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和泉 自泰(いずみ よしひろ) データ更新日:2024.04.15

次世代バイオものづくりを駆動する高度オミクス計測・解析基盤の開発(JST 革新的GX技術創出事業(チーム型))
2023.10~2028.03, 代表者:馬場 健史, 九州大学.
次世代低分子スペクトルデータベースシンマスバンクの構築(JST ライフサイエンスデータベース統合推進事業統合化推進プログラム)
2023.04~2028.03, 代表者:松田 史生, 大阪大学大学院.
劇症型NK白血病に対する新規治療標的システイン-GGT系・トランスフェリン(Tf)ーTf受容体の作用機序解明(AMED 次世代がん医療加速化研究事業 令和4年度二次公募研究領域B 探索研究フェーズ)
2022.10~2025.03, 代表者:幸谷 愛, 東海大学総合医学研究所.
データ駆動進化医学で解く季節性うつと冬眠の代謝基盤 (JST-CREST 「データ駆動・AI駆動を中心としたデジタルトランスフォーメーションによる生命科学研究の革新」)
2022.10~2028.03, 代表者:柚木 克之, 理化学研究所.
消化管グルコース排泄の生理・病理的意義に関する包括的解析(科学研究費補助金 挑戦的研究・開拓)
2022.06~2025.03, 代表者:小川 渉.
自己分子の包括的同定と自己認識を介した免疫ネットワーク形成の理解(科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究A 計画研究)
2022.06~2027.03, 代表者:和泉 自泰, 九大・生体防御医学研究所
生体防御における自己認識の「功」と「罪」(科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究A 総括班)
2022.06~2027.03, 代表者:山崎 晶.
オルガネラメタボローム計測技術の開発(科学研究費補助金 挑戦的研究・萌芽)
2022.06~2025.03, 代表者:和泉 自泰, 九大・生体防御医学研究所
細胞は,環境中の生化学的情報 (シグナル) を受け,これが別の刺激を誘導し次々と伝達されることでシグナル経路を形成する.この生命システムは,シグナル伝達システムと呼ばれ,発生,細胞周期,分化,寿命,老化,疾患発症など,あらゆる生命現象に深く関わっている。そのため,細胞機能を真に理解するためには,シグナル分子の同定およびそれらの分子群の時期特異的な局在場所を明らかにすることが重要である。本研究では,これまで独自に開発してきた 「1細胞ピッキング技術」,および 「メタボローム (代謝物総体) 解析法」 を発展させ,細胞内の代謝物局在情報を時期特異的に取得可能な 「オルガネラメタボローム計測技術」の開発に挑戦する。.
機械学習を用いた原発性アルドステロン症における個別化医療基盤の確立(科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究C)
2022.04~2025.03, 代表者:馬越 洋宜, 九州大学大学院医学研究科.
次世代メタボローム解析技術による代謝マップの拡張と機能未知遺伝子の包括的帰属(科学研究費補助金 基盤研究B)
2022.04~2025.03, 代表者:和泉 自泰, 九大・生体防御医学研究所
メタボロミクス分野における重要課題の一つは、代謝物同定(帰属)である。近年の質量分析技術の発展に伴い、様々な生体試料からは数千種の分子量関連イオンピークが確認できるようになったが、この中で同定できる代謝物ピークはわずか~20%である。また、最も単純な生命体である大腸菌(K-12 MG1655)は、4623個の遺伝子が存在しているが、1600個(約35%)は実験的証拠のない機能未知遺伝子である。そこで本研究では、申請者らが開発を進めている次世代メタボローム解析技術を用いて、大腸菌の機能未知酵素遺伝子の包括的帰属に挑戦する。具体的には、「課題①:エピメタボライトライブラリーの構築と代謝マップの拡張」、「課題②:3960種の大腸菌単一遺伝子破壊株(Keio collection)の網羅的定量メタボローム分析」、「課題③:大腸菌の機能未知酵素遺伝子の包括的帰属」、の3つの研究課題に取り組む。.
PET陽性肺がん特異的バイオマーカーの同定と検証 (科学研究費助成事業基盤研究 B)
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:吉田 優, 兵庫県立大学, 環境人間学部.
歯周病菌が腸内細菌と胆汁酸の代謝経路に及ぼす影響 (科学研究費助成事業基盤研究 C)
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:柏木 陽一郎, 大阪大学大学院歯学研究科.
血中代謝物分析における新たなデータ補正・定量分析法の確立 (科学研究費助成事業基盤研究 C)
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:西海 信, 兵庫医科大学.
JST ムーンショット型研究開発事業(ムーンショット目標1)「2050年までに、人が身体、脳、空間、時間の制約から解放された社会を実現」誰もが自在に活躍するアバター共生社会の実現  バイオマーカー探索
2020.12~2025.11, 代表者:石黒 浩, 大阪大学大学院 
本研究ではCAを利用した際の操作者および利用者の状態 (幸福感や満足感、ストレス、疲れなど) を高感度・迅速・正確に検出できる新規のバイオマーカーを探索する。.
JST 未来社会創造事業(探索加速型:「共通基盤」領域)「革新的な知や製 品を創出する共通基盤システム・装置の実現」1細胞定量分子フェノタイプ解析に向けた微量試料自動前処理装置の開発
2020.11~2023.03, 代表者:和泉自泰, 九州大学 生体防御医学研究所
歯周病による口腔内の細菌環境悪化と全身状態の変化を繋ぐ分子機構の解明 (AMED 革新的先端研究開発支援事業 「微生物叢と宿主の相互作用・共生の理解と、それに基づく疾患発症のメカニズム解明」)
2018.10~2024.03, 代表者:村上 伸也, 大阪大学 歯学研究科.
1細胞メタボローム・プロテオーム分析によるがん細胞株の分子フェノタイプ解析 (科学研究費助成事業基盤研究 C)
2019.04~2022.03, 代表者:和泉 自泰, 九大・生体防御医学研究所
生命の最小単位である細胞は特異的な機能を持つ細胞集団に分類することができるが,近年の研究から同一細胞集団であっても多様性・不均一性を有することが知られている.この多様性が環境適応や疾患発症の過程において極めて重要な役割を担っていると考えられ注目されている.メタボロームは,生命システムを理解するための重要分子であると同時に,酵素に基づくゲノム情報の実行の結果,すなわち高解像度のフェノタイプとしても捉えることができる.研究代表者はこれまで1細胞でのマルチ分子フェノタイプ解析 (メタボロームおよびプロテオーム解析) を実現するために各種要素技術を開発してきた.本研究では,「ライブセルイメージング」×「1細胞サンプリング技術」×「超高感マルチ分子フェノタイプ解析」を融合した1細胞レベルでの代謝機能を網羅的かつ定量的に数値化するための基盤技術を創生し,がん細胞の細胞周期と代謝の差異を明らかにする..
酸化脂質をターゲットとした疾患メカニズム解明および創薬基盤研究 (AMED 革新的先端研究開発支援事業 「画期的医薬品等の創出をめざす脂質の生理活性と機能の解明」)
2017.10~2023.03, 代表者:山田健一, 九州大学大学院薬学研究科.
次世代メタボローム解析技術開発と応用 科学研究費補助金(新学術領域研究・研究領域提案型・計画研究)「代謝アダプテーションのトランスオミクス解析」
2017.11~2020.12, 代表者:馬場 健史, 九州大学 生態防御医学研究所.
病原体糖脂質を介する新たな宿主免疫賦活機構の解明と感染症治療への応用(AMED 革新的先端研究開発支援事業 「画期的医薬品等の創出をめざす脂質の生理活性と機能の解明」)
2016.10~2022.03, 代表者:山崎 晶, 大阪大学微生物病研究所.
細胞チップMSシステムを用いた1細胞マルチ分子フェノタイピング(JST CREST)
2015.10~2021.03, 代表者:馬場 健史, 九州大学 生体防御医学研究所
1. Taihei Torigoe, Masatomo Takahashi*, Omidreza Heravizadeh, Kazuki Ikeda, Kohta Nakatani, Takeshi Bamba, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Predicting retention time in unified-hydrophilic-interaction/anion-exchange liquid chromatography high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/HRMS/MS) for comprehensive structural annotation of polar metabolome, Analytical Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c04618, 96, 3, 1275-1283, 2024.01, The accuracy of the structural annotation of unidentified peaks obtained in metabolomic analysis using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) can be enhanced using retention time (RT) information as well as precursor and product ions. Unified-hydrophilic-interaction/anion-exchange liquid chromatography high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/HRMS/MS) has been recently developed as an innovative method ideal for nontargeted polar metabolomics. However, the RT prediction for unified-HILIC/AEX has not been developed because of the complex separation mechanism characterized by the continuous transition of the separation modes from HILIC to AEX. In this study, we propose an RT prediction model of unified-HILIC/AEX/HRMS/MS, which enables the comprehensive structural annotation of polar metabolites. With training data for 203 polar metabolites, we ranked the feature importance using a random forest among 12,420 molecular descriptors (MDs) and constructed an RT prediction model with 26 selected MDs. The accuracy of the RT model was evaluated using test data for 51 polar metabolites, and 86.3% of the ΔRTs (difference between measured and predicted RTs) were within ±1.50 min, with a mean absolute error of 0.80 min, indicating high RT prediction accuracy. Nontargeted metabolomic data from the NIST SRM 1950-Metabolites in frozen human plasma were analyzed using the developed RT model and in silico MS/MS prediction, resulting in a successful structural estimation of 216 polar metabolites, in addition to the 62 identified based on standards. The proposed model can help accelerate the structural annotation of unknown hydrophilic metabolites, which is a key issue in metabolomic research..
2. Kohta Nakatani, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Hironobu Umakoshi, Maki Yokomoto-Umakoshi, Tomoko Nakaji, Hiroki Kaneko, Hiroshi Nakao, Yoshihiro Ogawa, Kazutaka Ikeda, Takeshi Bamba*, Wide-scope targeted analysis of bioactive lipids in human plasma by LC/MS/MS, Journal of Lipid Research, 10.1016/j.jlr.2023.100492, 65, 1, Article number 100492, 2024.01, Quantitative information on blood metabolites can be used in developing advanced medical strategies such as early detection and prevention of disease. Monitoring bioactive lipids such as steroids, bile acids, and PUFA metabolites could be a valuable indicator of health status. However, a method for simultaneously measuring these bioactive lipids has not yet been developed. Here, we report a LC/MS/MS method that can simultaneously measure 144 bioactive lipids, including steroids, bile acids, and PUFA metabolites, from human plasma, and a sample preparation method for these targets. Protein removal by methanol precipitation and purification of bioactive lipids by solid-phase extraction improved the recovery of the targeted compounds in human plasma samples, demonstrating the importance of sample preparation methods for a wide range of bioactive lipid analyses. Using the developed method, we studied the plasma from healthy human volunteers and confirmed the presence of bioactive lipid molecules associated with sex differences and circadian rhythms. The developed method of bioactive lipid analysis can be applied to health monitoring and disease biomarker discovery in precision medicine..
3. Noriyuki Tomiyasu, Masatomo Takahashi, Kenji Toyonaga, Sho Yamasaki, Takeshi Bamba, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Efficient lipidomic approach for the discovery of lipid ligands for immune receptors by combining LC-HRMS/MS analysis with fractionation and reporter cell assay, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 10.1007/s00216-023-05111-w, in press, 2023.12, C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), which are pattern recognition receptors responsible for triggering innate immune responses, recognize damaged self-components and immunostimulatory lipids from pathogenic bacteria; however, several of their ligands remain unknown. Here, we propose a new analytical platform combining liquid chromatography-high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry with microfractionation capability (LC-FRC-HRMS/MS) and a reporter cell assay for sensitive activity measurements to develop an efficient methodology for searching for lipid ligands of CLR from microbial trace samples (crude cell extracts of approximately 5 mg dry cell/mL). We also developed an in-house lipidomic library containing accurate mass and fragmentation patterns of more than 10,000 lipid molecules predicted in silico for 90 lipid subclasses and 35 acyl side chain fatty acids. Using the developed LC-FRC-HRMS/MS system, the lipid extracts of Helicobacter pylori were separated and fractionated, and HRMS and HRMS/MS spectra were obtained simultaneously. The fractionated lipid extract samples in 96-well plates were thereafter subjected to reporter cell assays using nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter cells expressing mouse or human macrophage-inducible C-type lectin (Mincle). A total of 102 lipid molecules from all fractions were annotated using an in-house lipidomic library. Furthermore, a fraction that exhibited significant activity in the NFAT-GFP reporter cell assay contained α-cholesteryl glucoside, a type of glycolipid, which was successfully identified as a lipid ligand molecule for Mincle. Our analytical platform has the potential to be a useful tool for efficient discovery of lipid ligands for immunoreceptors..
4. Naoya Nishimura, Noriyuki Tomiyasu, Shota Torigoe, Satoru Mizuno, Hanako Fukano, Eri Ishikawa, Harutaka Katano, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Kazuhiro Matsuo, Masatomo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Takeshi Bamba, Koichi Akashi, Sho Yamasaki*, Mycobacterial mycolic acids trigger inhibitory receptor Clec12A to suppress host immune responses., Tuberculosis, 10.1016/j.tube.2022.102294, 94, 138, Article number 102294, 2023.01, [URL], Mycobacteria often cause chronic infection. To establish persistence in the host, mycobacteria need to evade host immune responses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the evasion strategy are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that mycobacterial cell wall lipids trigger an inhibitory receptor to suppress host immune responses. Mycolic acids are major cell wall components and are essential for survival of mycobacteria. By screening inhibitory receptors that react with mycobacterial lipids, we found that mycolic acids from various mycobacterial species bind to mouse Clec12A, and more potently to human Clec12A. Clec12A is a conserved inhibitory C-type lectin receptor containing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM). Innate immune responses, such as MCP-1 production, and PPD-specific recall T cell responses were augmented in Clec12A-deficient mice after infection. In contrast, human Clec12A transgenic mice were susceptible to infection with M. tuberculosis. These results suggest that mycobacteria dampen host immune responses by hijacking an inhibitory host receptor through their specific and essential lipids, mycolic acids. The blockade of this interaction might provide a therapeutic option for the treatment or prevention of mycobacterial infection..
5. Kohta Nakatani, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Masatomo Takahashi, Takeshi Bamba*, Unified-hydrophilic-interaction/anion-exchange liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/MS): A single-run method for comprehensive and simultaneous analysis of polar metabolome., Analytical Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03986, 94, 48, 16877-16866, 2022.12, [URL], One of the technical challenges in the field of metabolomics is the development of a single-run method to detect the full complement of polar metabolites in biological samples. However, an ideal method to meet this demand has not yet been developed. Herein, we proposed a simple methodology that enables the comprehensive and simultaneous analysis of polar metabolites using unified-hydrophilic-interaction/anion-exchange liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/MS) with a polymer-based mixed amines column composed of methacrylate-based polymer particles with primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary amines as functional groups. The optimized unified-HILIC/AEX/MS method is composed of two consecutive chromatographic separations, HILIC-dominant separation for cationic, uncharged, and zwitterionic polar metabolites [retention times (RTs) = 0-12.8 min] and AEX-dominant separation for polar anionic metabolites (RTs = 12.8-26.5 min), by varying the ratio of acetonitrile to 40 mM ammonium bicarbonate solution (pH 9.8). A total of 400 polar metabolites were analyzed simultaneously through a combination of highly efficient separation using unified-HILIC/AEX and remarkably sensitive detection using multiple reaction monitoring-based triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/MS/MS). A nontargeted metabolomic approach using unified-HILIC/AEX high-resolution mass spectrometry (unified-HILIC/AEX/HRMS) also provided more comprehensive information on polar metabolites (3242 metabolic features) in HeLa cell extracts than the conventional HILIC/HRMS method (2068 metabolic features). Our established unified-HILIC/AEX/MS/MS and unified-HILIC/AEX/HRMS methods have several advantages over conventional techniques, including polar metabolome coverage, throughput, and accurate quantitative performance, and represent potentially useful tools for in-depth studies on metabolism and biomarker discovery..
6. Yuki Soma, Yoshihiro Izumi, Takehiko Shimohira, Masatomo Takahashi, Yuri Imado, Saki Tominaga, Kanako Tokito, Kosuke Hata, Shoji Shinadama, Mana Oshiro, Yoshihiro Hayakawa, Takeshi Bamba*, In-needle pre-column derivatization for amino acid quantification (iPDAQ) using HPLC., Metabolites, 10.3390/metabo12090807, 12, 9, 807, 2022.08, [URL], Pre-column fluorescent derivatization has been used for the fast quantification of amino acids using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. However, it generally requires an offline in-vial derivatization process with multiple derivatization reagents. The offline derivatization requires the same number of reaction vials as the number of sample vials for use as a reaction chamber for the derivatization reaction in an autosampler. Therefore, the number of samples analyzed per batch using the pre-column derivatization method is halved. To benefit from the pre-column derivatization method, we transformed the derivatization process from an offline chamber process to an online in-needle process (in-needle Pre-column Derivatization for Amino acids Quantification; iPDAQ). Fluorescent derivatization in the injection needle obviated the need for vacant vials as reaction chambers. Consequently, the throughput per batch improved up to two times, and the consumption of derivatization reagents was reduced to less than one-tenth of that in the conventional vial method. We demonstrated to separate and quantify the amino acids in various biological samples. Herein, we presented a novel HPLC-based amino acid quantification method that enables the continuous analysis of a large number of samples. The iPDAQ facilitates accurate amino acid quantification due to the automation of derivatization and achieves improvement in the throughput and reduction of analysis labor..
7. Shin Nishiumi*, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Akiyoshi Hirayama*, Masatomo Takahashi, Motonao Nakao, Kosuke Hata, Daisuke Saigusa, Eiji Hishinuma, Naomi Matsukawa, Suzumi M. Tokuoka, Yoshihiro Kita, Fumie Hamano, Nobuyuki Okahashi, Kazutaka Ikeda, Hiroki Nakanishi, Kosuke Saito, Masami Yokota Hirai, Masaru Yoshida, Yoshiya Oda, Fumio Matsuda, Takeshi Bamba, Comparative evaluation of plasma metabolomic data from multiple laboratories., Metabolites, 10.3390/metabo12020135, 12, 2, 135, 2022.01, [URL], In mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, the differences in the analytical results from different laboratories/machines are an issue to be considered because various types of machines are used in each laboratory. Moreover, the analytical methods are unique to each laboratory. It is important to understand the reality of inter-laboratory differences in metabolomics. Therefore, we have evaluated whether the differences in analytical methods, with the exception sample pretreatment and including metabolite extraction, are involved in the inter-laboratory differences or not. In this study, nine facilities are evaluated for inter-laboratory comparisons of metabolomic analysis. Identical dried samples prepared from human and mouse plasma are distributed to each laboratory, and the metabolites are measured without the pretreatment that is unique to each laboratory. In these measurements, hydrophilic and hydrophobic metabolites are analyzed using 11 and 7 analytical methods, respectively. The metabolomic data acquired at each laboratory are integrated, and the differences in the metabolomic data from the laboratories are evaluated. No substantial difference in the relative quantitative data (human/mouse) for a little less than 50% of the detected metabolites is observed, and the hydrophilic metabolites have fewer differences between the laboratories compared with hydrophobic metabolites. From evaluating selected quantitatively guaranteed metabolites, the proportion of metabolites without the inter-laboratory differences is observed to be slightly high. It is difficult to resolve the inter-laboratory differences in metabolomics because all laboratories cannot prepare the same analytical environments. However, the results from this study indicate that the inter-laboratory differences in metabolomic data are due to measurement and data analysis rather than sample preparation, which will facilitate the understanding of the problems in metabolomics studies involving multiple laboratories..
8. Kosuke Hata, Yuki Soma, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Masatomo Takahashi, Kuniyo Sugitate, Takeshi Serino, Hiromi Miyagawa, Kenichi Suzuki, Kayoko Yamada, Takatomo Kawamukai, Teruhisa Shiota, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Takeshi Bamba*, Calibration-curve-locking database for semi-quantitative metabolomics by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, Metabolites, 10.3390/metabo11040207, 11, 4, Article number 207, 2021.03, [URL], Calibration-Curve-Locking Databases (CCLDs) have been constructed for automatic compound search and semi-quantitative screening by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in several fields. CCLD felicitates the semi-quantification of target compounds without calibration curve preparation because it contains the retention time (RT), calibration curves, and electron ionization (EI) mass spectra, which are obtained under stable apparatus conditions. Despite its usefulness, there is no CCLD for metabolomics. Herein, we developed a novel CCLD and semi-quantification framework for GC/MS-based metabolomics. All analytes were subjected to GC/MS after derivatization under stable apparatus conditions using (1) target tuning, (2) RT locking technique, and (3) automatic derivatization and injection by a robotic platform. The RTs and EI mass spectra were obtained from an existing authorized database. A quantifier ion and one or two qualifier ions were selected for each target metabolite. The calibration curves were obtained as plots of the peak area ratio of the target compounds to an internal standard versus the target compound concentration. These data were registered in a database as a novel CCLD. We examined the applicability of CCLD for analyzing human plasma, resulting in time-saving and labor-saving semi-qualitative screening without the need for standard substances..
9. Tatsuya Fushimi, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Masatomo Takahashi, Kosuke Hata, Yoshihiro Murano, and Takeshi Bamba, Dynamic metabolome analysis reveals the metabolic fate of medium-chain fatty acid in AML12 cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c04723, 68, 43, 11997-12010, 2020.10, [URL], Several studies in hepatocyte cell lines reported that medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) with 6–12 carbons showed different metabolic properties from long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). However, these studies reported unclear effects of different fatty acid molecules on hepatocyte metabolism. This study is aimed to capture the metabolic kinetics of MCFA assimilation in AML12 cells treated with octanoic acid (FA 8:0), decanoic acid (FA 10:0), or lauric acid (FA12:0) [LCFA; oleic acid (FA 18:1)] via metabolic profiling and dynamic metabolome analysis with 13C-labeling. The concentrations of total ketone bodies in the media of cells treated with FA 8:0 or FA 10:0 were 3.22- or 3.69-fold higher than those obtained with FA 18:1 treatment, respectively. FA 12:0 treatment did not significantly increase ketone body levels compared to DMSO treatment (control), whereas FA 12:0 treatment increased intracellular triacylglycerol (TG) levels 15.4 times compared to the control. Metabolic profiles of FA 12:0-treated samples differed from those of the FA 8:0-treated and FA 10:0-treated samples, suggesting that metabolic assimilation of MCFAs differed significantly depending on the MCFA type. Furthermore, the dynamic metabolome analysis clearly revealed that FA 8:0 was rapidly and quantitatively oxidized to acetyl-CoA and assimilated into ketone bodies, citrate cycle intermediates, and glucogenic amino acids but not readily into TGs..
10. Toshiaki Yoshioka, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Masatomo Takahashi, Koji Suzuki, Yasuhisa Miyamoto, Yasushi Nagatomi, Takeshi Bamba*, Identification of Acrylamide Adducts Generated during Storage of Canned Milk Coffee, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b08139, 68, 12, 3859-3867, 2020.03, [URL], Since coffee is a significant contributor to the consumption of acrylamide, its reduction is required. Acrylamide is produced during the roasting of coffee beans, but the roasting process is an essential step in determining the taste of coffee. Acrylamide content in coffee has been suggested to decrease by reacting with proteins and/or other substances during storage, but details are unknown. Investigation of acrylamide adducts may contribute to a strategy for acrylamide reduction in coffee. In this study, a stable isotope labeling technique, combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry, allows the identification of acrylamide adducts (3-hydroxypyridine-acrylamide and pyridine-acrylamide) in canned milk coffee. Other acrylamide adducts derived from milk coffee proteins, Lys-acrylic acid and CysSO2-acrylic acid, were identified. During a 4-month storage period, the formation of these four adducts was found to reduce the total content of acrylamide by 75.3% in canned milk coffee. Therefore, endogenous proteins can be used in acrylamide reduction..
11. Hiroaki Takeda, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Shohei Tamura, Tomonari Koike, Yui Koike, Masashi Shiomi, Takeshi Bamba, Lipid Profiling of Serum and Lipoprotein Fractions in Response to Pitavastatin Using an Animal Model of Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Journal of Proteome Research, 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00602, 19, 3, 1100-1108, 2020.03, [URL], Statins are widely used for the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. They inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver and cause pleiotropic effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. To develop novel therapeutic drugs, the effect of blood-borne lipid molecules on the pleiotropic effects of statins must be elucidated. Myocardial infarction-prone Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHLMI) rabbits, an animal model for hypercholesterolemia, are suitable for the determination of lipid molecules in the blood in response to statins because their lipoprotein metabolism is similar to that of humans. Herein, lipid molecules were investigated by lipidome analysis in response to pitavastatin using WHHLMI rabbits. Various lipid molecules in the blood were measured using a supercritical fluid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Cholesterol and cholesterol ester blood concentrations decreased by reducing the secretion of very low density lipoproteins from the liver. Independent of the inhibition effects of cholesterol biosynthesis, the concentrations of some lipids with anti-inflammation and antioxidant effects (phospholipid molecules with n-6 fatty acid side chains, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogens, and ceramide molecules) were significantly altered. These findings may lead to further investigation of the mechanism of statin action..
12. Kosuke Hata, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Takeshi Hara, Masaki Matsumoto*, Takeshi Bamba, In-Line Sample Processing System with an Immobilized Trypsin-Packed Fused-Silica Capillary Tube for the Proteomic Analysis of a Small Number of Mammalian Cells, Analytical chemistry, 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03993, 92, 4, 2997-3005, 2020.02, [URL], Omics analysis at single-cell resolution has helped to demonstrate the shaping of cellular heterogeneity on the basis of the expression of various molecules. However, in-depth proteomic analysis of low-quantity samples has remained challenging because of difficulties associated with the measurement of large numbers of proteins by shotgun proteomics using nanoflow liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nano-LC/MS/MS). To meet such a demand, we developed a method called in-line sample preparation for efficient cellular proteomics (ISPEC) in which cells were captured, directly lysed, and digested with immobilized trypsin within fused-silica capillaries. ISPEC minimized sample loss during the sample preparation processes with a relatively small number of mammalian cells (
13. Nao Nishida-Aoki, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Hiroaki Takeda, Masatomo Takahashi, Takahiro Ochiya*, Takeshi Bamba, Lipidomic analysis of cells and extracellular vesicles from high-and low-metastatic triple-negative breast cancer, Metabolites, 10.3390/metabo10020067, 10, 2, Article number: 67, 2020.02, [URL], Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer nanovesicles secreted from almost all cells including cancer. Cancer-derived EVs contribute to cancer progression and malignancy via educating the surrounding normal cells. In breast cancer, epidemiological and experimental observations indicated that lipids are associated with cancer malignancy. However, lipid compositions of breast cancer EVs and their contributions to cancer progression are unexplored. In this study, we performed a widely targeted quantitative lipidomic analysis in cells and EVs derived from high-and low-metastatic triple-negative breast cancer cell lines, using supercritical fluid chromatography fast-scanning triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry. We demonstrated the differential lipid compositions between EVs and cells of their origin, and between high-and low-metastatic cell lines. Further, we demonstrated EVs from highly metastatic breast cancer accumulated unsaturated diacylglycerols (DGs) compared with EVs from lower-metastatic cells, without increasing the amount in cells. The EVs enriched with DGs could activate the protein kinase D signaling pathway in endothelial cells, which can lead to stimulated angiogenesis. Our results indicate that lipids are selectively loaded into breast cancer EVs to support tumor progression..
14. Kohta Nakatani, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Kosuke Hata, Takeshi Bamba, An analytical system for single-cell metabolomics of typical mammalian cells based on highly sensitive nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry, 10.5702/massspectrometry.A0080, 9, 1, 2020.01, [URL], The rapid development of next-generation sequencing techniques has enabled single-cell genomic and transcriptomic analyses, which have revealed the importance of heterogeneity in biological systems. However, analytical methods to accurately identify and quantify comprehensive metabolites from single mammalian cells with a typical diameter of 10–20 µm are still in the process of development. The aim of this study was to develop a single-cell metabolomic analytical system based on highly sensitive nanoliquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nano-LC-MS/MS) with multiple reaction monitoring. A packed nano-LC column (3-µm particle-size pentafluorophenylpropyl Discovery HSF5 of dimensions 100 µm i.d.×180 mm) was prepared using a slurry technique. The optimized nano-LC-MS/MS method showed 3–132-fold (average value, 26-fold) greater sensitivity than semimicro-LC-MS/MS, and the detection limits for several hydrophilic metabolites, including amino acids and nucleic acid related metabolites were in the sub-fmol range. By combining live single-cell sampling and nano-LC-MS/MS, we successfully detected 18 relatively abundant hydrophilic metabolites (16 amino acids and 2 nucleic acid related metabo-lites) from single HeLa cells (n=22). Based on single-cell metabolic profiles, the 22 HeLa cells were classified into three distinct subclasses, suggesting differences in metabolic function in cultured HeLa cell populations. Our single-cell metabolomic analytical system represents a potentially useful tool for in-depth studies focused on cell metabolism and heterogeneity..
15. Yoshihiro Izumi, Fumio Matsuda*, Akiyoshi Hirayama, Kazutaka Ikeda, Yoshihiro Kita, Kanta Horie, Daisuke Saigusa, Kosuke Saito, Yuji Sawada, Hiroki Nakanishi, Nobuyuki Okahashi, Masatomo Takahashi, Motonao Nakao, Kosuke Hata, Yutaro Hoshi, Motohiko Morihara, Kazuhiro Tanabe, Takeshi Bamba*, Yoshiya Oda, Inter-laboratory comparison of metabolite measurements for metabolomics data integration, Metabolites, 10.3390/metabo9110257, 9, 11, Article number: 257, 2019.11, [URL], Background: One of the current problems in the field of metabolomics is the difficulty in integrating data collected using different equipment at different facilities, because many metabolomic methods have been developed independently and are unique to each laboratory. Methods: In this study, we examined whether different analytical methods among 12 different laboratories provided comparable relative quantification data for certain metabolites. Identical samples extracted from two cell lines (HT-29 and AsPc-1) were distributed to each facility, and hydrophilic and hydrophobic metabolite analyses were performed using the daily routine protocols of each laboratory. Results: The results indicate that there was no difference in the relative quantitative data (HT-29/AsPc-1) for about half of the measured metabolites among the laboratories and assay methods. Data review also revealed that errors in relative quantification were derived from issues such as erroneous peak identification, insufficient peak separation, a difference in detection sensitivity, derivatization reactions, and extraction solvent interference. Conclusion: The results indicated that relative quantification data obtained at different facilities and at different times would be integrated and compared by using a reference materials shared for data normalization..
16. Masatomo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Izumi*, Fukumatsu Iwahashi, Yasumune Nakayama, Mitsuhiko Iwakoshi, Motonao Nakao, Seiji Yamato, Eiichiro Fukusaki, Takeshi Bamba*, Highly Accurate Detection and Identification Methodology of Xenobiotic Metabolites Using Stable Isotope Labeling, Data Mining Techniques, and Time-Dependent Profiling Based on LC/HRMS/MS, Analytical Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01388, 90, 15, 9068-9076, 2018.08, [URL], A generally applicable method to discover xenobiotic metabolites is important to safely and effectively develop xenobiotics. We propose an advanced method to detect and identify comprehensive xenobiotic metabolites using stable isotope labeling, liquid chromatography coupled with benchtop quadrupole Orbitrap high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS/MS), data mining techniques (alignment, peak picking, and paired-peaks filtering), in silico metabolism prediction, and time-dependent profiling. The LC/HRMS analysis was carried out using Arabidopsis T87 cultured cells treated with unlabeled, or 13C- or 2H-labeled 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Paired-peak filtering enabled accurate detection of 83 candidates for 2,4-D metabolites without any false positive peaks derived from solvents or the biological matrix. We confirmed 10 previously reported 2,4-D metabolites and identified 16 novel 2,4-D metabolites. Our method provides accurate detection and identification of comprehensive xenobiotic metabolites and represents a potentially useful tool to elucidate xenobiotic metabolism..
17. Hiroaki Takeda, Yoshihiro Izumi, Masatomo Takahashi, Thanai Paxton, Shohei Tamura, Tomonari Koike, Ying Yu, Noriko Kato, Katsutoshi Nagase, Masashi Shiomi, Takeshi Bamba*, Widely-targeted quantitative lipidomics method by supercritical fluid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, Journal of Lipid Research, 10.1194/jlr.D083014, 59, 7, 1283-1293, 2018.01, [URL], Lipidomics, the mass spectrometry-based comprehensive analysis of lipids, has attracted attention as an analytical approach to provide novel insight into lipid metabolism and to search for biomarkers. However, an ideal method for both comprehensive and quantitative analysis of lipids has not been fully developed. Here, we have proposed a practical methodology for widely targeted quantitative lipidome analysis using supercritical fluid chromatography fast-scanning triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry (SFC/ QqQMS) and theoretically calculated a comprehensive lipid multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) library. Lipid classes can be separated by SFC with a normal-phase diethylaminebonded silica column with high resolution, high throughput, and good repeatability. Structural isomers of phospholipids can be monitored by mass spectrometric separation with fatty acyl-based MRM transitions. SFC/QqQMS analysis with an internal standard-dilution method offers quantitative information for both lipid class and individual lipid molecular species in the same lipid class. Additionally, data acquired using this method has advantages, including reduction of misidentification and acceleration of data analysis. Using the SFC/QqQMS system, alteration of plasma lipid levels in myocardial infarction-prone rabbits to the supplementation of EPA was first observed. Our developed SFC/QqQMS method represents a potentially useful tool for in-depth studies focused on complex lipid metabolism and biomarker discovery..
18. Yoshihiro Izumi, Shimpei Aikawa, Fumio Matsuda, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo*, Aqueous size-exclusion chromatographic method for the quantification of cyanobacterial native glycogen, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.04.037, 930, 90-97, 2013.07, [URL], Cyanobacterial glycogen has gained interest as a valuable biomass feedstock for biofuel production. However, an ideal method for native glycogen quantification has not been developed. Here, we have proposed a simple methodology that enables the quantitative determination of cyanobacterial glycogen concentration with high repeatability using aqueous size-exclusion chromatography with a differential refractive index detector (SEC/RID). Our SEC/RID system also allows size distributions for native glycogen based on hydrodynamic volumes (Vh), which is proportional to the product of the molecular mass (M) and intrinsic viscosity [η], obtained by universal calibration using linear homopolymers of known M with Mark-Houwink-Sakurada parameters. The universal calibration curve achieved a broad linear range (Vh parameter [η]M=2×102-8×108mLg-1) with a high correlation coefficient (R2=0.9942), because the developed system is equipped with an OHpak SB-806M HQ aqueous column containing four types of polyhydroxy methacrylate-based particles with different particle and pore sizes. Based on the SEC/RID system, response of molecular size distribution of glycogen in microalgae to the cultivation condition was first observed. Our established SEC/RID method has several advantages over conventional techniques, including the simultaneous quantitative and size distribution analyses of glycogen, and represents a potentially useful tool to elucidate the relationship between structural properties and the roles of glycogen in metabolism..
19. Yoshihiro Izumi, Shin Takimura, Shinichi Yamaguchi, Junko Iida, Takeshi Bamba, Eiichiro Fukusaki*, Application of electrospray ionization ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry for chemically-synthesized small RNAs, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2011.11.007, 113, 3, 412-419, 2012.03, [URL], In this study, we have demonstrated an accurate and rapid small RNA analytical method with both sequence determination and detailed modification analysis by electrospray ionization-ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-IT/TOFMS). To develop this ideal method, we have examined the performance of ESI-IT/TOFMS using various chemically-synthesized model sequences of modified or unmodified microRNAs (miRNAs). The deconvoluted mass of a 22-nucleotide (nt) miRNA was obtained from a multiply charged precursor ion (MS
). The ion exhibited high mass accuracy ( 2
method using ion trap collision-induced dissociation, as well as automatic annotation analysis of product ions based on the accurate mass information, enabled the precise sequencing determination of intact miRNAs. Further, the detailed structural analysis of 3'-terminal modified nucleic acid in intact methylated miRNA was carried out using the MS
capability of the hybrid IT/TOFMS. The direct infusion method also provided a high throughput and good sensitivity because the analytical time and sample concentration needed in a series of experiments with reliable data were only 3min and 100nM, respectively. This study provides a novel approach for characterizing the intact chemically-synthesized small RNA without chemical and enzymatic digestions and would be widely applicable for the structural analysis of complicated modified small RNAs..
20. Yoshihiro Izumi, Atsushi Okazawa, Takeshi Bamba, Akio Kobayashi, Eiichiro Fukusaki*, Development of a method for comprehensive and quantitative analysis of plant hormones by highly sensitive nanoflow liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 10.1016/j.aca.2009.07.001, 648, 2, 215-225, 2009.08, [URL], In recent plant hormone research, there is an increased demand for a highly sensitive and comprehensive analytical approach to elucidate the hormonal signaling networks, functions, and dynamics. We have demonstrated the high sensitivity of a comprehensive and quantitative analytical method developed with nanoflow liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS) under multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) in plant hormone profiling. Unlabeled and deuterium-labeled isotopomers of four classes of plant hormones and their derivatives, auxins, cytokinins (CK), abscisic acid (ABA), and gibberellins (GA), were analyzed by this method. The optimized nanoflow-LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS method showed ca. 5-10-fold greater sensitivity than capillary-LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS, and the detection limits (S/N = 3) of several plant hormones were in the sub-fmol range. The results showed excellent linearity (R2 values of 0.9937-1.0000) and reproducibility of elution times (relative standard deviations, RSDs,
21. Yoshihiro Izumi, Shin'Ichiro Kajiyama*, Ryosuke Nakamura, Atsushi Ishihara, Atsushi Okazawa, Eiichiro Fukusaki, Yasuo Kanematsu, Akio Kobayashi, High-resolution spatial and temporal analysis of phytoalexin production in oats, Planta, 10.1007/s00425-008-0887-x, 229, 4, 931-943, 2009.03, [URL], The production of oat (Avena sativa L.) phytoalexins, avenanthramides, occurs in response to elicitor treatment with oligo-N- acetylchitooligosaccharides. In this study, avenanthramides production was investigated by techniques that provide high spatial and temporal resolution in order to clarify the process of phytoalexin production at the cellular level. The amount of avenanthramides accumulation in a single mesophyll cell was quantified by a combination of laser micro-sampling and low-diffuse nanoflow liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) techniques. Avenanthramides, NAD(P)H and chlorophyll were also visualized in elicitor-treated mesophyll cells using line-scanning fluorescence microscopy. We found that elicitor-treated mesophyll cells could be categorized into three characteristic cell phases, which occurred serially over time. Phase 0 indicated the normal cell state before metabolic or morphological change in response to elicitor, in which the cells contained abundant NAD(P)H. In phase 1, rapid NAD(P)H oxidation and marked movement of chloroplasts occurred, and this phase was the early stage of avenanthramides biosynthesis. In phase 2, avenanthramides accumulation was maximized, and chloroplasts were degraded. Avenanthramides appear to be synthesized in the chloroplast, because a fluorescence signal originating from avenanthramides was localized to the chloroplasts. Moreover, our results indicated that avenanthramides biosynthesis and the hypersensitive response (HR) occurred in identical cells. Thus, the avenanthramides production may be one of sequential events programmed in HR leading to cell death. Furthermore, the phase of the defense response was different among mesophyll cells simultaneously treated with elicitor. These results suggest that individual cells may have different susceptibility to the elicitor..
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
特許出願件数  6件
特許登録件数  0件
American Society for Mass Spectrometry
2019.04~2021.03, 日本生物工学会・脂質駆動学術産業創生研究部会, 運営委員.
2018.04~2021.03, 日本生物工学会・バイオ計測サイエンス研究部会, 運営委員.
2015.04~2021.03, 日本生物工学会・メタボロミクス研究部会, 運営委員.
2015.04~2021.03, SFC研究会, 幹事.
2022.12.16~2022.12.16, 第4回 脂質駆動学術産業創生研究部会講演会, 講演会主催.
2023.05.15~2023.05.17, 第71回質量分析総合討論会, 実行委員(会場担当)・シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2022.06.22~2022.06.24, 第70回質量分析総合討論会, 実行委員(会場担当)・シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2020.05.11~2020.05.13, 第68回質量分析総合討論会, 実行委員(広報担当)・シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2018.10.17~2018.10.19, 第12回メタボロームシンポジウム, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.05.17~2017.05.19, 第65回質量分析総合討論会, シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2016.05.18~2016.05.20, 第64回質量分析総合討論会, シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2015.06.16~2015.06.20, 第63回質量分析総合討論会, シンポジウム企画・座長(Chairmanship).
2017.07.12~2017.07.14, SFC Asia 2017, 11th International Conference on Packed-Column SFC, 国際学会運営(会場担当).
2022.05~2024.04, Mass Spectrometry, 国際, 編集委員.
第67回日本生物工学会大会トピックス賞, 日本生物工学会, 2015.10.
9th International Conference on Packed Column SFC BEST Poster Award First Place, 9th International Conference on Packed Column SFC, 2015.07.
第63回質量分析総合討論会ベストプレゼンテーション賞 ポスター発表部門最優秀賞, 日本質量分析学会, 2015.06.
2009年 生物工学若手研究者の集い生物工学会特別賞, 日本生物工学会, 2009.07.
2022年度~2026年度, 学術変革領域研究(A), 分担, 生体防御における自己認識の「功」と「罪」.
2022年度~2024年度, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 分担, 消化管グルコース排泄の生理・病理的意義に関する包括的解析.
2022年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 次世代メタボローム解析技術による代謝マップの拡張と機能未知遺伝子の包括的帰属.
2022年度~2026年度, 学術変革領域研究(A), 代表, 自己分子の包括的同定と自己認識を介した免疫ネットワーク形成の理解.
2022年度~2024年度, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 代表, オルガネラメタボローム計測技術の開発.
2022年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 機械学習を用いた原発性アルドステロン症における個別化医療基盤の確立.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 血中代謝物分析における新たなデータ補正・定量分析法の確立.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 歯周病菌が腸内細菌と胆汁酸の代謝経路に及ぼす影響.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, PET陽性肺がん特異的バイオマーカーの同定と検証.
2020年度~2022年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, ヒト羊膜MSCが持つ新規抗炎症物質の同定ならびに治療効果の検討.
2019年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 1細胞メタボローム・プロテオーム分析によるがん細胞株の分子フェノタイプ解析.
2017年度~2019年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 呼気凝縮液を用いた慢性咳嗽の診断,病態評価.
2017年度~2020年度, 新学術領域研究, 分担, 次世代メタボローム解析技術開発と応用.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, in vivo安定同位体標識代謝物を用いた定量メタボロミクス技術の開発.
2023年度~2027年度, JST革新的GX技術創出事業(チーム型), 分担, 次世代バイオものづくりを駆動する高度オミクス計測・解析基盤の開発.
2023年度~2027年度, JST ライフサイエンスデータベース統合推進事業統合化推進プログラム, 分担, 次世代低分子スペクトルデータベースシンマスバンクの構築.
2022年度~2024年度, AMED 次世代がん医療加速化研究事業 令和4年度二次公募研究領域B 探索研究フェーズ, 分担, 劇症型NK白血病に対する新規治療標的システイン-GGT系・トランスフェリン(Tf)ーTf受容体の作用機序解明.
2022年度~2027年度, JST-CREST データ駆動・AI駆動を中心としたデジタルトランスフォーメーションによる生命科学研究の革新, 分担, データ駆動進化医学で解く季節性うつと冬眠の代謝基盤.
2017年度~2022年度, AMED-CREST 革新的先端研究開発支援事業 「画期的医薬品等の創出をめざす脂質の生理活性と機能の解明」, 連携, 酸化脂質をターゲットとした疾患メカニズム解明および創薬基盤研究.
2020年度~2025年度, 内閣府 ムーンショット型研究開発事業(ムーンショット目標1)「2050年までに、人が身体、脳、空間、時間の制約から解放された社会を実現」, 分担, バイオマーカー探索.
2020年度~2022年度, JST 未来社会創造事業(探索加速型:「共通基盤」領域)「革新的な知や製 品を創出する共通基盤システム・装置の実現」, 代表, 1細胞定量分子フェノタイプ解析に向けた微量試料自動前処理装置の開発.

