Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Nobuhiro Yanai Last modified dateļ¼š2024.04.18

Associate Professor / Biofunctional Chemistry / Department of Applied Chemistry / Faculty of Engineering

1. Koki Nishimura, Hironori Kouno, Yusuke Kawashima, Kana Orihashi, Saiya Fujiwara, Kenichiro Tateishi, Tomohiro Uesaka, Nobuo Kimizuka, Nobuhiro Yanai*, Materials chemistry of triplet dynamic nuclear polarization, 10.1039/D0CC02258F, 2020.06, [URL], Dynamic nuclear polarization with photo-excited triplet electrons (triplet-DNP) has the potential to enhance the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a moderate temperature. While much efforts have been devoted to obtaining the large nuclear polarization based on triplet-DNP, the application of triplet-DNP has been limited to nuclear physics experiments. The recent introduction of materials chemistry into the field of triplet-DNP realizes the air-stable and water-soluble polarizing agents as well as the hyperpolarization of nanomaterials with a large surface area such as nanoporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and nanocrystal dispersion in water. This Feature Article overviews the recently-emerged materials chemistry of triplet-DNP that paves new paths towards unprecedented biological and medical applications..
2. , [URL].
3. Biplab Joarder, Nobuhiro Yanai,* and Nobuo Kimizuka*, Solid-State Photon Upconversion Materials: Structural Integrity and Triplet/Singlet Dual Energy Migration, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 2018, 9, 4613-4624, 2018.07.
4. Pankaj Bharmoria, Nobuhiro Yanai,* and Nobuo Kimizuka*, Recent Progress in Photon Upconverting Gels, Gels, 2019.05.