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林 辰弥(はやし たつや) データ更新日:2024.04.09

講師 /  比較社会文化研究院 環境変動部門 地球変動講座

キーワード:海洋・湖沼珪藻, 進化, 生態, 分類
キーワード:北半球の氷床化, 氷期-間氷期サイクル, 北大西洋, AMOC
キーワード:インドモンスーン, 化石珪藻, 古カトマンズ湖, 中-後期更新世, ネパール
2012.04, 代表者:林辰弥, 九州大学, 九州大学(日本)
2008.04, 代表者:大野正夫, 九州大学, 九州大学(日本)
300万年前頃から成長を始めた北半球大陸氷床の変動や、氷期ー間氷期サイクル、それらと海洋循環との関係の解明を目指して、アイスランド南方沖から回収した海底堆積物(IODP Site U1314コア)の多角的な分析を行っている.
2000.04, 代表者:酒井治孝, 京都大学, 九州大学(日本)
1. Tatsuya Hayashi, Toshiro Yamanaka, Yuki Hikasa, Masahiko Sato, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, Masao Ohno, Latest Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation amplified by intensified Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, Communications Earth & Environment, doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00023-4, 1, 1-10, 2020.09, [URL], The global climate has been dominated by glacial–interglacial variations since the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation 2.7 million years ago. Although the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation has exerted strong influence on recent climatic changes, there is controversy over its influence on Northern Hemisphere glaciation because its deep limb, North Atlantic Deep Water, was thought to have weakened. Here we show that Northern Hemisphere glaciation was amplified by the intensified Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, based on multi-proxy records from the subpolar North Atlantic. We found that the Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water, contributing North Atlantic Deep Water, significantly increased after 2.7 million years ago and was actively maintained even in early stages of individual glacials, in contrast with late stages when it drastically decreased because of iceberg melting. Probably, the active Nordic Seas overturning during the early stages of glacials facilitated the efficient growth of ice sheets and amplified glacial oscillations..
2. Tatsuya Hayashi, William N. Krebs, Megumi Saito-Kato, Yoshihiro Tanimura, The turnover of continental planktonic diatoms near the middle/late Miocene boundary and their Cenozoic evolution, PLoS ONE, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198003, 13, 6, e0198003, 2018.06, [URL], Fossil evidence indicates that modern assemblages of temperate nonmarine planktonic diatoms began near the middle/late Miocene boundary when the genus Actinocyclus, an important constituent of lacustrine planktonic diatom assemblages during the early to middle Miocene, was replaced by genera of the family Stephanodiscaceae. This floral turnover has been confirmed in many regions of the world, except eastern Asia where taxonomic data about early and middle Miocene planktonic diatom assemblages have until recently been scarce. Our analysis of Lower and Middle Miocene lacustrine diatomaceous rocks in Japan confirms that species of nonmarine Actinocyclus were important constituents of lake phytoplankton there as well. The appearance of nonmarine Actinocyclus species near the beginning of the Miocene may have resulted from the introduction of euryhaline species into lacustrine environments during a highstand of sea level at that time. Similarly, it is possible that species of Stephanodiscaceae evolved from marine thalassiosiroid ancestors that invaded high latitude lacustrine environments during multiple Paleogene highstands, resulting in a polyphyletic origin of the family. The turnover from nonmarine Actinocyclus to Stephanodiscaceae genera near the middle/late Miocene boundary may be linked to a contemporaneous increase in silica concentrations in lakes caused by active volcanism, increased weathering of silicate rocks due to orogeny, and the expansion of C4 grasslands. This turnover may also have been influenced by enhanced seasonal environmental changes in the euphotic zone caused by the initiation of monsoon conditions and a worldwide increase in meridional temperature gradients during the late Miocene. Morphological characteristics of Stephanodiscaceae genera, such as strutted processes and small size, suggest their species were better adapted to seasonal environmental changes than nonmarine species of Actinocyclus because of their superiority in floating and drifting capabilities and possibly metabolism, intrinsic growth rate, and reproductivity. As climates deteriorated during the late Miocene, Stephanodiscaceae species may have spread from high latitudes to temperate lakes where they diversified, ultimately displacing Actinocyclus..
3. Tatsuya Hayashi, Yoshihiro Tanimura, Morphological variability of Cyclostephanos ramosus sp. nov. from Pleistocene sediments of the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake, Nepal, Diatom, 31, 1-11, 2015.12, A new diatom species, Cyclostephanos ramosus sp. nov., is described from Pleistocene sediments of the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake, Nepal. Cyclostephanos ramosus is a polymorphic species characterized by three morphological variations, which are related to valve silicification, valve size and stratigraphic distribution. Heavily-silicified valves exhibit an annulus and network-like structures in the valve center and narrow secondary costae in the mantle area. Other valves have a variable number of valve face areolae, mantle areolae, costae, and mantle fultoportulae, and show differences in the shape of the mantle costae. The number of costae and mantle fultoportulae also shows variations related to stratigraphic distribution, which occur on a time scale of a few tens of thousands of years. On the basis of morphological characteristic features, C. ramosus is most similar to Cyclostephanos malawiensis, but differs in its domed cribra on the mantle, much deeper mantle and larger distance between spines and mantle fultoportulae. The three morphological variations have different implications. Valves showing variation in silicification reflect an eco-morphological response to available silica, while valves with size-related variations show morphological modification brought about by vegetative cell divisions. The stratigraphic variations are highly suggestive because they indicate that the number and shape of costae, which have been traditionally used to delineate Cyclostephanos species, can vary intraspecifically on long time scales. These facts suggest the careful examination of intraspecific morphological variations on various time scales is required for the taxonomy of Cyclostephanos..
4. Tatsuya Hayashi, Monospecific planktonic diatom assemblages in the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake during the middle Brunhes Chron: implications for the paradox of the plankton, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.12.007, 300, 1-4, 46-58, 2011.02.
5. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Gary Acton, Yohan Guyodo, Helen F. Evans, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Fumiki Komatsu, Fumi Murakami, Millennial-scale iceberg surges after intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10.1029/2010GC003132, 11, 9, 2010.09.
1. 林辰弥,大野正夫,佐藤雅彦,日笠友暉,山中寿朗,槙尾雅人,桑原義博, 北大西洋深層水は北半球氷床化に関与したのか?, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 2018.05, 現在まで続く氷期−間氷期サイクルは、鮮新世の最後に本格的に開始したことが知られているものの、その初期変動の特徴はよく分かっていない。そこで演者らは、アイスランド南方沖で回収されたドリフト堆積物(IODP Site U1314コア)のマルチプロキシー分析によって、高緯度の環北大西洋地域における数百〜数千年規模の大陸氷床の崩壊由来の氷山と北大西洋深層水の変動の関係を調査している。本発表では、MIS 95(約240万年前)よりも前のそれらの詳細な変動パターンを報告する。大陸氷床の崩壊を表すIce rafted debris (IRD)は、MIS G4以降の氷期に急激に増え、MIS 100&96氷期にのみ2000〜5000年の間隔で繰り返すイベントが確認される。一方、MIS 98氷期は、MIS 100&96氷期よりもむしろ初期のMIS 104、G2、G4氷期に似ており、1回の大規模IRDイベントによって特徴付けられる。岩石磁気分析(等温残留磁化付加実験)からは、いずれの大陸氷床の崩壊(IRD)イベントも、北大西洋深層水の一時的な衰退を伴っていたことが分かった。.
2023.02.03~2023.02.05, 日本古生物学会第 172 回例会, 実行委員会委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
モンタナ州立大学, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2013.07~2013.07.
ブレーメン大学, Germany, 2010.09~2010.09.
トリブバン大学, Nepal, 2001.10~2001.11.
論文賞, 日本珪藻学会, 2017.05.
論文賞, 日本粘土学会, 2013.09.
最優秀ポスター賞, MRC(微化石リファレンスセンター)研究発表会, 2008.08.
2022年度~2025年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 急激な世界的気候変動を引き起こす大陸氷床-大西洋子午面循環メカニズムの再検証.
2018年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 氷期ー間氷期サイクルの誕生と初期進化:北大西洋深層水の役割に関する新仮説の検証.
2011年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 気候・環境変動指標鉱物の溶解・成長機構:温度可変AFM法によるナノスケール解析.
2010年度~2014年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 大陸氷床の出現初期における海洋循環:岩石磁気学的な新視点に基づく高精度解析.
2006年度~2007年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, インドモンスーンと古カトマンズ湖の第四紀古気候・古環境変動の研究.
2016年度~2016年度, 全国科学博物館活動等助成事業, 代表, 氷期—間氷期サイクルの開始に伴う北大西洋深層水変動の研究と生きた教育普及活動.
2010年度~2010年度, クリタ水・環境科学振興財団・国内研究助成金(自然科学分野・一般研究), 代表, 長期的な気候-環境変動に対するプランクトン珪藻の群集動態:古カトマンズ湖の事例研究.
2018年度~2018年度, 若手研究者研究環境整備経費(九州大学ルネッサンスプロジェクト), 代表, 古気候・古環境復元に関わる最先端研究の環境整備.

