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基本情報 研究活動 教育活動 社会活動 病院臨床活動
佐野 朋美(さの ともみ) データ更新日:2024.04.25

助教 /  歯学研究院 歯学部門

1. Sano T, Sanada T, Sotomaru Y, Shinjo T, Iwashita M, Yamashita A, Fukuda T, Sanui T, Asano T, Kanematsu T, Nishimura F, Ccr7 null mice are protected against diet-induced obesity via Ucp1 upregulation and enhanced energy expenditure., Nutr Metab, 2019.07, BACKGROUND:
The chemokine receptor CCR7, expressed on various immune cells, is associated with cell migration and lympho-node homing. Mice lacking Ccr7 are protected from diet-induced obesity and subsequent insulin resistance. We evaluated the mechanism underlying these protective effects from the standpoint of energy expenditure.
Wild-type and Ccr7 null mice were fed a high-fat diet, and the regulation of energy metabolism and energy metabolism-related molecules, e.g., Ucp1, Cidea, and Pgc1α, were evaluated.
Food intake did not differ between groups. O2 consumption and CO2 production were higher in Ccr7 null mice than in wild-type mice, despite a similar respiratory quotient and glucose and lipid utilization, suggesting that energy expenditure increased in Ccr7 null mice via enhanced metabolism. In white adipose tissues of Ccr7 null mice, Prdm16, Cd137, Tmem26, Th, and Tbx1 expression increased. Similarly, in brown adipose tissues of Ccr7 null mice, Dio2, Pgc1α, Cidea, Sirt1, and Adiponectin expression increased. In both white and brown adipose tissues, Ucp1 gene and protein expression levels were higher in null mice than in wild-type mice.
In Ccr7 null mice, browning of white adipocytes as well as the activation of brown adipocytes cause enhanced energy metabolism, resulting in protection against diet-induced obesity..
2. T Sano, S Nagayasu, S Suzuki, M Iwashita, A Yamashita, T Shinjo, T Sanui, A Kushiyama, T Kanematsu, T Asano, F Nishimura, Epicatechin downregulates adipose tissue CCL19 expression and thereby ameliorates diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance., Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis., 2017.03, Background and aims Epicatechin (EC) intake has been suggested to be beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disorders, and it is well known that adipose tissue inflammation is one of the major risk factors for coronary heart diseases. The purpose of the present study was to determine the in vitro and in vivo effects of EC on adipose tissue inflammation and obesity. Methods and results DNA microarray analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of EC on gene expression in adipocytes co-cultured with bacterial endotoxin-stimulated macrophages. To determine the in vivo effects of the catechin, C57BL/6 mice were fed either a high-fat diet (HFD) or HFD combined with EC, and metabolic changes were observed EC suppressed the expression of many inflammatory genes in the adipocytes co-cultured with endotoxin-stimulated macrophages. Specifically, EC markedly suppressed chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 19 (CCL19) expression. The target cell of EC appeared to macrophages. The in vivo study indicated that mice fed the EC-supplemented HFD were protected from diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Accordingly, the expression levels of genes associated with inflammation in adipose tissue and in the liver were downregulated in this group of mice. Conclusions EC exerts beneficial effects for the prevention of adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance. Since we previously reported that mice deficient in the CCL19 receptor were protected from diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance, it can be concluded that the beneficial effects of EC could be mediated, at least in part, by marked suppression of CCL19 expression..
3. T sano, M Iwashita, S Nagayasu, A Yamashita, T Shinjo, A Hashikata, T Asano, A Kushiyama, N Ishimaru, Y Takahama, F Nishimura, Protection from diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in mice lacking CCL19-CCR7 signaling, Obesity, 10.1002/oby.21127, 23, 7, 1460-1471, 2015.07.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
The International Association for Dental Research
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
第96回日本薬理学会年会 優秀ポスター賞, 日本薬理学会, 2022.12.
保存学会奨励賞, 2018.06.
50th Perio Expo 2017 Poster Award, UNC, 2017.05.
2024年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 組織慢性炎症を制御するM2マクロファージの機能解析研究.
2024年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, miRNAを標的とした薬剤性歯肉増殖症新規治療薬の開発.
2023年度~2025年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, マクロファージ機能を制御するmiRNAを応用した新規歯周病治療薬の開発.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 抗腫瘍免疫を賦活化する新しい制癌シグナル分子の機能解明研究.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 歯肉増殖症や肥満に関わる新規分子SPOCK1のシグナリング経路の探索.
2020年度~2022年度, 若手研究, 代表, 肥満および歯周炎に共通のmiRNAを標的とした新規抗炎症治療薬の開発.
2019年度~2021年度, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 分担, SPOCK-1生体タンパクを応用した安全性に優れた革新的歯周病予防薬の開発.
2018年度~2020年度, 若手研究, 代表, 抗炎症miRNA内包エクソソームを用いた肥満糖尿病性歯周炎の新規治療法の開発.
2016年度~2017年度, 研究活動スタート支援, 代表, エピカテキンの抗炎症効果の検証~脂肪組織炎症および実験的歯周炎モデルにおける検討.
2016年度~2016年度, 平成28年度 研究活動基礎支援制度
ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ, 代表, CCL19-CCR7経路を標的とした脂肪組織炎症および歯周炎抑制効果の検討.

