九州大学 研究者情報
藤田 君支(ふじた きみえ) データ更新日:2024.04.24

教授 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 統合基礎看護

1. Aoi Kubo, Kimie Fujita, Satomi Tanaka, Noriko Watanabe, Azusa Kai, The effect of perioperative oral care on postoperative infections in patients with esophageal cancer: A retrospective cohort study, EAFONS2024, 2024.03.
2. Kimie Fujita, Noriko Watanabe, Mika Nagafuchi, Miho Shikasho, Ayaka Ono, Daisaku Ikeda, Mina Matsumura, Aoi Kubo, Satomi Tanaka, Kumiko Sakai, Asako Okadome, Ayaka Kayano, Teppei Jinno, Development of a Perioperative Oral Assessment Tool for Head and Neck Cancer, EAFONS2024, 2024.03.
3. Satomi Tanaka, Kanako Yakushiji, Kimie Fujita, Relationship between depression and COVID-19-related fear, awareness, and prevention behaviors, and quality of life among liver and kidney transplant recipients, EAFONS2024, 2024.03.
4. Megumi Yoshida, Kimie Fujita, Relationship Between Physical Activity Level and Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, EAFONS2024, 2024.03,  .
5. @前野里子、藤田君支、田中るみ, 2型糖尿病患者の身体活動セルフモニタリングの効果と課題, 第43回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2023.12.
6. 坂梨左織、太田 博、藤 理絵、藤田 君支, 認知症の人と認知症介護に関わる人たちの学習用VRコンテンツに対応するニーズ, 第43回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2023.12.
7. 渡邉 則子、藤田 君支、@酒井 久美子、久保 葵、松村 美奈, 頭頚部がん患者における術後感染症予防のための周術期口腔ケアのアセスメントシートの開発, 第43回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2023.12.
8. 久保 葵、酒井 久美子、藤田 君支, がん患者の術後肺炎に対する周術期口腔ケアの効果:観察研究におけるシステマティックレビューとメタ分析, 第43回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2023.12.
9. Miyuki Ushio, Kiyoko Makimoto, Chiyo Matsuoka, Kimie Fujita, Satomi Tanaka, Amount of physical activity in daily life after liver transplant and gender differences in physical activity, EAFONS2023, 2023.03.
10. Yuriko Matsunaga-Myoji, Kimie Fujita, Yasuko Tabuchi, Shuya Ide, Masaaki Mawatari, Knee function and health-related quality of life in older patients after total knee arthroplasty in Japan, EAFONS 2023, 2023.03.
11. 吉田 恵美, 藤田 君支, 糖尿病透析予防指導外来における初回指導と指導効果, 第27回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2022.09.
12. Kanako Yakushiji, Satomi Tanaka, Yuriko Matsunaga-Myoji,Kimie Fujita, Fulfillment of expectations and satisfaction in patients who have undergone total hip arthroplasty in Japan, EAFONS 2022, 2022.04.
14. Satomi Tanaka, Kanako Yakushiji, Kimie Fujita, Fear, attitudes, physical activity in liver transplant patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, EAFONS 2022, 2022.04.
15. @権藤多栄、@藤田君支, 頭頸部がん手術患者の術後在院日数と医療費へおぼす術後感染症の影響, 日本がん看護学会学術集会, 2022.02.
16. 坂梨左織、藤田君支, 働き盛り世代の「認知症介護における学習課題」に関する実態調査, 第41回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2021.12.
17. 藤田君支、松永由理子、田渕康子、牧本清子, 人工関節全置換術を受けた高齢者の運動実施状況の変化と術後満足度, 第41回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2021.12.
18. 田中さとみ、@藤田君支 , 肝移植後患者の新型コロナウイルス感染症に対する認識と感染予防行動の実態, 日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2021.12.
19. 田中 さとみ、藤田 君支、吉住 朋晴, 万歩計型加速度計による生体肝移植後患者の身体活動量の評価, 第38回日本肝移植学会学術集会, 2021.02.
20. 田中るみ、@藤田君支, 下肢人工関節置換術後患者の低強度身体活動に影響を及ぼす因子, 第40回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2020.12.
21. 潮 みゆき、田中 さとみ、田中 るみ、藥師寺 佳菜子、金岡 麻希、藤田 君支, 肝移植レシピエントの低強度活動を測定できる簡易身体活動調査票(改訂版 SQUASH)の開発, 第40回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2020.12.
22. Hisako Nakao, Satomi Aomoto, Miyuki Ushio, Kumiko Sakai, Yumiko Kinoshita, Maki Kanaoka, Satoko Maeno, Yu Yamaguchi, Kimie Fujita, A literature review on ethics education for nurses working in hospitals in Japan – Aiming at educational reform through collaboration between hospitals and educational institutions-, The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science, 2020.02.
23. Kanako Yakushiji, Satomi Tanaka, Rumi Tanaka, Kimie Fujita, Pre-surgery Expectations and Their Fulfillment of Expectations among Japanese Patients who are undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA), N3_Conference, 2020.01.
24. Yuriko Matsunaga-Myoji, Shuya Ide, Yasuko Tabuchi, Masaaki Mawatari, Kimie Fujita, Physical activity and health-related quality of life after total knee arthroplasty in patients with versus without lifestyle-related diseases, N3_Conference, 2020.01.
25. Satomi Tanaka ,Kanako Yakushiji ,Rumi Tanaka ,Maki Kanaoka ,Kimie Fujita, Cross-Sectional Study of Objective Daily Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Liver Transplant Candidates, N3_Conference, 2020.01.
26. Rumi Tanaka, Yuriko Matsunaga-Myoji ,Kanako Yakushiji , Satomi Tanaka ,Kimie Fujita, A Systematic Review of Light-Intensity Physical Activity Measurement Scales, N3_Conference, 2020.01.
27. 松永由理子, 藤田君支, @田渕康子, 人工股関節全置換術後3年における実測した身体活動量と健康関連QOLおよび患者満足度との関連, 第39回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2019.11.
28. 田中さとみ, 金岡麻希, 潮みゆき, 藤田君支, 術後3ヵ月・術後6ヵ月における身体活動量の変化, 第39回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2019.11.
29. 坂梨左織,藤田君支, 認知症ワーキングケアラーの介護上の学習課題, 第39回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2019.11.
30. 田中るみ, 前野里子, 藤田君支, 強度表示型活動量計による糖尿病患者の6ヵ月後の身体活動量の変化, 第24回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2019.09.
31. 潮みゆき, 田中さとみ, 山口優, 前野里子, 酒井久美子, 木下由美子, 中尾久子, 藤田君支, 生体肝移植レシピエントの身体活動介入の効果に関する文献検討, 日本看護研究学会 第45回学術集会, 2019.08.
32. 藥師寺佳菜子, 藤田君支, 股関節置換術期待調査の日本語版の異文化間適応, 日本看護研究学会 第45回学術集会, 2019.08.
33. 藤田君支、牧本清子、田渕康子, 人工股関節全置換術後7年の健康関連QOLについての前向き観察研究, 日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 38回 /第38回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2018.12.
34. 坂梨 左織, 藤田 君支, 認知症の人の家族介護者のエンパワメント尺度の妥当性の検証, 日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 38回 /第38回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2018.12.
35. Tae Gondo, Kimie Fujita, Mika Nagafuti, Tukasa Gondo, Daisaku Ikeda, SURGICAL SITE INFECTION GENERATION FACTOR OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER PATIENTS, APCCMI cum IICC 2018, 2018.08.
36. 松永由理子、藤田君支、田渕康子, 人工股関節手術患者の身体活動量と主観的身体機能(Oxford Hip Score)の長期的評価, 日本看護研究学会雑誌/ 日本看護研究学会 第44回学術集会, 2018.08.
37. 藥師寺佳菜子、藤田君支, 人工股関節全置換術の期待と満足度, 日本看護研究学会雑誌/ 日本看護研究学会 第44回学術集会, 2018.08.
38. Kiyoko Makimoto, Kimie Fujita, Rie Konno, Meta-aggregation of the experience patients with the joint replacement in the era of rapidly shortening length of stay, 7th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research held in Seoul, 2018.06.
39. Yuriko Matsunaga (Myoji), Kimie Fujita, Shuya Ide, Masaaki Mawatari, Yasuko Tabuchi, Relation to patients with artificial total knee arthroplasty after 2 years of daily physical activity and subjective measures of physical function, and patient satisfaction, The 21th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2018), 2018.01.
40. 田中さとみ、金岡麻希、藤田君支, 肝移植後患者における身体活動量の実態-IPACとライフコーダとの比較-, 第37回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2017.12.
41. 前野里子、藤田君支, 糖尿病患者の睡眠と血糖コントロールとの関連についての文献レビュー, 第22回九州・沖縄地方学会学術集会, 2017.11.
42. 権藤多栄、藤田君支, 頭頚部外科悪性腫瘍手術患者の術後肺炎と関連因子, 第22回九州・沖縄地方学会学術集会, 2017.11.
43. #田中 るみ、@藤田 君支、@前野 里子, 強度表示型活動量計の携帯による糖尿病患者の身体活動への効果の検討, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
44. @前野 里子、#田中 るみ、@木下 由美子、@藤田 君支, 2型糖尿病患者の日常生活における主観的身体活動量の妥当性-実測調査との比較-, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
45. 上杉裕子、@藤田君支, 人工膝関節・股関節置換術を受ける糖尿病患者の身体状況の実態, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
46. 横堀裕美、永渕美樹、井川幸子、島歌織、藤井純子、藤田君支, MCIのある糖尿病患者への看護支援 慢性CNSのインタビュー調査より, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
47. 横堀裕美、永渕美樹、井川幸子、島歌織、藤井純子、藤田君支, MCIのある糖尿病患者への看護支援 慢性CNSのインタビュー調査より, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
48. 藤田君支, 研究成果から拡げる糖尿病療養支援, 第22回日本糖尿病教育・看護学会学術集会, 2017.09.
49. #松永 由理子、@藤田 君支、@井手 衆哉、@馬渡 正明、@田渕 康子, 人工膝関節全置換術後の患者が捉える生活の変化, 日本老年看護学会第22回学術集会, 2017.06.
50. @前野 里子, @藤田 君支, @酒井 久美子, 2型糖尿病をもつ高齢女性の身体活動量と身体活動自己管理行動との関連, 日本老年看護学会第22回学術集会, 2017.06.
51. KimieFujita, Yumiko Kinoshita, Maki Kanaoka, MiyukiUshio, SatokoMaeno, Kumiko Sakai, Hisako Nakao, Yasuko Tabuchi , Five-year follow-up study of the Euro-QOL-5 dimension (EQ5D) for Japanese patients after total hip arthroplasty, The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2017), 2017.03.
52. Satomi Tanaka, Maki Kanaoka ,Kimie Fujita, Objectively measured daily physical activity among Japanese liver transplant recipients, The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2017), 2017.03.
53. Miyuki USHIO, Kimie FUJITA, Satoko MAENO, Maki KANAOKA, Physical activity and stroke recurrence risk in patients with TIA and minor non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke in Japan, The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2017), 2017.03.
54. Sayori Sakanashi, Kimie Fujita, Empowerment Structure of Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2017), 2017.03.
55. @潮 みゆき, 藤田 君支, 前野 里子, 金岡 麻希, 酒井 久美子, 木下 由美子, 中尾 久子, 回復期から慢性期にある軽症脳梗塞患者の日常生活における身体活動量の実態, 第36回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2016.12.
56. 坂梨 左織, 藤田 君支, 家族介護者のエンパワメントに関する文献レビュー, 第36回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2016.12.
57. @藤田君支, 人工股関節全置換術後の気分に影響する症状と社交, 第21回九州・沖縄地方会学術集会, 2016.11.
58. @潮 みゆき,@前野 里子、 @藤田 君支, 軽症脳梗塞患者の健康関連QOL, 第21回九州・沖縄地方会学術集会, 2016.11.
59. #田中 さとみ, @金岡 麻希, @奥 千恵美, @藤田 君支, 肝移植後患者における国際標準化身体活動質問票を用いた身体活動量の実態調査, 日本移植・再生医療看護学会誌/第12回 日本移植・再生医療看護学会学術集会, 2016.11.
60. @前野 里子, @藤田 君支, @木下 由美子, 2型糖尿病患者の身体活動量とHbA1c、糖尿病合併症および運動自己効力感との関連の検討, 第21回日本糖尿病教育・看護学術集会, 2016.09.
61. #田中 さとみ, @金岡 麻希,@ 藤田 君支, 生体肝移植待機患者の身体活動量の実態(第一報), 日本看護研究学会 第42回学術集会, 2016.08.
62. @金岡 麻希, #田中 さとみ, @藤田 君支, 生体肝移植待機患者の身体活動量の実態(第二報) 健康関連QOLとの考察, 日本看護研究学会 第42回学術集会, 2016.08.
63. 藤田 君支, 上杉裕子, 人工股関節患者の期待とQOL, 日本看護研究学会九州沖縄地方会, 2015.11.
64. 前野 里子, 藤田 君支, 糖尿病患者の運動療法の支援に関する文献レビュー, 日本看護研究学会九州・沖縄地方会学術集会, 2015.11.
65. 藤田君支,上杉裕子, 人工股関節患者の期待とQOL, 日本看護研究学会九州沖縄地方会, 2015.11.
66. Nakashima F, Kimie Fujita, Kukihara H, Before versus after total hip arthroplasty: Changes in daily activity content, daily step count, and health-related quality of life, 10th International Nursing Conference, 2015.10.
67. Nakashima F, Fujita K, Kukihara H, Before versus after total hip arthroplasty: Changes in daily activity content, daily step count, and health-related quality of life, 10th International Nursing Conferenc, 2015.10.
68. Yumiko Takedomi, Kimie Fujita, Yasuko Tabuchi, The Characteristics of Post-Traumatic Growth of Bereaved Spouses in Palliative Care Units., 18th East Asia forum nursing scholaship conference , 2015.02, Purpose
Purpose: Bereavement, particularly of a spouse, is a stressful life event that has a large impact on the mind and body. This study explored the characteristics of the post-traumatic, psychological growth of widows and widowers in palliative care units who had lost spouses.
This was a quantitative, cross-sectional study.
Methods: A questionnaire study was conducted among survivors in two palliative care units in Japan from April 2007 to March 2013. Participants were 550 people who were surveyed between 6 months and 6 years after bereavement. The survey incorporated a measure of demographic characteristics, the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Japanese (Taku, 2007), the Coping Scale (Ozeki, 1993), and the Duke Social Support Index-Japanese (Iwase et al, 2008).
Results: From 550 participants, 244 (44.4%) were returned; 26 questionnaires were discounted because of problems. 108 spouses were made into the candidate among 218 persons. The average age of participants (SD) was 67.0 (9.9) years; 31 were widowers and 77 widows. The average age of the deceased spouses was the same. The mean palliative care unit length of stay was 1.5 months, for an average of two years six months during a bereavement period. High scores on the scale represented the amount of mental shock at the time of losing a spouse. However, family care has also been enhanced from the general units is a palliative care units, the spouse who was mental ready for inviting death was 62%. In addition, 85.2% of spouses accepted their spouse’s death, but some participants had still not accepted the death after six years. The post-traumatic growth (PTG) total scores for the sample were moderate, but higher than for parents of paediatric osteosarcoma patients (Yonemoto et al., 2012) and car accident survivors (Nishi et al., 2010). In addition, PTG scores were higher for widows than for widowers, and there was a significant difference between these scores (p=0.008). There were no significant differences in PTG on the following factors: separation-by-death period of less than one year and one year or more; palliative care unit hospitalization duration of one month or more, and less than one month; survivor’s age less than 65 years old, and aged 65 and over; spouses who were mentally ready for their spouse’s death, and spouses who were not; and spouses who did not accept death and spouses who did. PTG showed a positive correlation with emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, emotional support, and recognition evaluative support.
Conclusion: Spouses who lost partners through death in the palliative care unit had the highest average ages. For these spouses, existence of the deceased was large. The shock at the time of separation by death was also great. In addition, PTG was higher than in parents of paediatric osteosarcoma patients or car accident survivors. For bereaved individuals who have lost a spouse, nursing thing that can stress coping bereaved family and social support is important has been suggested..
69. Kimie Fujita, Changes in the Euro-Qol and depression, and post-operative patient
satisfaction 5 years after total hip arthroplasty, 18th East Asia forum nursing scolarship conference , 2015.02, Purpose
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a widely accepted orthopedic surgical procedure performed to
relieve pain and improve physical functions. However, research on long-term quality of life
among THA patient is limited. The purposes of this study were to 1) examine changes in the
Euro-QOL (EQ5D) and depression in patients before THA and five years after THA and 2)
assess post-operative satisfaction and anxiety evaluated by self-administered questionnaire.
This study is a longitudinal, quantitative, and descriptive study.
Consecutive patients going through primary THA at Saga University Hospital, Japan,
between July 2003 and November 2006 were eligible for the study. The preoperative
questionnaires included baseline demographic variables. Surgical procedure, diagnosis and
post-surgical complications requiring treatment were obtained from the medical record. The
study was approved by the ethics committee of Saga University. The EQ5D and depression
subscale of Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale(AIMS)2 were administered at the preoperative
period and post-operative at five years. Participants were also asked to rate the
original 10 items regarding post-operative satisfaction, such as “no pain of daily life” and
working. Higher scores indicate better satisfaction. In addition, 3 items about anxiety
regarding postoperative dislocation and loosening were asked for these participants. Higher
scores indicate stronger anxiety. Responses of these items were based on a 4-point Likert
During the study period, 1004 preoperative patients agreed to participate. Of these, 236
participants did not return their questionnaires or were too many missing data after THA, and
100 participants were excluded from analysis because of operation of the other hip within five
years after THA. Sixty-hundred and sixty-eight participants completed both pre- and post-
THA surveys. The valid-response rate was 66.5%. The improvement in the mean scores for
the EQ5D and depression scales between the pre-operative and post-operative periods were
highly significant (pmean scores. However, the “enjoy exercise” item had a low mean satisfaction score. In
addition, mean score of the anxiety of postoperative loosening was higher than that of
dislocation loosening.
Quality of life in participants who underwent surgery sustained improvement five years after
THA, and the postoperative satisfaction remained high. However, participants reported much
less satisfaction for exercise, and they were more concerned about loosening than dislocation.
In order to assess long-term QOL in THA participants, health professionals need to pay
attention to changes in patients’ concern over time..
70. Kimie Fujita, Yuriko Myouji, Improvement of the physical activity and quality of life after primary total
knee arthroplasty:Two-year postoperative evaluation and comparison
with healthy persons, 18th East Asia forum nursing scolarship conference , 2015.02, Purpose
The purpose of this study was to determine objective changes in the physical activity and
quality of life (QOL) of patients before, and 6 and 24 months after undergoing total knee
arthroplasty (TKA). Furthermore, we compared the physical activity and QOL of the patients
24 months after TKA with that of healthy persons.
This was a longitudinal study.
Twenty-seven participants were selected among patients who were indicated to undergo
primary TKA and patients who had undergone primary TKA 6 or 24 months prior. Physical
activities within 1 week were measured using a small pedometer with an accelerometer
(Lifecorder EX, Kenz, Japan) to determine the number of steps walked and the intensity of
physical activity (by conducting a self-reported questionnaire survey using the Short-Form 8-item (SF-8)
questionnaire and Oxford knee score (OKS).
Ethical considerations: The participants were informed that (1) study participation was
voluntary, (2) study participation would not affect their treatment, and (3) only aggregated
data would be presented. Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants.
The study was approved by the ethics committee of Saga University of Medicine.
This study included 3 men and 24 women, aged 73.6 ± 6.3 years (mean ± SD). The mean
number of steps walked and the intensity of physical activity ≥ 3 METs differed significantly
between before, and 6 and 24 months after TKA (p before TKA was 3461 steps/day; 6 months after TKA, 4914 steps/day; and 24 months after
TKA, 5133 steps/day. The intensity of physical activity ≥ 3 METs was 2.5, 5.9, and 6.9
h/week, respectively. Among the healthy persons (age- and sex-matched with the TKA
patients), the number of steps walked was 5948 steps/day, and the intensity of physical
activity ≥ 3 METs was 8.1 h/week. No significant difference was observed between the TKA
patients who had undergone TKA 24 months prior and the healthy persons. The preoperative
SF-8 scores (Physical Component Summary [PCS] score, 38.2 points; Mental Component
Summary [MCS] score, 49.3 points) greatly improved 24 months after TKA (PCS score, 45.3
points; MCS score, 52.6 points).
The total OKS improved 6 and 24 months after TKA compared with that before TKA.
However, of the patients, 44.4% had moderate to extreme difficulty in kneeling down and
getting up afterwards or they could not do it, and 29.6% answered the same for walking down
the stairs.
The physical activity and QOL of the patients improved 6 and 24 months after TKA, and the
patients had a relatively good recovery compared with healthy persons. However, at 24
months after TKA, patients still had difficulty in kneeling down and getting up afterwards and
walking down the stairs.
71. 中島 史子, 藤田 君支, 人工股関節置換術前後の歩数と健康関連QOL 両側人工股関節全置換術と片側人工股関節全置換術前後の比較, 第34回日本看護科学学会学術集会, 2014.11, [URL].
72. 今村 亜由美, 中尾 友美, 小江 奈美子, 岡 佳子, 小川 和美, 古賀 明美, 島 歌織, 永渕美樹, 藤田 君支, 糖尿病看護実践における理論活用に向けた課題 第2回九州慢性看護実践セミナーを通して, 日本慢性看護学会, 2014.07, 慢性疾患看護師による慢性看護実践セミナーの評価と課題の検討.
73. 島 歌織, 藤田 君支, 古賀明美, 保存期慢性腎臓病患者の身体活動量と疲労に関する調査, 日本慢性看護学会, 2014.07.
74. 明時由里子, 藤田 君支, 中島史子, 井手衆哉, 65歳以上の人工膝関節患者の手術前後の生活活動量, 日本老年看護学会, 2014.06.
75. 島 歌織, 古賀明美, 今村 亜由美, 小江 奈美子, 岡 佳子, 小川 和美, 中尾 友美, 永渕 美樹, 藤田 君支, 糖尿病透析予防指導管理の現状と課題 九州慢性看護実践セミナーを通して, 日本糖尿病学会, 2014.05, 慢性疾患看護師による透析予防完成の実践と課題の検討.

