九州大学 研究者情報
野村 久子(のむら ひさこ) データ更新日:2023.11.27

准教授 /  農学研究院 附属国際農業教育・研究推進センター

1. Tamon Baba, Hisako Nomura, Pao Srean, Tha Than, Kasumi Ito, Effects of Mechanization and Investments on the Technical Efficiency of Cassava Farms in Cambodia , https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12040441, 12, 3, 441, 2022.03.
2. Makoto Ehara, Toshiya Matsuura, Hao Gong, Heng Sokh, Chivin Leng, Hong Narith Choeung, Rida Sem, Hisako Nomura, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Tetsuya Matsui, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Where do people vulnerable to deforestation live? Triaging forest conservation interventions for sustainable non-timber forest products, Land Use Policy, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106637, 131, 106637-106637, 2023.08.
3. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Yuichiro Amekawa, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Hisako Nomura, Takaaki Watanabe, Gender-based Decision Making in Marketing Channel Choice – Evidence of Maize Supply Chains in Southern Ethiopia, Human Ecology, 10.1007/s10745-021-00252-x, 2021.09, AbstractWe examine factors affecting the choice of marketing channels for maize among male, female, and joint decision-making farm households using data from households in Dawuro zone, southern Ethiopia. Econometric results suggest that female and joint decision-makers are more likely to sell maize to consumers or retailers in the main local market where the maize price is higher than to wholesale merchants directly from the farm. Individual decision-makers (male or female) who grow improved maize varieties are more likely to sell to wholesalers directly from the farm. This may be an indication of the effectiveness of joint decisions over individual decisions related to the market price. We also found that improved maize varieties distributed to farmers in the study area are of poor quality and that there is a lack of modern storage facilities so that farmers have to sell immediately after harvest during the lower price season. Thus, there is a need for policies promoting the distribution of high-quality maize seeds and encouraging investments in the establishment of modern maize storage facilities in the study area..
4. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hisako Nomura, Gender Gaps in Market Participation Among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH, 10.1057/s41287-020-00289-6, 33, 3, 649-683, 2021.06, This paper analyzes market participation gaps among male, female, and joint decision-making households, and the factors influencing that gap, using data collected from 560 maize farm households in the Dawuro zone, southern Ethiopia. The results from the ordered probit analysis reveal that female and joint decision-making households were negatively associated with the probability of being a net seller, while being positively associated with being autarchic and net buyers. The decomposition results indicate clear market participation gaps in the net seller and net buyer positions between male and female decision-makers. The mean quantity gaps between males and females are more apparent in the net seller and net buyer positions. Between male and joint decision-makers, the mean quantity gaps are significant in the net seller and autarchic positions, while between female and joint decision-makers, it is significant in the net seller positions. In each market position, the quantity of gaps is unevenly distributed across the quantities of distribution, but the values increase as we approach higher levels of distribution. The gaps in the net seller and autarchic positions indicate that males are better positioned than females and that females are better positioned than joint decision-makers. Both endowment and return effects account for the quantity gaps. Thus, there is a need for policies to secure more equal access to productive resources for female and joint decision-making households and build their capacity to increase their resource returns..
5. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Yuichiro Amekawa, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Hisako Nomura, Takaaki Watanabe, What Explains Gender Gaps in Household Food Security? Evidence from Maize Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia, SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH, 10.1007/s11205-020-02600-8, 155, 1, 281-314, 2021.05, Using primary data collected from 560 farm households in Dawuro zone, southern Ethiopia, this study analyzes the gender gaps in food security among male, female, and joint decision-making farm households. It examines the factors inducing gender gaps among the households of those three categories. The results show that female decision-making households have a lower probability of ensuring food-security and a higher probability of being transitionally and chronically food-insecure. Joint decision-making households showed a higher probability of falling into the chronically food-insecure category. The decomposition results show significant gender gaps between male and female decision-making households in terms of food-secure, transitory food-insecure, and chronically food-insecure categories. Overall, both the endowment and return effects account for the gaps; however, the magnitude of the effect from the return is higher than from the endowment on significant gaps in the food-secure, transitory, and chronically food-insecure categories. Hence, there is a need for policies that not only ensure equal levels of productive resources but also help households build their capacity in order to improve both transitory and chronically food insecure situations..
6. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hisako Nomura, Gender differences in agricultural productivity: evidence from maize farm households in southern Ethiopia, GEOJOURNAL, 10.1007/s10708-019-10098-y, 86, 2, 843-864, 2021.04, This study examines the impact of gender differences on maize productivity in Dawuro Zone, southern Ethiopia. Our study addressed the limitations of the previous studies in two ways. First, the study separately assessed gender differences in productivity between de facto female-headed households and de jure female-headed households and revealed that female-headed households are not homogenous. Second, the study separately examined the impacts of the covariates on male-headed households and female-headed households using an exogenous switching treatment effect model. We find the existence of gender differences in maize productivity between male-headed households and female-headed households. The maize productivity of male-headed households was overall 44.3% higher than that of female-headed households. However, if female-headed households received the same return on their resources as male-headed households, their productivity would increase by 42.3%. This suggests agricultural policy should target female-headed households to help reduce the productivity gap between male-headed households and female-headed households. Finally, the distributions of the gender differentials between male-headed households and female-headed households are more pronounced at mid-levels of productivity..
7. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Yuichiro Amekawa, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Hisako Nomura, Takaaki Watanabe, Marketing Efficiency among Gender-Based Decision-Making Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 10.1080/08974438.2021.1911906, 1-26, 2021.04.
8. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Luu Van Duy, Cao Truong Son, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Water-use efficiency of alternative pig farming systems in Vietnam, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104926, 161, 2020.10, Livestock production in tropical countries consumes significant amounts of water for cooling and washing facilities and releases large amounts of wastewater to the environment, resulting in water scarcity and pollution. However, improving water-use efficiency (WUE) at the livestock farm level has received little attention in current research. This study measures the WUE of pig farms in Vietnam, a tropical Southeast Asian country. There, livestock production consists of three farming systems: industrial farms (IFs), semi-industrial farms (SIFs), and traditional farms (TFs). This study compares the WUE of these farming systems, suggests which of the systems is most sustainable, and proposes solutions to improve the WUE of each system. The results of surveying 247 pig farms and applying data envelopment analysis show that the free use of groundwater resources causes a low average WUE of 52%. IFs (closed pigpens) have the highest WUE, followed by TFs and SIFs (open pigpens). This finding confirms the sustainability of IFs over other types of farming. Furthermore, using Tobit models, we analyze the determinants of the WUE within each farming system. The results show that shortening the fattening phase and decreasing the floor space allowance per pig increase the WUE of TFs and SIFs. In addition, decreasing the depth of the puddles in pigpens and the frequency with which these puddles are drained improve the WUE of IFs. These results suggest a need to revise the design of pigpens in order to reduce water use related to washing and cooling..
9. Duyen Thi Thu Tran, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Takeru Kusudo, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Conservation of mangroves through certified organic shrimp production: are farmers willing to adopt?, Organic Agriculture, 10.1007/s13165-019-00271-5, 10, 3, 277-288, 2020.09, Safe and environmentally friendly production has become an important trend in the aquaculture sector. Vietnam has successfully implemented a certified organic shrimp production project and is now planning to expand it. To successfully implement the certified organic shrimp production project in new areas, the ex ante evaluation of the factors influencing farmers’ decision to participate in this project is essential. Thus, this research determines factors affecting shrimp farmers’ decision to participate in a certified organic shrimp production project by analyzing a multinomial logit model. A survey was conducted in the Vietnamese part of the Mekong Delta and covered 220 shrimp farmers. The results show that farmers who have higher mangrove coverage in their shrimp farms are more likely to participate in the project. The likelihood of adoption also increases when farmers have a higher level of education. Interestingly, the premium commanded by the certified organic shrimp is not among the important factors affecting farmers’ decision to participate in the project..
10. Luu Van Duy, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hiroshi Isoda, Hisako Nomura, Takaaki Watanabe, Are socialist domestic land grabs egalitarian? Insights from a case involving a rubber plantation in Dien Bien Province, Vietnam, Geoforum, 10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.06.009, 114, 89-106, 2020.08, This paper examines the land grab processes dominated by a domestic state-owned enterprise in Vietnam. We examine the case of a rubber plantation in an ethnic minority area in the Northwest of the country. In doing so, the paper seeks to address how the Vietnamese socialist State – often considered a ‘strong state’ because it has pursued egalitarian land distribution policies over the past three decades – proceeds with domestic land grabbing in a context where the local people follow customary land use practices. The field research revealed the following. First, the Vietnamese government, while maintaining land distribution policies for its rural farming population, has increasingly sought to bring these policies more in line with the global trend of large-scale land acquisition at the expense of the traditional interests and livelihoods of the local population. By seeking to justify their essentially non-egalitarian land grab processes through the policy of post-land grab ‘egalitarian land re-distributions’ in areas with disembedded customary control, the domestic state actors deployed a cunning duplicity in their persistent adherence to agrarian egalitarianism. Second, with the supports from the local and central governments, a state-owned enterprise named Vietnam Rubber Group, carved out its land grab processes with more freedom, leverage, and power than similar firms investing abroad through land concessions. Last, the post-land grab redistribution of land rights materializes state formation through re-territorialization of and re-legalization within the frontier zone..
11. Duyen Thi Thu Tran, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Exploring heterogeneity in shrimp farmers` preferences for the contracts of producing certified organic shrimp, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 10.18488/journal.1005/2020.10.1/1005.1.270.283, 10, 1, 270-283, 2020.05.
12. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Cao Truong Son, Takeru Kusudo, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Manure management and pollution levels of contract and non-contract livestock farming in Vietnam, Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136200, 710, 2020.03, [URL], In analyzing contract farming of livestock production, many studies have focused on the economic aspect. This paper offers the environmental issue by investigating manure management and pollution levels of contract farming (CF) and non-contract farming (NCF) livestock producers in Vietnam. By surveying 270 pig farms and applying logit model, we found that commercial pigpen type of CF reduces the probability of manure separation, while larger garden area and knowledge of composting increase it. By analyzing the wastewater samples collected from 59 farms and employing nearest neighbor matching technique, this paper indicated that CF reduces the pollutants' concentrations in effluents. Using OLS regression models, we found out that manure separation contributes to a reduction in nutrient matters, while biogas plant or combination of biogas plant and stabilization ponds helps to diminish organic matters. The study results suggest that the government should regulate the minimum required land area for installation of the combined manure treatment plants (MTPs). Additionally, to recycle manure and improve nutrient matters in effluent, advanced technologies for separating solid manure are extremely necessary for CF producers. Furthermore, we recommend the government to build mechanisms to compel agribusiness firms engaging in their liability for the environmental side effects caused by their CF producers..
13. 野村久子, 稲村次郎, "大学側にとっての JICA 開発大学院連携・留学生事業の意義と課題, 農学国際協力, info:doi/10.18999/jouica.18.56, 18, 56-60, 2020.03, [URL], 本稿では、2018年度に開始した九州大学の開発大学院連携プログラム体制及び実施体制、そして履修の全体像を報告したのち、留学生事業とJICA開発大学院を行うことの大学側にとっての連携の意義と課題を挙げた。JICA開発大学院を行う意義として、日本の現場あるいは日本の体験について体系的に学ぶ場を提供できることを指摘した。そして、座学と実施見学を通じて実問題を題材に体系的に学ぶことにより日本-留学生母国の国際協力のベクトルを共有する留学生を育成できるメリットがある。また、日本人と外国人学生のクラスシェアを通じ活性ある学びなどを取り入れるなど工夫次第で、日本の発展の歴史を理解し、英語により広く内外に説明できる日本人学生のグローバル人材育成や、地元の課題解決につなげる地方創生にも寄与すると考えられる。課題としては、成果を有機的につなげていくためにも長期的な視点での評価を行う見当が必要である。.
14. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Cao Truong Son, Takeru Kusudo, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Manure management and pollution levels of contract and non-contract livestock farming in Vietnam, Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136200, 710, 136200-136200, 2020.03, In analyzing contract farming of livestock production, many studies have focused on the economic aspect. This paper offers the environmental issue by investigating manure management and pollution levels of contract farming (CF) and non-contract farming (NCF) livestock producers in Vietnam. By surveying 270 pig farms and applying logit model, we found that commercial pigpen type of CF reduces the probability of manure separation, while larger garden area and knowledge of composting increase it. By analyzing the wastewater samples collected from 59 farms and employing nearest neighbor matching technique, this paper indicated that CF reduces the pollutants' concentrations in effluents. Using OLS regression models, we found out that manure separation contributes to a reduction in nutrient matters, while biogas plant or combination of biogas plant and stabilization ponds helps to diminish organic matters. The study results suggest that the government should regulate the minimum required land area for installation of the combined manure treatment plants (MTPs). Additionally, to recycle manure and improve nutrient matters in effluent, advanced technologies for separating solid manure are extremely necessary for CF producers. Furthermore, we recommend the government to build mechanisms to compel agribusiness firms engaging in their liability for the environmental side effects caused by their CF producers..
15. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hisako Nomura, Gender differences in the adoption of agricultural technology
The case of improved maize varieties in southern Ethiopia, Women's Studies International Forum, 10.1016/j.wsif.2019.102264, 76, 2019.09, [URL], This study explores the role of gender-based decision-making in the adoption of improved maize varieties. The primary data were collected in 2018 from 560 farm households in Dawuro Zone, Ethiopia, and were comparatively analyzed across gender categories of households: male decision-making, female decision-making and joint decision-making, using a double-hurdle model. The results show that the intensity of improved maize varieties adopted on plots managed by male, female, and joint decision-making households are significantly different. This effect diminishes in the model when we take other factors into account. Using the gender of the heads of households and agricultural decision-maker, the current study did not find significant evidence of gender difference in the rate and intensity of adoption of improved maize varieties. The intensity of adoption of improved maize varieties is lower for female-headed households where decisions are made jointly by men and women, compared to the male-headed households where decisions are made jointly. As the economic status is a key driver of adoption of improved maize varieties, it is recommended that the policies and programs that aim at developing and disseminating quality maize seeds in southern Ethiopia should emphatically support economically less endowed but more gender egalitarian joint decision-making households, especially female-headed ones..
16. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hisako Nomura, Gender differences in the adoption of agricultural technology: The case of improved maize varieties in southern Ethiopia, Women's Studies International Forum, 10.1016/j.wsif.2019.102264, 76, 2019.09, This study explores the role of gender-based decision-making in the adoption of improved maize varieties. The primary data were collected in 2018 from 560 farm households in Dawuro Zone, Ethiopia, and were comparatively analyzed across gender categories of households: male decision-making, female decision-making and joint decision-making, using a double-hurdle model. The results show that the intensity of improved maize varieties adopted on plots managed by male, female, and joint decision-making households are significantly different. This effect diminishes in the model when we take other factors into account. Using the gender of the heads of households and agricultural decision-maker, the current study did not find significant evidence of gender difference in the rate and intensity of adoption of improved maize varieties. The intensity of adoption of improved maize varieties is lower for female-headed households where decisions are made jointly by men and women, compared to the male-headed households where decisions are made jointly. As the economic status is a key driver of adoption of improved maize varieties, it is recommended that the policies and programs that aim at developing and disseminating quality maize seeds in southern Ethiopia should emphatically support economically less endowed but more gender egalitarian joint decision-making households, especially female-headed ones..
17. 黒川 哲治, 矢部 光保, 野村 久子, 高橋 義文, 認定地からの距離と生物多様性認証が贈答品の消費者評価に及ぼす影響:―世界農業遺産・静岡の茶草場農法を事例に―, 農林業問題研究, 10.7310/arfe.55.81, 55, 2, 81-88, 2019.03,

The purpose of this study is to analyze consumer valuation of green tea leaves produced through Chagusaba farming in Shizuoka, which is certified as Globally Integrated Important Agricultural Systems (GIAHS). A choice experiment was conducted to determine the effect of GIAHS certification on consumer valuation of green tea leaves for personal use and for gifting purposes. The results are twofold: first, GIAHS certification can enhance consumer valuation of green tea leaves as a gift item, but not when purchased for personal use; and second, the levels of Chagusaba farming that consumers highly evaluated vary across regions. Therefore, imprinting the GIAHS certi­fication mark on a package of green tea leaves meant for gifting purposes is an effective way to promote its sale when produced through Chagusaba farming in Shizuoka.

18. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Modeling home composting behavior toward sustainable municipal organic waste management at the source in developing countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.08.016, 140, 65-71, 2019.01, [URL], Home composting (HC) has become an increasingly important consideration in the framework of sustainable municipal organic waste (MOW) management in developing countries. We develop, for the first time, two HC behavior models, which include households’ decisions to participate in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation. By applying Logit and Ordered logit models, a survey of 202 respondents in rural areas of Hoi An, Vietnam, indicates that households’ decisions to get involved in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation are affected by motivational factors such as knowledge about HC, attitude toward it, and owning a garden. We then explore the differences between the influencing factors for the two models. Interestingly, while participation in the HC training program influence the decision to participate in the HC scheme, the factor appears unimportant in increasing the level of HC practice. In addition, once the HC participation decision has been made, we find that pro-environmental behavior (such as habit of reusing plastic bags and reducing wastefulness) could promote a higher level of HC practice. These findings could help policy makers in promoting HC behavior to enhance a sustainable MOW management strategy at the household level..
19. 野村久子, フィールドにおけるRCT実験研究の動向と国内農林業問題への応用, 農林業問題研究, https://doi.org/10.7310/arfe.55.13, 55, 1, 13-20, 2019.01, [URL].
20. Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Yuichiro Amekawa, Hisako Nomura, Gender differences in agricultural productivity
evidence from maize farm households in southern Ethiopia, GeoJournal, 10.1007/s10708-019-10098-y, 2019.01, [URL], This study examines the impact of gender differences on maize productivity in Dawuro Zone, southern Ethiopia. Our study addressed the limitations of the previous studies in two ways. First, the study separately assessed gender differences in productivity between de facto female-headed households and de jure female-headed households and revealed that female-headed households are not homogenous. Second, the study separately examined the impacts of the covariates on male-headed households and female-headed households using an exogenous switching treatment effect model. We find the existence of gender differences in maize productivity between male-headed households and female-headed households. The maize productivity of male-headed households was overall 44.3% higher than that of female-headed households. However, if female-headed households received the same return on their resources as male-headed households, their productivity would increase by 42.3%. This suggests agricultural policy should target female-headed households to help reduce the productivity gap between male-headed households and female-headed households. Finally, the distributions of the gender differentials between male-headed households and female-headed households are more pronounced at mid-levels of productivity..
21. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Modeling home composting behavior toward sustainable municipal organic waste management at the source in developing countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.08.016, 140, 65-71, 2019.01, Home composting (HC) has become an increasingly important consideration in the framework of sustainable municipal organic waste (MOW) management in developing countries. We develop, for the first time, two HC behavior models, which include households’ decisions to participate in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation. By applying Logit and Ordered logit models, a survey of 202 respondents in rural areas of Hoi An, Vietnam, indicates that households’ decisions to get involved in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation are affected by motivational factors such as knowledge about HC, attitude toward it, and owning a garden. We then explore the differences between the influencing factors for the two models. Interestingly, while participation in the HC training program influence the decision to participate in the HC scheme, the factor appears unimportant in increasing the level of HC practice. In addition, once the HC participation decision has been made, we find that pro-environmental behavior (such as habit of reusing plastic bags and reducing wastefulness) could promote a higher level of HC practice. These findings could help policy makers in promoting HC behavior to enhance a sustainable MOW management strategy at the household level..
22. 野村久子, フィールドにおけるRCT実験研究の動向と国内農林業問題への応用, 農林業問題研究(Web), 55, 1, 2019.01.
23. Heru Susilo, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, The Adoption of Silvofishery System to Restore Mangrove Ecosystems and Its Impact on Farmers' Income in Mahakam Delta, Indonesia, JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, 63, 2, 433-442, 2018.09, To solve a severe issue on mangrove loss and to maintain farmer livelihood in Mahakam Delta, the silvofishery system adopted by farmers have been signed into the design and implementation of recovery management strategies for mangrove ecosystems of Indonesia. Previous studies show that the silvofishery system positively impacts the livelihood of coastal communities. This study evaluates the factors that affect farmers' decision to adopt the silvofishery system in the Mahakam Delta and investigates the causal impact of adoption to their income. Cross-section analysis of 284 farmers through face-to-face interviews from two sub-districts within the Mahakam Delta was used. A logit model to analyze the adoption determinant and the propensity score matching technique to determine the causal impact of the silvofishery system on farmers' income. A prominent feature of the study shows that in socio-economic characteristics, family size and residence status are key determinants of farmers' decision to adopt silvofishery. Also, social capital, the current mangrove condition and recognition of benefits from mangroves as nursery ground have a robust and significant positive impact on farmers' decision. The average treatment effect for the treated (ATT) after matching using single and five nearest neighbor matching (NNM) with replacement and common support displays a positive impact of silvofishery on annual income per hectare of farmers. This study demonstrates that focus on community involvement coupled with information dissemination, education, and communication about the importance of mangroves and the silvofishery system application in the Mahakam Delta mangrove ecosystem..
24. 野村久子, 馬場多聞, 高須啓志, 伊藤香純, 夏秋啓子, 鵜家綾香, 関原明, 徳永浩樹, 石谷学, ベトナム,カンボジア,タイにおけるキャッサバの侵入病害虫対策に基づく持続的生産システムの開発と普及(2016-2021年)について, 砂糖類・でん粉情報, 68, 61-67, 2018.05.
25. Hisako Nomura, Nguyen Bich Hong, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Effective use and management of Kunisaki Peninsula Usa GIAHS long trail-A sustainable tourism model leading to regional development, Sustainability, 10.3390/su10020497, 10, 2, 2018.02, [URL], Despite increasing recognition of the importance of maintaining environmental public goods such as rural landscapes and their ecological systems, it remains challenging to implement a management system where the value of maintaining such public goods is reflected by a means of a support payment. We proposed a tourism model for the regional promotion of footpaths as the main axis in the "Agri-culture System" designated as part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Applying a Contingent Valuation Method, we asked walkers how much they were willing to contribute to various GIAHS-related activities through volunteering in addition to the participation fee for the walk. We hypothesized that the diverse means and activities to support conservation would contribute to sustainable management of GIAHS. The research findings showed that walkers had options to choose which activity to support. For track maintenance, WTCL in volunteering is 4.23 days a year. In the case of walkers who had no options, their Willingness to Contribute in Labor (WTCL) by volunteering is 3.34 days a year. To link the regional resources used for tourism with GIAHS require their effective management and conservation. Thus, it is desirable to formulate a combined approach such as payments by users of the trails and contributions through volunteer activities..
26. Sein Mar, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Kazuo Ogata, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impact of erratic rainfall from climate change on pulse production efficiency in Lower Myanmar, Sustainability, 10.3390/su10020402, 10, 2, 2018.02, [URL], Erratic rainfall has a detrimental impact on crop productivity but rainfall during the specific growth stage is rarely used in efficiency analysis. This study focuses on this untapped point and examines the influence of rainfall specifically encountered during the sowing stage and early vegetative growth stage and the flowering stage of pulses on productivity and efficiency in Lower Myanmar using data from 182 sample farmers. The results of a stochastic frontier production function reveal that rainfall incidence during the flowering season of pulses has a negatively significant effect on yield while replanting crops after serious damage by rain increases productivity. Controlled rainfall variables, seed rate, human labor and land preparation cost are important parameters influencing pulses yield. In the efficiency model, levels of yield loss have a negative impact while being a male household head, access to government credit, access to training, locating farms in the Bago Region and possessing a large area of pulses have a positively significant effect on technical efficiency. Policy recommendations include the establishment of a safety network, such as crop insurance to protect farmers from losses due to unpredictable weather conditions, promoting training programs on cultural practices adapted to climate change, wide coverage of extension activities, giving priority to small-scale farmers and female farmer participation in training and extension activities and increasing the rate of credit availability to farmers..
27. Hisako Nomura, Nguyen Bich Hong, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Effective use and management of Kunisaki Peninsula Usa GIAHS long trail-A sustainable tourism model leading to regional development, Sustainability (Switzerland), 10.3390/su10020497, 10, 2, 2018.02, Despite increasing recognition of the importance of maintaining environmental public goods such as rural landscapes and their ecological systems, it remains challenging to implement a management system where the value of maintaining such public goods is reflected by a means of a support payment. We proposed a tourism model for the regional promotion of footpaths as the main axis in the "Agri-culture System" designated as part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Applying a Contingent Valuation Method, we asked walkers how much they were willing to contribute to various GIAHS-related activities through volunteering in addition to the participation fee for the walk. We hypothesized that the diverse means and activities to support conservation would contribute to sustainable management of GIAHS. The research findings showed that walkers had options to choose which activity to support. For track maintenance, WTC in volunteering is 4.23 days a year. In the case of walkers who had no options, their Willingness to Contribute in Labor (WTC ) by volunteering is 3.34 days a year. To link the regional resources used for tourism with GIAHS require their effective management and conservation. Thus, it is desirable to formulate a combined approach such as payments by users of the trails and contributions through volunteer activities. L L.
28. Sein Mar, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Kazuo Ogata, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impact of erratic rainfall from climate change on pulse production efficiency in Lower Myanmar, Sustainability (Switzerland), 10.3390/su10020402, 10, 2, 2018.02, Erratic rainfall has a detrimental impact on crop productivity but rainfall during the specific growth stage is rarely used in efficiency analysis. This study focuses on this untapped point and examines the influence of rainfall specifically encountered during the sowing stage and early vegetative growth stage and the flowering stage of pulses on productivity and efficiency in Lower Myanmar using data from 182 sample farmers. The results of a stochastic frontier production function reveal that rainfall incidence during the flowering season of pulses has a negatively significant effect on yield while replanting crops after serious damage by rain increases productivity. Controlled rainfall variables, seed rate, human labor and land preparation cost are important parameters influencing pulses yield. In the efficiency model, levels of yield loss have a negative impact while being a male household head, access to government credit, access to training, locating farms in the Bago Region and possessing a large area of pulses have a positively significant effect on technical efficiency. Policy recommendations include the establishment of a safety network, such as crop insurance to protect farmers from losses due to unpredictable weather conditions, promoting training programs on cultural practices adapted to climate change, wide coverage of extension activities, giving priority to small-scale farmers and female farmer participation in training and extension activities and increasing the rate of credit availability to farmers..
29. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam: a structural equation modeling approach, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 10.1007/s10163-017-0587-3, 19, 3, 1052-1060, 2017.07, Most recent municipal organic waste-separation at source (MOW-SAS) programs that have been introduced in developing countries remain pilot programs, but have not fully developed into sustainable municipal solid-waste management strategies. The city of Hoi An, Vietnam, implemented a mandatory MOW-SAS program in 2012. Using Structural Equation Modeling, this study investigates the psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward the MOW-SAS program. This study finds that moral norm (moral perception of what is good or bad), attitude toward sorted waste, and situational factors (issues concerning physically sorting garbage, such as time, space, and lack of family cooperation) can significantly affect household behaviors toward MOW-SAS. It confirms the need for supplying frequent environmental educational campaigns and highlighting the benefits of MOW-SAS programs. Moreover, the study finds that households’ system trust in local authority concerning the MOW-SAS program is an important driving force behind the behavior. Therefore, recommendation is also made on the need to develop strong leadership in local authorities through improving: (1) reliability (ability to effectively treat sorted waste), (2) legitimacy (punitive measures for non-participants), and (3) effectiveness (dissemination of information about the benefits of MOW-SAS programs) for promoting MOW-SAS..
30. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam: a structural equation modeling approach, SPECIAL FEATURE: ORIGINAL ARTICLE 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference (3rd 3RINCs 2016), 10.1007/s10163-017-0587-3, 1-9, 2017.02, Most recent municipal organic waste separation at source (MOW-SAS) programs introduced in developing countries remain pilot programs, and do not develop fully into sustainable municipal solid waste (MSW) management strategies. Hoi An city, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam, implemented a mandatory MOW-SAS program in 2012. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this study investigates the psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward the MOW-SAS program. This study find that attitude towards sorted waste, moral norm (moral perception about what is good or bad), and situational factors (the issues of physically sorting garbage such as time, space, and lack of cooperation from family members) can affect significantly the households’ behaviors toward MOW-SAS. Moreover, we find that the households’ system trust in the local authority towards the MOW-SAS program is a driving force behind the behavior. The lessons learnt from the local authority in Hoi An city that it concentrates on 1) supplying frequent environmental education and campaign to improve the residents’ knowledge and skills of MOW-SAS program, and 2) developing strong leadership of the local authority through enhancing: (i) reliability (ability to treat sorted waste), (ii) legitimacy (punishment methods for non-participants), and (iii) effectiveness (dissemination of information about the benefits of MOW-SAS program)..
31. 野村久子, HUANG Jiayan, 高橋義文, 矢部光保, 民間の支援手法による環境保全の検討 秋吉台草原の維持・継承のための方策, 農村計画学会誌, 10.2750/arp.35.213, 35, 0, 213-218, 2016.11, 本研究では,秋吉台保全基金に関する仮想的な状況を想定してアンケート調査を行い,1)保全基金に対する支払意思額に影響を与える要因を明らかにした上で,2)秋吉台を維持・継承するための方策を検討した。第1に,保全基金に対する支払意思額に影響を与える要因として,経済的にゆとりがあり,草原の草は緑肥に使用されていることを知っているなど草原について基礎知識のある人,カルストウォーク以外の目的でも秋吉台を訪問したいなど多様な価値を見いだすことに意欲的な人,そして保全のためのボランティアに参加してもよいと思っている人ほど,草原減少は回避できると思っている人ほど,支払意思が高いことが分かった。第2に,今後,秋吉台を維持・継承するための方策を検討した。特に,草刈や草原学習を維持し,さらに活動を発展させていくためには,これらの活動を担う人々の育成や各種の活動のための資金が必要となってくる。そこで,推計された平均WTPに対し,各有意変数を用いて,現状を改善した場合の期待される寄付金額を示した。そして,現状を改善することで,必要経費に対する充足率は現状の99%からさらに改善される一方で,安定した参加者人数確保の重要性も認識できた。このような分析結果から,保全活動と募金活動を強化するためには,草原の存在価値や多様なボランティア活動に関する継続的な情報発信,取組みやすいボランティア活動のメニューの開発,ボランティア活動参加の呼びかけなどが重要と考えられる。そして,現実的な保全対策の提示やその成果の公表,保全活動の強化は,正のスパイラルをもって,秋吉台の保全活動の進展に寄与することが明らかになった。また,公共財である国立公園や国定公園のフットパス上で行われるイベントを対象として募金を募ることで草原保全に不可欠の草刈り活動の経費の幾ばくかでも捻出できる実現可能性を示すことが出来たことは,今後の具体的な保全活動の第一歩となる。と同時に,将来的に行政と一般市民が共同して保全活動を支援する新しい形での,民間参加型保全活動を資することが示された。.
32. Yalin Yuan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Model of Chinese household kitchen waste separation behavior: A case study in Beijing City, Sustainability (Switzerland), 10.3390/su8101083, 8, 10, 2016.10, High participation rates by the public in authority projects are key in increasing resident recycling levels. Understanding waste separation behavior is crucial to achieving sustainable waste management within such household-based schemes. To identify the driving forces behind the seldom-discussed kitchen garbage separation behavior, five psychological factors, namely, attitude, perceived behavior control, subjective norms, moral norms, and responsibility denial, are established. Our data originate from a social study of Beijing citizens conducted in July 2013 (n = 362). Through structural equation modeling, we find that moral norms are consistently the most important predictor of household kitchen waste (KW) separation behavior. Subjective norms have a larger effect on such behavior than responsibility denial. Data analysis shows that perceived behavior control contributes significantly and independently to the explanation of such behavior. By contrast, attitude towards KW separation is found to be significantly negatively correlated with separation behavior. In conclusion, the model with direct and indirect effects of psychological factors explains 50.3% of the variance in household KW source separation behavior. Implications of the results for the promotion of household KW separation programs are discussed..
33. Yalin Yuan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Model of Household Kitchen Waste Separation Behavior, Sustainability, 10.3390/su8101083, 1083, 2016.08, High participation rates by the public in authority projects are key in increasing resident recycling levels. Understanding waste separation behavior is crucial to achieving sustainable waste management within such household-based schemes. To identify the driving forces behind the seldom-discussed kitchen garbage separation behavior, five psychological factors, namely, attitude, perceived behavior control, subjective norms, moral norms, and responsibility denial, are established.

Our data originate from a social study of Beijing citizens conducted in July 2013 (n = 362). Through structural equation modeling, we find that moral norms are consistently the most important predictor of household kitchen waste (KW) separation behavior. Subjective norms have a larger effect on such behavior than responsibility denial. Data analysis shows that perceived behavior control contributes significantly and independently to the explanation of such behavior. By contrast, attitude towards KW
separation is found to be significantly negatively correlated with separation behavior. In conclusion, the model with direct and indirect effects of psychological factors explains 50.3% of the variance in household KW source separation behavior. Implications of the results for the promotion of household KW separation programs are discussed..
34. Jonathan P. Guevarra, Eleanor C. Castillo, Nina G. Gloriani, Maridel P. Borja, Hisako Nomura, Shin ichi Yoshida, Maribel G. Oidem, Sofia Lemuelle C. Capistrano, Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, Capability of nurses on the prevention and control of leptospirosis in Manila, Philippines, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 47, 4, 787-798, 2016.07, This study described the nurses’ current knowledge and perceived relevance and capability in performing skills related to the prevention and control of leptospirosis in the City of Manila, Philippines, utilizing cross-sectional descriptive design. A total of 103 nurses working at the barangay health centers participated in the study. The results showed that nurses had a mean score of 72% in the knowledge part of the assessment, indicating good knowledge on leptospirosis and high-perceived relevance and capability in the performance of the skills except in the collection of samples from contaminated environments. The nurses’ perceived capability to perform the skills is slightly lower than the perceived relevance of the skills. An educational program reorienting the nurses on leptospirosis control and treatment guidelines particularly the administration of antibiotic prophylaxis, and a training program in collecting environmental samples is recommended to address the nurses’ low perceived capability in these particular areas..
35. Joseph Arbiol, Pedcris M. Orencio, November Romena, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Knowledge, attitude and practices towards leptospirosis among lakeshore communities of Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, Agriculture (Switzerland), 10.3390/agriculture6020018, 6, 2, 2016.06, Leptospirosis is a serious and potentially fatal zoonotic disease, but often neglected owing to lack of awareness. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning leptospirosis among agricultural (n = 152) and non-agricultural (n = 115) workers in the lakeshore communities of Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The findings showed no significant differences for the knowledge and attitude scores between agricultural and non-agricultural workers. However, agricultural workers had significantly lower prevention practice scores than non-agricultural workers. The ordinary least squares regression model identified gender, use of broadcast media as a source of health information, and knowledge and attitudes about leptospirosis as significant predictors of prevention practices common to both workers. Higher educational attainment was significantly associated with prevention practices among agricultural workers, while higher age and income level were significantly associated with prevention practices among non-agricultural workers. Public health interventions to improve leptospirosis knowledge and prevention practices should include health education and promotion programs, along with the strengthening of occupational health and safety programs in the agricultural sector..
36. Joseph Arbiol, Pedcris M. Orencio, November Romena, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Towards Leptospirosis Among Lakeshore Communities of Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, Agriculture, 10.3390/agriculture6020018, 6, 2, 2016.05, This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning leptospirosis among agricultural (n = 152) and non-agricultural (n = 115) workers in the lakeshore communities of Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines..
37. Makoto Ehara, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Hisako Nomura, Toshiya Matsuura, Heng Sokh, Chivin Leng, Identifying characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product collections
Case study in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia, Land Use Policy, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.12.006, 52, 92-102, 2016.03, [URL], This study explored characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product (NTFP) collections in Kampong Thom Province, Kingdom of Cambodia, where tropical lowland forests are decreasing in size owing mainly to agribusiness development and farming. Deforested areas were delineated by satellite image interpretation of forest cover change. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 161 households in six villages within three districts having varying degrees of forest cover changes per capita over a period of 5 years. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and NTFP collections. The characteristics vary with the collection activity examined, either fuelwood or NTFP collection. We revealed that deforestation notably affects villagers whose non-forest fuelwood sources are scarce. People who collected fuelwood in forests after deforestation are more likely to be affected if the remaining forest area per capita near their village is less. In contrast, for NTFP collection, the size of the deforested area per capita near villages is more important than that of the remaining forest area, particularly to those who depend on NTFP collection as one of their main livelihood activities before deforestation. In contrast with much of the literature that has stated that the poor depend more on NTFPs, our results show that the relationship between household wealth and NTFP dependence was more than a simple negative correlation; i.e., the local people's material wealth was not a strong determinant in our NTFP model. The importance of stakeholder analysis and consultation with local residents in impact assessments and natural resource management involving land-use changes has been progressively acknowledged in the academic literature. In this context, we argue that it is essential to identify potentially affected groups among local residents in terms of their fuelwood and NTFP collections in a short-term period widely distributed at the provincial level. The combination of our findings, method applied and existing demographic survey networks in Cambodia provides an approach of identifying the affected residents in a transparent manner..
38. Makoto Ehara, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Hisako Nomura, Toshiya Matsuura, Heng Sokh, Chivin Leng, Identifying characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product collections: Case study in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia, Land Use Policy, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.12.006, 52, 92-102, 2016.03, This study explored characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product (NTFP) collections in Kampong Thom Province, Kingdom of Cambodia, where tropical lowland forests are decreasing in size owing mainly to agribusiness development and farming. Deforested areas were delineated by satellite image interpretation of forest cover change. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 161 households in six villages within three districts having varying degrees of forest cover changes per capita over a period of 5 years. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and NTFP collections. The characteristics vary with the collection activity examined, either fuelwood or NTFP collection. We revealed that deforestation notably affects villagers whose non-forest fuelwood sources are scarce. People who collected fuelwood in forests after deforestation are more likely to be affected if the remaining forest area per capita near their village is less. In contrast, for NTFP collection, the size of the deforested area per capita near villages is more important than that of the remaining forest area, particularly to those who depend on NTFP collection as one of their main livelihood activities before deforestation. In contrast with much of the literature that has stated that the poor depend more on NTFPs, our results show that the relationship between household wealth and NTFP dependence was more than a simple negative correlation; i.e., the local people's material wealth was not a strong determinant in our NTFP model. The importance of stakeholder analysis and consultation with local residents in impact assessments and natural resource management involving land-use changes has been progressively acknowledged in the academic literature. In this context, we argue that it is essential to identify potentially affected groups among local residents in terms of their fuelwood and NTFP collections in a short-term period widely distributed at the provincial level. The combination of our findings, method applied and existing demographic survey networks in Cambodia provides an approach of identifying the affected residents in a transparent manner..
39. Hisako Nomura, Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, 有機性廃棄物のリサイクル普及効果分析
ランダム化対照試行を用いたバイオマス循環システム支援方策の政策的含意, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 10.15017/1564079, 71, 1, 9-19, 2016.02, [URL], 食品由来の有機性廃棄物のリサイクルを普及を促すための施策効果をランダム化対照試行を用いた実証実験を行った. 道レベルの有機 性廃棄物リサイクル普及率を各世帯へのフィードバックとしてポストカードで世帯に送付することで, 同じ「道」に住む世帯で, 規範が活性化して帰属意識を刺 激し, 集団間の対抗意識ならびに集団内のリサイクリング協同意識が高まることが制度普及へ与える効果検証を行った. その結果, 地域の社会経済水準が参加に 与える影響があり, また, 帰属意識は, 「道」の長さが影響していること, 道のリサイクリング率をフィードバックとしたカードが与える正の普及効果があり, 政策誘導施策として有効であることが示された.A Randomised Control Trial (RCT) asked whether the use of tailored feedback could be used to encourage participation in a kerbside food waste recycling scheme in Oldham, Greater Manchester. The rationale for the trial was that most people underestimate the extent to which their peers engage in pro-social behaviour and compare their own behaviour to these under-estimates. We randomly assigned 318 streets to a treatment and control group. Households in the treatment group were sent two postcards that provided feedback on how their street performed on food waste recycling compared to the average for their neighbourhood. Participation in the food waste scheme was measured for all households on three occasions:at baseline, and after the receipt of the first and second feedback cards. We estimated the effect of our treatment using cross-classified multilevel logistic regression models, controlling for baseline, street size and the interaction of treatment and baseline. Normative feedback can have a positive impact on participation but the impact is small. The impact was greater on streets that were small (with between 8 and 30 households) and where the baseline was low. We also estimated that with the feedback postcard nudge, we can reduce food waste which can contribute 5,332 pounds worth less of food waste in the area. From the trials, feedback had the positive cumulative effect on the participation rate..
40. Jonathan P. Guevarra, Eleanor C. Castillo, Nina G. Gloriani, Maridel P. Borja, Hisako Nomura, Shin ichi Yoshida, Maribel G. Oidem, Sofia Lemuelle C. Capistrano, Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, Capability of nurses on the prevention and control of leptospirosis in Manila, Philippines, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 47, 4, 787-798, 2016.01, This study described the nurses’ current knowledge and perceived relevance and capability in performing skills related to the prevention and control of leptospirosis in the City of Manila, Philippines, utilizing cross-sectional descriptive design. A total of 103 nurses working at the barangay health centers participated in the study. The results showed that nurses had a mean score of 72% in the knowledge part of the assessment, indicating good knowledge on leptospirosis and high-perceived relevance and capability in the performance of the skills except in the collection of samples from contaminated environments. The nurses’ perceived capability to perform the skills is slightly lower than the perceived relevance of the skills. An educational program reorienting the nurses on leptospirosis control and treatment guidelines particularly the administration of antibiotic prophylaxis, and a training program in collecting environmental samples is recommended to address the nurses’ low perceived capability in these particular areas..
41. 野村久子, COTTERILL Sarah, COTTERILL Sarah, JOHN Peter, JOHN Peter, 有機性廃棄物のリサイクル普及効果分析-ランダム化対照試行を用いたバイオマス循環システム支援方策の政策的含意-, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 10.15017/1564079, 71, 1, 9-19, 2015.11, 食品由来の有機性廃棄物のリサイクルを普及を促すための施策効果をランダム化対照試行を用いた実証実験を行った。道レベルの有機性廃棄物リサイクル普及率を各世帯へのフィードバックとしてポストカードで世帯に送付することで,同じ「道」に住む世帯で,規範が活性化して帰属意識を刺激し,集団間の対抗意識ならびに集団内のリサイクリング協同意識が高まることが制度普及へ与える効果検証を行った。その結果,地域の社会経済水準が参加に与える影響があり,また,帰属意識は,「道」の長さが影響していること,道のリサイクリング率をフィードバックとしたカードが与える正の普及効果があり,政策誘導施策として有効であることが示された。.
42. 江原 誠, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Hisako Nomura, 松浦 俊也, 森林減少・劣化の影響を受けやすい住民の特徴の6村間比較
カンボジアでの薪炭材・非木材林産物採取の事例, 林業経済研究, 61, 3, 24-34, 2015.11, Cambodian residents in rural areas often depend on forests for their livelihoods, particularly for collecting fuelwood and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). However, many forests are being diminished because of timber extraction and conversion to agricultural lands. Our objective was to identify the characteristics, in terms of fuelwood and NTFP collecting, of households that were prone to be affected by deforestation and forest degradation within the last 5 years. We performed a comparative analysis of six sample villages across three districts in Kampong Thom Province. Using satellite image analysis and a household questionnaire, we found that households were affected differently depending on fuelwood availability around their villages. Households that were notably affected by deforestation and forest degradation were those that could not continue collecting NTFPs as one of their main livelihood activities because forest conversion occurred within a 10-km radius of their village and/or because of selective cutting of trees that provide NTFPs such as resin and fruit. These findings and assessment methods are useful for provincial land use planning and environmental and social assessments of the impact of large-scale development on rural residents..
43. Fan Yue, Joseph Arbiol, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Organic Milk among Urban Consumers in Dalian, China, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60, 2, 501-510, 2015.09, This paper aims to assess the preferences and willingness–to–pay for organic milk attributes among Chinese consumers. A discrete choice experiment was used to elicit preferences for organic milk attributes from 181 consumers regarding the importance of five organic milk attributes: organic feeding, animal welfare concerns, chemical– concerns, certification and price. The random parameters logit (RPL) model was used to determine preference heterogeneity among respondents. The derived coefficients of the RPL model was used to estimate the implicit price of the milk attribute, and the respondent's willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes. The willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes was estimated at 3.190 Yuan per 250 ml of milk. Respondents preferred milk that comes from organically–fed cattle, with certification label and with a lower price. Respondents' preferences for animal welfare attribute exhibited age and education specific differences. The negative effect of price on consumers' preferences can be offset by targeting older, highly–educated and male consumers and by increasing consumer awareness about organic milk..
44. Fan Yue, Joseph Arbiol, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Preferences and willingness to pay for organic milk among urban consumers in Dalian, China, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60, 2, 501-509, 2015.09, This paper aims to assess the preferences and willingness-tc-pay for organic milk attributes among Chinese consumers. A discrete choice experiment was used to elicit preferences for organic milk attributes from 181 consumers regarding the importance of five organic milk attributes: organic feeding, animal welfare concerns, chemical-concerns, certification and price. The random parameters logit (RPL) model was used to determine preference heterogeneity among respondents. The derived coefficients of the RPL model was used to estimate the implicit price of the milk attribute, and the respondent's willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes. The willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes was estimated at 3.190 Yuan per 250 ml of milk. Respondents preferred milk that comes from organically-fed cattle, with certification label and with a lower price. Respondents' preferences for animal welfare attribute exhibited age and education specific differences. The negative effect of price on consumers' preferences can be offset by targeting older, highly-educated and male consumers and by increasing consumer awareness about organic milk..
45. Fan Yue, Joseph Arbiol, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Preferences and willingness to pay for organic milk among urban consumers in Dalian, China, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60, 2, 501-509, 2015.09, This paper aims to assess the preferences and willingness-tc-pay for organic milk attributes among Chinese consumers. A discrete choice experiment was used to elicit preferences for organic milk attributes from 181 consumers regarding the importance of five organic milk attributes: organic feeding, animal welfare concerns, chemical-concerns, certification and price. The random parameters logit (RPL) model was used to determine preference heterogeneity among respondents. The derived coefficients of the RPL model was used to estimate the implicit price of the milk attribute, and the respondent's willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes. The willingness to pay for combined features of milk attributes was estimated at 3.190 Yuan per 250 ml of milk. Respondents preferred milk that comes from organically-fed cattle, with certification label and with a lower price. Respondents' preferences for animal welfare attribute exhibited age and education specific differences. The negative effect of price on consumers' preferences can be offset by targeting older, highly-educated and male consumers and by increasing consumer awareness about organic milk..
46. Phouthivong Khamsay, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Economic Valuation of River Conservation towards International Tourists’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Ecofriendly Services of Hotel Industry: A Case Study of Namxong River in Vangvien, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 10.4236/jwarp.2015.712074, 7, 897-908, 2015.08, Using choice experiment, the objective of this study is to estimate international tourists’ preferences and willingness to pay for ecofriendly services which related to river and natural environment conservation of hotel industry in Vangvieng..
47. TRAN, Duyen Thi Thu, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Tourists’ Preferences toward Ecotourism Development and Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation in Protected Areas of Vietnam - The Case of Phu My Protected Area,', Journal of Agricultural Scienc, 7, 8, 81-89, 2015.07.
48. Joseph Arbiol, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Maridel Borja, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Using discrete choice modeling to evaluate the preferences and willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine., Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 10.1080/21645515.2015.1010901, 11, 4, 1046-56, 2015.05, Leptospirosis is highly endemic in the Philippines and a serious concern to public health. Local research on candidate vaccine is moving through the development pipeline. The availability of vaccines alone does not guarantee acceptance because individuals' vaccination choice decision is influenced by several factors. This study assessed how vaccine attributes and socio-demographic factors affect the acceptability of leptospirosis vaccine; and estimated individuals' willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine. A discrete choice experiment was conducted among leptospirosis and non-leptospirosis case respondents (n = 342) living in Metro Manila. Random Parameters Logit model was used to estimate the relative importance of vaccine attributes and socio-demographic variables on respondents' leptospirosis vaccination choice decision. The estimated model coefficients were used to derive implicit prices and willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine. Both case respondents preferred leptospirosis vaccine with 70-100% efficacy, mild to moderate risk of side-effects, given in a single shot, and at a lower price. Non-leptospirosis case respondents preferred a vaccine with 7 to 10 y of protection, while leptospirosis case respondents preferred a vaccine with 10 y protection. The probability of leptospirosis vaccination acceptance was affected by respondents' age, education, family size and income, proximity of home to rivers and sewers, and leptospirosis awareness level. Respondents' willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine (US$ 31.14-US$ 65.89) was higher than the Japanese retail price (US$ 21.60-US$ 24.00). Our findings indicated significant potential for introducing leptospirosis vaccine in the Philippine vaccine market. Delivery strategies to ensure equitable access to future leptospirosis vaccine are recommended..
49. Joseph Arbiol, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Using discrete choice modeling to evaluate the preferences and willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine, HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS, 10.1080/21645515.2015.1010901, 11, 4, 1046-1056, 2015.04.
50. Joseph Arbiol, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Maridel Borja, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Using discrete choice modeling to evaluate the preferences and willingness to pay for leptospirosis vaccine, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 10.1080/21645515.2015.1010901, 11, 4, 1046-1056, 2015.04.
51. 江原 誠, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Hisako Nomura, 松浦 俊也, Heng Sokh, Chivin Leng, 薪炭材と非木材林産物を採取する住民への熱帯林減少の影響分析:カンボジア・コンポントム州の事例, 日本森林学会大会発表データベース, 10.11519/jfsc.126.0_192, 126, 0, 192, 2015, [URL], [in Japanese].
52. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Private Provision of Environmental Public Goods: A Pilot Program for Agricultural Heritage Conservation, Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5, 4, 341-347, 2014.12, Abstract
While the true value of environmental goods may be captured in a one-off payment, it may be easier to add a smaller amount to a private good by means of donation and collect the total environmental value over time. For that, however we need to ensure the smaller amount of a heritage conservation donation added to a private good is adequate so that we can find retailers to participate in such fund-raising activities. We test the contingent valuation method’s criterion validity by comparing their stated purchasing behavior with their actual behavior. The price increase from the addition of the donation did not affect total sales of the commodity. Adding a donation to specialized private goods may be an effective way to collect landscape and agricultural heritage conservation donations. Furthermore, our findings suggest that funds can be collected without affecting commodity sales. This approach is effective in other environmental protection activities.

53. Mochamad Indrawan, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Rhett Harrison, Deconstructing satoyama – The socio-ecological landscape in Japan, Ecological Engineering, 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.12.038, 64, 77-84, 2014.03.
54. Mochamad Indrawan, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Rhett Harrison, Deconstructing satoyama - The socio-ecological landscape in Japan, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.12.038, 64, 77-84, 2014.03, Satoyama is a traditional rural landscape in Japan, where secondary forests often play an essential role and traditional ecological knowledge has been important in sustaining this human-natural system. However, the definitions of satoyama are multiple and its typical forms have changed over time. This paper reviews the satoyama concept, with special reference to its evolving environmental and social significance, and its implications for sustainability of human-natural systems. The satoyama concept is characterized by multi-functionality, in which social and economic dimensions rather than ecological dimensions, dominate. Considering that the usage and management priorities of satoyama have been shaped by the evolving needs of the times, the contemporary needs of society should be accounted for in their continued management. Today satoyama have the potential to supply important ecosystem services, including the preservation of important cultural heritage, biodiversity conservation, and education. However, recognition and parameterization of potential trade-offs between these services is necessary and will require diverse site-specific strategies for sustaining satoyamas that foster new relevance, economic options and innovative management. As a socio-ecological construct, the quality and maintenance of satoyama systems will depend on the existence of adequate ecological knowledge to support the management decisions fitted to respond to current social needs. For many satoyama systems, such knowledge is inadequate. Ultimately, there is hope that the satoyama concept can be replicated elsewhere, so that land management can be tailored to the needs and capacities of the ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved..
55. Arbiol Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Nina Gloriani, Valuing Human Leptospirosis Prevention Using the Opportunity Cost of Labor, 2013.10, 5, 1845-1860, 2013.10, Arbiol, Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida.
56. Hisako Nomura, 欧州の農業環境支払い制度における生物多様性評価とその手法, JATAFFジャーナル = JATAFF journal, 1, 7, 30-34, 2013.07.
57. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Nishio Takeshi, Mari Izumi, Kazuo Hirai, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Framework for improvement of farmland biodiversity in Japan, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 10.1080/09640568.2012.702100, 56, 5, 743-758, 2013.06.
58. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Takeshi Nishio, Mari Izumi, Kazuo Hirai, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Framework for improvement of farmland biodiversity in Japan, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 10.1080/09640568.2012.702100, 56, 5, 743-758, 2013.06, The first agri-environmental programme in Japan, which started in 2011, is aimed at the conservation of biodiversity on farmland in Japan. For its smooth enforcement, a framework is required in which biodiversity conservation is visible and clear to farmers and the public. Such programmes will be effective when options can easily be adopted and the concept is appropriate and regionally specific for the farmers. While the result-oriented payment approach provides biodiversity's concrete contribution to the improvement of farm settings, entry-level incentives are also necessary to encourage farmers' initial participation, as biodiversity has an environmental value as public goods..
59. Joseph Arbiol, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Valuing human leptospirosis prevention using the opportunity cost of labor., International journal of environmental research and public health, 10.3390/ijerph10051845, 10, 5, 1845-60, 2013.05, Leptospirosis is a serious public health concern in the Philippines, not only because of its increasing incidence rate, but also because of its significant health and economic impacts. Despite its relatively high seroprevalence, knowledge on the economic burden of disease, particularly on the value that the society places on disease prevention remains limited. Obtaining such information is important within the context of public health policy. This study was conducted in Metro Manila to determine the economic burden of leptospirosis, by asking respondents about their willingness to contribute to labor (WTCL) for the prevention of leptospirosis. The respondents pledged an average labor contribution of 10.66 h/month. The average WTCL corresponded to a monetary value of US$4.01 per month when valued using the opportunity cost of labor (leisure rate of time). From the monetized labor contribution, the total economic value of preventing leptospirosis was estimated at US$124.97 million per annum, which represents 1.13% of Metro Manila's gross domestic product (GDP). Estimates from a Tobit regression model identified the respondents' knowledge regarding leptospirosis, the susceptibility of their homes to flooding, and the proximity of their homes to sewers as significant factors to consider when developing resource contribution programs for leptospirosis prevention. More efforts need to be made in developing community level preventive programs, and in improving public's knowledge and awareness about leptospirosis..
60. Joseph Arbiol, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Valuing Human Leptospirosis Prevention Using the Opportunity Cost of Labor, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 10.3390/ijerph10051845, 10, 5, 1845-1860, 2013.05, Leptospirosis is a serious public health concern in the Philippines, not only because of its increasing incidence rate, but also because of its significant health and economic impacts. Despite its relatively high seroprevalence, knowledge on the economic burden of disease, particularly on the value that the society places on disease prevention remains limited. Obtaining such information is important within the context of public health policy. This study was conducted in Metro Manila to determine the economic burden of leptospirosis, by asking respondents about their willingness to contribute to labor (WTCL) for the prevention of leptospirosis. The respondents pledged an average labor contribution of 10.66 h/month. The average WTCL corresponded to a monetary value of US$4.01 per month when valued using the opportunity cost of labor (leisure rate of time). From the monetized labor contribution, the total economic value of preventing leptospirosis was estimated at US$124.97 million per annum, which represents 1.13% of Metro Manila's gross domestic product (GDP). Estimates from a Tobit regression model identified the respondents' knowledge regarding leptospirosis, the susceptibility of their homes to flooding, and the proximity of their homes to sewers as significant factors to consider when developing resource contribution programs for leptospirosis prevention. More efforts need to be made in developing community level preventive programs, and in improving public's knowledge and awareness about leptospirosis..
61. Joseph Arbiol, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin Ichi Yoshida, Valuing human leptospirosis prevention using the opportunity cost of labor, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10.3390/ijerph10051845, 10, 5, 1845-1860, 2013.01, [URL], Leptospirosis is a serious public health concern in the Philippines, not only because of its increasing incidence rate, but also because of its significant health and economic impacts. Despite its relatively high seroprevalence, knowledge on the economic burden of disease, particularly on the value that the society places on disease prevention remains limited. Obtaining such information is important within the context of public health policy. This study was conducted in Metro Manila to determine the economic burden of leptospirosis, by asking respondents about their willingness to contribute to labor (WTCL) for the prevention of leptospirosis. The respondents pledged an average labor contribution of 10.66 h/month. The average WTCL corresponded to a monetary value of US$4.01 per month when valued using the opportunity cost of labor (leisure rate of time). From the monetized labor contribution, the total economic value of preventing leptospirosis was estimated at US$124.97 million per annum, which represents 1.13% of Metro Manila's gross domestic product (GDP). Estimates from a Tobit regression model identified the respondents' knowledge regarding leptospirosis, the susceptibility of their homes to flooding, and the proximity of their homes to sewers as significant factors to consider when developing resource contribution programs for leptospirosis prevention. More efforts need to be made in developing community level preventive programs, and in improving public's knowledge and awareness about leptospirosis..
62. Hisako Nomura, Peter C. John, Sarah Cotterill, The use of feedback to enhance environmental outcomes
A randomised controlled trial of a food waste scheme, Local Environment, 10.1080/13549839.2011.586026, 16, 7, 637-653, 2011.12, [URL], Food waste makes up about 20% of general waste that goes to the landfill every year in the UK. Encouraging the public to engage in food waste recycling and separating more food from general waste could help local governments promote a better environment. Appeals to collective norms, by giving people feedback on their street's food waste recycling rate compared with others, could promote recycling. To test this, we carried out a randomised controlled trial in Oldham, Greater Manchester. We randomly assigned 318 streets to a treatment and control group. Households in the treatment group were sent two postcards that provided feedback on how their street performed on food waste recycling compared with the average for their neighbourhood. Participation in the food waste scheme was measured for all households on three occasions: at baseline, and after the receipt of the first- and second-feedback cards. We estimated the effect of our treatment using cross-classified multilevel logistic regression models, controlling for baseline, street size and the interaction of treatment and baseline. We show that feedback had a positive effect on the food waste participation with an effect size of 2.8% compared with a control group that received no treatment..
63. Hisako Nomura, Peter C. John & Sarah Cotterill, The use of feedback to enhance environmental outcomes: a randomised controlled trial of a food waste scheme, Local Environment, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13549839.2011.586026, 16, 7, 637-653, 2011.08.
64. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, 和泉 真理, 平井 一男, 西尾 健, 農地における生物多様性への取り組みの実施状況と課題, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 65, 2, 143-149, 2010.10, 英国は国土の77%が農業用に利用されており、その比率は欧州連合(EU)の中でも特に高い。そのため農地もまた動植物の貴重な生息地であり、農地での生物多様性を高める取組が積極的に行われてきている。現在、イングランドではこのような目的に沿って農業環境政策の諸制度が「環境スチュワードシップ(管理)制度」(以下ES制度とする)に統合されてきている。ES制度は2005年より施行され、2009年7月にはイングランド全農用地の54.7%を占めるに到った。また、EUの共通農業政策(CAP)には、市場介入と直接支払などに係る「第1の柱」と農村振興政策に係る「第2の柱」に分けられるが、さらに後者の第2軸「環境及び農村空間の改善」に位置づけられるES制度は、イングランド農村振興政策予算の81%を占める。本報告では、農業環境保全に影響を与えるES制度について、現地調査を踏まえ、特に耕地に関連するオプションに焦点を当てながら、EU規則と関連付けつつ取り組みの仕組み、その現状および課題を明らかにする。.
65. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, 和泉 真理, 平井 一男, 西尾 健, 農地における生物多様性への取り組みの実施状況と課題--イングランドにおける環境スチュワードシップ制度の事例, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 10.15017/18870, 65, 2, 143-149, 2010.10, [URL], Agri-environmental schemes in England have been transformed in recent years. The primary objectives of agri-environment schemes have developed from initially aiming to hold back intensification of agricultural lands towards stimulating environmental enhancement of rural area including the agricultural lands. With the introduction of Environmental Stewardship (ES), the previous schemes such as Environmentally Sensitive Area and Countryside Stewardship schemes are integrated into the ES. Although the framework of the scheme has been studied, the mechanism and the actual implementation process for promoting and enhancing the environment had not been well documented. Further, the paper examined how the scheme has contributed to enhancement of biodiversity on the agricultural land. This is the first study that illustrates the mechanism and the actual implementation of the ES for biodiversity enhancement. This paper summarizes lessons learnt from the ES in England and provides suggestions that promotes biodiversity enhancement on the agricultural land..
66. Wendy Olsen, Hisako Nomura, Poverty reduction
Fuzzy sets vs. crisp sets compared, Sociological Theory and Methods, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009.12, This paper examines the results of economic poverty reduction modelling in selected countries 1992-2002 using the fuzzy set method (fsQCA) and the crisp set method (csQCA). The fsQCA and csQCA are the two main configurational comparative methods (CCM). This paper primarily focuses on making sensitivity assessments of the fsQCA and csQCA results. The outcomes of CCM based on the truth table algorithm are determined by the calibration of the set-relation membership score as well as the outcome variable of the interim truth table (called the consistency cutoff). Calibration of the raw data into crisp-and fuzzy-set membership scores based on theoretically and empirically grounded establishment of thresholds has been emphasised as it shapes the truth table algorithm. Thus, like previous studies of sensitivity assessment we focus on calibration. However this paper shows how to determine the balance of consistency and coverage outcomes based on various cutoff points as being highly important for a sensitivity assessment. We argue that the optimal consistency cutoff point helps us optimally determine the configurational multiple causality. The outcomes of fsQCA and csQCA are considered in relation to the balance of consistency and coverage. The robustness of the results of the truth table algorithm depends on the balance of consistency and coverage. Using poverty reduction as a dependent variate, we compare the two methods which are both useful..
67. Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, Hanhua Liu, Hisako Nomura, Mobilizing citizen effort to enhance environmental outcomes
A randomized controlled trial of a door-to-door recycling campaign, Journal of Environmental Management, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2009.09.010, 91, 2, 403-410, 2009.11, [URL], This paper uses a randomized controlled trial to test whether doorstep canvassing can raise participation in kerbside recycling. Existing research shows that canvassing can confront negative attitudes, increase understanding and resolve structural obstacles, but there is less known about the longitudinal effects of such interventions, which may fall away over time. 194 streets in Trafford, in the North West of England, UK were randomly assigned into a treatment and a control group. All households in the treatment group were visited by canvassers who were trained to promote and encourage recycling. Recycling participation rates for all households were measured by observing bin set out rates over a three-week period. Measurement was done before and after the canvassing campaign and then again three months later to see if the intervention had been effective in raising participation rates. Random-effects multilevel regression models, controlling for baseline recycling, street size, deprivation and size of ethnic minority population, show that the canvassing raised recycling participation rates for the treatment group compared to the control group, but there was a decline in the impact of the intervention over time. The intervention was more effective on streets with low levels of recycling at baseline..
68. Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, Hanhua Liu, Hisako Nomura, Mobilizing citizen effort to enhance environmental outcomes: A randomized controlled trial of a door-to-door recycling campaign, Journal of Environmental Management, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2009.09.010, 91, 2, 403-410, 2009.11, This paper uses a randomized controlled trial to test whether doorstep canvassing can raise participation in kerbside recycling. Existing research shows that canvassing can confront negative attitudes, increase understanding and resolve structural obstacles, but there is less known about the longitudinal effects of such interventions, which may fall away over time. 194 streets in Trafford, in the North West of England, UK were randomly assigned into a treatment and a control group. All households in the treatment group were visited by canvassers who were trained to promote and encourage recycling. Recycling participation rates for all households were measured by observing bin set out rates over a three-week period. Measurement was done before and after the canvassing campaign and then again three months later to see if the intervention had been effective in raising participation rates. Random-effects multilevel regression models, controlling for baseline recycling, street size, deprivation and size of ethnic minority population, show that the canvassing raised recycling participation rates for the treatment group compared to the control group, but there was a decline in the impact of the intervention over time. The intervention was more effective on streets with low levels of recycling at baseline. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
69. Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, Hanhua Liu and Hisako Nomura, Mobilizing citizen effort to enhance environmental outcomes: A randomized controlled trial of a door-to-door recycling campaign, Environmental Management, 91, 2, 403-410, 2009.10.
70. Wendy Olsen, Hisako Nomura, Poverty Reduction: Fuzzy Sets vs. Crisp Sets Compared, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND METHODS, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009.09, This paper examines the results of economic poverty reduction modelling in selected countries 1992-2002 using the fuzzy set method (fsQCA) and the crisp set method (csQCA). The fsQCA and csQCA are the two main configurational comparative methods (CCM). This paper primarily focuses on making sensitivity assessments of the fsQCA and csQCA results. The outcomes of CCM based on the truth table algorithm are determined by the calibration of the set-relation membership score as well as the outcome variable of the interim truth table (called the consistency cutoff). Calibration of the raw data into crisp- and fuzzy-set membership scores based on theoretically and empirically grounded establishment of thresholds has been emphasised as it shapes the truth table algorithm. Thus, like previous studies of sensitivity assessment we focus on calibration. However this paper shows how to determine the balance of consistency and coverage outcomes based on various cutoff points as being highly important for a sensitivity assessment. We argue that the optimal consistency cutoff point helps us optimally determine the configurational multiple causality. The outcomes of fsQCA and csQCA are considered in relation to the balance of consistency and coverage. The robustness of the results of the truth table algorithm depends on the balance of consistency and coverage. Using poverty reduction as a dependent variate, we compare the two methods which are both useful..
71. Wendy Olsen and Hisako Nomura, Poverty Reduction – fuzzy sets and crisp set compared, Journal of Sociological Theory and Methods, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009.04.
72. Wendy Olsen, Hisako Nomura, Poverty Reduction:
fuzzy sets vs. crisp sets compared (特集 New Frontiers in Qualitative Comparative Analysis), Sociological Theory and Methods, 10.11218/ojjams.24.219, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009, [URL],      This paper examines the results of economic poverty reduction modelling in selected countries 1992-2002 using the fuzzy set method (fsQCA) and the crisp set method (csQCA). The fsQCA and csQCA are the two main configurational comparative methods (CCM). This paper primarily focuses on making sensitivity assessments of the fsQCA and csQCA results. The outcomes of CCM based on the truth table algorithm are determined by the calibration of the set-relation membership score as well as the outcome variable of the interim truth table (called the consistency cutoff). Calibration of the raw data into crisp- and fuzzy-set membership scores based on theoretically and empirically grounded establishment of thresholds has been emphasised as it shapes the truth table algorithm. Thus, like previous studies of sensitivity assessment we focus on calibration. However this paper shows how to determine the balance of consistency and coverage outcomes based on various cutoff points as being highly important for a sensitivity assessment. We argue that the optimal consistency cutoff point helps us optimally determine the configurational multiple causality. The outcomes of fsQCA and csQCA are considered in relation to the balance of consistency and coverage. The robustness of the results of the truth table algorithm depends on the balance of consistency and coverage. Using poverty reduction as a dependent variate, we compare the two methods which are both useful..
73. 野村久子・矢部光保, 日本型環境支払に対する農家の受容行動―環境保全型農法に対する参加意向と参加面積率の決定要因の分析―, 農業経営研究, 45, 1, 1-11, 2007.09.
74. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, 日本型環境支払に対する農家の受容行動
環境保全型農法に対する参加意向と参加面積率の決定要因の分析, 農業経営研究, 10.11300/fmsj1963.45.2_1, 45, 2, 1-11, 2007.09, [URL].
75. Hisako Nomura, 日本の農業における自由貿易の環境影響評価及び政策提言(第二分科会(国際関係),研究発表セッション,2002年度大会報告), 環境アセスメント学会誌, 1, 1, 56, 2003.03.
76. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Receptiveness of Japanese Farmers towards an Environmental Payments Scheme: An Analysis of the Determining Factors behind Participation and land Enrolment in an Environmentally Friendly Farming Practices, Japanese Journal of Farm Management, 45, 2, 1-11.

