九州大学 研究者情報
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Divigalpitiya Prasanna(ぷらさんな でいびがるぴていや) データ更新日:2024.04.25

准教授 /  人間環境学研究院 都市・建築学部門 人間環境学研究院

International Activities
My international activities are mainly related to the educational activities as an associate professor in Kyushu University and as a member of various committees in academic societies and international students exchange programs. I joined the newly formed International Masters and Doctoral course of Graduate School of Human Environment Studies of Kyushu University as an Associate Professor in March 2010. My main duties in this program is promoting the program in Asian Universities and managing the program in addition to the educational activities. During this period I have manage to organize series of lectures by invited scholars from overseas universities. Those lecture series has built the foundation for much needed international relationships for the program.
The department of Architecture and Planning in Kyushu University is a partner of student exchange program with 12 partner universities from Europe, Pacific, Korea and Japan. I continuously worked in the organizing committee of this program representing Kyushu University. I have utilized those opportunities to introduce Kyushu University and its research opportunities to overseas universities. Department of Architecture and Planning of the Kyushu University in their international program conduct number of urban design workshops with overseas universities both in Kyushu University Hakozaki campus and in foreign universities. These programs are organized and conducted by a team of professors where I was a member. From April 2017 Department of Architecture and Urban Planning started International graduate education program under the Campus Asia Project sponsored by Japan, China and Korea. At the moment I am a member of the international working committee planning future student exchanges and double degree program organized in that project.
Social Contribution
My social contribution is mostly based on activates organized by the academic societies and government agencies. The Asian Townscape Award is an annual award organized to recognize best practices of Asian townscape designs. This award is organized by Asia Townscape Design Society, Asian Habitat Association, and UN-HABITAT Fukuoka office. I have worked as a judge in the selection committee for awards. In recent years there are recommendations for the award from wide range of Asian countries including Japan, China, Korea South Asia and Southeast Asia. I functioned as a specialist in South and Southeast Asian cities in this selection committee.
国内, 国際政策形成, 及び学術振興等への寄与活動
2014.08~2015.05, 都市構造構築に向けたPDCAサイクル構築のための各種手法の整理、とりまとめ, 行政展開を見据えたコミュニケーション手法の整理(表示、手続きへの組み込み等), データの取得、蓄積手法の整理

, 都市構造PDCA研究分科会.

2021年度, アジア都市景観賞の審査員.

2016年度, アジア都市景観賞の審査員.

2022.04~2023.04, 広報委員会.

2022.04~2023.03, AUSMIP運営WG.

2022.04~2023.03, 学府教務委員会委員.

2016.04~2019.03, 学府教務委員会委員.

2016.04~2019.03, AUSMIP運営WG.

2016.04~2017.03, AUSMIP運営WG.

2016.04~2017.04, 学府教務委員会委員.

2016.04~2017.04, 学術研究・教育コーディネーター.

2015.04~2016.04, 学術研究・教育コーディネーター.

2015.04~2016.04, 広報委員会.

2015.04~2016.03, AUSMIP運営WG.

2015.04~2016.04, 学府教務委員会委員 .

2014.04~2015.03, AUSMIP運営WG .

2014.04~2015.03, 東アジア環境研究機構およびストラテジスト育成プログラム(全学).

2014.04~2015.03, 人間環境学プログラム実施調整WG.

