九州大学 研究者情報
菅 史彦(すが ふみひこ) データ更新日:2024.04.17

准教授 /  経済学研究院 経済工学部門 政策分析講座

1. 浦川邦夫、李文, The Gender Gap in the Returns From College Education in Japan: The Impact of Attending a High-Ranking College. , Social Science Japan Journal, 26, 61-75, 2023.05.
2. 浦川邦夫,李文, 日本における大学院賃金プレミアム, 日本労働研究雑誌, 742, 2022.05, 日本では,政府の政策によって大学院定員の拡充が行われ,その結果大学院進学者数は過去40年の間に4倍に増加した。大学院教育によって人的資本が蓄積されるのであれば,このような大学院拡充は経済成長にプラスの効果を持つと期待できる。しかし,大学院教育によってどのくらい人的資本は蓄積されるのかを知ることは容易ではない。それを知るためのおそらく最も簡単な方法は,学部卒の労働者と大学院卒の労働者の賃金を比較することであるが,そのような賃金格差には,労働者の「自己選択」によって生じるバイアスが含まれる。そのため,本研究では,自己選択に関係の深い変数を含む,『消費生活に関するパネル調査』『ワーキングパーソン調査』『国際成人力調査』『地域の生活環境と幸福感に関するアンケート』の4つ調査から得られたデータを用いて,大学院賃金プレミアムを推定した。追加で回帰式に含められた変数は,労働者の学部での専攻,卒業した大学の種類(国公立/私立)とランク,認知能力指標,および両親の教育レベルである。分析の結果,これらの要因は,推定された大学院賃金プレミアムのうち,男性で最大34.4%,女性で最大26.2%程度を説明するが,これらの要因を考慮しても大学院賃金プレミアムは正で有意であった。推定された大学院賃金プレミアムは,男性で14.7%~23.7%,女性で13.5%~26.4%ほどであった。.
3. 浦川邦夫,李文, Are Social Norms Associated with Married Women’s Labor Force Participation? A Comparison of Japan and the United States, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-021-09815-y, 1-13, 2022.01, Although the social-economic status of women has improved worldwide, with several factors reducing gender differences in labor participation and income equality, a substantial gender gap persists. The goal of this study is to determine how the gender gap is associated with social norms. Specifically, within the context of gender roles, we examine the social norm that wives should not earn more than their husbands. We estimate a model that explains wives’ labor force participation in terms of the probability of wives earning more than their husbands by applying an estimation procedure that accounts for potential bias arising from self-selection into employment. Since the impact of social norms can vary in different cultural contexts, we compare the estimation results using datasets obtained from surveys conducted in Japan and the US—representing Eastern and Western cultures, respectively. Our results indicate that a 10 percentage point increase in the probability of wives earning more than their husbands is associated with an 8 percentage point decrease in their labor force participation rate in Japan, whereas the probability of wives earning more is not significant when the model is estimated using U.S. data. Thus, wives’ labor force participation decisions can be related to the social norm more closely in Japan than in the US, reflecting the different social status of women in these countries..
4. Takeshi Niizeki, Fumihiko Suga, The Impact of the Rise and Collapse of Japan’s Housing Price Bubble on Households’ Lifetime Utility, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2021.101136, 2021.04.
5. Fumihiko Suga, The Returns to Postgraduate Education in Japan, The Japanese Economic Review, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42973-019-00014-x, 1-26, 2020.10, The number of graduate students in Japan has increased substantially over the past few decades. Figure 1, which presents the number of students enrolled in master's programs in private and public universities, illustrates this trend: graduate enrollment followed a steady upward trend from the 1970s until the first decade of the 21st century, although this trend has declined to a certain extent in recent years (reflecting overall population trends)..
6. Masahiro Hori, Koichiro Iwamoto, Takeshi Niizeki, Fumihiko Suga, Do the Rich Save More in Japan? Evidence Based on two Micro Data Sets for the 2000s, Japanese Economic Review, https://doi.org/10.1111/jere.12107, 67, 4, 474-494, 2016.12.

