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富川 武記(とみかわ たけき) データ更新日:2023.12.20

准教授 /  農学研究院 生命機能科学部門

2015.04, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学, ㈱野口総合研究所
〒880-0913 宮崎県宮崎市恒久1丁目10番地9

2015.04, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学, 株式会社日田天領水
〒877-0074 大分県日田市中ノ島町647

2018.04~2019.03, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学, 東京都豊島区高松1−11−16 西池袋フジタビル8F
2014.04~2015.03, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学農学研究院, 科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成)
2016.07~2017.06, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学, 長野県上田市秋和201-2

2016.05~2016.09, 代表者:富川 武記, 九州大学, 東京都豊島区高松1−11−16 西池袋フジタビル8F

2009.07~2010.06, 代表者:白畑 實隆, 九州大学.
2005.09~2009.03, 代表者:白畑 實隆, 九州大学.
2010.04~2011.03, 代表者:白畑實隆, 九州大学.
1. @TakekiHamasaki, TaichiKashiwagi, TakaakiKomatsu, ShigeruKabayama, NoboruNakamichi,KiichiroTeruya, SanetakaShirahata , A new colorimetric method for determining antioxidant levels using 3,5-dibromo-4- nitrosobenzene sulfonate (DBNBS)., MethodsX, 10.1016/j.mex.2022.101797, 9, 2022.07, We describe here a novel assay that determines the total a+ntioxidative activities of known antioxidants and antioxidants in beverages. The method employs the substrate 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene sulfonate (DBNBS) that yields the colored product 3,5,3’,5’-tetrabromoazobenzene sulfate sodium salt (azo-TBBS). The amounts of azo-TBBS are measured using HPLC and then used to calculate total antioxidative capacity (TAC) values. We first show that the TAC values measured using the new DBNBS system were significantly higher compared with the control. The assay was validated through further analysis of 56 compounds, including previously characterized antioxidants. The data are consistent with published values. Here we describe in detail the application of the DBNBS method to the measurement of the TAC values of eight beverages, including wines and fruit juices. The DBNBS assay employs a readily applicable protocol that sensitively determines the levels of antioxidants in foodstuffs..
2. Takeki Hamasaki, Noboru Nakamichi, Kiichiro Teruya, Sanetaka Shirahata, Removal Efficiency of Radioactive Cesium and Iodine Ions by a Flow-Type Apparatus Designed for Electrochemically Reduced Water Production., PLoS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0102218, 9, 7, 2014.06, The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on March 11, 2011 attracted people's attention, with anxiety over possible radiation hazards. Immediate and long-term concerns are around protection from external and internal exposure by the liberated radionuclides. In particular, residents living in the affected regions are most concerned about ingesting contaminated foodstuffs, including drinking water. Efficient removal of radionuclides from rainwater and drinking water has been reported using several pot-type filtration devices. A currently used flow-type test apparatus is expected to simultaneously provide radionuclide elimination prior to ingestion and protection from internal exposure by accidental ingestion of radionuclides through the use of a micro-carbon carboxymethyl cartridge unit and an electrochemically reduced water production unit, respectively. However, the removability of radionuclides from contaminated tap water has not been tested to date. Thus, the current research was undertaken to assess the capability of the apparatus to remove radionuclides from artificially contaminated tap water. The results presented here demonstrate that the apparatus can reduce radioactivity levels to below the detection limit in applied tap water containing either 300 Bq/kg of 137Cs or 150 Bq/kg of 125I. The apparatus had a removal efficiency of over 90% for all concentration ranges of radio-cesium and -iodine tested. The results showing efficient radionuclide removability, together with previous studies on molecular hydrogen and platinum nanoparticles as reactive oxygen species scavengers, strongly suggest that the test apparatus has the potential to offer maximum safety against radionuclide-contaminated foodstuffs, including drinking water. Removal Efficiency of Radioactive Cesium and Iodine Ions by a Flow-Type Apparatus Designed for Electrochemically Reduced Water Production. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264010807_Removal_Efficiency_of_Radioactive_Cesium_and_Iodine_Ions_by_a_Flow-Type_Apparatus_Designed_for_Electrochemically_Reduced_Water_Production [accessed May 2, 2017]..
3. Hamasaki T, Kashiwagi T, Imada T, Nakamichi N, Aramaki S, Toh K, Morisawa S, Shimakoshi H, Hisaeda Y, Shirahata S. ., Kinetic analysis of superoxide anion radical-scavenging and hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities of platinum nanoparticles, Langmuir , 24, 7354-7364, 2008.08.
4. Hamasaki T, Aramaki S, Imada T, Teruya K, Kabayama S, Katakura Y, Otubo K, Morisawa S, Shirahata S. , Induction of caspase-3-dependent apoptosis by electrolyzed reduced water/platinum nanoparticles in cancer cells., Cell Technology for Cell Products 87-89. (2007)., 2007.07.
5. Hamasaki T, Kashiwagi T, Aramaki S, Imada T, Komatsu T, Li Y, Teruya K, Katakura Y, Kabayama S, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Shirahata S., Suppression of cell growth by platinum nanocolloids as scavengers against reactive oxygen species. , Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics 249-251. (2005), 249-251, 2005.07.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Takeki Hamasaki, Why waste water?, http://www.wwd-japan.org/wwd2017/wwd2017_message.html, 2026.03, “Wastewater”という言葉は日本語では“廃水“という言葉になります。私たちの身の回りでは“はいすい“というと”排水“という漢字が思い浮かぶと思います。それはなぜかというと私たちの周りには”廃水”と書くほどの汚い水をほとんど見ることができないからです。
わたしたちが使った水は排水(本当は廃水)として浄化施設という場所で汚い水をきれいにしてから川や海に戻します。そのためわたしたちは汚い水たちを目にすることがありません。しかし世界のほとんど国ではトイレの水、洗い物の後の水、工場で使った水といったとても汚れた水である “廃水” をそのまま川や海に流しています。そのためそれらの国の川や海の水は私たちが想像できないほど汚れています。
1. Sanetaka Shirahata, Takeki Hamasaki, Kiichiro Teruya, Newly found activities of electrochemically reduced water, The 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology, 2014.11, Electrochemically reduced water (ERW) produced near the cathode by the electrolysis of water contains hydrogen molecules and small amounts of mineral nanoparticles including platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs), both of which have drawn much attention as newly recognized antioxidative cellular redox regulation factors. We are currently collaborating with the Karolinska Institutet and examining the suppressive effect of hydrogen molecules dissolved in ERW on aging associated neuro-inflammation. Here we report our recent knowledge about ERW, hydrogen molecules, hydrogen atoms and mineral nanoparticles.
We have demonstrated that ERW exhibited antitumor, antidiabetic and antineuronal cell death effects when tested with cultured cells and animal disease models. We have been devoting our effort searching for the substances responsible for these efficacies. At present, we are focusing on Pt Nps or dissolved hydrogen. Although we have reported previously that Pt Nps possess intracellular antioxidative effects, we now report our recent findings that an intracellular antioxidative effect was observed even with an extremely low concentration of Pt Nps. Researches for the molecular hydrogen dissolved in ERW are highly active and the reports in this area exceed more than 200 articles. However, the mechanisms for antioxidative activity in the cells have not been elucidated yet. We first examined to clarify the mechanism involving cancer cell death using one of the intracellular redox-regulatory systems, Nrf2/ARE (nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2/ antioxidant response element) pathway. The results showed that the molecular hydrogen does not exert its antioxidative effect through common Nrf2 activation pathway.
The molecular hydrogen under the condition of dissolved hydrogen and Pt Nps coexistence, it is adsorbed to Pt Nps which triggers dissociation or weakening of the covalent bonds resulting in the acquisition of its reactivity similar to hydrogen radical we called active hydrogen in the aqueous environment. We found that such active hydrogen induces a strong cancer cell death while no such effect was detected in normal PBMC cells. We are speculating that this active hydrogen in ERW is the potential substance conferring antitumor effect. Our current effort is to find an alternative possibility for new anticancer therapy based on the present findings.
References 1. T. Omasa, K. Nishijima, Research for Cell Biology. 233: 652 (2014).

2. Takeki Hamasaki, Kiichiro Teruya, Shigeru Kabayama, What is functional water? Its recent findings, AFELiSA (International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia) 2015, 2015.11, In the field of food science and technology, water is an important ingredient influencing taste, rheology and preservation of foods. Research on functional foods is currently popular; however, it is not yet well understood that drinking water also has physiological functions, and that there are some health-beneficial effects.
Many kinds of drinking waters said to be beneficial for health are commercialized in Japan. Those commercialized waters were often sold after activated by various methods including electrolysis, treatment with a magnetic field, light irradiation, ultrasonication, bubbling with gases, strong water flow and collision, and treatment with some types of minerals or rocks. However, most of such waters also introduced misunderstandings mainly due to lack of solid scientific evidences. Therefore, the functional water association of Japan was founded in 2002 for the purpose of defining functional water and verifying their efficacy and effectiveness by means of the scientific methods. Functional water is defined by the association as the water which is scientifically verified its production methods and functions selected from waters that have been produced by artificial methods capable of reproducibly giving rise to useful functions. At present, several functional waters are being examined and approved as alkaline ion water, acidic water, ozone water, supercritical water. Verification is in progress for fine bubble water, ocean deep water, hydrogen dissolved water, while magnetic treated water, radiation treated water, ultrasonic treated water and ceramic treated water seem not to have enough scientific proofs at this moment.
 Among functional waters, electrolyzed water has been investigated extensively. Alkali ion water, called electrochemically reduced water is produced near a cathode and electrochemically oxidized water is produced near an anode. Oxidized water is also termed electrolyzed acidic water and is functional water exhibiting a sterilizing action, mainly due to hypochlorous acid, chlorine gas, and ozone. electrochemically reduced water are expected to have preventive and positive effects on oxidative stress-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arteriosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and side effects of hemodialysis. It has been suggested that the active agents in reduced water are hydrogen (atoms and molecules), mineral nanoparticles, and mineral nanoparticle hydrides.
In the presentation, additional efficacies of functional water based on the recent findings will be introduced and discuss about future possibilities of these waters..
3. 浜崎 武記、中村 拓郎、石橋 悠、阿部 真澄、晏 涵虚、照屋 輝一郎、樺山 繁、白畑 實隆 , 電解還元水モデルとしての水素及びPtナノ粒子含有水による抗糖尿病効果の検討 , 浜崎 武記、中村 拓郎、石橋 悠、阿部 真澄、晏 涵虚、照屋 輝一郎、樺山 繁、白畑 實隆 , 2010.03.
4. 浜崎武記、今田敏文、照屋輝一郎、片倉喜範、樺山繁、大坪一道、森澤新勝、白畑實隆, 白金ナノ粒子の水素トランスファー反応促進活性, 日本農芸化学会, 2009.03.
5. 浜崎武記、今田敏文、照屋輝一郎、片倉喜範、樺山繁、大坪一道、森澤新勝、白畑實隆, 白金ナノ粒子のスーパーオキシドアニオンおよびヒドロキシルラジカル消去能の解析, 日本農芸化学会, 2007.03.
6. T. Hamasaki , K. Toh , M. Abe, S. Aramaki, T. Imada, K. Teruya, S. Kabayama, Y. Katakura, K. Otubo, S. Morisawa, S. Shirahata., Platinum nanoparticles protect HeLa cells from ROS damege. , The 19th Annual and International Meeting of the JAACT, Kyoto, Nov., 2006. (Poster), 2006.10.
特許出願件数  3件
特許登録件数  0件
2016.11.26~2017.11.29, 2nd International Symposium Aquaphotomics: Understanding Water in Biology, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.03.29~2008.03.31, 農芸化学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, 2016.09~2016.09.
Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Bulgaria, 2016.10~2016.10.
2016 World Water Week, Sweden, 2016.08~2016.09.
HARROGATE国際会議場, UnitedKingdom, Germany, 2005.06~2005.06.
第27回日本動物細胞工学会奨励賞, 日本動物細胞工学会, 2014.11.
2014年度~2015年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 代表, 原子状水素を利用したがん治療法の開発.
2018.04~2019.03, 代表, 電位治療器における生体への影響、機能および作用機序解析.
2017.05~2018.04, 代表, 電位治療器における生体への影響、機能および作用機序解析.
2016.07~2017.06, 代表, 創生水における生理機能及び活性本体に関する包括的研究.
2016.05~2016.08, 代表, 天然水の性状解析及び生体に与える影響に関する研究.
2018年度, ラピロスウォーター株式会社, 天然水の性状解析及び生体に与える影響に関する研究.
2018年度, 第一産業株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2017年度, 第一産業株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2018年度, ヘルスホールディングス株式会社, 電位治療器における生体への影響、機能および作用機序解析.
2018年度, 野口総合研究所株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2018年度, 日田天領水株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2017年度, ヘルスホールディングス株式会社, 電位治療器における生体への影響、機能および作用機序解析.
2017年度, 野口総合研究所株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2017年度, 日田天領水株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2016年度, 第一産業株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2016年度, 日田天領水株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2016年度, 野口総合研究所株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2016年度, 創生ワールド株式会社, 創生水における生理機能及び活性本体に関する包括的研究.
2015年度, 第一産業株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2015年度, 日田天領水株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.
2015年度, 野口総合研究所株式会社, 寄附講座等の運営経費.

