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藤井 秀道(ふじい ひでみち) データ更新日:2024.04.08

2020.04~2025.03, 代表者:藤井秀道, 九州大学
1. 鶴見哲也、藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介, 幸福の測定:ウェルビーイングを理解する, 中央経済社, 4502404012, pp. 1-308, 2021.11.
2. 藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介, 人工知能技術の研究開発戦略—特許分析による研究, ミネルヴァ書房, 『人工知能の経済学:暮らし・働き方・社会はどう変わるのか』 第14章 pp. 371-382., 2018.10.
3. 金原達夫、金子慎治、藤井秀道、川原博満, 環境経営の日米比較, 中央経済社, 2011.04.
4. Hidemichi Fujii, Corporate environmental management and environmental strategies, Springer, Basic Studies in Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Evaluation, and Strategy: Introduction to East Asia Environmental Studies. Takayuki Shimaoka, Takahiro Kuba, Hirofumi Nakayama, Toshiyuki Fujita, Nobuhiro Horii (eds) Book chapter 18, pp.245-253., 2016.06.
5. 藤井秀道, ESG世界投資ランキング, 中央経済社, 『豊かさの価値評価:新国富指標の構築』馬奈木俊介(編)第14章 pp. 231-251, 2017.05.
6. 藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介, 環境保全技術の評価, 日本評論社, 環境経済学のフロンティア 有村俊秀・片山東・松本茂(編)
第1章 pp. 3-17, 2017.09.
1. Hidemichi Fujii, Satoshi Washio, Akihiko Shinozaki, Impact of business management and data utilization on process innovation in the Japanese wholesale industry, SN Business & Economics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-023-00554-w, 3, 179, 2023.08, [URL], 少子高齢化に伴う人口減少が見込まれる日本経済は、今後も労働力人口の縮小による供給制約が経済成長へのマイナス要因になるとの認識が一段と強まっています。こうした状況の中で豊かな暮らしを達成するためには、業務効率化が必要不可欠です。卸売業を含めた流通業における経営力向上の規定要因に着目した既存研究では、卸売業において取り扱う商品特性の違いが必ずしも明示的には区分されておらず、卸売業の詳細な部門特性に焦点を当てた研究は行われてきませんでした。しかしながら、卸売業においては取り扱う商品が異なれば、事業の利益率や棚卸資産回転期間、在庫保管コストや賞味期限の有無など、業務内容に大きく影響する事業特性も異なることが考えられます。こうした中で、事業特性の違いを明示的に考慮した研究を行うことは、より説得力を持った科学的エビデンスを構築する上で必要不可欠な分析枠組みであると考えます。
2. Andre S. Yamashita, Hidemichi Fujii, Trend and priority change of climate change mitigation technology in the global mining sector, Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2022.102870, 78, 2022.09, The purpose of this work is to explore the most relevant driving factors for innovation in the mining, mineral processing and metals sectors, related to climate change mitigation technology (CCMT). To do so, we use a decomposition analysis based on the logarithmic mean Divisia index to analyze the trends in patent families collected from the World Intellectual Property Organization Mining database between 2001 and 2016. The sheer number of patent families filed in the most relevant patent offices is decomposed from the perspective of three factors, namely: the priority of climate change mitigation technology in a country; the overall relevance of the mining, mineral processing and metals sector in a country; and the size of patent families from a country. These factors have a different impact in different country groups, depending on whether the mining and minerals sector plays a strong role in their economy or not, or whether they are a developed or developing country. We observe that the decomposed patent trend correlates well with important events that affect the mining and metals sector, for example, the Paris Agreement and the price trend of metals. We are able to draw conclusions on how CCMT is developing in the mining sector of different countries and use those conclusions to support policies that encourage the further development of CCMT..
3. Ibn-Mohammed, T., Mustapha, K.B., Godsell, J., Adamu, Z., Babatunde, K.A., Akintade, D.D., Acquaye, A., Fujii, H., Ndiaye, M.M., Yamoah, F.A., Koh, L, A critical analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on the global economy and ecosystems and opportunities for circular economy strategies, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105169, 164, 105169, 2021.01, The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on the 11th of March 2020, but the world is still reeling from its aftermath. Originating from China, cases quickly spread across the globe, prompting the implementation of stringent measures by world governments in efforts to isolate cases and limit the transmission rate of the virus. These measures have however shattered the core sustaining pillars of the modern world economies as global trade and cooperation succumbed to nationalist focus and competition for scarce supplies. Against this backdrop, this paper presents a critical review of the catalogue of negative and positive impacts of the pandemic and proffers perspectives on how it can be leveraged to steer towards a better, more resilient low-carbon economy. The paper diagnosed the danger of relying on pandemic-driven benefits to achieving sustainable development goals and emphasizes a need for a decisive, fundamental structural change to the dynamics of how we live. It argues for a rethink of the present global economic growth model, shaped by a linear economy system and sustained by profiteering and energy-gulping manufacturing processes, in favour of a more sustainable model recalibrated on circular economy (CE) framework. Building on evidence in support of CE as a vehicle for balancing the complex equation of accomplishing profit with minimal environmental harms, the paper outlines concrete sector-specific recommendations on CE-related solutions as a catalyst for the global economic growth and development in a resilient post-COVID-19 world..
4. Andrew John Chapman, Hidemichi Fujii, Shunsuke Managi, Multinational life satisfaction, perceived inequality and energy affordability, Nature Sustainability, 10.1038/s41893-019-0303-5, 2, 6, 508-514, 2019.06, [URL], We analyse subjective experiences of energy poverty to address the limitations of existing observable indicators as evidence for policy. We investigate the linkage between self-reported energy affordability and life satisfaction, health and economic inequality. A large-scale survey of 100,956 respondents across 37 nations shows that energy affordability concerns individuals in both developing and developed nations. Self-reported (perceived) values do not necessarily follow previous research and vary according to regional, economic, development and cultural factors. Contrasting this evidence with national-level data, such as healthy life expectancy and government spending on health and welfare, we identify associations between self-reported outcomes, income levels and national policy. Although national welfare spending can reduce the perceived economic gap, high income is not necessarily associated with better perceived satisfaction, health or economic outcomes. Enhancing energy access may lead to improved health outcomes in the most marginalized nations; however, lifestyle and cultural factors also play a role. Although the outcomes of less-developed nations can likely improve through development aid from more-developed nations, our results show that cultural and other factors underpin satisfaction in developing nations, which experience comparatively poorer life satisfaction. We identified that some nations had superior outcomes for health and life satisfaction despite lower income levels. This highlights the need for further research to uncover non-income-based factors that underlie life satisfaction and health, such as community connectedness or familial factors..
5. Hidemichi Fujii, Akihiko Shinozaki, Shigemi Kagawa, Shunsuke Managi, How Does Information and Communication Technology Capital Affect Productivity in the Energy Sector? New Evidence from 14 countries Considering the Transition to Renewable Energy System., Energies, 10.3390/en12091786, 12, 9, 2019.05, [URL], By focusing on a distributed energy system that has been widely diffused for efficient utilization of renewable energy generation in recent years, this paper investigates the relationship between productivity growth and information and communications technology capital in the energy sector. Information and communications technology is a key factor in operating distributed energy systems in a way that balances energy supply and demand in order to minimize energy loss and to enhance capacity utilization. The objective of this study is to clarify the determining factors that affect productivity growth, focusing on three different information and communications technologies: information technology capital, communication technology capital and software capital. Our estimation sample covers energy sectors in 14 countries from 2000 to 2014. The results show that information technology and software capital contribute to increasing material productivity and capital productivity in the energy sector, respectively. Meanwhile, communication technology capital negatively affects these two productivity indicators..
6. Hidemichi Fujii, Shunsuke Managi, Decomposition analysis of sustainable green technology inventions in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.11.013, 139, 10-16, 2019.02, [URL].
7. Jun Xie, Wataru Nozawa, Michiyuki Yagi, Hidemichi Fujii, Shunsuke Managi, Do environmental, social, and governance activities improve corporate financial performance?, Business Strategy and the Environment, 10.1002/bse.2224, 28, 2, 286-300, 2019.02, [URL].
8. Hidemichi Fujii, Kazuyuki Iwata, Andrew John Chapman, Shigemi Kagawa, Shunsuke Managi, An analysis of urban environmental Kuznets curve of CO2 emissions
Empirical analysis of 276 global metropolitan areas, Applied Energy, 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.06.158, 228, 1561-1568, 2018.10, [URL].
9. Fujii, H., Managi, S., Trends and priority shifts in artificial intelligence technology invention: A global patent analysis, Economic Analysis and Policy, 10.1016/j.eap.2017.12.006, 58, 60-69, 2018.05.
10. Fujii, H., Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S., Managi, S., Decomposition of toxicity emission changes on the demand and supply sides: empirical study of the US industrial sector, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 10.1088/1748-9326/aa9c66, 12, 12, 2017.12.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
特許出願件数  3件
特許登録件数  1件
2016.04~2018.03, 環境経済・政策学会, 理事.
2020.05~2020.05, 日本経済学会 2020年春季大会, 大会実行委員.
2018.09~2018.09, 環境経済・政策学会 2018年大会, プログラム委員.
2019.03~2019.03, 第14回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 副実行委員長.
2021.09~2021.09.01, 環境経済・政策学会 2021年大会, プログラム委員長.
2020.09~2020.09.01, 環境経済・政策学会 2020年大会, プログラム委員.
2015.09.18~2015.09.20, 環境経済・政策学会 2015年大会, プログラム委員.
2021.01~2021.12, Journal of Environmental Management, 国際, Associate Editor.
2019.09~2020.12, Journal of Environmental Management, 国際, 編集委員.
2019.09~2021.09, Sustainability, 国際, 編集委員.
2016.08~2017.07, Journal of Economic Structures, 国際, 編集委員.
2019.04~2021.03, 土木学会 環境システム研究, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2021年度 17  17 
2020年度 18  22 
2019年度 18  20 
2018年度 25  25 
2017年度 24        24 
2016年度 27        27 
2015年度 17      18 
2014年度 14      15 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
テキサス大学 オースティン校 IC2研究所, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2009.04~2010.03.
「世界で最も影響力のある研究者トップ2%」, Stanford University, Elsevier, 2023.10.
「世界で最も影響力のある研究者トップ2%」, Stanford University, Elsevier, 2022.10.
「世界で最も影響力のある研究者トップ2%」, Stanford University, Elsevier, 2021.10.
令和3年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰「若手科学者賞」, 文部科学省, 2021.04.
若手優秀講演賞, 日本地下水学会, 2017.05.
奨励賞, 環境経済・政策学会, 2015.09.
2020年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 消費行動分析・効率性分析・サプライチェーン分析を統合した二酸化炭素排出評価.
2020年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 社会の価値を内包した持続可能な発展の重層的ガバナンス.
2020年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 毒性化学物質の排出変化要因を考慮した経済効率性への影響分析.
2018年度~2022年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 地方中心都市における気候変動抑制と地方創生の両立を目指す政策の実証分析.
2017年度~2019年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, 技術特性の違いを考慮した環境保全技術の開発行動メカニズム.
2014年度~2015年度, 研究活動スタート支援, 代表, 環境保全技術開発の決定要因と生産性に与える影響分析.
2010年度~2012年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 企業の環境経営における意思決定と経済効率性への影響.
2008年度~2009年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 企業の環境経営と効率性評価.
2010年度~2012年度, 特別研究員, 代表, 企業の環境経営における意思決定と経済効率性への影響.
2008年度~2009年度, 特別研究員, 代表, 企業の環境経営と効率性評価.
2019年度~2024年度, 総合地球環境学研究所実践プロジェクト, 分担, グローバルサプライチェーンを通じた都市、企業、家庭の環境影響評価に関する研究.
2020年度~2023年度, 環境研究総合推進費・委託費【問題対応型】【革新型】【課題調査型】, 分担, 地域循環共生圏の構築に資する経済的理論及び定量的評価手法の開発と国内自治体における実証的研究.
2018年度~2022年度, 環境省 第Ⅳ期環境経済の政策研究, 分担, ESGファクターと企業価値等に関する研究.
2018年度~2022年度, 環境省 第Ⅳ期環境経済の政策研究, 分担, 環境・経済・社会の持続可能性の総合的な評価及び豊かさの評価に関する研究.
2015年度~2017年度, 環境省 第Ⅲ期環境経済の政策研究, 分担, 生態系サービスの定量的評価及び生態勘定フレームワーク構築に向けた研究.

