Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Miura Shizuka Last modified date:2024.04.29

Assistant Professor / Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology / Medical Institute of Bioregulation

1. 三浦静, 鈴木淳史, Induction of functional hepatocytes from mouse fibroblasts, The International Liver Congress by EASL, 2012.04.
2. 三浦静, 鈴木淳史, nalysis of hepatic lipid metabolism using iHep cells, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Research of Hepatic Cells, 2013.09.
3. 三浦静, 関谷明香, 鈴木淳史, Analysis of reprogramming process from fibroblasts to induced hepatocyte-like cells, Epithelial tubulology, 2013.06.
4. 三浦静, 鈴木淳史, Analysis of hepatic lipid metabolism using iHep cells, The 23rd Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium held jointly with The 3rd Grants for Excellent Graduate Schools’ International Symposium, 2013.11.
5. 三浦静, 鈴木淳史, Overexpression of transcription factor Snail induces liver tumor formation:, Keystone symposia, 2016.03.