九州大学 研究者情報
太田 徹志(おおた てつじ) データ更新日:2024.04.08

准教授 /  農学研究院 環境農学部門 森林環境科学

1. Takuhiko Murakami, Tetsuji Ohta, Tsuyoshi Kajisa, Nobuya Mizoue, Shigejiro Yoshida, Detection of clear-cut areas using the image differencing method with LANDSAT/TM data, 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2010, ACRS 2010, 2010.12, Detecting the occurrence of clear-cutting is a practical use for remotely sensed data, and the image differencing method is one technique that can be used. This method is simple and powerful, but a systematic evaluation of its accuracy and a statistical determination of threshold values have not been established. We examined the accuracy of image differencing methods using a single band or band combinations, or scene combinations, to detect clear-cuts with LANDSAT/ TM data. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between clear-cut size and detection accuracy with a focus on the most effective bands. Results showed that bands 3 and 7 are optimal because they detect clear-cut areas with less error. Accuracy varied with the clear-cut size, and clear-cut regions less than 1 ha in area exhibited more error..
2. 太田 徹志, 村上 拓彦, 吉田 茂二郎, 溝上 展也, LANDSAT/TMデータを用いた森林伐採地抽出方法の比較検討, 日本森林学会九州支部大会, 2004.10.
3. 太田徹志, 村上拓彦, 葛岡成樹, 加治佐剛, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎, 同時生起行列から得られるテクスチャ情報とスギ林分本数密度との関係解析, 日本森林学会九州支部大会, 2006.11.
4. 太田徹志, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎, 高分解能リモートセンシングデータを用いた森林情報取得の可能性, 日本森林学会九州支部大会, 2009.10.
5. 太田徹志, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎, 高分解能リモートセンシングデータを用いた人工林本数密度推定手法の比較, 日本森林学会九州支部大会, 2010.10.
6. 太田徹志, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎, 伐採時の収益と植栽経費の観点からみた低密度植栽の有効性, 日本森林学会九州支部大会, 2011.10.

