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Eriguchi Yoshihiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
PhD. MD.
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
gastroenterology, infectious disease
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • intestinal GVHD, intestinal flora, gut immnuity
    keyword : intestinal GVHD, intestinal flora, gut immnuity
Academic Activities
1. Yoshihiro Eriguchi, Kiminori Nakamura, Yuki Yokoi, Rina Sugimoto, Shuichiro Takahashi, Daigo Hashimoto, Takanori Teshima, Tokiyoshi Ayabe, Michael E. Selsted, André J. Ouellette, Essential role of IFN-γ in T cell-associated intestinal inflammation, JCI Insight, 10.1172/jci.insight.121886, 3, 18, 2018.09, Paneth cells contribute to small intestinal homeostasis by secreting antimicrobial peptides and constituting the intestinal stem cell (ISC) niche. Certain T cell-mediated enteropathies are characterized by extensive Paneth cell depletion coincident with mucosal destruction and dysbiosis. In this study, mechanisms of intestinal crypt injury have been investigated by characterizing responses of mouse intestinal organoids (enteroids) in coculture with mouse T lymphocytes. Activated T cells induced enteroid damage, reduced Paneth cell and Lgr5+ ISC mRNA levels, and induced Paneth cell death through a caspase-3/7-dependent mechanism. IFN-γ mediated these effects, because IFN-γ receptor-null enteroids were unaffected by activated T cells. In mice, administration of IFN-γ induced enteropathy with crypt hyperplasia, villus shortening, Paneth cell depletion, and modified ISC marker expression. IFN-γ exacerbated radiation enteritis, which was ameliorated by treatment with a selective JAK1/2 inhibitor. Thus, IFN-γ induced Paneth cell death and impaired regeneration of small intestinal epithelium in vivo, suggesting that IFN-γ may be a useful target for treating defective mucosal regeneration in enteric inflammation..
2. Yoshihiro Eriguchi, Shuichiro Takashima, Hideyo Oka, Sonoko Shimoji, Kiminori Nakamura, Hidetaka Uryu, Shinji Shimoda, Hiromi Iwasaki, Nobuyuki Shimono, Tokiyoshi Ayabe, Koichi Akashi, and Takanori Teshima, Graft-versus-host disease disrupts intestinal microbial ecology by inhibiting Paneth cell production of α-defensins
, Blood, doi:10.1182/blood-2011-12-401166, 120, 1, 223-231, 2012.07, 同種造血幹細胞移植は様々な血液疾患に対して根治的な治療方法である。移植片対宿主病(Graft-versus-host disease :GVHD)と感染症は、この造血幹細胞移植の厄介な合併症であり、GVHDと感染症は互いに影響を与えていると推測されている。本研究では、GVHDと感染症の相互関係をマウスモデルにより解析した。
1. Eriguchi Y, Nakamura K, Yokoi Y, Ayabe T, Selsted ME, and Ouellette AJ, Interferon-γ Induces Paneth Cell Loss in Mouse Ileum Enteroid Cultures. , Antimicrobial Peptides Gordon Research Conference, 2017.02.
2. Graft-versus-host disease disrupts intestinal microbial ecology by inhibiting production of enteric defensins..
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
  • The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
  • Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
  • The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
  • Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
  • Japanese Society of Chemotherapy