九州大学 研究者情報
佐藤 洋子(さとう ようこ) データ更新日:2024.04.10

助教 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 広域生涯看護学講座

1. @佐藤洋子, バングラデシュ農村部に在住する妊婦の若年性に関連する課題, 日本看護科学学会, 2022.12.
2. @Sato Yoko,@Suetsugu Yoshiko,Fukuda Yoko,Kawata Kimiko,Noguchi Yukari,Taniguchi Hatsumi, Introduction of Simulation Learning for Midwifery Education in Kyushu University, 32nd ICM Virtual Triennial Congress, 2021.06.
3. Yoko Sato, Yuki Nakamichi, Kumiko Adachi, Davassuren Serdamba, Badarch Jargalsaikhan, Utako Yamamoto, Kiyoko Okamoto, Hatsumi Taniguchi, Mongolian mothers: Nationwide trial of maternal obesity prevention campaign using pamphlet and mobile App
, The 8th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum, 2018.12, The Japanese Midwives Association (JMA) and Mongolian Midwives Association (MMA) began a collaborative research (ICM Twinning Project) with active research starting in 2016, to clarify the Mongolian midwives’ & mothers’ recognition of obesity during pregnancy, and to consider methods for supporting their healthcare. In 2018 we conducted the 2nd National Consciousness Survey.
The proportion of mothers receiving nutritional guidance increased, with the pregnant women's obesity prevention pamphlet & the App used at high rates. However, the proportion of those unconcerned about weight gain has not changed, and it is necessary to examine specific midwifery support methods to promote maternal behavioral change in the future..

