adverse geological and geotechnical conditions, such as weak mechanical properties of rock, extra-thickness (20-30 m) of coal seams, and huge final pit slope,various studies for underground mine are being carried out at the present. In this study, it was investigated for appropriate distance between open pit wall and underground mine, response of pit slope in different extent of rib pillars, which is measured horizontally minimum distance from the open pit wall to underground mine,and panels, and different mining height, and the interaction between open pit slope and underground working. The investigation was conducted by means of numerical techniques using three dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D..
503. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Numerical Analysis of Interaction Effects in Double Extra-thick Coal Seams Mining, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012 , 2012.09, The interaction effects in multi-seam mining depends on many factors such as local geological and geotechnical environment, mine layout, seam sequencing, and mining method employed. The paper discusses preliminary study on the interaction effects in underground mining of double extra-thick coal seams in Mae Moh coalfield in Thailand. The Mae Moh mine is currently operated as open pit mine by EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand) and it is the largest open-pit lignite mine in Thailand. In the near future, the final pit limit of the mine will be reached and underground mining will be commenced from the final highwall in the depth of 400-600 m from the surface. However, due to the problems such as poor geological and geotechnical conditions, extra-thickness (20-30 m) of the coal seams and huge final pit slope, success probability for underground mine are being evaluated at the present. In the paper, it was discussed the ground response and possible interaction effects in the double extra-thick seams mining by means of numerical analyses using three dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D..
504. Hikaru SHIMADA, Yanlong CHEN, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Application of Highwall Mining System to Recover Residual Coal in End-wall, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, At open pit coal mines, a large amount of coal is left around the end-walls due to the stability of slope, mining boundary, and so on. In order to increase coal recovery of open pit coal mines ,the application of a highwall mining system for residual coal around the end-walls is proposed. This mining method can be extracted the coals abandoned around end-walls efficiently. However, in order to introduce this mining system to open pit coal mines safely and efficiently, the adequate mining design considering not only stability of end-walls but also coal recovery ratio has to be investigated.
This paper discusses the applicability of a highwall mining system for recovering plenty of coal left around the end-walls and its appropriate design by means of numerical analysis.
505. PURWANTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahiro FUNATSU, Ridho WATTIMENA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Banbang TRISETYO, Fundamental Study on Support System at Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine, Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012 , 2012.09, Geotechnical information is a key for underground design. The most important parameters are rock mass strength, geological structures, main stress and strain, rock mass classification, discontinuities, etc. All of these may have impact on underground stability, if some are suitable, and only just one is troubled, it can be due to instability in the underground.
The purposes of this study are to classify the rock mass and to introduced the support system in cibaliung underground gold mine based on the rock mass classification. The characteristics of some geotechnical aspects of Cikoneng and Cibitung area are shown in this paper. Rock mass classification is measured, and the difference between both locations presented as a preliminary study for the next further research. Recommendation of support system policy of Cibaliung underground gold mine which compared to Pongkor underground gold mine also discussed in this paper.
506. Takashi SENDA, Yasutaka MAEDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Studies on Surrounding Soil during Construction Using the Deep Pipe Jacking Method in the Deep Strata, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, In Japan when urban infrastructures need to be constructed, the difficulty of utilizing the ground or shallow strata will necessarily lead to the more frequent use of the deep strata.
The common construction methods are open-cut, pipe jacking, and shield methods.
In recent years a new pipe jacking method has been established that can be adapted to 20 m below the ground or more. Using the method, the drivage machine and the jacking pipe continue to move an underground until the completion of the driving. Therefore an over-cutting area (so-called tail-void) must be formed to lower the friction between the ground and the pipe. The tail-void is filled with lubrications. However, because the stress release of the ground continues to advance when the tail-void is formed, there are some challenges required to cope with the stability of the surrounding ground. In order to utilize the pipe jacking method in the deeper strata layers, the theory, analysis and installation of tail-void have to be systemized, and such systematic data must be stored.
Therefore, the conditions of tail-void in the deep pipe jacking method are discussed using numerical analyses..
507. Shizuo IKUTA, Yoshishige MASUDA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Study on the Cutting Techniques for Chain Saw Type Ground Improvement Machine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, In the field of ground improvement works, mechanical soil mixing is an indispensable technique and is carried out using auger type machine with mixing paddles attached to the drilling rods. This type of machine excavates the soil in-situ horizontally and cannot mix the cut soil vertically. On the other hand, chain saw type machines are developed and put in use evaluating its vertically cut and mixed soil cement rectangular column body. This paper analyses the cutting mechanism of the chain saw type machine which moves horizontally while cutting and mixing the soil in-situ with cementing material. The machine is moved forward by shifting rams installed on surface and driven by a hydraulic power unit. The cutting force of each radial bit is given by the unit while the normal force is by the rams on surface. Considering the number of bits working along the face from top surface to bottom of the machine, it is essential but difficult to secure sufficient normal forces of each bit. This paper discribes type of cutting bit, bit array and cutting direction for the sake of stable indentation of the bit to the ground. .
508. Donghua ZHANG, Ryo YAMAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Fundamental Study on Formation of Dumping Piles at Open Pit Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, Dumping areas represent a significant investment and a long-term liability in the form of a potential source of pollution or stability hazard. Now, the failure of dumping area occurs frequently in the open pit mines. Therefore, greater effort must be paid for design and formation of appropriate dumping area to mitigate environmental effects and promote long-term reclamation. However, the systematic researches on the stability of dumping area are quite few.
In order to establish the guidelines for the appropriate design of dumping site, our research group is conducting a series of fundamental studies.
First of all, the field investigation was conducted in Heidaigou open pit mine of China to understand the current dumping system and its conditions and problems. Based on the results of field investigation, a series of laboratory tests were conducted to understand the mechanism of forming dumping piles under different conditions.
This paper describes the overview of field investigation in Heidaigou mine and discusses the formation of dumping piles under different conditions based on the results of a series of laboratory tests.
509. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Jiro OYA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Technical Problems on Development of Underground Coal Mines in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, Indonesia produced 306 Mt of saleable coal in 2010 which was mined by almost 100% of surface mining method. Rapid increase in production by surface mining year by year has brought strong concerns of sustainable supply ability of coal with current quality level in future, due to deepening mining location with increasing stripping ratio, decreasing coal reserve with high quality in the currently operating mines and constraints on development of surface mine by environmental impact. Thus, development of underground coal mines has been expected in Indonesia recently. However, there are only a few underground coal mines operating with small scale at present due to several technical problems for development of underground coal mines such as weak roof and floor conditions, coal quality being likely to cause spontaneous combustion, less stability of coal seam thickness and so on.
This paper discusses the measures to overcome the technical problems based on the underground mining technology in Japan.
510. Shogo KATO, Yoshiaki SAKAI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Study of Improvement of Soil Properties on Revegetation in Aggregate Mining Site , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, Indonesia produces almost of coal resources by surface mining and some environmental impacts can be expected. Soil erosion is one of an important factor among these impacts to monitor and/or manage rehabilitation after the mining operation has finished. Therefore, the condition of soil erosion in the post mining surface area has to be estimated accurately in order to succeed rehabilitation. As one of an efficient method for prediction of soil loss, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), as modified for forestlands by Dissmeyer and Foster, is the most widely used method of predicting soil loss in forestry. However, when considering the application of this equation in post mining surface area, a sufficient consideration is needed because the condition of these areas is very different from that of forestry.
In this study, the compering investigation between the results from laboratory tests and the results from USLE was conducted in order to predict soil loss in the mining field.
511. Sri MARYATI, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Candra NUGRAHA, Kris PRANOTO, Nurwita SARI, SURATMAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Land Capability Evaluation of Reclamation Area in Indonesia Coal Mining Using LCLP Software , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012 , 2012.09, Land capability evaluation is process to evaluate land potency according to its capability for sustainable land uses. It is important to be implemented for management reclamation area in coal mining operation because as generally known that land is limited resource and improper land management led to decline in land productivity, so reclamation area needs to be well managed for sustainable land use.
Purpose of this study is to evaluate land capability of reclamation area in Indonesia coal mining. The required data for land capability evaluation are climate properties, slope, erosion risk, soil properties, and natural hazard risk. This process consist of collecting land characteristic data include, soil properties, topographic properties, erosion risk, flood risk and landslide risk; soil laboratory analysis; data input and analysis using Land Classification and Land Use Planning (LCLP) software; land capability classification using LCLP.
Land capability analysis in this study is carried out using LCLP software. LCLP is software to classify land and to generate new map according to the class of land capability. As open source software, it is possible to modify parameters for analysis according to data availability and purpose of the study. The result of this study is categorized the study area as land can be cultivated which is varying from class II, III and IV based on land characteristic and limitation factor.
512. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sri MARYATI, Jin OKAZAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Experimental Study for Prediction of Soil Erosion in the Rehabilitation Area of Indonesia Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, Indonesia produces almost of coal resources by surface mining and some environmental impacts can be expected. Soil erosion is one of an important factor among these impacts to monitor and/or manage rehabilitation after the mining operation has finished. Therefore, the condition of soil erosion in the post mining surface area has to be estimated accurately in order to succeed rehabilitation. As one of an efficient method for prediction of soil loss, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), as modified for forestlands by Dissmeyer and Foster (1984), is the most widely used method of predicting soil loss in forestry. However, when considering the application of this equation in post mining surface area, a sufficient consideration is needed because the condition of these areas is very different from that of forestry.
In this study, the compering investigation between the results from laboratory tests and the results from USLE was conducted in order to predict soil loss in the mining field.
513. Mingwei ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform in De-noising Processing of Remote Blasting Waves, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012 , 2012.09, Wavelet analysis, as the typical represent of time-frequency analysis technique, has been extensively applied to vibration signal analysis, which is also a vital research subject in signal de-noising field. In this article, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used to analyze the weak remote blasting signals and extract small features, and it is also applied emphatically in de-noising processing of seismic waves based on the theory of wavelet analysis. The optimal selection of wavelet function and existing practical problems are emphasized with amounts of waveforms aiming to obtain the excellent blasting signals. The results indicate that wavelet analysis has advantages on de-noising processing to a certain extent, and it can make the signal to noise ratio (SNR) enhanced. The value of remote blasting waves can be used more effectively. .
514. Yanlong CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Extraction Technology and Pillar Design Analysis of End-wall Mining System in China , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09, A great deal of coal will be left under the final end-walls in Chinese open pit mines because of lower slope angle in shovel-truck mining technology system and larger mining depth. In traditional surface mining system, the coal under the end-walls will be buried by the inner dumping site, and the coal resources are normally discarded. Considering these situations, this paper describes end-wall mining system in order to recover the residual coal based on the geological conditions of coal seams at Chinese open pit coal mines. The mining system can improve economic benefits by exploiting haulage and ventilation roadways from the exposed position of coal seams, and utilizing the existing transportation systems. In order to investigate the pillar design methodology in end-wall mining system, several empirical formulas and methods were discussed based on the actual geological mechanical properties of coal and rock in Chinese open pit mine. The outcome shows that the coal pillar width calculated by Salamon formula may serve as an important reference for pillar design in end-wall mining system. According to the theoretical and numerical simulation results, end-wall mining system can increase the coal recovery from residual coal resources around end-wall and reduce the effect of underground mining operation on slope stability. .
515. Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Candra NUGRAHA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Study on Co-placement of Coal Combustion Ash-coal Waste Rock for Minimizing Acid Mine Drainage Generation: A Preliminary Result of Field Column Test Experiment , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012 , 2012.09, As the increasing of coal utilization, requirement on re-utilization of coal combustion ash (CCA) was also increased. In the mine site, having considered the some advantage characteristics of CCA, co-placement with overburden rock in the overburden dumping area of mining site is to be one potential alternative to be implemented. In this paper, the potential use of CCA from a specific site power plant as a layer in the dry cover system was studied. According to the quality of discharged water and measured-oxygen concentration within the column under the influences of local climate, the experiment indicates some advantages of CCA utilization such as higher on pH, alkalinity and higher capacity to prevent oxygen diffusion into the column. These results offer a promising technique to re-utilize CCA in controlling acid mine drainage (AMD) generation from potentially acid forming overburden rock. .
516. 高本 拓,大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,濱中晃弘,一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア坑内掘り炭鉱におけるボルト支保システムの適用性に関する検討, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2012.09, 2011年度に日本が輸入した約1億8千万トンの石炭の内、豪州に次いでインドネシアからは約35百万トンが輸入された。インドネシアでは、2000年の石炭生産量75.6百万トンから年間で10百万トン~18百万トン程度の急速な生産拡大を示し、2011年には3億トンを超える生産をしている。インドネシアの石炭産業では生産量のほぼ100%が露天掘りであり、坑内掘りはクスマ・ラヤウタマ炭鉱をはじめ数カ所に過ぎず、生産量も100万トン以下である。現在いくつかの炭鉱が坑内展開を実施あるいは計画中であるが、稼行中の露天採掘炭鉱での深部化と剥土費の増加によるコスト上昇、露天採掘可能埋蔵量の減少、指定森林区域における露天採掘の禁止など、今後急増する石炭需要に対応するためには坑内掘り炭鉱開発が必至となってきている。
517. 加藤正剛,堺 義明,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友 , 砂利採取鉱山における跡地緑化に向けた土壌物理性改善に関する検討, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2012.09, 我が国の天然骨材資源は,国土の保全や社会基盤整備等のための構造物の骨格を成すコンクリートの材料として開発が行われてきた.骨材の大消費地である首都圏の需要に応えている千葉県では,平成21年実績で16,382千m3の天然骨材を生産しているが,同県で生産されている天然骨材資源は主に山砂・砂利である.山砂・砂利資源開発はCO2吸収源である林野地を開発するため,地球温暖化抑止の観点からも採取跡地の緑化促進は喫緊の課題である.骨材の主要な産地である千葉県において,この課題に取り組むことは,同様の課題をもつ全国砂利採取場においても緑化促進の一助となるものと考える.
518. 千田 尚,前田泰孝,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友 , 大深度推進工法における推進に伴う周辺地山挙動への影響に関する考察, 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2012.09, 我が国の大都市圏は、土地利用の高度化・複雑化が進んでおり、都市化の進んだ場所に後から線状構造物などの社会資本整備として地上を利用することは実際上困難であり、地下を利用する場合が多い。また、その場合でも道路等公共浅深度地下は、既に地下鉄、上下水道、電気、通信、ガス等の設備が設置され輻輳している。したがって今後、大都市圏で社会資本を整備するに当っては、地上および浅深度地下利用の困難のために、大深度地下利用の必要性が高まっていくものと考えられる。
519. 生田静夫,松井紀久男,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,増田好重,一ノ瀬政友 , チェーンソー型掘削装置の問題点解明と対策技術の確立 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2012.09, チェーンソー型掘削装置は、その原型を石炭採掘用のジブカッターに見ることができる。近年土木建築分野や環境関連分野で、地中連続壁を構築する大型の装置が開発・使用されており、その需要は地下の環境保全対策、風水害や震災等への防災対策として益々増大している。地中連続壁工法の代表的な工法に、等厚式ソイルセメント地中連続壁工法があり、大規模な地中連続壁の構築に使用されているが、比較的固い地盤に遭遇したとき掘削能力が著しく低下する現象が問題視されている。そこで、先ず同工法の掘削ユニットの構造や掘削方式等から問題点の分析を行い、次にこの問題を解決する掘削ユニットや掘削方式の開発・改良を行うとともに、この開発した掘削ユニットを使用して実施工を行った。本稿では、これらの概要や実際の現場での施工効果について報告する。.
520. 今長谷創太,千田 尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,佐藤 徹,一ノ瀬政友,吉田安廣 , パイプルーフ推進工法における充填材の基礎的特性に関する検討 , 第33回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2012.08, 都市部における上下水道管などライフラインの施工において、推進工法が広く用いられている。しかし、国内の下水道普及率は既に75%を超えているため推進工法の管理設施工への適用は今後減少することが予測される。そのため、推進工法の新たな適用が模索されており、近年、地下空間非開削築造技術の主流である山岳トンネルや地下トンネルの先受け工法として推進工法を応用したパイプルーフ工法の適用が増加している。推進工法では、推進管周辺の余掘りによって生じた空洞に管周面抵抗力を低減させ、なおかつ地盤変状を最小限に抑制するため充填材が注入されるが、パイプルーフ工法におけるパイプの連続施工において管周辺の余掘りによって生じた空洞により、土被りの小さい場合には許容沈下量を上回るような地表面沈下を誘発する恐れがあるため、適切な充填材の選定が重要となる。充填材として様々な施工条件及び土質条件を考慮した種々の材料が開発され、使用されているが、その適用性の検討は未だ十分ではない。そこで本報告では、既存の充填材と新たに開発されたフライアッシュを主体とする2液混合型の硬化型充填材の基礎的特性の把握ならびに機能性の評価のため各種試験を実施し、パイプルーフ推進工法に適した充填材について検討した結果について述べる。.
521. 前田泰孝,千田 尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,森田 智,一ノ瀬政友 , 大深度での推進工法の施工に関する二、三の検討 , 第33回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2012.08, 近年、都市部における土地利用は高度化・複雑化が進み、地上における社会資本整備は極めて困難な状況となっている。地下浅部においても、電気・ガス・水道といったライフラインや地下鉄等の交通機関が輻輳しているため、管渠構築における大深度地下利用の必要性が今後とも高まっていくと考えられる。このような地下における管渠構築には、地上の交通等の日常の生活機能を低下させることがないということ、さらには騒音・振動等の問題も少ないということから、一般に非開削工法が適用されている。特に、非開削工法の一種である推進工法は、長距離・急曲線化等の技術革新が進み、かつ施行コストも低下して適用性が向上しているが、大深度における推進施工実績は極めて少なく、大深度推進工法に関する学術的検討は未だ不十分である。
522. 青山俊也,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,佐藤 徹,一ノ瀬政友 , 推進工法を用いたパイプルーフ工法における周辺地山の安定性に関する検討 , 第33回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2012.08, 推進工法は都市部における上下水道管などライフラインの施工において広く用いられる工法である。しかし、都市部において下水道管の普及率は既に75%を超えており、他の生活関連設備に伴う管路構築においても再構築や改築を除き一段落の傾向にある。この現状から、推進工法の新たな適用分野が模索され、山岳トンネルの先受工法の一つであるパイプルーフ工法等への適用が始まっている。しかし、推進工法を用いた先受工法における地山の安定性に関する研究は、未だ十分になされていないと考えられる。そこで筆者らは、先受工法に推進工法を適用した場合の周辺地山への影響について種々検討を行っている。本報告では、推進工法の切羽ならびにテールボイドについてそれぞれの特徴を満足するような解析モデル化を試みた結果について述べる。 .
523. 竹内啓介,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,林 克彦,佐々木誠 , シールドマシン用カッタービットの耐衝撃性および耐摩耗性に関する検討, 第33回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2012.08, シールド工法とはシールドを地中に押し込み,その先端部で地山の崩壊を防ぎながら掘削を行い,トンネルを掘進する工法である。シールド工法に用いられるシールドマシンでは,カッタービットを装備したカッターヘッドを回転させ,かつ前方の地盤に押し付け力を与えることで地山が掘削される。このビットの先端部には,タングステンカーバイトやコバルトを主成分とする超硬合金が埋め込まれているが,地山掘削時にはこれの摩耗は避けられない。さらに,玉石や転石との衝突によってビットは破損し,ビットの耐衝撃性が問題となっている。ビットの摩耗および破損は,掘削機の経済性や地山掘削の効率に影響を与える要因であり,これまで種々の研究が行われているが,ビット摩耗の予測およびビット構造による耐衝撃性の検討に関する経験的な指針はあるものの,摩耗メカニズムを考慮した定量的な指針は未だ十分に確立されていないのが実状である。
524. Takashi SASAOKA, Shizuo IKUTA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Kikuo MATSUI , Application of Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC) to Highwall Mining System, 31st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining , 2012.07, Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC) is a chainsaw-type machine and originally developed for the construction of underground walls and/or ground improvements. CCC was developed from the accumulated technology of coal mining, combining the cutting technology of a shearer and the fuctions of chain conveyor. The CCC can cut harder soils and soft rocks, and vertically mixes the cut soils/rocks with cementing material selected through the discharging port installed at the bottom of the machine. In Indonesia, highwall mining trials have already been conducted in several coal mines. However, full-scale and regular operations have not been done yet due to the ground and machine control issues from their geological conditions. In order to overcome these problems, the application of CCC to highwall mining systems was proposed, and its applicability and technical issues to be solved were investigated in this research. This paper discribes the characteristics of CCC system and discusses the application of CCC to highwall mining systems..
525. Hideki SHIMADA, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Budi SULISTIANTO , Dump Site Covering to Control Acid Mine Drainage in Indonesian Open-cut Coal Mine, 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining , 2012.06, Acid mine drainage (AMD) has become one of the most concern environmental impact in the mining
industry in the world. AMD may raise number potential problems for the environment and human
beings such as the impact on the aquatic life and communities in the downstream environment
resulting from acidity and dissolved metals, and affect on groundwater quality and difficulties in revegetation.
Waste dump of sulfide containing rock is one of potential AMD source since it was content huge
amount of ready oxidized sulfide mineral due to its exposure to air and water. Application of dry cover
system is counted as one of the best practices in a sustainable prevention of acid mine drainage of the
waste rock dump at surface coal mine. However, the implementation of dry cover system in the field
practice has faced several obstacles due to the limited amount of cover-materials. The nature of
geological condition is to be the most control one while the other is mining method and equipment
size should be taken into consideration to develop proper covering system.
This paper describes the acid generation mechanism and its control, application of cover system and
its problem being faced in Indonesian coal mine, and discusses the preliminary laboratory result of
multi-layer cover system and proposed new covering strategy in order to obtain the effective solution
of AMD.
526. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA , Overview of Ground Control Research for Underground Coal Mines in Indonesia, 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining, 2012.06, Indonesia is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for about 30 M tons annually. They
produced about 250 M tons in 2010, over 99% of which being from open-cut mines. However, the
conditions of surface mining are becoming worse each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching
the economic ratio and the infrastructure for coal transportation from inland mining areas is insufficient
for such intense mining operations. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world,
underground mines have to be developed. At present, there are only five small underground mines, three
of which are old and the other two have only recently begun mining operations. However, severe ground
control problems have been occurring regularly, roof falls in particular. Unfortunately, mining engineers
and/or miners in this mine do not have a lot of experiences, expertise and know-how concerning the
operations of underground coal mines.
Under these situations, since 2001, Japan has started a ‘five-year plan for coal technology transfer’ to fill
Japan’s moral obligation as the largest coal importer in the world. The research team was organized and
conducted on-site investigation in order to develop new underground coal mine in Indonesia.
This paper describes the geotechnical issues for development of underground coal mine in Indonesia.
527. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Applicability of Rock Bolting System and Ground Control Management under Weak Strata in Indonesia , Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI , 2012.05, A new underground mining trial has been conducted in East Kalimantan, Indonesia in order to investigate the possibility of technical challenges of underground coal mine under weak geological condition, especially the application and management of rock bolting system. The application of rock bolting system for Indonesian underground coal mines had been attempted for a long time, but they had not been success yet. In this mining trial, even though roof falls have occurred within the working area, the bolted roadways showed a reasonable stability over time. Moreover, the comprehensive monitoring system has been installed in order to monitor the ground behaviour and its characteristics. This application of comprehensive monitoring system has enhanced the ability to increase the level of support and to react to changing/deteriorating conditions. In addition, monitoring data has allowed a quantitative assessment for future full scale mining.
This paper discusses the applicability of roof bolting system and its ground control management under weak strata condition in Indonesia by means of site investigations and numerical analysis.
528. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Jiro OYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Surface Subsidence Induced by Underground Coal Mining in Indonesia , 7th International Mining Symposium on Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 2012.05, In Indonesia, it is expected to develop underground coal mining technology and increase underground mines, since rapid increase in coal production by surface mining recently has brought strong concerns of sustainable supply of coal with current quality level in future. However, there is a lack of study on surface subsidence induced by underground mining, although understanding surface subsidence is most important with assessment of environmental impact for developing underground mines kin Indonesia.
This paper describes the measured data of the surface subsidence over a longwall in an underground mine which is located in East Kaimantan, Indonesia and analyzes the resulted subsidence.
529. Hiroshi Takamoto, Jiro Oya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Surface subsidence induced by underground coal mining in Indonesia, Aachen International Mining Symposia(AIMS2012) 7th International Symposium on Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 2012.05, In Indonesia, it is expected to develop underground coal mining technology and increase underground mines, since rapid increase in coal production by surface mining recently has brought strong concerns of sustainable supply of coal with current quality level in future. However, there is a lack of study on surface subsidence induced by underground mining, although understanding surface subsidence is most important with assessment of environmental impact for developing underground mines kin Indonesia.
This paper describes the measured data of the surface subsidence over a longwall in an underground mine which is located in East Kaimantan, Indonesia and analyzes the resulted subsidence.
530. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Hiroshi Takamoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Kikuo Matsui, Jiro Oya , Applicability of rock bolting system and ground control management under weak strata in Indonesia, Aachen International Mining Symposia(AIMS2012) 7th International Symposium on Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 2012.05, A new underground mining trial has been conducted in East Kalimantan, Indonesia in order to investigate the possibility of technical challenges of underground coal mine under weak geological condition, especially the application and management of rock bolting system. The application of rock bolting system for Indonesian underground coal mines had been attempted for a long time, but they had not been success yet. In this mining trial, even though roof falls have occurred within the working area, the bolted roadways showed a reasonable stability over time. Moreover, the comprehensive monitoring system has been installed in order to monitor the ground behaviour and its characteristics. This application of comprehensive monitoring system has enhanced the ability to increase the level of support and to react to changing/deteriorating conditions. In addition, monitoring data has allowed a quantitative assessment for future full scale mining.
This paper discusses the applicability of roof bolting system and its ground control management under weak strata condition in Indonesia by means of site investigations and numerical analysis.
531. Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Rockbolting Trials in Underground Coal Mines in Japan , Proc. of 7th International Mining Symposium on Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 2012.05, In longwall mining system, gateroads must be well supported in order to withstand high abutment load created by a retreating longwall face. Standing supports such as steel aches or three-piece sets (props and bars) along with the necessary struts and lagging have been traditionally used in underground coal mines in Japan due to severe strata conditions. Therefore, coal mines tried to introduce rockbolting support system so as to raise productivity levels and reduce operating costs.
This paper describes Japanese underground mining system, an overview of the rockbolting technology that was applied to longwall gateroads in Japan and discusses some problems involved in using bolting.
532. Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Rockbolting Trials in Underground Coal Mines in Japan, Aachen International Mining Symposia(AIMS2012) 7th International Symposium on Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 2012.05, In longwall mining system, gateroads must be well supported in order to withstand high abutment load created by a retreating longwall face. Standing supports such as steel aches or three-piece sets (props and bars) along with the necessary struts and lagging have been traditionally used in underground coal mines in Japan due to severe strata conditions. Therefore, coal mines tried to introduce rockbolting support system so as to raise productivity levels and reduce operating costs.
This paper describes Japanese underground mining system, an overview of the rockbolting technology that was applied to longwall gateroads in Japan and discusses some problems involved in using bolting.
533. 岡崎臣、濱中晃弘、Sri Maryati, 島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り鉱山のリハビリテーションエリアにおける土壌侵食評価式の適用に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成24年度春季例会, 2012.05, インドネシアにおける石炭鉱山は露天掘りによる採掘が主流であるが、露天掘り鉱山では開発に伴い周辺
必要がある。降雨に伴う土壌流出量を予測する式として、USLE(Universal Soil Loss Equation)式が広く知
そこで、本研究ではインドネシア最大の露天掘り石炭鉱山であるKPC 鉱山を研究対象として、USLE 式
による予測値と降雨実験による実測値の比較によりインドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるUSLE 式の適用
534. 山本諒、濱中晃弘、Donghua Zhang, 笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるダンピングサイトの最適設計に関する基礎的検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成24年度春季例会, 2012.05, 石炭は、製鉄、火力発電など我々の生活の根幹を成す産業で幅広く使用さ
535. 山口泰介、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友、久保田士郎, 石灰石鉱山における発破振動挙動の数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部 平成24年度春季例会, 2012.05, 発破作業は、鉱山や土木の分野で重要な技術として古くから利用されてきた。最近は都市部の構造物解体
536. 笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男, 岩盤条件による発破振動の伝播特性に関する研究, 第71回石灰石鉱業大会, 2012.05.
537. Shizuo Ikuta, Kikuo Matsui, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka , Chain Conveyor Cutter Wall for Mine Water Management, The 10th international conference on mining, materials and petroleum engineering"Science and Technologies Towards 2012" and the 6th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2012.05.
538. Nay Zar Lin, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui , Study on Application of Rockbolt Reinforcement System for Coal Mine Roadways in Thailand , The 10th international conference on mining, materials and petroleum engineering"Science and Technologies Towards 2012" and the 6th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2012.05.
539. Shinji Matsumoto, Koh Hiroto, Ginting J. Kusuma, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui , Study on Design of Dumping Site for Control of AMD at Maamba Coal Mine, Zambia, The 10th international conference on mining, materials and petroleum engineering"Science and Technologies Towards 2012" and the 6th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 2012.05.
540. 千田尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友, 大深度地下開発における推進工法とシールド工法施工の相違および課題, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
541. 島田光,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,濱中晃弘,一ノ瀬政友, 中国・露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるハイウォールマイニングシステムを用いたエンドウォールからの石炭の回収方法に関する検討, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
542. 笹岡孝司,山口春輔,Qing Yu,島田英樹,松井紀久男,濱中晃弘,一ノ瀬政友, 中国東部の坑内掘り炭鉱におけるチェーンコンベアカッターを用いた立坑ライニングの補強方法に関する検討, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
543. 濱中晃弘,Ginting Jalu Kusuma, 島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,宮島郁夫,一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるAMD問題と廃石が植生に及ぼす影響に関する検討, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
544. 広戸洸,松本親樹,Ginting Jalu Kusuma, 島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友, ザンビア Maamba炭鉱におけるAMD抑制のためのダンピングサイトの設計に関する検討, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
545. Purwanto, Ridho Kresna WATTIMENA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Roughness Effect on Shear Strength , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, 2011.12.
546. Koh HIROTO, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Effect of Mineralogical Transformations on AMD Prevention at Waste Rock Dumping Site, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, 2011.12.
547. Mingwei ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Linming DOU, A New Method to Evaluate the Risk of Rock Burst in Deep Underground Mines, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
548. Yu QING, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, A Case Study of Seepage Control Methods during Shaft Construction in Deep Alluvium under Complex Geological Conditions , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
549. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Numerical Study on Applicability of Multi-Slice Bord-and-Pillar Mining Method for Soft Ultra-Thick Coal Seams in Thailand , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
550. Yanlong CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA and Kikuo MATSUI, Application of Highwall Mining System for Recovering Coal from End-walls under Thick Cover , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
551. Takashi SENDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Practical Study of Behavior on Thrust and Settlement of Surrounding Soil in Deep Pipe Jacking Method, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
552. Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Koh HIROTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Laboratory Study on Co-Placement of Coal Combustion Ash-Coal Waste Rock for Minimizing Acid Mine Drainage Generation in the Waste Rock Dump , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
553. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Toshinori SAKAGUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Evaluation of the Risk to Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Underground Mines in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
554. Donghua ZHANG, Ryo YAMAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fundamental Study on Formation of Dumping Pile at Surface Coal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
555. Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Study on the Application of Chain Conveyor Cutter to Environmental Protection and Disaster Prevention, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
556. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Candra NUGRAHA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Ikuo MIYAJIMA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fundamental Study on Application of Paper Mulberry for Rehabilitation of Surface Coal Mine in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
557. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takayuki SASAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Shiro KUBOTA, Tei SABURI, Yuji OGATA, Kikuo MATSUI, Analytical Calculation of Ground Vibration-induced Rock Damage under Blasting Excavation on Limestone Using the Technique Based on Swedish Method, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
558. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Kris PRANOTO, Aspin PAGALLUNGAN, Nurwita SARI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Building Geodatabase for Environmental Monitoring of Coal Mining in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011 , 2011.12.
559. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Shogo KATO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Yasuhiro SATO, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Study on an Optimum Slope Designing and Mining Method at Open-pit Aggregate Mines with Soft Sand Layers , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, 2011.12.
560. 青山俊也,佐藤 徹,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, パイプルーフ推進工法における推進に伴う地山変形挙動に関する検討 , 第22回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2011.11.
561. 前田泰孝,千田 尚,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, 大深度推進工法における推進力および周辺地山状況に関する検討, 第22回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2011.11.
562. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Candra NUGRAHA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideaki NAKAGAWA, Monitoring of Erosion Risk in Surface Mining Area Using Satellite Image and Geographic Information System -A Case Study in Indonesia Coal Mining Area- , 2nd International Future Mining Conference 2011 , 2011.11.
563. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Eco Underground Coal Mining Systems for Ultra-Thick Coal Seam - Utilisation of Flyash and CO2 Storage , 2nd International Future Mining Conference 2011 , 2011.11.
564. Yanlong CHEN, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Koichi ARAKI, Dai WATANABE, Application and Numerical Analysis of Chemical Grouting Restoration Method for Pipeline Foundation , International Conference on Pipeline and Trenchless Technology , 2011.10.
565. Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Koh HIROTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Leachate Characteristic of Sulfidic Coal Mine Waste Rock Due to Various Water Pouring Interval , 12th International Congress on Rock Mechanics , 2011.10.
566. Yu QING, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Analytical Study on Underground Continuous Impervious Curtain for Shaft Lining Treatment at Eastern Chinese Coal Mines , 12th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, 2011.10.
567. Koh HIROTO, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on the Characteristics and Mechanism of Rock and Water Contamination at Maamba Collieries, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
568. Yu QING, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Numerical Analysis on Shaft Lining Rupture in Alluvium during Aquifer Drainage and Solution Method, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
569. Yu QING, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Numerical Analysis on Shaft Lining Rupture in Alluvium during Aquifer Drainage and Solution Method, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
570. Hideki SHIMADA, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Koh HIROTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Laboratory Evaluation of Multi-Layer Cover to Control Acid Mine Drainage in the Coal Mine Waste Rock Dump, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
571. Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Rudi Sayoga GAUTAMA, Kikuo MATSUI, Candra NUGRAHA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Koh HIROTO, Physical and Geochemical Characterization of Coal Waste Rock Dump Related to Acid Mine Drainage Generation Potential, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
572. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Takashi MATSUDA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Improvement of Underground Transportation Systems at Ikeshima Colliery in Japan, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
573. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Application of Multi-slice Longwall Mining System for Extra-Thick Coal Seams under Weak Geological Condition, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
574. Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Construction of Subsurface Barriers for Controlling Contaminated Ground Water Flow at Mine Disposal Sites Using Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC), 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
575. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Blast Vibration and Size of Fragmentation at Limestone Quarry, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
576. Dongha ZHANG, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Safety and Recovery Rate of Coal Mining Industry in China, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
577. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Application of Punch Mining System to Indonesian Coal Mining Industry, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
578. Yanlong CHEN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on an extraction technology for residual coal around end-slopes, 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2011.10.
579. 高本拓、大屋二郎、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男, インドネシアにおける坑内掘に伴う地表沈下, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
580. 生田静夫、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男, チェーンコンベアカッター(CCC)の環境および防災分野への適用に関する検討, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
581. 堺義明、加藤雅剛、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, コンクリート用骨材鉱山における掘削斜面の安定性の検討, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
582. 荒木紘一、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 位置修復グラウチングにおけるグラウト注入挙動と地盤変状の予測, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
583. 千田尚、前田泰孝、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 大深度推進工法における推進力と地山およびテールボイドの状況に関する一考察, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
584. 佐藤 徹、青山俊也、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 泥水式パイプルーフ推進工法における地表面の変形挙動に関する検討, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
585. 濱中晃弘、Nay Zar Lin、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、高本拓、大屋二郎、一ノ瀬政友, タイ・Mae Moh炭鉱における充填厚層採炭システムに関する検討, 資源・素材2011(堺)平成23年度資源・素材学会関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2011.09.
586. 山口春輔, Yu QING, 生田静夫, 笹岡孝司, 島田英樹, 松井紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友 , 中国東部坑内掘り炭鉱におけるチェーンコンベアカッターを用いた立坑ライニングの補強方法に関する検討, 第32回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2011.09.
587. 廣戸洸, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, 岡崎臣, 島田英樹, 笹岡孝司, 松井紀久男, 一ノ瀬政友 , ザンビア Maamba 炭鉱における土壌および水質汚染に関する検討, 第32回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2011.09.
588. 濱中晃弘, Nay Zar Lin, 笹岡孝司, 島田英樹, 松井紀久男, 高本 拓 , インドネシア石炭鉱山におけるパンチマイニングシステムの適用に関する研究, 第32回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2011.09.
589. 平石 望, 佐藤 徹,島田英樹, 松井紀久男, 笹岡孝司, 一ノ瀬政友 , 密閉式推進工法によるパイプルーフにおけるパイプ挿入時の地山変形挙動, 第32回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2011.09.
590. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Akihiro Hamanaka, Nay Zar Lin, Hiroshi Takamoto, Study on Eco-Friendly Underground Mining System for Ultra-Thick Coal Seams in Thailand, 30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2011.07.
591. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Effect of Mine Water on the Stability of Underground Coal Mine Roadways, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry , 2011.06.
592. Hideki SHIMADA, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Koh HIROTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Kikuo MATSUI , Study on Multi Layer Covering Systems of Non Acid Forming and Potentially Acid Forming of Coal Mine Waste Rock to Control Acid Mine Drainage , 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry , 2011.06.
593. Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Control of Contaminated Water from Disposal Site near Seashore Using Chain Conveyor Cutter , 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2011.06.
594. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akiriho HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Jan GOTTFRIED, , Utilization of Flyash for Barrier Layer Materials in Radioactive Waste Disposal , 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2011.06.
595. Hideki SHIMADA, Jan GOTTFRIED, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI , Application of Injection Material for Offshore Structures Using Flyash-surfactant Mixtures , 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2011.06.
596. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shuichi FUJITA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Present Situation and Future Prospect of Environmental and Measures in Suburban Aggregate Mines in Japan, 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2011.06.
597. 竹内啓介,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,林 克彦,佐々木誠, シールド用カッタービットの摩耗性に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2011.06.
598. 島田 光,高本 拓,濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友, インドネシア・新規開発地区における最適な坑内採掘設計に関する研究, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2011.06.
599. 青山俊也,佐藤 徹,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,砂辺繁光 , パイプルーフ推進工法における推進に伴う地山変形挙動に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2011.06.
600. Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Study on Applicable Highwall Mining System for Thick and Weak Coal Seams, 5th International Workshop and Conference on Earth Resources Technology , 2011.05.
601. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshihiro Yasuda, Shuichi Fujita, Akihiro Hamanaka, Kikuo Matsui, Development of Construction Material Using Flyash-Surfactant Mixtures for an Ocean Floor, 5th International Workshop and Conference on Earth Resources Technology , 2011.05.
602. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Kikuo Matsui, Masatomo Ichinose, Study on Control of Rock Fragmentation at Limestone Quarry, 5th International Workshop and Conference on Earth Resources Technology , 2011.05.
603. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Study on Applicable Underground Mining System for Extra Thick Coal Seams under Weak Geological Conditions in Thailand , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
604. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Pinyo MEECHUMNA, Pipat LAOWATTANABANDIT , Application of Multi-pass Highwall Mining System with Stowing System at Surface Coal Mine in Thailand , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
605. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Singgih SAPTONO , Influence of Geological Condition on Parameter of Blast Vibration Attenuation Equation , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
606. Toru SATO, Tony SUZUKI, Nozimu HIRAISHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Effect of Surrounding Soil by the Pipe Roof Method Using Pipe Jacking Method , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
607. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Hiroaki TANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shogo KATO, Yasuhiro SATO, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Study on the Slope Stability in Relation to Mining Development in the Suburbs of an Urban Area , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
608. Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Koh HIRITO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Study on Acid Mine Drainage Release Behavior of Coal Mine Waste Rock under Different Water Pouring Interval in Laboratory, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
609. Yu QING, Shunsuke YAMAGUCHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Effect of Underground Continuous Improvement Curtain on Shaft Lining Treatment at Eastern Chinese Coal Mines , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
610. Yanlong CHEN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Research in Open-pit Mining Technology for Residual Coal of End Slopes , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
611. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Toshinori SAKAGUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Improvement of Coal Recovery by Underground Semi-mechanized Longwall Mining System in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
612. Shizuo IKUTA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Development of Chain Conveyor Cutter , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
613. Takashi SENDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Eiji SAKAI , Effect of Thrust on Excavation by Using Pipe Jacking System in Deep Strata , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010 , 2010.12.
614. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shiro KUBOTA, Yuji OGATA, Kikuo MATSUI , Experimental Study on Rock Damage due to Blasting in Limestone Quarry , 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2010.12.
615. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Pinyo MEECHUMNA, Pipat LAOWATTANABANDIT , Application of Multi Slicing Highwall Mining System with Stowing at Surface Coal Mine at Thailand , 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2010.12.
616. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Ginting Jalu KUSUMA, Jiro OYA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Fundamental Study of Acid Drainage Control Using Flyash , 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2010.12.
617. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Study on Utilization of Flyash for Barrier/Buffer Materials for Radioactive Waste Disposal, 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2010.12.
618. Yu QING, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Fundamental Study on Fracturing Grouting for Shaft Lining Reinforcement at Deep Alluvium Seam in Eastern China , 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2010.12.
619. 平石 望,佐藤 徹,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, 掘削機構の異なる種々の推進工法における数値解析のモデル化に関する検討, 第21回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2010.11.
620. 幸村将士,荒木紘一,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男 , パイプラインの位置修復グラウチングに伴うグラウト材挙動と周辺地盤変状の関連性について , 第21回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2010.11.
621. Sri MARYATI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Nelson POMALINGO , Watershed Conservation Method to Save the Limboto Lake Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia , The 6th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science , 2010.11.
622. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG, Takashi SASOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISIANTO, Singgih SAPTONO , Characteristics of Site Parameters Blast Vibration Attenuation Equation on Complex Seam Formation: A Case Study , The 6th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science , 2010.11.
623. Toru SATO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Tony SUZUKI, NE Water Construction by Using Japanese Pipe Jacking Machines in Singapore , NO-DIG2010 28th International Conference and Exhibition , 2010.11.
624. Takashi SENDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masaya HIRAI, Tomo MORITA , Fundamental Study on the Effect of Pipe Jacking on Deeper Underground Area , NO-DIG2010 28th International Conference and Exhibition , 2010.11.
625. Masashi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Analytical Study on a Restoration Method for Pipeline Positions in Case of Clay Soil , NO-DIG2010 28th International Conference and Exhibition , 2010.11.
626. Hideki SHIMADA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Koichi ARAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masuhiko IINO, Takahisa TOMII , Application of Flash Setting Material for Temporary Earthquake Disaster Restoration of Gas Pipelines Using Fly Ash Cement Mixtures , NO-DIG2010 28th International Conference and Exhibition , 2010.11.
627. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Kikuo MATSUI , Infleunce of Geological Condition and Blasting Pattern on the Site Specific Parameters in PPV Prediction Model , ISRM International Symposium 2010 and 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2010.10.
628. 笹岡孝司・松井紀久男・島田英樹・高本 拓・大屋二郎・Suseno Kramadibrata・Budi Sulistianto・一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアでの坑内掘石炭鉱山開発における問題点, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
629. 松井紀久男・高本 拓・笹岡孝司・島田英樹・一ノ瀬政友, 環境負荷低減型の石炭鉱山開発における岩盤工学的ないくつかの問題, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
630. 荒木紘一・幸村将士・島田英樹・笹岡孝司・松井紀久男・一ノ瀬政友 , パイプライン位置修復工法におけるグラウト注入時の地盤変状に関する実験的検討, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
631. 佐藤 徹・島田英樹・笹岡孝司・松井紀久男・一ノ瀬政友 , 推進工法でのパイプルーフ施工によるトンネル周辺地山への影響, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
632. 堺 義明・田中博章・笹岡孝司・島田英樹・松井紀久男・加藤正剛・一ノ瀬政友 , 都市近郊鉱山の開発に伴う斜面の安定性に関する検討, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
633. 山口春輔・笹岡孝司・島田英樹・松井紀久男, ハイウォールマイニングシステム導入時のピラー形状による安定性への影響
, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
634. Ginting J. Kusuma・Koh Hiroto・Hideki Shimada・Takashi Sasaoka・Kikuo Matsui・Rudy S. Gautama・Budi Sulistianto , Study on Effect of Moisture Content on AMD Release of Coal Waste Rock: A Preliminary Result of Laboratory Experiment, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
635. Qing Yu, Shunsuke Yamaguchi, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Fundamental Study on Stability of Shaft on Grout Injection into Deep Alluvium Seam in Eastern China
, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
636. 広戸 洸・島田英樹・笹岡孝司・松井紀久男・大屋二郎・高本 拓・一ノ瀬政友 , インドネシアKPC炭鉱における最適なリハビリテーションシステムの開発, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
637. 射手矢陽・Sugeng Wahyudi・笹岡孝司・島田英樹・松井紀久男, 岩盤物性および挟み層の発破振動に及ぼす影響に関する実験的検討, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
638. 濱中晃弘・笹岡孝司・島田英樹・松井紀久男・Pinyo Meechumna・Pipat Laowattanabandit・高本 拓・一ノ瀬政友 , Mae Moh炭鉱におけるハイウォールマイニングシステムの適用性に関する検討
, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
639. 平石 望・佐藤 徹・島田英樹・笹岡孝司・松井紀久男・一ノ瀬政友, 推進工法での掘進機構の相違による周辺地山への影響, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
640. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Geothechnical Considerations in Highwall Mining Applications in Indonesia, 29th Interational Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2010.07.
641. Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Application of Highwall Mining System at Surface Coal Mine in Thailand, 29th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2010.07.
642. Masashi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Experimental Study on a Restoration Method by Using Grouting Material for Pipeline Positions , Twin International Conference on Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering , 2010.06.
643. Toru SATO, Tony SUZUKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Effect of Drivage Behavior of Cutting Machine for Pipe Jacking System on Stability of Surrounding Soil, Twin International Conference on Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering , 2010.06.
644. 山口春輔,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,高本 拓, ハイウォールマイニングシステムにおけるピラー形状による安定性への影響, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2010.06.
645. 廣戸 洸,Ginting Jalu KUSUMA,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,大屋二郎,高本 拓 , NAF/PAF廃石を用いた互層カバーシステムによるAMD抑制 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2010.06.
646. 濱中晃弘,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,高本 拓 , Mae Moh炭鉱におけるハイウォールマイニングシステムの適用に関する二、三の検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2010.06.
647. Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Jan GOTTFRIED, Masuhiko IINO , Development of Flash Setting Material Using Flyash for Temporally Gas Pipeline Restoration After Earthquake Disaster , 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2010.06.
648. Kikuo Matsui, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Hirofumi Furukawa,Hiroshi Takamoto, Masatomo Ichinose, Some Considerations in Underground Mining Systems for Extra Thick Coal Seams, Third International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2010.05.
649. Hideki Shimada, Toru Sato, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui , Effect of Application of Pipe Roof Method by Using Pipe Jacking on Stability of Surrounding Soil
, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology, 2010.05.
650. Masahi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA,Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII , Theoretical Study on a Restoration Method for Pipe Positions, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology , 2010.05.
651. Masahi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA,Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII , Theoretical Study on a Restoration Method for Pipe Positions, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology , 2010.05.
652. Masahi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA,Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII , Theoretical Study on a Restoration Method for Pipe Positions, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology , 2010.05.
653. Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo. Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit , Application of Highwall Mining System at Surface Coal Mine in Thailand, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology, 2010.05.
654. Nay Zar Lin, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Fundamental Study on Support Requirements for Main Roadway in Underground Coal Mine, Indonesia, The 4th International Workshop and Conferencw on Earth Resources Technology , 2010.05.
655. Takashi Sasaoka, Hiroaki Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Masatomo Ichinose, Hiroshi Takamoto, Geotechnical Issues on Development of Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia, 5th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Scinence, 2010.04.
656. Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Koichi Araki, Shuichi Fujita, Kikuo Matsui, Temporary Earthquake Disaster Restoration of Gas Pipelines Using Flyash Cement Mixtures , 5th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Scinence, 2010.04.
657. Ginting J. Kusuma, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Candra Nugraha, Rudy S. Gautama, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Study on Mixing Non Acid Forming amd Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock in Coal Mine; an Update of Column Leached Test, 5th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Scinence, 2010.04.
658. 田中博章、堺義明、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、中川英朗、一ノ瀬政友, 都市近郊型鉱山の開発に伴う斜面の安定性に関する研究, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
659. 射手矢陽、Sugeng Wahyudi、笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 石灰石鉱山における発破に伴う発破振動と周辺岩盤状態の関連性について, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
660. 幸村将士、荒木紘一、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 管渠の位置修復グラウチングにおけるグラウト材浸透挙動の評価方法に関する研究, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
661. 島田英樹、佐藤徹、平石望、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、一ノ瀬政友, 推進工法での推進機構の相違による周辺地山への影響, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
662. 堺義明、佐藤泰弘、松井紀久男、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、中川英朗、一ノ瀬政友, 砂利採取跡地の緑化方法に関する二,三の検討, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
663. 笹岡孝司、濱中晃弘、島田英樹、松井紀久男、Pinyo Meechumna、Pipat Laowattanabandit、一ノ瀬政友, タイ・Mae Moh 炭鉱におけるハイウォールマイニングの適用に関する検討, 資源・素材学会平成22年度春季大会, 2010.03.
664. 森田 智,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,松元文彦,酒井栄治 , ボックスカルバート推進時の推進力伝達に関する数値解析的検討 , 土木学会第38回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2010.01.
665. 松元文彦,森田 智,酒井栄治,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, 泥濃式破砕型掘進機の巨礫層での長距離曲線路線への適用性の検証 , 土木学会第38回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2010.01.
666. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideaki NAKAGAWA , Preliminary Study on the Planting of Jatropha Curcas as Biodiesel Feedstocks at an Aggregate Mine , The 4th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Science: Environmental Science and Technology, 2009.12.
667. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Stability Analysis of Slopes of Open Cut Coal Mine and New Underground Mine Developed from its Highwall in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009 , 2009.12.
668. Jiro OYA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Riantia PERTIWI , Evaluation of Ground Vibration Predictors Using Data of Blasting Operation in an Open Pit Coal Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009 , 2009.12.
669. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Present Situation and Outlook for Aggregate Resources in Japan , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009 , 2009.12.
670. Toru SATO, Tony SUZUKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , An Application of the Japanese Pipe Jacking Technology for NEWater Singapore , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009 , 2009.12.
671. Masashi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , Practical Study on a Restoration Method for Pipe Positions , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, 2009.12.
672. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Budi SULISTIANTO, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA , Effect of Some Blast Design Parameters on Blast Vibration Propagation and Prediction at an Open-pit Limestone Quarry: A Case Study , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, 2009.12.
673. 佐藤 徹,鈴木昭彦,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男 , シンガポールプロジェクトにおける日本の推進技術の適用, 第20回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2009.11.
674. Masashi KOMURA, Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII , Numerical Study on the Grouting Behavior by Restoration Method for Pipe Renewal Positions , The Trenchless Technologies in Asia Pacific Hong Kong 2009 Conference , 2009.11.
675. 幸村将士,荒木紘一,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, U.G.S.工法における地盤内でのグラウト材挙動の基礎的検討, 第20回非開削技術研究発表会, 2009.11.
676. Hideki SHIMADA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Koichi ARAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shinobu SATAKE, Masaaki ISHIKAWA , Application of Flash Setting Material for Temporally Earthquake Disaster Restoration of Gas Pipeline Using Fly Ash Cement Mixtures , 8th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection and 11th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production , 2009.11.
677. Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Hirofumi FURUKAWA, An Application Underground Coal Mining System in Thick Seams, 8th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection and 11th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, 2009.11.
678. Yoshiaki SAKAI, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideaki NAKAGAWA, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Some Environmental Issues at a Surface Mine Locatied near Populated Area , 8th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection and 11th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production , 2009.11.
679. Hideki Shimada, Koichi Araki, Masashi Komura, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Takahisa Tomi, Lifeline Restoration Method for Pipe Positions by Using Chemical Grouting in Urban Area, 2009 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, Rock Mechanics for Energy and Environment, 2009.10.
680. Takashi Sasaoka, Hirofumi Furukawa, Yoshiaki Sakai, Kikuo Matsui, Hideki Shimada, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Ground Control Problems at Ombilin Coal Mine, Indonesia, 2009 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, Rock Mechanics for Energy and Environment, 2009.10.
681. 笹岡孝司, 坑内掘鉱山における採掘技術および採掘システムに関する最近の動向, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
682. 松井紀久男、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、中川英朗、一ノ瀬政友、筒井健, モンゴルでの石炭鉱山開発におけるいくつかの問題点, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
683. 堺義明、佐藤泰弘、松井紀久男、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、中川英朗、一ノ瀬政友, 都市近郊型鉱山の開発と問題, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
684. 荒木紘一、幸村将士、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、富井孝久、一ノ瀬政友, 管渠位置修復グラウチングにおける現場施工法の検証, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
685. 森田智、島田英樹、笹岡孝司、松井紀久男、松元文彦、酒井栄治、一ノ瀬政友, ボックスカルバート推進工法におけるボックスカルバートの設計, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
686. 笹岡孝司、島田英樹、松井紀久男, インドネシア・露天掘炭鉱におけるファイナルハイウォールからの坑内採掘への展開, 資源・素材2009(札幌)平成21年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2009.09.
687. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Ridho Watinena, Feasibility Study and Design of a New Undergrond Coal Mine Developed from Open Cut Highwall in Indonesia, 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2009.07.
688. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Development of underground coal mine from open cut highwall in Indonesia, Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS 2009), Fifth International Symposium on High Performance Mining, 2009.06.
689. Hideki SHIMADA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shuichi FUJITA, Takashi KAWAI, Kikuo MATSUI , Property of Flyash Surfactant Injection into Over-cutting Area As Lubricant for Slurry Pipe Jacking , NO-DIG2009 27th International Conference and Exhibition , 2009.04.
690. Tomo MORITA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Eiji SAKAI , Application of a Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machine for Box Culvert Pipe Line Construction , NO-DIG2009 27th International Conference and Exhibition , 2009.03.
691. Toru SATO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masaya HIRAI, Reizo YAMAOKA , The Practical Study on the Pipe Bursting Technology by Expandit in Japan , NO-DIG2009 27th International Conference and Exhibition , 2009.03.
692. Koichi ARAKI, Masashi KOMURA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII , Restoration Method for Pipe Positions as the Renewal System , NO-DIG2009 27th International Conference and Exhibition , 2009.03.
693. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男,Jan GOTTFREID, チェコ共和国・坑内掘りウラン鉱山における採掘の深部化に伴う地山制御問題およびその対策, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2009.03.
694. 島田英樹,吉田安廣,笹岡孝司,藤田修一,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男,飯野益彦, 裏込注入時におけるフライアッシュセメントを用いた瞬結材の開発, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2009.03.
695. 大屋二郎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシアBerau炭鉱における圧密廃石によるAMD抑制に関する検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2009.03.
696. 井上 雅,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシアAdaro炭鉱における傾斜炭層を含む斜面の安定性に関する数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2009.03.
697. 佐々木孝之,Sugeng WAHYUDI,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,島田英樹,松井紀久男,久保田士郎,緒方雄二,佐分利禎 , 岩盤物性および岩盤内挟み層が発破振動に及ぼす影響について , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2009.03.
698. 寺田慶二,大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, インドネシアBerau炭鉱におけるダンピングサイトの安定性に関する数値解析的検討, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2009.03.
699. 宮弓泰輔,Candra NUGRAHA,大屋二郎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, インドネシアKPC炭鉱におけるAMD問題に関する研究 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2009.03.
700. 中川英朗,松井紀久男,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友, モンゴルにおける石炭鉱山の開発における問題点, 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2009.03.
701. Hirofumi Furukawa, Kikuo Matsui, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Application of a Punch Mining System to Indonesian Coal Mines, 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology, 2009.03.
702. Sugeng Wahyudi, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, A Study of Blast Vibration Induced Fracture in Limestone Quarry, 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology , 2009.03.
703. Candra Nugraha, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Evie H. Tular, Imanuel Manege, Mixed Acid and Non-acid Waste Rocks Associated with Acid Mine Drainage Generation: A Preliminary Result of Column Test Experiment, 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology , 2009.03.
704. Jiro Oya, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Rianita Pertiwi, Andi F. Fajrin, Fundamental Study on AMD-Prevention by Using Compacted Waste Rocks at Berau Coal Mine Indonesia, 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology , 2009.03.
705. Hideki Shimada, Hideaki Nakagawa, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Feasibility Study for Sustainable and Environment Conscious Infrastructure Development in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology , 2009.03.
706. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Study on the Utilization of Flyash as Backfilling Materials , 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology , 2009.03.
707. 松元 文彦,森田 智,松井 紀久男,島田 英樹,笹岡 孝司, 泥濃式破砕型掘進機を用いた巨石・岩盤推進の現状, 第38回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2009.01.
708. 森田 智,島田 英樹,笹岡 孝司,松井 紀久男,松元 文彦,酒井 栄治, 密閉型ボックス掘進機の巨礫層への適用性について, 第38回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2009.01.
709. Candra Nugraha, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Imanuel Manege, Lithology-based Rock Weathering Behavior in Acid Mine Drainage Generation , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 2008.12.
710. Masashi Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Study on Slope Stability in Adaro Coal Mine, Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 2008.12.
711. Sugeng Wahyudi, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Shiro Kubota, Yuji Ogata, Predictive Models of Near-field Blast Vibration Induced by Blasting for Identification of Blast Damage at Limestone Quarry, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 2008.12.
712. Tomo Morita, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui , Suggention of New Method for Underground Space Construction by Rectangular Pipe Jacking , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 200, 2008.12.
713. Jiro Oya, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Fundamental Study of Ground Water Contamination By Acid Mine Drainage at Berau Coal Mine in Indonesia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 2008.12.
714. Kikuo Matsui,Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Utilisation of Underground Space in Final Open Pit Walls at Surface Mines, First International Future Mining Conference & Exhibition 2008, 2008.11.
715. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Jan GOTTFRIED, Oldrich KODYM, Vladimir KEBO , Numerical Study on Effect of Rock Mass Stability on Deep Deposit Slicing at Uranium Mine in Czech Republic , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection , 2008.10.
716. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, インドネシア・サツイ炭鉱におけるボルト支保システムに関する検討, 平成20年度 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2008.10.
717. 森田 智,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,松元文彦,酒井栄治, 矩形推進工法に対応した密閉型ボックス推進機の現状と課題 , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, 2008.10.
718. 荒木紘一,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , 管更生工法におけるパイプラインの位置修復グラウチング , 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 , 2008.10.
719. 松元文彦,森田 智,酒井栄治,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男 , 長距離路線での巨石・砂礫層推進工事における泥濃式推進工法の適用性の検証 , 第12回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2008.09.
720. 森田 智,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,松元文彦,松井紀久男, ボックスカルバート推進工法に対応した密閉型矩形推進機の開発 , 第12回岩の力学国内シンポジウム , 2008.09.
721. 大屋二郎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, 露天掘り石炭鉱山における鉱山廃水の酸性化問題についての基礎的研究 , 第12回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2008.09.
722. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shiro KUBOTA, Yuji OGATA , Analysis and Prediction of Near-field Monitoring Ground Vibration Induced by Blasting for Identification of Blast Damage at Limestone Quarry, 第12回岩の力学国内シンポジウム, 2008.09.
723. Candra NUGRAHA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Imanuel MANEGE , Geochemistry of Wast Rock at Dumping Area , 第12回岩の力学国内シンポジウム , 2008.09.
724. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masashi INOUE,Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SRISTIANTO , Footwall Stability and Final Pit Design in the PT. Adaro Coal Mine, Indonesia, 27th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2008.07.
725. Hideki SHIMADA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Masuhiko IINO, Kikuo MATSUI , Lubrication Property Requirements for Injection into Over-cutting Area Using Extra-large-diameter Slurry Pipe Jacking, NO-DIG2008 26th International Conference and Exhibition, 2008.06.
726. Reizo YAMAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masaya HIRAI , Numerical Study on Effect on Pipe Bursting on Adjacent Structure/Pavement , NO-DIG2008 26th International Conference and Exhibition, 2008.06.
727. Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Jan GOTTFRIED, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Masuhiko IINO, Kikuo MATSUI , Development of Pipe Jacking Lubrication for large Diameter Tunnel Excavation Using Flyash, 12th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2008.06.
728. Tomo MORITA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Eiji SAKAI , Development of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Systems for Urban Infrastructure Utilization , NO-DIG2008 26th International Conference and Exhibition , 2008.06.
729. 宮弓泰輔,Candra NUGRAHA,大屋二郎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , 降雨に伴うスレーキング性岩石の浸透挙動と鉱山酸性排水問題, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2008.05.
730. 寺田慶二,大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , 露天掘り鉱山におけるダンピングサイトの安全性に関する解析的検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2008.05.
731. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Improvement of Roof Support System under Weak Roof Conditions by way of Numerical Analysis , 6th International Symposium on Rockbolting in Mining & Injection Technology and Roadway Support Systems , 2008.05.
732. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi KAWAI, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Koichi ARAKI, Constuction of an Infrastructure Pipeline Using a No-Digging Pipe-jacking System in Japan , International Workshop and Conference on Earth Science Technology, Bangkok THAILAND , 2008.04.
733. Candra NUGRAHA, Jiro OYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Imanuel MANEGE, A Study of Acid Mine Drainage Generation: The Influence of Rock Weathering Behavior , The International Workshop and Conference on Earth Science Technology , 2008.04.
734. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Mostafa TANTAWY, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO, Hendro ICHWANTO, Predictors Evaluation of Ground Vibration due to Blasting Operation in Coal Mine , The International Workshop and Conference on Earth Science Technology , 2008.04.
735. Jiro OYA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Muhammad FAJRIN , Acid Mine Drainage at Berau Coal Mine in Indonesia, The International Workshop and Conference on Earth Science Technology , 2008.04.
736. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男,大屋二郎,Candra NUGRAHA, インドネシア・ベラウ炭鉱における軟弱下盤へのリハビリテーション, 資源・素材学会平成20年度春季例会, 2008.03.
737. 吉田安廣,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,藤田修一,松井紀久男,飯野益彦 , 大口径推進工法管周ボイドに注入される滑材について , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2008.03.
738. 森田 智,武藤翔平,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,松元文彦,酒井栄治, ボックスカルバート推進工法における地盤の安定性に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2008.03.
739. 井上 雅,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシア・アダロ炭鉱におけるピット斜面の安定性に関する検討 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2008.03.
740. 佐々木孝之,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男,佐々木英人,吉村武彦 , 石灰石鉱山における発破による起砕物の粒度制御 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2008.03.
741. 大屋二郎,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, インドネシア・ベラウ炭鉱における酸性鉱山廃水問題について , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2008.03.
742. Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Construction of Lifeline System Using Slurry Pipe Jacking in Japan, 3rd Brazilian Congress of Trenchless Technology, 2008.02.
743. 松元文彦,森田 智,酒井栄治,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男, 泥濃式破砕型推進工法の巨石・岩盤への適用性 , 土木学会岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2008.01.
744. Jiro OYA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Acid Mine Drainage and Slaking Behavior at Tanjung Enim Coal Mine in Indonesia , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environment Issues , 2007.12.
745. Candra NUGRAHA, Imanuel MANEGE, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Acid Rock Drainage Management at PT. Kaltim Prima Coal and Its Relationship with Water Quality Regulations in Indonesia , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environment Issues , 2007.12.
746. Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masuhiko IINO, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Masakazu MINESHITA, Tatsuya MIZUNUMA, Takashi KAWAI, Application of Injection Material for Offshore Structure Using Flyash-surfactant Mixtures , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environment Issues , 2007.12.
747. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Jan GOTTFRIED, Masuhiko IINO, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA , Effect of Flyash Type on Fluidability of Flyash Cement , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environment Issues, 2007.12.
748. Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Effect of Tunneling from Slope Wall on the Slope Stability , International Symposium on 16th Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environment Issues , 2007.12.
749. Jiro OYA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Prospects for Amount of AMD at Tanjung Enim Coal Mine in Indonesia , 5th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology , 2007.12.
750. Candra NUGRAHA, Jiro OYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Imanuel MANEGE , Rock Weathering and Water Quality: A Study of Acid Mine Drainage Generation , 5th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology , 2007.12.
751. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Mostafa TANTAWY, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Budi SULISTIANTO, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Prediction of Ground Vibration and Air Blast Induced by Blasting in Coal Mine: A Case Study , 5th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology , 2007.12.
752. Tomo MORITA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Shuichi FUJITA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Eiji SAKAI , Experimental and Numerical Study on the Stability of the Ground Using High Density Slurry Pipe-jacking Method , 5th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology , 2007.12.
753. 山岡礼三,渡部仁志,平井正哉,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男 , 拡径推進工法における地盤の三次元的挙動, 第18回非開削技術研究発表会 , 2007.11.
754. 森田 智,武藤翔平,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,松元文彦,酒井栄治 , ボックスカルバート推進工法による周辺地山の挙動解析, 第18回非開削技術研究発表会, 2007.11.
755. Tomo MORITA, Shohei MUTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Eiji SAKAI , Study on Influences on the Ground by Culvert Pipe Jacking Method , Trenchless Technologies in Asia Pacific Macau 2007 , 2007.11.
756. Reizo YAMAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masaya HIRAI, Tsuyoshi NISHI, Study on 3D Analysis for Pipe Bursting , Trenchless Technologies in Asia Pacific Macau 2007 , 2007.11.
757. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi KAWAI, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Masuhiko IINO, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA , Behavior of Over-cutting Area Injected by Flyash Surface-active Agent Mixture Material , NO-DIG2007 25th International Conference and Exhibition, 2007.09.
758. Tomo MORITA, Shohei MUTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Eiji SAKAI , Study on Stability of Surrounding Soil Using Culvert Pipe Jacking , NO-DIG2007 25th International Conference and Exhibition , 2007.09.
759. Reizo YAMAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masaya HIRAI , Analytical Study on the Ground Movement Caused by Pipe Bursting , NO-DIG2007 25th International Conference and Exhibition , 2007.09.
760. 大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシア・タンジュンエニム炭鉱におけるAMD問題とリハビリテーション, 第28回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2007.09.
761. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Takayuki SASAKI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Shiro KUBOTA, Yuji OGATA , Analysis of Blast Vibration for Identification of Blast Damage at Limestone Quarry , 第28回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2007.09.
762. Candra NUGRAHA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Jiro OYA, Imanuel MANEGE , A Laboratory Experiment of Rock Weathering and Its Relationship to Water Quality , 第28回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム, 2007.09.
763. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Takashi KAWAI, Practical Study on Large Diameter Pipe Jacking in the Construction of Sewage Systems , First Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society International Conference on Soil and Rock Engineering , 2007.08.
764. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Jan GOTTFRIED, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Masuhiko IINO, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Relation between Fluidability of Flyash Cement and Size/Shape of Flyash Particles , 11th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing , 2007.05.
765. Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takeshi UEDA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Operational and Geotechnical Problems in Highwall Mining Systems at Surface Coal Mines in Indonesia , High-Performance Mine Production , 2007.05.
766. 井上 雅,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるフットウォールの安定性に関する数値解析的検討 , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会 , 2007.05.
767. 佐々木孝之,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , 石灰石鉱山における岩盤内亀裂の把握とその起砕物粒度分布への影響について , 資源・素材学会九州支部春季例会, 2007.05.
768. Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Hirofumi FURUWAKA, Masafumi UEHARA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Roof Support System at a New Underground Mine Developed from Open-cut Highwall in Indonesia, High-Performance Mine Production, 2007.05.
769. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Masuhiko IINO, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA , Application of Grouting Material for Ground Inprovement Using Flyash Cement Mixed with Surfactant , International Workshop on Earth Resources Technology , 2007.04.
770. Jiro OYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideaki NAKAGAWA , Monitoring of Rehabilitation at Opencut Coal Mine in Indonesia , International Workshop on Earth Resources Technology , 2007.04.
771. 島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,藤田修一,吉田安廣,飯野益彦,峯下誠一,水沼達也, フライアッシュ界面活性剤混合材料の海中シーリング材としての適用性 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2007.03.
772. 渡部仁志,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,山岡礼三,平井正哉, 地中埋設管の静的拡径破砕に伴う周辺地盤の挙動に関する基礎的解析 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2007.03.
773. 吉村幸蔵,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男, インドネシア・サツイ炭鉱におけるボルト支保システム , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2007.03.
774. 大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシア・タンジュンエニム炭鉱における夾炭層岩石のスレーキング特性とAMD問題 , 資源・素材学会春季大会 , 2007.03.
775. 笹岡孝司,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,久保田士郎,緒方雄二 , 石灰石鉱山における発破振動特性および起砕物の粒度特性 , 資源・素材学会春季大会, 2007.03.
776. 大屋二郎,笹岡孝司,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男 , インドネシアの露天掘り石炭鉱山におけるスレーキング問題 , 土木学会岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム, 2007.01.
777. 森田 智,松元文彦,酒井栄治,島田英樹,笹岡孝司,松井紀久男 , 巨礫・岩盤層における密閉型推進工法事例−φ1,650mm巨礫破砕型掘進機 (リターン回収型)− , 土木学会岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム , 2007.01.
778. Jiro OYA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Takashi SASAOKA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Candra NUGRAHA , Slaking Behavior of Coal Measure Rocks Categorized by NAG Test at Coal Mine in Indonesia , 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology , 2006.12.
779. Reizo YAMAOKA, Masaya HIRAI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI , The Field Test of the Ground Movements by the Expandit Pipe Bursting and Replacement System , 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology , 2006.12.
780. Candra NUGRAHA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA , Acid Rock Drainage Management and its Relationshio with Water Quality Regulations for Mining Industry in Indonesia , 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology , 2006.12.
781. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Takashi SASAOKA, Budi SULISTIANTO, A.P.WIBOWO, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG, Analysis of the Characteristics of Magnitude and Prediction of Blast Vibration in Limestone Quarry , 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology , 2006.12.
782. Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Effect of Backfilling on Stability of Pillars in Highwall Mining Systems , 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium on Rock Mechanics in Underground Construction , 2006.11.
783. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi KAWAI, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA , Behavior of Lubricant Injection into Over-cutting Area for Slurry Pipe Jacking , NO-DIG2006 24th International Conference and Exhibition , 2006.11.
784. 吉村幸蔵,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,笹岡孝司 , ハイウォールマイニングにおけるハイウォールの安定性に関する解析的検討, 資源・素材関連学協会合同秋季大会 , 2006.09.
785. 大屋二郎,島田英樹,一ノ瀬政友,松井紀久男,笹岡孝司 , インドネシア・タンジュンエニム炭鉱におけるNAGタイプとスレーキング特性の関係, 資源・素材関連学協会合同秋季大会, 2006.09.
786. 森田 智,松元文彦,酒井栄治,島田英樹,松井紀久男,一ノ瀬政友,笹岡孝司 , 推進工法を用いたRCボックスカルバートの開発, 資源・素材関連学協会合同秋季大会, 2006.09.

