九州大学 研究者情報
土屋 智行(つちや ともゆき) データ更新日:2023.11.22

准教授 /  言語文化研究院 国際文化共生学部門

1. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Formulaicity of fictional quotative ga itteta and its functions in Japanese social media posts, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, https://doi.org/10.1515/jjl-2023-2009, 39, 1, 125-144, 2023.05, [URL], Relatively longer formulaic sequences are often subject to syntactic, lexical, and semantic variability, and this variability presumably connects to the development of constructional schemata and to language creativity. The present paper focuses on the formulaicity, variation, and communicative effects of the quotative phrase X ga itteta ‘X was saying’ in Japanese social media posts, whose situation would become fictional or less factual depending on the nature of the subject X. Twitter data suggest that X ga itteta with certain subjects (e.g., high school girls, cats, moms; see below) is more conventionalized compared to the counterpart Y-tte itteta ‘was saying that Y’, where Y is a quoted statement, with the same subject. Additionally, the construction accepts variation of surrounding elements to raise its fictional level. In Japanese online platforms, the schema X ga itteta and its formulaic instances possibly distance the quoter from the quoted statement and avoid arguments and criticisms..
2. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Extracting and Analyzing English Multi-word Expressions with Slots: A Case Study of 'take', 言語処理学会 第27回年次大会 発表論文集, 1134-1137, 2021.03.
3. 土屋智行, 網羅的なパターン束分析からみる構文の状況依存性, 言語処理学会第24回年次大会発表論文集, 584-587, 2018.03.
4. 土屋智行, 言語環境に応じた言語知識の活性化, 2017.11.
5. 土屋智行, 定型表現のコーパス分析からみる構文スキーマの形成プロセス, 日本英文学会, 335-336, 2017.10.
6. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 言語の創造性の基盤としての定型表現
慣用句およびことわざの拡張用法の調査, 認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 10.11225/jcss.18.370, 18, 2, 370-374, 2011.06, [URL].
7. Yuichi Ishimoto, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Hanae Koiso, Yasuharu Den, Towards automatic transformation between different transcription conventions
Prediction of intonation markers from linguistic and acoustic features, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014
, 311-315, 2014.01, Because of the tremendous effort required for recording and transcription, large-scale spoken language corpora have been hardly developed in Japanese, with a notable exception of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ). Various research groups have individually developed conversation corpora in Japanese, but these corpora are transcribed by different conventions and have few annotations in common, and some of them lack fundamental annotations, which are prerequisites for conversation research. To solve this situation by sharing existing conversation corpora that cover diverse styles and settings, we have tried to automatically transform a transcription made by one convention into that made by another convention. Using a conversation corpus transcribed in both the Conversation - Analysis-style (CA-style) and CSJ-style, we analyzed the correspondence between CA's 'intonation markers' and CSJ's 'tone labels,' and constructed a statistical model that converts tone labels into intonation markers with reference to linguistic and acoustic features of the speech. The result showed that there is considerable variance in intonation marking even between trained transcribers. The model predicted with 85% accuracy the presence of the intonation markers, and classified the types of the markers with 72% accuracy..
8. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 発話・慣習・社会知に基づいた「まとまり」の認知 : 「NをV」の定型性の分析と比較, 認知言語学論考, 12, 379-415, 2015.
9. 小磯 花絵, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 渡部 涼子, Daisuke Yokomori, 相澤 正夫, 伝 康晴, KOISO Hanae, TSUCHIYA Tomoyuki, WATANABE Ryoko, YOKOMORI Daisuke, AIZAWA Masao, DEN Yasuharu, 均衡会話コーパス設計のための一日の会話行動に関する基礎調査, 国立国語研究所論集, 10.15084/00000810, 10, 85-106, 2016.01, [URL], 本稿では,国立国語研究所共同研究プロジェクト「均衡性を考慮した大規模日本語会話コーパス構築に向けた基盤整備」(リーダー:小磯,2014年7月~2015年8月)の活動について報告する。本プロジェクトの目標は,21世紀初頭の日本語母語話者の多様な会話行動を納めた大規模な日本語日常会話コーパスの構築を目指し,その基盤整備として,(1)均衡性を考慮した会話コーパスの設計,(2)種々の日常場面での会話を収録するための方法論,(3)日常会話を適切・効率的に転記するための方法論の策定を進めることである。本稿ではこのうち(1)に焦点を当て,均衡性を考慮したコーパス設計案を策定するために実施した,一日の会話行動の種類と従事時間に関する調査について報告する。調査では,首都圏在住の成人約250人を対象に,起床から就寝までの間に行ったそれぞれの会話について,いつ,どこで,誰と,何をしながら,どのような種類の会話を,どのくらいの長さ行ったか,などを問う調査項目に回答してもらった。その結果,日常会話には以下の傾向が見られることが分かった。(1)雑談や用談・相談が多く,会議・会合や授業・レッスン・講演は少ない。(2)少人数・短時間の会話が多い。(3)自宅や職場・学校など,私的あるいは公的に主たる空間での会話が多い。(4)いくつかの調査項目の間には対応関係が見られる。これらの分析結果にもとづき,均衡性を考慮した日常会話コーパスの設計方針について議論する。In this paper, we report on the activity of a preparatory project to build a large-scale corpus of conversational Japanese (NINJAL collaborative research project, 2014/7/1-2015/8/31). The overall aims of this project are: i) to establish a corpus design for collecting various kinds of everyday conversations in a balanced manner, ii) to develop a methodology of recording naturally occurring conversations, and iii) to create a transcription system suitable for effectively transcribing natural conversations. This report focuses on the first issue of establishing a corpus design. We first describe our survey of everyday conversational behavior, conducted with about 250 Japanese adults last year, in order to reveal how diverse our everyday conversational behavior is, and to build an empirical foundation for corpus design. The questionnaire included when, where, how long, with whom, and in what kind of activity informants were engaged in conversations. We found that ordinary conversations show the following tendencies: i) they mainly consist of chats, business talks, and consultations; ii) in general, the number of participants is small and the duration is short; iii) many conversations are conducted in private places such as homes, as well as in public places such as offices and schools; and iv) some questionnaire items are related to each other. Based on these results, we discuss how to design a balanced corpus of conversational Japanese..
10. Hanae Koisot, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Ryoko Watanabet, Daisuke Yokomori, Masao Aizawa, Yasuharu Den, Survey of conversational behavior
Towards the design of a balanced corpus of everyday Japanese conversation, 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016
, 4434-4439, 2016.01, In 2016, we set about building a large-scale corpus of everyday Japanese conversation-a collection of conversations embedded in naturally occurring activities in daily life. We will collect more than 200 hours of recordings over six years, publishing the corpus in 2022. To construct such a huge corpus, we have conducted a pilot project, one of whose purposes is to establish a corpus design for collecting various kinds of everyday conversations in a balanced manner. For this purpose, we conducted a survey of everyday conversational behavior, with about 250 adults, in order to reveal how diverse our everyday conversational behavior is and to build an empirical foundation for corpus design. The questionnaire included when, where, how long, with whom, and in what kind of activity informants were engaged in conversations. We found that ordinary conversations show the following tendencies: i) they mainly consist of chats, business talks, and consultations; ii) in general, the number of participants is small and the duration of the conversation is short; iii) many conversations are conducted in private places such as homes, as well as in public places such as offices and schools; and iv) some questionnaire items are related to each other. This paper describes an overview of this survey study, and then discusses how to design a large-scale corpus of everyday Japanese conversation on this basis..
11. Yubun Suzuki, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 授業時間帯のない英語科目の学習運営論, 言語文化論究, 10.15017/1804172, 38, 27-39, 2017, [URL].
12. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 定型表現のメディア依存性 : 「旅行課題遂行会話データベース」とその構築に向けた理論的基盤, 言語文化論究, 10.15017/1804170, 38, 1-15, 2017, [URL].
13. Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, 参与者をつなぐメディアと身体性
手法と展開, 日本認知言語学会論文集 Papers from the National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 17, 465-471, 2017.

