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List of Presentations
Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Last modified date:2024.04.15
1. Fukuda Y, Notomi S, Shiose S, Kano K, Hashimoto S, Akiyama M, Ishikawa K, Sonoda KH, Observation of choroidal vessels using ultra-wide-field optical coherence tomography in non-drusen type age-related macular degeneration, ARVO, 2023.04.
2. Fukuda Y, Notomi S, Shiose S, Kano K, Hashimoto S, Akiyama M, Ishikawa K, Sonoda KH, Observation of choroidal vessels using ultra-wide-field optical coherence tomography in non-drusen type age-related macular degeneration, FUJI RETINA, 2023.03.
3. Oshima Y, Shiose S, Kano K, Wada I, Ishikawa K, Nakao S, Kaizu Y, Hasegawa E, Ishibashi T, Sonoda KH, Five-year outcomes following teat-and-extend therapy using aflibercept for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in Japanese patients., The 12th Joint meeting of Chinese-Japanese-Korean Ophthalmologists, 2019.09.
4. Ishikawa K, Shiose S, Akiyama M, Kano K, Kaizu Y, Wada I, Nakao S, Oshima Y, Sonoda KH, An association between RPE disruption and fibrotic scar formation after aflibercept therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration , ARVO, 2019.04.
5. Nakamura S, Nakao S, Shiose S, Kohno RI, Hasegawa E, Kano K, Kaizu Y, Seki E, Sonoda KH, OCT angiography detects re-dilation of choroidal neovasculatures before exudative recurrence in multifocal choroiditis with panuveitis: a case report, The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists, 2018.12.
6. Hashiguchi N, Oshima Y, Shiose S, Kano K, Ishikawa K, Wada I, Funatsu H, Ishibashi T, Sonoda KH, Three-year Outcomes Following Treat-and-Extend Therapy Using Aflibercept for Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration in Japanese Patients, The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists, 2018.12.
7. Sano Y, Akiyama M, Takaki K, Fujii Y, Seki E, Shiose S, Yoshikawa H, Tanabe M, Sonoda KH, Clinical features of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid in 121 Japanese patients, The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists, 2018.12.
8. Wada I, Nakao S, Kaizu Y, Yamaguchi M, Arima M, Ishikawa K, Kano K, Shiose S, Oshima Y, Ishibashi T, Sonoda KH, The new development quantification system for the evaluation of disease activity in exudative age-related macular degeneration by using en face hyperreflective foci, 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON OCT ANGIOGRAPHY AND ADVANCES IN OCT, 2018.12.
9. 石川桂二郎, 塩瀬聡美, 秋山雅人, 狩野久美子, 森賢一郎, 海津嘉弘, 和田伊織, 長谷川英一, 中尾新太郎, 大島裕司, 園田康平, 加齢黄斑変性に対するアフリベルセプト投与後に網膜下線維化をきたす症例の特徴 , 日本網膜硝子体学会総会, 2018.11.
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