九州大学 研究者情報
LIU HUIXIN(りゆう ふいしん) データ更新日:2024.04.23

教授 /  理学研究院 地球惑星科学部門 流体圏・宇宙圏科学

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Huixin Liu, Scott England, Large-scale structures and ion-neutral coupling in Cross-scale coupling and energy transfer in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821366-7.00003-2, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821366-7.00003-2, 2022.10.
2. Steven Morley, Huixin Liu, Brett Carter, Jennifer Gannon, Noé Lugaz, Credit where credit is due: Data and software in the space weather community, 10.1002/essoar.10512999.1, 2022.12.
3. Hapgood, M., Huixin Liu, N. Lugaz, SpaceX-Sailing close to the space weather?, Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022SW003074, 2022.03, [URL].
4. Lugaz, N., Huixin Liu, M. Hapgood, S. Morley, Machine-learning research in the Space Weather journal: prospects, scope, and limitations, Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021SW003000, 2021.12, [URL].
5. Huixin Liu, Y. Yamazaki, J. Lei, Day-to-day variability of the thermosphere and ionosphere, アメリカ地球物理連合, DOI: 10.1002/9781119815631.ch15, 2021.05.
6. Larisa P. Goncharenko, V. Lynn Harvey, Huixin Liu, and Nicholas M. Pedatella, Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Ionosphere– Thermosphere System: A Review of Recent Progress, アメリカ地球物理連合, DOI: 10.1002/9781119815631.ch15, 2021.05.
7. Lugaz, N., J. Gannon, M. Hapgood, Huixin Liu, T. Paul O’Brien, Space Weather as the nexus of applied and fundamental space science: the need for separate funding mechanisms and definition, Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020SW002695, 2020.12, [URL].
8. Noé Lugaz, Delores J. Knipp, Jennifer L. Gannon, Michael Hapgood, Huixin Liu, T. Paul O'Brien, Daniel T. Welling, Thank You to Our 2019 Reviewers, Space Weather, 10.1029/2020SW002481, Vol.18, No.3, 2020.03.
9. Prayitno Abadi, Yuichi Otsuka, Kazuo Shiokawa, Mamoru Yamamoto, Huixin Liu, Tatsuhiro Yokoyama, Role of the pre-reversal enhancement and medium-scale gravity waves on multiple plasma bubbles occurrence, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 2018.05.
10. Huixin Liu, J. Thayer, Y. Zhang, W. Lee, The non-storm time corrugated upper thermosphere: What's beyond MSIS?, Space Weather, 10.1002/2017SW001618, 2017.06.
11. 山本衛, 橋口浩之, 斎藤昭則, 松永真由美, 斎藤亨, Huixin Liu, 横山竜宏, 陣英克・Rola, Tsunoda・Tung-Yuan Hsiao, 新・衛星=地上ビーコン観測と赤道大気レーダーによる低緯度電離圏の時空間変動の解明 -新しい研究プロジェクト紹介 -, 第9回MUレーダー・赤道大気レーダーシンポジウム報告書, 2015.09.
12. Claudia Stolle, Huixin Liu, CHAMP observations of the low latitude ionosphere and thermosphere and comparisons to physical models, 2014.02, [URL].

