九州大学 研究者情報
長澤 貴宏(ながさわ たかひろ) データ更新日:2023.11.27

助教 /  農学研究院 生命機能科学部門

1. 呉雨、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, Exploration of antigen-trapping sites in ginbuna crucian carp, 水産学会九州支部会, 2022.01.
2. 吉迫郁子、長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, コイ体表粘液中の補体成分と補体活性化, 日本補体学会, 2021.09.
3. 畠山紗矢香、長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, コイ血清中におけるC3 の二量体形成, 日本補体学会, 2021.09.
4. 長澤貴宏, 板鰓類⾎中に常在する細菌叢の検出と解析, 板鰓類シンポジウム2021, 2021.12.
5. 助田将樹、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, 魚類CD8+ T細胞のMHC非依存的な細胞媒介性細胞傷害における寄生原虫認識受容体の同定
, R3年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2021.03.
6. 長澤貴宏、池尻夏菜、大野薫、牧野由美子、笠元、杣本智軌、中尾実樹 , アユカリクレクチンはオプソニンとして働く, R3年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2021.03.
7. Nehlal Rosli, Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonri Somamoto, Miki Nakao, Functional analysis of two complement C4 isotypes of carp using recombinant proteins, The 1st Congress of Asian Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2019.12.
8. Harsha Prakash、丸山真平、佐藤充、小島桂、佐藤巧視、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, アフィニティーシルクを用いた魚病細菌除去フィルターの開発, 令和元年度日本魚病学会秋季大会, 2019.09.
9. 友井千帆里、長澤貴宏、濵虹花、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, ドチザメ血清中のザイモサン結合タンパク質の同定, 日本比較免疫学会第31回学術集会, 2019.09.
10. 藤村拓実、室谷冬香、野崎玲子、矢澤良輔、長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹、廣野育生、近藤秀裕, 軟骨魚類自然抗体の抗原結合能に及ぼす生息地域の影響, R2年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2020.03.
11. Zhao Ge, Takahiro Nagasawa, Miki Nakao, Tomonori Somamoto, 魚類免疫学の近年の概況~粘膜免疫と寄生虫対策~, 令和元年度日本水産学会九州支部会, 2019.12.
12. 長澤貴宏, 魚類免疫学の近年の概況~粘膜免疫と寄生虫対策~, 第35回九州沖縄ブロック動物園水族館獣医師臨床研究会, 2020.02.
13. 鈴木泰也、牧貴海、中村雅之、長澤貴宏、シロワニ繁殖協議会, 飼育下シロワニの飼育環境変化と繁殖周期, 第64回水族館技術者研究会, 2020.01.
14. 齋藤武尊、長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, 魚類炎症反応におけるC5aの役割解明のための組換えゼブラフィッシュ C5aの作製, R元年度日本水産学会秋季大会, 2019.09.
15. 助田将樹、長澤貴宏、塩田昂明、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, ギンブナの細胞外寄生原虫に対する細胞傷害機構におけるシグナル伝達経路の探索, R2年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2020.03.
16. 鳥居爽花、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹, イヌザメ血清レクチンの構造・機能解析, R2年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2020.03.
17. 長澤貴宏、池尻夏菜、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, アユのザイモサン結合性レクチンの機能解析, R2年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2020.03.
18. Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, and Miki Nakao, TLR-MEDIATED TYPE-I INTERFERON PRODUCTION AND THE REGULATORY MECHANISMS IN CARP THROMBOCYTES, International conference on Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2019, 2019.06.
19. Masaki Sukeda, Koumei Shiota, Takahiro Nagasawa, Miki Nakao, Tomonori Somamoto, Direct cytotoxic activity of CD8+ T cells against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in ginbuna crucian carp, Carassius auratus langsdorfii, International conference on Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2019, 2019.06.
20. 斎藤武尊, 長澤 貴宏, 杣本智軌, 中尾実樹, 魚類炎症反応におけるC5aの役割解明のための抗ゼブラフィッシュC5a抗体の作成, H31年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2019.03.
21. 塩田昂明, 助田将樹, 中西照幸, 長澤貴宏, 中尾実樹, 杣本智軌, 繊毛虫Ichtyophthiriusmultifiliisの成長段階の違いによるギンブナの免疫応答の比較, H31年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2019.03.
22. 中尾実樹, 木村美智代, 長澤貴宏, 杣本智軌, 特異抗体を利用したコイ補体成分C5の迅速精製, H31年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2019.03.
23. 中村雅之・⻑澤貴宏・シロワニ繁殖協議会, シロワニ繁殖協議会の活動について, 板鰓類シンポジウム2018 in長崎, 2018.12.
24. Masayuki Nakamura, Keisuke Kondo,Takahiro Nagasawa and Reproductive Management Committee for Sand Tiger Sharks, Activity of Reproductive Management Committee for Sand Tiger Sharks, 10th Intenational Aquarium Congress 2018 Fukushima Japan , 2018.11, Reproductive Management Committee for Sand Tiger Sharks (RMCS) is working with six aquariums to exchange rearing record since 2015. In RMCS, under different water temperature and photoperiod condition, male breeding behavior is observed in different season, spring (seasonal change) and autumn (constant). MARINEWORLD started to analyze changes in blood levels of steroid hormones(17-β-Estradiol, Progesteron, Teststeron) since 2015. Many investigations are still undergoing to reveal a mechanism of reproduction of C. taurus and to make a success in breeding of this shark in the future. Sand tiger sharks are distributed around Ogasawara islands in Japan, but biological and ecological data of them is very limited. We started data collection program (photo identification survey) in cooperation with local diving services to complement the lack of data..
25. Miki Nakao, Sayo Iwanaga, Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, Functional analysis of the classical activation pathway in teleost fish complement system: an evolutionary implication., Asian invertebrate immunity symposium 2018, 2018.09.
26. Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao, Type I IFN production by carp thrombocytes as professional antiviral leukocytes, like mammalian plasmacytoid dendritic cells, via IRF7 signaling pathway., Asian invertebrate immunity symposium 2018, 2018.09, In early stage of viral infection, viral-specific nucleic acids including single/double-stranded RNA (ss/dsRNA) are recognized by innate pattern recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), thereby type-I interferon (IFN) is produced. In mammal, plasmacytoid dendritic cells are known as professional type-I IFN producing cells against viral infection, which possess interferon-regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) signaling pathway to produce huge amount of the IFN. In the present study, we show that thrombocytes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) have potent ability to produce type-I IFN in response to synthetic viral molecule mimicries. Magnetic-sorted mAb+ thrombocytes and other peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) were incubated with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C), analog of dsRNA), resiquimod (R-848, ligand of TLR7/8 which detect ssRNA), or CpG motif oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN2007 and GpC motif nucleotides for control). qPCR analysis showed that thrombocytes had produced large amount of type-I IFN (ccIFNαβ) compared with the PBL fraction. R-848 acutely activated the IFN production in both fractions, whereas upregulating of the IFN expression by poly(I:C) were detected only in the PBL fractions. CpG DNA never enhanced type-I IFN expression but upregulated several inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6, suggesting that different signal pathways were activated by those ligand recognitions. After the R-848 stimulation, expression level of IRF7 were dramatically increased in thrombocytes, suggesting that thrombocytes activated the IRF7 signaling pathway for the IFN production. Those pattern-recognition characteristics, type-I IFN producing ability, and existence of the specialized IFN-producing pathway of carp thrombocytes are analogous to those of mammalian plasmacytoid dendritic cells, indicating that thrombocytes are important components for antiviral immunity in bony fish and can be a new target for the strategy of vaccine development..
27. 助田将樹, 塩田昴明, 長澤貴宏, 中尾実樹, 杣本智軌, ギンブナCD8+Tリンパ球の寄生原虫に対する細胞遊走活性, H30年度日本水産学会秋季大会, 2018.09.
28. Masayuki Nakamura, Keisuke Kondo,Takahiro Nagasawa and Reproductive Management Committee for Sand Tiger Sharks, Activity of Reproductive Management Committee for Sand Tiger Sharks, International workshop of Sand Tiger Sharks, 2018.09.
29. 中尾実樹, 岩永彩代, 長澤貴宏, 杣本智軌, 硬骨魚類における古典経路の機能解析から系統発生学的考察, 第55回日本補体学会学術集会, 2018.08.
30. 吉迫郁子, 黒木将武, 長澤貴宏, 杣本智軌, 中尾実樹, コイ体表粘液中に存在する補体成分の検出, 第30回日本比較免疫学会学術集会, 2018.08.
31. Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao, VIRAL LIGANDS RECOGNITION OF CARP THROMBOCYTES AS NATURAL TYPE I INTERFERON PRODUCING CELLS., 14th congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2018.06, In early stage of viral infection, viral-specific nucleic acids including single/double-stranded RNA (ss/dsRNA) are recognized by innate pattern recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), thereby type I interferon (IFN) is produced. In the present study, we report that thrombocytes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) have potent ability to produce type I IFN in response to synthetic viral molecule mimicries. Magnetic-sorted mAb+ thrombocytes and other peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) were incubated with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C), an analog of dsRNA), resiquimod (R-848, an agonist of TLR7/8 which detect ssRNA), or CpG motif oligodeoxynucleotides. qPCR analysis showed that thrombocytes had produced large amount of type-I IFN compared with the PBL fraction. R-848 acutely activated the IFN production in both fractions, whereas increasing of the IFN expression by poly(I:C) were detected only in the PBL fractions. CpG DNA never induced type-I IFN expression but upregulated several inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, suggesting that different signal pathways were activated by those ligand recognitions. After the R-848 stimulation, expression level of interferon-regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) were drastically increased in thrombocytes, suggesting that thrombocytes activated the IRF7-signal pathway to produce the IFN. Those pattern-recognition characteristics, type-I IFN producing capacity, and existence of the specialized IFN-producing pathway of carp thrombocytes are analogous to those of mammalian plasmacytoid dendritic cells, which are specialized leukocytes against viral infection, indicating that thrombocytes are important components for antiviral immunity in bony fish and can be a new target for the strategy of vaccine development..
32. Miki nakao, Sayo Iwanaga, Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, PHYLOGENETIC INFERENCE ON FUNCTIONS OF THE CLASSICAL COMPLEMENT PATHWAY IN BONY FISH, 14th congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2018.06.
33. Harsha Prakash, Shiori Motobe, Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao , Homeostatic functional analysis of Tecrem, a CD46-like complement regulatory protein, on epithelial cells in carp fish, 平成30年日本水産学会春季大会, 2018.03.
34. 中村雅之,長澤貴宏,シロワニ繁殖協議会, シロワニ未受精卵排出と性ステロイドホルモン濃度変化, H29年度水族館技術者研究会, 2017.10.
35. 長澤 貴宏, 杣本智軌, 中尾 実樹, Ligand recognition specificity of carp thrombocytes as the natural type I IFN producing cells., The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium「Fisheries Science for Future Generations, 2017.09.
36. Harsha Prakash, Shiori Motobe, Takahiro Nagasawa, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao, Functional analysis of tecrem, a CD46-like complement regulatory protein, on epithelial cells in the common carp, The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium「Fisheries Science for Future Generations, 2017.09.
37. 長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, コイ栓球によるI型インターフェロン産生機構, 平成29年日本魚病学会秋季大会, 2017.09.
38. 助田将樹、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, 繊毛虫Ichthyophthirius multifiliis に対する魚類CD8+T細胞の傷害機構, 平成29年日本魚病学会秋季大会, 2017.09.
39. 丸山真平、佐藤充、小島桂、長澤貴宏、中尾実樹、杣本智軌, アフィニティーシルクの魚病細菌感染症診断への応用, 平成29年日本魚病学会秋季大会, 2017.09.
40. 長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, コイ栓球のI型インターフェロン産生能, 平成29年度日本比較免疫学会学術集会, 2017.08.
41. 赤司小百合、長澤貴宏、杣本智軌、中尾実樹, コイ補体成分B/C2-Bの組換え体作製と機能解析, 平成29年度日本比較免疫学会学術集会, 2017.08.
42. 長澤 貴宏, 杣本智軌, 中尾 実樹, 魚類好中球の異物取り込み・付着を判別する新手法, 日本比較免疫学会, 2016.08.
43. 長澤 貴宏, 岡田幸浩, 畑中晃昌, 青木直人, 平澤徳高, 梅田奈央子, 杣本智軌, 中尾 実樹, 大豆タンパク質含有飼料が魚類の抗体産生応答に与える影響, 2016.03.
44. 長澤 貴宏, 杣本 智軌, 中尾 実樹, Phagocytosis by carp thrombocyte needs activation factors secreted from other leukocytes population, 13th congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2015.06.
45. 長澤 貴宏, 中尾 実樹, 杣本 智軌, 中易 千早, Aja M. Rieger, Daniel R. Barreda, Phagocytosis and bactericidal abilities of teleost thrombocytes., 12th congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2012.06.
46. 長澤 貴宏, Phagocytic activities of carp (Cyprinus carpio ) thrombocytes, Comparative Immunology and Pathology Workshop, 2011.05.

