Updated on 2025/01/22




Faculty of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Professor
International Center for Space and Planetary Environmental Science (Concurrent)
School of Sciences Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(Concurrent)
Graduate School of Sciences Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(Concurrent)
Contact information
The Earth environment has changed dynamically since its birth. In particular, biological activities have important roles on the evolution of the Earth's surface environment. In order to understand better the environmental changes and associated biological acitivities, we should study geochemical cycles of elements and molecules that operate in Earth's surface system over different periods of time. Furthermore, origin of life on the Earth is the most challenging issue in science. Past biological activities as well as chemical evolution prior to life should be studied by organic compounds in rocks (chemical fossils known as biomarkers) as well as extraterrestrial materials such as meteorites. My recent research projects include: 1) characterization of organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites; 2) chemical and isotopic studies of sedimentary organic matters from Archean to present to clarify biological activities associated closely with Earth’s surface changes; 3) multi-isotope studies of biomarkers in deep-sea drilling samples as well as hydrothermal environments to investigate bacterial communities with their metabolisms; 4) modern geochemical cycles of organic matter in terrestrial-marine systems including isotopic characterization of bioorganic compounds; 5) laboratory simulation in formation and isotope fractionation of organic compounds; and 6) development of molecular and isotopic analytical techniques for trace amounts of organic matter in natural samples.


  • Doctor of Science

Research History

  • 平成2. 4. 1 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 平成3. 1. 31 同退職

    平成2. 4. 1 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 平成3. 1. 31 同退職

  • 昭和62. 4. 1 筑波大学化学系助手 平成元. 3. 31 同退職 平成3. 2. 1 東北大学理学部助手 平成5. 4. 1 東京都立大学理学部助手 平成9. 4. 1 東京都立大学大学院理学研究科助教授 平成16. 4. 1 岡山大学理学部教授 平成18. 4. 1 岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科教授(配置換)

Research Interests・Research Keywords

  • Research theme:1. Chemical evolution of organic compounds in extraterrestrial materials 2. Origins of life on the earth and the evolution of the biosphere 3. Biogeochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks, and biogeochemical cycles on the earth 4. Stable isotope geochemistry of organic compounds in natural environments

    Keyword:Chemical evolution, Meteorite, Origins of life, Organic compound, Biomarker, Lifes in extreme environments, Stable isotopes

    Research period: 2000.4 - 2025.3


  • 地球化学研究協会学術賞(三宅賞)

    2015.12   地球化学研究協会   地球外物質中の有機化合物の分子および同位体組成の研究

  • 有機地球化学賞(学術賞)

    2009.8   「宇宙地球物質に含まれる有機化合物の同位体組成に関する研究」


  • Zirconium isotope composition indicates s-process depletion in samples returned from asteroid Ryugu

    Schönbächler M., Fehr M.A., Yokoyama T., Gautam I., Nakanishi N., Abe Y., Aléon J., Alexander C., Amari S., Amelin Y., Bajo K.i., Bizzarro M., Bouvier A., Carlson R.W., Chaussidon M., Choi B.G., Dauphas N., Davis A.M., Di Rocco T., Fujiya W., Fukai R., Haba M.K., Hibiya Y., Hidaka H., Homma H., Hoppe P., Huss G.R., Ichida K., Iizuka T., Ireland T., Ishikawa A., Itoh S., Kawasaki N., Kita N.T., Kitajima K., Kleine T., Komatani S., Krot A.N., Liu M.C., Masuda Y., Morita M., Motomura K., Moynier F., Nakai I., Nagashima K., Nguyen A., Nittler L., Onose M., Pack A., Park C., Piani L., Qin L., Russell S., Sakamoto N., Tafla L., Tang H., Terada K., Terada Y., Usui T., Wada S., Wadhwa M., Walker R.J., Yamashita K., Yin Q.Z., Yoneda S., Young E.D., Yui H., Zhang A.C., Nakamura T., Naraoka H., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Sakamoto K., Yabuta H., Abe M., Miyazaki A., Nakato A., Nishimura M., Okada T., Yada T., Yogata K., Nakazawa S., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Tsuda Y., Watanabe S.i., Yoshikawa M., Tachibana S., Yurimoto H.

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   60 ( 1 )   3 - 16   2025.1   ISSN:10869379

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Nucleosynthetic isotope variations are powerful tracers to determine genetic relationships between meteorites and planetary bodies. They can help to link material collected by space missions to known meteorite groups. The Hayabusa 2 mission returned samples from the Cb-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu. The mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic characteristics of these samples show strong similarities to carbonaceous chondrites and in particular CI chondrites. The nucleosynthetic isotope compositions of Ryugu overlap with CI chondrites for several elements (e.g., Cr, Ti, Fe, and Zn). In contrast to these isotopes, which are of predominately supernovae origin, s-process variations in Mo isotope data are similar to those of carbonaceous chondrites, but even more s-process depleted. To further constrain the origin of this depletion and test whether this signature is also present for other s-process elements, we report Zr isotope compositions for three bulk Ryugu samples (A0106, A0106-A0107, C0108) collected from the Hayabusa 2 mission. The data are complemented with that of terrestrial rock reference materials, eucrites, and carbonaceous chondrites. The Ryugu samples are characterized by distinct 96Zr enrichment relative to Earth, indicative of a s-process depletion. Such depletion is also observed for carbonaceous chondrites and eucrites, in line with previous Zr isotope work, but it is more extreme in Ryugu, as observed for Mo isotopes. Since s-process Zr and Mo are coupled in mainstream SiC grains, these distinct s-process variations might be due to SiC grain depletion in the analyzed materials, potentially caused by incomplete sample digestion, because the Ryugu samples were dissolved on a hotplate only to avoid high blank levels for other elements (e.g., Cr). However, local depletion of SiC grains cannot be excluded. An alternative, equally possible scenario is that aqueous alteration redistributed anomalous, s-process-depleted, Zr on a local scale, for example, into Ca-phosphates or phyllosilicates.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14279


  • Methylene-to-methyl ratio variability in Ryugu samples: Clues to a heterogeneous aqueous alteration

    Dionnet, Z; Djouadi, Z; Delaye, L; Caron, L; Brunetto, R; Aléon-Toppani, A; Lantz, C; Rubino, S; Baklouti, D; Nakamura, T; Borondics, F; Sandt, C; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Hayabusa-initial-anal Stone team

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   2024.12   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Understanding the processes of aqueous alteration within primitive bodies is crucial for unraveling the complex history of early planetesimals. To better identify the signs of this process and its consequences, we have studied the heterogeneity at a micrometric scale of the structure of the aliphatic organic compounds and its relationship to its mineralogical environment. Here, we report an analysis performed on two micrometric grains of Ryugu (C0002-FC027 and C0002-FC028). The samples were crushed in a diamond compression cell and analyzed using high-spatial resolution Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) hyperspectral imaging measurements conducted in transmission mode. We showed here the spatial distributions of the main components and the structural heterogeneity of the aliphatic organic matter highlighting a micrometer-scale variability in the methylene-to-methyl ratio. Moreover, we connected this heterogeneity to the one of the phyllosilicate band positions. Our findings indicate that the organic matter within Ryugu's micrometric grains underwent varying degrees of aqueous alteration in distinct microenvironments resulting in an elongation of the length of their aliphatic chains, and/or a reduction in their branching and/or cross-linking.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14304

    Web of Science


  • The Ni isotopic composition of Ryugu reveals a common accretion region for carbonaceous chondrites

    Spitzer F., Kleine T., Burkhardt C., Hopp T., Yokoyama T., Abe Y., Aléon J., O'D Alexander C.M., Amari S., Amelin Y., Bajo K.I., Bizzarro M., Bouvier A., Carlson R.W., Chaussidon M., Choi B.G., Dauphas N., Davis A.M., Di Rocco T., Fujiya W., Fukai R., Gautam I., Haba M.K., Hibiya Y., Hidaka H., Homma H., Hoppe P., Huss G.R., Ichida K., Iizuka T., Ireland T.R., Ishikawa A., Itoh S., Kawasaki N., Kita N.T., Kitajima K., Komatani S., Krot A.N., Liu M.C., Masuda Y., Morita M., Moynier F., Motomura K., Nakai I., Nagashima K., Nguyen A., Nittler L., Onose M., Pack A., Park C., Piani L., Qin L., Russell S.S., Sakamoto N., Schönbächler M., Tafla L., Tang H., Terada K., Terada Y., Usui T., Wada S., Wadhwa M., Walker R.J., Yamashita K., Yin Q.Z., Yoneda S., Young E.D., Yui H., Zhang A.C., Nakamura T., Naraoka H., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Sakamoto K., Yabuta H., Abe M., Miyazaki A., Nakato A., Nishimura M., Okada T., Yada T., Yogata K., Nakazawa S., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Tsuda Y., Watanabe S.I., Yoshikawa M., Tachibana S., Yurimoto H.

    Science Advances   10 ( 39 )   eadp2426   2024.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    The isotopic compositions of samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu and Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites are distinct from other carbonaceous chondrites, which has led to the suggestion that Ryugu/CI chondrites formed in a different region of the accretion disk, possibly around the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. We show that, like for Fe, Ryugu and CI chondrites also have indistinguishable Ni isotope anomalies, which differ from those of other carbonaceous chondrites. We propose that this unique Fe and Ni isotopic composition reflects different accretion efficiencies of small FeNi metal grains among the carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies. The CI chondrites incorporated these grains more efficiently, possibly because they formed at the end of the disk’s lifetime, when planetesimal formation was also triggered by photoevaporation of the disk. Isotopic variations among carbonaceous chondrites may thus reflect fractionation of distinct dust components from a common reservoir, implying CI chondrites/Ryugu may have formed in the same region of the accretion disk as other carbonaceous chondrites.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adp2426



  • Microscopic slickenside as a record of weak shock metamorphism in the surface layer of asteroid Ryugu

    Miyahara, M; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Tomioka, N; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Seto, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, KK; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Peña, F; Laforet, S; Mouloud, BE; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Abe, M; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Yoshikawa, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yurimoto, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamotoa, N; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   2024.9   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    The surface morphology of regolith grains from the C-type asteroid Ryugu was studied in search of evidence of impact events on the asteroid. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that ~8% of C0105-042 Ryugu grains have a smooth surface on one side of the grains. One of these grains has striated linear grooves (striations) on its smooth surface. Transmission electron microscopy of the grain showed that a porous fine-grained Mg-Fe phyllosilicate assemblage, which is the main component of Ryugu grains, is compacted near the smooth surface. The smooth surface with striations closely resembles a slickenside, a characteristic texture found in terrestrial fault rocks formed by shear deformation. There is no evidence of melting/decomposition in the Mg-Fe phyllosilicates near the smooth surface, indicating that the shear heating temperature is less than ~1100 K. Assuming that the average length of the striations corresponds to the minimum displacement of the micro-fault, the shock pressure recorded in the C0105-042 Ryugu grain is estimated to be <~4.5 GPa by a fault mechanics calculation. The shock pressures of C0105-042, together with those of C0014 (~2 GPa) and C0055 (>~3.9 GPa) in previous studies suggest that the impact velocities recorded in these grains are < ~0.89–1.63 km s−1. Based on the impact velocities, these grains may record an impact event that occurred when asteroid Ryugu was in the orbit in Main Belt.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14271

    Web of Science


  • Breunnerite grain and magnesium isotope chemistry reveal cation partitioning during aqueous alteration of asteroid Ryugu.

    Yoshimura T, Araoka D, Naraoka H, Sakai S, Ogawa NO, Yurimoto H, Morita M, Onose M, Yokoyama T, Bizzarro M, Tanaka S, Ohkouchi N, Koga T, Dworkin JP, Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Sakamoto K, Yada T, Nishimura M, Nakato A, Miyazaki A, Yogata K, Abe M, Okada T, Usui T, Yoshikawa M, Saiki T, Tanaka S, Terui F, Nakazawa S, Watanabe SI, Tsuda Y, Tachibana S, Takano Y

    Nature communications   15 ( 1 )   6809   2024.9   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    Returned samples from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu provide pristine information on the original aqueous alteration history of the Solar System. Secondary precipitates, such as carbonates and phyllosilicates, reveal elemental partitioning of the major component ions linked to the primordial brine composition of the asteroid. Here, we report on the elemental partitioning and Mg isotopic composition (25Mg/24Mg) of breunnerite [(Mg, Fe, Mn)CO3] from the Ryugu C0002 sample and the A0106 and C0107 aggregates by sequential leaching extraction of salts, exchangeable ions, carbonates, and silicates. Breunnerite was the sample most enriched in light Mg isotopes, and the 25Mg/24Mg value of the fluid had shifted lower by ~0.38‰ than the initial value (set to 0‰) before dolomite precipitation. As a simple model, the Mg2+ first precipitated in phyllosilicates, followed by dolomite precipitation, at which time ~76−87% of Mg2+ had been removed from the primordial brine. A minor amount of phyllosilicate precipitation continued after dolomite precipitation. The element composition profiles of the latest solution that interacted with the cation exchange pool of Ryugu were predominantly Na-rich. Na+ acts as a bulk electrolyte and contributes to the stabilization of the negative surface charge of phyllosilicates and organic matter on Ryugu.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50814-y

    Web of Science



  • Breunnerite grain and magnesium isotope chemistry reveal cation partitioning during aqueous alteration of asteroid Ryugu

    Yoshimura Toshihiro, Araoka Daisuke, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakai Saburo, Ogawa Nanako O., Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Morita Mayu, Onose Morihiko, Yokoyama Tetsuya, Bizzarro Martin, Tanaka Satoru, Ohkouchi Naohiko, Koga Toshiki, Dworkin Jason P., Nakamura Tomoki, Noguchi Takaaki, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Sakamoto Kanako, Yada Toru, Nishimura Masahiro, Nakato Aiko, Miyazaki Akiko, Yogata Kasumi, Abe Masanao, Okada Tatsuaki, Usui Tomohiro, Yoshikawa Makoto, Saiki Takanao, Tanaka Satoshi, Terui Fuyuto, Nakazawa Satoru, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi, Tachibana Shogo, Takano Yoshinori

    Nature Communications   15   2024.9   eISSN:20411723

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    Returned samples from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu provide pristine information on the original aqueous alteration history of the Solar System. Secondary precipitates, such as carbonates and phyllosilicates, reveal elemental partitioning of the major component ions linked to the primordial brine composition of the asteroid. Here, we report on the elemental partitioning and Mg isotopic composition (²⁵Mg/²⁴Mg) of breunnerite [(Mg, Fe, Mn)CO₃] from the Ryugu C0002 sample and the A0106 and C0107 aggregates by sequential leaching extraction of salts, exchangeable ions, carbonates, and silicates. Breunnerite was the sample most enriched in light Mg isotopes, and the ²⁵Mg/²⁴Mg value of the fluid had shifted lower by ~0.38‰ than the initial value (set to 0‰) before dolomite precipitation. As a simple model, the Mg²⁺ first precipitated in phyllosilicates, followed by dolomite precipitation, at which time ~76−87% of Mg²⁺ had been removed from the primordial brine. A minor amount of phyllosilicate precipitation continued after dolomite precipitation. The element composition profiles of the latest solution that interacted with the cation exchange pool of Ryugu were predominantly Na-rich. Na⁺ acts as a bulk electrolyte and contributes to the stabilization of the negative surface charge of phyllosilicates and organic matter on Ryugu.

    CiNii Research

  • Variations of organic functional chemistry in carbonaceous matter from the asteroid 162173 Ryugu.

    De Gregorio B, Cody GD, Stroud RM, David Kilcoyne AL, Sandford S, Le Guillou C, Nittler LR, Barosch J, Yabuta H, Martins Z, Kebukawa Y, Okumura T, Hashiguchi M, Yamashita S, Takeichi Y, Takahashi Y, Wakabayashi D, Engrand C, Bejach L, Bonal L, Quirico E, Remusat L, Duprat J, Verdier-Paoletti M, Mostefaoui S, Komatsu M, Mathurin J, Dazzi A, Deniset-Besseau A, Dartois E, Tamenori Y, Suga H, Montagnac G, Kamide K, Shigenaka M, Matsumoto M, Enokido Y, Yoshikawa M, Saiki T, Tanaka S, Terui F, Nakazawa S, Usui T, Abe M, Okada T, Yada T, Nishimura M, Nakato A, Miyazaki A, Yogata K, Yurimoto H, Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe SI, Tsuda Y

    Nature communications   15 ( 1 )   7488   2024.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    Primordial carbon delivered to the early earth by asteroids and meteorites provided a diverse source of extraterrestrial organics from pre-existing simple organic compounds, complex solar-irradiated macromolecules, and macromolecules from extended hydrothermal processing. Surface regolith collected by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft from the carbon-rich asteroid 162173 Ryugu present a unique opportunity to untangle the sources and processing history of carbonaceous matter. Here we show carbonaceous grains in Ryugu can be classified into three main populations defined by spectral shape: Highly aromatic (HA), Alkyl-Aromatic (AA), and IOM-like (IL). These carbon populations may be related to primordial chemistry, since C and N isotopic compositions vary between the three groups. Diffuse carbon is occasionally dominated by molecular carbonate preferentially associated with coarse-grained phyllosilicate minerals. Compared to related carbonaceous meteorites, the greater diversity of organic functional chemistry in Ryugu indicate the pristine condition of these asteroid samples.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51731-w



  • Pyrrhotites in asteroid 162173 Ryugu: Records of the initial changes on their surfaces with aqueous alteration

    Yui H., Urashima S.h., Onose M., Morita M., Komatani S., Nakai I., Abe Y., Terada Y., Homma H., Motomura K., Ichida K., Yokoyama T., Nagashima K., Aléon J., M. O'D. Alexander C., Amari S., Amelin Y., Bajo K.i., Bizzarro M., Bouvier A., Carlson R.W., Chaussidon M., Choi B.G., Dauphas N., Davis A.M., Fujiya W., Fukai R., Gautam I., Haba M.K., Hibiya Y., Hidaka H., Hoppe P., Huss G.R., Iizuka T., Ireland T.R., Ishikawa A., Itoh S., Kawasaki N., Kita N.T., Kitajima K., Kleine T., Krot S., Liu M.C., Masuda Y., Moynier F., Nguyen A., Nittler L., Pack A., Park C., Piani L., Qin L., Di Rocco T., Russell S.S., Sakamoto N., Schönbächler M., Tafla L., Tang H., Terada K., Usui T., Wada S., Wadhwa M., Walker R.J., Yamashita K., Yin Q.Z., Yoneda S., Young E.D., Zhang A.C., Nakamura T., Naraoka H., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Sakamoto K., Yabuta H., Abe M., Miyazaki A., Nakato A., Nishimura M., Okada T., Yada T., Yogata K., Nakazawa S., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Tsuda Y., Watanabe S.i., Yoshikawa M., Tachibana S., Yurimoto H.

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta   379   172 - 183   2024.8   ISSN:00167037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    The surface chemistry of pyrrhotites from intact particles directly collected from asteroid (162173) Ryugu was investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The Raman peak characteristic to pyrrhotite was observed at around 115 cm−1 in Ryugu pyrrhotites, similar to freshly cleaved surfaces of terrestrial pyrrhotites. Additional Raman bands centered at around 220, 275, and 313 cm−1 with broadened features were also detected from the Ryugu pyrrhotites. The set of Raman bands at 220 and 275 cm−1 was assigned to typical Fe-S stretching vibrations of ν2 (225 cm−1) and ν1 (275 cm−1). These bands are not clearly observed in bulk crystals of pyrrhotite but appear in its nanoparticulate phase. These bands are ordinarily seen in amorphous monosulfides that formed under low oxygen fugacity (fO2) conditions in nature, indicating that the structural alteration of pyrrhotite surfaces occurred heterogeneously on the nanoscale under low fO2 conditions. Further, the Raman band at 313 cm−1 was attributed to a characteristic tetrahedral bonding of Fe(III) in the lattice of FeII1-3xFeIII1-2xS, followed by the local breakdown of the crystal lattice structures from planar bonding with Fe(II). In addition, some areas of the Ryugu pyrrhotite grains showed corroded structures with iridescence. Furthermore, assemblages of magnetite particles were also preferentially observed on small areas of the likely-dissolved pyrrhotite crystals in phyllosilicate matrices. These characteristic features in the Raman spectra and in corroded structures of Ryugu pyrrhotites record changes in the local environmental conditions via aqueous alteration. The corrosion of pyrrhotite crystals followed by the preferential formation of magnetite particles by asteroidal water is the likely product of dissolution of Fe(II) from the pyrrhotite surface and its oxidative precipitation in microchemical environments on the Ryugu parent body.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.06.016

    Web of Science


  • Electron microscopy observations of the diversity of Ryugu organic matter and its relationship to minerals at the micro- to nano-scale

    Stroud R.M., Barosch J., Bonal L., Burgess K., Cody G.D., De Gregorio B.T., Daly L., Dartois E., Dobrică E., Duprat J., Engrand C., Harries D., Hashiguchi M., Ishii H., Kebukawa Y., Kilcoyne A.D., Langenhorst F., Lee M.R., Nittler L.R., Quirico E., Okumura T., Remusat L., Sandford S., Yabuta H., Abe M., Abreu N.M., Bagot P.A.J., Beck P., Bejach L., Bland P.A., Bridges J.C., Cymes B.A., Dazzi A., de la Peña F., Deniset-Besseau A., Enju S., Enokido Y., Frank D.R., Gray J., Haruta M., Hata S., Hicks L., Igami Y., Jacob D., Kamide K., Komatsu M., Laforet S., Leroux H., Le Guillou C., Martins Z., Marinova M., Martinez J., Mathurin J., Matsumoto M., Matsumoto T., Matsuno J., McFadzean S., Michikami T., Mitsukawa I., Miyake A., Miyahara M., Miyazaki A., Montagnac G., Mostefaoui S., Nakamura T., Nakato A., Naraoka H., Nakauchi Y., Nakazawa S., Nishimura M., Noguchi T., Ohtaki K., Ohigashi T., Okada T., Okumura S., Okazaki R., Phan T.H.V., Rebois R., Sakamoto K., Saiki T., Saito H., Seto Y., Shigenaka M., Smith W., Suga H., Sun M., Tachibana S., Takahashi Y., Takeichi Y., Takeuchi A., Takigawa A., Tamenori Y., Tanaka S., Terui F., Thompson M.S., Tomioka N., Tsuchiyama A., Tsuda Y., Uesugi K., Uesugi M.

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   59 ( 8 )   2023 - 2043   2024.8   ISSN:10869379

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Transmission electron microscopy analyses of Hayabusa2 samples show that Ryugu organic matter exhibits a range of morphologies, elemental compositions, and carbon functional chemistries consistent with those of carbonaceous chondrites that have experienced low-temperature aqueous alteration. Both nanoglobules and diffuse organic matter are abundant. Non-globular organic particles are also present, and including some that contain nanodiamond clusters. Diffuse organic matter is finely distributed in and around phyllosilicates, forms coatings on other minerals, and is also preserved in vesicles in secondary minerals such as carbonate and pyrrhotite. The average elemental compositions determined by energy-dispersive spectroscopy of extracted, demineralized insoluble organic matter samples A0107 and C0106 are C100N3O9S1 and C100N3O7S1, respectively, with the difference in O/C slightly outside the difference in the standard error of the mean. The functional chemistry of the nanoglobules varies from mostly aromatic C=C to mixtures of aromatic C=C, ketone C=O, aliphatic (CHn), and carboxyl (COOH) groups. Diffuse organic matter associated with phyllosilicates has variable aromatic C, ketone and carboxyl groups, and some localized aliphatics, but is dominated by molecular carbonate (CO3) absorption, comparable to prior observations of clay-bound organic matter in CI meteorites.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14128



    Dionnet, Z; Djouadi, Z; Brunetto, R; Aléon-Toppani, A; Nakamura, T; Rubino, S; Delaye, L; Caron, L; Baklouti, D; Lantz, C; Mivumbi, O; Borondics, F; Héripré, E; Troadec, D; Tsuchiyama, A; Matsuno, J; Matsumoto, M; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59   A99 - A99   2024.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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  • Correlated IR-SEM-TEM studies of three different grains from Ryugu: from the initial material to post-accretional processes.

    Aléon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Dionnet, Z; Rubino, S; Baklouti, D; Brisset, F; Vallet, M; Heripre, E; Nakamura, T; Lantz, C; Djouadi, Z; Borondics, F; Sandt, C; Troadec, D; Mivumbi, O; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59   A5 - A5   2024.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Brunetto, R; Nakamura, T; Lantz, C; Fukuda, Y; Aléon-Toppani, A; Dionnet, Z; Baklouti, D; Borondics, F; Djouadi, Z; Rubino, S; Amano, K; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Kagawa, E; Milliken, R; Matsuoka, M; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59   A46 - A46   2024.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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  • Hydrological and vegetation changes in North Africa over the past 23 000 years: a comparative study of watershed areas of the Nile River using remote sensing and compound-specific δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

    Sinoussy, KS; Naraoka, H; Seki, O; Hassaan, MA; Okazaki, Y

    JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE   39 ( 7 )   1064 - 1077   2024.7   ISSN:0267-8179 eISSN:1099-1417

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    Publisher:Journal of Quaternary Science  

    Hydroclimate variation and vegetation changes of the Nile River watershed area in northeast Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) were reconstructed based on n-alkanes, their carbon isotope ratios (δ13Cn-alkanes), and their hydrogen isotope ratios (δ2Hn-alkanes) in sediments from ODP Site 967 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The results were compared with the present vegetation cover in the watershed areas using ArcGIS. The average proportion of current grassland in the Equatorial Lake and Ethiopian Highland Plateaus watershed areas was 45.8 and 64.7%, respectively. δ2Hn-alkanes ranged from −199 to −127‰ and co-varied with insolation change response to orbital forcing. Depleted δ2Hn-alkanes were found from deglaciation to the middle Holocene, suggesting increased precipitation during the African Humid Period (AHP) from 15 to 5 ka caused by northward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. However, lower precipitation was inferred by enriched δ2Hn-alkanes during the LGM and late Holocene. δ13Cn-alkanes at Site 967 did not show a trend in harmony with δ2Hn-alkanes and instead exhibited millennial-scale variations ranging from –25.9 to –33.2‰. These δ13Cn-alkanes values consistently indicated a C4 grass-dominated environment in the watershed areas of the River Nile since the LGM, persisting through the AHP and into the present. Reconstructions demonstrated orbital and abrupt forcing of hydroclimate variability while maintaining generally grass-dominated vegetation with weak precipitation feedback over the late Quaternary.

    DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3649

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  • Primordial aqueous alteration recorded in water-soluble organic molecules from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu

    Takano Y., Naraoka H., Dworkin J.P., Koga T., Sasaki K., Sato H., Oba Y., Ogawa N.O., Yoshimura T., Hamase K., Ohkouchi N., Parker E.T., Aponte J.C., Glavin D.P., Furukawa Y., Aoki J., Kano K., Nomura S.I.M., Orthous-Daunay F.R., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Yurimoto H., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Yabuta H., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Nakazawa S., Watanabe S.I., Tsuda Y., Tachibana S.

    Nature communications   15 ( 1 )   5708   2024.7   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature communications  

    We report primordial aqueous alteration signatures in water-soluble organic molecules from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft of JAXA. Newly identified low-molecular-weight hydroxy acids (HO-R-COOH) and dicarboxylic acids (HOOC-R-COOH), such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, glyceric acid, oxalic acid, and succinic acid, are predominant in samples from the two touchdown locations at Ryugu. The quantitative and qualitative profiles for the hydrophilic molecules between the two sampling locations shows similar trends within the order of ppb (parts per billion) to ppm (parts per million). A wide variety of structural isomers, including α- and β-hydroxy acids, are observed among the hydrophilic molecules. We also identify pyruvic acid and dihydroxy and tricarboxylic acids, which are biochemically important intermediates relevant to molecular evolution, such as the primordial TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle. Here, we find evidence that the asteroid Ryugu samples underwent substantial aqueous alteration, as revealed by the presence of malonic acid during keto-enol tautomerism in the dicarboxylic acid profile. The comprehensive data suggest the presence of a series for water-soluble organic molecules in the regolith of Ryugu and evidence of signatures in coevolutionary aqueous alteration between water and organics in this carbonaceous asteroid.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49237-6

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  • Raman spectroscopy of Ryugu particles and their extracted residues: Fluorescence background characteristics and similarities to CI chondrites

    Komatsu, M; Yabuta, H; Kebukawa, Y; Bonal, L; Quirico, E; Fagan, TJ; Cody, GD; Barosch, J; Bejach, L; Dartois, E; Dazzi, A; De Gregorio, B; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Engrand, C; Hashiguchi, M; Martins, Z; Mathurin, J; Montagnac, G; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, LR; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Rémusat, L; Sandford, S; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Yamashita, S; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Usui, T; Abe, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2166 - 2185   2024.7   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    We present here an investigation of Ryugu particles recovered by the Hayabusa2 space mission and their extracted carbonaceous acid residues using Raman spectroscopy. Raman parameters of Ryugu intact grains and their acid residues are characterized by broad D (defect induced) and G (graphite) band widths, indicating the presence of polyaromatic carbonaceous matter with low thermal maturity. Raman spectra of Ryugu particles and CI (type 1) chondrites exhibit stronger laser-induced fluorescence backgrounds compared to Type 2 and Type 3 carbonaceous chondrites. The high fluorescence signatures and wide bandwidths of the D and G bands of Ryugu intact grains are similar to the Raman spectra observed in CI chondrites, reflecting the low structural order of their aromatic carbonaceous matter, and strengthening the link between Ryugu particles and CI chondrites. The high fluorescence background intensity of the Ryugu particles is due to multiple causes, but it is likely that the relative abundance of geometry-bearing macromolecular organic matter in total organic carbon contents makes a large contribution to the fluorescence intensities. Locally observed high fluorescence in the acid-extracted residues of Ryugu is due to nitrogen-bearing outlier phase. The high fluorescence signature is one consequence of the low degree of thermal maturity of the organic matter and supports evidence that the Ryugu particles have escaped significant parent body thermal metamorphism.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14234

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  • Microscale hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen isotopic diversity of organic matter in asteroid Ryugu

    Nittler, LR; Barosch, J; Burgess, K; Stroud, RM; Wang, JH; Yabuta, H; Enokido, Y; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, T; Kebukawa, Y; Yamashita, S; Takahashi, Y; Bejach, L; Bonal, L; Cody, G; Dartois, E; Dazzi, A; De Gregorio, B; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Engrand, C; Hashiguchi, M; Kilcoyne, ALD; Komatsu, M; Martins, Z; Mathurin, J; Montagnac, G; Mostefaoui, S; Okumura, T; Quirico, E; Remusat, L; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Suga, H; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Wakabayashi, D; Abe, M; Kamide, K; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nakazawa, S; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Yoshikawa, M; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS   637   2024.7   ISSN:0012-821X eISSN:1385-013X

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    Publisher:Earth and Planetary Science Letters  

    We report the H, C, and N isotopic compositions of microscale (0.2 to 2 µm) organic matter in samples of asteroid Ryugu and the Orgueil CI carbonaceous chondrite. Three regolith particles of asteroid Ryugu, returned by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, and several fragments of Orgueil were analyzed by NanoSIMS isotopic imaging. The isotopic distributions of the Ryugu samples from two different collection spots are closely similar to each other and to the Orgueil samples, strengthening the proposed Ryugu-CI chondrite connection. Most individual sub-μm organic grains have isotopic compositions within error of bulk values, but 2–10 % of them are outliers exhibiting large isotopic enrichments or depletions in D, 15N, and/or 13C. The H, C and N isotopic compositions of the outliers are not correlated with each other: while some organic grains are both D- and 15N-enriched, many are enriched or depleted in one or the other system. This most likely points to a diversity in isotopic fractionation pathways and thus diversity in the local formation environments for the individual outlier grains. The observation of a relatively small population of isotopic outlier grains can be explained either by escape from nebular and/or parent body homogenization of carbonaceous precursor material or addition of later isotopic outlier grains. The strong chemical similarity of isotopically typical and isotopically outlying grains, as reflected by synchrotron x-ray absorption spectra, suggests a genetic connection and thus favors the former, homogenization scenario. However, the fact that even the least altered meteorites show the same pattern of a small population of outliers on top of a larger population of homogenized grains indicates that some or most of the homogenization occurred prior to accretion of the macromolecular organic grains into asteroidal parent bodies.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118719

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  • Three-dimensional textures of Ryugu samples and their implications for the evolution of aqueous alteration in the Ryugu parent body

    Tsuchiyama, A; Matsumoto, M; Matsuno, J; Yasutake, M; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Miyake, A; Uesugi, K; Takeuchi, A; Okumura, S; Fujioka, Y; Sun, MQ; Takigawa, A; Matsumoto, T; Enju, S; Mitsukawa, I; Enokido, Y; Kawamoto, T; Mikouchi, T; Michikami, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Rubino, S; Dionnet, Z; Aleon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Zolensky, ME; Nakano, T; Nakano, N; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Terui, F; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   375   146 - 172   2024.6   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    Samples collected from the surface/subsurface of C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission were nondestructively analyzed in three dimensions (3D). Seventy-three small particles (approximately 10–180 µm in size) were observed using X-ray nanotomography, with an effective spatial resolution of approximately 200 nm. Detailed descriptions of these samples in terms of mineralogy, petrology, and variations among particles were reported. The 57 most common particles consisted of a phyllosilicate matrix containing mineral grains, mainly magnetite, pyrrhotite, dolomite and apatite. The remaining particles were mostly monomineralic particles (pyrrhotite, dolomite, breunnerite, apatite, and Mg-Na phosphate) with two unique particles (calcite in a Al2Si2O5(OH)4 matrix, and CaCO3, phyllosilicate, and tochilinite-chronstedtite inclusions in a carbonaceous material matrix). The results confirmed that the samples correspond to Ivuna-type carbonaceous chondrites (CI chondrites) or related materials. Many small inclusions of voids and carbonaceous materials were detected in pyrrhotite, dolomite, breunnerite, and apatite. However, no fluid inclusions were observed, except for those in pyrrhotite that have already been reported. Magnetite exhibited a wide variety of morphologies, from irregular shapes (spherulites, framboids, plaquettes, and whiskers) to euhedral shapes (equants, rods, and cubes), along with transitional shapes. In contrast, the other minerals exhibit predominantly euhedral shapes (pyrrhotite: pseudo-hexagonal plates, dolomite: flattened rhombohedrons, breunnerite: largely flattened rhombohedrons, and apatite: hexagonal prisms) or aggregates of faceted crystals, except for Mg-Na phosphate. The matrices were heterogeneous with variable phyllosilicate particle sizes, Mg/Fe ratios, density (1.7 ± 0.2 g/cm3), nanoporosities (36 ± 9 %), and abundances of nanograins of Fe(-Ni) sulfides. The macroporosity of the particles was estimated as 12 ± 4 %. The observed textural relationships among the minerals suggest a precipitation sequence of: magnetite (spherulite → plaquette/framboid → rod/equant) → pyrrhotite (pentlandite → pyrrhotite) → apatite → dolomite → breunnerite → coarse phyllosilicates. Fe-bearing olivine (or low-Ca pyroxene) might have precipitated later than dolomite, indicating a high Mg activity in the aqueous solution. This precipitation sequence corresponds to a transition from irregular crystal forms (as seen in some magnetite) to regular forms of euhedral crystals (observed in some magnetite and other minerals). Based on the precipitation sequence and mineral morphologies, together with previously reported observations, a model for aqueous alteration in the Ryugu parent body was proposed as follows: CO2-H2O ice, amorphous silicates (GEMS-like material), and some minerals (mostly metal, sulfides, and anhydrous silicates) accumulated to form the parent body of Ryugu. Amorphous silicates and Fe-Ni metal quickly dissolved into the melted ice to form a highly supersaturated aqueous solution. Poorly-crystalized phyllosilicate and spherulitic magnetite precipitated first, followed by plaquette/framboidal magnetites with decreasing degree of supersaturation due to precipitation. Pseudo-hexagonal pyrrhotite plates were formed by dissolution and reprecipitation under relatively low supersaturation. Subsequently, apatite, dolomite, and breunnerite precipitated in this order in response to decreasing supersaturation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.03.032

    Web of Science


  • Incipient space weathering on asteroid 162173 Ryugu recorded by pyrrhotite

    Harries, D; Matsumoto, T; Langenhorst, F; Noguchi, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Saito, H; Hata, S; Takigawa, A; Nakauchi, Y; Tachibana, S; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, K; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Pena, F; Laforet, S; Mouloud, BE; Marinova, M; Beck, P; Phan, VH; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Michikami, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2134 - 2148   2024.5   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Regolith samples returned from asteroid 162173 Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission provide direct means to study how space weathering operates on the surfaces of hydrous asteroids. The mechanisms of space weathering, its effects on mineral surfaces, and the characteristic time scales on which alteration occurs are central to understanding the spectroscopic properties and the taxonomy of asteroids in the solar system. Here, we investigate the behavior of the iron monosulfides mineral pyrrhotite (Fe1−xS) at the earliest stages of space weathering. Using electron microscopy methods, we identified a partially exposed pyrrhotite crystal that morphologically shows evidence for mass loss due to exposure to solar wind ion irradiation. We find that crystallographic changes to the pyrrhotite can be related to sulfur loss from its space-exposed surface and the diffusive redistribution of resulting excess iron into the interior of the crystal. Diffusion profiles allow us to estimate an order of magnitude of the exposure time of a few thousand years consistent with previous estimates of space exposure. During this interval, the adjacent phyllosilicates did not acquire discernable damage, suggesting that they are less susceptible to alteration by ion irradiation than pyrrhotite.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14176

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  • A comprehensive study of apatite grains in Ryugu rock fragments

    Tkalcec, BJ; Tack, P; De Pauw, E; Bazi, B; Vekemans, B; Lindner, M; Vincze, L; Di Michiel, M; Garrevoet, J; Falkenberg, G; Nakamura, T; Morita, T; Amano, K; Nakashima, D; Langenhorst, F; Pollok, K; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Brenker, FE

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2149 - 2165   2024.5   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Apatite is present as an accessory phase in many meteorites and is often formed as a secondary product of aqueous alteration. Its propensity to incorporate rare earth elements (REE) results in apatite usually being the main REE-bearing phase in hydrously altered meteorites. Asteroid Ryugu is thought to have experienced pervasive aqueous alteration and material collected from the surface of Ryugu is expected to provide insight into asteroidal aqueous alteration processes without influence by terrestrial weathering. Morphologies and mineral associations of apatite grains from five rock fragments collected from the asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft were examined and their REE concentrations were measured by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) spectroscopy. The main minerals associated with apatite are dolomite, magnetite, and pyrrhotite. Grain boundary corrosion of the interfaces between apatite assemblages and the surrounding matrix suggest that paragenetic formation on the asteroid was followed by a later episode of hydrous alteration. Light REE (LREE) concentration levels recorded at 20–150 times those of bulk CI levels together with a steady increase from LREE toward enrichment of medium REE (MREE, up to Er) at 50–400 times bulk CI levels may suggest postgenetic removal of LREE from Ryugu apatite grains by late-stage circulation of a hydrothermal fluid.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14177

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  • Enantioselective three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of amino acids in the Hayabusa2 returned samples from the asteroid Ryugu

    Furusho A., Ishii C., Akita T., Oyaide M., Mita M., Naraoka H., Takano Y., Dworkin J.P., Oba Y., Koga T., Fukushima K., Aoki D., Hashiguchi M., Mita H., Chikaraishi Y., Ohkouchi N., Ogawa N.O., Sakai S., Glavin D.P., Elsila J.E., Parker E.T., Aponte J.C., McLain H.L., Orthous-Daunay F.R., Vuitton V., Thissen R., Wolters C., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Ruf A., Isa J., Hertkorn N., Eiler J.M., Yoshimura T., Sugahara H., Graham H.V., Furukawa Y., Araoka D., Tanaka S., Yoshikawa T., Kabashima F., Sasaki K., Sato H., Yamazaki T., Onose M., Morita M., Kimura Y., Kano K., Aoki J., Fujishima K., Nomura S.i., Tachibana S., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Yabuta H., Yurimoto H., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Nakazawa S., Okada T., Watanabe S.i., Tsuda Y., Hamase K.

    Journal of Chromatography Open   5   2024.5   eISSN:2772-3917

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    Publisher:Journal of Chromatography Open  

    The chirality of amino acids in extraterrestrial materials may provide an insight into the origin of the essential L-enantiopure amino acids in the terrestrial biosphere. In 2020, the Hayabusa2 mission succeeded in bringing back surface materials from the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu to the Earth. Amino acids were one of the targeted organic molecules to be studied in the Ryugu samples. To analyze the various structural isomers of amino acids, which were expected to be present, from the limited amount of the returned samples, the development of a highly-sensitive and selective analytical method was necessary. In the present study, a three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography (3D-HPLC) system has been developed for the enantioselective determination of five proteinogenic and three non-proteinogenic amino acids in the Ryugu samples, in which amino acids in the sample were separated by reversed-phase, anion-exchange and enantioselective columns after the fluorescence derivatization with 4-fluoro-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiozole. The applicability of the analytical system to the extraterrestrial samples was evaluated by analyzing several types of carbonaceous meteorites before applying the system to the Ryugu samples. In the analysis of the Ryugu samples, all of the target amino acids were successfully determined quantitatively. Non-proteinogenic amino acids including 2-amino-n-butyric acid, isovaline and norvaline, rarely present in the terrestrial environment, were found as almost racemic mixtures with 47.1 to 55.2%L.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcoa.2024.100134

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  • The Earth atmosphere-like bulk nitrogen isotope composition obtained by stepwise combustion analyses of Ryugu return samples

    Hashizume, K; Ishida, A; Chiba, A; Okazaki, R; Yogata, K; Yada, T; Kitajima, F; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Takano, Y; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Terui, F; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y; Broadley, MW; Busemann, H

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2117 - 2133   2024.4   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    The nitrogen isotope compositions of two samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu were determined using a stepwise combustion method, along with Ivuna (CI) and Y-980115, a CI-like Antarctic meteorite, as references. The two Ryugu samples A0105-07 and C0106-07 showed bulk δ15N values of +1.7 ± 0.5‰ and +0.2 ± 0.6‰, respectively, significantly lower than Ivuna with +36.4 ± 0.4‰, but close to Y-980115 with +4.0 ± 0.3‰. The Ryugu samples are further characterized by C/N and 36Ar/N ratios up to 3.4× and 4.9× the value of Ivuna, respectively. Among all Ryugu samples and CI chondrites, a positive correlation was observed between nitrogen concentrations and δ15N values, with samples with lower nitrogen concentrations exhibiting lower δ15N. This trend is explained by a two-component mixing model. One component is present at a constant abundance among all CI-related samples, with a δ15N value around 0‰ or lower. The other varies in abundance between different samples, and exhibits a δ15N value of +56 ± 4‰. The first 15N-poor endmember is seemingly tightly incorporated into a carbonaceous host phase, whereas the 15N-rich endmember can be mobilized and decoupled from carbon, potentially because it is in the form of ammonia. Asteroid materials with volatile compositions that are similar to those reported here for the Ryugu samples are attractive candidates for the volatile sources among Earth's building blocks.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14175

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  • Nonmagnetic framboid and associated iron nanoparticles with a space-weathered feature from asteroid Ryugu

    Kimura, Y; Kato, T; Anada, S; Yoshida, R; Yamamoto, K; Tanigaki, T; Akashi, T; Kasai, H; Kurosawa, K; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Sato, M; Matsumoto, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y; Tachibana, S

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   15 ( 1 )   3493   2024.4   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    Extraterrestrial minerals on the surface of airless Solar System bodies undergo gradual alteration processes known as space weathering over long periods of time. The signatures of space weathering help us understand the phenomena occurring in the Solar System. However, meteorites rarely retain the signatures, making it impossible to study the space weathering processes precisely. Here, we examine samples retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft and discover the presence of nonmagnetic framboids through electron holography measurements that can visualize magnetic flux. Magnetite particles, which normally provide a record of the nebular magnetic field, have lost their magnetic properties by reduction via a high-velocity (>5 km s–1) impact of a micrometeoroid with a diameter ranging from 2 to 20 μm after destruction of the parent body of Ryugu. Around these particles, thousands of metallic-iron nanoparticles with a vortex magnetic domain structure, which could have recorded a magnetic field in the impact event, are found. Through measuring the remanent magnetization of the iron nanoparticles, future studies are expected to elucidate the nature of the nebular/interplanetary magnetic fields after the termination of aqueous alteration in an asteroid.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47798-0

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  • Nonmagnetic framboid and associated iron nanoparticles with a space-weathered feature from asteroid Ryugu

    Kimura Yuki, Kato Takeharu, Anada Satoshi, Yoshida Ryuji, Yamamoto Kazuo, Tanigaki Toshiaki, Akashi Tetsuya, Kasai Hiroto, Kurosawa Kosuke, Nakamura Tomoki, Noguchi Takaaki, Sato Masahiko, Matsumoto Toru, Morita Tomoyo, Kikuiri Mizuha, Amano Kana, Kagawa Eiichi, Yada Toru, Nishimura Masahiro, Nakato Aiko, Miyazaki Akiko, Yogata Kasumi, Abe Masanao, Okada Tatsuaki, Usui Tomohiro, Yoshikawa Makoto, Saiki Takanao, Tanaka Satoshi, Terui Fuyuto, Nakazawa Satoru, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kanako, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi, Tachibana Shogo

    Nature Communications   15   2024.4   eISSN:20411723

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    Extraterrestrial minerals on the surface of airless Solar System bodies undergo gradual alteration processes known as space weathering over long periods of time. The signatures of space weathering help us understand the phenomena occurring in the Solar System. However, meteorites rarely retain the signatures, making it impossible to study the space weathering processes precisely. Here, we examine samples retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft and discover the presence of nonmagnetic framboids through electron holography measurements that can visualize magnetic flux. Magnetite particles, which normally provide a record of the nebular magnetic field, have lost their magnetic properties by reduction via a high-velocity (>5 km s⁻¹) impact of a micrometeoroid with a diameter ranging from 2 to 20 μm after destruction of the parent body of Ryugu. Around these particles, thousands of metallic-iron nanoparticles with a vortex magnetic domain structure, which could have recorded a magnetic field in the impact event, are found. Through measuring the remanent magnetization of the iron nanoparticles, future studies are expected to elucidate the nature of the nebular/interplanetary magnetic fields after the termination of aqueous alteration in an asteroid.

    CiNii Research

  • AFM-IR nanospectroscopy of nanoglobule-like particles in Ryugu samples returned by the Hayabusa2 mission

    Mathurin, J; Bejach, L; Dartois, E; Engrand, C; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Kebukawa, Y; Yabuta, H; Bonal, L; Quirico, E; Sandt, C; Borondics, F; Barosch, J; Beck, P; Cody, GD; De Gregorio, BT; Hashiguchi, M; Kilcoyne, DAL; Komatsu, M; Martins, Z; Matsumoto, M; Montagnac, G; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, LR; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Phan, VH; Remusat, L; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Yamashita, S; Nakamura, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yurimoto, H; Abe, M; Kamide, K; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nakazawa, S; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tachibana, S; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Usui, T; Watanabe, SI; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Yoshikawa, M

    ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS   684   2024.4   ISSN:0004-6361 eISSN:1432-0746

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    Publisher:Astronomy and Astrophysics  

    Context. The JAXA Hayabusa2 mission returned well-preserved samples collected from the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu, providing unique non-terrestrially weathered samples from a known parent body. Aims. This work aims to provide a better understanding of the formation and evolution of primitive asteroidal matter by studying the fine scale association of organic matter and minerals in Ryugu samples. We characterized the samples by IR nanospectroscopy using infrared photothermal nanospectroscopy (AFM-IR) technique. This technique overcomes the diffraction limit (of several microns) of conventional infrared microspectroscopy (μ-FTIR). The samples were mapped in the mid-IR range at a lateral spatial resolution about a hundred times better than with μ-FTIR. This provided us with unique in situ access to the distribution of the different infrared signatures of organic components at the sub-micron scale present in the Ryugu whole-rock samples as well as to the characterization of the compositional variability of Ryugu in the insoluble organic matter (IOM) chemically extracted from the Ryugu samples. Methods. The AFM-IR maps of whole-rock particles and IOM residues from Ryugu samples were recorded with a lateral resolution of tens of nanometers. Spectra were recorded in the 1900-900 cm-1 spectral range by AFM-IR (Icon-IR) for all samples, and additional spectra were recorded from 2700 to 4000 cm-1 for one IOM sample by an optical photothermal IR (O-PTIR) technique using a mIRage® IR microscope. Results. Organic matter is present in two forms in the whole-rock samples: as a diffuse phase intermixed with the phyllosilicate matrix and as individual organic nanoparticles. We identify the Ryugu organic nanoparticles as nanoglobule-like inclusions texturally resembling nanoglobules present in primitive meteorites. Using AFM-IR, we record for the first time the infrared spectra of Ryugu organic nanoparticles that clearly show enhanced carbonyl (C=O) and CH contributions with respect to the diffuse organic matter in Ryugu whole-rock and IOM residue.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347435

    Web of Science


  • Coevolution of phyllosilicate, carbon, sulfide, and apatite in Ryugu's parent body

    Gainsforth, Z; Dominguez, G; Amano, K; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Kagawa, E; Nakamura, T; Tachibana, S; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2073 - 2096   2024.4   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    We analyzed an asteroid Ryugu sample returned to Earth by JAXA's Hayabusa2 mission using nanoIR, SEM, and TEM microscopy. We identified multiple distinct carbon reservoirs within the phyllosilicate matrix and demonstrate infrared spectral affinities for some of the carbon to insoluble organic matter (IOM). TEM studies of Ryugu samples have allowed us to better understand the interrelationship between the crystallographic orientations of phyllosilicates and the secondary minerals such as carbonate, sulfide, and apatite. Transport of elements provides a unifying theme for understanding these interrelationships.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14161

    Web of Science


  • Correlated IR-SEM-TEM studies of three different grains from Ryugu: From the initial material to post-accretional processes

    Aléon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Dionnet, Z; Rubino, S; Baklouti, D; Brisset, F; Vallet, M; Heripre, E; Nakamura, T; Lantz, C; Djouadi, Z; Borondics, F; Sandt, C; Troadec, D; Mivumbi, O; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   371   1 - 30   2024.4   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    In order to better constrain the alteration history of the Ryugu parent body, we performed a multi-analytical study combining scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy on sections extracted from the three fragments A0064-FO019, A0064-FO021 and C0002-FO019 returned from Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 space mission. The three sections show large differences in terms of structure, mineralogy and infrared signature. Section A0064-FO019 resembles the major Ryugu lithology with the presence of both fine-grained phyllosilicates (fg-phyllos) with embedded nanosulfides and coarse-grained phyllosilicates (cg-phyllos), whereas section C0002-FO019 belongs to the group of the less altered lithologies with the presence of anhydrous minerals embedded in a partially amorphous matrix. Section A0064-FO021 also belongs to this group but shows two different lithologies, a compact amorphous one and a more porous and very fractured one showing the presence of Na-rich phosphate, calcite and olivine. The two less altered lithologies (sections A0064-FO021 and C0002-FO019) show the presence of numerous mineralogical features similar to those observed in cometary interplanetary dust particles, ultra-carbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites or in the CM Paris meteorite, i.e. amorphous and partially crystallized matrix with GEMS-like ghosts objects, whisker olivine, phosphide, or FeNi metal. This supports an outer solar system origin common with that of cometary material for the Ryugu parent body. Combined with the results of Nakamura et al. (2022b) reporting the presence of a lithology showing the presence of GEMS-like objects, we propose that section C0002-FO019 represents the onset of aqueous alteration of such primitive materials. The cg-phyllos and fg-phyllos of section A0064-FO019, i.e. of the major Ryugu lithology, representing the advanced stage of alteration, exhibit distinctive IR signatures with a higher abundance of oxygen-rich functional groups in the organic matter (OM) from the cg-phyllos. We thus suggest the following chronology of formation and evolution for Ryugu: (1) accretion of highly porous aggregate of GEMS-like units with fine-grained high-temperature anhydrous silicates, (2) onset of alteration with the dissolution of primary nanosulfides and development of amorphous/partially crystallized material in the pores, (3) crystallization of fg-phyllos with a second generation of sulfides, (4) later formation of cg-phyllos devoid of nanosulfides and their associated oxygen-rich OM in a more water-rich environment.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.02.006

    Web of Science


  • Disequilibrium oxygen isotope distribution among aqueously altered minerals in Ryugu asteroid returned samples

    Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamoto, N; Fujiya, W; Abe, Y; Aleon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Mckeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Schoenbaechler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2097 - 2116   2024.4   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Oxygen 3-isotope ratios of magnetite and carbonates in aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites provide important clues to understanding the evolution of the fluid in the asteroidal parent bodies. We conducted oxygen 3-isotope analyses of magnetite, dolomite, and breunnerite in two sections of asteroid Ryugu returned samples, A0058 and C0002, using a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). Magnetite was analyzed by using a lower primary ion energy that reduced instrumental biases due to the crystal orientation effect. We found two groups of magnetite data identified from the SIMS pit morphologies: (1) higher δ18O (from 3‰ to 7‰) and ∆17O (~2‰) with porous SIMS pits mostly from spherulitic magnetite, and (2) lower δ18O (~ −3‰) and variable ∆17O (0‰–2‰) mostly from euhedral magnetite. Dolomite and breunnerite analyses were conducted using multi-collection Faraday cup detectors with precisions ≤0.3‰. The instrumental bias correction was applied based on carbonate compositions in two ways, using Fe and (Fe + Mn) contents, respectively, because Ryugu dolomite contains higher amounts of Mn than the terrestrial standard. Results of dolomite and breunnerite analyses show a narrow range of ∆17O; 0.0‰–0.3‰ for dolomite in A0058 and 0.2‰–0.8‰ for dolomite and breunnerite in C0002. The majority of breunnerite, including large ≥100 μm grains, show systematically lower δ18O (~21‰) than dolomite (25‰–30‰ and 23‰–27‰ depending on the instrumental bias corrections). The equilibrium temperatures between magnetite and dolomite from the coarse-grained lithology in A0058 are calculated to be 51 ± 11°C and 78 ± 14°C, depending on the instrumental bias correction scheme for dolomite; a reliable temperature estimate would require a Mn-bearing dolomite standard to evaluate the instrumental bias corrections, which is not currently available. These results indicate that the oxygen isotope ratios of aqueous fluids in the Ryugu parent asteroid were isotopically heterogeneous, either spatially, or temporary. Initial water ice accreted to the Ryugu parent body might have ∆17O > 2‰ that was melted and interacted with anhydrous solids with the initial ∆17O < 0‰. In the early stage of aqueous alteration, spherulitic magnetite and calcite formed from aqueous fluid with ∆17O ~ 2‰ that was produced by isotope exchange between water (∆17O > 2‰) and anhydrous solids (∆17O < 0‰). Dolomite and breunnerite, along with some magnetite, formed at the later stage of aqueous alteration under higher water-to-rock ratios where the oxygen isotope ratios were nearly at equilibrium between fluid and solid phases. Including literature data, δ18O of carbonates decreased in the order calcite, dolomite, and breunnerite, suggesting that the temperature of alteration might have increased with the degree of aqueous alteration.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14163

    Web of Science


  • Influx of nitrogen-rich material from the outer Solar System indicated by iron nitride in Ryugu samples

    Matsumoto Toru, Noguchi Takaaki, Miyake Akira, Igami Yohei, Haruta Mitsutaka, Seto Yusuke, Miyahara Masaaki, Tomioka Naotaka, Saito Hikaru, Hata Satoshi, Harries Dennis, Takigawa Aki, Nakauchi Yusuke, Tachibana Shogo, Nakamura Tomoki, Matsumoto Megumi, Ishii Hope A., Bradley John P., Ohtaki Kenta, Dobrică Elena, Leroux Hugues, Le Guillou Corentin, Jacob Damien, de la Peña Francisco, Laforet Sylvain, Marinova Maya, Langenhorst Falko, Beck Pierre, Phan Thi H. V., Rebois Rolando, Abreu Neyda M., Gray Jennifer, Zega Thomas, Zanetta Pierre-M., Thompson Michelle S., Stroud Rhonda, Burgess Kate, Cymes Brittany A., Bridges John C., Hicks Leon, Lee Martin R., Daly Luke, Bland Phil A., Zolensky Michael E., Frank David R., Martinez James, Tsuchiyama Akira, Yasutake Masahiro, Matsuno Junya, Okumura Shota, Mitsukawa Itaru, Uesugi Kentaro, Uesugi Masayuki, Takeuchi Akihisa, Sun Mingqi, Enju Satomi, Michikami Tatsuhiro, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kanako, Yada Toru, Nishimura Masahiro, Nakato Aiko, Miyazaki Akiko, Yogata Kasumi, Abe Masanao, Okada Tatsuaki, Usui Tomohiro, Yoshikawa Makoto, Saiki Takanao, Tanaka Satoshi, Terui Fuyuto, Nakazawa Satoru, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi

    Nature Astronomy   8 ( 2 )   207 - 215   2024.2   eISSN:23973366

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    Large amounts of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium salts, may be stored in icy bodies and comets, but the transport of these nitrogen-bearing solids into the near-Earth region is not well understood. Here, we report the discovery of iron nitride on magnetite grains from the surface of the near-Earth C-type carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu, suggesting inorganic nitrogen fixation. Micrometeoroid impacts and solar wind irradiation may have caused the selective loss of volatile species from major iron-bearing minerals to form the metallic iron. Iron nitride is a product of nitridation of the iron metal by impacts of micrometeoroids that have higher nitrogen contents than the CI chondrites. The impactors are probably primitive materials with origins in the nitrogen-rich reservoirs in the outer Solar System. Our observation implies that the amount of nitrogen available for planetary formation and prebiotic reactions in the inner Solar System is greater than previously recognized.

    CiNii Research

  • Pervasive aqueous alteration in the early Solar System revealed by potassium isotopic variations in Ryugu samples and carbonaceous chondrites

    Hu, Y; Moynier, F; Dai, W; Paquet, M; Yokoyama, T; Abe, Y; Aleon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Irelandx, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasakii, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Nakai, I; Nagashimau, K; Nesvorny, D; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wadai, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawap, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimotoi, H

    ICARUS   409   2024.2   ISSN:0019-1035 eISSN:1090-2643

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    C-type asteroids are the presumed home to carbonaceous chondrites, some of which contain abundant life-forming volatiles and organics. For the first time, samples from a C-type asteroid (162173 Ryugu) were successfully returned to Earth by JAXA's Hayabusa2 mission. These pristine samples, uncontaminated by the terrestrial environment, allow a direct comparison with carbonaceous chondrites. This study reports the stable K isotopic compositions (expressed as δ41K) of Ryugu samples and seven carbonaceous chondrites to constrain the origin of K isotopic variations in the early Solar System. Three aliquots of Ryugu particles collected at two touchdown sites have identical δ41K values, averaged at −0.194 ± 0.038‰ (2SD). The K isotopic composition of Ryugu falls within the range of δ41K values measured on representative CI chondrites, and together, they define an average δ41K value of −0.185 ± 0.078‰ (2SE), which provides the current best estimate of the K isotopic composition of the bulk Solar System. Samples of CI chondrites with δ41K values that deviate from this range likely reflect terrestrial contaminations or compositional heterogeneities at sampled sizes. In addition to CI chondrites, substantial K isotopic variability is observed in other carbonaceous chondrites and within individual chondritic groups, with δ41K values inversely correlated with K abundances in many cases. These observations indicate widespread fluid activity occurred in chondrite parent bodies, which significantly altered the original K abundances and isotopic compositions of chondrules and matrices established at their accretion.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115884

    Web of Science


  • Influx of nitrogen-rich material from the outer Solar System indicated by iron nitride in Ryugu samples

    Matsumoto T., Noguchi T., Miyake A., Igami Y., Haruta M., Seto Y., Miyahara M., Tomioka N., Saito H., Hata S., Harries D., Takigawa A., Nakauchi Y., Tachibana S., Nakamura T., Matsumoto M., Ishii H.A., Bradley J.P., Ohtaki K., Dobrică E., Leroux H., Le Guillou C., Jacob D., de la Peña F., Laforet S., Marinova M., Langenhorst F., Beck P., Phan T.H.V., Rebois R., Abreu N.M., Gray J., Zega T., Zanetta P.M., Thompson M.S., Stroud R., Burgess K., Cymes B.A., Bridges J.C., Hicks L., Lee M.R., Daly L., Bland P.A., Zolensky M.E., Frank D.R., Martinez J., Tsuchiyama A., Yasutake M., Matsuno J., Okumura S., Mitsukawa I., Uesugi K., Uesugi M., Takeuchi A., Sun M., Enju S., Michikami T., Yurimoto H., Okazaki R., Yabuta H., Naraoka H., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Nakazawa S., Watanabe S.I., Tsuda Y.

    Nature Astronomy   8 ( 2 )   207 - 215   2024.2

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    Publisher:Nature Astronomy  

    Large amounts of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium salts, may be stored in icy bodies and comets, but the transport of these nitrogen-bearing solids into the near-Earth region is not well understood. Here, we report the discovery of iron nitride on magnetite grains from the surface of the near-Earth C-type carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu, suggesting inorganic nitrogen fixation. Micrometeoroid impacts and solar wind irradiation may have caused the selective loss of volatile species from major iron-bearing minerals to form the metallic iron. Iron nitride is a product of nitridation of the iron metal by impacts of micrometeoroids that have higher nitrogen contents than the CI chondrites. The impactors are probably primitive materials with origins in the nitrogen-rich reservoirs in the outer Solar System. Our observation implies that the amount of nitrogen available for planetary formation and prebiotic reactions in the inner Solar System is greater than previously recognized.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-023-02137-z


  • Influx of nitrogen-rich material from the outer Solar System indicated by iron nitride in Ryugu samples

    Matsumoto, T; Noguchi, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Saito, H; Hata, S; Harries, D; Takigawa, A; Nakauchi, Y; Tachibana, S; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, K; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Peña, F; Laforet, S; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Michikami, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   8 ( 2 )   2024.2   ISSN:2397-3366

  • Quantification of bulk elemental composition for C-type asteroid Ryugu samples with nondestructive elemental analysis using muon beam

    Ninomiya, K; Osawa, T; Terada, K; Wada, T; Nagasawa, S; Chiu, IH; Nakamura, T; Takahashi, T; Miyake, Y; Kubo, MK; Takeshita, S; Taniguchi, A; Umegaki, I; Watanabe, S; Azuma, T; Katsuragawa, M; Minami, T; Mizumoto, K; Shimomura, K; Takeda, S; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Furukawa, Y; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2044 - 2057   2024.1   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Samples from asteroid Ryugu, brought back by asteroid explorer Hayabusa2, are important for investigating the origin and evolution of the solar system. Here, we report the elemental compositions of a 123-mg Ryugu sample determined with a nondestructive muon elemental analysis method. This method is a powerful tool for determining bulk chemical composition, including light elements such as C, N, and O. From the muonic x-ray spectra with three carbonaceous chondrites, the relationship between the elemental composition and muonic x-ray intensity was determined for each element. Calibration curves showed linearity, and the elemental composition of Ryugu was quantitatively determined. The results reflect the average bulk elemental composition of asteroid Ryugu owing to the large amount of samples. Ryugu has an elemental composition similar to that of Orgueil (CI1) and should be classified as CI1. However, the O/Si ratio of Ryugu is 25% lower than that of Orgueil, indicating that Orgueil may have been seriously contaminated by terrestrial materials after its fall to Earth. These results indicate that the Ryugu sample is more representative than the CI chondrites as a solid material of the solar system.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14135

    Web of Science


  • Hydrogen in magnetite from asteroid Ryugu

    Aléon, J; Mostefaoui, S; Bureau, H; Vangu, D; Khodja, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Abe, Y; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, LR; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, L; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, H; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2058 - 2072   2024.1   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    In order to gain insights on the conditions of aqueous alteration on asteroid Ryugu and the origin of water in the outer solar system, we developed the measurement of water content in magnetite at the micrometer scale by secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) and determined the H and Si content of coarse-grained euhedral magnetite grains (polyhedral magnetite) and coarse-grained fibrous (spherulitic) magnetite from the Ryugu polished section A0058-C1001. The hydrogen content in magnetite ranges between ~900 and ~3300 wt ppm equivalent water and is correlated with the Si content. Polyhedral magnetite has low and homogenous silicon and water content, whereas fibrous magnetite shows correlated Si and water excesses. These excesses can be explained by the presence of hydrous Si-rich amorphous nanoinclusions trapped during the precipitation of fibrous magnetite away from equilibrium and testify that fibrous magnetite formed from a hydrous gel with possibly more than 20 wt% water. An attempt to determine the water content in sub-μm framboids indicates that additional calibration and contamination issues must be addressed before a safe conclusion can be drawn, but hints at elevated water content as well. The high water content in fibrous magnetite, expected to be among the first minerals to crystallize at low water–rock ratio, points to the control of water content by local conditions of magnetite precipitation rather than large-scale alteration conditions. Systematic lithological variations associated with water-rich and water-poor magnetite suggest that the global context of alteration may be better understood if local water concentrations are compared with millimeter-scale distribution of the various morphologies of magnetite. Finally, the high water content in the magnetite precursor gel indicates that the initial O isotopic composition in alteration water must not have been very different from that of the earliest magnetite crystals.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14139

    Web of Science


  • Microstructural and chemical features of impact melts on Ryugu particle surfaces: Records of interplanetary dust hit on asteroid Ryugu

    Matsumoto, M; Matsuno, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Nakamura, T; Enokido, Y; Kikuiri, M; Nakato, A; Yasutake, M; Uesugi, K; Takeuchi, A; Enju, S; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Sun, MQ; Miyake, A; Haruta, M; Igami, Y; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Zolensky, M; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   10 ( 3 )   eadi7203   2024.1   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft delivered samples of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu to Earth. Some of the sample particles show evidence of micrometeoroid impacts, which occurred on the asteroid surface. Among those, particles A0067 and A0094 have flat surfaces on which a large number of microcraters and impact melt splashes are observed. Two impact melt splashes and one microcrater were analyzed to unveil the nature of the objects that impacted the asteroid surface. The melt splashes consist mainly of Mg-Fe–rich glassy silicates and Fe-Ni sulfides. The microcrater trapped an impact melt consisting mainly of Mg-Fe–rich glassy silicate, Fe-Ni sulfides, and minor silica-rich glass. These impact melts show a single compositional trend indicating mixing of Ryugu surface materials and impactors having chondritic chemical compositions. The relict impactor in one of the melt splashes shows mineralogical similarity with anhydrous chondritic interplanetary dust particles having a probable cometary origin. The chondritic micrometeoroids probably impacted the Ryugu surface during its residence in a near-Earth orbit.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi7203

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  • Abundant extraterrestrial purine nucleobases in the Murchison meteorite: Implications for a unified mechanism for purine synthesis in carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies Reviewed

    Koga, T; Takano, Y; Oba, Y; Naraoka, H; Ohkouchi, N

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   365   253 - 265   2024.1   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    Extraterrestrial nucleobases are of key interest owing to their implications for the chemical evolution of primordial molecules in the solar system and their potential contributions to prebiotic chemistry on the early Earth. Recent advances in analytical techniques capable of detecting femto-mole-order nucleobases have allowed us to identify all five exogenous nucleobases—uracil, cytosine, thymine, adenine, and guanine—in carbonaceous chondrites and to quantify uracil obtained from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu. In this study, we optimized the analytical method using hot-water extraction followed by 6 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) extraction from a sample of the CM2 Murchison meteorite to reassess the abundances and distributions of extraterrestrial nucleobases. The target analyses performed using high-performance liquid chromatography paired with electrospray-ionization, high-resolution mass spectrometry revealed that purine nucleobases were substantially more enriched in the subsequent 6 M HCl extract (951 ± 104 parts per billion, ppb) than in the hot-water extract (199 ± 3 ppb). The most abundant nucleobase was guanine (649 ± 103 ppb in total). The 6 M HCl extract not only contained canonical nucleobases but also included rare nucleobase analogs from the purine family, such as 8-substituted purines. Unlike purines, we preferentially detected pyrimidine nucleobases in the hot-water extract and the acid hydrolysate (185 ± 17 ppb and 297 ± 5 ppb, respectively) rather than in the 6 M HCl extract (51 ± 4 ppb). The disparate distributions of purine and pyrimidine bases in the Murchison meteorite suggests that purines are more robustly incorporated than pyrimidines into meteoritic matrices and/or insoluble macromolecular organic matter. We propose a unified formation mechanism for purine nucleobases—which involves the synthesis of 5-aminoimidazole derivatives from hydrogen cyanide and its related molecules—that can account for the molecular distributions of the extraterrestrial purine nucleobases found in the Murchison meteorite.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.10.024

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    CiNii Research

  • The thermal history of Ryugu based on Raman characterization of Hayabusa2 samples

    Bonal, L; Quirico, E; Montagnac, G; Komatsu, M; Kebukawa, Y; Yabuta, H; Amano, K; Barosch, J; Bejach, L; Cody, GD; Dartois, E; Dazzi, A; De Gregorio, B; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Engrand, C; Hashiguchi, M; Kamide, K; Kilcoyne, D; Martins, Z; Mathurin, J; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, L; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Remusat, L; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Yamashita, S; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Tachibana, S; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nakazawa, S; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Sakamoto, K; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Usui, T; Watanabe, S; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Yoshikawa, M

    ICARUS   408   2024.1   ISSN:0019-1035 eISSN:1090-2643

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    This paper is focused on the characterization of the thermal history of C-type asteroid Ryugu through the structure of the polyaromatic carbonaceous matter in the returned samples determined by Raman spectroscopy. Both intact particles and extracted Insoluble Organic Matter (IOM) from the two sampling sites on Ryugu have been characterized. The main conclusions are that (i) there is no structural difference of the polyaromatic component probed by Raman spectroscopy between the two sampling sites, (ii) in a manner similar to type 1 and 2 chondrites, the characterized Ryugu particles did not experience significant long-duration thermal metamorphism related to the radioactive decay of elements such as 26Al; (iii) some structural variability is nevertheless observed within our particle set. It can be interpreted as some particles having experienced some short-duration and weak heating (R3 in the scale defined by Quirico et al. 2018 and TII or lower according to the scale defined by Nakamura, 2005).

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115826

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  • In situ investigation of an organic micro-globule and its mineralogical context within a Ryugu "sand" grain

    Phan, VH; Beck, P; Rebois, R; Quirico, E; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, KK; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Pena, F; Laforet, S; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Mathurin, J; Dazzi, A; Dartois, E; Engrand, C; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Abe, M; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Yoshikawa, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yurimoto, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamotoa, N; Hoppe, P; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1983 - 2001   2024.1   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    The Hayabusa2 mission from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) returned to the Earth samples of carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu. This mission offers a unique opportunity to investigate in the laboratory samples from a C-type asteroid, without physical or chemical alteration by the terrestrial atmosphere. Here, we report on an investigation of the mineralogy and the organo-chemistry of Hayabusa2 samples using a combination of micro- and nano-infrared spectroscopy. Particles investigated with conventional FTIR spectroscopy have spectra dominated by phyllosilicate-related absorption, as observed for samples of CI-chondrites, selected ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites, and selected hydrated micrometeorites. Ryugu samples show smaller sulfate-related absorption than CI-chondrites. Our samples that were only briefly exposed to the Earth atmosphere show absorptions related to molecular water, revealing fast terrestrial contamination of the spectral signature at 3 μm. Overall, our FTIR data are in agreement with other work done on Ryugu samples, revealing a low degree of mineralogical variability across Ryugu samples. AFM-IR mapping of the grains shows the presence of a micrometer-sized organic globule in one of our analyzed grains. The AFM-IR spectra obtained on this globule are similar to IR spectra obtained on IOM suggesting that it is constituted of refractory organic matter. This globule may host silicate in its interior, with a different mineralogy than bulk Ryugu phyllosilicate. The shape, presence of peculiar silicate, and the nature of organic constituting the globule point toward a pre-accretionary origin of this globule and that at least part of Ryugu organics were inherited from the protosolar nebulae or the interstellar media. Altogether, our results show the similarities between Ryugu samples and CI chondrites.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14122

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  • Four-dimensional-STEM analysis of the phyllosilicate-rich matrix of Ryugu samples

    Mouloud, BE; Jacob, D; de la Peña, F; Marinova, M; Le Guillou, C; Viennet, JC; Laforet, S; Leroux, H; Teurtrie, A; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, KK; Dobrica, E; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Abe, M; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Yoshikawa, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yurimoto, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamotoa, N; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   2002 - 2022   2024.1   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Ryugu asteroid grains brought back to the Earth by the Hayabusa2 space mission are pristine samples containing hydrated minerals and organic compounds. Here, we investigate the mineralogy of their phyllosilicate-rich matrix with four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM). We have identified and mapped the mineral phases at the nanometer scale (serpentine, smectite, pyrrhotite), observed the presence of Ni-bearing pyrrhotite, and identified the serpentine polymorph as lizardite, in agreement with the reported aqueous alteration history of Ryugu. Furthermore, we have mapped the d-spacings of smectite and observed a broad distribution of values, ranging from 1 to 2 nm, with an average d-spacing of 1.24 nm, indicating significant heterogeneity within the sample. Such d-spacing variability could be the result of either the presence of organic matter trapped in the interlayers or the influence of various geochemical conditions at the submicrometer scale, suggestive of a range of organic compounds and/or changes in smectite crystal chemistry.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14124

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  • Investigating the impact of x-ray computed tomography imaging on soluble organic matter in the Murchison meteorite: Implications for Bennu sample analyses Reviewed International coauthorship

    Glavin, DP; Eckley, SA; Aponte, JC; Berger, EL; Burton, AS; Dworkin, JP; Elsila, JE; Ferguson, FT; Furukawa, Y; Graham, HV; Koga, T; Liss, M; Mclain, HL; Naraoka, H; Oba, Y; Parker, ET; Righter, K; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Simkus, DN; Takano, Y; Connolly, HC Jr; Lauretta, DS

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 1 )   105 - 133   2024.1   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is a valuable reconnaissance tool for three-dimensional imaging and identification of distinct lithologies in extraterrestrial samples. It will be used as part of the preliminary examination of samples returned from asteroid (101955) Bennu by the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission. However, it must first be established whether x-rays generated during XCT could degrade or alter the organic composition of the returned samples by radiolysis. To test this, we split a crushed sample of the Murchison CM2 meteorite, kept one portion as a control, and irradiated the other portion up to the maximum x-ray dosage (~180 Gy) that a Bennu sample would experience during an XCT imaging experiment. We then extracted organic compounds from both splits and conducted (i) nontargeted soluble organic analyses to compare the chemical distributions of C-, H-, O-, N-, and S-bearing species and (ii) targeted measurements to quantify the abundances of 96 individual soluble organic molecules that included protein amino acids, amines, carboxylic acids, hydroxy acids, carbonyl compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, sugars, and N-heterocycles. We found that XCT imaging of the Murchison meteorite had no measurable impact on the relative abundances or enantiomeric compositions of most of the soluble organic compounds targeted in this study. Elevated total abundances of several soluble organic compound classes were observed in the XCT-scanned Murchison sample relative to the control. This is likely related to particle size heterogeneity and specific surface area differences between the sample aliquots used for the extractions, rather than a result of the x-ray exposure. Assuming the samples returned from asteroid Bennu by OSIRIS-REx have a similar composition to carbonaceous chondrites, these data provide confidence that XCT will not significantly alter their soluble organic compositions.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14111

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    CiNii Research

  • In-situ U-Pb dating of apatites in C-type asteroid Ryugu

    KENTARO TERADA, Kohei Fukuda, Yuji Sano, Tomoki Nakamura, Naoto Takahata, Wataru Fujiya, Mizuho Kokike, Yuusuke Yokoro, Akimizu Matsui, Daisuke Nakashima, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Hiroshi Naraoka, Kanako Sakamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Toru Yada, Masahiro Nishimura, Aiko Nakato, Akiko Miyazaki, Kasumi Yogata, Masahiro Abe, Tatsuaki Okada, Tomohiro Usui, Makoto Yoshikawa, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Satoru Nakazawa, Seiichiro Watanabe, Yuichi Tsuda, Addi Bischoff

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   71 ( 0 )   160   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.71.0_160

    CiNii Research

  • Analysis of Cation Composition in Dolomites on the Intact Particles Sampled from Asteroid Ryugu

    Morita, M; Yui, H; Urashima, S; Onose, M; Komatani, S; Nakai, I; Abe, Y; Terada, Y; Homma, H; Motomura, K; Ichida, K; Yokoyama, T; Nagashima, K; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Krot, S; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Moynier, F; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Di Rocco, T; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönböchler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   96 ( 1 )   170 - 178   2023.12   ISSN:0003-2700 eISSN:1520-6882

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    Language:English   Publisher:Analytical Chemistry  

    Characterization of the elemental distribution of samples with rough surfaces has been strongly desired for the analysis of various natural and artificial materials. Particularly for pristine and rare analytes with micrometer sizes embedded on specimen surfaces, non-invasive and matrix effect-free analysis is required without surface polishing treatment. To satisfy these requirements, we proposed a new method employing the sequential combination of two imaging modalities, i.e., microenergy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) and Raman micro-spectroscopy. The applicability of the developed method is tested by the quantitative analysis of cation composition in micrometer-sized carbonate grains on the surfaces of intact particles sampled directly from the asteroid Ryugu. The first step of micro-XRF imaging enabled a quick search for the sparsely scattered and micrometer-sized carbonates by the codistributions of Ca2+ and Mn2+ on the Mg2+- and Fe2+-rich phyllosilicate matrix. The following step of Raman micro-spectroscopy probed the carbonate grains and analyzed their cation composition (Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+ + Mn2+) in a matrix effect-free manner via the systematic Raman shifts of the lattice modes. The carbonates were basically assigned to ferroan dolomite bearing a considerable amount of Fe2+ + Mn2+ at around 10 atom %. These results are in good accordance with the assignments reported by scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, where the thin-sectioned and surface-polished Ryugu particles were applicable. The proposed method requires neither sectioning nor surface polishing; hence, it can be applied to the remote sensing apparatus on spacecrafts and planetary rovers. Furthermore, the non-invasive and matrix effect-free characterization will provide a reliable analytical tool for quantitative analysis of the elemental distribution on the samples with surface roughness and chemical heterogeneity at a micrometer scale, such as art paintings, traditional crafts with decorated shapes, as well as sands and rocks with complex morphologies in nature.

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03463

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  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of Ryugu formed in the interstellar medium

    Zeichner, SS; Aponte, JC; Bhattacharjee, S; Dong, GN; Hofmann, AE; Dworkin, JP; Glavin, DP; Elsila, JE; Graham, HV; Naraoka, H; Takano, Y; Tachibana, S; Karp, AT; Grice, K; Holman, AI; Freeman, KH; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Hamase, K; Fukushima, K; Aoki, D; Hashiguchi, M; Mita, H; Chikaraishi, Y; Ohkouchi, N; Ogawa, NO; Sakai, S; Parker, ET; McLain, HL; Orthous-Daunay, FR; Vuitton, V; Wolters, C; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Hertkorn, N; Thissen, R; Ruf, A; Isa, J; Oba, Y; Koga, T; Yoshimura, T; Araoka, D; Sugahara, H; Furusho, A; Furukawa, Y; Aoki, J; Kano, K; Nomura, SM; Sasaki, K; Sato, H; Yoshikawa, T; Tanaka, S; Morita, M; Onose, M; Kabashima, F; Fujishima, K; Yamazaki, T; Kimura, Y; Eiler, JM

    SCIENCE   382 ( 6677 )   1411 - 1415   2023.12   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science  

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contain ≲20% of the carbon in the interstellar medium. They are potentially produced in circumstellar environments (at temperatures ≳1000 kelvin), by reactions within cold (~10 kelvin) interstellar clouds, or by processing of carbon-rich dust grains. We report isotopic properties of PAHs extracted from samples of the asteroid Ryugu and the meteorite Murchison. The doubly-13C substituted compositions (D2×13C values) of the PAHs naphthalene, fluoranthene, and pyrene are 9 to 51% higher than values expected for a stochastic distribution of isotopes. The D2×13C values are higher than expected if the PAHs formed in a circumstellar environment, but consistent with formation in the interstellar medium. By contrast, the PAHs phenanthrene and anthracene in Ryugu samples have D2×13C values consistent with formation by higher-temperature reactions.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.adg6304

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  • Nucleosynthetic <i>s</i>-Process Depletion in Mo from Ryugu samples returned by Hayabusa2

    Nakanishi, N; Yokoyama, T; Ishikawa, A; Walker, RJ; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, L; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, H; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, D; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS   28   31 - 36   2023.12   ISSN:2410-339X eISSN:2410-3403

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    Publisher:Geochemical Perspectives Letters  

    Initial analyses of samples collected from two locations on the asteroid Ryugu indicated that the mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic characteristics of the Ryugu samples show similarities to carbonaceous chondrites, particularly the Ivuna-type (CI) group. In this study, we analysed a composite sample of four bulk Ryugu samples (A0106, A0106-A0107, C0107, and C0108) collected from both sampling locations that were combined in order to determine its mass independent Mo isotopic composition and reveal contributions from diverse nucleosynthetic sources. The ε94Mo and ε95Mo values for the Ryugu sample are characterised by the carbonaceous chondrite (CC)-type, which is consistent with the nucleosynthetic isotope compositions observed for other elements (Cr, Ti, Fe, and Zn). The Ryugu composite sample, however, is characterised by greater s-process depletion of Mo isotopes compared with any known bulk carbonaceous chondrite, even including CI chondrites. The observed Mo isotopic signature in the Ryugu composite was most likely caused by either incomplete digestion of s-process-rich presolar SiC, or biased sampling of materials enriched in aqueously-formed secondary minerals characterised by s-process-poor Mo isotopes, resulting from the physicochemical separation between s-process-rich presolar grains and a complementary s-process-poor aqueous fluid in the Ryugu parent body.

    DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2341

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  • Reassigning CI chondrite parent bodies based on reflectance spectroscopy of samples from carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu and meteorites

    Amano, K; Matsuoka, M; Nakamura, T; Kagawa, E; Fujioka, Y; Potin, SM; Hiroi, T; Tatsumi, E; Milliken, RE; Quirico, E; Beck, P; Brunetto, R; Uesugi, M; Takahashi, Y; Kawai, T; Yamashita, S; Enokido, Y; Wada, T; Furukawa, Y; Zolensky, ME; Takir, D; Domingue, DL; Jaramillo-Correa, C; Vilas, F; Hendrix, AR; Kikuiri, M; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   9 ( 49 )   eadi3789   2023.12   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    The carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu has been explored by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft to elucidate the actual nature of hydrous asteroids. Laboratory analyses revealed that the samples from Ryugu are comparable to unheated CI carbonaceous chondrites; however, reflectance spectra of Ryugu samples and CIs do not coincide. Here, we demonstrate that Ryugu sample spectra are reproduced by heating Orgueil CI chondrite at 300°C under reducing conditions, which caused dehydration of terrestrial weathering products and reduction of iron in phyllosilicates. Terrestrial weathering of CIs accounts for the spectral differences between Ryugu sample and CIs, which is more severe than space weathering that likely explains those between asteroid Ryugu and the collected samples. Previous assignments of CI chondrite parent bodies, i.e., chemically most primitive objects in the solar system, are based on the spectra of CI chondrites. This study indicates that actual spectra of CI parent bodies are much darker and flatter at ultraviolet to visible wavelengths than the spectra of CI chondrites.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi3789

    Web of Science



  • Neodymium-142 deficits and samarium neutron stratigraphy of C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu

    Torrano, ZA; Jordan, MK; Mock, TD; Carlson, RW; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Yokoyama, T; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, C; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, T; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Mckeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, S; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1966 - 1982   2023.12   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    We report Nd and Sm isotopic compositions of four samples of Ryugu returned by the Hayabusa2 mission, including “A” (first touchdown) and “C” (second touchdown) samples, and several carbonaceous chondrites to evaluate potential genetic relationships between Ryugu and known chondrite groups and track the cosmic ray exposure history of Ryugu. We resolved Nd and Sm isotopic anomalies in small (<20 ng Nd and Sm) sample sizes via thermal ionization mass spectrometer using 1013 Ω amplifiers. Ryugu samples exhibit resolvable negative μ142Nd values consistent with carbonaceous chondrite values, suggesting that Ryugu is related to the parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites. Ryugu's negative μ149Sm values are the result of exposure to galactic cosmic rays, as demonstrated by the correlation between 150Sm/152Sm and 149Sm/152Sm ratios that fall along the expected neutron capture correlation line. The neutron fluence calculated in the “A” samples (2.75 ± 1.94 × 1015 n cm−2) is slightly higher compared to the “C” samples (0.95 ± 2.04 × 1015 n cm−2), though overlapping within measurement uncertainty. The Sm results for Ryugu, at this level of precision, thus are consistent with a well-mixed surface layer at least to the depths from which the “A” and “C” samples derive.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14109

    Web of Science


  • The Magnesium Isotope Composition of Samples Returned from Asteroid Ryugu

    Bizzarro, M; Schiller, M; Yokoyama, T; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; O'D Alexander, CM; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; Morita, M; Moynier, F; Motomura, K; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nesvorny, D; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   958 ( 2 )   2023.12   ISSN:2041-8205 eISSN:2041-8213

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    Publisher:Astrophysical Journal Letters  

    The nucleosynthetic isotope composition of planetary materials provides a record of the heterogeneous distribution of stardust within the early solar system. In 2020 December, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Hayabusa2 spacecraft returned to Earth the first samples of a primitive asteroid, namely, the Cb-type asteroid Ryugu. This provides a unique opportunity to explore the kinship between primitive asteroids and carbonaceous chondrites. We report high-precision μ 26Mg* and μ 25Mg values of Ryugu samples together with those of CI, CM, CV, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites. The stable Mg isotope composition of Ryugu aliquots defines μ 25Mg values ranging from -160 ± 20 ppm to -272 ± 30 ppm, which extends to lighter compositions relative to Ivuna-type (CI) and other carbonaceous chondrite groups. We interpret the μ 25Mg variability as reflecting heterogeneous sampling of a carbonate phase hosting isotopically light Mg (μ 25Mg ∼ -1400 ppm) formed by low temperature equilibrium processes. After correcting for this effect, Ryugu samples return homogeneous μ 26Mg* values corresponding to a weighted mean of 7.1 ± 0.8 ppm. Thus, Ryugu defines a μ 26Mg* excess relative to the CI and CR chondrite reservoirs corresponding to 3.8 ± 1.1 and 11.9 ± 0.8 ppm, respectively. These variations cannot be accounted for by in situ decay of 26Al given their respective 27Al/24Mg ratios. Instead, it requires that Ryugu and the CI and CR parent bodies formed from material with a different initial 26Al/27Al ratio or that they are sourced from material with distinct Mg isotope compositions. Thus, our new Mg isotope data challenge the notion that Ryugu and CI chondrites share a common nucleosynthetic heritage.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad09d9

    Web of Science


  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of Ryugu formed in the interstellar medium Reviewed International journal

    Zeichner, S. S., Naraoka H. et al.

    Science   382   1411 - 1416   2023.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-42075-y

  • Evidence of global space weathering by solar wind on asteroid 162173 Ryugu Reviewed International coauthorship

    Hiroi, T; Milliken, RE; Robertson, KM; Schultz, CD; Amano, K; Nakamura, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Yokota, Y; Tatsumi, E; Tsuda, Y; Tachibana, S; Fuyuto, T; Watanabe, S; Sasaki, S; Kaiden, H; Kitazato, K; Matsuoka, M

    ICARUS   406   2023.12   ISSN:0019-1035 eISSN:1090-2643

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    Reflectance spectra (0.3–4 μm) of powder samples of the third largest stone C0002 returned from the asteroid Ryugu by JAXA Hayabusa2 mission were measured and compared with proximity observation data taken by the Optical Navigation Camera - Telescopic (ONC-T) and the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) onboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Although the characteristics of the 2.7 μm absorption band due to structural hydroxyl of the Ryugu powder samples are consistent with CI1 chondrite meteorites, NIRS3 spectra of the global surface of Ryugu exhibit a wavelength shift of +6 nm in the 2.7 μm absorption band center in comparison with those of both the powder samples and an artificial crater on the asteroid formed by the Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI). This is consistent with effects of solar wind-induced space weathering being present across the global surface of asteroid Ryugu. The darkness of the Ryugu surface in comparison with the returned samples and an upturn in reflectance observed in the average ONC-T spectrum at ultraviolet wavelengths may also be due to space weathering.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115755

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research

  • Influx of nitrogen-rich material from the outer Solar System indicated by iron nitride in Ryugu samples

    Matsumoto, T; Noguchi, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Saito, H; Hata, S; Harries, D; Takigawa, A; Nakauchi, Y; Tachibana, S; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, K; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Peña, F; Laforet, S; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Michikami, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   2023.11   ISSN:2397-3366

  • Mineralogy and petrology of fine-grained samples recovered from the asteroid (162173) Ryugu

    Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, KK; Dobrica, E; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; de la Peña, F; Laforet, S; Mouloud, BE; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Smith, WA; Mcfadzean, S; Martin, PE; Bagot, PAJ; Fougerouse, D; Saxey, DW; Reddy, S; Rickard, WDA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Abe, M; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Yoshikawa, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yurimoto, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamotoa, N; Hoppe, P; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1877 - 1906   2023.11   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Samples returned from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission revealed that Ryugu is composed of materials consistent with CI chondrites and some types of space weathering. We report detailed mineralogy of the fine-grained Ryugu samples allocated to our “Sand” team and report additional space weathering features found on the grains. The dominant mineralogy is composed of a fine-grained mixture of Mg-rich saponite and serpentine, magnetite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, dolomite, and Fe-bearing magnesite. These grains have mineralogy comparable to that of CI chondrites, showing severe aqueous alteration but lacking ferrihydrite and sulfate. These results are similar to previous works on large Ryugu grains. In addition to the major minerals, we also find many minerals that are rare or have not been reported among CI chondrites. Accessory minerals identified are hydroxyapatite, Mg-Na phosphate, olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, Mg-Al spinel, chromite, manganochromite, eskolaite, ilmenite, cubanite, polydymite, transjordanite, schreibersite, calcite, moissanite, and poorly crystalline phyllosilicate. We also show scanning transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope compositional maps and images of some space-weathered grains and severely heated and melted grains. Although our mineralogical results are consistent with that of millimeter-sized grains, the fine-grained fraction is best suited to investigate impact-induced space weathering.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14093

    Web of Science


  • The iron oxidation state of Ryugu samples

    Roskosz, M; Beck, P; Viennet, JC; Nakamura, T; Lavina, B; Hu, MY; Zhao, JY; Alp, EE; Takahashi, Y; Morita, T; Amano, K; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1925 - 1946   2023.11   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    The Hayabusa2 mission sampled Ryugu, an asteroid that did not suffer extensive thermal metamorphism, and returned rocks to the Earth with no significant air exposure. It therefore offers a unique opportunity to study the redox state of carbonaceous Cb-type asteroids and evaluate the overall redox state of the most primitive rocks of the solar system. An analytical framework was developed to investigate the iron mineralogy and valence state in extraterrestrial material at the micron scale by combining x-ray diffraction, conventional Mössbauer (MS), and nuclear forward scattering (NFS) spectroscopies. An array of standard minerals was analyzed and cross-calibrated between MS and NFS. Then, MS and NFS spectra on three Ryugu grains were collected at the bulk and the micron scales. In Ryugu samples, iron is essentially accommodated in magnetite, clay minerals (serpentine–smectite), and sulfides. Only a single set of Mössbauer parameters was necessary to account for the entire variability observed in MS and NFS spectra, at all spatial scales investigated. These parameters therefore make up a fully consistent iron mineralogical model for the Ryugu samples. As far as MS and NFS spectroscopies are concerned, Ryugu grains are overall similar to each other and share most of their mineralogical features with CI-type chondrites. In detail however, no ferrihydrite is found in Ryugu particles even at the very sensitive scale of Mössbauer spectroscopy. The typical Fe3+/Fetot of clay minerals is much lower than typical redox ratios measured in CI chondrites (Fe3+/Fetot = 85%–90%). Furthermore, magnetite from Ryugu is stoichiometric with no significant maghemite component, whereas up to 12% of maghemite was previously identified in the Orgueil's so-called magnetite. These differences suggest that most CI meteorites suffered terrestrial alteration and that the preterrestrial composition of these carbon-rich samples was less oxidized than previously measured. However, it is not clear yet whether or not the parent bodies of CI chondrites were as reduced as Ryugu. Finally, the high spatial resolution of NFS allows to disentangle the redox state and the crystal chemistry of iron accommodated in serpentine and smectite. The most likely polytype of serpentine is lizardite, containing <35% of Fe3+, a fraction of which being tetrahedrally coordinated. Smectite is more oxidized (Fe3+/Fetot > 65%) and mainly contains octahedral ferric iron. This finding implies that these clays formed from highly alkaline fluids and the spatial variability highlighted here may suggest a temporal evolution or a spatial variability of the nature of this fluid.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14098

    Web of Science


  • A curation for uncontaminated Hayabusa2-returned samples in the extraterrestrial curation center of JAXA: from the beginning to present day

    Yada, T; Abe, M; Nishimura, M; Sawada, H; Okazaki, R; Takano, Y; Sakamoto, K; Okada, T; Nakato, A; Yoshitake, M; Nakano, Y; Yogata, K; Miyazaki, A; Furuya, S; Iwamae, AS; Nakatsubo, S; Hatakeda, K; Hitomi, Y; Kumagai, K; Suzuki, S; Miura, YN; Ito, M; Tomioka, N; Uesugi, M; Karouji, Y; Uesugi, K; Shirai, N; Yamaguchi, A; Imae, N; Naraoka, H; Yamamoto, Y; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H; Usui, T

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   75 ( 1 )   2023.11   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    Developing a cleanroom and clean chambers (CCs) for Hayabusa2 returned samples has been discussed with the committee for Hayabusa2 sample curation facility since 2015. One major difference from the specifications of the CCs used for Itokawa samples is that a part of samples was decided to be handled and preserved in vacuum to avoid terrestrial nitrogen contamination with organics or unknown materials that might easily react with the samples. Thus, the CCs for Hayabusa2 samples were divided into two CCs for vacuum processes and three CCs for purified nitrogen conditions. The cleanroom was built in summer 2017, while the CCs were installed in the summer of 2018. After the installation of the CCs, instruments for initial descriptions, sample containers, handling tools for powder and particle samples, and jigs to assist handling samples were developed in parallel with functional checks and repeated rehearsals between the fall of 2018 and the fall of 2020. The curatorial works on Hayabusa2-retuned samples were conducted as previously planned. Simultaneously, contaminations and influences of inorganics, organics, microbial, and magnetic constructs have been assessed to evaluate their potential effects on the analysis of the returned samples. Additionally, the tools used to touch samples directly have been demagnetized to avoid sample magnetization during their handling and the tool magnetization was measured before and after their usages. The series of developments and experiences from the curatorial works of Hayabusa2-returned samples represent valuable implications for future sample return missions. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-023-01924-2

    Web of Science


  • Phyllosilicates with embedded Fe-based nanophases in Ryugu and Orgueil

    Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Marinova, M; Laforet, S; Viennet, JC; Mouloud, BE; Teurtrie, A; de la Peña, F; Jacob, D; Hallatt, D; Fernandez, MP; Troadec, D; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, KK; Dobrica, E; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Abe, M; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Yoshikawa, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Usui, T; Yada, T; Yurimoto, H; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamotoa, N; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1947 - 1965   2023.11   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Samples were recently collected from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu, by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Hayabusa2 mission. They resemble CI chondrites material, thus showing clear evidence of extensive aqueous alteration attested by the widespread presence of a mixture of serpentine and saponite. We present here a scanning transmission electron microscopy study of the Ryugu dominant lithology of the phyllosilicate matrix at the nanometer scale, which we compare with that of the Orgueil CI chondrite. In both objects, the phyllosilicates are of comparable nature and texture, consisting of a mixture of small-sized crystallites of serpentine and saponite. At the micrometer scale or less, the texture is an alternation of fine and coarse domains. The fine-grained regions are dominated by saponite. In Ryugu, they enclose numerous Fe,Ni nanosulfides, whereas in Orgueil, S- and Ni-rich ferrihydrite is abundant. The coarse-grained regions contain more serpentine and no or little Fe,Ni sulfides or ferrihydrite. Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy at the Fe-L3 edge also reveals that iron valency of phyllosilicates is higher and more homogeneous in Orgueil (~70% Fe3+) than in Ryugu (<50% Fe3+). We interpret the observed textures as being mostly a consequence of aqueous alteration, likely resulting from the replacement by phyllosilicates of submicrometric components, initially agglomerated by a primary accretion. The fine-grained domains may result from the replacement of GEMS (GEMS—glass with embedded metal and sulfides) objects or from other types of nanometric assemblages of silicate and Fe-based nanophases. On the other hand, the coarse-grained regions may correspond to the replacement of anhydrous crystalline silicates of the olivine and pyroxene type. The major difference is the presence of Fe,Ni sulfides in Ryugu and of ferrihydrite and higher iron valency of phyllosilicates in Orgueil. This might be due to long-term terrestrial weathering that would have destabilized the nanosulfides. We also explore an alternative scenario involving more oxidizing hydrothermal conditions on the Orgueil parent body.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14101

    Web of Science


  • Compositional heterogeneity of insoluble organic matter extracted from asteroid Ryugu samples

    Quirico, E; Bonal, L; Kebukawa, Y; Amano, K; Yabuta, H; Phan, VH; Beck, P; Remusat, L; Dartois, E; Engrand, C; Martins, Z; Bejach, L; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Mathurin, J; Montagnac, G; Barosch, J; Cody, GD; De Gregorio, B; Enokido, Y; Hashiguchi, M; Kamide, K; Kilcoyne, D; Komatsu, M; Matsumoto, M; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, L; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Wakabayashi, D; Yamashita, S; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1907 - 1924   2023.11   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    We report a Fourier transform infrared analysis of functional groups in insoluble organic matter (IOM) extracted from a series of 100–500 μm Ryugu grains collected during the two touchdowns of February 22 and July 11, 2019. IOM extracted from most of the samples is very similar to IOM in primitive CI, CM, and CR chondrites, and shows that the extent of thermal metamorphism in Ryugu regolith was, at best, very limited. One sample displays chemical signatures consistent with a very mild heating, likely due to asteroidal collision impacts. We also report a lower carbonyl abundance in Ryugu IOM samples compared to primitive chondrites, which could reflect the accretion of a less oxygenated precursor by Ryugu. The possible effects of hydrothermal alteration and terrestrial weathering are also discussed. Last, no firm conclusions could be drawn on the origin of the soluble outlier phases, observed along with IOM in this study and in the preliminary analysis of Ryugu samples. However, it is clear that the HF/HCl residues presented in this publication are a mix between IOM and the nitrogen-rich outlier phase.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14097

    Web of Science


  • Water circulation in Ryugu asteroid affected the distribution of nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in returned sample

    Yokoyama, T; Wadhwa, M; Iizuka, T; Rai, V; Gautam, I; Hibiya, Y; Masuda, Y; Haba, MK; Fukai, R; Hines, R; Phelan, N; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Ireland, T; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, S; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   9 ( 45 )   eadi7048   2023.11   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    Studies of material returned from Cb asteroid Ryugu have revealed considerable mineralogical and chemical heterogeneity, stemming primarily from brecciation and aqueous alteration. Isotopic anomalies could have also been affected by delivery of exogenous clasts and aqueous mobilization of soluble elements. Here, we show that isotopic anomalies for mildly soluble Cr are highly variable in Ryugu and CI chondrites, whereas those of Ti are relatively uniform. This variation in Cr isotope ratios is most likely due to physicochemical fractionation between 54Cr-rich presolar nanoparticles and Cr-bearing secondary minerals at the millimeter-scale in the bulk samples, likely due to extensive aqueous alteration in their parent bodies that occurred 5:2þ11::84 Ma after Solar System birth. In contrast, Ti isotopes were marginally affected by this process. Our results show that isotopic heterogeneities in asteroids are not all nebular or accretionary in nature but can also reflect element redistribution by water.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi7048

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  • Soluble organic matter Molecular atlas of Ryugu reveals cold hydrothermalism on C-type asteroid parent body

    Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Hertkorn, N; Harir, M; Moritz, F; Lucio, M; Bonal, L; Quirico, E; Takano, Y; Dworkin, JP; Naraoka, H; Tachibana, S; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Yurimoto, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Okada, T; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   14 ( 1 )   6525   2023.10   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    The sample from the near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu is analyzed in the context of carbonaceous meteorites soluble organic matter. The analysis of soluble molecules of samples collected by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft shines light on an extremely high molecular diversity on the C-type asteroid. Sequential solvent extracts of increasing polarity of Ryugu samples are analyzed using mass spectrometry with complementary ionization methods and structural information confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Here we show a continuum in the molecular size and polarity, and no organomagnesium molecules are detected, reflecting a low temperature and water-rich environment on the parent body approving earlier mineralogical and chemical data. High abundance of sulfidic and nitrogen rich compounds as well as high abundance of ammonium ions confirm the water processing. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are also detected in a structural continuum of carbon saturations and oxidations, implying multiple origins of the observed organic complexity, thus involving generic processes such as earlier carbonization and serpentinization with successive low temperature aqueous alteration.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42075-y

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  • Space weathering acts strongly on the uppermost surface of Ryugu

    Matsuoka, M; Kagawa, E; Amano, K; Nakamura, T; Tatsumi, E; Osawa, T; Hiroi, T; Milliken, R; Domingue, D; Takir, D; Brunetto, R; Barucci, A; Kitazato, K; Sugita, S; Fujioka, Y; Sasaki, O; Kobayashi, S; Iwata, T; Morota, T; Yokota, Y; Kouyama, T; Honda, R; Kameda, S; Cho, Y; Yoshioka, K; Sawada, H; Hayakawa, M; Sakatani, N; Yamada, M; Suzuki, H; Honda, C; Ogawa, K; Shirai, K; Lantz, C; Rubino, S; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT   4 ( 1 )   2023.9   eISSN:2662-4435

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    Publisher:Communications Earth and Environment  

    Returned samples from Cb-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu exhibit very dark spectra in visible and near-infrared ranges, generally consistent with the Hayabusa2 observations. A critical difference is that a structural water absorption of hydrous silicates is around twice as deep in the returned samples compared with those of Ryugu’s surface, suggesting Ryugu surface is more dehydrated. Here we use laboratory experiments data to indicate the spectral differences between returned samples and asteroid surface are best explained if Ryugu surface has (1) higher porosity, (2) larger particle size, and (3) more space-weathered condition, with the last being the most effective. On Ryugu, space weathering by micrometeoroid bombardments promoting dehydration seem to be more effective than that by solar-wind implantation. Extremely homogeneous spectra of the Ryugu’s global surface is in contrast with the heterogeneous S-type asteroid (25143) Itokawa’s spectra, which suggests space weathering has proceeded more rapidly on Cb-type asteroids than S-type asteroids.

    DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-00991-3

    Web of Science


  • Chemical evolution of primordial salts and organic sulfur molecules in the asteroid 162173 Ryugu

    Yoshimura, T; Takano, Y; Naraoka, H; Koga, T; Araoka, D; Ogawa, NO; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Hertkorn, N; Oba, Y; Dworkin, JP; Aponte, JC; Yoshikawa, T; Tanaka, S; Ohkouchi, N; Hashiguchi, M; Mclain, H; Parker, ET; Sakai, S; Yamaguchi, M; Suzuki, T; Yokoyama, T; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y; Tachibana, S; Hamase, K; Furusho, A; Fukushima, K; Aoki, D; Glavin, DP; Mclain, HL; Elsila, JE; Graham, HV; Eiler, JM; Ruf, A; Orthous-Daunay, FR; Wolters, C; Isa, J; Morita, M; Vuitton, V; Thissen, R; Nomura, SM; Sugahara, H; Mita, H; Furukawa, Y; Chikaraishi, Y; Onose, M; Kabashima, F; Fujishima, K; Sato, H; Sasaki, K; Kano, K; Aoki, J; Yamazaki, T; Kimura, Y

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   14 ( 1 )   5284   2023.9   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    Samples from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu provide information on the chemical evolution of organic molecules in the early solar system. Here we show the element partitioning of the major component ions by sequential extractions of salts, carbonates, and phyllosilicate-bearing fractions to reveal primordial brine composition of the primitive asteroid. Sodium is the dominant electrolyte of the salt fraction extract. Anions and NH4+ are more abundant in the salt fraction than in the carbonate and phyllosilicate fractions, with molar concentrations in the order SO42−> Cl−> S2O32−> NO3−> NH4+. The salt fraction extracts contain anionic soluble sulfur-bearing species such as S n-polythionic acids (n < 6), C n-alkylsulfonates, alkylthiosulfonates, hydroxyalkylsulfonates, and hydroxyalkylthiosulfonates (n < 7). The sulfur-bearing soluble compounds may have driven the molecular evolution of prebiotic organic material transforming simple organic molecules into hydrophilic, amphiphilic, and refractory S allotropes.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40871-0

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  • Three-dimensional multiscale assembly of phyllosilicates, organics, and carbonates in small Ryugu fragments

    Dionnet, Z; Rubino, S; Aléon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Tsuchiyama, A; Lantz, C; Djouadi, Z; Baklouti, D; Nakamura, T; Borondics, F; Sandt, C; Heripre, E; Troadec, D; Mivumbi, O; Aléon, J; Ternier, T; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1859 - 1876   2023.9   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    We report μm-scale nondestructive infrared (IR) hyperspectral results (IR computed tomography, IR-CT) in 3-D and IR surface imaging, IR-S) in 2-D, at SOLEIL) combined with X-ray nano-computed tomography analyses (at SPring-8) performed on eight small Ryugu fragments extracted from mm-sized grains coming both from touchdown first and second sites. We describe the multiscale assembly of phyllosilicates, carbonates, sulfides, oxides, and organics. Two types of silicates, as well as diverse kinds of organic matter, were detected inside Ryugu material. Their spatial correlations are described to discuss the role of the mineralogical microenvironments in the formation/evolution of organic matter. In particular, we have shown that there is a redistribution of the organic matter diffuse component during aqueous alteration on the parent body, with a preferential circulation among fine-grained phyllosilicates.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14068

    Web of Science


  • Soluble organic matter Molecular atlas of Ryugu reveals cold hydrothermalism on C-type asteroid parent body Reviewed International journal

    Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Naraoka H. et al.

    Nature Communications   14   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-42075-y

  • Macromolecular organic matter in samples of the asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Reviewed International journal

    Science   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • PAHs, hydrocarbons, and dimethylsulfides in asteroid Ryugu samples A0106 and C0107 and the Orgueil (CI1) meteorite. Reviewed International journal

    Aponte J.C., Dworkin J.P., Glavin D.P., Elsila J.E., Parker E.T., McLain H.L., Naraoka H., Okazaki R., Takano Y., Tachibana S., Yurimoto H., Nakamura T., Yabuta H., Terui F., Noguchi T., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Nakazawa S., Tsuda Y., Watanabe S., The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM, and The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis core team.

    Earth, Planets and Space   75 ( 28 )   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Chemical evolution of primordial salts and organic sulfur molecules in the asteroid 162173 Ryugu Reviewed International journal

    Yoshimura T., Takano Y., Naraoka H., Koga T., Araoka D., Ogawa, N.O., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Hertkorn N., Oba Y., Dworkin J.P., Aponte J. C., Yoshikawa T., Tanaka S., Ohkouchi N., Hashiguchi M., McLain H., Parker E. T., Sasaki S., Yamaguchi M., Suzuki T., Yokoyama T., Yurimoto H., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Yabuta H., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Nakazawa S., Watanabe S., Tsuda Y., Tachibana S., and Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM team

    Nature Communications   14 ( 5284 )   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Noble gas mass-spectrometry for extraterrestrial micro-samples: analyses of asteroid matter returned by Hayabusa2 JAXA mission

    Meshik, A; Pravdivtseva, O; Okazaki, R; Yogata, K; Yada, T; Kitajima, F; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Sakai, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY   38 ( 9 )   1785 - 1797   2023.8   ISSN:0267-9477 eISSN:1364-5544

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    Publisher:Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry  

    Mass spectrometry of noble gas isotopes extracted from limited amounts of extraterrestrial materials delivered by robotic space missions requires high sensitivity, high ion transmission, low detection limit, and several other characteristics not readily available in commercial instruments. We compared two different configurations of electron impact ionisation. We concluded that the ion source with cylindrical symmetry and without a magnetic field in the ionisation region is better for analyzing all stable noble gas isotopes extracted from sub-milligram extraterrestrial samples. Isotopic analyses of noble gases retrieved using multi-step heating of sub-mg samples delivered from near-Earth (162 173) asteroid Ryugu support this conclusion.

    DOI: 10.1039/d3ja00125c

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  • Visualization of nanoscale magnetic domain states in the asteroid Ryugu

    Kimura, Y; Kato, T; Tanigaki, T; Akashi, T; Kasai, H; Anada, S; Yoshida, R; Yamamoto, K; Nakamura, T; Sato, M; Amano, K; Kikuiri, M; Morita, T; Kagawa, E; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y; Tachibana, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   13 ( 1 )   14096   2023.8   ISSN:2045-2322

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    In the samples collected from the asteroid Ryugu, magnetite displays natural remanent magnetization due to nebular magnetic field, whereas contemporaneously grown iron sulfide does not display stable remanent magnetization. To clarify this counterintuitive feature, we observed their nanoscale magnetic domain structures using electron holography and found that framboidal magnetites have an external magnetic field of 300 A m−1, similar to the bulk value, and its magnetic stability was enhanced by interactions with neighboring magnetites, permitting a disk magnetic field to be recorded. Micrometer-sized pyrrhotite showed a multidomain magnetic structure that was unable to retain natural remanent magnetization over a long time due to short relaxation time of magnetic-domain-wall movement, whereas submicron-sized sulfides formed a nonmagnetic phase. These results show that both magnetite and sulfide could have formed simultaneously during the aqueous alteration in the parent body of the asteroid Ryugu.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-41242-x

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  • Infrared absorption spectra from organic matter in the asteroid Ryugu samples: Some unique properties compared to unheated carbonaceous chondrites

    Kebukawa, Y; Quirico, E; Dartois, E; Yabuta, H; Bejach, L; Bonal, L; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Duprat, J; Engrand, C; Mathurin, J; Barosch, J; Cody, GD; De Gregorio, B; Hashiguchi, M; Kamide, K; Kilcoyne, D; Komatsu, M; Martins, Z; Montagnac, G; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, LR; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Remusat, L; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Wakabayashi, D; Yamashita, S; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   59 ( 8 )   1845 - 1858   2023.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    The infrared spectral characteristics of organic-rich acid residues prepared from Ryugu samples returned by the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission generally match those from unheated carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, but the residues from Ryugu are richer in methyl and methylene functional groups and have higher CH2/CH3 ratios. Moreover, two distinct outlier carbonaceous phases are found; one with spectral characteristics of N-H functional groups, likely amides, and a second phase containing less nitrogen. Such infrared characteristics of Ryugu organic matter might indicate the pristine nature of the freshly collected samples and reflect the near-surface chemistry in the parent asteroid.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.14064

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  • The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Samples Returned from Asteroid Ryugu with Implications for the Nature of the Parent Planetesimal

    Tang, HL; Young, ED; Tafla, L; Pack, A; Di Rocco, T; Abe, Y; Aleon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nagashima, K; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schoenbaechler, M; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL   4 ( 8 )   2023.8   eISSN:2632-3338

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    Publisher:Planetary Science Journal  

    We present oxygen isotopic analyses of fragments of the near-Earth Cb-type asteroid Ryugu returned by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft that reinforce the close correspondence between Ryugu and CI chondrites. Small differences between Ryugu samples and CI chondrites in D¢17O can be explained at least in part by contamination of the latter by terrestrial water. The discovery that a randomly sampled C-complex asteroid is composed of CI-chondrite-like rock, combined with thermal models for formation prior to significant decay of the short-lived radioisotope 26Al, suggests that if lithified at the time of alteration, the parent body was small (=50 km radius). If the parent planetesimal was large (>50 km in radius), it was likely composed of high-permeability, poorly lithified sediment rather than consolidated rock.

    DOI: 10.3847/PSJ/acea62

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  • Carbonate record of temporal change in oxygen fugacity and gaseous species in asteroid Ryugu

    Fujiya, W; Kawasaki, N; Nagashima, K; Sakamoto, N; Alexander, CMO; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    NATURE GEOSCIENCE   16 ( 8 )   675 - +   2023.8   ISSN:1752-0894 eISSN:1752-0908

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    Publisher:Nature Geoscience  

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft explored asteroid Ryugu and brought its surface materials to Earth. Ryugu samples resemble Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites—the most chemically primitive meteorites—and contain secondary phyllosilicates and carbonates, which are indicative of aqueous alteration. Understanding the conditions (such as temperature, redox state and fluid composition) during aqueous alteration is crucial to elucidating how Ryugu evolved to its present state, but little is known about the temporal changes in these conditions. Here we show that calcium carbonate (calcite) grains in Ryugu and Ivuna samples have variable 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios that are, respectively, 24–46‰ and 65–108‰ greater than terrestrial standard values, whereas those of calcium–magnesium carbonate (dolomite) grains are much more homogeneous, ranging within 31–36‰ for oxygen and 67–75‰ for carbon. We infer that the calcite precipitated first over a wide range of temperatures and oxygen partial pressures, and that the proportion of gaseous CO2/CO/CH4 molecules changed temporally. By contrast, the dolomite formed later in a more oxygen-rich and thus CO2-dominated environment when the system was approaching equilibrium. The characteristic isotopic compositions of secondary carbonates in Ryugu and Ivuna are not observed for other hydrous meteorites, suggesting a unique evolutionary pathway for their parent asteroid(s).

    DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01226-y

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    Glavin, DP; Eckley, SA; Alexander, CMO; Aponte, JC; Berger, EL; Burton, AS; Cody, GD; Dworkin, JP; Elsila, JE; Ferguson, FT; Foustoukos, DI; Furukawa, Y; Graham, HV; Koga, T; Liss, M; McLain, HL; Naraoka, H; Oba, Y; Parker, ET; Righter, K; Sandford, SA; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Simkus, DN; Takano, Y; Connolly, HC ; Lauretta, DS

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   58   A105 - A105   2023.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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  • Ryugu's Anhydrous Ingredients and Their Spectral Link to Primitive Dust from the Outer Solar System

    Brunetto, R; Lantz, C; Fukuda, Y; Aléon-Toppani, A; Nakamura, T; Dionnet, Z; Baklouti, D; Borondics, F; Djouadi, Z; Rubino, S; Amano, K; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Morita, T; Kukuiri, M; Kagawa, E; Matsuoka, M; Milliken, R; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   951 ( 2 )   2023.7   ISSN:2041-8205 eISSN:2041-8213

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    Publisher:Astrophysical Journal Letters  

    Ryugu is a second-generation C-type asteroid formed by the reassembly of fragments of a previous larger body in the main asteroid belt. While the majority of Ryugu samples returned by Hayabusa2 are composed of a lithology dominated by aqueously altered minerals, clasts of pristine olivine and pyroxene remain in the least-altered lithologies. These clasts are objects of great interest for revealing the composition of the dust from which the original building blocks of Ryugu's parent asteroid formed. Here we show that some grains rich in olivine, pyroxene, and amorphous silicates discovered in one millimeter-sized stone of Ryugu have infrared spectra similar to the D-type asteroid Hektor (a Jupiter Trojan), to comet Hale-Bopp, and to some anhydrous interplanetary dust particles of probable cometary origin. This result indicates that Ryugu's primary parent body incorporated anhydrous ingredients similar to the building blocks of asteroids (and possibly some comets) formed in the outer solar system, and that Ryugu retained valuable information on the formation and evolution of planetesimals at different epochs of our solar system's history.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acdf5c

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  • Abundant presolar grains and primordial organics preserved in carbon-rich exogenous clasts in asteroid Ryugu

    Nguyen, AN; Mane, P; Keller, LP; Piani, L; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nesvorny, D; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   9 ( 28 )   eadh1003   2023.7   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Preliminary analyses of asteroid Ryugu samples show kinship to aqueously altered CI (Ivuna-type) chondrites, suggesting similar origins. We report identification of C-rich, particularly primitive clasts in Ryugu samples that contain preserved presolar silicate grains and exceptional abundances of presolar SiC and isotopically anomalous organic matter. The high presolar silicate abundance (104 ppm) indicates that the clast escaped extensive alteration. The 5 to 10 times higher abundances of presolar SiC (~235 ppm), N-rich organic matter, organics with N isotopic anomalies (1.2%), and organics with C isotopic anomalies (0.2%) in the primitive clasts compared to bulk Ryugu suggest that the clasts formed in a unique part of the protoplanetary disk enriched in presolar materials. These clasts likely represent previously unsampled outer solar system material that accreted onto Ryugu after aqueous alteration ceased, consistent with Ryugu’s rubble pile origin.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adh1003

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  • The spatial distribution of soluble organic matter and their relationship to minerals in the asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Reviewed International journal

    Earth, Planets and Space   75 ( 73 )   2023.6

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  • Ryugu asteroid sample return provides a natural laboratory for primordial chemical evolution

    Oba, Y; Takano, Y; Dworkin, JP; Naraoka, H

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   14 ( 1 )   3107   2023.5   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38518-1

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  • The spatial distribution of soluble organic matter and their relationship to minerals in the asteroid (162173) Ryugu

    Hashiguchi, M; Aoki, D; Fukushima, K; Naraoka, H; Takano, Y; Dworkin, JP; Dworkin, KE; Aponte, JC; Elsila, JE; Eiler, JM; Furukawa, Y; Furusho, A; Glavin, DP; Graham, HV; Hamase, K; Hertkorn, N; Isa, J; Koga, T; McLain, HL; Mita, H; Oba, Y; Ogawa, NO; Ohkouchi, N; Orthous-Daunay, FR; Parker, ET; Ruf, A; Sakai, S; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Sugahara, H; Thissen, R; Vuitton, V; Wolters, C; Yoshimura, T; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   75 ( 1 )   2023.5   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    We performed in-situ analysis on a ~ 1 mm-sized grain A0080 returned by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft from near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu to investigate the relationship of soluble organic matter (SOM) to minerals. Desorption electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry (DESI-HRMS) imaging mapped more than 200 CHN, CHO, CHO–Na (sodium adducted), and CHNO soluble organic compounds. A heterogeneous spatial distribution was observed for different compound classes of SOM as well as among alkylated homologues on the sample surface. The A0080 sample showed mineralogy more like an Ivuna-type (CI) carbonaceous chondrite than other meteorites. It contained two different lithologies, which are either rich (lithology 1) or poor (lithology 2) in magnetite, pyrrhotite, and dolomite. CHN compounds were more concentrated in lithology 1 than in lithology 2; on the other hand, CHO, CHO–Na, and CHNO compounds were distributed in both lithologies. Such different spatial distribution of SOM is likely the result of interaction of the SOM with minerals, during precipitation of the SOM via fluid activity, or could be due to difference in transportation efficiencies of SOMs in aqueous fluid. Organic-related ions measured by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF–SIMS) did not coincide with the spatial distribution revealed by DESI-HRMS imaging. This result may be because the different ionization mechanism between DESI and SIMS, or indicate that the ToF–SIMS data would be mainly derived from methanol-insoluble organic matter in A0080. In the Orgueil meteorite, such relationship between altered minerals and SOM distributions was not observed by DESI-HRMS analysis and field-emission scanning electron microscopy, which would result from differences of SOM formation processes and sequent alteration process on the parent bodies or even on the Earth. Alkylated homologues of CHN compounds were identified in A0080 by DESI-HRMS imaging as observed in the Murchison meteorite, but not from the Orgueil meteorite. These compounds with a large C number were enriched in Murchison fragments with abundant carbonate grains. In contrast, such relationship was not observed in A0080, implying different formation or growth mechanisms for the alkylated CHN compounds by interaction with fluid and minerals on the Murchison parent body and asteroid Ryugu. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-023-01792-w

    Web of Science


  • Extraterrestrial amino acids and amines identified in asteroid Ryugu samples returned by the Hayabusa2 mission. Reviewed International journal

    Parker E.T., McLain H.L., Glavin D.P., Dworkin J.P., Elsila J.E., Aponte J.C., Naraoka H., Takano Y., Tachibana S., Yabuta H., Yurimoto H., Sakamoto K., Yada T., Nishimura M., Nakato A., Miyazaki A., Yogata K., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Yoshikawa M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Nakazawa S., Tsuda Y., Terui F., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Watanabe S. and Nakamura T.

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta   347   42 - 57   2023.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Extraterrestrial amino acids and amines identified in asteroid Ryugu samples returned by the Hayabusa2 mission

    Parker, ET; McLain, HL; Glavin, DP; Dworkin, JP; Elsila, JE; Aponte, JC; Naraoka, H; Takano, Y; Tachibana, S; Yabuta, H; Yurimoto, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Tsuda, Y; Terui, F; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Watanabe, SI; Nakamura, T

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   347   42 - 57   2023.4   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    The hot water and acid extracts of two different Ryugu samples collected by the Hayabusa2 mission were analyzed for the presence of aliphatic amines and amino acids. The abundances and relative distributions of both classes of molecules were determined, as well as the enantiomeric compositions of the chiral amino acids. The Ryugu samples studied here were recovered from sample chambers A and C, which were composed of surface material, and a combination of surface and possible subsurface material, respectively. A total of thirteen amino acids were detected and quantitated in these samples, with an additional five amino acids that were tentatively identified but not quantitated. The abundances of four aliphatic amines identified in the Ryugu samples were also determined in the current work. Amino acids were observed in the acid hydrolyzed and unhydrolyzed hot water extracts of asteroid Ryugu regolith using liquid chromatography with UV fluorescence detection and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Conversely, aliphatic amines were only analyzed in the unhydrolyzed hot water Ryugu extracts. Two- to six-carbon (C2-C6) amino acids with individual abundances ranging from 0.02 to 15.8 nmol g−1, and one- to three-carbon (C1-C3) aliphatic amines with individual abundances from 0.05 to 34.14 nmol g−1, were found in the hot water extracts. Several non-protein amino acids that are rare in biology, including β-amino-n-butyric acid (β-ABA) and β-aminoisobuytric acid (β-AIB), were racemic or very nearly racemic, thus indicating their likely abiotic origins. Trace amounts of select protein amino acids that were enriched in the L-enantiomer may indicate low levels of terrestrial amino acid contamination in the samples. However, the presence of elevated abundances of free and racemic alanine, a common protein amino acid in terrestrial biology, and elevated abundances of the predominately free and racemic non-protein amino acids, β-ABA and β-AIB, indicate that many of the amino acids detected in the Ryugu water extracts were indigenous to the samples. Although the Ryugu samples have been found to be chemically similar to CI type carbonaceous chondrites, the measured concentrations and relative distributions of amino acids and aliphatic amines in Ryugu samples were notably different from those previously observed for the CI1.1 carbonaceous chondrite, Orgueil. This discrepancy could be the result of differences in the original chemical compositions of the parent bodies and/or alteration conditions, such as space weathering. In addition to α-amino acids that could have been formed by Strecker cyanohydrin synthesis during a low temperature aqueous alteration phase, β-, γ-, and δ-amino acids, including C3 – C5 straight-chain n-ω-amino acids that are not formed by Strecker synthesis, were also observed in the Ryugu extracts. The suite of amino acids measured in the Ryugu samples indicates that multiple amino acid formation mechanisms were active on the Ryugu parent body. The analytical techniques used here are well-suited to search for similar analytes in asteroid Bennu material collected by the NASA OSIRIS-REx mission scheduled for Earth return in September 2023.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.02.017

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  • Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Hydrous Minerals in Asteroid Ryugu

    Piani, L; Nagashima, K; Kawasaki, N; Sakamoto, N; Bajo, K; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Itoh, S; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Schonbahler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   946 ( 2 )   2023.4   ISSN:2041-8205 eISSN:2041-8213

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    Publisher:Astrophysical Journal Letters  

    Rock fragments of the Cb-type asteroid Ryugu returned to Earth by the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission share mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic properties with the Ivuna-type (CI) carbonaceous chondrites. Similar to CI chondrites, these fragments underwent extensive aqueous alteration and consist predominantly of hydrous minerals likely formed in the presence of liquid water on the Ryugu parent asteroid. Here we present an in situ analytical survey performed by secondary ion mass spectrometry from which we have estimated the D/H ratio of Ryugu’s hydrous minerals, D/HRyugu, to be [165 ± 19] × 10−6, which corresponds to δDRyugu = +59 ± 121‰ (2σ). The hydrous mineral D/HRyugu’s values for the two sampling sites on Ryugu are similar; they are also similar to the estimated D/H ratio of hydrous minerals in the CI chondrites Orgueil and Alais. This result reinforces a link between Ryugu and CI chondrites and an inference that Ryugu’s samples, which avoided terrestrial contamination, are our best proxy to estimate the composition of water at the origin of hydrous minerals in CI-like material. Based on this data and recent literature studies, the contribution of CI chondrites to the hydrogen of Earth’s surficial reservoirs is evaluated to be ∼3%. We conclude that the water responsible for the alteration of Ryugu’s rocks was derived from water ice precursors inherited from the interstellar medium; the ice partially re-equilibrated its hydrogen with the nebular H2 before being accreted on the Ryugu’s parent asteroid.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acc393

    Web of Science


  • Nonequilibrium spherulitic magnetite in the Ryugu samples

    Dobrica, E; Ishii, HA; Bradley, JP; Ohtaki, K; Brearley, AJ; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Igami, Y; Haruta, M; Saito, H; Hata, S; Seto, Y; Miyahara, M; Tomioka, N; Leroux, H; Le Guillou, C; Jacob, D; Pena, FD; Laforet, S; Marinova, M; Langenhorst, F; Harries, D; Beck, P; Phan, THV; Rebois, R; Abreu, NM; Gray, J; Zega, T; Zanetta, PM; Thompson, MS; Stroud, R; Burgess, K; Cymes, BA; Bridges, JC; Hicks, L; Lee, MR; Daly, L; Bland, PA; Zolensky, ME; Frank, DR; Martinez, J; Tsuchiyama, A; Yasutake, M; Matsuno, J; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Uesugi, K; Uesugi, M; Takeuchi, A; Sun, MQ; Enju, S; Takigawa, A; Michikami, T; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakauchi, Y; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   346   65 - 75   2023.4   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    We have investigated several particles collected during each of two touchdowns of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft at the surface of the C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu using various electron microscope techniques. Our detailed transmission electron microscopy study shows the presence of magnetite with various morphologies coexisting in close proximity. This is characteristic of CI chondrite-like materials and consistent with the mineral assemblages and compositions in the Ryugu parent body. We describe the microstructural characteristics of magnetite with different morphologies, which could have resulted from the chemical conditions (growth vs. diffusion rate) during their formation. Furthermore, we describe the presence of magnetites with a spherulitic structure composed of individual radiating fibers that are characterized by pervasive, homogeneously distributed euhedral to subhedral pores that have not been described in previous chondrite studies. This particular spherulitic structure is consistent with crystallization under nonequilibrium conditions. Additionally, the presence of a high density of defects within the magnetite fibers, the high surface/volume ratio of this morphology, and the presence of amorphous materials in several pores and at the edges of the acicular fibers further support their formation under nonequilibrium conditions. We suggest that the growth processes that lead to this structure result from the solution reaching a supersaturated state, resulting in an adjustment to a lower free energy condition via nucleation and rapid growth.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.02.003

    Web of Science


  • Measurement of Microscopic Thermal Diffusivity Distribution for Ryugu Sample by Infrared Lock-in Periodic Heating Method

    Ishizaki, T; Nagano, H; Tanaka, S; Sakatani, N; Nakamura, T; Okada, T; Fujita, R; Alasli, A; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS   44 ( 4 )   2023.4   ISSN:0195-928X eISSN:1572-9567

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    Publisher:International Journal of Thermophysics  

    The thermophysical properties of small Solar System bodies are essential to be determined, on which the thermal evolution of small bodies largely depends. The carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu is one of the small undifferentiated bodies formed in the early Solar System. Hayabusa2 explored the asteroid Ryugu and returned the surface samples in 2020 for detailed on-ground investigation, including measurements of thermal properties. Because the available sample amount was limited, this study developed a novel method to measure the thermal diffusivity of small and irregularly shaped samples of about 1 mm in diameter by combining lock-in thermography and periodic heating methods on the microscale. This method enables us to measure the thermal diffusivity of both flat-plate and granular shape samples by selecting the suitable detecting direction of the temperature response. Especially, when the sample has a flat-plate shape, the anisotropic distribution of the in-plane thermal diffusivity can be evaluated. This method was applied to six Ryugu samples, and the detailed anisotropic distribution of the thermal diffusivity was obtained. The measurement results showed that the samples show local thermal anisotropy caused by cracks and voids. The average thermal diffusivity among all samples was (2.8 to 5.8) × 10−7 m2·s. Based on the density and specific heat of the samples obtained independently, the thermal effusivity was estimated to be 791 J·(s1/2·m2·K) to 1253 J·(s1/2·m2·K), which is defined as the resistance of surface temperature to the change of thermal input. The determined thermal effusivity, often called thermal inertia in planetary science, is larger than the observed value of 225 ± 45 J· (s1/2·m2·K) of the asteroid Ryugu's surface, obtained from the diurnal temperature change of the rotating asteroid by a thermal infrared camera onboard Hayabuas2. This difference is likely to be attributed to the difference in the analytical scale between the sample and the surface boulders compared with the thermal diffusion length. Consequently, it was found that the present result is more representative of the thermal diffusivity and thermal inertia of local part of individual Ryugu particles.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10765-023-03158-6

    Web of Science


  • The noble gas and nitrogen relationship between Ryugu and carbonaceous chondrites

    Broadley, MW; Byrne, DJ; Füri, E; Zimmermann, L; Marty, B; Okazaki, R; Yada, T; Kitajima, F; Tachibana, S; Yogata, K; Sakamoto, K; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Yabuta, H; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Busemann, H; Hashizume, K; Gilmour, JD; Meshik, A; Riebe, MEI; Krietsch, D; Maden, C; Ishida, A; Clay, P; Crowther, SA; Fawcett, L; Lawton, T; Pravdivtseva, O; Miura, YN; Park, J; Bajo, K; Takano, Y; Yamada, K; Kawagucci, S; Matsui, Y; Yamamoto, M; Righter, K; Sakai, S; Iwata, N; Shirai, N; Sekimoto, S; Inagaki, M; Ebihara, M; Yokochi, R; Nishiizumi, K; Nagao, K; Lee, J; Kano, A; Caffee, MW; Uemura, R

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   345   62 - 74   2023.3   ISSN:0016-7037 eISSN:1872-9533

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    Publisher:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  

    Carbonaceous chondrites are considered to have originated from C-type asteroids and represent some of the most primitive material in our solar system. Furthermore, since carbonaceous chondrites can contain significant quantities of volatile elements, they may have played a crucial role in supplying volatiles and organic material to Earth and other inner solar system bodies. However, a major challenge of unravelling the volatile composition of chondritic meteorites is distinguishing between which features were inherited from the parent body, and what may be a secondary feature attributable to terrestrial weathering. In December 2020, the Hayabusa2 mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) successfully returned surface material from the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu to Earth. This material has now been classified as closely resembling CI-type chondrites, which are the most chemically pristine meteorites. The analysis of material from the surface of Ryugu therefore provides a unique opportunity to analyse the volatile composition of material that originated from a CI-type asteroid without the complications arising from terrestrial contamination. Given their highly volatile nature, the noble gas and nitrogen inventories of chondrites are highly sensitive to different alteration processes on the asteroid parent body, and to terrestrial contamination. Here, we investigate the nitrogen and noble gas signature of two pelletized grains collected from the first and second touchdown sites (Okazaki et al., 2022a), to provide an insight into the formation and alteration history of Ryugu. The concentration of trapped noble gas in the Ryugu samples is greater than the average composition of previously measured CI chondrites and are primarily derived from phase Q, although a significant contribution of presolar nanodiamond Xe-HL is noted. The large noble gas concentrations coupled with a significant contribution of presolar nanodiamonds suggests that the Ryugu samples may represent some of the most primitive unprocessed material from the early solar system. In contrast to the noble gases, the abundance of nitrogen and δ15N composition of the two Ryugu pellets are lower than the average CI chondrite value. We attribute the lower nitrogen abundances and δ15N measured in this study to the preferential loss of a 15N-rich phase from our samples during aqueous alteration on the parent planetesimal. The analyses of other grains returned from Ryugu have shown large variations in nitrogen concentrations and δ15N indicating that alteration fluids heterogeneously interacted with material now present on the surface of Ryugu. Finally, the ratio of trapped noble gases to nitrogen is higher than CI chondrites, and is closer to refractory phase Q and nanodiamonds. This indicates that Ryugu experienced aqueous alteration that led to the significant and variable loss of nitrogen, likely from soluble organic matter, without modification of the noble gas budget, which is primarily hosted in insoluble organic matter and presolar diamonds and is therefore more resistant to aqueous alteration.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.01.020

    Web of Science


  • Interaction between clay minerals and organics in asteroid Ryugu

    Viennet, JC; Roskosz, M; Nakamura, T; Beck, P; Baptiste, B; Lavina, B; Alp, EE; Hu, MY; Zhao, J; Gounelle, M; Brunetto, R; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS   25   8 - 12   2023.3   ISSN:2410-339X eISSN:2410-3403

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    Publisher:Geochemical Perspectives Letters  

    The Hayabusa 2 spacecraft brought back to Earth grains of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu. Such grains represent the pristine state of CI chondritic materials and have been preserved from exposure to Earth's atmosphere. Here, we show evidence of the presence of organics trapped within the interlayer space of smectite layers in Ryugu grains. No such organics are found in theOrgueil CI meteorite. We put forward that the organics within the interlayer space of smectite inOrgueil CI meteorite were lost during their oxidation on Earth.Also, we propose that the presence of organics within the interlayers space of smectite might be responsible for the possible NH infrared signature observed in Ryugu particles and potentially to a few large C-type asteroids including Ceres.

    DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2307

    Web of Science


  • Uracil in the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu Reviewed International journal

    Oba Y., Koga T., Y. Takano, N. Ogawa, N. Ohkouchi, K. Sasaki, H. Sato, D.P. Glavin, J.P. Dworkin, H. Naraoka, S. Tachibana, H. Yurimoto, T. Nakamura, T. Noguchi, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, K. Sakamoto, T. Yada, M. Nishimura, A. Nakato, A.(20) Miyazaki, K. Yogata, M. Abe, T. Okada, T. Usui, M. Yoshikawa, T. Saiki, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, S. Nakazawa, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda, Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM team

    Nature Communications   14 ( 1 )   1292   2023.3   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36904-3

    Web of Science



  • Chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu from synchrotron spectroscopy in the mid- to far-infrared of Hayabusa2-returned samples

    Dartois, E; Kebukawa, Y; Yabuta, H; Mathurin, J; Engrand, C; Duprat, J; Bejach, L; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Bonal, L; Quirico, E; Sandt, C; Borondics, F; Barosch, J; Cody, GD; De Gregorio, BT; Hashiguchi, M; Kilcoyne, DAL; Komatsu, M; Martins, Z; Matsumoto, M; Montagnac, G; Mostefaoui, S; Nittler, LR; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Remusat, L; Sandford, S; Shigenaka, M; Stroud, R; Suga, H; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Yamashita, S; Nakamura, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yurimoto, H; Abe, M; Kamide, K; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nakazawa, S; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tachibana, S; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Usui, T; Watanabe, SI; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Yoshikawa, M

    ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS   671   2023.2   ISSN:0004-6361 eISSN:1432-0746

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    Publisher:Astronomy and Astrophysics  

    Context. The current period is conducive to exploring our Solar System's origins with recent and future space sample return missions, which provide invaluable information from known Solar System asteroids and comets The Hayabusa2 mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) recently brought back samples from the surface of the Ryugu carbonaceous asteroid. Aims. We aim to identify the different forms of chemical composition of organic matter and minerals that constitute these Solar System primitive objects, to shed light on the Solar System's origins. Methods. In this work, we recorded infrared (IR) hyper-spectral maps of whole-rock Ryugu asteroid samples at the highest achievable spatial resolution with a synchrotron in the mid-IR (MIR). Additional global far-IR (FIR) spectra of each sample were also acquired. Results. The hyper-spectral maps reveal the variability of the functional groups at small scales and the intimate association of phyl-losilicates with the aliphatic components of the organic matter present in Ryugu. The relative proportion of column densities of the identified IR functional groups (aliphatics, hydroxyl + interlayer and/or physisorbed water, carbonyl, carbonates, and silicates) giving access to the composition of the Ryugu samples is estimated from these IR hyper-spectral maps. Phyllosilicate spectra reveal the presence of mixtures of serpentine and saponite. We do not detect anhydrous silicates in the samples analysed, at the scales probed. The carbonates are dominated by dolomite. Aliphatics organics are distributed over the whole samples at the micron scale probed with the synchrotron, and intimately mixed with the phyllosilicates. The aromatic C=C contribution could not be safely deconvolved from OH in most spectra, due to the ubiquitous presence of hydrated minerals. The peak intensity ratios of the organics methylene to methyl (CH2/CH3) of the Ryugu samples vary between about 1.5 and 2.5, and are compared to the ratios in chondrites from types 1 to 3. Overall, the mineralogical and organic characteristics of the Ryugu samples show similarities with those of CI chondrites, although with a noticeably higher CH2/CH3 in Ryugu than generally measured in C1 chondrites collected on Earth, and possibly a higher carbonate content.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244702

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  • PAHs, hydrocarbons, and dimethylsulfides in Asteroid Ryugu samples A0106 and C0107 and the Orgueil (CI1) meteorite

    Aponte, JC; Dworkin, JP; Glavin, DP; Elsila, JE; Parker, ET; McLain, HL; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Takano, Y; Tachibana, S; Dong, GN; Zeichner, SS; Eiler, JM; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Yabuta, H; Terui, F; Noguchi, T; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   75 ( 1 )   2023.2   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    Evaluating the molecular distribution of organic compounds in pristine extraterrestrial materials is cornerstone to understanding the abiotic synthesis of organics and allows us to better understand the molecular diversity available during the formation of our solar system and before the origins of life on Earth. In this work, we identify multiple organic compounds in solvent extracts of asteroid Ryugu samples A0106 and C0107 and the Orgueil meteorite using two-dimensional gas chromatography and time-of-flight high resolution mass spectrometry (GC×GC–HRMS). Our analyses found similarities between the molecular distribution of organic compounds in Ryugu and the CI carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil. Specifically, several PAHs and organosulfides were found in Ryugu and Orgueil suggesting an interstellar and parent body origin for these compounds. We also evaluated the common relationship between Ryugu, Orgueil, and comets, such as Wild-2; however, until comprehensive compound-specific isotopic analyses for these organic species are undertaken, and until the effects of parent body processes and Earth’s weathering processes on meteoritic organics are better understood, their parent–daughter relationships will remain unanswered. Finally, the study of organic compounds in Ryugu samples and the curation practices for the future preservation of these unvaluable materials are also of special interest for future sample return missions, including NASA’s OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-022-01758-4

    Web of Science


  • Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples

    Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Enokido, Y; Zolensky, ME; Mikouchi, T; Genda, H; Tanaka, S; Zolotov, MY; Kurosawa, K; Wakita, S; Hyodo, R; Nagano, H; Nakashima, D; Takahashi, Y; Fujioka, Y; Kikuiri, M; Kagawa, E; Matsuoka, M; Brearley, AJ; Tsuchiyama, A; Uesugi, M; Matsuno, J; Kimura, Y; Sato, M; Milliken, RE; Tatsumi, E; Sugita, S; Hiroi, T; Kitazato, K; Brownlee, D; Joswiak, DJ; Takahashi, M; Ninomiya, K; Takahashi, T; Osawa, T; Terada, K; Brenker, FE; Tkalcec, BJ; Vincze, L; Brunetto, R; Aléon-Toppani, A; Chan, QHS; Roskosz, M; Viennet, JC; Beck, P; Alp, EE; Michikami, T; Nagaashi, Y; Tsuji, T; Ino, Y; Martinez, J; Han, J; Dolocan, A; Bodnar, RJ; Tanaka, M; Yoshida, H; Sugiyama, K; King, AJ; Fukushi, K; Suga, H; Yamashita, S; Kawai, T; Inoue, K; Nakato, A; Noguchi, T; Vilas, F; Hendrix, AR; Jaramillo-Correa, C; Domingue, DL; Dominguez, G; Gainsforth, Z; Engrand, C; Duprat, J; Russell, SS; Bonato, E; Ma, C; Kawamoto, T; Wada, T; Watanabe, S; Endo, R; Enju, S; Riu, L; Rubino, S; Tack, P; Takeshita, S; Takeichi, Y; Takeuchi, A; Takigawa, A; Takir, D; Tanigaki, T; Taniguchi, A; Tsukamoto, K; Yagi, T; Yamada, S; Yamamoto, K; Yamashita, Y; Yasutake, M; Uesugi, K; Umegaki, I; Chiu, I; Ishizaki, T; Okumura, S; Palomba, E; Pilorget, C; Potin, SM; Alasli, A; Anada, S; Araki, Y; Sakatani, N; Schultz, C; Sekizawa, O; Sitzman, SD; Sugiura, K; Sun, M; Dartois, E; De Pauw, E; Dionnet, Z; Djouadi, Z; Falkenberg, G; Fujita, R; Fukuma, T; Gearba, IR; Hagiya, K; Hu, MY; Kato, T; Kawamura, T; Kimura, M; Kubo, MK; Langenhorst, F; Lantz, C; Lavina, B; Lindner, M; Zhao, J; Vekemans, B; Baklouti, D; Bazi, B; Borondics, F; Nagasawa, S; Nishiyama, G; Nitta, K; Mathurin, J; Matsumoto, T; Mitsukawa, I; Miura, H; Miyake, A; Miyake, Y; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Connolly, HC Jr; Lauretta, DS; Yoshitake, M; Yoshikawa, M; Yoshikawa, K; Yoshihara, K; Yokota, Y; Yogata, K; Yano, H; Yamamoto, Y; Yamamoto, D; Yamada, M; Yamada, T; Yada, T; Wada, K; Usui, T; Tsukizaki, R; Terui, F; Takeuchi, H; Takei, Y; Iwamae, A; Soejima, H; Shirai, K; Shimaki, Y; Senshu, H; Sawada, H; Saiki, T; Ozaki, M; Ono, G; Okada, T; Ogawa, N; Ogawa, K; Noguchi, R; Noda, H; Nishimura, M; Namiki, N; Nakazawa, S; Morota, T; Miyazaki, A; Miura, A; Mimasu, Y; Matsumoto, K; Kumagai, K; Kouyama, T; Kikuchi, S; Kawahara, K; Kameda, S; Iwata, T; Ishihara, Y; Ishiguro, M; Ikeda, H; Hosoda, S; Honda, R; Honda, C; Hitomi, Y; Hirata, N; Hayashi, T; Hayakawa, M; Hatakeda, K; Furuya, S; Fukai, R; Fujii, A; Cho, Y; Arakawa, M; Abe, M; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE   379 ( 6634 )   787 - +   2023.2   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science  

    Samples of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu were brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We analyzed 17 Ryugu samples measuring 1 to 8 millimeters. Carbon dioxide-bearing water inclusions are present within a pyrrhotite crystal, indicating that Ryugu's parent asteroid formed in the outer Solar System. The samples contain low abundances of materials that formed at high temperatures, such as chondrules and calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions. The samples are rich in phyllosilicates and carbonates, which formed through aqueous alteration reactions at low temperature, high pH, and water/rock ratios of <1 (by mass). Less altered fragments contain olivine, pyroxene, amorphous silicates, calcite, and phosphide. Numerical simulations, based on the mineralogical and physical properties of the samples, indicate that Ryugu's parent body formed ~2 million years after the beginning of Solar System formation.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abn8671

    Web of Science



  • Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites

    Yokoyama, T; Nagashima, K; Nakai, I; Young, ED; Abe, Y; Aleon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schoenbaechler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Connolly, HC; Lauretta, DS; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Arakawa, M; Fujii, A; Hayakawa, M; Hirata, N; Hirata, N; Honda, R; Honda, C; Hosoda, S; Iijima, Y; Ikeda, H; Ishiguro, M; Ishihara, Y; Iwata, T; Kawahara, K; Kikuchi, S; Kitazato, K; Matsumoto, K; Matsuoka, M; Michikami, T; Mimasu, Y; Miura, A; Morota, T; Nakazawa, S; Namiki, N; Noda, H; Noguchi, R; Ogawa, N; Ogawa, K; Okada, T; Okamoto, C; Ono, G; Ozaki, M; Saiki, T; Sakatani, N; Sawada, H; Senshu, H; Shimaki, Y; Shirai, K; Sugita, S; Takei, Y; Takeuchi, H; Tanaka, S; Tatsumi, E; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Tsukizaki, R; Wada, K; Watanabe, SI; Yamada, M; Yamada, T; Yamamoto, Y; Yano, H; Yokota, Y; Yoshihara, K; Yoshikawa, M; Yoshikawa, K; Furuya, S; Hatakeda, K; Hayashi, T; Hitomi, Y; Kumagai, K; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Soejima, H; Suzuki, A; Yada, T; Yamamoto, D; Yogata, K; Yoshitake, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    SCIENCE   379 ( 6634 )   786 - +   2023.2   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science  

    Carbonaceous meteorites are thought to be fragments of C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids. Samples of the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measured the mineralogy and bulk chemical and isotopic compositions of Ryugu samples. The samples are mainly composed of materials similar to those of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, particularly the CI (Ivuna-type) group. The samples consist predominantly of minerals formed in aqueous fluid on a parent planetesimal. The primary minerals were altered by fluids at a temperature of 37° ± 10°C, about 5:2+0.8-0.7 million (statistical) or 5:2+1.6-2.1 million (systematic) years after the formation of the first solids in the Solar System. After aqueous alteration, the Ryugu samples were likely never heated above ~100°C. The samples have a chemical composition that more closely resembles that of the Sun's photosphere than other natural samples do.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abn7850

    Web of Science



  • Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolution

    Okazaki, R; Marty, B; Busemann, H; Hashizume, K; Gilmour, JD; Meshik, A; Yada, T; Kitajima, F; Broadley, MW; Byrne, D; Füri, E; Riebe, MEI; Krietsch, D; Maden, C; Ishida, A; Clay, P; Crowther, SA; Fawcett, L; Lawton, T; Pravdivtseva, O; Miura, YN; Park, J; Bajo, KI; Takano, Y; Yamada, K; Kawagucci, S; Matsui, Y; Yamamoto, M; Righter, K; Sakai, S; Iwata, N; Shirai, N; Sekimoto, S; Inagaki, M; Ebihara, M; Yokochi, R; Nishiizumi, K; Nagao, K; Lee, JI; Kano, A; Caffee, MW; Uemura, R; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Yurimoto, H; Tachibana, S; Sawada, H; Sakamoto, K; Abe, M; Arakawa, M; Fujii, A; Hayakawa, M; Hirata, N; Hirata, N; Honda, R; Honda, C; Hosoda, S; Iijima, YI; Ikeda, H; Ishiguro, M; Ishihara, Y; Iwata, T; Kawahara, K; Kikuchi, S; Kitazato, K; Matsumoto, K; Matsuoka, M; Michikami, T; Mimasu, Y; Miura, A; Morota, T; Nakazawa, S; Namiki, N; Noda, H; Noguchi, R; Ogawa, N; Ogawa, K; Okada, T; Okamoto, C; Ono, G; Ozaki, M; Saiki, T; Sakatani, N; Senshu, H; Shimaki, Y; Shirai, K; Sugita, S; Takei, Y; Takeuchi, H; Tanaka, S; Tatsumi, E; Terui, F; Tsukizaki, R; Wada, K; Yamada, M; Yamada, T; Yamamoto, Y; Yano, H; Yokota, Y; Yoshihara, K; Yoshikawa, M; Yoshikawa, K; Furuya, S; Hatakeda, K; Hayashi, T; Hitomi, Y; Kumagai, K; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Soejima, H; Iwamae, A; Yamamoto, D; Yogata, K; Yoshitake, M; Fukai, R; Usui, T; Connolly, HCC; Lauretta, D; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE   379 ( 6634 )   788 - U52   2023.2   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science  

    The near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu is expected to contain volatile chemical species that could provide information on the origin of Earth’s volatiles. Samples of Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measured noble gas and nitrogen isotopes in Ryugu samples and found that they are dominated by presolar and primordial components, incorporated during Solar System formation. Noble gas concentrations are higher than those in Ivuna-type carbonaceous (CI) chondrite meteorites. Several host phases of isotopically distinct nitrogen have different abundances among the samples. Our measurements support a close relationship between Ryugu and CI chondrites. Noble gases produced by galactic cosmic rays, indicating a ~5 million year exposure, and from implanted solar wind record the recent irradiation history of Ryugu after it migrated to its current orbit.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0431

    Web of Science



  • Macromolecular organic matter in samples of the asteroid (162173) Ryugu

    Yabuta, H; Cody, GD; Engrand, C; Kebukawa, Y; De Gregorio, B; Bonal, L; Remusat, L; Stroud, R; Quirico, E; Nittler, L; Hashiguchi, M; Komatsu, M; Okumura, T; Mathurin, J; Dartois, E; Duprat, J; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Kilcoyne, D; Yamashita, S; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Sandford, S; Martins, Z; Tamenori, Y; Ohigashi, T; Suga, H; Wakabayashi, D; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Mostefaoui, S; Montagnac, G; Barosch, J; Kamide, K; Shigenaka, M; Bejach, L; Matsumoto, M; Enokido, Y; Noguchi, T; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Connolly, HCC; Lauretta, DS; Abe, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Yogata, K; Nakato, A; Yoshitake, M; Iwamae, A; Furuya, S; Hatakeda, K; Miyazaki, A; Soejima, H; Hitomi, Y; Kumagai, K; Usui, T; Hayashi, T; Yamamoto, D; Fukai, R; Sugita, S; Kitazato, K; Hirata, N; Honda, R; Morota, T; Tatsumi, E; Sakatani, N; Namiki, N; Matsumoto, K; Noguchi, R; Wada, K; Senshu, H; Ogawa, K; Yokota, Y; Ishihara, Y; Shimaki, Y; Yamada, M; Honda, C; Michikami, T; Matsuoka, M; Hirata, N; Arakawa, M; Okamoto, C; Ishiguro, M; Jaumann, R; Bibring, JP; Grott, M; Schroeder, S; Otto, K; Pilorget, C; Schmitz, N; Biele, J; Ho, TM; Moussi-Soffys, A; Miura, A; Noda, H; Yamada, T; Yoshihara, K; Kawahara, K; Ikeda, H; Yamamoto, Y; Shirai, K; Kikuchi, S; Ogawa, N; Takeuchi, H; Ono, G; Mimasu, Y; Yoshikawa, K; Takei, Y; Fujii, A; Iijima, YI; Nakazawa, S; Hosoda, S; Iwata, T; Hayakawa, M; Sawada, H; Yano, H; Tsukizaki, R; Ozaki, M; Terui, F; Tanaka, S; Fujimoto, M; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE   379 ( 6634 )   790 - U66   2023.2   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Samples of the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu were collected and brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We investigated the macromolecular organic matter in Ryugu samples and found that it contains aromatic and aliphatic carbon, ketone, and carboxyl functional groups. The spectroscopic features of the organic matter are consistent with those in chemically primitive carbonaceous chondrite meteorites that experienced parent-body aqueous alteration (reactions with liquid water). The morphology of the organic carbon includes nanoglobules and diffuse carbon associated with phyllosilicate and carbonate minerals. Deuterium and/or nitrogen-15 enrichments indicate that the organic matter formed in a cold molecular cloud or the presolar nebula. The diversity of the organic matter indicates variable levels of aqueous alteration on Ryugu’s parent body.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abn9057

    Web of Science



  • Chondrule-like objects and Ca-Al-rich inclusions in Ryugu may potentially be the oldest Solar System materials

    Nakashima, D; Nakamura, T; Zhang, MM; Kita, NT; Mikouchi, T; Yoshida, H; Enokido, Y; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Nakazawa, S; Terui, F; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Watanabe, S; Tachibana, S; Tsuda, Y

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   14 ( 1 )   532   2023.2   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    Chondrule-like objects and Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are discovered in the retuned samples from asteroid Ryugu. Here we report results of oxygen isotope, mineralogical, and compositional analysis of the chondrule-like objects and CAIs. Three chondrule-like objects dominated by Mg-rich olivine are 16O-rich and -poor with Δ17O (=δ17O – 0.52 × δ18O) values of ~ –23‰ and ~ –3‰, resembling what has been proposed as early generations of chondrules. The 16O-rich objects are likely to be melted amoeboid olivine aggregates that escaped from incorporation into 16O-poor chondrule precursor dust. Two CAIs composed of refractory minerals are 16O-rich with Δ17O of ~ –23‰ and possibly as old as the oldest CAIs. The discovered objects (<30 µm) are as small as those from comets, suggesting radial transport favoring smaller objects from the inner solar nebula to the formation location of the Ryugu original parent body, which is farther from the Sun and scarce in chondrules. The transported objects may have been mostly destroyed during aqueous alteration in the Ryugu parent body.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36268-8

    Web of Science



  • Soluble Sulfur-Bearing Organic Compounds in Carbonaceous Meteorites: Implications for Chemical Evolution in Primitive Asteroids Reviewed International journal

    Naraoka H., Hashiguchi M., Okazaki R.

    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry   7 ( 1 )   41 - 48   2023.2   ISSN:2472-3452

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00157

    Web of Science


  • Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites. Reviewed International journal

    Science   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples. Reviewed International journal

    Science   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolution. Reviewed International journal

    Science   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu. Reviewed International journal

    Nature Astronomy   7   170 - 181   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Soluble organic molecules in samples of the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu Reviewed International journal

    Naraoka H., Takano Y., Dworkin J.P., Oba Y., Hamase K., Furusho A., Ogawa N.O., Hashiguchi M., Fukushima K., Aoki D., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Aponte J.C., Parker E.T., Glavin D.P., McLain H.L., Elsila J.E., Graham H.V., Eiler J.M., Orthous-Daunay F.-R., Wolters C.,(20) Isa J., Vuitton V., Thissen R., Sakai S., Yoshimura T., Koga T., Ohkouchi N., Chikaraishi Y., Sugahara H., Mita H., Furukawa Y., Hertkorn N., Ruf A., Yurimoto H., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Yabuta H., Sakamoto K., Tachibana S.,(40) Connolly H.C., Jr, Lauretta D.S., Abe M., Yada T., Nishimura M., Yogata K., Nakato A., Yoshitake M., Suzuki A., Miyazaki A., Furuya S., Hatakeda K., Soejima H., Hitomi Y., Kumagai K., Usui T., Hayashi T., Yamamoto D., Fukai R., Kitazato K.,(60) Sugita S., Namiki N., Arakawa M., Ikeda H., Ishiguro M., Hirata N., Wada K., Ishihara Y., Noguchi R., Morota T., Sakatani N., Matsumoto K., Senshu H., Honda R., Tatsumi E., Yokota Y., Honda C., Michikami T., Matsuoka M., Miura A.,(80) Noda H., Yamada T., Yoshihara K., Kawahara K., Ozaki M., Iijima Y.-I., Yano H., Hayakawa M., Iwata T., Tsukizaki R., Sawada H., Hosoda S., Ogawa K., Okamoto C., Hirata N., Shirai K., Shimaki Y., Yamada M., Okada T., Yamamoto Y.,(100) Takeuchi H., Fujii A., Takei Y., Yoshikawa K., Mimasu Y., Ono G., Ogawa N., Kikuchi S., Nakazawa S., Terui F., Tanaka S., Saiki T., Yoshikawa M., Watanabe S.-I., Tsuda Y.

    Science   379 ( 6634 )   789 - +   2023.2   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abn9033

    Web of Science



  • Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth's volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis

    Paquet, M; Moynier, F; Yokoyama, T; Dai, W; Hu, Y; Abe, Y; Aleon, J; Alexander, COD; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nesvorny, D; Nguyen, AN; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schoenbaechler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   7 ( 2 )   182 - 189   2023.2   ISSN:2397-3366

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Astronomy  

    Initial analyses showed that asteroid Ryugu’s composition is close to CI (Ivuna-like) carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) – the chemically most primitive meteorites, characterized by near-solar abundances for most elements. However, some isotopic signatures (for example, Ti, Cr) overlap with other CC groups, so the details of the link between Ryugu and the CI chondrites are not yet fully clear. Here we show that Ryugu and CI chondrites have the same zinc and copper isotopic composition. As the various chondrite groups have very distinct Zn and Cu isotopic signatures, our results point at a common genetic heritage between Ryugu and CI chondrites, ruling out any affinity with other CC groups. Since Ryugu’s pristine samples match the solar elemental composition for many elements, their Zn and Cu isotopic compositions likely represent the best estimates of the solar composition. Earth’s mass-independent Zn isotopic composition is intermediate between Ryugu/CC and non-carbonaceous chondrites (NCs), suggesting a contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s budgets of Zn and other moderately volatile elements.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01846-1

    Web of Science



  • A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu

    Noguchi Takaaki, Matsumoto Toru, Miyake Akira, Igami Yohei, Haruta Mitsutaka, Saito Hikaru, Hata Satoshi, Seto Yusuke, Miyahara Masaaki, Tomioka Naotaka, Ishii Hope A., Bradley John P., Ohtaki Kenta K., Dobrică Elena, Leroux Hugues, Le Guillou Corentin, Jacob Damien, de la Peña Francisco, Laforet Sylvain, Marinova Maya, Langenhorst Falko, Harries Dennis, Beck Pierre, Phan Thi H. V., Rebois Rolando, Abreu Neyda M., Gray Jennifer, Zega Thomas, Zanetta Pierre-M., Thompson Michelle S., Stroud Rhonda, Burgess Kate, Cymes Brittany A., Bridges John C., Hicks Leon, Lee Martin R., Daly Luke, Bland Phil A., Zolensky Michael E., Frank David R., Martinez James, Tsuchiyama Akira, Yasutake Masahiro, Matsuno Junya, Okumura Shota, Mitsukawa Itaru, Uesugi Kentaro, Uesugi Masayuki, Takeuchi Akihisa, Sun Mingqi, Enju Satomi, Takigawa Aki, Michikami Tatsuhiro, Nakamura Tomoki, Matsumoto Megumi, Nakauchi Yusuke, Abe Masanao, Arakawa Masahiko, Fujii Atsushi, Hayakawa Masahiko, Hirata Naru, Hirata Naoyuki, Honda Rie, Honda Chikatoshi, Hosoda Satoshi, Iijima Yu-ichi, Ikeda Hitoshi, Ishiguro Masateru, Ishihara Yoshiaki, Iwata Takahiro, Kawahara Kousuke, Kikuchi Shota, Kitazato Kohei, Matsumoto Koji, Matsuoka Moe, Mimasu Yuya, Miura Akira, Morota Tomokatsu, Nakazawa Satoru, Namiki Noriyuki, Noda Hirotomo, Noguchi Rina, Ogawa Naoko, Ogawa Kazunori, Okada Tatsuaki, Okamoto Chisato, Ono Go, Ozaki Masanobu, Saiki Takanao, Sakatani Naoya, Sawada Hirotaka, Senshu Hiroki, Shimaki Yuri, Shirai Kei, Sugita Seiji, Takei Yuto, Takeuchi Hiroshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Tatsumi Eri, Terui Fuyuto, Tsukizaki Ryudo, Wada Koji, Yamada Manabu, Yamada Tetsuya, Yamamoto Yukio, Yano Hajime, Yokota Yasuhiro, Yoshihara Keisuke, Yoshikawa Makoto, Yoshikawa Kent, Fukai Ryohta, Furuya Shizuho, Hatakeda Kentaro, Hayashi Tasuku, Hitomi Yuya, Kumagai Kazuya, Miyazaki Akiko, Nakato Aiko, Nishimura Masahiro, Soejima Hiromichi, Suzuki Ayako I., Usui Tomohiro, Yada Toru, Yamamoto Daiki, Yogata Kasumi, Yoshitake Miwa, Connolly Harold C., Lauretta Dante S., Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Nagashima Kazuhide, Kawasaki Noriyuki, Sakamoto Naoya, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kanako, Tachibana Shogo, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi

    Nature Astronomy   7 ( 2 )   170 - 181   2023.2   ISSN:2397-3366 eISSN:23973366

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    Without a protective atmosphere, space-exposed surfaces of airless Solar System bodies gradually experience an alteration in composition, structure and optical properties through a collective process called space weathering. The return of samples from near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2 provides the first opportunity for laboratory study of space-weathering signatures on the most abundant type of inner solar system body: a C-type asteroid, composed of materials largely unchanged since the formation of the Solar System. Weathered Ryugu grains show areas of surface amorphization and partial melting of phyllosilicates, in which reduction from Fe³⁺ to Fe²⁺ and dehydration developed. Space weathering probably contributed to dehydration by dehydroxylation of Ryugu surface phyllosilicates that had already lost interlayer water molecules and to weakening of the 2.7 µm hydroxyl (–OH) band in reflectance spectra. For C-type asteroids in general, this indicates that a weak 2.7 µm band can signify space-weathering-induced surface dehydration, rather than bulk volatile loss.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01841-6

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  • Small grains from Ryugu: handling and analysis pipeline for infrared synchrotron microspectroscopy

    Rubino, S; Dionnet, Z; Aléon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Nakamura, T; Baklouti, D; Djouadi, Z; Lantz, C; Mivumbi, O; Borondics, F; Lefrancois, S; Sandt, C; Capitani, F; Heripre, E; Troadec, D; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Morita, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   75 ( 1 )   2023.1   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    Sample-return missions allow the study of materials collected directly from celestial bodies, unbiased by atmospheric entry effects and/or terrestrial alteration and contamination phenomena, using state-of-the-art techniques which are available only in a laboratory environment—but only if the collected material stays pristine. The scarcity of outer-space unaltered material recovered until now makes this material extremely precious for the potential scientific insight it can bring. To maximize the scientific output of current and future sample-return missions, the scientific community needs to plan for ways of storing, handling, and measuring this precious material while preserving their pristine state for as long as the ‘invasiveness’ of measurements allows. In July 2021, as part of the Hayabusa2 (JAXA) “Stone” preliminary examination team, we received several microscopic particles from the asteroid Ryugu, with the goal of performing IR hyper-spectral imaging and IR micro-tomography studies. Here, we describe the sample transfer, handling methods and analytical pipeline we implemented to study this very precious material while minimizing and surveilling their alteration history on Earth. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-022-01762-8

    Web of Science


  • Oxygen isotopes of anhydrous primary minerals show kinship between asteroid Ryugu and comet 81P/Wild2

    Kawasaki, N; Nagashima, K; Sakamoto, N; Matsumoto, T; Bajo, KI; Wada, S; Igami, Y; Miyake, A; Noguchi, T; Yamamoto, D; Russell, SS; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   8 ( 50 )   eade2067   2022.12   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    The extraterrestrial materials returned from asteroid (162173) Ryugu consist predominantly of low-temperature aqueously formed secondary minerals and are chemically and mineralogically similar to CI (Ivuna-type) carbonaceous chondrites. Here, we show that high-temperature anhydrous primary minerals in Ryugu and CI chondrites exhibit a bimodal distribution of oxygen isotopic compositions: 16O-rich (associated with refractory inclusions) and 16O-poor (associated with chondrules). Both the 16O-rich and 16O-poor minerals probably formed in the inner solar protoplanetary disk and were subsequently transported outward. The abundance ratios of the 16O-rich to 16O-poor minerals in Ryugu and CI chondrites are higher than in other carbonaceous chondrite groups but are similar to that of comet 81P/Wild2, suggesting that Ryugu and CI chondrites accreted in the outer Solar System closer to the accretion region of comets.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ade2067

    Web of Science



  • Ryugu's nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System

    Hopp, T; Dauphas, N; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, K; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nesvorny, D; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, S; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    SCIENCE ADVANCES   8 ( 46 )   eadd8141   2022.11   ISSN:2375-2548

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science Advances  

    Little is known about the origin of the spectral diversity of asteroids and what it says about conditions in the protoplanetary disk. Here, we show that samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu have Fe isotopic anomalies indistinguishable from Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites, which are distinct from all other carbonaceous chondrites. Iron isotopes, therefore, demonstrate that Ryugu and CI chondrites formed in a reservoir that was different from the source regions of other carbonaceous asteroids. Growth and migration of the giant planets destabilized nearby planetesimals and ejected some inward to be implanted into the Main Belt. In this framework, most carbonaceous chondrites may have originated from regions around the birthplaces of Jupiter and Saturn, while the distinct isotopic composition of CI chondrites and Ryugu may reflect their formation further away in the disk, owing their presence in the inner Solar System to excitation by Uranus and Neptune.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add8141

    Web of Science



  • Trace-element analysis of mineral grains in Ryugu rock fragment sections by synchrotron-based confocal X-ray fluorescence

    Bazi, B; Tack, P; Lindner, M; Vekemans, B; De Pauw, E; Tkalcec, B; Brenker, FE; Garrevoet, J; Falkenberg, G; Yabuta, H; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Amano, K; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Enokido, Y; Nakashima, D; Uesugi, M; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Vincze, L

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   74 ( 1 )   2022.11   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    A fundamental parameter-based quantification scheme for confocal XRF was applied to sub-micron synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) data obtained at the beamline P06 of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) from two sections C0033-01 and C0033-04 that were wet cut from rock fragment C0033 collected from Cb-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu by JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission. Trace-element quantifications show that C0033 bulk matrix is CI-like, whereas individual mineral grains (i.e., magnetite, pyrrhotite, dolomite, apatite and breunnerite) show, depending on the respective phase, minor to strong deviations. The non-destructive nature of SR-XRF coupled with a new PyMca (a Python toolkit for XRF data analysis)-based quantification approach, performed in parallel with the synchrotron experiments, proves to be an attractive tool for the initial analysis of samples from return missions, such as Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx, the latter returning material from a B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu in 2023.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-022-01726-y

    Web of Science


  • Antarctic micrometeorite composed of CP and CS IDP-like material: A micro-breccia originated from a partially ice-melted comet-like small body

    Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, R; Yabuta, H; Kobayashi, H; Miyake, A; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Imae, N; Yamaguchi, A; Kilcoyne, ALD; Takeichi, Y; Takahashi, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57 ( 11 )   2042 - 2062   2022.11   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Publisher:Meteoritics and Planetary Science  

    Asteroids and comets are thought to form in the inner and outer solar systems, respectively. Chondritic porous and smooth interplanetary dust particles (CP IDPs and CS IDPs, respectively) in the stratosphere are regarded as dust grains from comets and hydrated asteroids, respectively. Here, we describe an Antarctic micrometeorite (AMM) composed of lithologies of both CP and CS IDPs. In addition to the CS IDP-like compact lithology that experienced severe aqueous alteration, the CP IDP-like porous lithology shows evidence of very weak aqueous alteration. The structure of the organic matter in the porous lithology varies from that in the CP IDPs to aromatic-rich organic matter. In contrast, the structure of the organic matter in the compact lithology is homogenous, which is consistent with higher degrees of aqueous alteration. Its structure is more similar to that of CP IDPs and Wild 2 samples than that of meteoritic insoluble organic matter, suggesting that the compact lithology formed from the porous lithology. Some CP IDPs are related to cometary dust streams, such as those originating from 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup. In addition, the presence of this AMM indicates an additional origin of the CP IDPs and their equivalent AMMs. The mineralogy and organic chemistry of this AMM suggest that its parent body was composed of the same building blocks as those of the comets, and later experienced incomplete aqueous alteration. The AMM probably formed as microbreccia in the regolith layer composed of materials from a CP IDP-like crust and a hydrated interior.

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.13919

    Web of Science


  • Rock Magnetic Characterization of Returned Samples From Asteroid (162173) Ryugu: Implications for Paleomagnetic Interpretation and Paleointensity Estimation

    Sato, M; Kimura, Y; Tanaka, S; Hatakeyama, T; Sugita, S; Nakamuna, T; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Nakato, A; Miyazaki, A; Yogata, K; Abe, M; Okada, T; Usui, T; Yoshikawa, M; Saiki, T; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SI; Tsuda, Y

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS   127 ( 11 )   2022.11   ISSN:2169-9097 eISSN:2169-9100

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    Publisher:Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets  

    In this study, systematic rock magnetic measurements and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) paleointensity calibration experiments were conducted for the returned samples from C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu and two carbonaceous chondrites (Orgueil and Tagish Lake) to evaluate the remanence carriers of the Ryugu sample and its ability as a paleomagnetic recorder. Our magnetic measurements show that Ryugu samples exhibit signatures for framboidal magnetite, coarse-grained magnetite, and pyrrhotite, and that framboidal magnetite is the dominant remanence carrier of Ryugu samples in the middle-coercivity range. The SIRM paleointensity constant was obtained for two Ryugu samples, and the median value was 3,318 ± 1,038 μT, which is close to the literature's value based on the average among magnetite, titanomagnetite, pyrrhotite, and FeNi alloys and is widely used for SIRM paleointensity experiments. The paleointensity values estimated using the obtained SIRM paleointensity constant indicate a strong magnetic field of the protoplanetary disk, suggesting that Sun's protoplanetary disk existed at the disk location of Ryugu's parent planetesimal when framboidal magnetite precipitated from the aqueous fluid.

    DOI: 10.1029/2022JE007405

    Web of Science


  • First asteroid gas sample delivered by the Hayabusa2 mission: A treasure box from Ryugu

    Okazaki Ryuji, Miura Yayoi N., Takano Yoshinori, Sawada Hirotaka, Sakamoto Kanako, Yada Toru, Yamada Keita, Kawagucci Shinsuke, Matsui Yohei, Hashizume Ko, Ishida Akizumi, Broadley Michael W., Marty Bernard, Byrne David, Füri Evelyn, Meshik Alex, Pravdivtseva Olga, Busemann Henner, Riebe My E.I., Gilmour Jamie, Park Jisun, Bajo Ken-ichi, Righter Kevin, Sakai Saburo, Sekimoto Shun, Kitajima Fumio, Crowther Sarah A., Iwata Naoyoshi, Shirai Naoki, Ebihara Mitsuru, Yokochi Reika, Nishiizumi Kunihiko, Nagao Keisuke, Lee Jong Ik, Clay Patricia, Kano Akihiro, Caffee Marc W., Uemura Ryu, Inagaki Makoto, Krietsch Daniela, Maden Colin, Yamamoto Mizuki, Fawcett Lydia, Lawton Thomas, Nakamura Tomoki, Naraoka Hiroshi, Noguchi Takaaki, Yabuta Hikaru, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Tsuda Yuichi, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Abe Masanao, Arakawa Masahiko, Fujii Atsushi, Hayakawa Masahiko, Hirata Naoyuki, Hirata Naru, Honda Rie, Honda Chikatoshi, Hosoda Satoshi, Iijima Yu-ichi, Ikeda Hitoshi, Ishiguro Masateru, Ishihara Yoshiaki, Iwata Takahiro, Kawahara Kosuke, Kikuchi Shota, Kitazato Kohei, Matsumoto Koji, Matsuoka Moe, Michikami Tatsuhiro, Mimasu Yuya, Miura Akira, Morota Tomokatsu, Nakazawa Satoru, Namiki Noriyuki, Noda Hirotomo, Noguchi Rina, Ogawa Naoko, Ogawa Kazunori, Okada Tatsuaki, Okamoto Chisato, Ono Go, Ozaki Masanobu, Saiki Takanao, Sakatani Naoya, Senshu Hiroki, Shimaki Yuri, Shirai Kei, Sugita Seiji, Takei Yuto, Takeuchi Hiroshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Tatsumi Eri, Terui Fuyuto, Tsukizaki Ryudo, Wada Koji, Yamada Manabu, Yamada Tetsuya, Yamamoto Yukio, Yano Hajime, Yokota Yasuhiro, Yoshihara Keisuke, Yoshikawa Makoto, Yoshikawa Kent, Furuya Shizuho, Hatakeda Kentaro, Hayashi Tasuku, Hitomi Yuya, Kumagai Kazuya, Miyazaki Akiko, Nakato Aiko, Nishimura Masahiro, Soejima Hiromichi, Iwamae Ayako, Yamamoto Daiki, Yogata Kasumi, Yoshitake Miwa, Fukai Ryota, Usui Tomohiro, Ireland Trevor, Connolly Harold C., Lauretta Dante S., Tachibana Shogo

    Science Advances   8 ( 46 )   eabo7239   2022.11   ISSN:2375-2548 eISSN:23752548

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    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft returned to Earth from the asteroid 162173 Ryugu on 6 December 2020. One day after the recovery, the gas species retained in the sample container were extracted and measured on-site and stored in gas collection bottles. The container gas consists of helium and neon with an extraterrestrial ³He/⁴He and ²⁰Ne/²²Ne ratios, along with some contaminant terrestrial atmospheric gases. A mixture of solar and Earth’s atmospheric gas is the best explanation for the container gas composition. Fragmentation of Ryugu grains within the sample container is discussed on the basis of the estimated amount of indigenous He and the size distribution of the recovered Ryugu grains. This is the first successful return of gas species from a near-Earth asteroid.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo7239

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  • The Solar System calcium isotopic composition inferred from Ryugu samples

    Moynier, F; Dai, W; Yokoyama, T; Hu, Y; Paquet, M; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Alexander, CMO; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bizzarro, M; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Di Rocco, T; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kawasaki, N; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Masuda, Y; McKeegan, KD; Morita, M; Motomura, K; Nakai, I; Nagashima, K; Nesvorny, D; Nguyen, A; Nittler, L; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, L; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Schönbächler, M; Tafla, L; Tang, H; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yin, QZ; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Yabuta, H; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Nakazawa, S; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yoshikawa, M; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS   24   1 - 6   2022.10   ISSN:2410-339X eISSN:2410-3403

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    Publisher:Geochemical Perspectives Letters  

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft has returned samples from the Cb-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu to Earth. Previous petrological and chemical analyses support a close link between Ryugu and CI chondrites that are presumed to be chemically the most primitive meteorites with a solar-like composition. However, Ryugu samples are highly enriched in Ca compared to typical CI chondrites. To identify the cause of this discrepancy, here we report stable Ca isotopic data (expressed as δ44/40CaSRM915a) for returned Ryugu samples collected from two sites. We found that samples from both sites have similar δ44/40CaSRM915a (0.58 ± 0.03 % and 0.55 ± 0.08 %, 2 s.d.) that fall within the range defined by CIs. This isotopic similarity suggests that the Ca budget of CIs and Ryugu samples is dominated by carbonates, and the variably higher Ca contents in Ryugu samples are due to the abundant carbonates. Precipitation of carbonates on Ryugu likely coincided with a major episode of aqueous activity dated to have occurred ∼5 Myr after Solar System formation. Based on the pristine Ryugu samples, the average δ44/40CaSRM915a of the Solar System is defined to be 0.57 ± 0.04 % (2 s.d.).

    DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2238

    Web of Science


  • Rare earth element identification and quantification in millimetre-sized Ryugu rock fragments from the Hayabusa2 space mission

    Tack, P; De Pauw, E; Tkalcec, B; Lindner, M; Bazi, B; Vekemans, B; Brenker, F; Di Michiel, M; Uesugi, M; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Amano, K; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Enokido, Y; Nakashima, D; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Watanabe, SL; Tsuda, Y; Vincze, L

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   74 ( 1 )   146   2022.9   ISSN:13438832 eISSN:1880-5981

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    Language:English   Publisher:Earth, Planets and Space  

    Millimetre-sized primordial rock fragments originating from asteroid Ryugu were investigated using high energy X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, providing 2D and 3D elemental distribution and quantitative composition information on the microscopic level. Samples were collected in two phases from two sites on asteroid Ryugu and safely returned to Earth by JAXA’s asteroid explorer Hayabusa2, during which time the collected material was stored and maintained free from terrestrial influences, including exposure to Earth’s atmosphere. Several grains of interest were identified and further characterised to obtain quantitative information on the rare earth element (REE) content within said grains, following a reference-based and computed-tomography-assisted fundamental parameters quantification approach. Several orders of magnitude REE enrichments compared to the mean CI chondrite composition were found within grains that could be identified as apatite phase. Small enrichment of LREE was found for dolomite grains and slight enrichment or depletion for the general matrices within the Ryugu rock fragments A0055 and C0076, respectively. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-022-01705-3

    Web of Science



  • Presolar Stardust in Asteroid Ryugu

    Barosch, J; Nittler, LR; Wang, JH; Alexander, CMO; De Gregorio, BT; Engrand, C; Kebukawa, Y; Nagashima, K; Stroud, RM; Yabuta, H; Abe, Y; Aléon, J; Amari, S; Amelin, Y; Bajo, KI; Bejach, L; Bizzarro, M; Bonal, L; Bouvier, A; Carlson, RW; Chaussidon, M; Choi, BG; Cody, GD; Dartois, E; Dauphas, N; Davis, AM; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Di Rocco, T; Duprat, J; Fujiya, W; Fukai, R; Gautam, I; Haba, MK; Hashiguchi, M; Hibiya, Y; Hidaka, H; Homma, H; Hoppe, P; Huss, GR; Ichida, K; Iizuka, T; Ireland, TR; Ishikawa, A; Ito, M; Itoh, S; Kamide, K; Kawasaki, N; Kilcoyne, ALD; Kita, NT; Kitajima, K; Kleine, T; Komatani, S; Komatsu, M; Krot, AN; Liu, MC; Martins, Z; Masuda, Y; Mathurin, J; McKeegan, KD; Montagnac, G; Morita, M; Mostefaoui, S; Motomura, K; Moynier, F; Nakai, I; Nguyen, AN; Ohigashi, T; Okumura, T; Onose, M; Pack, A; Park, C; Piani, L; Qin, LP; Quirico, E; Remusat, L; Russell, SS; Sakamoto, N; Sandford, SA; Schönbächler, M; Shigenaka, M; Suga, H; Tafla, L; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Tamenori, Y; Tang, HL; Terada, K; Terada, Y; Usui, T; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Wada, S; Wadhwa, M; Wakabayashi, D; Walker, RJ; Yamashita, K; Yamashita, S; Yin, QZ; Yokoyama, T; Yoneda, S; Young, ED; Yui, H; Zhang, AC; Abe, M; Miyazaki, A; Nakato, A; Nakazawa, S; Nishimura, M; Okada, T; Saiki, T; Tanaka, S; Terui, F; Tsuda, Y; Watanabe, SI; Yada, T; Yogata, K; Yoshikawa, M; Nakamura, T; Naraoka, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   935 ( 1 )   2022.8   ISSN:2041-8205 eISSN:2041-8213

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    Publisher:Astrophysical Journal Letters  

    We have conducted a NanoSIMS-based search for presolar material in samples recently returned from C-type asteroid Ryugu as part of JAXA's Hayabusa2 mission. We report the detection of all major presolar grain types with O- and C-anomalous isotopic compositions typically identified in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites: 1 silicate, 1 oxide, 1 O-anomalous supernova grain of ambiguous phase, 38 SiC, and 16 carbonaceous grains. At least two of the carbonaceous grains are presolar graphites, whereas several grains with moderate C isotopic anomalies are probably organics. The presolar silicate was located in a clast with a less altered lithology than the typical extensively aqueously altered Ryugu matrix. The matrix-normalized presolar grain abundances in Ryugu are 4.8 − 2.6 + 4.7 ppm for O-anomalous grains, 25 − 5 + 6 ppm for SiC grains, and 11 − 3 + 5 ppm for carbonaceous grains. Ryugu is isotopically and petrologically similar to carbonaceous Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites. To compare the in situ presolar grain abundances of Ryugu with CI chondrites, we also mapped Ivuna and Orgueil samples and found a total of 15 SiC grains and 6 carbonaceous grains. No O-anomalous grains were detected. The matrix-normalized presolar grain abundances in the CI chondrites are similar to those in Ryugu: 23 − 6 + 7 ppm SiC and 9.0 − 3.6 + 5.4 ppm carbonaceous grains. Thus, our results provide further evidence in support of the Ryugu-CI connection. They also reveal intriguing hints of small-scale heterogeneities in the Ryugu samples, such as locally distinct degrees of alteration that allowed the preservation of delicate presolar material.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac83bd

    Web of Science



    Amano, K; Matsuoka, M; Nakamura, T; Kagawa, E; Fujioka, Y; Potin, SM; Hiroi, T; Tatsumi, E; Mil-Liken, RE; Brunetto, R; Beck, P; Takahashi, Y; Kawai, T; Yamashita, S; Uesugi, M; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Zolensky, M; Dolocan, A; Bodnar, R; Gearba, I; Martinez, J; Han, J; Nakamura, T; Tsuchiyama, A; Matsuno, J; Sun, M; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Enokido, Y; Uesugi, K; Takeuchi, A; Yasutake, M; Miyake, A; Okumura, S; Mitsukawa, I; Takigawa, A; Mikouchi, T; Enju, S; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Daly, L; Lee, MR; Smith, W; McFadzean, S; Martin, PE; Bagot, PAJ; Fougerouse, D; Saxey, DW; Reddy, S; Rickard, WDA; Noguchi, T; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Brenker, FE; Bazi, B; DePauw, E; Di Michiel, M; Falkenberg, G; Garrevoet, J; Lindner, M; Nakamura, T; Tack, P; Tkalcec, B; Vekemans, B; Uesugi, M; Matsumoto, M; Nakashima, D; Fujioka, Y; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Vincze, L

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Takir, D; Hibbitts, CH; Stockstill-Cahill, KR; Amano, K; Matsuoka, M; Nakamura, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Kikuiri, M; Nakamura, T; Langenhorst, F; Pollok, K; Mikouchi, T; Yoshida, H; Nakashima, D; Zolensky, ME; Uesugi, M; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Tkalcec, BJ; Tack, P; De Pauw, E; Lindner, M; Di Michiel, M; Bazi, B; Vekemans, B; Uesugi, M; Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Fujioka, Y; Nakashima, D; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y; Vincze, L; Brenker, FE

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Barosch, J; De Gregorio, B; Stroud, RM; Nittler, LR; Yurimoto, H; Yabuta, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Watanabe, Y; Tsuda, Y; Tachibana, S

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Orthous-Daunay, FR; Isa, J; Wolters, C; Vuitton, V; Beck, P; Bonal, L; Flandinet, L; Thissen, R; Moynier, F; Moran, S; He, C; Horst, S; Vinogradoff, V; Piani, L; Bekaert, DV; Naraoka, H; Tachibana, S; Remusat, L

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Mikouchi, T; Yoshida, H; Nakamura, T; Zolensky, ME; Nakashima, D; Hagiya, K; Kikuiri, M; Morita, T; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Meshik, A; Pravdivtseva, O; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Hertkorn, N; Harir, M; Lucio, M; Naraoka, H

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    King, AJ; Russell, SS; Nakamura, T; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Bridges, JC; Hicks, LJ; Noguchi, T; Matsumoto, T; Miyake, A; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Broadley, MW; Byrne, DJ; Füri, E; Marty, B; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Krietsch, D; Busemann, H; Riebe, MEI; Maden, C; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Tachibana, S; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Crowther, SA; Lawton, TP; Clay, PL; Fawcett, L; Cowpe, J; Gilmour, JD; Okazaki, R; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Naraoka, H; Yabuta, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    De Gregorio, BT; Cody, GD; Stroud, RM; Kilcoyne, ALD; Sandford, S; Nittler, LR; Barosch, J; Yabuta, H; Kebukawa, Y; Okumura, T; Hashiguchi, M; Yamashita, S; Takeichi, Y; Takahashi, Y; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Bejach, L; Engrand, C; Duprat, J; Dartois, E; Mathurin, J; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Rividi, N; Sandt, C; Borondics, F; Troadec, D; Nakamura, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yabuta, H; Noguchi, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Nakamura, T; Matsumoto, M; Amano, K; Enokido, Y; Zolensky, M; Mikouchi, T; Genda, H; Tanaka, S; Zolotov, Y; Kurosawa, K; Wakita, S; Hyodo, R; Nagano, H; Nakashima, D; Takahashi, Y; Fujioka, Y; Kikuiri, M; Kagawa, E; Matsuoka, M; Brearley, AJ; Tsuchiyama, A; Uesugi, M; Matsuno, J; Kimura, Y; Sato, M; Milliken, RE; Tatsumi, E; Sugita, S; Hiroi, T; Kitazato, K; Brownlee, D; Joswiak, DJ; Takahashi, M; Ninomiya, K; Takahashi, T; Osawa, T; Terada, K; Brenker, FE; Tkalcec, BJ; Vincze, L; Brunetto, R; Aleon-Toppani, A; Chan, Q; Roskosz, M; Viennet, JC; Beck, P; Alp, E; Michikami, I; Nagaashi, Y; Tsuji, T; Ino, Y; Martinez, J; Han, J; Dolocan, A; Bodnar, RJ; Tanaka, M; Yoshida, H; Sugiyama, K; King, AJ; Fukushi, K; Suga, H; Yamashita, S; Kawai, T; Inoue, K; Nakato, A; Noguchi, T; Vilas, F; Hendrix, AR; Jaramillo, C; Domingue, DL; Dominguez, G; Gainsforth, Z; Engrand, C; Duprat, J; Russell, SS; Bonato, E; Ma, C; Kawamoto, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Yabuta, H; Cody, GD; Engrand, C; Kebukawa, Y; De Gregorio, B; Bonal, L; Remusat, L; Stroud, R; Quirico, E; Nittler, LR; Hashiguchi, M; Komatsu, M; Dartois, E; Mathurin, J; Duprat, J; Okumura, T; Takahashi, Y; Takeichi, Y; Kilcoyne, D; Yamashita, S; Dazzi, A; Deniset-Besseau, A; Sandford, S; Mar-Tins, Z; Tamenori, Y; Ohigashi, T; Suga, H; Wakabayashi, D; Verdier-Paoletti, M; Mostefaoui, S; Monta-Gnac, G; Barosch, J; Kamide, K; Shigenaka, M; Bejach, L; Vitale, S; Aoki, D; Fukushima, K; Sugita, S; Yumoto, K; Sugimoto, N; Noguchi, T; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Okazaki, R; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Dionnet, Z; Aléon-Toppani, A; Brunetto, R; Rubino, S; Nakamura, T; Baklouti, D; Djouadi, Z; Lantz, C; Mivumbi, O; Borondics, F; Héripré, E; Troadec, D; Tsuchiyama-, A; Matsuno, J; Matsumoto, M; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Yurimoto, H; Noguchi, T; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sa-Kamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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    Tsuchiyama, A; Matsumoto, M; Matsuno, J; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Yasutake, M; Uesugi, K; Takeuchi, A; Miyake, A; Okumura, S; Enju, S; Mitsukawa, I; Fujioka, Y; Sun, M; Takigawa, A; Enokido, Y; Kawamoto, T; Morita, T; Kikuiri, M; Amano, K; Kagawa, E; Matsumoto, T; Nakano, N; Rubino, S; Nakano, T; Yurimoto, H; Okazaki, R; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Sakamoto, K; Tachibana, S; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   57   2022.8   ISSN:1086-9379 eISSN:1945-5100

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  • Synthesis of Amino Acids from Aldehydes and Ammonia: Implications for Organic Reactions in Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies

    Koga, T; Naraoka, H

    ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY   6 ( 5 )   1311 - 1320   2022.5   ISSN:2472-3452

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    Publisher:ACS Earth and Space Chemistry  

    The Strecker cyanohydrin synthesis is a known mechanism for the formation of amino acids from aldehydes, ammonia, and cyanide. An alternative mechanism for amino acid synthesis called the ammonia-involved formose-like reaction uses aldehydes and ammonia, and it has been demonstrated to explain the amino acid distributions in carbonaceous meteorites. In this study, experiments were performed to synthesize amino acids from 13C-labeled aldehydes and ammonia and to investigate the detailed formation pathways of the formose-like reaction. The effects of the initial aldehyde compositions and free oxygen on the reaction were also examined. The production of amino acids, including glycine, significantly increased in the air compared to in a nitrogen atmosphere, which indicates that oxygen in the air promotes amino acid synthesis. A precursor compound of glycine was identified as N-oxalylglycine, and it can be synthesized from ammonia and glyoxylic acid produced by the oxidation of glycolaldehyde. This formation mechanism indicates that the oxidation of aldehydes is crucial for amino acid synthesis by the formose-like reaction. Based on the formation pathway of glycine via N-oxalylglycine, α-, β-, and γ-oxo acids can be hypothesized to react with ammonia to produce the various structural isomers of amino acids found in carbonaceous chondrites, including α-, β-, and γ-hydroxy amino acids.

    DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00008

    Web of Science


  • Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites

    Oba, Y; Takano, Y; Furukawa, Y; Koga, T; Glavin, DP; Dworkin, JP; Naraoka, H

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   13 ( 1 )   2008   2022.4   eISSN:2041-1723

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    Language:English   Publisher:Nature Communications  

    The lack of pyrimidine diversity in meteorites remains a mystery since prebiotic chemical models and laboratory experiments have predicted that these compounds can also be produced from chemical precursors found in meteorites. Here we report the detection of nucleobases in three carbonaceous meteorites using state-of-the-art analytical techniques optimized for small-scale quantification of nucleobases down to the range of parts per trillion (ppt). In addition to previously detected purine nucleobases in meteorites such as guanine and adenine, we identify various pyrimidine nucleobases such as cytosine, uracil, and thymine, and their structural isomers such as isocytosine, imidazole-4-carboxylic acid, and 6-methyluracil, respectively. Given the similarity in the molecular distribution of pyrimidines in meteorites and those in photon-processed interstellar ice analogues, some of these derivatives could have been generated by photochemical reactions prevailing in the interstellar medium and later incorporated into asteroids during solar system formation. This study demonstrates that a diversity of meteoritic nucleobases could serve as building blocks of DNA and RNA on the early Earth.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29612-x

    Web of Science



  • Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites Reviewed International journal

    Oba Yasuhiro, Takano Yoshinori, Furukawa Yoshihiro, Koga Toshiki, Glavin Daniel P., Dworkin Jason P., Naraoka Hiroshi

    Nature Communications   13   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29612-x

  • Pebbles and sand on asteroid (162173) Ryugu: In situ observation and particles returned to Earth

    Tachibana, S; Sawada, H; Okazaki, R; Takano, Y; Sakamoto, K; Miura, YN; Okamoto, C; Yano, H; Yamanouchi, S; Michel, P; Zhang, Y; Schwartz, S; Thuillet, F; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Tsuchiyama, A; Imae, N; Kurosawa, K; Nakamura, AM; Ogawa, K; Sugita, S; Morota, T; Honda, R; Kameda, S; Tatsumi, E; Cho, Y; Yoshioka, K; Yokota, Y; Hayakawa, M; Matsuoka, M; Sakatani, N; Yamada, M; Kouyama, T; Suzuki, H; Honda, C; Yoshimitsu, T; Kubota, T; Demura, H; Yada, T; Nishimura, M; Yogata, K; Nakato, A; Yoshitake, M; Suzuki, AI; Furuya, S; Hatakeda, K; Miyazaki, A; Kumagai, K; Okada, T; Abe, M; Usui, T; Ireland, TR; Fujimoto, M; Yamada, T; Arakawa, M; Connolly, HC; Fujii, A; Hasegawa, S; Hirata, N; Hirose, C; Hosoda, S; Iijima, Y; Ikeda, H; Ishiguro, M; Ishihara, Y; Iwata, T; Kikuchi, S; Kitazato, K; Lauretta, DS; Libourel, G; Marty, B; Matsumoto, K; Michikami, T; Mimasu, Y; Miura, A; Mori, O; Nakamura-Messenger, K; Namiki, N; Nguyen, AN; Nittler, LR; Noda, H; Noguchi, R; Ogawa, N; Ono, G; Ozaki, M; Senshu, H; Shimada, T; Shimaki, Y; Shirai, K; Soldini, S; Takahashi, T; Takei, Y; Takeuchi, H; Tsukizaki, R; Wada, K; Yamamoto, Y; Yoshikawa, K; Yumoto, K; Zolensky, ME; Nakazawa, S; Terui, F; Tanaka, S; Saiki, T; Yoshikawa, M; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    SCIENCE   375 ( 6584 )   1011 - +   2022.3   ISSN:0036-8075 eISSN:1095-9203

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science  

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft investigated the C-type (carbonaceous) asteroid (162173) Ryugu. The mission performed two landing operations to collect samples of surface and subsurface material, the latter exposed by an artificial impact. We present images of the second touchdown site, finding that ejecta from the impact crater was present at the sample location. Surface pebbles at both landing sites show morphological variations ranging from rugged to smooth, similar to Ryugu’s boulders, and shapes from quasi-spherical to flattened. The samples were returned to Earth on 6 December 2020. We describe the morphology of >5 grams of returned pebbles and sand. Their diverse color, shape, and structure are consistent with the observed materials of Ryugu; we conclude that they are a representative sample of the asteroid.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abj8624

    Web of Science



  • Preliminary analysis of the Hayabusa2 samples returned from C-type asteroid Ryugu

    Yada, T; Abe, M; Okada, T; Nakato, A; Yogata, K; Miyazaki, A; Hatakeda, K; Kumagai, K; Nishimura, M; Hitomi, Y; Soejima, H; Yoshitake, M; Iwamae, A; Furuya, S; Uesugi, M; Karouji, Y; Usui, T; Hayashi, T; Yamamoto, D; Fukai, R; Sugita, S; Cho, Y; Yumoto, K; Yabe, Y; Bibring, JP; Pilorget, C; Hamm, V; Brunetto, R; Riu, L; Lourit, L; Loizeau, D; Lequertier, G; Moussi-Soffys, A; Tachibana, S; Sawada, H; Okazaki, R; Takano, Y; Sakamoto, K; Miura, YN; Yano, H; Ireland, TR; Yamada, T; Fujimoto, M; Kitazato, K; Namiki, N; Arakawa, M; Hirata, N; Yurimoto, H; Nakamura, T; Noguchi, T; Yabuta, H; Naraoka, H; Ito, M; Nakamura, E; Uesugi, K; Kobayashi, K; Michikami, T; Kikuchi, H; Hirata, N; Ishihara, Y; Matsumoto, K; Noda, H; Noguchi, R; Shimaki, Y; Shirai, K; Ogawa, K; Wada, K; Senshu, H; Yamamoto, Y; Morota, T; Honda, R; Honda, C; Yokota, Y; Matsuoka, M; Sakatani, N; Tatsumi, E; Miura, A; Yamada, M; Fujii, A; Hirose, C; Hosoda, S; Ikeda, H; Iwata, T; Kikuchi, S; Mimasu, Y; Mori, O; Ogawa, N; Ono, G; Shimada, T; Soldini, S; Takahashi, T; Takei, Y; Takeuchi, H; Tsukizaki, R; Yoshikawa, K; Terui, F; Nakazawa, S; Tanaka, S; Saiki, T; Yoshikawa, M; Watanabe, S; Tsuda, Y

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   6 ( 2 )   214 - +   2022.2   ISSN:2397-3366

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    Publisher:Nature Astronomy  

    C-type asteroids1 are considered to be primitive small Solar System bodies enriched in water and organics, providing clues to the origin and evolution of the Solar System and the building blocks of life. C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu has been characterized by remote sensing2–7 and on-asteroid measurements8,9 with Hayabusa2 (ref. 10). However, the ground truth provided by laboratory analysis of returned samples is invaluable to determine the fine properties of asteroids and other planetary bodies. We report preliminary results of analyses on returned samples from Ryugu of the particle size distribution, density and porosity, spectral properties and textural properties, and the results of a search for Ca–Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules. The bulk sample mainly consists of rugged and smooth particles of millimetre to submillimetre size, confirming that the physical and chemical properties were not altered during the return from the asteroid. The power index of its size distribution is shallower than that of the surface boulder observed on Ryugu11, indicating differences in the returned Ryugu samples. The average of the estimated bulk densities of Ryugu sample particles is 1,282 ± 231 kg m−3, which is lower than that of meteorites12, suggesting a high microporosity down to the millimetre scale, extending centimetre-scale estimates from thermal measurements5,9. The extremely dark optical to near-infrared reflectance and spectral profile with weak absorptions at 2.7 and 3.4 μm imply a carbonaceous composition with indigenous aqueous alteration, matching the global average of Ryugu3,4 and confirming that the sample is representative of the asteroid. Together with the absence of submillimetre CAIs and chondrules, these features indicate that Ryugu is most similar to CI chondrites but has lower albedo, higher porosity and more fragile characteristics.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-021-01550-6

    Web of Science


  • Characterization and significance of a family of urea molecules in carbonaceous meteorites by high performance liquid chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry

    Koga Toshiki, Takano Yoshinori, Oba Yasuhiro, Furukawa Yoshihiro, Naraoka Hiroshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   2   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  

    <p>Urea (CH4N2O), which behaves as a solid and a molten solvent, is an important carbon and nitrogen-containing precursor molecule. Due to technical limitations, a detailed analysis of urea and a family of urea molecules by on-line mass spectrometry has been untested. In this study, we aimed to clarify the distribution of urea molecules in representative carbonaceous meteorites and performed highly accurate identification and quantification of urea molecular groups by high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC/HRMS) with an optimized pretreatment method. Urea and its alkyl homologues were identified in the Murchison meteorite by comparison with standards, and were detected up to a maximum carbon number of C12. These diverse urea alkyl homologues are not observed in terrestrial materials, indicating an extraterrestrial origin; the abundance of urea in the Murchison meteorite is >100 g/g (several g/g for amino acids), suggesting that urea may serve as both an organic nitrogen storage and As a storage and source of organic nitrogen, urea may have played an important role in the chemical evolution of the extraterrestrial and early Earth.</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_2

    CiNii Research

  • Comparison of reduction power between serpentine and saponite based on oxidation analysis of Fe in Ryugu

    Kawai Takahro, Enokido Yuma, Nakamura Tomoki, Yamashita Shohei, Fukushi Keisuke, Yabuta Hikaru, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Noguchi Takaaki, Okazaki Ryuji, Naraoka Hiroshi, Tachibana Shogo, Sakamoto Kanako, Watanabe Sei―ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi, Takahashi Yoshio

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   106   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  

    <p>In mineral alteration processes in reducing hydrothermal environments such as the Central Ridge and subduction zones, much work has been done on the generation of hydrogen associated with the oxidation of divalent iron (Fe(II)) (e.g., McCollom and Bach, 2009), and the Fischer-Tropsch type reaction (carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce aliphatic organic carbons such as methane) as a nonbiological organic matter formation process (e.g., Sforna et al., 2018). Similar arguments have been made for carbonaceous chondrites with similar mineral compositions, for example (e.g., Glein and Zolotov). As for the Fe(II)-associated reactions, the formation of magnetite from olivine has been considered important from the beginning, but it has been noted that oxidation reactions that Fe(II) undergoes at lower temperatures in the structure of layered silicates (serpentinite, saponite), once formed, contribute to the same extent (Andreani et al. 2013). On the other hand, the Fe(II)/Fetotal ratio in the structure of 2:1-type layered silicates (e.g., smectite) decreases with increasing Eh over a wide Eh range, but the changing Eh range has been shown to be mineral dependent (Gorski et al., 2013). Samples from the C-type asteroid Ryuguu brought back by Hayabusa2 indicate that Ryuguu experienced water alteration in the early solar system and that there was coevolution of minerals and organic matter associated with water alteration. Quantifying the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio in layered silicates from Ryuguu, which, unlike carbonaceous chondrites, are unaffected by terrestrial weathering, will provide important information for studying the reducing effects of layered silicates within the asteroid. In this study, the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratios of layered silicates in Ryuguu were investigated by analyzing them with a scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) without the influence of the oxidative Earth atmosphere.</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_106

    CiNii Research

  • In-situ oxygen and manganese-chromium isotope studies of Ryugu: Implications to temperature and timing of aqueous activity

    Nagashima Kazuhide, Kawasaki Noriyuki, Sakamoto Naoya, Nakamura Tomoki, Noguchi Takaaki, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kanako, Watanabe Sei―ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi, Tachibana Shogo, Yurimoto Hisayoshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   107   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_107

    CiNii Research

  • Spatial distribution of soluble organic compounds and its relationship with minerals in the asteroid Ryugu.

    Hashiguchi Minako, Aoki Dan, Fukushima Kazuhiko, Naraoka Hiroshi, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Nakamura Tomoki, Noguchi Takaaki, Okazaki Ryuji, Yabuta Hikaru, Sakamoto Kanako, Tachibana Shogo, Watanabe Sei―ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   104   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_104

    CiNii Research

  • Organic matter in Ryugu vs. carbonaceous chondrites: IR spectroscopic perspectives

    Kebukawa Yoko, Dartois Emmanuel, Quirico Eric, Bonal Lydie, Engrand Cecile, Duprat Jean, Mathurin Jeremie, Dazzi Alexandre, Deniset―Besseau Ariane, Yabuta Hikaru, Yurimoto Hisayoshi, Nakamura Tomoki, Noguchi Takaaki, Okazaki Ryuji, Naraoka Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kanako, Tachibana Shogo, Watanabe Sei―ichiro, Tsuda Yuichi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   103   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  

    <p>As a part of the organic macromolecule subteam, infrared absorption spectra from the intact Ryugu particles and extracted insoluble organic matter (IOM) were obtained using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy, to understand the nature of organic matter in Ryugu. Both in the case of intact particles and extracted IOM, the IR absorption spectra of chamber A and chamber C were almost identical, but some local heterogeneity exists. The Ryugu IOM had the highest CH2/CH3 with the highest aliphatic CH/aromatic C=C ratios compared to unheated chondritic IOM. We also observed possible N-H features in the Ryugu IOM. Such characteristics of Ryugu organic matter might indicate freshness of the Ryugu particles, which is not preserved in carbonaceous chondrites.</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_103

    CiNii Research

  • Thermal activities traced by microbial tetraethers in the Mt. Iwo-Yama geothermal region.

    Kitajima Fumio, Hayashida Aoi, Maeda Shota, Ishibashi Jun―ichiro, Naraoka Hiroshi, Ohta Natsumi, Matsushima Takeshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   207   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.69.0_207

    CiNii Research

  • Extraterrestrial hydroxy amino acids in CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites Reviewed International journal

    Koga Toshiki, Parker Eric T., McLain Hannah L., Aponte Jose C., Elsila Jamie E., Dworkin Jason P., Glavin Daniel P., Naraoka Hiroshi

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   56   1005 - 1023   2021.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi:10.1111/maps.13661

  • Interactions between organic compounds and olivine under aqueous conditions: A potential role for organic distribution in carbonaceous chondrites. Reviewed International journal

    #Muneishi, K., @Naraoka, H.

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   56   195 - 205   2021.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi: 10.1111/maps.13614

  • Extraterrestrial hexamethylenetetramine in meteorites-a precursor of prebiotic chemistry in the inner solar system. Reviewed International journal

    Oba, Y., Takano, Y., @Naraoka, H., Furukawa, Y., Glavin, D. P., Dworkin, J. P. and Tachibana, S.

    Nature Communications   11   6243 (8pp)   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20038-x

  • Precometary organic matter: A hidden reservoir of water inside the snow line. Reviewed International journal

    H. Nakano, N. Hirakawa, Y. Matsubara, S. Yamashita, T. Okuchi, K. Asahina, R. Tanaka, N. Suzuki, H. Naraoka, Y. Takano, S. Tachibana, T. Hama, Y. Oba, Y. Kimura, N. Watanabe N. and A. Kouchi

    Scientific Reports   10   7755   2020.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64815-6

  • Three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of chiral amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites. Invited Reviewed International journal

    A. Furusho, T. Akita, M. Mita, H. Naraoka, K. Hamase

    Journal of Chromatography A   1625   461255 (8pp)   2020.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461255

  • Simultaneous total analysis of core and polar membrane lipids in archaea by high-performance liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry coupled with heated electrospray ionization Reviewed

    Shunsuke Horai, Noriaki Yamauchi, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry   33 ( 20 )   1571 - 1577   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8506

  • New applications of high-resolution analytical methods to study trace organic compounds in extraterrestrial materials Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Minako Hashiguchi, Yu Sato, Kenji Hamase

    Life   9 ( 3 )   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3390/life9030062

  • Nucleobase synthesis in interstellar ices Invited Reviewed International journal

    Yasuhiro Oba, Yoshinori Takano, Hiroshi Naraoka, Naoki Watanabe, Akira Kouchi

    Nature Communications   ( 10 )   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12404-1

  • Profiling murchison soluble organic matter for new organic compounds with APPI- and ESI-FT-ICR MS Reviewed

    Jasmine Hertzog, Hiroshi Naraoka, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin

    Life   9 ( 2 )   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3390/life9020048

  • Further characterization of carbonaceous materials in Hayabusa-returned samples to understand their origin Reviewed

    Masayuki Uesugi, Motoo Ito, Hikaru Yabuta, Hiroshi Naraoka, Fumio Kitajima, Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Mita, Yoko Kebukawa, Aiko Nakato, Yuzuru Karouji

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   54 ( 3 )   638 - 666   2019.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/maps.13236

  • Distinct distribution of soluble N-heterocyclic compounds between CM and CR chondrites Reviewed International journal

    @H. Naraoka, @M. Hashiguchi

    Geochemical Journal   53   33 - 40   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi:10.2343/geochemj.2.0546

  • Ultraviolet-photon fingerprints on chondritic large organic molecules Reviewed

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   53 ( 1 )   21 - 32   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0544

  • Bulk chemical characteristics of soluble polar organic molecules formed through condensation of formaldehyde Comparison with soluble organic molecules in Murchison meteorite Reviewed

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   53 ( 1 )   41 - 51   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0551

  • High-mass resolution molecular imaging of organic compounds on the surface of Murchison meteorite Reviewed International journal

    @M. Hashiguchi, @H. Naraoka

    Meteorites and Planetary Science   54   452 - 468   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi: 10.1111/maps.13211

  • In situ organic compound analysis on a meteorite surface by desorption electrospray ionization coupled with an Orbitrap mass spectrometer Reviewed International journal

    H. Naraoka, M.Hashiguchi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8121

  • Molecular evolution of N-containing cyclic compounds in the parent body of the Murchison meteorite Reviewed International journal

    H. Naraoka, #Y. Yamashita, @M. Yamaguchi, @F. R. Orthous-Daunay

    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry   1   540 - 550   2017.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Deuterium fractionation upon the formation of hexamethylenetetramines through photochemical reactions of interstellar ice analogs containing deuterated methanol isotopologues Reviewed International journal

    @Y. Oba, @Y. Takano, H. Naraoka, @A. Kouchi, @N. Watanabe

    Astrophysical Journal   849   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa8ea5

  • Formation of diastereoisomeric piperazine-2,5-dione from DL-alanine in the presence of olivine and water Reviewed International journal

    @S. Fuchida, H. Naraoka, @H. Masuda

    Origin Life Evol. Biosphe   47   83 - 92   2017.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A new family of extraterrestrial amino acids in the Murchison meteorite Invited Reviewed International journal

    #T. Koga, H. Naraoka

    Scientific Reports   7   2017.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00693-9

  • ToF-SIMS analysis of carbonaceous particles in the sample catcher of the Hayabusa mission. Invited Reviewed International journal

    Naraoka, H., @Aoki, D., @Fukushima, K., @Uesugi, M., @Ito, M., Kitajima, F., @Mita, @H., @Yabuta, H., @Takano, Y., @Yada, T., @Ishibashi, Y., @Karouji, Y., @Okada, T. and @Abe, M.

    Earth, Planets and Space   67   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40623-015-0224-0

  • Two homologous sereis of alkylpyridines in the Murchison meteorite. Reviewed International journal

    #Yohei Yamashita, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Geochem. J.   48   519 - 525   2014.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Distribution and isotopic signatures of archaeal lipid biomarkers associated with gas hydrate occurrences on the northern Cascadia Margin Reviewed International journal

    Masanori Kaneko, Naraoka Hiroshi, Yoshinori Takano, Naohiko Ohkouchi

    Chemical Geology   343   76 - 84   2013.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Domain-level identification and quantification of relative prokaryotic cell abundance in microbial communities by Micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Reviewed International journal

    ( 4 )   42 - 49   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Late Permian to Early Triassic environmental changes in the Panthalassic Ocean: Record from the seamount-associated deep-marine siliceous rocks, central Japan. Reviewed International journal

    Sano Hiroyoshi, T. Wada, Naraoka Hiroshi

    Palaeogeogra. Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol.   363   1 - 10   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Paleohydrographic influences on Permian radiolarians in the Lamar limestone, Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, elucidated by organic biomarkers and stable isotope geochemistry. Reviewed International journal

    Palaios   26   2011.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Extreme oxygen isotope anomaly with a solar origin detected in meteoritic organics. Reviewed International journal

    K. Hashizume, N. Takahata, H. Naraoka and Y. Sano

    Nature Geoscience   4   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Stable hydrogen isotope measurement of archaeol ether-bound hydrocarbons. Reviewed International journal

    M. Kaneko, F. Kitajima and H. Naraoka

    Organic Geochemistry   42   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Vertical carbon isotope change in acetate in a surface sediment from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Res. Org. Geochem. 26, 73-79. Reviewed

    M. Kaneko, Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Researches in Organic Geochemistry   26   2010.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Chemical and isotopic signature of bulk organic matter and hydrocarbon biomarkers within mid-slope accretionary sediments of the northern Cascadia margin gas hydrate system. Reviewed International journal

    275   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • δ13C- δD distribution of lipid biomarkers in a microbial mat from a hot spring in Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan. Reviewed International journal

    41   2010.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2009.11.008

  • Elemental and isotope behavior of macromolecular organic matter from CM chondrites during hydrous pyrolysis. Reviewed International journal

    Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Meteoritics Planet. Sci.   44   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A multi-isotope study of deep-sea mussels at three different hydrothermal vent sites in the northwestern Pacific Reviewed International journal

    H. Naraoka, T. Naito, T. Yamanaka, U. Tsunogai and K. Fujikura

    Chemical Geology   2008.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation of low-molecular-weight organic compounds during ultraviolet degradation. Reviewed International journal

    Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Organic Geochemistry   2008.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • δ13C and δD relationships among three n-alkyl compound classes (n-alkanoic acid, n-alkane and n-alkanol) of terrestrial higher plants. Reviewed International journal


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation of acetic acid during degradation by ultraviolet light. Reviewed

    Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Geochemical Journal   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Carbon isotopic composition of acetic acid generated by hydrous pyrolysis of macromolecular organic matter from the Murchison meteorite. Reviewed International journal

    Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Meteoritics Planet. Sci.   2006.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Site-specific carbon isotope analysis of aromatic carboxylic acids by elemental analysis/pyrolysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Reviewed International journal

    Y. Oba and H. Naraoka

    Rapid Commun. Mass Spec.   2006.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Compound-specific δ13C- δD analysis of lipid molecules in a plant-soil system. Reviewed International journal


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Carbon isotope fractionation during degradation of benzene, trichloroethene, and tetrachloroethene under ultraviolet light. Reviewed

    S. R. Poulson and H. Naraoka

    Geochem. J.   2006.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Chemical and biological evolution of early Earth: Constraints from banded iron formations. Invited Reviewed International journal

    H. Ohmoto, Y. Watanabe, K. E. Yamaguchi, H. Naraoka, M. Haruna, T. Kakegawa, K.-I. Hayashi and Y. Kato

    The Geological Society of America Memoir   2006.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments. Reviewed International journal

    Y. Chikaraishi, Y. Yamada and H. Naraoka

    Limnology and Oceanography   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Solid-state 13C NMR characterization of insoluble organic matter from Antarctic CM2 chondrites: Evaluation of the meteoritic alteration level Reviewed International journal

    H. Yabuta, H. Naraoka, K. Sakanishi and H. Kawashima

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • δ13C and δD identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan) Reviewed International journal


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A chemical sequence of macromolecular organic matter in the CM chondrites Reviewed International journal

    H. Naraoka, H. Mita, M. Komiya, S. Yoneda, H. Kojima and A. Shimoyama

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   2004.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Thermodynamic behavior of stable carbon isotopic compositions of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derived from automobiles Reviewed

    Tomoaki Okuda, Hideshige Takada, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds   23 ( 2 )   219 - 236   2003.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/10406630308060

  • Geochemical and organic carbon isotope studies across the continental Permo-Triassic boundary of Raniganj Basin, eastern India Reviewed

    A. Sarkar, H. Yoshioka, M. Ebihara, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology   191 ( 1 )   1 - 14   2003.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0031-0182(02)00636-3

  • Compound-specific δD-δ13C analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants Reviewed

    63 ( 3 )   361 - 371   2003.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes were determined for various terrestrial plants (33 samples including 27 species) and aquatic plants (six species) in natural environments from Japan and Thailand. In C3 plants, n-alkanes extracted from angiosperms have a δD value of -152 ± 26‰ (relative to Standard Mean Ocean Water [SMOW]) and δ13C value of -36.1 ± 2.7‰ (relative to Peedde Belemnite [PDB]), and those from gymnosperms have a δD value of -149 ± 16‰ and δ13C value of -31.6 ± 1.7‰. Angiosperms have n-alkanes depleted in 13C relative to gymnosperms. n-Alkanes from C4 plants have a δD value of -171 ± 12‰ and δ13C value of -20.5 ± 2.1‰, being a little depleted in D and much enriched in 13C compared to C3 plants. n-Alkanes of CAM plants are a little depleted in D and vary widely in δ13C relative to those of C3 and C4 plants. In aquatic plants, n-alkanes from freshwater plants have a δD value of -187 ± 16‰ and δ13C value of -25.3 ± 1.9‰, and those from seaweeds have a δD value of -155 ± 34‰ and δ13C value of -22.8 ± 1.0‰. All n-alkanes from various plant classes are more depleted in D and 13C relative to environmental water and bulk tissue, respectively. In addition, the hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations during n-alkane synthesis are distinctive for these various plant classes. While C3 plants have smaller isotopic fractionations in both D and 13C, seaweed has larger isotopic fractionations.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0031-9422(02)00749-5

  • Glacial-interglacial changes in organic carbon, nitrogen and sulfur accumulation in Lake Baikal sediment over the past 250 kyr Reviewed

    T. Watanabe, Hiroshi Naraoka, M. Nishimura, M. Kinoshita, T. Kawai

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   37 ( 4 )   493 - 502   2003.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.37.493

  • Origin of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Chinese cities solved by compound-specific stable carbon isotopic analyses Reviewed

    Tomoaki Okuda, Hidetoshi Kumata, Hiroshi Naraoka, Hideshige Takada

    Organic Geochemistry   33 ( 12 )   1737 - 1745   2002.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6380(02)00180-8

  • Carbon isotope fractionation during permanganate oxidation of chlorinated ethylenes (cDCE, TCE, PCE) Reviewed

    Simon R. Poulson, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Environmental Science and Technology   36 ( 15 )   3270 - 3274   2002.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1021/es0205380

  • Vertical distributions and δ13C isotopic compositions of PAHs in Chidorigafuchi Moat sediment, Japan Reviewed

    33 ( 7 )   843 - 848   2002.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Compound-specific carbon isotope analysis and molecular composition analysis were performed on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) extracted from a dated 50 cm sediment core from the Chidorigafuchi Moat, Japan. δ13C values ranged from -23.0 to -26.9‰ for individual PAHs, and ranged from -24.0 to -25.5‰ for the weighted average of PAHs at different core depths. Whilst total PAH concentrations showed a distinct maximum at around the year 1960, δ13C values did not show a statistically significant feature in the corresponding section of the core. Indeed, there was little correlation (r2=0.12, P=0.19) between ΣPAH and δ13C throughout the core. PAHs in surface sediment (ca 0-8 cm) were characterised by a significantly higher benzo(ghi)perylene to indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ratio (t-test, P<0.025) and heavier δ13C values (P<0.015) than lower sections in the core. This suggests that PAHs sedimented after 1990 were more strongly influenced by PAHs fromautomotive exhausts. This preliminary study suggests that a two-dimensional analysis of both the molecular and isotopic compositions of PAHs may be useful in obtaining a more detailed source identification of organic pollutants in environmental samples.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6380(02)00031-1

  • Source identification of Malaysian atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons nearby forest fires using molecular and isotopic compositions Reviewed

    Tomoaki Okuda, Hidetoshi Kumata, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, Hiroshi Naraoka, Ryoshi Ishiwatari, Hideshige Takada

    Atmospheric Environment   36 ( 4 )   611 - 618   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00506-4

  • Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways Reviewed

    Y. Chikaraishi, Hiroshi Naraoka

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   35 ( 6 )   451 - 458   2001.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.35.451

  • Isotopic evidence from an Antarctic carbonaceous chondrite for two reaction pathways of extraterrestrial PAH formation Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Akira Shimoyama, Kaoru Harada

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters   184 ( 1 )   1 - 7   2000.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00316-2

  • Molecular and isotopic abundances of long-chain n-fatty acids in open marine sediments of the western North Pacific Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Ryoshi Ishiwatari

    Chemical Geology   165 ( 1-2 )   23 - 36   2000.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00159-X

  • Molecular-isotopic stratigraphy of long-chain n-alkanes in Lake Baikal Holocene and glacial age sediments Reviewed

    David Brincat, Keita Yamada, Ryoshi Ishiwatari, Hitoshi Uemura, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Organic Geochemistry   31 ( 4 )   287 - 294   2000.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6380(99)00164-3

  • Carbon isotopic composition of sterols in geochemical samples Reviewed

    K. Matsumoto, K. Yamada, Hiroshi Naraoka, R. Ishiwatari

    Geochemical Journal   34 ( 6 )   429 - 438   2000.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.34.429

  • Recent sedimentary hopanoids in the northwestern Pacific alongside the Japanese Islands - Their concentrations and carbon isotopic compositions Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Keita Yamada, Ryoshi Ishiwatari

    Organic Geochemistry   31 ( 10 )   1023 - 1029   2000.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6380(00)00112-1

  • Laser microprobe technique for stable carbon isotope analyses of organic carbon in sedimentary rocks Reviewed

    Yu Liu, Hiroshi Naraoka, Ken Ichiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Ohmoto

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   34 ( 3 )   195 - 205   2000.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.34.195

  • Organic molecular and carbon isotopic records of the Japan Sea over the past 30 kyr Reviewed

    R. Ishiwatari, K. Yamada, K. Matsumoto, M. Houtatsu, Hiroshi Naraoka

    Paleoceanography   14 ( 2 )   260 - 270   1999.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1029/1998PA900014

  • Molecular distribution of monocarboxylic acids in Asuka carbonaceous chondrites from Antarctica Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Akira Shimoyama, Kaoru Harada

    Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere   29 ( 2 )   187 - 201   1999.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1006547127028

  • Carbon isotopic compositions of individual long-chain n-fatty acids and n-alkanes in sediments from river to open ocean Multiple origins for their occurrence Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Ryoshi Ishiwatari

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   33 ( 4 )   215 - 235   1999.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.33.215

  • Carbon isotopic compositions of Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites with relevance to the alteration and existence of organic matter Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Akira Shimoyama, Osamu Matsubaya, Kaoru Harada

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   31 ( 3 )   155 - 168   1997.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.31.155

  • δ13C records of diploptene in the Japan Sea sediments over the past 25 kyr Reviewed

    31 ( 5 )   315 - 321   1997.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Stable carbon isotopic compositions were determined for diploptene in the sediment core KH-79-3, L-3 (core length: 235 cm) taken from the Oki Ridge in the southern part of the Japan Sea. Two major groups of diploptene with different δ13C values were recognized. The first group appears in the 0-130 cm section (present to 10 kyr B.P.) of the core, the δ13C values being -25.0 ± 0.7‰ on average. Diploptene in this section should have originated from cyanobacteria. The second group which is strongly depleted in 13C (-53.1 ± 5.3‰ on average), is observed in the 145-204 cm section (12-21 kyr B.P.). Diploptene in this section might have originated from methanotrophic bacteria. This indicates that an anoxic bottom water condition was developed during 12-21 kyr B.P. (the last glacial period), which was perhaps caused by the development of seawater stratification in the Japan Sea.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.31.315

  • Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur geochemistry of Archean and Proterozoic shales from the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa Reviewed

    Yumiko Watanabe, Hiroshi Naraoka, David J. Wronkiewicz, Kent C. Condie, Hiroshi Ohmoto

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta   61 ( 16 )   3441 - 3459   1997.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00164-6

  • Non-biogenic graphite in 3.8-Ga metamorphic rocks from the Isua district, Greenland Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Makiko Ohtake, Shigenori Maruyama, Hiroshi Ohmoto

    Chemical Geology   133 ( 1-4 )   251 - 260   1996.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(96)00076-9

  • Carbon isotopic difference of saturated long-chain n-fatty acids between a terrestrial and a marine sediment Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Keita Yamada, Ryoshi Ishiwatari

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   29 ( 3 )   189 - 195   1995.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.29.189

  • Analyses of carboxylic acids and hydrocarbons in Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites, Yamato-74662 and Yamato-793321 Reviewed

    Akira Shimoyama, Hiroshi Naraoka, Masatoshi Komiya, Kaoru Harada

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   23 ( 4 )   181 - 193   1989.1

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.23.181

  • Stereochemistry of piperazine-2,5-dione formation by self-condensation of DL-amino acid esters Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Kaoru Harada

    Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1   1557 - 1560   1986.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Formation of bioorganic compounds in aqueous solution induced by plasma Reviewed

    Kaoru Harada, Michiaki Takasaki, Hiroshi Naraoka, Shinya Nomoto

    Origins of Life   14 ( 1-4 )   107 - 114   1984.12

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00933646

  • Formation of bioorganic compounds in aqueous solution induced by flames Reviewed

    Shinya Nomoto, Michiaki Takasaki, Hiroshi Naraoka, Kaoru Harada

    Origins of Life   14 ( 1-4 )   123 - 130   1984.12

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00933648

▼display all


  • 地球化学講座第8巻「地球化学実験法」宇宙物質:有機元素・同位体/有機物を目的として

    奈良岡浩( Role: Joint author)

    培風館  2010.7 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:86-93   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Repository Public URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2324/1001426779

  • 「炭素の辞典」 2.炭素の科学 2.1.3 同位体

    奈良岡浩( Role: Joint translator)

    朝倉書店  2007.7 

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    Responsible for pages:48-60   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Repository Public URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2324/1001319543

  • 地球化学講座4「有機地球化学」第7章、有機分子の同位体組成

    奈良岡浩( Role: Joint author)

    培風館  2004.10 

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    Responsible for pages:201-231   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Repository Public URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2324/1001148216

  • 「太陽・惑星系と地球」(分担)

    奈良岡浩( Role: Joint author)

    共立出版  2019.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

  • 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」 (分担)

    奈良岡 浩( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2012.4 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Late Archean 海洋堆積物の地球化学:酸化還元元素と生元素同位体比の分布 Invited


    日本地質学会第115年学術大会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:秋田大学   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石有機物の水質変成:化学進化に果たす役割 Invited


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • Murchison隕石中の炭酸塩の同位体組成と組織との関係


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • SO2の紫外吸収スペクトルと分解時の同位体分別異常との関係


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • 膜脂質の炭素・水素同位体組成から見たメタンハイドレート濃集域堆積物深部の古細菌活動


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • 日本海の氷期ー間氷期堆積物に含まれる古細菌膜脂質由来のビフィタンの存在度


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • Isotope variation at nanomolar carbonate in the Murchison meteorite International conference

    Shin Tsutsui, Hiroshi Naraoka

    The 71st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society  2008.7 

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    Event date: 2008.7 - 2008.8

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Incorporation of hydrous oxygen into insoluble organic matter (IOM) of Murchison International conference

    Yasuhiro Oba, Hiroshi Naraoka

    The 71st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society  2008.7 

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    Event date: 2008.7 - 2008.8

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Meteorite search in East Antarctica: Beyond the Yamato Mountains International conference

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Hideyasu Kojima

    Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites: Search, Recovery and Classification  2008.7 

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    Event date: 2008.7

    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • δ13C and δD of Archaeal lipids in gas hydrate-bearing deep sediments International conference


     More details

    Event date: 2008.7

    Venue:Vancouver   Country:Canada  

  • Multiple sulfur isotope fractionation of SO2 by UV radiation with narrowly-defined wavelengths International conference

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Simon R. Poulson

    18th Annnual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference  2008.7 

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    Event date: 2008.7


  • Origin of sedimentary organic matter at the Northern Cascadia Margin International conference

    Masanori Kaneko, Hiroshi Naraoka

    2007 AGU Fall Meeting  2007.12 

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    Event date: 2007.12 - 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Northern Cascadia Margin 堆積物における炭化水素の炭素同位体組成とその起源


    日本地球化学会第54回年会  2007.9 

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    Event date: 2007.9 - 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岡山大学津島キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • 種々の炭素質コンドライト中のアミノ酸の同定・定量


    日本地球化学会第54回年会  2007.9 

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    Event date: 2007.9 - 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岡山大学津島キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • 日本海の氷期-間氷期堆積物中バイオマーカーの水素同位体組成


    日本地球化学会第54回年会  2007.9 

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    Event date: 2007.9 - 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岡山大学津島キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • イオウの質量非依存同位体分別と大気進化:SO2の紫外吸収スペクトル


    日本地球化学会第54回年会  2007.9 

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    Event date: 2007.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岡山大学津島キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • Isotopic variations of macromolecular organic matter from CM chondrites during hydrous pyrolysis

    Yasuhiro Oba, Hiroshi Naraoka

    31th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites  2007.6 

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    Event date: 2007.6

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 炭素質コンドライト中の含水鉱物の水素同位体比からみた水質小惑星の分布

    @奈良岡浩, 圦本尚義

    2023年度日本地球化学会第65回年会  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京海洋大学品川キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • Organic ingredients of primordial brines in carbonaceous asteroids International conference

    Naraoka Hiroshi

    Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient & Future Brines Conference  2023.5 

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    Event date: 2023.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Hydrogen isotope distribution of hydrous minerals in carbonaceous chondrites determined by two-step pyrolysis coupled with chromium reduction International conference

    Naraoka Hiroshi and Yurimoto Hisayoshi

    The 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023  2023.3 

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    Event date: 2023.3


    Country:United States  

  • Organic Molecules in the Returned Samples from Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 Mission

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Yoshinori Takano, Jason P. Dworkin, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM team, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis core

    Japan Geoscience Union 2022 Meeting  2022.5 

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    Event date: 2022.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Prebiotic Organic Compounds in a Carbonaceous Asteroid (162173) Ryugu International conference

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Yoshinori Takano, Jason P. Dworkin, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM team, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis core

    Astrobiology Science Conference 2022  2022.5 

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    Event date: 2022.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Soluble organic compounds in Asteroid 162173 Ryugu International conference

    H. Naraoka, Y. Takano, J.P. Dworkin, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis SOM team, The Hayabusa2-initial-analysis core

    The 53th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022  2022.3 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Soluble organic matter (SOM) analysis of the Hayabusa2 samples: The first results International conference

    H. Naraoka, Y. Takano, J.P. Dworkin, K. Hamase, A. Furusho, M. Hashiguchi, K. Fukushima, D. Aoki, Y. Oba, Y. Chikaraishi, S. Sakai, N. O. Ogawa, N. Ohkouchi, T. Yoshimura, T. Koga, H. Sugahara, H. Mita, Y. Furukawa, D. P. Glavin, J. E. Elsila, E. T. Parker, J. C. Aponte, H. L. McLain, H. V. Graham, J. M. Eiler, F.-R. Orthous-Daunay, C. Wolters, V. Vuitton, R. Thissen, J. Isa, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, N. Hertkorn, A. Ruf, H. Yurimoto, T. Nakamura, T. Noguchi, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, K. Sakamoto, S. Tachibana, S. Watanabe and Y. Tsuda

    Hayabusa Symposium 2021  2021.11 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地球外有機化合物の高分解能質量分析 Invited


    第69回質量分析総合討論会  2021.5 

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    Event date: 2021.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  • Organic sulfur chemistry of carbonaceous chondrites International conference

    Solar System Symposium in Sapporo 2020  2020.2 

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    Event date: 2020.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 始原隕石中の炭素クラスターの存在について

    @奈良岡 浩

    2019年度日本地球化学会第63回年会  2019.9 

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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学   Country:Japan  

  • 有機化合物反応時におけるカンラン石の効果


    第37回有機地球化学シンポジウム  2019.8 

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    Event date: 2019.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:金沢市   Country:Japan  

  • Soluble organic matter (SOM) analysis plan of the HAYABUSA2-returned samples International conference

    Naraoka, H., Takano, Y., Dworkin, J. and SOM team

    82th Annual Meeting of Meteoritical Society 2019  2019.7 

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    Event date: 2019.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 宇宙有機分子の超高分解能質量分析と同位体 Invited

    @奈良岡 浩

    第17回同位体科学研究会  2019.3 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:八王子市   Country:Japan  

  • 超高分解能質量分析による宇宙・地球有機化合物の解析

    @奈良岡 浩

    日本地球惑星連合大会2018  2018.5 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉市   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石中の有機金属化合物の存在

    @奈良岡 浩, Orthous-Daunay Francois-Regis

    日本地球惑星連合大会2018  2018.5 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉市   Country:Japan  

  • 炭素質隕石中の可溶性有機化合物の生成過程

    @奈良岡 浩

    2018年度日本地球化学会第62回年会  2018.9 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Ultrahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectral analyses of meteoritic organic compounds International conference

    @H. Naraoka

    3rd Korea-Japan Workshop on Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry  2018.11 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  • Formation mechanism of soluble organic compounds in carbonaceous meteorites Invited International conference

    @H. Naraoka

    American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting  2018.12 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Organosulfur compounds in carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for organic reaction pathways in the meteorite parent bodies International conference


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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 隕石有機物におけるアルキル化環状同族体化合物


    2015年度日本地球化学会第62回年会  2015.9 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:横浜   Country:Japan  

  • Meteoritic organic matter synthesis inferred from aldehydes and ammonia with olivine International conference

    Naraoka, H., #Yamashita, Y., #Koga, T., Ishibashi, Y. and Mita, H.

    Astrobiology Science Conference 2015  2015.6 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Extensive alkylated N-containing cyclic compounds in the Murchison meteorite International conference

    Naraoka, H., #Yamashita, Y. and @Yamaguchi, M.

    Solar-System Symposium 2016  2016.2 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地球外有機化合物の超高分解能HPLC-MSによる解析

    奈良岡 浩

    日本地球惑星連合大会2016  2016.5 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉   Country:Japan  

  • Ultrahigh-resolution analyses of trace organic compounds for planetary materials International conference

    Naraoka, H

    Goldschmidt Conference 2016  2016.6 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Recent technical advances in organic geochemistry: High-resolution mass spectral, chromatographic and spatial analyses Invited International conference

    Naraoka, H.

    Workshop on Biomarkers and Molecular Isotopes  2016.7 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • In-situ organic compound analysis of the meteorite surface by desorption electrospray ionization coupled with an Orbitrap mass spectrometer International conference

    Naraoka, H and Hashiguchi, M.

    79th Annual Meeting of Meteoritical Society 2016  2016.8 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 惑星微量有機化合物の超高分解能・超高感度分析

    奈良岡 浩

    2016年度日本地球化学会第63回年会  2016.9 

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    Event date: 2018.6


    Venue:大阪   Country:Japan  

  • Trace organic compound analyses of micrometer-sized asteroidal materials Invited International conference

    Naraoka, H.

    The 39th Antarctic Meteorite Symposium and the 4th Hayabusa Symposium  2016.11 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Organic compound distribution in asteroidal materials revealed by ultrahigh-resolution mass spectroscopy Invited International conference

    H. Naraoka

    Astrobiology Science Conference 2017  2017.4 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Molecular evolution of N-containing cyclic compounds in carbonaceous asteroids International conference

    H. Naraoka

    International Symposium on Molecular Evolution in Space  2017.6 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Molecular evolution of meteoritic organics revealed by Orbitrap mass spectrometry coupled with chromatography International conference

    H. Naraoka

    Workshop: Mixture Complexity, Data Interpretation  2017.8 

     More details

    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Soluble high molecular N-heterocycles in the CM and CR chondrites International conference

    H. Naraoka, M. Hashiguchi

    Goldschmidt Conference 2017  2017.8 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 古細菌膜脂質のオービトラップ超高分解能質量分析

    奈良岡浩, #宝来俊育, 山内敬明

    第35回有機地球化学シンポジウム  2017.8 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:高知   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石可溶性有機物の化学熱分解/ガスクロマトグラフィー超高分解能質量分析

    奈良岡浩, #横山築, @山本五秋

    2017年度日本地球化学会第62回年会  2017.9 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  • Isotopic and molecular analysis of Antarctic CR chondrites International conference

    H. Naraoka, M. Hashiguchi

    The 40th Antarctic Meteorite Symposium  2017.12 

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    Event date: 2018.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Formose reactions with NH3 prevailing for the synthesis of meteoritic soluble organic matter International conference

    H. Naraoka, #Y. Yamashita, #T. Koga

    XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life  2017.6 

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    Event date: 2017.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • 隕石有機化合物生成におけるオリビン触媒の効果


    日本地球惑星連合大会2015  2015.5 

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    Event date: 2015.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉   Country:Japan  

  • Simulation experiments for meteoritic N-containing cyclic compounds from aldehyde and ammonia with olivine International conference

    The 37th Antarctic Meteorite Symposium  2014.12 

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    Event date: 2014.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 有機宇宙地球化学における液体クロマトグラフィー/超高分解能質量分析の有用性

    奈良岡 浩, 三田 肇, 山下 陽平, 石橋 之宏, 中山 美紀, 山口 美保子

    第32回有機地球化学シンポジウム  2014.11 

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    Event date: 2014.11 - 2011.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:神奈川県湯河原市   Country:Japan  

  • 炭素質コンドライト中の含窒素環状化合物のシミュレーション合成

    山下陽平, 奈良岡 浩, 三田肇

    2014年度日本地球化学会第61回年会  2014.9 

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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:富山   Country:Japan  

  • 地球外有機物の化学進化 Invited

    奈良岡 浩

    2014年度日本地球化学会第61回年会  2014.9 

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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:富山   Country:Japan  

  • 次世代の有機物・生命の地球化学 Invited

    奈良岡 浩, 藪田ひかる

    2014年度日本地球化学会第61回年会  2014.9 

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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:富山   Country:Japan  

  • Pyridine derivative compounds in meteorites : Redox reactions in the aqueous environments. International conference

    Origins 2014 International Conference  2014.7 

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    Event date: 2014.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Various alkylpyridine homologs in the Murchison meteorite. International conference

    The Goldschmidt Conference 2014  2014.6 

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    Event date: 2014.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • Murchison隕石中の極性有機化合物の多様性

    奈良岡 浩, 山下陽平

    日本地球惑星連合大会2014  2014.4 

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    Event date: 2014.4 - 2014.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:横浜   Country:Japan  

  • Preliminary analysis of soluble organic compounds in the Murchison meteorite by liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry

    The 36th Antarctic Meteorite Symposium  2013.11 

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    Event date: 2013.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 後期始生代の黒色頁岩におけるイオウの化学種とMIFの分布 Invited

    奈良岡 浩, 森脇 絵美, Simon Poulson

    2013年度日本地球化学会第60回年会  2013.9 

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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:つくば   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石中に太陽系最古有機化合物を探す Invited

    奈良岡 浩

    2013年度日本地球化学会第60回年会  2013.9 

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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:つくば   Country:Japan  

  • Mass-independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes for all S-bearing compounds of Archean sediments International conference

    The Goldschmidt Conference 2013  2013.8 

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    Event date: 2013.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 沖縄トラフ・シンカイヒバリガイの脂質バイオマーカーの多様性

    濱本 香耶, 奈良岡 浩

    地球惑星科学連合2013年大会  2013.5 

     More details

    Event date: 2013.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉   Country:Japan  

  • 宇宙における化学進化と隕石中の極性有機化合物

    奈良岡 浩, 山下陽平

    地球惑星科学連合2013年大会  2013.5 

     More details

    Event date: 2013.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:千葉   Country:Japan  

  • 炭素質隕石中の始原有機物の化学・同位体的特徴

    奈良岡 浩, 濱村雄太, 山下陽平

    生命の起原および進化学会第38回学術講演会  2013.3 

     More details

    Event date: 2013.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡   Country:Japan  

  • XANES analyses of the hydrous pyrolysis residues of the IOM from the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite

    The 35th Antarctic Meteorite Symposium  2012.11 

     More details

    Event date: 2012.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Examination of organic compounds in the Hayabusa samples from the Asteroid Itokawa International conference

    H. Naraoka et al.

    74nd Annual Meetings of the Meteoritical Society  2011.8 

     More details

    Event date: 2011.8

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United Kingdom  

  • Preliminary examination of Hayabusa asteroidal samples: Organic compound analysis Invited

    H. Naraoka et al.

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011  2011.5 

     More details

    Event date: 2011.5

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 始生代堆積岩中イオウ種の異常同位体分別:傾き1の謎

    奈良岡 浩、森脇 絵美、S.R. Poulson

    2011年度日本地球化学会第58回年会  2010.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2010.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:北海道大学、札幌   Country:Japan  

  • 地球外物質の炭素と水:同位体組成と化学進化 Invited

    奈良岡 浩

    2010年度日本地球化学会第57回年会  2010.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2010.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:立正大学、熊谷   Country:Japan  

  • 後期始生代の堆積岩中に見られるイオウ質量非依存同位体分別(MIF-S)の特徴

    奈良岡 浩、森脇 絵美、S.R. Poulson

    2010年度日本地球化学会第57回年会  2010.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2010.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:立正大学、熊谷   Country:Japan  

  • Carbon isotope measurement of Murchison carbonate by SIMS: A comparison to isotope variation by the chemical method

    S. Tsutsui, H. Naraoka, F. Kitajima and T. Nakamura

    The 33rd Antarctic Meteorite Symposium  2010.6 

     More details

    Event date: 2010.6

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 東南極セールロンダーネ山脈地域における隕石探査

    奈良岡浩, 小島秀康

    国際極年2007-2008シンポジウム  2010.3 

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    Event date: 2010.3

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:日本学術会議   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石有機物と化学進化


    アストロバイオロジーワークショップ2008  2009.12 

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    Event date: 2009.12

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:神奈川県葉山   Country:Japan  

  • UV absorption spectra of oxygen isotopomers of SO2, and implications for possible oxygen-mass independent fractionation (MIF) in the Archean International conference

    H.Naraoka and S.R. Poulson

    American Geophysical Union 2009 Fall Meeting  2009.12 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.12

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • メタンハイドレート賦存域におけるアーキア膜脂質の分布と同位体組成

    金子雅紀, 奈良岡浩

    日本地球化学会第56回年会  2009.9 

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    Event date: 2009.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:広島大学、東広島、9月17-19日   Country:Japan  

  • SO2の光分解に起因するイオウの異常同位体分別における酸素同位体置換の効果

    奈良岡浩, S.R. Poulson

    日本地球化学会第56回年会  2009.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:広島大学、東広島   Country:Japan  

  • 地球の炭素はどこから来たか?


    第27回有機地球化学シンポジウム  2009.8 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.8

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:くにびきメッセ、松江、8月5-7日   Country:Japan  

  • Oxygen isotope variation at nano-molar carbonate in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrites International conference

    S.Tsutsui and H. Naraoka

    72nd Annual Meetings of the Meteoritical Society  2009.7 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.7

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Carbon isotope variation of nano-molar carbonate and organic carbon in carbonaceous chondrites

    S.Tsutsui, F. Kitajima and H. Naraoka

    The 32nd Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites  2006.6 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.6

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of Archaeal biomarkers in a marine gas hydrate deposit International conference

    M. Kaneko and H. Naraoka

    ISOCOMPOUND '09  2009.6 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.6

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Murchison隕石への左右円偏光紫外線照射とアミノ酸分析

    西村佳恵, 奈良岡浩, 小川智也, 金子竹男, 小林憲正, 保坂将人, 加藤政博

    日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会  2009.5 

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    Event date: 2009.5

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:幕張メッセ、千葉   Country:Japan  

  • Murchison隕石中の組織に関する炭酸塩の同位体組成と有機物との関係

    筒井新, 奈良岡浩

    日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会  2009.5 

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    Event date: 2009.5

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:幕張メッセ、千葉、5月16−21日   Country:Japan  

  • 隕石有機物と原始地球への寄与の評価


    生命の起源および進化学会第34回学術講演会  2009.3 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.3

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:京都大学原子炉実験所   Country:Japan  

  • UV Spectra and Photolysis of SO2: Implications for Archaean MIF-S Signatures International conference

    Hiroshi Naraoka, Simon R.Poulson

    Precambrian World 2009  2009.3 

     More details

    Event date: 2009.3

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 同位体イメージング法により探るマーチソン隕石有機物中の酸素同位体組成


    日本地球化学会第55回年会  2008.9 

     More details

    Event date: 2008.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学駒場キャンパス   Country:Japan  

▼display all


  • リュウグウの有機分子から見た宇宙での化学進化


    化学と工業, 77, 104-106.   2024.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 炭素質小惑星「リュウグウ」の可溶性有機分子



     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 隕石中の有機化合物の起源と生成機構 Reviewed


    低温科学, 78, 265-275.   2020.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

    DOI: doi: 10.14943/lowtemsci. 78. 265

  • エポックメイキングな隕石たち その6:Murchison隕石〜地球外有機化合物の証拠〜


    日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」   2015.10

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 「はやぶさ」粒子の有機化合物分析と「はやぶさ2」

    奈良岡 浩

    日本惑星科学会誌   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 有機分子の宇宙・地球環境における多次元同位体システマティクス


    平成15-18年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究A(2)研究成果報告書   2007.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

  • 超微量有機分子レベル水素同位体比測定法の開発と地球環境科学への応用


    平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究A(2)研究成果報告書   2004.9

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

  • バイオマーカーと同位体を用いた始生代における生物多様性と地球表層環境変動の関係


    平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究B(2)研究成果報告書   2003.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

  • 低分子有機酸類の分子レベル炭素同位体比の測定法の確立と応用


    平成9-11年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究B(2)研究成果報告書   2000.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

  • 陸−海洋系における環境試料中の有機分子レベル安定炭素同位体比と地球化学サイクル


    平成9-11年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究B(2)研究成果報告書   2000.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

  • 有機宇宙化学における分子・同位体分析とサンプルリターン


    日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人   1998.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • ガスクロマトグラフ燃焼安定同位体比質量分析計を用いた軽元素の有機分子レベル同位体比測定と地球化学への応用


    地球化学   1997.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 隕石中の有機化合物-その起源と生成機構


    日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人   1994.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • Author Correction: Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis (Nature Astronomy, (2022), 7, 2, (182-189), 10.1038/s41550-022-01846-1)

    Paquet M., Moynier F., Yokoyama T., Dai W., Hu Y., Abe Y., Aléon J., Conel C.M., Amari S., Amelin Y., Bajo K.i., Bizzarro M., Bouvier A., Carlson R.W., Chaussidon M., Choi B.G., Dauphas N., Davis A.M., Di Rocco T., Fujiya W., Fukai R., Gautam I., Haba M.K., Hibiya Y., Hidaka H., Homma H., Hoppe P., Huss G.R., Ichida K., Iizuka T., Ireland T.R., Ishikawa A., Ito M., Itoh S., Kawasaki N., Kita N.T., Kitajima K., Kleine T., Komatani S., Krot A.N., Liu M.C., Masuda Y., McKeegan K.D., Morita M., Motomura K., Nakai I., Nagashima K., Nesvorný D., Nguyen A.N., Nittler L., Onose M., Pack A., Park C., Piani L., Qin L., Russell S.S., Sakamoto N., Schönbächler M., Tafla L., Tang H., Terada K., Terada Y., Usui T., Wada S., Wadhwa M., Walker R.J., Yamashita K., Yin Q.Z., Yoneda S., Young E.D., Yui H., Zhang A.C., Nakamura T., Naraoka H., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Sakamoto K., Yabuta H., Abe M., Miyazaki A., Nakato A., Nishimura M., Okada T., Yada T., Yogata K., Nakazawa S., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Tsuda Y., Watanabe S.i., Yoshikawa M., Tachibana S., Yurimoto H.

    Nature Astronomy   7 ( 5 )   2023.5

     More details

    Publisher:Nature Astronomy  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-023-01938-6


  • 超微量有機分子の安定水素・炭素同位体比測定とその応用

    力石嘉人, 奈良岡浩

    ぶんせき   2004.8

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

▼display all

Professional Memberships

  • The Meteoritical Society

  • The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences

  • The Japanese Association of Organic Geochemists

  • The Geochemical Society of Japan

Committee Memberships

  • Executive   Domestic

    2023.7 - 2025.6   

  • Chairman   Domestic

    2019.11 - 2023.6   

  • Executive   Domestic

    2019.8 - 2021.7   

  • Councilor   Domestic

    2015.1 - 2016.12   

  • Councilor   Domestic

    2014.1 - 2015.12   

  • Steering committee member   Domestic

    2013.9 - 2015.8   

  • Councilor   Domestic

    2007.9 - 2009.9   

  • Steering committee member   Domestic

    2001.8 - 2009.8   

▼display all

Academic Activities

  • 主催

    第40回有機地球化学シンポジウム(2023年伊都シンポジウム)  ( 九州大学伊都キャンパス ) 2023.8

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

    Number of participants:40

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:4

  • 主催

    有機地球化学「若手・学生オンライン研究発表会2020」  ( オンライン ) 2020.12

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

    Number of participants:35

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:3

  • 座長(Chairmanship)

    2017年度日本地球化学会第62回年会  ( 東京工業大学 ) 2017.9

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • 科学研究費委員会専門委員

    Role(s): Review, evaluation

    日本学術振興会  2014.1 - 2015.12

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    Type:Scientific advice/Review 

  • 座長(Chairmanship) International contribution


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • 座長(Chairmanship)

    生命の起源および進化学会第38回学術講演会  ( 九州大学箱崎キャンパス ) 2013.3

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • 座長(Chairmanship)

    2013年度日本地球化学会第60回年会  ( 筑波大学 ) 2012.9

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • 開催

    2012年度日本地球化学会第59回年会  ( 九州大学箱崎キャンパス ) 2012.9

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • 主催

    第29回有機地球化学シンポジウム  ( 九州大学西新プラザ ) 2011.9

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

    Number of participants:80

  • Geochemical Journal

    2007.4 - 2014.3

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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 

  • 科学研究費委員会専門委員

    Role(s): Review, evaluation

    日本学術振興会  2004.1 - 2005.12

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    Type:Scientific advice/Review 

▼display all

Research Projects

  • NASA OSIRIS-REx International coauthorship

    2023.4 - 2025.3

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  • Chemical evolution of organic compounds and aqueous salts in carbonaceous asteroids

    Grant number:23H00148  2023 - 2026

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

    CiNii Research

  • The Chemical Environment of the Solar System during its Formation

    Grant number:20H05846  2020 - 2024

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science・Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Scientific research funding

    CiNii Research

  • 小惑星リュウグウからみた太陽系有機化合物の進化

    Grant number:20H00202  2020 - 2023

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(A)

    奈良岡 浩, 濱瀬 健司

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding


    CiNii Research

  • 新世代の超微量惑星有機化合物研究:感度・分離と質量・空間分解の超高度化

    Grant number:15H05749  2015 - 2019

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(S)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • はやぶさ2プロジェクト International coauthorship

    2013.4 - 2022.3


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  • 宇宙有機物の構造と同位体

    Grant number:25108006  2013 - 2017

    日本学術振興会・文部科学省  科学研究費助成事業  新学術領域研究

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • 太陽系最古有機物の化学構造と同位体組成の解明

    Grant number:23244108  2011 - 2014

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(A)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • 海底下の有機化合物バイオマーカーの炭素・水素同位体組成と生物活動

    Grant number:21109503  2009 - 2010

    日本学術振興会・文部科学省  科学研究費助成事業  新学術領域研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • 光反応によるイオウ化合物の質量非依存同位体分別に関わる基礎過程の解明

    Grant number:20340157  2008 - 2010

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • ガスハイドレート域の掘削堆積物中のバイオマーカー分布



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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Contract research

▼display all

Class subject

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • 地球科学

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2023.10 - 2024.3   Second semester

  • 最先端地球科学

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2023.4 - 2023.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2023.4 - 2023.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2022.10 - 2023.3   Second semester

  • 地球科学

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • 最先端地球科学

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2022.4 - 2022.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2022.4 - 2022.9   First semester

  • 身の回りの化学

    2021.12 - 2022.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • 身の回りの化学

    2021.10 - 2021.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2020.10 - 2021.3   Second semester

  • 地球科学

    2020.10 - 2020.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2020.4 - 2020.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2020.4 - 2020.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2020.4 - 2020.9   First semester

  • 身の回りの化学

    2019.12 - 2020.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2019.10 - 2020.3   Second semester

  • 身の回りの化学

    2019.10 - 2019.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球科学

    2019.10 - 2019.12   Fall quarter

  • 最先端地球科学

    2019.6 - 2019.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2018.10 - 2019.3   Second semester

  • 地球科学

    2018.10 - 2018.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究

    2018.4 - 2019.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究II

    2018.4 - 2019.3   Full year

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2018.4 - 2018.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2018.4 - 2018.9   First semester

  • 地球科学

    2017.10 - 2018.3   Second semester

  • 地球化学Ⅰ

    2017.10 - 2018.3   Second semester

  • 地球科学

    2017.10 - 2017.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究

    2017.4 - 2018.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究II

    2017.4 - 2018.3   Full year

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2017.4 - 2017.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2017.4 - 2017.9   First semester

  • 地球化学Ⅱ

    2017.4 - 2017.9   First semester

  • 最先端地球科学

    2017.4 - 2017.9   First semester

  • 地球科学

    2016.10 - 2017.3   Second semester

  • 地球化学I

    2016.10 - 2017.3   Second semester

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究

    2016.4 - 2017.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究II

    2016.4 - 2017.3   Full year

  • 最先端地球科学

    2016.4 - 2016.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2016.4 - 2016.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2016.4 - 2016.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2016.4 - 2016.9   First semester

  • 地球科学

    2015.10 - 2016.3   Second semester

  • 地球化学I

    2015.10 - 2016.3   Second semester

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究

    2015.4 - 2016.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別基礎演習II

    2015.4 - 2016.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究II

    2015.4 - 2016.3   Full year

  • 最先端地球科学

    2015.4 - 2015.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2015.4 - 2015.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2015.4 - 2015.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2015.4 - 2015.9   First semester

  • 地球惑星科学演習III

    2015.4 - 2015.9   First semester

  • 地球科学

    2014.10 - 2015.3   Second semester

  • 地球惑星科学特別基礎演習II

    2014.4 - 2015.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究

    2014.4 - 2015.3   Full year

  • 地球惑星科学特別研究II

    2014.4 - 2015.3   Full year

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 地球惑星科学演習III

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 地球惑星科学I

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 地球化学I

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2014.4 - 2014.9   First semester

  • 自然科学総合実験

    2013.10 - 2014.3   Second semester

  • 理系コア「地球科学I」

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 地球化学I

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • コアセミナー

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 理系主題科目V(地球科学)

    2013.4 - 2013.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 理系コア「地球科学I」

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • コアセミナー

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 地球化学I

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 理系主題科目V(地球科学)

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2012.4 - 2012.9   First semester

  • 地球化学I

    2011.4 - 2011.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2011.4 - 2011.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2011.4 - 2011.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2011.4 - 2011.9   First semester

  • 自然科学総合実験

    2010.4 - 2011.3   Full year

  • 地球化学I

    2010.4 - 2010.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2010.4 - 2010.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2010.4 - 2010.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2010.4 - 2010.9   First semester

  • 地球科学 I

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

  • 有機・生物地球化学

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

  • 地球化学I

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

  • 地球史生物史演習

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

  • 地球化学II

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

  • 自然科学総合実験

    2009.4 - 2009.9   First semester

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Visiting, concurrent, or part-time lecturers at other universities, institutions, etc.

  • 2017  名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

  • 2013  東京工業大学  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中講義2日間

  • 2013  放送大学  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:北九州サテライトキャンパス

  • 2013  東邦大学  Classification:Affiliate faculty  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

  • 2013  北海道大学  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

  • 2012  大阪市立大学  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中3日間

  • 2012  東邦大学理学部  Classification:Affiliate faculty  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

  • 2006  放送大学岡山学習センター  Classification:Part-time lecturer  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

  • 2004  広島大学・理学部  Classification:Intensive course  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:集中

▼display all

Other educational activity and Special note

  • 2022  Class Teacher 

  • 2021  Class Teacher 

  • 2020  Class Teacher 

  • 2019  Class Teacher 

  • 2018  Class Teacher 

  • 2017  Class Teacher 

  • 2015  Class Teacher 

  • 2014  Class Teacher 

  • 2013  Class Teacher 

  • 2012  Class Teacher 

  • 2011  Class Teacher 

▼display all

Social Activities

  • 地球惑星科学科一日体験入学

    九州大学理学部  2023.8

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • リュウグウのサンプルが語り始めたこと 一 リュウグウに生命の材料があるの?

    横浜こども宇宙科学館  はまぎん こども宇宙科学館  2022.7

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 「隕石と小惑星探査」

    東奥日報  青森市 東奥日報新町ビル   2020.9

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 「九州で解明するリュウグウの秘密!」  〜「はやぶさ2」トークライブ シーズン2〜

    福岡市科学館  福岡市科学館  2020.7

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 「宇宙の有機分子とはやぶさ2」

    一般社団法人日本天文教育普及研究会  佐賀市星空学習館  2019.11

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 模擬授業

    熊本県立宇土高等学校  2019.10

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 模擬授業

    福岡県立門司学園高校  2018.10

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 模擬授業

    宮﨑県立宮﨑北高等学校  2018.3

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 平成28年度福岡県理科・化学教育懇談会「宇宙有機物の化学進化」

    福岡教育大学  2017.2

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 模擬授業

    福岡県立香住丘高等学校  2016.3

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • はやぶさ2の有機物科学

    「はやぶさ2」打ち上げパブリックビューイング  九州大学伊都キャンパス椎木講堂, 福岡市  2014.11

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 総合的な学習の時間に係わる実地調査

    福岡県立久留米高等学校  2013.8

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • "魅惑の化学空間、宇宙"

    日本地球化学会市民講演会  九州大学西新プラザ, 福岡市  2012.9

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 九州大学理学部説明

    大分県岩田学園高校  2012.6

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 出前講義

    福岡県立伝習館高等学校  2011.11

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 第9回北大・九大合同フロンティアセミナー「はやぶさ計画と太陽系・宇宙の有機物」

    北海道大学・九州大学  東京ステーションコンファレンス, 東京都  2011.10

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 出前講義

    熊本県立第二高等学校  2010.11

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 出前講義

    愛媛県立宇和島東高等学校  2010.10

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 日本ペプチド学会市民フォーラム2009における講演 「宇宙とアミノ酸」

    日本ペプチド学会  北九州国際会議場, 北九州市  2009.11

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 出前講義

    福岡県立東筑高等学校  2008.10

     More details

    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 日本南極観測50周年記念講演会

    南極観測OB会  岡山大学  2007.6

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 一般市民講演会「南極隕石と生命の起源」

    岡山県浅口市教育委員会  岡山県浅口市中央公民館  2006.10

     More details

    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


▼display all

Media Coverage

  • 小惑星リュウグウ試料から見つかった可溶性有機分子 Newspaper, magazine

    国立科学博物館「ミルシル」  2023.9

     More details


  • リュウグウの砂が示すもの Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞  2023.5

     More details


  • はやぶさ2最新報告  リュウグウからのメッセージ TV or radio program

    NHK サイエンスZERO  2023.2

     More details

    はやぶさ2最新報告  リュウグウからのメッセージ

  • リュウグウは左右等量 Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞  2023.2

     More details


  • 小天体でアミノ酸生成  初期の地球に運ばれる? Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞  2023.2

     More details

    小天体でアミノ酸生成  初期の地球に運ばれる?

  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    西日本新聞  2021.4

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  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞  2021.2

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  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    東京新聞  2020.12

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  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞(14版)  2020.6

     More details


  • おはよう日本(はやぶさ2試料) TV or radio program


     More details


  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    毎日新聞  2019.7

     More details


  • はやぶさ2が持ち帰る小惑星リュウグウ試料の分析についてコメント Newspaper, magazine

    東京新聞  2019.7

     More details


  • コズミックフロント「隕石ハンター」 TV or radio program


     More details


  • 太陽系の「化石」分析へ Newspaper, magazine

    東京新聞  2010.11

     More details


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Activities contributing to policy formation, academic promotion, etc.

  • 2021.4 - 2025.3   国立極地研究所


  • 2018.4 - 2020.3   国立極地研究所


  • 2016.4 - 2022.3   北海道大学低温科学研究所


  • 2011.4 - 2020.3   国立極地研究所


Acceptance of Foreign Researchers, etc.

  • University of Nevada-Reno

    Acceptance period: 2022.8 - 2022.9   (Period):2weeks to less than 1 month

    Nationality:United States

    Business entity:On-campus funds

  • University of Grenoble Alpes

    Acceptance period: 2019.11   (Period):Less than 2 weeks


    Business entity:On-campus funds

  • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    Acceptance period: 2019.9   (Period):Less than 2 weeks

    Nationality:United States

  • NASA Goddard Flight Space Center

    Acceptance period: 2019.9  

    Nationality:United States

  • University Grenoble Alpes

    Acceptance period: 2019.2   (Period):Less than 2 weeks


    Business entity:Ministry of education

  • ミュンヘン工科大学

    Acceptance period: 2018.2 - 2018.3   (Period):Less than 2 weeks


    Business entity:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • University Grenoble Alpes

    Acceptance period: 2018.2   (Period):Less than 2 weeks


    Business entity:Ministry of education

  • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    Acceptance period: 2017.2   (Period):Less than 2 weeks

    Nationality:United States

  • University of Nevada-Reno

    Acceptance period: 2013.10 - 2013.11   (Period):1 month or more

    Nationality:United States

    Business entity:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • University of Nevada-Reno

    Acceptance period: 2012.12   (Period):Less than 2 weeks

    Nationality:United States

    Business entity:On-campus funds

  • University of Nevada-Reno

    Acceptance period: 2012.2   (Period):Less than 2 weeks


    Business entity:On-campus funds

  • Univ. Nevada-Reno

    Acceptance period: 2009.4 - 2009.5   (Period):1 month or more

    Nationality:United States

▼display all

Travel Abroad

  • 2023.5

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:University of Nevada-Reno

  • 2019.3 - 2019.4

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:University of Nevada-Reno

  • 2018.12

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting

  • 2017.8

    Staying countory name 1:France   Staying institution name 1:Goldschmidt Conference 2017

  • 2017.7

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life

  • 2017.4

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:Astrobiology Science Conference 2017

  • 2016.8

    Staying countory name 1:Germany   Staying institution name 1:Annual Meeting of Meteoritical Society 2016

  • 2015.6

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:Astrobiology Science Conference 2015

  • 2014.6

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:The Goldschmidt Conference 2014

  • 2013.8

    Staying countory name 1:Italy   Staying institution name 1:The Goldschmidt Conference 2013

  • 2011.8

    Staying countory name 1:United Kingdom   Staying institution name 1:The 75th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

  • 1996.2 - 1996.12

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:ペンシルバニア州立大学

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