九州大学 研究者情報
河窪 正照(かわくぼ まさてる) データ更新日:2024.04.02

助教 /  医学研究院 保健学部門

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Yamasaki Y, Kamitani T, Sagiyama K, Hino T, Kisanuki M, Tabata K, Isoda T, Kitamura Y, Abe K, Hosokawa K, Toyomura D, Moriyama S, Kawakubo M, Yabuuchi H, Ishigami K., Dynamic chest radiography for pulmonary vascular diseases: clinical applications and correlation with other imaging modalities, Japanese Journal of Radiology, doi: 10.1007/s11604-023-01483-2, 2023.08, Dynamic chest radiography (DCR) is a novel functional radiographic imaging technique that can be used to visualize pulmonary perfusion without using contrast media. Although it has many advantages and clinical utility, most radiologists are unfamiliar with this technique because of its novelty. This review aims to (1) explain the basic principles of lung perfusion assessment using DCR, (2) discuss the advantages of DCR over other imaging modalities, and (3) review multiple specific clinical applications of DCR for pulmonary vascular diseases and compare them with other imaging modalities..
2. Arai H, Kawakubo M, Kadokami T, Editorial for: "Image-Based Biological Heart Age Estimation Reveals Differential Aging Patterns Across cardiac chambers", J Magn Reson Imaging, doi: 10.1002/jmri.28687, 2023.03.
3. 河窪正照, 第78回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会表彰Cypos賞銅賞を受賞して, 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会九州支部会誌, 2023.01.
4. Arai H, Kawakubo M, Kadokami T, Editorial for: "First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion With Increased Anatomic Coverage at 3T Using Autocalibrated Multiband Imaging", J Magn Reson Imaging, doi: 10.1002/jmri.28213, 2022.04.
5. 河窪正照, 第10回学会賞技術部門賞を受賞して, 日本心臓核医学会誌 Vol.24-1, 10.14951/jsnc.24.01.25, 2022.03.
6. Arai H, Kawakubo M, Kadokami T, Editorial for: "Right/Left Ventricular Blood Pool T2 Ratio as an Innovative Cardiac MRI Screening Tool for the Identification of Left-to-Right Shunts in Patients with Right Ventricular Disease", J Magn Reson Imaging, doi: 10.1002/jmri.27880, 2021.08.
7. 長尾 充展、高橋 辰徳、椎名 由美、山崎 誘三、河窪 正照, 先天性心疾患を有する小児・成人における心臓血管核磁気共鳴のためのガイドラインとプロトコール:先天性心疾患のSCMRエキスパートコンセンサス, 2018.12.
8. 河窪 正照, 領域別最新動向:CT & MRIの技術と臨床を中心に:循環器(心臓MRIを中心に), 月刊インナービジョン2017年2月号, 2017.02.
9. 河窪 正照, MRIの最新動向, 月刊インナービジョン2017年2月号, 2017.02.

