九州大学 研究者情報
水野 敦子(みずの あつこ) データ更新日:2023.04.28

准教授 /  経済学研究院 国際経済経営部門 国際経済分析講座

1. Atsuko Mizuno, Economic relations between Myanmar and China, The Myanmar Economy: Its Past, Present and Prospects, 10.1007/978-4-431-55735-7_8, 195-224, 2015.01, © JICA Research Institute 2016. As the relationship between China and Myanmar become closer under the military regime, Myanmar deepened its economic dependence on China. Although economic ties with China contributed to the stability of Myanmar, but made little contribution to Myanmar's broad-based growth and industrial development and even resulted in hindering the country's reforms and in causing anti-Chinese sentiment. After 2011, its rapidly improving relations with the international community enabled Myanmar to broaden and to restore balance in its external economic relations. Myanmar's economic dependence on China is likely to be mitigated; however, the bilateral economic relations will continue to have a strategic impact..
2. 水野 敦子, 2010年代以降のヤンゴン近郊農村におけるコメ収穫作業の機械化, 東南アジア研究, 10.20495/tak.59.2_255, 59, 2, 255-289, 2022.01.
3. 水野敦子, 2010 年代以降のヤンゴン近郊農村におけるコメ収穫作業の機械化, 東南アジア研究, 10.20495/tak.59.2_255, 59, 2, 255-289, 2022.01, In the 2010s, the agricultural labor force in Myanmar continued to decline due to increasing employment opportunities in the urban and non-agricultural sectors along with the economic growth. The labor shortage became especially apparent in rice harvesting. The demand for labor-saving harvesting led to a rapid increase in the use of combine harvesters. This paper examines the rapid shift in rice harvesting since the mid-2010s, from employing agricultural laborers to using combine harvesters, based on a survey conducted in rice farming villages in the suburbs of Yangon. Only a few farmers own the expensive combine harvesters, and most farmers outsource harvesting operations to combine contracting services. This study found that the existence of agencies that coordinate the work of farmers in the village and negotiate with the contractors has led to the mechanization of harvesting, regardless of the farm’s acreage, at a relatively low contract fee. The labor-saving effect of combine harvesters is enormous, and thus the labor shortage during the harvest season has been alleviated. Mechanization of harvesting has significantly reduced employment opportunities for agricultural workers. As a result, agricultural laborers are now being employed to harvest low-productivity fields that do not cover the mechanization costs. The study also revealed that contractors who maximize the operating area and utilization rate of combine harvesters by traveling over a large area with different harvest seasons can earn higher profits than farmers who own combine harvesters and contract the operation nearby..
4. Atsuko Mizuno, Labour migration and relocation of apparel production between Thailand and myanmar, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 10.1355/AE37-2D, 37, 2, 181-198, 2020.08, © 2020 ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute This paper analyses labour migration and relocation of apparel production between Thailand and Myanmar during the first half of the 2010s. For a long time, unskilled migrant workers allowed labour-intensive industries such as the apparel sector to flourish in Thailand. However, higher costs have gradually decreased the competitiveness of the Thai garment industry, forcing implementation of industrial upgrading measures and relocation of some labour-intensive production to neighbouring countries. Conversely, Myanmar, a major source of migrant workers for Thailand, has increased its apparel exports since 2010. Using empirical evidence, this study reveals that, first, the Thai apparel industry has significantly upgraded while employing foreign workers and second, production networks between the two countries have solidified over the past decade..
5. 水野 敦子, 日本の農業分野における外国人技能実習生の受入れ : 熊本県阿蘇の事例を中心に (特集 外国人労働者の受け入れ : 日韓比較に向けて), 韓国経済研究 = The journal of Korean economic studies, 17, 51-63, 2020.03.
6. 水野 敦子, ミャンマー縫製業の労働集約的構造に関する一考察 : 2010年代の輸出動向の分析を通じて (佐々木信彰先生退職記念号), 関西大学経済論集 = The economic review of Kansai University, 68, 4, 189-206, 2019.03.
7. 水野敦子, 経済の対外開放とミャンマー零細縫製業の行方, 『経済学研究』, 第23号, 別冊, 89-91, 2017.04.
8. 水野 敦子, ミャンマー中央乾燥地域における農村労働力流出の決定要因 : ニャンウー県一農村調査より, 地域研究, 16, 1, 215-239, 2015.11.
9. 水野 敦子, 日本市場向け輸出拡大を通じたミャンマー縫製業の成長と未熟練労働力, 『産業学会研究年報』, 30, 159-174, 2015.06.
10. Atsuko Mizuno, Economic relations between Myanmar and China, The Myanmar Economy: Its Past, Present and Prospects, 10.1007/978-4-431-55735-7_8, 195-224, 2015.01, [URL], As the relationship between China and Myanmar become closer under the military regime, Myanmar deepened its economic dependence on China. Although economic ties with China contributed to the stability of Myanmar, but made little contribution to Myanmar's broad-based growth and industrial development and even resulted in hindering the country's reforms and in causing anti-Chinese sentiment. After 2011, its rapidly improving relations with the international community enabled Myanmar to broaden and to restore balance in its external economic relations. Myanmar's economic dependence on China is likely to be mitigated; however, the bilateral economic relations will continue to have a strategic impact..
11. 水野 敦子, ミャンマーの関税制度改革--AFTA/CEPT協定の実施との関連において, 経済学雑誌, 108, 1, 41-64, 2007.06.
12. 水野 敦子, ミャンマーと中国の経済協力関係, 季刊経済研究, 27, 1, 175-200, 2004.09.

