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稲村 徳州(いなむら とくしゆう) データ更新日:2023.06.23

1. Tokushu Inamura, A Meditative Design Development Framework Toward Post Human-Centered Transformation of Pedagogical Processes, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23152-0_15, Chapter 15
Pages 235-250

Cite this chapter as follows:
Inamura, T. (2023). A Meditative Design Development Framework Toward Post Human-Centered Transformation of Pedagogical Processes. In: Lehtonen, M.J., Kauppinen, T., Sivula, L. (eds) Design Education Across Disciplines. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23152-0_15, 2023.04, The learner is facing increasing uncertainty from environmental, social, and economic shifts, including everything from escalating natural disasters to pandemics, conflict, and societal tensions (Karalis and Raikou, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 10:479–493, 2020; Schwartzman, Communication Education 69:502–517, 2020). It is of importance and urgency then, to empower learners in such a way that they can imagine and become actors to make the diverse impacts required..
1. Tokushu Inamura, Tomomi Ogata, Hazuki Kosaka , Yutaka:how do we prototype the transformative change towards nature positive designs with soil., Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023, ISBN 978-94-0149-676XX
Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series, No. 9, 2023.04.
2. Zhang, Yanfang (1); Inamura, Tokushu (1); Ito, Shinichiro (2); Cruz, Christian (3), A STUDY ON THE COMMUNICATION METHOD FOR ONLINE PARTICIPATORY DESIGN WORKSHOP, DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th -10th September 2021, https://doi.org/10.35199/EPDE.2021.48, DS 110

ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9, 2021.09, In the 21st century, global environmental changes and rapid changes in social structures have led to a variety of social issues. To solve these global issues, new mechanisms need to be created. In the creation of new value, a lot of attention is being paid to design. This is evident from the fact that many workshops are conducted using the ‘design process ‘. The design process is the process of finding a solution to a problem or issue that has arisen, using a design approach and method of 5 stages: (1) understanding, (2) problem identification, (3) idea development, (4) testing (prototype production), and (5) proposal presentation. Due to the widespread of the new coronavirus that has threatened people around the world, online workshops have become very common. In addition, digital communication tools such as Zoom and Miro have been widely used for online workshops. Face-to-face workshops and online workshops have very different communication methods. For the online workshop, digital tools can create communication barriers that can affect the output of the workshop. Even though there are a lot of online workshops based on the design process, conducted in various location, there has been no research focusing on communication methods. The purpose of this study is to propose a method of communication for online participatory workshops that use the design process. The differences in communication methods between face-to-face and online participatory workshops are studied to identify factors that inhibit communication in online workshops that could not occur in face-to-face workshops, and the differences in output and quality are also clarified. This study is based on the SMRC model proposed by David Berlo, and this study was conducted using a quantitative and qualitative approach. The object of the study was the participants of the face-to-face workshops from 2012 to 2019 and online workshops in 2020. Video recording of the participants in the workshops and questionnaires for participants were conducted. The response of the participants in terms of their body language and conversation and the quality of prototypes were noted for each stage in the design process. Then the data was organized to identify the communication issues faced in the online workshops and the difference in the output and its quality. This study is a proposal for design workshop instructors. Based on the findings, a new communication method is proposed to solve the problems identified. The proposed communication method enable online participatory workshops with diverse participants to be conducted with increased chances of success from a communicative perspective. Thus, enabling the workshop organizers who focus on elements of the workshop that are more critical for the qualitative outcome of these. In the dawn of massive vaccination programs currently under implementation, the world will eventually regain some semblance of similarity analogous to a pre-pandemic condition. However, even with a ‘solution’ at hand, online activities, including workshops, are mostly expected to increase and diversify, the significance of this research is a direct contribution to this new era..
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Zhang Yanfang, Inamura Tokushu, Hirai Yasuyuki, Five years of Global Goals Jam Fukuoka, 5 years of the Global Goals JAM IMPACT REPORT, 2021.09, [URL], The Global Goals Jam Fukuoka has been running consistently for five years, since the inaugural Jam in 2016. This article reflects upon the key characteristics of the GGJ Fukuoka in light of its origins in the Inclusive Design Challenge and the Universal Fukuoka City Design Workshop, part of a citywide effort to promote the design of a more inclusive and universal city.
The conscious emphasis placed on diverse community participation is highlighted.The outputs of the Jams are noted; these include printed work, videos, academic writings and realised design projects. Finally, the future of the GGJ Fukuoka is discussed, looking to more inter-Jam collaborations and realised projects.

1. 尾方朋美・稲村徳州, 土着のサーキュラーデザイン展・土のデザインプロジェクト展示, 2023.03
土のデザインは、地域の生態系に共存する植物・虫・動物・人を同線上で捉え、持続的な地域環境を自らの手で作っていくための思考と実践を行う市民発の研究開発プロジェクトです。これまでの人間中心的な自然管理や開発に対し、サーキュラー都市の根幹である自然環境、そしてそこに住む全ての生命にとっての「豊か」 な状況をデザインするため、私たちは土づくりを始めました。
Satsuma Future Commons はマテリアルライブラリー(循環の材料集)という考え方をビジョン設定時から大事にしてきました。さまざまな種を選択し植えることで生きたマテリアルライブラリーができ、ソイルスタジオのモデルが拡散するにつれ、各地でライブラリーが充実していくことを想定して、プロジェクトを設計しています。実際、参画者たちは、ガーデン、フードフォレスト、医療箱など、それぞれの畝(うね)に異なる種を植え、そのライブラリーを充実させる一歩を踏み出しました。

https://satsumafuturecommons.medium.com/dochakuno-design-exhibition-3bb17b663f76, [URL], 共同研究の成果発信のため鹿児島県薩摩川内市の循環型社会の構築に向けた展示を行った。

2021.10.25~2021.10.25, 那珂川みらい会議準備会, 登壇発表・事前当日運営・チームファシリテーター・ワークショップ設計.
2021.12.03~2021.12.03, イノベーションを生み出すビジネス融合型デザイン教育, オンライン参加の質問者からの質問提示.
2021.03.18~2021.03.18, サーキュラーデザインシンポジウム, パネリスト.
2017.10.21~2017.10.21, デザイン教育の質保証国際シンポジウム, 運営補助(ライブドキュメント作成)、報告書作成補助.
2017.02.18~2017.02.18, K2 Symposium 2017: Designing Future Cities, 司会・コーディネーター.
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
スイス連邦材料試験研究所(EMPA), Switzerland, 2009.05~2009.08.
ユニバーサル都市福岡 デザインワークショップ2015 Jury Prize, 九州大学 大学院芸術工学研究院, 2015.10.
2018年度~2020年度, 若手研究, 代表, 法的人格を付与されたワンガヌイ川との共生デザインモデルに向けて.
2018年度~2018年度, 平成30年度QRプログラム(Qdai-jump Research Program)わかばチャレンジ, 分担, バイオテクノロジーを活用したデザインの可能性に関する研究 .

