九州大学 研究者情報
浅井 光輝(あさい みつてる) データ更新日:2023.11.22

准教授 /  工学研究院 社会基盤部門 構造及び地震工学

1. Daniel Morikawa, Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Corrected ALE-ISPH with novel Neumann boundary condition and density-based particle shifting technique, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
2. 大村浩之,三目直登,浅井光輝,磯部大吾郎, 粒子法とASI-Gauss法のカップリングに基づく波浪-骨組構造連成解析, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
3. 辻勲平,浅井光輝,笠間清伸, 粒子法による半解像型連成モデルの開発および地盤の内部侵食解析への適用, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
4. Yifang Qin, Mitsuteru Asai, Shunhua Chen, A nodal-based Lagrange Multiplier / Cohesive Zone (LM / CZ) Method for Crack Simulations, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
5. 出口翔大,浅井光輝, 支配方程式による制約を加えた機械学習モデルPINNに対する動的重み付け法, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
6. 藤岡秀二郎,佐伯勇輔,森川ダニエル,辻勲平,浅井光輝, 空間2次精度を有するSPHの開発と流体解析への適用 ~定式化とV&V~, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
7. 白神嘉也,藤岡秀二郎,浅井光輝, 空間2次精度を有するSPHの開発と流体解析への適用 ~自由表面流れ解析への適用~, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
8. #松本礼央,田中聖三,浅井光輝, 水際線の移動を有する浅水長波流れ解析に対するDG有限要素法における安定化, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
9. 岡野翔大,森川ダニエル,大﨑春輝,浅井光輝, µ(I)レオロジーモデルを用いた粒状流の完全陰解法型SPH解析, 第28回計算工学講演会, 2023.06.
10. 辻勲平,佐伯勇輔,浅井光輝, 粒子法に基づく流体-地盤-構造連成解析の侵食対策工の事前検討への応用, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
11. 出口翔大,浅井光輝, 弱形式化した支配方程式を学習するVariational PINNによる熱伝導方程式の逆解析, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
12. 藤岡秀二郎,辻勲平,三目直登,浅井光輝, 座標変換を有する底面境界適合型粒子法のSPH(2)による高精度化, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
13. 岡野翔大,森川ダニエル,大﨑春輝,浅井光輝, 斜面崩壊被害の数値予測に向けた陰的SPHによる非ニュートン流体解析の効率化, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
14. #白神嘉也,藤岡秀二郎,浅井光輝, 空間2次精度を有するI-SPH(2)による自由表面非圧縮流れ解析, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
15. 松本礼央,田中聖三,浅井光輝, 広域の氾濫被害予測に向けた不連続ガラーキン法による浅水長波ソルバー, 第26回応用力学シンポジウム, 2023.05.
16. Haruki Osaki, Daniel Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Boosting a large-scale SPH particle methods using many GPUs, including inter-node communications, ICCCI2022, The 7th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interface for high Quality Advanced Materials, 2022.11.
17. Yusuke Saeki, Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Modified gradient and Laplacian models in the SPH method to improve accuracy including negative pressure regions, ICCCI2022, The 7th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interface for high Quality Advanced Materials, 2022.11.
18. Shujiro Fujioka, Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, High-order SPH method with spatial second-order accuracy for derivative operator, ICCCI2022, The 7th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interface for high Quality Advanced Materials, 2022.11.
19. Mitsuteru Asai, Kumpei Tsuji, ISPH-DEM coupling simulation for estimating internal erosion in soil, ICCCI2022, The 7th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interface for high Quality Advanced Materials, 2022.11.
20. Daniel Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Haruki Osaki, A phase-change approach to landslide simulations: coupling finite strain elastoplastic TLSPH with non-Newtonian IISPH, ICCCI2022, The 7th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interface for high Quality Advanced Materials, 2022.11.
21. Mitsuteru Asai, Multi -scale and -physics particle simulations for natural hazard, The 41st JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology, 2022.09.
22. Kumpei Tsuji, Yusuke Saeki, Shujiro Fujioka, Mitsuteru Asai, A Hybrid ISPH-DEM Coupling Simulation for Estimating Internal Erosion in Soil, MFEM2022, 2022.09.
23. Yusuke Saeki, Shujiro Fujioka, Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, A class of Laplacian and mixed derivative models in the SPH framework, MFEM2022, 2022.09.
24. Mitsuteru Asai, Shujiro Fujioka, A class of Laplacian and mixed derivative models in the SPH framework, WCCM-APCOM2022, 2022.08.
25. Kumpei Tsuji, Yusuke Saeki, Mitsuteru Asai, A Hybrid seepage failure analysis between two-phase mixture flow techniques using an ISPH-DEM coupling method, WCCM-APCOM2022, 2022.08.
26. Shota Deguchi, Yousuke Shibata, Mitsuteru Asai, Unknown parameter identification from noisy training data using physics-informed neural networks, WCCM-APCOM2022, 2022.08.
27. 岡野翔大,浅井光輝, 粒状体地盤を対象とする等価巨視的粘性モデルを用いたSPH解析, 令和5年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2023.03.
28. #白神嘉也,藤岡秀二郎,浅井光輝, 2次精度を有する高精度SPH法による自由表面解析, 令和5年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2023.03.
29. #松本礼央,田中聖三,浅井光輝, 広域な氾濫予測のための高精度・高効率な浅水長波ソルバーの開発, 令和5年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2023.03.
30. 柴田洋佑,町田禎弥,西村和也,備瀬竜馬,浅井光輝, 転移学習で強化したGANによる稀少データから写実的な都市画像の自動生成, 第3回AI・データサイエンスシンポジウム, 2022.11.
31. 辻勲平,浅井光輝, 地盤の内部侵食解析に向けたISPH-DEM解像・非解像型ハイブリッド連成手法の開発, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
32. 出口翔大,柴田洋佑,浅井光輝, 固有直交分解による特徴抽出を介したPINNsによる流れ場の学習と逆解析, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
33. 柴田洋佑,町田禎弥,西村和也,備瀬竜馬,浅井光輝, GANと転移学習を併用した仮想都市への高解像度自動マッピング, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
34. #大崎春輝,森川ダニエル茂夫,浅井光輝, 複数GPUを用いたSPH法による大規模流体解析の高速化, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
35. 佐伯勇輔,辻勲平,浅井光輝, SPH法の圧力勾配モデルの再検討 ~負圧領域の取り扱いとカルマン渦の再現~, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
36. 藤岡秀二郎,辻勲平,浅井光輝, SPH法における高精度2階微分モデルの検討, 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会, 2022.09.
37. 佐伯勇輔,辻勲平,浅井光輝, 負圧を含む流体問題におけるISPH法の検証~カルマン渦の再現~, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
38. 大崎春輝,森川ダニエル茂夫,浅井光輝, ノード間通信を含む多数GPUを用いた大規模SPH粒子法の高速化, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
39. 藤岡秀二郎,辻勲平,浅井光輝, SPHの高精度ラプラシアン・混合微分に関する考察, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
40. 柴田洋佑,町田禎弥,西村和也,備瀬竜馬,浅井光輝, GANと転移学習の併用による仮想都市の写実的な画像の自動生成, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
41. 出口翔大,柴田洋佑,浅井光輝, 空間特徴抽出を援用した実践的PINNsによるパラメータ逆推定, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
42. 辻勲平,浅井光輝, ISPH-DEMによる粒度分布を考慮した防波堤マウンド崩壊シミュレーション, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
43. Munkhzaya Myagmarjav, Mitsuteru Asai, Hideyuki Otani, Daigoro Isobe, City-scale simulation of wooden house collapse prediction using the ASI-Gauss Code, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
44. Morikawa Daniel Shigueo, 浅井光輝, 大崎春輝, 一色正晴, A phase-change approach to landslide simulations: coupling finite strain elastoplastic TLSPH with nonNewtonian IISPH, 第27回計算工学講演会, 2022.06.
45. 佐伯勇輔, 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 負圧を含む非圧縮性流体を対象としたSPH法の圧力勾配モデルの再検討, 第25回応用力学シンポジウム, 2022.05.
46. 大崎春輝, 森川ダニエル茂夫, 浅井光輝, 陽的・半陰的SPH法の多数GPU環境下での動的負荷分散並列による高速化, 第25回応用力学シンポジウム, 2022.05.
47. 藤岡秀二郎, 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 初期粒子間隔(空間)の2次精度を有する高精度SPH法, 第25回応用力学シンポジウム, 2022.05.
48. 出口翔大, 柴田洋佑, 浅井光輝, 空間特徴量抽出を援用したPINNsによるパラメータ逆解析の効率化, 第25回応用力学シンポジウム, 2022.05.
49. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 笠間清伸, 水-土粒子の半解像型連成粒子法による混相流解析, 第25回応用力学シンポジウム, 2022.05.
50. 藤岡秀二郎, 浅井光輝, σ-SPH法による効率的な広域氾濫解析に向けた基礎検討, 令和3年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2022.03.
51. 佐伯勇輔, 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, SPH法による負圧領域を含むカルマン渦現象の再現, 令和3年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2022.03.
52. 大崎春輝, 森川ダニエル茂夫, 浅井光輝, 多数GPUによるSPH粒子法の大規模化・高速化, 令和3年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2022.03.
53. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 笠間清伸, SPH-DEMを用いた津波による防波堤崩壊解析及び河川堤防の侵食解析への応用, 第9回河川堤防技術シンポジウム, 2021.12.
54. Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Hemanta Hazarika, ISPH-DEM Coupled Simulation for Designing Resilient Breakwater with Gabion Reinforcements, PARTICLES 2021, 2021.10.
55. Daniel S. Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) for Geomechanics problems, PARTICLES 2021, 2021.10.
56. Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, SPH-DEM simulation for estimating seepage failure of breakwaters, ICADD15, 2021.09.
57. Mitsuteru Asai, Daniel S. Morikawa, Kumpei Tsuji, Fluid-Soil-Structure interaction simulation for natural disaster damage estimation using a particle method, ICADD15, 2021.09.
58. 柴田洋佑, 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, 物理法則を含んだニューラルネットワークPINNsの逆問題解法への適用可能性, 令和3年度土木学会全国大会第76回年次学術講演会, 2021.09.
59. 石井秀尭, 浅井光輝, 大谷英之, 飯山かほり, 盛川仁, 磯部大吾郎, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の家屋倒壊予測シミュレーション, 令和3年度土木学会全国大会第76回年次学術講演会, 2021.09.
60. 出口翔大, 柴田洋佑, 浅井光輝, 機械学習PINNsによる観測結果からの物性値推定のための基礎検討, 令和3年度土木学会全国大会第76回年次学術講演会, 2021.09.
61. 辻勲平, 竹崎奏詠, 浅井光輝, ハザリカ・へマンタ, 蛇篭補強を施した粘り強い防波堤設計のためのISPH-DEM連成シミュレーション, 令和3年度土木学会全国大会第76回年次学術講演会, 2021.09.
62. 柴田洋佑, 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, 物理問題として近似誤差を加味した機械学習PNNsによる粘性流体の逆解析, 第34回計算力学講演会, 2021.09.
63. 出口翔大, 柴田洋佑, 浅井光輝, 物理法則に基づく深層学習モデルPINNsによる流体運動の順・逆解析, 第34回計算力学講演会, 2021.09.
64. 竹崎奏詠, 辻勲平, ハザリカ・へマンタ, 浅井光輝, 粘り強い防波堤の構築に向けた捨石マウンドの洗掘低減効果の解析的検討, 第56回地盤工学研究発表会, 2021.07.
65. Daniel S. Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for landslide problems based on Biot’s formulation and elastoplastic constitutive models, COUPELED PROBLEMS 2021, 2021.06.
66. Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Simulation of Breakwater Failure induced by Tsunami Using an ISPH-DEM Coupled Method, COUPELED PROBLEMS 2021, 2021.06.
67. 石井秀尭, 浅井光輝, 大谷英之, 飯山かほり, 盛川仁, 磯部大吾郎, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の家屋倒壊予測シミュレーションの妥当性確認, 第24回応用力学シンポジウム, 2021.05.
68. 出口翔大, 柴田洋佑, 浅井光輝, ノイズを含む観測データからのPINNsによるパラメータ推定, 第24回応用力学シンポジウム, 2021.05.
69. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 笠間清伸, SPH-DEMによるマウンド変形・ケーソン滑動を考慮した防波堤浸透崩壊シミュレーション, 第24回応用力学シンポジウム, 2021.05.
70. 石井秀尭, 浅井光輝, 大谷英之, 飯山かほり, 盛川仁, 磯部大吾郎, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の家屋倒壊予測シミュレーション, 第26回計算工学講演会, 2021.05.
71. 出口翔大, 柴田洋佑, 浅井光輝, PINNsによる逆問題へのアプローチ, 第26回計算工学講演会, 2021.05.
72. 辻勲平, 竹崎奏詠, 浅井光輝, ハザリカへマンタ, SPH-DEMマクロ型連成解析手法による防波堤の浸透・洗掘破壊シミュレーション, 第26回計算工学講演会, 2021.05.
73. 柴田洋佑, 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, PINNsによる空隙率推定の基礎検討, 令和2年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2021.03.
74. 初田宗一郎, 浅井光輝, SPH法シミュレーションによる河川氾濫時の橋梁上部構造の損失被害予想, 令和2年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2021.03.
75. 松田大樹, 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, SPH-DEM 連成解析を用いた地盤陥没現象の再現解析, 令和2年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2021.03.
76. Mitsuteru Asai, Daniel S. Morikawa, Non-Newtonian fluid simulation using a particle method for landslide simulations, 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS, 2021.01.
77. Mitsuteru Asai, Yi Li, Simulations of free-surface flow interacting with multiple rigid bodies using coupled ISPH-DEM incorporated with an energy-tracking impulse method, 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS, 2021.01.
78. Shota Deguchi, Mitsuteru Asai, Hiroto Ueki, Yuki Takeuchi, Koji Kawasaki, Probabilistic disaster risk evaluation with surrogate-modelled numerical simulations, COMPSAFE 2020, 2020.12.
79. Hidetaka Ishii, Mitsuteru Asai, Daigoro Isobe, Hideyuki O-tani, Seismic response analysis for the whole city with the ASI-Gauss code to estimate a city level damage, COMPSAFE 2020, 2020.12.
80. Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Comparison of Spherical and Non-Spherical DEM in Reproducing Arch-Effect Characteristic of Ground Collapse Phenomenon, COMPSAFE 2020, 2020.12.
81. Takehiro Fujii, Mitsuteru Asai, Yusuke Imoto, Fluid-solid multiphase analysis using a selective dual velocity ISPH method dividing into physical and transport velocity, COMPSAFE 2020, 2020.12.
82. 辻勲平, 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 浸透・侵食災害予測に向けた粒子法に基づく流体-地盤連成解析ツールの開発, CMD2020計力スクウェア, 2020.12.
83. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 古市幹人, 西浦泰介, 拡張スライスグリッドを用いたSPH法による建屋への浸水を含む大規模津波遡上解析, 令和2年度土木学会全国大会第75回年次学術講演会, 2020.09.
84. 石井秀尭, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 大谷英之, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の木造家屋倒壊解析手法の開発, 令和2年度土木学会全国大会第75回年次学術講演会, 2020.09.
85. 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, 植木裕人, 竹内友紀, 川崎浩司, 確率論的災害リスク評価 – サロゲートモデルのカーネル化, 令和2年度土木学会全国大会第75回年次学術講演会, 2020.09.
86. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 井元佑介, 選択型デュアル流速ISPH法を用いた固液混相流解析の精度検証, 令和2年度土木学会全国大会第75回年次学術講演会, 2020.09.
87. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 古市幹人, 西浦泰介, 拡張スライスグリッドSPH粒子法コードによる建屋への浸水を含む大規模津波遡上解析, 第23回応用力学シンポジウム, 2020.05.
88. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 井元佑介, 物理速度と輸送速度を区別した選択型デュアル流速ISPH法を用いた混相流解析, 第23回応用力学シンポジウム, 2020.05.
89. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, SPH-DEM連成による地盤陥没現象の再現解析における球形・非球形DEMの比較, 第23回応用力学シンポジウム, 2020.05.
90. 石井秀尭, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 大谷英之, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の木造家屋倒壊解析手法の開発, 第23回応用力学シンポジウム, 2020.05.
91. 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, 川崎浩司, 竹内友紀, 数値解析のサロゲートモデリングによる確率論的災害リスク評価手法の開発, 第23回応用力学シンポジウム, 2020.05.
92. 石井秀尭, 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 大谷英之, ASI-Gauss法による都市全域の木造家屋倒壊解析手法の開発, 令和元年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2020.03.
93. 出口翔大, 浅井光輝, 大規模津波解析のサロゲートモデル化による確率論的被害リスク評価, 令和元年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2020.03.
94. Kunpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Fluid-Solid Multiphase Disaster Simulator using SPH-DEM coupled Method, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2019.12.
95. Hiroto Ueki, Mitsuteru Asai, Koji Kawasaki, Shigetoshi Kawasaki, Drainage simulation using highly detailed unstructured grid for urban flood damage prediction, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2019.12.
96. Kohei Hara, Mitsuteru Asai, Daigoro Isobe, Seizo Tanaka, Wooden houses collapse simulation during earthquake and tsunami at a city level base on the ASI-Gauss finite element method, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2019.12.
97. Takehiro Fujii, Mitsuteru Asai, A validation for soil scouring analysis based on a SPH-DEM coupled method, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2019.12.
98. Taiga Makino, Mituteru Asai, Multi scale tsunami simulation from earthquake initiation tsunami run-up into the coastal area, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2019.12.
99. 槙野泰河, 浅井光輝, SPH 粒子法による建物内部・地下構造物への浸水を含む津波遡上解析, 第7回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2019.12.
100. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 水-土混相流解析手法による洗堀解析における乱流抗力モデルの見直し, 第7回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2019.12.
101. Mitsuteru Asai, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura, Dynamic Load Balanced Expanding Slice Grid Method for Large-scaled High Fidelity Tsunami Run-up Simulation suing an Explicit SPH, VI International Conference on Particle-based Method - Fundamentals and Applications PARTICLES 2019, 2019.10.
102. Li Yi, Mitsuteru Asai, Bodhinanda Chandra, Simulation of Free-surface Flow Interacting with Multiple Rigid Bodies using Coupled ISPH-DEM incorporated with Energy Tracking Impulse Contact, VI International Conference on Particle-based Method - Fundamentals and Applications PARTICLES 2019, 2019.10.
103. Kunpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Fluid-Solid multi-phase flow simulator using a SPH-DEM coupling method in consideration of liquid bridge force related to water content, VI International Conference on Particle-based Method - Fundamentals and Applications PARTICLES 2019, 2019.10.
104. Daniel Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Masaharu Isshiki, Verification and Validation in Highly Viscous Fluid Simulation using a Fully Implicit SPH Method, VI International Conference on Particle-based Method - Fundamentals and Applications PARTICLES 2019, 2019.10.
105. Kohei Hara, Mitsuteru Asai, Daigoro Isobe, Seizo Tanaka, Collapse Simulation of Aso Bridge During The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes By Asi-Gauss Code, 7th International Colloquium on Performace, Protections & Strengthening of Structure Under Extreme Loading & Events, 2019.10.
106. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, SPH-DEM連成解析による洗堀現象シミュレーションにおける乱流の影響, 第32回計算力学講演会, 2019.09.
107. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 古市幹人, 西浦泰介, 粒子法による津波発生から陸地への遡上までのマルチスケール津波解析, 第32回計算力学講演会, 2019.09.
108. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 古市幹人, 西浦泰介, 発生から陸地への遡上までのマルチスケール津波解析, 令和元年度土木学会全国大会, 2019.09.
109. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 大谷英之, 都市全体の地震・津波による木造家屋倒壊解析に向けたASI Gauss 法 の適用, 令和元年度土木学会全国大会, 2019.09.
110. 辻 勲平, 浅井光輝, 高瀬慎介, SPH-DEM 連成解析手法の妥当性確認 ~孤立波による砂山崩壊の再現解析~, 令和元年度土木学会全国大会, 2019.09.
111. 植木裕人, 浅井光輝, 川崎重紀, 川崎浩司, 都市型水害被害予測のための高詳細非構造格子を用いた排水シミュレーション, 令和元年度土木学会全国大会, 2019.09.
112. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 洗掘解析に向けた粒子法による水-土粒子混相流解析 手法の妥当性確認, 令和元年度土木学会全国大会, 2019.09.
113. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, 牛島省, 鳥生大祐, 洗掘解析に向けた鉛直噴流実験によるSPH-DEM 連成手法の妥当性確認, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.06.
114. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 大規模高詳細津波遡上解析に向けた楕円体粒子法の開発と越流問題での有効性確認, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.06.
115. 辻 勲平, 浅井光輝, 水-土混相流現象を対象としたSPH-DEM 連成解析手法の開発, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.06.
116. 辻 勲平, 浅井光輝, 液体架橋力モデルを導入した粒子法による水-土混相流解析, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.05.
117. 槇野泰河, 浅井光輝, 大規模津波遡上解析の効率化に向けた楕円粒子法の開発と堤防越流問題での有効性検証, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.05.
118. 藤井孟大, 浅井光輝, SPH-DEM 連成解析手法による洗掘現象の解析における妥当性確認, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2019.05.
119. Mitsuteru Asai, Li Yi, Fluid-rigid body interaction simulation based on a stabilized ISPH incorporated with an Energy Tracking Impulse method, 20th Internatinal Conference on Fluild Flow Problem, 2019.04.
120. 植木裕人, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 津波長期湛水被害軽減に向けた下水道施設の重要性確認のための排水シミュレーション, 平成30年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
121. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 地盤陥没現象の解明に向けた粘着力モデルを導入した粒子法による固液混相流解析, 平成30年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
122. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, ASI-Gauss法による木造家屋倒壊解析に向けたモデル化の検討, 平成30年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
123. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 地盤陥没現象の解明に向けたSPH-DEM連成解析による固液混相流解析手法の開発, 第6回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2018.12.
124. 植木裕人, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 津波長期湛水被害軽減に向けた下水道施設の重要性確認のための排水シミュレーション, 第6回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2018.12.
125. 植木裕人, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 津波長期湛水被害軽減に向けた下水道施設の重要性確認のための排水シミュレーション, 第31回計算力学講演会, 2018.11.
126. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 小西康彦, 大峯秀一, 道路陥没現象の解明のためのSPH-DEM連成解析における粘着力モデルの改良, 第31回計算力学講演会, 2018.11.
127. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 田中聖三, ASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 第31回計算力学講演会, 2018.11.
128. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 小笠原圭太, 古市幹人, 西浦泰介, 粒子法による大規模津波遡上解析に向けた拡張スライスグリッド法, 第31回計算力学講演会, 2018.11.
129. Daniel Shigueo Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Improvements on Highly Viscous Fluid Simulation Using the SPH Method, 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, 2018.10.
130. Kohei Hara, Mitsuteru Asai, Daigoro Isobe, Verification on collapse process of Aso bridge during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes by ASI-Gauss method, 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, 2018.10.
131. Kumpei Tsuji, Mitsuteru Asai, Yasuhiko Konishi, Shuichi Oomine, 3-Dimensinal SPH-DEM coupled simulation for elucidating road caving collapse processes involving water-soil coupling phenomenon, 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, 2018.10.
132. Naoki Nakaya, Mitsuteru Asai, Ryoichiro Agata, Takane Hori, Toshitaka Baba, Tsunami Run-up Simulation Based on Crustal Deformation Simulation by FEM, 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, 2018.10.
133. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 田中聖三, ASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 土木学会全国大会2018年, 2018.08.
134. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 水-土粒子連成現象が関与する道路陥没現象の解明に向けた3次元SPH-DEM連成解析, 土木学会全国大会2018年, 2018.08.
135. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 縣亮一郎, 堀高峰, 市村強, 断層破壊伝搬を考慮した津波遡上解析の必要性, 土木学会全国大会2018年, 2018.08.
136. Mitsuteru Asai, Naoki Nakaya, Ryoichiro Agata, Takane Hori, Toshitaka Baba, A physical simulation based earthquake scenario and a multi-scale Tsunami simulation, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2018.07.
137. Li Yi, Mitsuteru Asai, Fluid-rigid body interaction simulation based on ISPH incorporated with impulse-based method, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2018.07.
138. Daniel Shigueo Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Improvements on Highly Viscous Fluid Simulation using a Particle Method and Its Application to Landslide Problems, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2018.07.
139. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 田中聖三, ASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 第23回計算工学講演会, 2018.06.
140. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 小西康彦, 大峯秀一, 下水道管路の不具合に伴う道路陥没現象の解明に向けたSPH-DEM連成解析手法の開発, 第23回計算工学講演会, 2018.06.
141. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 縣亮一郎, 堀高峰, 馬場俊孝, BEMによる地殻変動解析に準ずる津波遡上解析, 第23回計算工学講演会, 2018.06.
142. Daniel Shigueo Morikawa, 浅井光輝, 一色正晴, Improvements on Highly Viscous Fluid Simulation Using a Particle Method, 第23回計算工学講演会, 2018.06.
143. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 磯部大吾郎, 田中聖三, ASI‐Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2018.06.
144. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 縣亮一郎, 堀高峰, 馬場俊孝, BEMによる地殻変動解析に準ずる津波遡上解析, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2018.06.
145. 岩間拓也, 荻野正雄, LIU Bowen, 浅井光輝, SPH‐FEM連成解析システムへのサブサイクル法実装とその性能評価, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2018.06.
146. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 小西康彦, 大峯秀一, 下水道管路の不具合に伴う道路陥没現象の解明に向けたSPH‐DEM連成解析手法の開発, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2018.06.
147. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 田中聖三, 磯部大吾郎, ASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2018.05.
148. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 小西康彦, 大峯秀一, 水土連成現象が関与する道路陥没現象の解明に向けた3次元SPH-DEM連成解析, 第21回応用力学シンポジウム, 2018.05.
149. Mitsuteru Asai, Natural disaster simulation by as multiphysics particle simulation, 4th Computational Desing in Engineering, 2018.04, 独自に開発を進めている粒子法によるマルチフィジックス解析ツールによる災害被害予測シミュレーションに関する招待講演(セミプレナリー)を実施した。.
150. Daniel Shigueo Morikawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Improvements on Highly Viscous Fluid Simulation using a Particle Method, 4th Computational Desing in Engineering, 2018.04.
151. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 下水管の損傷に伴う地盤陥没現象の解明に向けたSPH-DEM連成手法の開発, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
152. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 崩壊解析に適したASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
153. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, FEMによる地殻変動解析に準ずる津波遡上解析の必要性の検討, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
154. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, FEMによる地殻変動解析に準ずる津波遡上解析の必要性の検討, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
155. 原倖平, 浅井光輝, 崩壊解析に適したASI-Gauss法による阿蘇大橋崩落プロセスの検証, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
156. 辻勲平, 浅井光輝, 下水管の損傷に伴う地盤陥没現象の解明に向けたSPH-DEM連成手法の開発, 平成29年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
157. Li Yi, Mitsuteru ASAI, A bridge wash-out simulation using a stabilized ISPH incorporated with multi-body dynamivs based on the impulse-based contact force method, Compsafe 2017, 2017.10.
158. Masao Ogino, Mitsuteru ASAI, Takuya Iwama, A study on parallel fluid-structure interaction simulations using a SPH code and the adventure through REVOCAP_coupler, Compsafe 2017, 2017.10.
159. Masao Ogino, Mitsuteru Asai, Takuya Iwama, A study on parallel fluid-structure interaction simulations using a SPH code and the adventure through REVOCAP coupler, Compsafe 2017, 2017.10.
160. Yi Li, Mitsuteru Asai, A bridge wash-out simulation using a stabilized ISPH incorporated with multi-body dynamivs based on the impulse-based contact force method, Compsafe 2017, 2017.10.
161. Mitsuteru Asai, Multi-scale and –physics tsunami disaster simulation for disaster prevention and mitigation, Compsafe 2017, 2017.10.
162. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 正垣翔太, 2次元差分法による津波遡上解析における建築物・堤防高のモデル化精度の影響, 地震工学研究発表会, 2017.10.
163. Kensuke Harasaki, Mitsuteru ASAI, Development of a fluid-solid multiphase flow simulation by a SPH-DEM coupled method for simulating a seawall destruction due to soil foundation scour, Particle 2017, 2017.09.
164. Mitsuteru ASAI, Multi-scale and –physics tsunami disaster simulation for disaster prevention and mitigation, Particle 2017, 2017.09.
165. Keita Ogasawara, Mitsuteru Asai, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura, Peformance of large scaled tsunami run-up analysis using Explicit ISPH method, Particle 2017, 2017.09.
166. 原崎健輔, 浅井光輝, 津波による防波堤崩壊解析に向けた水-土粒子連成解析, 計算力学講演会, 2017.09.
167. Li Yi, 浅井光輝, 安定化ISPH法と撃力法による漂流物運動の解析, 計算力学講演会, 2017.09.
168. Li Yi, 浅井光輝, Evaluation for the safety of tsunami refuge building by fluid-rigid body coupled analysis on the particle method, 土木学会全国大会2017年, 2017.09.
169. 原崎健輔, 浅井光輝, 防波堤の洗掘解析に向けたSPH-DEM法による流体‐土粒子の混相流解析手法の開発, 土木学会全国大会2017年, 2017.09.
170. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 2次元差分法と3次元粒子法による津波遡上解析の比較とその特徴~高知県高知市を対象とした数値実験, 土木学会全国大会2017年, 2017.09.
171. 原崎健輔, 浅井光輝, 津波による防波堤崩壊解析に向けた水‐土粒子連成解析手法の開発, 日本機械学会計算力学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.09.
172. 岩間拓也, 荻野正雄, 浅井光輝, 粒子法コードとADVENTUREによるREVOCAP_Couplerを用いた並列FSI解析に関する検討, 日本機械学会計算力学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.09.
173. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 2次元差分法と3次元粒子法による津波遡上解析の比較とその特徴~高知県高知市を対象とした数値実験~, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 2017.08.
174. 原崎健輔, 浅井光輝, 防波堤の洗掘解析に向けたSPH‐DEM法による流体‐土粒子の混相流解析手法の開発, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 2017.08.
175. 仲矢直樹, 浅井光輝, 馬場俊孝, 名木野晴暢, 2次元差分法と3次元粒子法による津波遡上解析の比較とその特徴, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
176. 岩間拓也, 荻野正雄, 浅井光輝, 鍋倉昌博, SPH粒子法コードとADVENTUREによる並列流体構造連成解析システムに関する検討, 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
177. Tetsuro Goda, Mitsuteru Asai, Seepage flow analysis on caisson-type breakwater reinforced with sheet piles by using the SPH method, 16th Techno-Ocean, Techno-Ocean 2016, 2017.03, the understanding of the collapse mechanism of a caisson-type breakwater has been an urgent task to reduce the projected damages caused by next millennium tsunamis. A variety of research has been done to understand this phenomenon further. From the current observations, the seepage-induced piping phenomenon, which is caused by the bearing capacity degradation inside a mound, is determined as one of the main causes. With the aim of moderating the bearing capacity degradation, a design to reinforce a mound by utilizing sheet piles has been proposed. Although the effectiveness of sheet piles installation has been confirmed through some experimental tests, the optimized design to determine the dimension and position of the sheet piles has not been established yet. Numerical simulation, which can evaluate the effect of the installed sheet piles accurately, is desired to design durable and economical breakwaters. In this study, a 3D numerical simulation based on a particle method is implemented by considering sheet piles inside a mound, and its accuracy is discussed by comparing it with experimental tests..
178. Tetsuro Goda, Mitsuteru Asai, Seepage flow analysis on caisson-type breakwater reinforced with sheet piles by using the SPH method, Techno-Ocean 2016: Return to the Oceans, 2017.03, © 2016 IEEE. the understanding of the collapse mechanism of a caisson-type breakwater has been an urgent task to reduce the projected damages caused by next millennium tsunamis. A variety of research has been done to understand this phenomenon further. From the current observations, the seepage-induced piping phenomenon, which is caused by the bearing capacity degradation inside a mound, is determined as one of the main causes. With the aim of moderating the bearing capacity degradation, a design to reinforce a mound by utilizing sheet piles has been proposed. Although the effectiveness of sheet piles installation has been confirmed through some experimental tests, the optimized design to determine the dimension and position of the sheet piles has not been established yet. Numerical simulation, which can evaluate the effect of the installed sheet piles accurately, is desired to design durable and economical breakwaters. In this study, a 3D numerical simulation based on a particle method is implemented by considering sheet piles inside a mound, and its accuracy is discussed by comparing it with experimental tests..
179. 浅井 光輝, 津波・構造物解析の現状について, 平成28年度土木学会関東支部技術情報部会「京コンピュータによる地震津波シミュレーション」, 2017.02.
180. 浅井 光輝, Multi-scale and –physics tsunami disaster simulation for disaster prevention and mitigation, Compsafe 2017, 2017.02.
181. Kensuke Harasaki, Mitsuteru Asai, Development of a fluid-solid multiphase flow simulator by a sph-dem coupled method for simulating a seawall destruction due to soil foundation scour, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017, 2017.01, In 2011, Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami caused serious damage to the port and coastal structures such as breakwaters and seawalls. The damage mechanism of these structures has been studied in the past, and it is found that there are some causes. In this study, a new simulation tool taking account of the soil scouring and seepage flow phenomena is developed to represent and predict the collapse of the breakwater with SPH-DEM coupled method..
182. Keita Ogasawara, Mitsuteru Asai, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura, Performance of large scaled tsunami run-up analysis using explicit isph method, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017, 2017.01, The tsunami run-up simulation by the particle method at city level needs to huge number of particle at least 1 billion particles. The conventional particle simulation method is not easy to solve these huge problem even on the premise of using supercomputer. Then, a new particle method 'fully explicit Incompressible SPH' is developed that takes into consideration both calculation efficiency and accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the future plan how to use our simulation resultes for a practical 'Soft' disaster mitigation method through the evacuation education with the Virtual Reality(VR) system..
183. Kensuke Harasaki, Mitsuteru Asai, Development of a fluid-solid multiphase flow simulator by a sph-dem coupled method for simulating a seawall destruction due to soil foundation scour, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017, 2017.01, In 2011, Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami caused serious damage to the port and coastal structures such as breakwaters and seawalls. The damage mechanism of these structures has been studied in the past, and it is found that there are some causes. In this study, a new simulation tool taking account of the soil scouring and seepage flow phenomena is developed to represent and predict the collapse of the breakwater with SPH-DEM coupled method..
184. Keita Ogasawara, Mitsuteru Asai, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura, Performance of large scaled tsunami run-up analysis using explicit isph method, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017, 2017.01, The tsunami run-up simulation by the particle method at city level needs to huge number of particle at least 1 billion particles. The conventional particle simulation method is not easy to solve these huge problem even on the premise of using supercomputer. Then, a new particle method 'fully explicit Incompressible SPH' is developed that takes into consideration both calculation efficiency and accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the future plan how to use our simulation resultes for a practical 'Soft' disaster mitigation method through the evacuation education with the Virtual Reality(VR) system..
185. 浅井 光輝, 粒子法によるマルチスケール・フィジックス津波被害予測解析, 土木学会地震工学委員会平成28年度第3階研究会「地震工学分野における高度解析技術」, 2016.12.
186. 浅井 光輝, Multi-scale -physics tsunami simulation using a particle method, Internatnional Workshop on Priority Issue 3 to Tackled by Using Post K Computer, Development of integrated simulation system for earthquakes and tsunami hazards and disasters, 2016.12.
187. 合田哲郎, 浅井 光輝, A coupled simulation of seepage and surface flow using a stabilized ISPH for caisson-type breakwaters collapse problems, Internatnional Workshop on Priority Issue 3 to Tackled by Using Post K Computer, Development of integrated simulation system for earthquakes and tsunami hazards and disasters, 2016.12.
188. 原崎健輔, 浅井 光輝, SPH-DEM coupled particle simulator for fluid-soil multiphase flow, Internatnional Workshop on Priority Issue 3 to Tackled by Using Post K Computer, Development of integrated simulation system for earthquakes and tsunami hazards and disasters, 2016.12.
189. 小笠原 圭太, 浅井 光輝, 江口史門, Large scaled tsunami run-up analysis using explicit ISPH method, Internatnional Workshop on Priority Issue 3 to Tackled by Using Post K Computer, Development of integrated simulation system for earthquakes and tsunami hazards and disasters, 2016.12.
190. 浅井 光輝, マルチスケール粒子法による構造物に採用する津波力評価, 日本原子力学会秋の大会, 2016.09.
191. 浅井 光輝, 安定化非圧縮性SPH法の精度検証と妥当性確認, 日本応用数理学会2016年度会, 2016.09.
192. 浅井 光輝, 粒子法による流体解析の現状と津波防災への応用, 対津波設計のベンチマークテストに関するシンポジウム, 2016.08.
193. 浅井 光輝, 江口史門, Bodhinanda Chandora, Multi-scale tsunami simulation for simulating bridge washout disaster by using a particle method, The 12the World Congres on Computational Mechanics, 2016.07.
194. Nur Ain Binti Idris, 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, Multi-level tsunami disaster simulation with a matrix array shaped vittual wave makng plate by using the particle method, The 12the World Congres on Computational Mechanics, 2016.07.
195. Nur Ain Binti Idris, 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, Multi-level tsunami disaster simulation by the particle method with a matrix array shaped virtual wave making plate, The 16th International Conference on Computiong in Civil and Building Engineering, 2016.07.
196. Bodhinanda Chandora, 浅井 光輝, 大屋朋子, A study of bridge wash0out simulation during tsunami using a paticle method considering frictional contact, The 16th International Conference on Computiong in Civil and Building Engineering, 2016.07.
197. Tomotaka Nogami, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Taro Arikawa, A coupling simulation between soil scour and seepage flow by using a stabilized ISPH method, 3rd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability, IConCEES 2015, 2016.04, [URL], In 2011, the example that breakwaters collapsed because of the basic ground's destabilization was reported by Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami. Fluid-Structure-Soil coupling simulation is desired for a systematic comprehension of the breakwater collapse mechanism, and it may help to develop next disaster prevention method. In this study, A particle simulation tool based on the SPH has been modified and improved to analyze seepage flow and soil scouring. In seepage flow analysis, as a first step, this simulation treat the surface flow and seepage flow interactions by using governing equation. In the scouring analysis, soil scour is judged by an empirical criteria based on quicksand quantity formula..
198. Yoshiya Miyagawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Multi-scale bridge wash out simulation during tsunami by using a particle method, 3rd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability, IConCEES 2015, 2016.04, [URL], In 2011, the huge tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated many infrastructures in pacific coast of north eastern Japan. Particularly, collapse of bridges caused a traffic disorder and these collapse behaviors led to delay of recovery after the disaster. In this study, the bridge wash away accident is selected as a target issue, and it is represented by a numerical simulation. For this purpose, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method, which is one of the pure mesh free methods, is utilized for the rigid body motion simulation. In this study, rigid body motion is introduced for the fluid-rigid interaction behavior during bridge wash away simulation. In the numerical analysis, the upper bridge structure is washed away by receiving an impact fluid force. The wash away simulation of two types of the bridge girder showed good agreement with the real accident on the great east Japan earthquake tsunami..
199. Nuràin Idris, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, The modification of boundary treatment in the incompressible sph for pressure calculation accuracy on the solid boundary, 3rd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability, IConCEES 2015, 2016.04, [URL], The Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (ISPH) is one of the particle methods and commonly used to solve some complicated physical problems including free surface flow problems. The study regarding the boundary treatment has become an active research area in the mesh-free or particle method recently for measuring the accurate and robust pressure near the boundary. The penetrations of fluid particles may be happened if the adequate pressure boundary condition on the solid boundary cannot be satisfied. In this paper, a simple boundary treatment, which can be satisfied the non-homogenous Neumann boundary condition on the solid boundary and Dirichlet condition on the water surface, is proposed. The key point of our proposed treatment is that these boundary conditions are automatically satisfied by solving a modified pressure Poisson equation. Lastly, the effectiveness and accuracy of boundary treatment proposed are then authenticated with couples of numerical analysis and compared with the experimental tests..
200. Tomotaka Nogami, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Taro Arikawa, A coupling simulation between soil scour and seepage flow by using a stabilized ISPH method, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016.04, © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016. In 2011, the example that breakwaters collapsed because of the basic ground's destabilization was reported by Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami. Fluid-Structure-Soil coupling simulation is desired for a systematic comprehension of the breakwater collapse mechanism, and it may help to develop next disaster prevention method. In this study, A particle simulation tool based on the SPH has been modified and improved to analyze seepage flow and soil scouring. In seepage flow analysis, as a first step, this simulation treat the surface flow and seepage flow interactions by using governing equation. In the scouring analysis, soil scour is judged by an empirical criteria based on quicksand quantity formula..
201. Yoshiya Miyagawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Multi-scale bridge wash out simulation during tsunami by using a particle method, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016.04, © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016. In 2011, the huge tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated many infrastructures in pacific coast of north eastern Japan. Particularly, collapse of bridges caused a traffic disorder and these collapse behaviors led to delay of recovery after the disaster. In this study, the bridge wash away accident is selected as a target issue, and it is represented by a numerical simulation. For this purpose, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method, which is one of the pure mesh free methods, is utilized for the rigid body motion simulation. In this study, rigid body motion is introduced for the fluid-rigid interaction behavior during bridge wash away simulation. In the numerical analysis, the upper bridge structure is washed away by receiving an impact fluid force. The wash away simulation of two types of the bridge girder showed good agreement with the real accident on the great east Japan earthquake tsunami..
202. Nuràin Idris, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, The modification of boundary treatment in the incompressible sph for pressure calculation accuracy on the solid boundary, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016.04, © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016. The Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (ISPH) is one of the particle methods and commonly used to solve some complicated physical problems including free surface flow problems. The study regarding the boundary treatment has become an active research area in the mesh-free or particle method recently for measuring the accurate and robust pressure near the boundary. The penetrations of fluid particles may be happened if the adequate pressure boundary condition on the solid boundary cannot be satisfied. In this paper, a simple boundary treatment, which can be satisfied the non-homogenous Neumann boundary condition on the solid boundary and Dirichlet condition on the water surface, is proposed. The key point of our proposed treatment is that these boundary conditions are automatically satisfied by solving a modified pressure Poisson equation. Lastly, the effectiveness and accuracy of boundary treatment proposed are then authenticated with couples of numerical analysis and compared with the experimental tests..
203. 浅井 光輝, 江口史門, Nur Ain Binti Idris, Multi-Scale and –physics tsunami simulation from earthquake center to infractructures, 3rd International Conference on Violent Flows2016, 2016.03.
204. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, Multi-scale bridge wash out simulation during tsunami by a stabilized ISPH method, The 3rd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES2015), 2015.12.
205. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, Kiyonobu KASAMA, A coupling simulation between soil scour and seepage flow by using a stabilized ISPH method, The 3rd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES2015), 2015.12.
206. 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, Multi-scale and -physics particle simulation for tsunami disaster mitigation, Analysis of Continuum Mechanism and Industrial Applications (CoMFoS15), 2015.12.
207. 浅井 光輝, 野上智隆, 宮川欣也, Multi-level tsunami disaster simulation by a particle method, 2nd Japan-Spain Workship on Computational Mechanics, 2015.10.
208. 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, 野上智隆, Multi-scale and -physics tsunami disaster simulation for disaster mitigation, The 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, 2015.10.
209. Abdelraheem M. Aly Abd Allah, 浅井 光輝, Application of ISPH method in fluid-structure interactions, The 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, 2015.10.
210. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, Abdelraheem M. Aly Abd Allah, Clarification of soil scour and seepage flow by using a particle method, IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods(Particle2015),, 2015.09.
211. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, Nur Ain Binti Ideis, Bridge washout simulation during Tsunami by a stabilized ISPH method, IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods(Particle2015),, 2015.09.
212. 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, Multi-scale and –physics tsunami disaster simulation, International Symposium on Disaster Simulation, 2015.05.
213. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 森本敏弘, 笠間 清伸, 安定化ISPH法による浸透現象と洗堀現象の解明, 平成26年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2015.03.
214. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 田邊将一, SPH法を用いた流体剛体連成手法による橋梁流失の再現解析, 平成26年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2015.03.
215. Yoshiya Miyagawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Nur Ain Binti Idris, Bridges wash out simulation during tsunami by a stabilized ISPH method, 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, PARTICLES 2015, 2015.01, In 2011, the huge tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated many infrastructures in pacific coast of north eastern Japan. Particularly, collapse of bridges caused a traffic disorder and these collapse behaviors led to delay of recovery after the disaster. In this study, the bridge wash away accident is selected as a target issue, and it is represented in order to investigate the criteria and its mechanism by a numerical simulation. For this purpose, Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) Method, which is one of the pure mesh free methods, is utilized for the rigid body motion simulation. In this study, rigid body motion is introduced for the fluid-rigid interaction behavior during bridge wash away simulation. In the numerical analysis, the upper bridge structure is washed out by receiving an impact fluid force. The validation tests in two scales showed good agreement with experimental test and the real accident on the great east Japan earthquake tsunami..
216. Tomotaka Nogami, Mitsuteru Asai, Aly Abdelraheem, Clarification of soil scour and seepage flow by using a particle method, 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, PARTICLES 2015, 2015.01, In 2011, Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami caused serious damage to the port structures such as a breakwater and seawalls. Damage mechanisms of these structures have been studied in the past, and there are some causes. In this study, Soil scour and seepage flow are focused on. A particle simulation tool based on a stabilized ISPH method [1] has been extended to solve the different soil damage mechanisms; soil sour and seepage flow problem at the same time..
217. Yoshiya Miyagawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Nur Ain Binti Idris, Bridges wash out simulation during tsunami by a stabilized ISPH method, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2015, 2015.01, In 2011, the huge tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated many infrastructures in pacific coast of north eastern Japan. Particularly, collapse of bridges caused a traffic disorder and these collapse behaviors led to delay of recovery after the disaster. In this study, the bridge wash away accident is selected as a target issue, and it is represented in order to investigate the criteria and its mechanism by a numerical simulation. For this purpose, Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) Method, which is one of the pure mesh free methods, is utilized for the rigid body motion simulation. In this study, rigid body motion is introduced for the fluid-rigid interaction behavior during bridge wash away simulation. In the numerical analysis, the upper bridge structure is washed out by receiving an impact fluid force. The validation tests in two scales showed good agreement with experimental test and the real accident on the great east Japan earthquake tsunami..
218. Tomotaka Nogami, Mitsuteru Asai, Aly Abdelraheem, Clarification of soil scour and seepage flow by using a particle method, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2015, 2015.01, In 2011, Tohoku-Kanto earthquake tsunami caused serious damage to the port structures such as a breakwater and seawalls. Damage mechanisms of these structures have been studied in the past, and there are some causes. In this study, Soil scour and seepage flow are focused on. A particle simulation tool based on a stabilized ISPH method [1] has been extended to solve the different soil damage mechanisms; soil sour and seepage flow problem at the same time..
219. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 田邊将一, 粒子法を用いた流体剛体連成解析による橋梁流失の再現解析, 第2回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2014.12.
220. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 森本敏弘, Abdelreheem Mohmoud Aly, 津波による防波堤の崩壊メカニズムの解明に向けた粒子法による地表流と浸透流の統一解法, 第2回九州橋梁・構造工学研究会シンポジウム, 2014.12.
221. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 安定化ISPH法による地表面流と浸透流の統一解法, 日本機械学会第27回計算力学講演会, 2014.11.
222. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 3次元粒子法を用いた橋梁流失の再現解析, 日本機械学会第27回計算力学講演会, 2014.11.
223. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波が橋桁に作用する際の流体力評価とその精度検証, 土木学会年次大会2014年度, 2014.09.
224. 合田哲郎, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波避難ビルに作用する流体力評価, 土木学会年次大会2014年度, 2014.09.
225. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 3次元粒子法による歌津大橋の橋桁流失の再現解析とそのメカニズムの解明, 土木学会年次大会2014年度, 2014.09.
226. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 笠間 清伸, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による防波堤の浸透破壊シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 土木学会年次大会2014年度, 2014.09.
227. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 安定化ISPH法による拡張ダルシー則とナビエ・ストークス方程式の統一解法, JSCES夏季学生講演会2014, 2014.09.
228. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 3次元粒子法による橋梁流失シミュレーション, JSCES夏季学生講演会2014, 2014.09.
229. Yoshiya Miyagawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Abdelrageem M. Aly, Fundamental study for wash out simulation of bridge girders by using a particle method, 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental and Materials Research (ACEM14), 2014.08.
230. Abdelrageem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Simulation of fluid-structure interaction using an incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics, 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental and Materials Research (ACEM14), 2014.08.
231. Tetsuro Goda, Mitsuteru Asai, Abdelraheem M. Aly, Nur’Ain Idris, Numerical evaluation of tsunami force acting on tsunami refuge building by using a particle method, 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental and Materials Research (ACEM14), 2014.08.
232. Toshihiro Morimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Fundamental study of Fluid-Soil-Seepage flow coupled analysis by a particle method based on the mixed flow theory, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 2014.07.
233. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Large scale simulation of fluid-structure interaction using an incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 2014.07.
234. Mitsuteru Asai, Kazuo Kashiyama, Kenjiro Terada, Shuji Moriguchi, Mao Kurumatani, Large scale tsunami simulation by a particle method and its 3D visualization, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 2014.07.
235. Shoiji Tanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, Kazuo Kashiyama, Kenjiro Terada, Shuji Moriguchi, Mao Kurumatani, Numerical evaluation of tsunami impact force acted on a bridge girder druing tsunami by using a particle method, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 2014.07.
236. Toshihiro Morimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Fundamental study of fluid-soil-seepage flow coupled analysis by a particle method based on the mixed flow theory, Joint 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, the 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and the 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.07, Damage mechanisms of port structures such as breakwater and seawall have been studied in the past, and there are mainly three causes; I. horizontal force due to the water level difference between the front and rear breakwater, II. soil scour and erosion behind the seawall during overflow and III. piping destruction associated with the decline of the bearing capacity by seepage flow. In this study, a particle simulation tool based on the SPH has been developed to solve the different soil damage mechanisms; soil sour and seepage flow problem. These simulations should treat the Fluid-Soil and Fluid-Seepage flow interactions, and the particle simulation tool has been modified and improved to solve each interaction problem. For the Fluid-Soil interactions in the soil scour problem, soil is modeled by a Bingham flow model which is one of the non-Newtonian fluids, and the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is applied in the plastic yield judgment. On the other hand, in the seepage flow analysis, surface flow and seepage flow are described by the same government equation "Darcy-Brinkman equation", and simultaneous analysis is carried out. These different simulations have been implemented by modifying the standard SPH method..
237. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 笠間 清伸, 園田 佳巨, 浸透流を考慮したSPH法による流体-地盤連成解析, 第19回計算工学講演会, 2014.06.
238. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 宮川欣也, 一色正晴, 粒子法による津波時の橋桁流失予測シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 第19回計算工学講演会, 2014.06.
239. Shoichi Tanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, Kenjiro Terada, Kazuo Kashiyama, Shuji Moriguchi, Mao Kurumatani, Numerical Evaluation of Impact Tsunami Force Acted on Bridge Girders by Using a Particle Method, Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2014), 2014.04.
240. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Flood Disasters Using ISPH Method, Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2014), 2014.04.
241. Toshihiro Morimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu KASAMA, Fundamental Study for Seawall Collapse Simulation during Tsunami by Using a Particle Method, Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2014), 2014.04.
242. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 笠間 清伸, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波時の堤防崩壊シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
243. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による橋桁に作用する津波流体力評価とその精度検証, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
244. 合田哲朗, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 津波流体力による構造物の破壊シミュレーションに向けたGIMPM法の基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
245. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による橋桁流失被害予測シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
246. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 水田洋司, 離散型FEMによるコンクリートブロック多段積み構造の振動解析, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
247. 野上智隆, 浅井 光輝, 離散型FEMによるコンクリートブロック多段積み構造の振動解析, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
248. 宮川欣也, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による橋桁流出被害予測シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
249. 合田哲郎, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 津波流体力による構造物の破壊シミュレーションに向けたGIMPM法の基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
250. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による橋桁に作用する津波流体力評価とその精度検証, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
251. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 笠間 清伸, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波時の堤防崩壊シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 平成25年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2014.03.
252. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Large scale simulation of fluid-structure interaction using an incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Joint 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, the 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and the 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.01, Numerical simulations for free surface flow models, which are water entry of several rigid bodies, fluid tank sloshing and flood disaster over several rigid bodies were conducted by using an Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method. The governing equations are discretized and solved with respect to Lagrangian moving particles filled within the mesh-free computational domain and the pressure was evaluated by solving pressure Poisson equation using a semi-implicit algorithm based on the projection scheme to ensure divergence free velocity field and density invariance condition. In this study, we modeled the structure as a rigid body motion by two different techniques. In the first technique, we modelled the rigid body corresponding to Koshizuka et Al. [1]. They proposed a passively moving-solid model to describe the motion of rigid body in a fluid. Firstly, both of fluid and solid particles are solved with the same calculation procedures. Secondly, an additional procedure is applied to solid particles. In the second technique, we compute the motions of a rigid body by direct integration of fluid pressure at the position of each particle on the body surface and the equations of translational and rotational motions were integrated in time to update the position of the rigid body at each time step. The performance of these two techniques was validated through the comparison with experimental results..
253. Shoichi Tanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, Kenjiro Terada, Kazuo Kashiyama, Shuji Moriguchi, Mao Kurumatani, Numerical evaluation of tsunami impact force acted on a bridge girder during tsunami by using a particle method, Joint 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, the 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and the 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.01, On March 11, 2011, the huge Tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated the Pacific coast of north-eastern Japan. Many infrastructures including bridges were collapsed by the Tsunami. New generation of Tsunami disaster prevention and mitigation method should be reconsidered toward the next millennium Tsunami. In this study, a stabilized Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been utilized for an evaluation of fluid force acted on bridge girders. In addition, a new boundary treatment using a virtual marker and fixed boundary particle is developed to satisfy the slip and no-slip boundary condition for the velocity field and to satisfy the pressure Neumann condition at the same time. The accuracy and efficiencies of our proposed method are validated by comparison between a numerical solution and experimental results. Finally, a simple treatment for the particle method has been introduced to our developed SPH tool to simulate wash out of the bridge girder..
254. N. M. Amin, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, Application of a model order reduction method based on the Krylov subspace to finite element transient analysis imposing several kinds of boundary condition, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2010, Held in Conjuction with the 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, APCOM 2010, 2014.01, [URL], Model order reduction (MOR) via Krylov subspace (KS-MOR) is one of projection-based reduction method for spatially discretized time differential equation. This paper presents a treatment of KS-MOR incorporating with finite element method for structure dynamics. KS-MOR needs basis vectors for the projection into Krylov subspace. In this context, Arnoldi and/or Lanczos method are typical techniques to generate basis vectors, and these techniques requires the information of right hand side (RHS) vector, which is the loading pattern vector in structure dynamics. In this study, we propose a treatment of Dirichlet boundary problem by generating an equivalent blocked system equation including three RHS vectors. In order to solve the multiple RHS vector problem, Block Second Order Arnoldi (BSOAR) is utilized in this paper. After projection, time integration of the projected small system equations was performed by the conventional Newmark-β method. In order to show the performance of KS-MOR, several numerical simulations are conducted. The numerical results show less than 1% of the original degrees of freedoms (DOFs) are necessary to get the accurate results for all of our numerical examples, and the CPU time is less than 2% of the conventional FE calculation..
255. N. M. Amin, M. Asai, Y. Sonoda, Application of a model order reduction method based on the Krylov subspace to finite element transient analysis imposing several kinds of boundary condition, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2014.01, © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd. Model order reduction (MOR) via Krylov subspace (KS-MOR) is one of projection-based reduction method for spatially discretized time differential equation. This paper presents a treatment of KS-MOR incorporating with finite element method for structure dynamics. KS-MOR needs basis vectors for the projection into Krylov subspace. In this context, Arnoldi and/or Lanczos method are typical techniques to generate basis vectors, and these techniques requires the information of right hand side (RHS) vector, which is the loading pattern vector in structure dynamics. In this study, we propose a treatment of Dirichlet boundary problem by generating an equivalent blocked system equation including three RHS vectors. In order to solve the multiple RHS vector problem, Block Second Order Arnoldi (BSOAR) is utilized in this paper. After projection, time integration of the projected small system equations was performed by the conventional Newmark-β method. In order to show the performance of KS-MOR, several numerical simulations are conducted. The numerical results show less than 1% of the original degrees of freedoms (DOFs) are necessary to get the accurate results for all of our numerical examples, and the CPU time is less than 2% of the conventional FE calculation..
256. Toshihiro Morimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, Kiyonobu Kasama, Fundamental study of fluid-soil-seepage flow coupled analysis by a particle method based on the mixed flow theory, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.01, Damage mechanisms of port structures such as breakwater and seawall have been studied in the past, and there are mainly three causes; I. horizontal force due to the water level difference between the front and rear breakwater, II. soil scour and erosion behind the seawall during overflow and III. piping destruction associated with the decline of the bearing capacity by seepage flow. In this study, a particle simulation tool based on the SPH has been developed to solve the different soil damage mechanisms; soil sour and seepage flow problem. These simulations should treat the Fluid-Soil and Fluid-Seepage flow interactions, and the particle simulation tool has been modified and improved to solve each interaction problem. For the Fluid-Soil interactions in the soil scour problem, soil is modeled by a Bingham flow model which is one of the non-Newtonian fluids, and the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is applied in the plastic yield judgment. On the other hand, in the seepage flow analysis, surface flow and seepage flow are described by the same government equation "Darcy-Brinkman equation", and simultaneous analysis is carried out. These different simulations have been implemented by modifying the standard SPH method..
257. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Large scale simulation of fluid-structure interaction using an incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.01, Numerical simulations for free surface flow models, which are water entry of several rigid bodies, fluid tank sloshing and flood disaster over several rigid bodies were conducted by using an Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method. The governing equations are discretized and solved with respect to Lagrangian moving particles filled within the mesh-free computational domain and the pressure was evaluated by solving pressure Poisson equation using a semi-implicit algorithm based on the projection scheme to ensure divergence free velocity field and density invariance condition. In this study, we modeled the structure as a rigid body motion by two different techniques. In the first technique, we modelled the rigid body corresponding to Koshizuka et Al. [1]. They proposed a passively moving-solid model to describe the motion of rigid body in a fluid. Firstly, both of fluid and solid particles are solved with the same calculation procedures. Secondly, an additional procedure is applied to solid particles. In the second technique, we compute the motions of a rigid body by direct integration of fluid pressure at the position of each particle on the body surface and the equations of translational and rotational motions were integrated in time to update the position of the rigid body at each time step. The performance of these two techniques was validated through the comparison with experimental results..
258. Shoichi Tanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, Kenjiro Terada, Kazuo Kashiyama, Shuji Moriguchi, Mao Kurumatani, Numerical evaluation of tsunami impact force acted on a bridge girder during tsunami by using a particle method, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, 2014.01, On March 11, 2011, the huge Tsunami caused by the great east Japan earthquake devastated the Pacific coast of north-eastern Japan. Many infrastructures including bridges were collapsed by the Tsunami. New generation of Tsunami disaster prevention and mitigation method should be reconsidered toward the next millennium Tsunami. In this study, a stabilized Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been utilized for an evaluation of fluid force acted on bridge girders. In addition, a new boundary treatment using a virtual marker and fixed boundary particle is developed to satisfy the slip and no-slip boundary condition for the velocity field and to satisfy the pressure Neumann condition at the same time. The accuracy and efficiencies of our proposed method are validated by comparison between a numerical solution and experimental results. Finally, a simple treatment for the particle method has been introduced to our developed SPH tool to simulate wash out of the bridge girder..
259. Syoichi Tanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, YOSHIMI SONODA, Numerical evaluation of fluid force acted on bridge girders during tsunami by using a particle method, 5th Asia Pasific Congress on Computational Mechanics & 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, 2013.12.
260. Toshihiro Morimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, YOSHIMI SONODA, Fundamental study for seawall collapse simulation during Tsunami by using a particle method, 5th Asia Pasific Congress on Computational Mechanics & 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, 2013.12.
261. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波が橋桁に作用する際の流体力評価, 日本機械学会第26回計算力学講演会, 2013.11.
262. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 場の統一化理論を用いた粒子法による流体-地盤連成解析, 日本機械学会第26回計算力学講演会, 2013.11.
263. Mitsuteru Asai, Masaharu Isshiki, Syoichi Tanabe, Large scale tsunami simulation by the incompressible SPH with real geography generated from aero-survery data, International Conference on Particle-Based Method (Particle2013), 2013.09.
264. 浅井 光輝, 田邊将一, 一色正晴, A large scale tsunamiu run-up simulation and numarical evaluation of fluid force during tsunami by using a partilce method, The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), 2013.09.
265. 浅井 光輝, 森本敏弘, 一色正晴, A large scale tsunamiu run-up simulation by a partilce method with a real geography, 11th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, 2013.08.
266. 浅井 光輝, Large scale tsunami simulation by a particle method and its application to disaster prediction, 12th U.S. Natinal Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), 2013.07.
267. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法における境界条件処理方法による流体力の相違, 第18回計算工学講演会, 2013.06.
268. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, ビンガム流体・弾性体の混合モデルを導入したSPH法による洗掘シミュレーション, 第18回計算工学講演会, 2013.06.
269. 渡邊茜, 浅井 光輝, 損傷理論を導入した物質拡散と不連続面進展の連成解析による材料劣化のシミュレーション, 第18回計算工学講演会, 2013.06.
270. 一色正晴, 浅井 光輝, 津波シミュレーションによる大規模粒子データの可視化手法について, 第18回計算工学講演会, 2013.06.
271. 藤本啓介, 浅井 光輝, 一色正晴, 測量情報を基にした地形モデルを用いたISPH法による津波遡上解析, 第18回計算工学講演会, 2013.06.
272. 森本敏弘, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 末崎将司, 粒子法による津波時の堤防崩壊シミュレーションに向けた基礎検討, 平成24年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2013.03.
273. 田邊将一, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 粒子法による津波が橋桁与える流体力の予測とその検証, 平成24年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2013.03.
274. 渡邊茜, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 損傷理論を導入したコンクリート材料劣化予測シミュレータ, 平成24年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2013.03.
275. 藤本啓介, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 高解像度地形モデルを用いたISPH法による津波遡上解析, 平成24年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2013.03.
276. 飯田浩貴, 浅井 光輝, 園田 佳巨, 高性能要素を用いた免震橋梁の地震応答解析とその高速化, 平成24年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2013.03.
277. 浅井光輝, 一色正晴, 粒子法による3次元津波シミュレーションの可視化とその応用, 第18回ビジュアライゼーションカンファレンス, 2012.12.
278. Mitsuteru Asai, Keisuke Fujimoto, Masaharu Isshiki, 3D Tsunami Simulation by the parallelized incompressible SPH, 2nd International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering, 2012.11.
279. Akane Watanabe, Mitsuteru Asai, Coupling Simulation between Chemical Diffusion and Nonlinear Damage Mechanics in Meso-scopic Concrete, 4th International Conference on Computational Methods, 2012.11.
280. Keisuke Fujimoto, Mitsuteru Asai, Masaharu Isshiki, Large scale Tsunam Simulation by the Incompressible SPH and its efficiency of hybrid parallel computation, 4th International Conference on Computational Methods, 2012.11.
281. Mitsuteru Asai, Keisuke Fujimoto, Masaharu Isshiki, A large scale tsunami simulation by a stabilized incompressible SPH, International Workshop on Information & Computation in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2012.09.
282. Masaharu Isshiki, Mitsuteru Asai, Visualization of large-scale particle data with different material profiles, International Workshop on Information & Computation in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2012.09.
283. 渡邊茜, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, コンクリートの材料劣化予測に向けたイオン拡散・反応膨張・亀裂進展の連成解析, 土木学会平成24年度全国大会, 2012.09.
284. 藤本啓介, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 大規模津波遡上解析に向けたISPH法の高速化と並列効率の検証, 土木学会平成24年度全国大会, 2012.09.
285. Mitsuteru ASAI, Keisuke Fujimoto, Takashi Mikami, Hiroshi Tatesawa, High performance incompressible SPH method and its application to Tsunami disaster simulation, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2012.07.
286. 藤本啓介, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 三上勉, 舘澤寛, 大規模津波遡上解析に向けた高効率な並列化ISPH法の開発, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
287. 浅井光輝, 上坂隆志, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 都市型水害対策用の止水板の構造解析と実験の比較検証, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
288. 渡邊茜, 浅井光輝, コンクリート材料劣化予測に向けたイオン拡散・反応膨張・亀裂進展の連成解析, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
289. 寺尾将志, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 西村正三, 離散型有限要素モデルによる石造アーチ橋の地震時挙動解析, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
290. 飯田浩貴, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, Krylov部分空間法に基づく高速動的FEMによる免震橋梁の地震時応答解析, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
291. Abdelraheem M.ALY, Mitsuteru ASAI, Yoshimi SONODA, Fluid-Structure-Soil foundation interaction simulation by 3D-ISPH, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
292. 一色正晴, 浅井光輝, 異なる材質を持つ大規模粒子データの可視化手法について, 第17回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2012.05.
293. 藤本啓介, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 大規模津波遡上解析に向けたISPH法の高速化アルゴリズムと並列解析, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
294. 工藤貴裕, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 非圧縮性流体用SPH法による3次元大規模津波シミュレーション, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
295. 渡邊茜, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, コンクリート材料劣化予測シミュレータ開発に向けた基礎研究, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
296. 寺尾将志, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 3次元有限要素モデルによる石造アーチ橋の動的強度評価, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
297. 飯田浩貴, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, KS-MOR法を用いた縮約動的化解析による積層ゴム支承構造の評価, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
298. 上坂隆志, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 織布強化ゴム製止水板の有限要素解析と精度検証, 平成23年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2012.03.
299. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, A study of violent water induced impact problems using ISPH method, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, In this study, violent water induced impact problems are simulated by using incompressible SPH (ISPH) method. In the framework of ISPH method, there are several models, which have different source term in their pressure Poisson equation. The conventional source terms are velocity divergence free formulation called by "Truly incompressible SPH model" and density invariance formulation. In addition, we have proposed a relaxed density invariance formulation incorporated with divergence free term. This formulation is called 'stabilized ISPH' in this paper. Boundary condition using dummy particles with slip condition is introduced to prevent penetration and adjust wave velocity and profile compare to experimental results. The same formulation of the stabilized ISPH including the turbulence model is applied into the impact pressure evaluation for inclined dam break in two and three dimensions. Comparison between the proposed model and experimental results is performed and it has a reasonable agreement..
300. N. Ishikawa, M. Beppu, T. Mikami, H. Tatesawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Collapse mechanism of seawalls by impulsive load due to the March 11 tsunami, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, On March 11, 2011 the huge tsunami caused by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake devastated the Tohoku Pacific Ocean coastal regions of Japan. The impulsive fluid load of the tsunami caused devastating damage to the seawalls in the Tohoku region of Japan. On April 13-15, we investigated one of the disaster area, the town of Taro which had been very famous for having a 10m high seawall. This special lecture focuses on the collapse mechanism of the seawall by the impulsive fluid load due to the March 11 tsunami..
301. Mitsuteru Asai, Hiroki Iida, Norliyati M. Amin, Yoshimi Sonoda, Fast dynamic solver for the design of bridge using a model order reduction, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, A model order reduction via Krylov subspace has been utilized as a booster of the finite element analysis in this paper. In the seismic design of structures, low frequency responses up to about 20Hz should be accurately predicted. A stepwise iterative frequency response analysis is utilized to evaluate an effective reduced order to maintain the accuracy at the target frequency range. In the frequency analysis, simple error estimation is performed to check the comparison is supported by the Moment Matching (MM), which is one of the important approximation properties of the KS-MOR. In the numerical example, a 3D bridge model with different bearing system was solved to show performance of KS-MOR. One of the bearing system is classical steel hinge, the other is steel laminated rubber bearing. The KS-MOR can apply to the general dynamic structure analysis including the damping matri. The efficiency in the CPU time is about 20-30 times faster than the conventional FEM calculation..
302. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, A study of violent water induced impact problems using ISPH method, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, In this study, violent water induced impact problems are simulated by using incompressible SPH (ISPH) method. In the framework of ISPH method, there are several models, which have different source term in their pressure Poisson equation. The conventional source terms are velocity divergence free formulation called by "Truly incompressible SPH model" and density invariance formulation. In addition, we have proposed a relaxed density invariance formulation incorporated with divergence free term. This formulation is called 'stabilized ISPH' in this paper. Boundary condition using dummy particles with slip condition is introduced to prevent penetration and adjust wave velocity and profile compare to experimental results. The same formulation of the stabilized ISPH including the turbulence model is applied into the impact pressure evaluation for inclined dam break in two and three dimensions. Comparison between the proposed model and experimental results is performed and it has a reasonable agreement..
303. N. Ishikawa, M. Beppu, T. Mikami, H. Tatesawa, M. Asai, Collapse mechanism of seawalls by impulsive load due to the March 11 tsunami, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, On March 11, 2011 the huge tsunami caused by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake devastated the Tohoku Pacific Ocean coastal regions of Japan. The impulsive fluid load of the tsunami caused devastating damage to the seawalls in the Tohoku region of Japan. On April 13-15, we investigated one of the disaster area, the town of Taro which had been very famous for having a 10m high seawall. This special lecture focuses on the collapse mechanism of the seawall by the impulsive fluid load due to the March 11 tsunami..
304. Mitsuteru Asai, Mitsuteru Asai, Hiroki Iida, Norliyati M. Amin, Yoshimi Sonoda, Fast dynamic solver for the design of bridge using a model order reduction, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 2011.12, A model order reduction via Krylov subspace has been utilized as a booster of the finite element analysis in this paper. In the seismic design of structures, low frequency responses up to about 20Hz should be accurately predicted. A stepwise iterative frequency response analysis is utilized to evaluate an effective reduced order to maintain the accuracy at the target frequency range. In the frequency analysis, simple error estimation is performed to check the comparison is supported by the Moment Matching (MM), which is one of the important approximation properties of the KS-MOR. In the numerical example, a 3D bridge model with different bearing system was solved to show performance of KS-MOR. One of the bearing system is classical steel hinge, the other is steel laminated rubber bearing. The KS-MOR can apply to the general dynamic structure analysis including the damping matri. The efficiency in the CPU time is about 20-30 times faster than the conventional FEM calculation..
305. 渡邊茜, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, コンクリート材料劣化予測に向けたイオン非定常拡散解析における時間積分法の精度検証, 第16回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2011.05.
306. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru ASAI, Yoshimi Sonoda, Modeling of the free surface tension force by using the ISPH, 第16回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2011.05.
307. 浅井光輝, 林高徳, Abdelraheem M. Aly, 園田佳巨, Ghost粒子境界を用いたISPH法と大変形FEMによる流体・構造連成解析, 第16回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2011.05.
308. 飯田浩貴, Norliyati Mohd Amin, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 地震動の不確かさを考慮した構造振動解析に適したKS-MOR法, 第16回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2011.05.
309. 高野直樹, 浅井光輝, 深澤健, 荷重条件の不確かさを考慮した高速動的解析法に関する研究, 第16回日本計算工学会 計算工学講演会, 2011.05.
310. Mitsuteru ASAI, Abdelraheem M. Aly, Yoshimi SONODA, ISPH-FEM coupling simulator for the FSI problems, 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on the Computational Mechanics, 2011.04.
311. 浅井光輝, Norliyati Mohd Amin, 園田佳巨, 大規模な動的有限要素解析の高速化に向けた取り組み, 第10回構造物の衝撃問題に関するシンポジウム, 2010.12.
312. 林高徳, 浅井光輝, Abdelraheem M. Aly, 園田佳巨, 安定化ISPH法を用いた流体衝撃力評価と精度検証, 第10回構造物の衝撃問題に関するシンポジウム, 2010.12.
313. 林高徳, 浅井光輝, 流体衝撃力を受ける構造解析に適したSPH-FEM連成シミュレータの開発, 平成22年度土木学会全国大会, 2010.09.
314. Mitsuteru Asai, Norliyati Mohd Amin, Yoshimi Sonoda, Efficient large scale FE dynamic analysis using model order reduction via Kryrov subspace, 平成22年度土木学会全国大会, 2010.09.
315. Takanori Hayashi, Mitsuteru Asai, Development of a design aid simulator for structures subject to hydrodynamics impact pressure, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2010.07.
316. Mitsuteru Asai, Jyunichi Katayama, Development of a 3D coupling simulator between chemical diffusion and nonlinear mechanics in mesoscopic concrete, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2010.07.
317. Norliyati Mohd Amin, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, Performing Transient Analysis by inposing Dirichlet Boundary Condition using Model Order Reduction (MOR) based on Krylov subspace method, 平成21年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2010.03.
318. 上坂隆志, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 数値地図による沿岸地域モデリングとSPH法による流体解析, 平成21年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2010.03.
319. 林高徳, 浅井光輝.園田佳巨, SPH法を用いた流体衝撃力の評価と検証に関する基礎研究, 平成21年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2010.03.
320. 野中翔, 浅井光輝, 大規模動的有限要素解析へ向けた効率化とその性能, 平成21年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2010.03.
321. 片山純一, 浅井光輝, 化学反応に伴うコンクリート材料劣化シミュレーションに関する基礎研究, 平成21年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2010.03.
322. Mitsuteru Asai, Takanori Hayashi, Development of a fluid structure interaction simulator for design of coastal structures, 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Computational Mechanics, 2010.03.
323. 片山純一, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, ASR挙動メカニズム解明に向けたメゾレベル・コンクリート非線形解析手法の開発, 土木学会平成21年度全国大会, 2009.09.
324. 林高徳, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 数値地図による沿岸地域モデリングとSPH粒子法による流体解析, 土木学会平成21年度全国大会, 2009.09.
325. 高橋洋一, 西村正三, 浅井光輝, 石造アーチ橋の3Dレーザースキャナ計測に基づく離散型有限要素解析, 土木学会平成21年度全国大会, 2009.09.
326. Mitsuteru ASAI, Takanori HAYASHI, Yoshimi SONODA, Numerical simulation of water-induced impact problem by using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics, 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2009.07.
327. 浅井光輝, 林高徳, 杉隆紀, 園田佳巨, 数値地図による沿岸地域モデリングとSPH粒子法による流体解析, 日本計算工学会講演会, 2009.05.
328. 浅井光輝, 木村嘉之, 西本安志, 西野好生, 粘性・超弾性モデルによる織布強化ゴムの力学特性モデリングと簡易終局状態予測, 日本計算工学講演会, 2009.05.
329. 杉隆紀, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 粒子法-FEMによる流体―構造連成解法に関する基礎研究, 平成20年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2009.03.
330. 林高徳, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 沿岸構造物の性能設計に向けた3次元粒子法による流体解析, 平成20年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2009.03.
331. 木村嘉之, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 超弾性・粘性モデルによる織布強化ゴムの力学特性モデリングと終局状態予測, 平成20年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2009.03.
332. 片山純一, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, メゾレベルでのコンクリート非線形解析によるASR挙動メカニズム解明に向けた基礎研究, 平成20年度土木学会西部支部研究発表, 2009.03.
333. 浅井光輝, 杉隆紀, 園田佳巨, スロッシング問題によるSMAC-SPH法の実用性検証, 第9回構造物の衝撃問題に関するシンポジウム, 2008.12.
334. 浅井光輝, 木村嘉之, 西本安志, 西野好生, 園田佳巨, 超弾性・粘性モデルによる織布補強ゴムの力学特性モデリング, 日本機械学会 第21回計算力学講演会, 2008.11.
335. 片山純一, 浅井光輝, RCはりの重錘落下試験のFE解析とその精度評価, 土木学会平成20年度全国大会, 2008.10.
336. 木村嘉之, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 織布補強ゴムの異方性超弾性体によるモデリング, 土木学会平成20年度全国大会, 2008.09.
337. Mitsuteru ASAI, Kenjiro TERADA, Atsuhi MARUYAMA, Eulerian Finite Cover Method for multi-scale analysis of largely deformed composites, World Congress on Computational Mechanics 8th, 2008.07.
338. 浅井光輝, 木村嘉之, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 異方性・粘性を導入した超弾性体による繊維補強ゴム力学特性のモデル化, 第13回日本計算工学講演会, 2008.05.
339. 木村嘉之, 浅井光輝, 園田佳巨, 西本安志, 西野好生, 繊維補強ゴム止水板の効率化FEM解析へ向けた基礎検討, 平成19年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
340. 山下和也, 浅井光輝, 木村嘉之, 園田佳巨, 煉瓦・石材による離散体構造物のFE解析, 平成19年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
341. Atsushi SANDO, Naoki TAKANO, Mitsuteru ASAI, Shoji KIDO, Jan G. KORVINK, Application of Model Order Reduction to Global/Local Dynamic Analysis by Finite Element Mesh Superposition Technique, Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (Apcom07), 2007.12.
342. 高野直樹, 浅井 光輝, 黄田尚宏, 橋本和信, TEMトモグラフィー技術を用いたナノスケール・イメージベース解析手法の研究, 第12回日本計算工学会講演会, 2007.05.
343. 山東篤,高野直樹,浅井 光輝,城戸祥治,Jan G. Korvink, 重合メッシュ法とモデル縮約法による高速動的解析に関する研究, 第12回日本計算工学会講演会, 2007.05.
344. 山東 篤, 高野 直樹, 浅井 光輝, 重合メッシュ法とモデル縮約法による高速動的解析に関する研究, 計算工学講演会論文集, 2007.05.
345. 浅井光輝, 高野直樹, 滝邦彦, 圧電材料の高精度・高分解能シミュレータ開発, 第50回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, 2006.12.
346. 黄田尚宏, 橋本和信, 高野直樹, 浅井光輝, ナノ粒子分散材のモルフォロジー分析, 日本機械学会 第19回計算力学講演会, 2006.11.
347. 浅井光輝, 鈴木有, 山田雄貴, 高野直樹, 鳥山寿之, 大関昌平, 金哲晃, マイクロガスタービンエンジン用燃焼器のシミュレーションベースデザイン, 日本機械学会 第19回計算力学講演会, 2006.11.
348. Mitsuteru ASAI, Naoki TAKANO, High resolution multi-scale simulation for piezoelectric material, 23th Sensor Symposium, 2006.10.
349. 浅井光輝, 高野直樹, 鳥山寿之, Evgenii B. Rudnyi, Jan G. Korvink, モデル縮約法による高速動的構造解析, 日本機械学会 2006年度年次大会, 2006.09.
350. 浅井 光輝, 高野 直樹, 滝 邦彦, 足森 崇志, 日下 貴之, 上辻 靖智, 均質化法による多孔質圧電材料のイメージベース・マルチスケール解析, 日本機械学会 M&M2006 材料力学カンファレンス, 2006.08.
351. Mitsuteru Asai, Naoki Takano, Kunihiko Taki, Image-based multi-scale analysis for porous piezoelectric materials by using an iterative solver, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2006.07.
352. Somnath Ghosh, Sivom Manchiraju, Mitsuteru Asai, Multi-time scale analysis of cyclic deformation in polycrystalline metals, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2006.07.
353. Somnath Ghosh, Mitsuteru Asai, Multiple time scale modeling for cyclic deformation with crystal plasticity, 8th U.S. National Congress on Computaitonal Mechanics, 2005.07.
354. Mitsuteru Asai, Somnath Ghosh, Multiple time scale modeling for cyclic deformation with crystal plasticity, International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, 2004.11.
355. Somnath GHOSH, Prasanna RAGHAVAN, Hu CHAO and Mitsuteru ASAI, Mutli-level computational models for multiple scale analysis of composite materials, International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, 2004.11.
356. Mitsuteru ASAI, Somnath GHOSH, Mutli-Time Scaling for Cyclic Deformation in Crystal Plasticity, 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2004.09.
357. Mitsuteru ASAI, Somnath GHOSH, Temporal homogenization for crystal plasticity, 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Process, 2004.06.
358. Mitsuteru Asai, Kenjiro Terada, Nonlocal multiscale analysis method for discontinuous deformation of brittle materials, 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics 7, 2003.07.
359. Kenjiro TERADA, Mitsuteru ASAI, Yoshiteru, IHIBASHI, Mao KURUMATANI, Performance of finite cover method for physically and geometrically nonlinear problems, 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics 7, 2003.07.
360. Mitsuteru ASAI, Kenjiro TERADA, Michihiro YAMAGISHI, Development of Hybrid-FCM and its application to the analysis of interface fracture in multi-phase materials, 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002.07.
361. Kenjiro TERADA, Kazumi MATSUI, Mitsuteru ASAI, Global-Local Simulations for Largely Deformed Heterogeneous Body, 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002.07.
362. 浅井 光輝, 寺田 賢二郎, ミクロ構造を考慮した脆性材料のマクロ材料強度評価法の提案, 計算工学講演会論文集, 2002.05.
363. 山岸 道弘, 浅井 光輝, 寺田 賢二郎, 多重被覆を用いたイメージベース有限被覆法, 計算工学講演会論文集, 2002.05.
364. Mitsuteru ASAI, Kenjiro TERADA, Kiyohiro IKEDA, Meso-scopic concrete analysis with a lattice model, 4th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2001.05.
365. 浅井 光輝, 寺田 賢二郎, 山岸 道弘, 池田 清宏, FCMによる異種材料界面処理による一考察, 計算工学講演会論文集, 2001.05.
366. 浅井 光輝, 寺田 賢二郎, 池田 清宏, ラチスモデルを用いた鉄筋コンクリート梁のせん断破壊挙動解析, 計算工学講演会論文集, 2000.05.
367. Mitsuteru ASAI, Kiyohiro IKEDA, Tomonori SUGANO, Stochastic evaluation of elastic buckling strength of truss structures, 5th Korea-Japan joint Seminor on Steel-Bridge, 1999.10.
368. 浅井 光輝, 池田 清宏, 藤井 文夫, 対称性破壊型分岐を起こす構造系の固有ベクトルを用いた REDUCTION 法, 計算工学講演会論文集, 1999.05.
369. Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshimi Sonoda, A study of violent water induced impact problems using ISPH method, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, In this study, violent water induced impact problems are simulated by using incompressible SPH (ISPH) method. In the framework of ISPH method, there are several models, which have different source term in their pressure Poisson equation. The conventional source terms are velocity divergence free formulation called by "Truly incompressible SPH model" and density invariance formulation. In addition, we have proposed a relaxed density invariance formulation incorporated with divergence free term. This formulation is called 'stabilized ISPH' in this paper. Boundary condition using dummy particles with slip condition is introduced to prevent penetration and adjust wave velocity and profile compare to experimental results. The same formulation of the stabilized ISPH including the turbulence model is applied into the impact pressure evaluation for inclined dam break in two and three dimensions. Comparison between the proposed model and experimental results is performed and it has a reasonable agreement..
370. N. Ishikawa, M. Beppu, T. Mikami, H. Tatesawa, Mitsuteru Asai, Collapse mechanism of seawalls by impulsive load due to the March 11 tsunami, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, On March 11, 2011 the huge tsunami caused by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake devastated the Tohoku Pacific Ocean coastal regions of Japan. The impulsive fluid load of the tsunami caused devastating damage to the seawalls in the Tohoku region of Japan. On April 13-15, we investigated one of the disaster area, the town of Taro which had been very famous for having a 10m high seawall. This special lecture focuses on the collapse mechanism of the seawall by the impulsive fluid load due to the March 11 tsunami..
371. Mitsuteru Asai, Hiroki Iida, Norliyati M. Amin, Yoshimi Sonoda, Fast dynamic solver for the design of bridge using a model order reduction, 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, A model order reduction via Krylov subspace has been utilized as a booster of the finite element analysis in this paper. In the seismic design of structures, low frequency responses up to about 20Hz should be accurately predicted. A stepwise iterative frequency response analysis is utilized to evaluate an effective reduced order to maintain the accuracy at the target frequency range. In the frequency analysis, simple error estimation is performed to check the comparison is supported by the Moment Matching (MM), which is one of the important approximation properties of the KS-MOR. In the numerical example, a 3D bridge model with different bearing system was solved to show performance of KS-MOR. One of the bearing system is classical steel hinge, the other is steel laminated rubber bearing. The KS-MOR can apply to the general dynamic structure analysis including the damping matri. The efficiency in the CPU time is about 20-30 times faster than the conventional FEM calculation..
372. N. M. Amin, M. Asai, Y. Sonoda, Application of a model order reduction method based on the Krylov subspace to finite element transient analysis imposing several kinds of boundary condition, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2010, Held in Conjuction with the 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, APCOM 2010, [URL], Model order reduction (MOR) via Krylov subspace (KS-MOR) is one of projection-based reduction method for spatially discretized time differential equation. This paper presents a treatment of KS-MOR incorporating with finite element method for structure dynamics. KS-MOR needs basis vectors for the projection into Krylov subspace. In this context, Arnoldi and/or Lanczos method are typical techniques to generate basis vectors, and these techniques requires the information of right hand side (RHS) vector, which is the loading pattern vector in structure dynamics. In this study, we propose a treatment of Dirichlet boundary problem by generating an equivalent blocked system equation including three RHS vectors. In order to solve the multiple RHS vector problem, Block Second Order Arnoldi (BSOAR) is utilized in this paper. After projection, time integration of the projected small system equations was performed by the conventional Newmark-β method. In order to show the performance of KS-MOR, several numerical simulations are conducted. The numerical results show less than 1% of the original degrees of freedoms (DOFs) are necessary to get the accurate results for all of our numerical examples, and the CPU time is less than 2% of the conventional FE calculation..

