九州大学 研究者情報
大西 俊郎(おおにし としお) データ更新日:2024.04.04

教授 /  経済学研究院 経済工学部門 数理情報

1. 大西 俊郎, α-ダイバージェンス損失の下での予測問題における調和関数型事前分布の役割, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 2221, 79-89, 2022.06, [URL].
2. Takemi Yanagimoto, Toshio Ohnishi, A characterization of Jeffreys' prior with its implications to likelihood inference, "Pioneering Works on Distribution Theory In Honor of Masaaki Sibuya,"
Eds. Nobuaki Hoshino, Shuhei Mano, Takaaki Shimura,
, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9663-6, 103-121, 2020.08, [URL].
3. Yozo Maruyama, Takeru matsuda, Toshio Ohnishi, Harmonic Bayesian prediction under alpha-divergence, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 10.1109/TIT.2019.2915245, 2019.04.
4. 大西 俊郎, α-ダイバージェンス損失の下でのStein現象, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 2047, 77-78, 2017.10.
5. Toshio Ohnishi, Bayes予測における尤度最大化とShannon entropy最大化の双対性, 日本統計学会誌, 45, 191-141, 2015.08.
6. Toshio Ohnishi, 変分的手法に基づく尤度およびentropyの拡張, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1954, 61-72, 2015.08.
7. Toshio Ohnishi, Bayes予測における尤度とエントロピーの双対性, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1910, 29-42, 2014.08.
8. Takemi Yanagimoto, Toshio Ohnishi, Permissible boundary prior function as a virtually proper prior density, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 10.1007/s10463-013-0421-1, 2014.08.
9. Takemi Yanagimoto, Toshio Ohnishi, Partial Order of Concentration about a Position for Comparing Bayesian Prior Densities, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 45, 2, 111-132, 2013.12.
10. Toshio Ohnishi, Takemi Yanagimoto, Dual roles of maximizing likelihood and Shannon entropy in Bayesian prediction, The 59th ISI World Statistics Congress, 25-30 August 2013, Hong Kong , 3785-3790, 2014.02.
11. Takemi Yanagimoto, Toshio Ohnishi, Examining the role of a non-informative prior function through weakly informative prior densities, The 59th ISI World Statistics Congress, 25-30 August 2013, Hong Kong , 3765-3766, 2014.02.
12. Toshio Ohnishi, 柳本武美, Duality in Bayesian prediction and its implication, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1860, 104-119, 2013.11.
13. Toshio Ohnishi, Takemi Yanagimoto, Twofold structure of duality in Bayesian model averaging, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.14490/jjss.43.29, 43, 29-55, 2013.04.
14. 大西俊郎,柳本武美, Saddlepoint condition on a predictor and its implications, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1758, 90-99, 2011.08.
15. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Saddlepoint condition on a predictor to reconfirm the need for the assumption of a prior distribution, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 10.1016/j.jspi.2010.12.011, 141, 1990-2000, 2011.01.
16. Toshio Ohnishi and Takemi Yanagimoto, Duality induced from conjugacy in the curved exponential family, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.14490/jjss.40.023, 40, 23-43, 2010.04, A class of curved exponential families whose likelihood function admits the conjugate analysis is derived, and its duality is explored. We show that conjugacy yields the existence of sufficient statistics as well as duality. Extended versions of the mean and the canonical parameters can be defined, which shed a new light on duality and the conjugate analysis in the exponential family. As a result, an essential reason is revealed as to why a common prior density can be conjugate for different sampling densities, as in the case of a gamma prior density which is conjugate for the Poisson and the gamma sampling densities. The least information property of the conjugate analysis is explained, which is compatible with the minimax property of the generalized linear model. We also derive dual Pythagorean relationships with respect to posterior risks to show the optimality of the Bayes estimator..
17. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Predictive credible region for Bayesian diagnosis of a hypothesis, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.14490/jjss.39.111, 39, 1, 111-131, 2009.04.
18. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Bayesian prediction of a density function in terms of e-mixture, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2009.02.005, 139, 3064--3075, 2009.04.
19. 大西俊郎, Peter Dunn, Tweedie 一般化線形モデルを用いたクイーンズランド州の降水量データの解析, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1621, 135-152, 2009.04.
20. Toshio Ohnishi and Takemi Yanagimoto, Conjugate location-dispersion families, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.14490/jjss.37.307, 37, 307-325, 2007.04.
21. 大西俊郎, Estimating a common slope of multiple strata in the Tweedie distribution using a conjugate prior, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1506, 167-176, 2006.04.
22. 叶雄,大西俊郎, von Mises分布における経験Bayes推定, 統計数理, 54, 1, 177-190, 2006.04.
23. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Standardized posterior mode for the flexible use of a conjugate prior, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2004.02.004, 131, 253-269, 2005.04.
24. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Extensions of the conjugate prior through the Kullback-Leibler separators, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0047-259X(03)00133-7, 92, 116-133, 2005.04.
25. 大西俊郎,柳本武美, A Pythagorean relationship in the conjugate analysis, 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録, 1380, 182-190, 2004.04.
26. Toshio Ohnishi and Takemi Yanagimoto, Electrostatic views of Stein-type estimation of location vectors, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.14490/jjss.33.39, 33, 39--64, 2003.04.
27. Takemi Yanagimoto and Toshio Ohnishi, Simultaneous estimation of a mean vector based on mean conjugate priors, Measurement and Multivariate Analysis (Eds. S. Nishisato, Y. Baba, H. Bozdogan and K. Kanefuji), 191-196, 2002.04.
28. Naoki Suzuki, Toshio Oonishi, Toshio Hyodo and Tianbao Chang, Study of silica aerogel grain surfaces by using a positron age-momentum correlation technique, Applied Physics A, 74, 791-795, 2002.04.
29. Shuji Hasegawa, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Toshio Oonishi, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Takashi Miyake, Shuuichi Murakami, Yuuji Ishii, Daiki Hanawa and Shozo Ino, Structural phase transitions at clean and metal-covered Si(111) surfaces investigated by RHEED spot analysis, Phase transitions, 53, 87-114, 1995.04.
30. Toshio Ohnishi and Hiroe Tsubaki, Minimization of the Fisher information matrix under a given covariance matrix function, Research Memorandum, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 819, 2001.04.
31. Shuji Hasegawa, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Toshio Oonishi and Shozo Ino, Hysteresis in phase transitions at clean and Au-covered Si(111) surfaces, Physical Review B, 47, 9903-9906, 1993.04.

