2024/12/27 更新




エトウ ノゾミ
衛藤 希
医学研究院 基礎医学部門 助教
医学部 医学科(併任)


  • 博士(歯学)


  • 研究テーマ:口腔内スキャナと人工知能を活用した歯科的個人識別法の構築

    研究キーワード:歯科法医学, 個人識別, 災害, 口腔内スキャナ, 深層学習

    研究期間: 2018年4月


  • 学生研究発表 優秀発表賞

    2021年10月   日本法医学会   口腔内スキャナと人工知能を活用して、災害時に有効となる歯科的個人識別法を構築することを目的とした研究についての報告を行なった。

  • 若手ポスター発表優秀賞

    2017年11月   日本総合歯科学会   肥大型心筋症の病識がなかった患者に対し歯科治療を行なう中で、治療中に装着した心電図波形の異常を発見し、肥大型心筋症の診断につながった症例について報告を行なった。


  • Development of an artificial intelligence-based algorithm to classify images acquired with an intraoral scanner of individual molar teeth into three categories 査読 国際誌

    Eto, N; Yamazoe, J; Tsuji, A; Wada, N; Ikeda, N

    PLOS ONE   17 ( 1 )   e0261870   2022年1月   ISSN:1932-6203


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    Forensic dentistry identifies deceased individuals by comparing postmortem dental charts, oral-cavity pictures and dental X-ray images with antemortem records. However, conventional forensic dentistry methods are time-consuming and thus unable to rapidly identify large numbers of victims following a large-scale disaster.
    Our goal is to automate the dental filing process by using intraoral scanner images. In this study, we generated and evaluated an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that classified images of individual molar teeth into three categories: (1) full metallic crown (FMC); (2) partial metallic restoration (In); or (3) sound tooth, carious tooth or non-metallic restoration (CNMR).
    A pre-trained model was created using oral-cavity pictures from patients. Then, the algorithm was generated through transfer learning and training with images acquired from cadavers by intraoral scanning. Cross-validation was performed to reduce bias. The ability of the model to classify molar teeth into the three categories (FMC, In or CNMR) was evaluated using four criteria: precision, recall, F-measure and overall accuracy.
    The average value (variance) was 0.952 (0.000140) for recall, 0.957 (0.0000614) for precision, 0.952 (0.000145) for F-measure, and 0.952 (0.000142) for overall accuracy when the algorithm was used to classify images of molar teeth acquired from cadavers by intraoral scanning.
    We have created an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that analyzes images acquired with an intraoral scanner and classifies molar teeth into one of three types (FMC, In or CNMR) based on the presence/absence of metallic restorations. Furthermore, the accuracy of the algorithm reached about 95%. This algorithm was constructed as a first step toward the development of an automated system that generates dental charts from images acquired by an intraoral scanner. The availability of such a system would greatly increase the efficiency of personal identification in the event of a major disaster.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261870

    Web of Science



  • 口腔内3Dスキャナを用いて口腔内情報を採取し, 個人識別に応用した1症例 査読

    衛藤 希, 山添淳一, 奥村美紀, 鮫島直美, 辻 彰子, 和田尚久, 池田典昭

    法医学の実際と研究   63   17 - 22   2020年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We present a case of an unidentified body that was found indoors and identified based on the oral information obtained using an intraoral scanner. The dental findings of the body were compared with the treatment history registered in the individual’s dental records. As a result, 30 teeth were found to be in agreement with the findings in the dental record, two other teeth did not agree with the records, however, they were consistent in terms of dental treatment history. Comparisons between the ante mortem and post mortem radiographs of the both sides of mandibular third teeth revealed similarities in the planting directions. Therefore, we suggested that the records represent the same individual. 3D models obtained by intraoral scanner could present accurately the site, shape, color, and material of the prosthesis which is an individual’s characteristic. Intraoral scanner can accurately capture intraoral information, which may be useful for collecting intraoral information.

  • Sex estimation using skull silhouette images from postmortem computed tomography by deep learning

    Seo, T; Yoon, Y; Kim, Y; Usumoto, Y; Eto, N; Sadamatsu, Y; Tadakuma, R; Morishita, J

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   14 ( 1 )   22689   2024年9月   ISSN:2045-2322


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Prompt personal identification is required during disasters that can result in many casualties. To rapidly estimate sex based on skull structure, this study applied deep learning using two-dimensional silhouette images, obtained from head postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), to enhance the outline shape of the skull. We investigated the process of sex estimation using silhouette images viewed from different angles and majority votes. A total of 264 PMCT cases (132 cases for each sex) were used for transfer learning with two deep-learning models (AlexNet and VGG16). VGG16 exhibited the highest accuracy (89.8%) for lateral projections. The accuracy improved to 91.7% when implementing a majority vote based on the results of multiple projection angles. Moreover, silhouette images can be obtained from simple and popular X-ray imaging in addition to PMCT. Thus, this study demonstrated the feasibility of sex estimation by combining silhouette images with deep learning. The results implied that X-ray images can be used for personal identification.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-74703-y

    Web of Science



  • Gray-Scale Extraction of Bone Features from Chest Radiographs Based on Deep Learning Technique for Personal Identification and Classification in Forensic Medicine

    Kim, Y; Yoon, Y; Matsunobu, Y; Usumoto, Y; Eto, N; Morishita, J

    DIAGNOSTICS   14 ( 16 )   2024年8月   ISSN:2075-4418 eISSN:2075-4418


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Diagnostics  

    Post-mortem (PM) imaging has potential for identifying individuals by comparing ante-mortem (AM) and PM images. Radiographic images of bones contain significant information for personal identification. However, PM images are affected by soft tissue decomposition; therefore, it is desirable to extract only images of bones that change little over time. This study evaluated the effectiveness of U-Net for bone image extraction from two-dimensional (2D) X-ray images. Two types of pseudo 2D X-ray images were created from the PM computed tomography (CT) volumetric data using ray-summation processing for training U-Net. One was a projection of all body tissues, and the other was a projection of only bones. The performance of the U-Net for bone extraction was evaluated using Intersection over Union, Dice coefficient, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Additionally, AM chest radiographs were used to evaluate its performance with real 2D images. Our results indicated that bones could be extracted visually and accurately from both AM and PM images using U-Net. The extracted bone images could provide useful information for personal identification in forensic pathology.

    DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics14161778

    Web of Science




  • Study of algorithm to detect teeth condition with artificial intelligence using an intraoral scanner



    開催年月日: 2024年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 口腔内3Dスキャナを用いて口腔内情報を採取し身元確認に応用した1症例

    衛藤 希, 山添淳一, 奥村美紀, 鮫島直美, 辻 彰子, 池田典昭

    第69回日本法医学会学術九州地方集会  2019年10月 


    開催年月日: 2024年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 口腔内スキャナを活用した人工知能(AI; Artificial Intelligence)による身元不明者個人識別法の開発研究

    衛藤 希, 山添淳一

    日本法歯科医学会第14回学術大会  2020年10月 


    開催年月日: 2024年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 病棟ベッドからの転落により前歯補綴物と歯が脱落した入院患者に対して口腔健康管理を行った1例

    井上 昂也, 山添 淳一, 衛藤 希, 岐部 里子, 兼山 千波, 須賀 恵美, 柏崎 晴彦, 田中 洋輔, 和田 尚久

    日本口腔ケア学会雑誌  2023年4月  (一社)日本口腔ケア学会



  • 深層学習モデルを使用した頭蓋骨のシルエットによる性別推定

    瀬尾 友之, Yoon Yongsu, Kim Yeji, 池田 典昭, 衛藤 希, 臼元 洋介, 杜下 淳次

    日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会予稿集  2023年3月  (公社)日本放射線技術学会



  • 口腔内スキャナによる災害時歯科所見採取の有効性

    衛藤 希, 山添 淳一

    日本口腔科学会雑誌  2022年7月  (NPO)日本口腔科学会





  • 日本障害者歯科学会

  • 日本老年歯科医学会

  • 日本法歯科医学会

  • 日本法医学会


  • 口腔内スキャナを活用した人工知能によるデンタルチャート自動作成システムの開発

    研究課題/領域番号:23K16284  2023年 - 2025年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    衛藤 希


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:科研費


    CiNii Research


  • 医学部学生への法医学に関する講義を担当している。


  • 法医学

    2024年4月 - 2024年9月   前期