九州大学 研究者情報
小林 亮介(こばやし りようすけ) データ更新日:2024.01.29

准教授 /  比較社会文化研究院 社会情報部門

1. 小林亮介, チベットの歴史的論理:自治と独立, アステイオン, 98, 87-99, 2023.05, [URL].
2. 小林亮介, 19世紀の清・チベット関係ー境界地域の視点からー, 吉澤誠一郎編『岩波講座 世界歴史17 近代アジアの動態』岩波書店, 210-236, 2022.07.
3. Kobayashi, Ryosuke, Tsatrul Rinpoche Ngawang Lobzang
, The Treasury of Lives : A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya
, https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsatrul-Rinpoche-Ngawang-Lobzang/2418, 2022.06.
4. Kobayashi Ryosuke, Shatra Peljor Dorje, Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya, https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Shatra-Peljor-Dorje/9301, 3200 words, 2021.06, [URL].
5. 小林亮介, チベットと近代世界, 池田巧・岩尾一史編『チベットの歴史と社会(上)』臨川書店, 2021年, pp. 122-147., 122-147, 上, 2021.05.
6. Kobayashi Ryosuke, Zhang Yintang’s Military Reforms in 1906–1907 and their aftermath—The Introduction of Militarism in Tibet, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, 53, 303-340, 2020.03, [URL].
7. 小林亮介, ダライ・ラマ13世の川島浪速宛書簡にみるチベット・日本関係:日露戦争とチベット問題, 史滴, 41, 202-224, 2020.03.
8. Ryosuke Kobayashi, Chapter 8. ”The Political Status of Tibet and the Simla Conference (1913–14): Translated Concepts in Modern Tibet," , OKAMOTO takashi ed., A World History of Suzerainty: A Modern History of East and West Asia and Translated Concepts, Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 2019., 199-215, 2019.06, [URL].
9. Kobayashi Ryosuke, "Militarization of Dargyé Monastery: Contested Borders on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier during the Early Twentieth Century", Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie, 139-172, No. 27, 2018.12, This research examines how the Tibetan and the Chinese Governments competed for the religious authority over Kham region in the negotiations after the military conflicts between Tibet and China in the 1930s. After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the following deterioration of the relationship between Tibet and China, the Kham region, located in Sino-Tibetan frontier, became the frontline of confrontations between the Tibetan Government and the Chinese warlords of the Sichuan Province. The previous research pointed out that amid the tension with the Sichuan warlords, the Tibetan Government exerted its spiritual and temporal authorities towards Kham society through the network of Gelukpa Monasteries, which held a wide range of influence such as religion, politics, economy, and military issues; the Dargye Monastery, an influential Gelukpa monastery in Karze, played an important role for the Tibetan Government to expand its authority over Kham, and it developed into armed conflicts over the territorial border between Tibet and China in the 1930s. Nevertheless, it has been overlooked how the Tibetan and Chinese governments negotiated on the control over the Dargye Monastery after the military conflict. In my paper, through the analysis of the Tibetan and Chinese archives concerning the Sino-Tibetan negotiation after their military conflict in Kham, I will clarify how the Chinese Government attempted to restrict and undermine the influence of the Tibetan Government through its monastic network between Central Tibet and Eastern Tibet; at the same time, how the Tibetan Government tried to justify and keep their control over the Dargye Monastery. I believe that it will offer a new insight into how the Tibetan Government had ruled Kham as well as tried to prevent Chinese advancement before the PRC established its control over Tibet in 1950s..
10. 小林亮介, The Tibet-Japan Relations in the Era of the 1911 Revolution: Tibetan Letters from the Aoki Bunkyō Archive. , Iwao Kazushi, Ikeda Takumi (eds.), The Historical Development of Tibeto-Himalayan Civilization(チベット・ヒマラヤ文明の歴史的展開), 2018, 2018.03, [URL], It is fairly well known that Japanese Buddhist monks approached the 13th Dalai Lama and members of his administration at the beginning of the 20th century. Recent studies have clarified how these monks played a significant intermediary role between Tibet and Japan, and that Japan was an important actor in competition over Tibet in the international arena while Britain and Russia played out their Great Game. However, Tibet's policy towards Japan in this period and how Tibet placed Japan within its entire diplomatic sphere have been less studied. This article analyzes
the relationship between Tibet and Japan at the beginning of the 20th century by mainly focusing on valuable Tibetan letters housed in the Aoki Bunkyō Archive at the National Museum of Ethnology in Ōsaka. These letters, composed around the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, reveal that the 13th Dalai Lama and his attendants tried to seek the aid from the Japanese government to secure Tibet's "rang btsan" which is translated as independence in the contemporary Tibetan language. I also elucidate how the Japanese government refused to support Tibet due to its policy towards China amid the 1911 revolution as well as the Japanese alliance with Britain, while Tibet's relationship with China deteriorated. Moreover, by comparing the letters to Japan with the letters to other countries such as Britain and Russia, I will show that Tibet recognized Japan as a potential country that could protect them while facing the difficulty to enlist the aid under the restriction of the Anglo-Russian Convention in 1907..
11. 小林 亮介, ロクヒルと近代チベット:その清朝・チベット関係史研究の成果をめぐって, 斯波義信・岡本隆司編『改訂増補:モリソンパンフレットの世界』東洋文庫, 2017.10.
12. 大川謙作, 小林 亮介, 民族政策史──チベットを事例として, 中村元哉・大澤肇編『現代中国の起源を探る──史料ハンドブック』東方書店, 69-85, 2016.10.
13. Kobayashi, Ryosuke, “The Lungshar Delegation and Britain in 1913: Focusing on the Letters of the 13th Dalai Lama.”, Inner Asia, 18, 2, 2016.12.
14. Ryosuke Kobayashi, Agvan Dorzhiev, The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya, http://www.treasuryoflives.org, 2016.02.
15. 小林 亮介, 试论18世纪后期清朝对康区政策的变化, 藏学学刊 / The Journal of Tibetology, 197-207, 2015.05.
16. チベット文献講読会(石濱裕美子・小林亮介・小松原ゆり・大川謙作・前野利江・浅井万友美), B. J. グールド『ダライラマ14世の探索、認定、即位に関する報告書(Report on the Discovery, Recognition and Installation of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama)』訳注(上), 『史滴』, 172-143, 2014.12.
17. 小林 亮介, チベットの政治的地位とシムラ会議:翻訳概念の検討を中心に, 352-368, 2014.10.
18. 小林 亮介, プンツォク・ワンギェル:チベット「周縁部」における共産主義と民族主義, 352-368, 2014.04.
19. Ryosuke Kobayashi, An Analytical Study of the Tibetan Record of the Simla Conference (1913-1914): Shing stag rgya gar ’phags pa’i yul du dbyin bod rgya gsum chings mol mdzad lugs kun gsal me long.”, Journal of Research Institute (The Proceedings of the 2012 Kobe ISYT Conference), 2013.11.
20. 小林 亮介, 辛亥革命期のチベット, 辛亥革命百周年記念論集編集委員会編『総合研究 辛亥革命』岩波書店, 323-346, 2012.09.
21. 小林 亮介, 19世紀末~20世紀初頭、ダライラマ政権の東チベット支配とデルゲ王国(徳格土司)
, 『東洋文化研究』, 2011.03.
22. 小林 亮介, 1910年前後のチベット:四川軍のチベット進軍の史的位置, 『歴史評論』, 第725号, 27-39, 2010.09.
23. 小林 亮介, 18世紀後半、清朝の東チベット政策の推移──金川戦争と土司制度, 『史峯』, 第11号, 53-82, 2010.03.
24. 小林 亮介, ダライラマ政権の東チベット支配(1865-1911):中蔵境界問題形成の一側面, 『アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究』
, 第76号, 51-85, 2008.10.
25. 小林 亮介, 19世紀末、カムの統治をめぐる清朝とダライラマ政庁:四川総督鹿傳霖のニャロン回収案を中心に, 『社会文化史学』, 46, 15-40, 2004.10.

