Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Caleb Carter Last modified date:2023.06.05

Associate Professor / International Masters Program (IMAP) in Japanese Humanities / Department of Philosophy / Faculty of Humanities

1. Caleb Carter, “Whose Place Is It? Layers of Community and Meaning in the Land of Shinto and Power Spots.” In Oxford Handbook of Religious Space and Place, ed. Jeanne Kilde. , Oxford University Press,, 2022.05.
2. Caleb Carter, “The Spread of Shinto and Shugendō in the Eighteenth Century: An Introduction to and Translation of the Shugen Ichijitsu Reisō Shintō mikki” , Japan Review, 37, 151-176, 2022.12.
3. Caleb Carter, Instituting Bodies: From the Uncanny Yamabushi to the Professionalized Shugenja, Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Nenpo 名古屋市立大学年報, N.P., 2021.12.
4. Caleb Carter, Imagining an Ancient Tradition: Eighteenth-Century Narratives of Shugendō at Mount Togakushi, Defining Shugendō: Critical Studies on Japanese Mountain Religion, eds. Andrea Castiglioni, Fabio Rambelli, and Carina Roth. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 75–86., 2020.05.
5. Caleb Carter, Adding Value (with Limits): Pilgrimage and Women’s Exclusion in Japan’s Sacred Mountains, Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 1, 3, 2020.06.
6. Caleb Carter, The Demonic Landscape: Oni Legends and the Making of Japan’s Early Modern Countryside, Japan Forum,, 31, 4, 467-486, 2019.12.
7. Caleb Carter, Power Spots and the Charged Landscape of Shinto, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, , 45, 1, 147-175, 2018.06.
8. Caleb Carter, Constructing a Place, Fracturing a Geography: The Case of the Japanese Tendai Cleric Jōin, History of Religions,, 56, 3, 289-310, 2017.03.