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荻野 由紀子(おぎの ゆきこ) データ更新日:2024.04.21

准教授 /  農学研究院 附属国際農業教育・研究推進センター 農学研究院 資源生物科学専攻 動物・海洋生物科学教育コース

キーワード:アンドロゲン受容体, 転写制御
キーワード:環境 内分泌応答 ストレス
キーワード:男性ホルモン(アンドロゲン)、二次性徴、形態多様化、ゲノム重複, 内分泌かく乱化学物質
1. 神田真司 高木亙 矢野十織 二階堂雅人 安齋賢 渡邊壮一 石川麻乃 小橋常彦 池永隆徳 佐野香織 飯田敦夫 竹花佑介 荻野由紀子 小林 靖尚 野津了, 遺伝子から解き明かす魚の不思議な世界, 一色出版, 2019.08.
1. Yukiko Ogino1,2*, Satoshi Ansai3,4, Eiji Watanabe5,6, Masaki Yasugi7,8, Yukitoshi Katayama9, Hirotaka Sakamoto9, Keigo Okamoto1, Kataaki Okubo10, Yasuhiro Yamamoto11, Ikuyo Hara12,13, Touko Yamazaki12, Ai Kato13, Yasuhiro Kamei6,14, Kiyoshi Naruse6,12,13, Kohei Ohta15, Hajime Ogino16, Tatsuya Sakamoto9, Shinichi Miyagawa17, Tomomi Sato18, Gen Yamada19, Michael E. Baker20, Taisen Iguchi18, Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor is responsible for sexual characteristic development in a teleost fish, Nat Commun, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37026-6, 14, 1, article NO.1428, 2023.03, Teleost fishes exhibit complex sexual characteristics, such as fin enlargement and courtship display, in response to androgens. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their evolutionary acquisition remain largely unknown. To address this question, we analysed medaka (Oryzias latipes) mutants deficient in teleost-specific androgen receptor ohnologs (ara and arb). We discovered that neither ar ohnolog was required for spermatogenesis, whilst they appear to be functionally redundant for the courtship display in males. However, both were required for reproductive success: ara for tooth enlargement and the reproductive behaviour eliciting female receptivity, arb for male-specific fin morphogenesis and sexual motivation. We further showed that differences between the two ars in their transcription, cellular localisation of their encoded proteins, and their downstream genetic programs could be responsible for the phenotypic diversity between the ara and arb mutants. These findings suggest that the ar ohnologs have diverged in two ways: first through the loss of their roles in spermatogenesis, and second, through the gene duplication followed by functional differentiation that has likely resolved the pleiotropic roles derived from their ancestral gene. Thus, our results provide insights into how genome duplication impacts the massive diversification of sexual characteristics in the teleost lineage..
2. Yukiko Ogino, Shigehiro Kuraku, Hiroshi Ishibashi, Hitoshi Miyakawa, Eri Sumiya, Shinichi Miyagawa, Hajime Matsubara, Gen yamada, Michael E. Baker, Taisen Iguchi, Neofunctionalization of androgen receptor by gain-of-function mutations in teleost fish lineage, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33, 228-244, 2016.01.
3. Yukiko Ogino, Ikumi Hirakawa, Keiji Inohaya, Eri Sumiya, Shinichi Miyagawa, Nancy Denslow, Gen Yamada, Norihisa Tatarazako, Taisen Iguchi, Bmp7 and Lef1 are the down stream effectors of androgen signaling in androgen-induced sex characteristics development in medaka, Endocrinology, 155, 449-462, 2014.02.
4. Yukiko Ogino, Shinichi Miyagawa, Hironori Katoh, Gail S. Prins, Taisen Iguchi, Gen Yamada, Essential functions of androgen signaling emerged through the developmental analysis of vertebrate sex characteristics, Evolution and Development, 13, 315-325, 2011.05.
5. Yukiko Ogino, Hironori Katoh, Shigehiro Kuraku, Gen Yamada, Evolutionary history and functional characterization of androgen receptor genes in jawed vertebrates, Endocrinology, 150, 5415-5427, 2009.12.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Yukiko Ogino, Saki Tohyama, Satomi Kohno, Kenji Toyota, Gen Yamada, Ryohei Yatsu, Tohru Kobayashi, Norihisa Tatarazako, Tomomi Sato, Hajime Matsubara, Anke Lange, Charles R. Tyler, Yoshinao Katsu, Taisen Iguchi, Shinichi Miyagawa, Functional distinctions associated with the diversity of sex steroid hormone receptors ESR and AR, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2018.06.002, 2018.11, [URL], Sex steroid hormones including estrogens and androgens play fundamental roles in regulating reproductive activities and they act through estrogen and androgen receptors (ESR and AR). These steroid receptors have evolved from a common ancestor in association with several gene duplications. In most vertebrates, this has resulted in two ESR subtypes (ESR1 and ESR2) and one AR, whereas in teleost fish there are at least three ESRs (ESR1, ESR2a and ESR2b) and two ARs (ARα and ARβ) due to a lineage-specific whole genome duplication. Functional distinctions have been suggested among these receptors, but to date their roles have only been characterized in a limited number of species. Sexual differentiation and the development of reproductive organs are indispensable for all animal species and in vertebrates these events depend on the action of sex steroid hormones. Here we review the recent progress in understanding of the functions of the ESRs and ARs in the development and expression of sexually dimorphic characteristics associated with steroid hormone signaling in vertebrates, with representative fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals..
2. Tsukasa Ryu, Keigo Okamoto, Satoshi Ansai, Miki Nakao, Anu Kumar, Taisen Iguchi, Yukiko Ogino , Gene Duplication of Androgen Receptor As An Evolutionary Driving Force Underlying the Diversity of Sexual Characteristics in Teleost Fishes, Zoological Science, 2024.02, Sexual dimorphism allows species to meet their fitness optima based on the physiological availability of each sex. Although intralocus sexual conflict appears to be a genetic constraint for the evolution of sex-specific traits, sex-linked genes and the regulation of sex steroid hormones contribute to resolving this conflict by allowing sex-specific developments. Androgens and their receptor, androgen receptor (Ar), regulate male-biased phenotypes. In teleost fish, ar ohnologs have emerged as a result of teleost-specific whole genome duplication (TSGD). Recent studies have highlighted the evolutionary differentiation of ar ohnologs responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, which sheds light on the need for comparative studies on androgen regulation among different species. In this review, we discuss the importance of ar signaling as a regulator of male-specific traits in teleost species because teleost species are suitable experimental models for comparative studies owing to their great diversity in male-biased morphological and physiological traits. To date, both in vivo and in vitro studies on teleost ar ohnologs have shown a substantial influence of ars as a regulator of male-specific reproductive traits such as fin elongation, courtship behavior, and nuptial coloration. In addition to these sexual characteristics, ar substantially influences immunity, inducing a sex-biased immune response. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of teleost ar studies and emphasizes the potential of teleost fishes, given their availability, to find molecular evidence that give rise to spectacular diversity among fish species..
1. @荻野由紀子, 魚類におけるアンドロゲン依存的な二次性徴形質の獲得進化の分子基盤
Molecular basis for evolutionary diversification of androgen-dependent sexual characteristics in teleost, 第46回日本分子生物学会年会シンポジウム, 2023.12.
2. @荻野由紀子, 魚類の多彩な二次性徴形質の獲得進化の分子基盤, 第47回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム, 2023.11.
3. @荻野由紀子, アンドロゲン受容体の重複進化による魚類の性的二型形質の多様化
Diversification of sexually dimorphic traits responsible for the gene duplication of androgen receptor in teleost fish, 日本動物学会第94回山形大会シンポジウム, 2023.09.
4. @荻野由紀子, アンドロゲン受容体の重複進化による魚類の性的二型形質の多様化, NBRP主催シンポジウム「バイオリソースで解決する21世紀の社会課題」, 2023.02.
5. @荻野由紀子, アンドロゲン受容体の重複と機能分化から見る魚類の性的二型形質の多様化, 2022年度日本魚類学会シンポジウム, 2022.09.
6. Yukiko Ogino, Satoshi Ansai, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Eiji Watanabe, Kiyoshi Naruse and Taisen Iguchi, Molecular basis of androgen dependent sex characteristics development and evolution with teleost fishes as model species, 第42回日本分子生物学会年会 , 2019.12, Teleost fishes offer a clue to understanding the evolution of secondary sex characteristics, because they acquired two different subtypes of the AR gene, ARa and ARb, in the teleost-specific whole genome duplication, which might have led to their diversified masculine sex characteristics for appendage development and also sexual behavior. To address the significance of the AR gene duplication, we analyzed the morphological and behavioral phenotypes of medaka mutants for ARa and ARb genes. ARb have predominant function for external masculine phenotypes, and AR might contribute to the development of traits for male-male competition. Both ARs showed the functional redundancy in the courtship behavior, whereas double mutant male of ARa and ARb is infertile due to the loss of courtship behavior, indicating that AR gene duplication can ensure each AR to acquire the attractive function for reproduction, while stabilizing the capability of reproduction by functional redundancy. We also generated the knock-in medaka lines expressing each AR as a fusion protein with FLAG, which allows the production of mClover3 as a separated protein to visualize the spatio-temporal expression and intracellular localization of each AR in vivo. Consistent with the mutant phenotypes, ARb is predominantly expressed in the condensed mesenchyme enriched for expression of androgen effector genes in the anal fin, while ARa is highly expressed in the brain of superior male, indicating the relationship between the expression divergence of each AR and morphological diversification. Our findings would provide a historical explanation for the retention of the duplicated AR copies in the teleost genome..
7. 荻野由紀子、坂本浩隆、渡辺英治、安齋 賢、井口泰泉, 魚類の多彩な繁殖様式を導く二次性徴形質の多様化と進化の分子基盤Molecular basis of sex characteristics development and evolution in teleost fishes, 日本動物学会第90回大阪大会, 2019.09, 真骨魚類は爆発的に適応・多様化して繁栄を遂げており、その共通祖先で起きた全ゲノム 重複後の遺伝子の再編成・新機能の獲得と、多様な形質発現との関連性が注目されている。
これまでに、ARの分子進化解析から、進化速度の速いARαは、リガンド非依存的な核局在や、ARβ及び四肢動物のARより極めて高い転写活性化能を示すユニークな ARとして真骨魚類の系統で進化してきたことを報告した。この機能的に異なるAR遺伝子の出現、それに伴うシグナリングネットワークの拡充が、真骨魚類の多様な二次性徴を生み出す一つの重要な原動力(遺伝的背景)となった可能性が考えられる。AR遺伝子変異体メダカを用いた表現型解析から、ARα/βダブル変異体オスは自然交配では繁殖できないが、ARα, ARβそれぞれの変異体オスは繁殖可能であり、外部形態・脳神経機能に果たす役割に相違を示すなど、AR遺伝子重複の生物学的意義が明らかとなりつつある。現在さらに、ARα, ARβそれぞれの生体内におけるタンパクレベルの局在や発現動態の解析から、ARパラログの標的細胞の同定、組織特異的な機能発現の詳細について解析を進めている。また、上記真骨魚類の雄性形質発現過程の比較解析から、二次性徴発現に共通の分子機構が存在していることを見出したので合わせて議論したい。
8. Yukiko Ogino, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Eiji Watanabe and Taisen Iguchi, Diversification of androgen receptor function underlies secondary sex characteristics development of teleost fishes. , 4th Strategic Meeting for Medaka Research,3rd Regional Fish Meeting, 2018.04, Gene duplication is a dominant driving force of evolution. Steroid hormone receptor gene family is thought to have arisen from gene duplication. However, the molecular events which produce new protein functions after the genome duplication have not been fully understood. Teleost fishes present a good model to investigate an accurate evolutionary history of protein function after whole genome duplication, because the teleost-specific whole genome duplication (TSGD) 350 million years ago resulted in a variety of duplicated genes that exist in modern fishes. We focused on the androgen receptor (AR) gene, since two different subtype genes, AR and AR, were generated in the TSGD. AR has retained the ancestral function, whereas the AR evolved as a hyperactive form of AR in the teleost lineage. Results of our combined functional and 3 dimensional analyses of medaka (Oryzias latipes) ARs identified the substitutions that led to changes in protein structure and function between medaka AR and AR. One substitution located within the helices 10/11 of ligand binding domain is sufficient for generating higher transactivation of AR. This amino acid change affects the stability of ligand binding by modifying the hydrogen bonds between ligand and AR.
To further address the functional differences between AR and AR in vivo, we isolated the nonsense mutants of AR and AR from the medaka tilling library. AR have predominant function for external masculine phenotypes, and AR might participate the development of traits for male-male competition. Our findings would provide an historical explanation for the retention of the duplicated AR copies in euteleost genome..
9. 荻野由紀子、坂本浩隆、井口泰泉, 真骨魚類をモデルとしたアンドロゲンによる雄性形質発現・生理作用の分子機構解析, 2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会(ConBio2017), 2017.12.
10. 荻野 由紀子, 井口泰泉, 魚類の多様な雄性形質発現の分子機構, 第26回日本行動神経内分泌研究会, 2017.04.
11. 荻野 由紀子, 井口泰泉, Evolutionary diversification of androgen dependent sex characteristics development in teleost fishes., The 22nd International Congress of Zoology, 2016.11.
12. 荻野 由紀子, 真骨魚類の多彩な二次性徴形質発現の分子機構
“メダカ、卵胎生魚類カダヤシ、ソードティルフィッシュを用いた比較解析”, ユニークな少数派実験動物を扱う若手が最先端アプローチを勉強する会, 2016.08.
13. 荻野 由紀子, Functional and evolutionary analyses of androgen receptor gene in teleost fishes: Molecular basis of diversified sex characteristics development, 小型魚類研究会, 2016.08.
2023.12, 第46回日本分子生物学会年会(MBSJ2023)にてシンポジウム『水棲動物のゲノム科学で進化の謎を紐解く』 のオーガナイザーをつとめた。.
2018.12, 第41回日本分子生物学会年会(MBSJ2018)にてワークショップ『発生・内分泌を中心とした成育疾患の基礎生物学』
日本内分泌撹乱物質学会 (環境ホルモン学会)
2022.06~2023.12, 日本比較内分泌学会, 2023年度日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム大会長.
2023.01~2024.12, 日本比較内分泌学会, 運営委員.
2021.01~2022.12, 日本比較内分泌学会, 運営委員.
2020.04~2025.03, 自然科学研究機構基礎生物学研究所メダカバイオリソース運営委員会委員, 運営委員.
2018.05~2024.06, 環境ホルモン学会, 評議員.
2016.09~2025.09, 日本動物学会, 男女共同参画委員.
2024.08.17~2024.08.21, 18th Internationnal Zebrafish Conference (IZFC), 運営委員.
2023.11.17~2023.11.19, 第47回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム 九州大会, 大会長.
2021.09.16~2021.09.17, The 27th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting, 運営委員.
2023.09.16~2023.09.17, 第8回ユニーク回研究発表会, 世話人.
2014.10~2018.09, Scientific Report, 国際, 編集委員.
2024年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 種間比較から紐解く形態的な二次性徴形質の多様化機構の解明.
2019年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 1細胞解析系と性転換モデルによる魚類生殖腺の性的可塑性に関する分子機構の解明.
2023年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 空間情報と1細胞解析の統合による魚類生殖腺の性的可塑性を制御する分子機構の解明.
2020年度~2021年度, 新学術領域研究, 代表, 二次性徴の性スペクトラム『アンドロゲンによる組織特異性とサイズ調節の分子機構』.
2018年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 魚類リポカリンタンパク質―性分化機構を中心とした機能の解明.
2019年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, アンドロゲン受容体の機能分化からみる多様な雄性形質発現の基本原理.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 原点「ミネラルコルチコイドの普遍的機構」から俯瞰するステロイドホルモンの機能分化.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 環境依存型性決定研究のモデル化とメカニズム解析.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, アンドロゲン応答形質の多様化と適応の分子生物学的基盤.
2023年度~2024年度, 第55回内藤記念科学奨励金・研究助成, 代表, 二次性徴の進化基盤.
2018年度~2019年度, アステラス病態代謝研究会研究助成金, 代表, 二次性徴を決定付けるクロマチン動態の解明.
2017年度~2019年度, 内藤記念女性研究者研究助成金, 代表, 魚類を用いた二次性徴発現と個体認知・情動制御システムの解明.
2022年度~2022年度, 令和4年度 外国語論文校閲経費支援(Top10%支援), 代表, Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor is responsible for sexual characteristic development in a teleost fish.
2022年度~2022年度, 令和3年度研究補助者雇用支援(短期), 代表, 魚類の性的二型形質発現の進化機構.
2022年度~2022年度, 数理・データサイセンスに関する教育・研究支援プログラム, 代表, 種に固有の二次性徴形質の進化基盤.
2021年度~2021年度, 令和3年度研究補助者雇用支援(短期), 代表, アンドロゲンによる二次性徴発現機構の解明.
2020年度~2020年度, 令和2年度研究補助者雇用支援(短期), 代表, アンドロゲンによる二次性徴発現機構の解明.
2019年度~2019年度, 平成31年度研究補助者雇用支援(短期), 代表, アンドロゲンによる二次性徴発現機構の解明.
2016年度~2018年度, 女性枠設定による教員採用・研究者養成システム(第II期), 代表, アンドロゲン応答形質の多様化と適応の分子機構・内分泌かく乱化学物質モニタリング生物の開発.

