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ミヤザキ タカヒコ
宮崎 隆彦
総合理工学研究院 環境理工学部門 教授
■廃止組織■ 熱科学研究部門(併任)
工学部 融合基礎工学科(併任)
総合理工学府 総合理工学専攻(併任)
[研究活動] 地球環境問題や電力負荷平準化等の課題を背景として,熱の有効活用によるエネルギー利用の効率化,特に太陽エネルギーに代表される再生可能エネルギーや未利用熱を駆動源とする空調システムの研究を行っている。 [教育活動] 大学院では熱エネルギー利用システム学の講義を通じて,エネルギーシステムにおける熱利用技術の役割とシステムの最適化について教えている。学部では,自動制御の講義とエネルギー工学実験の1テーマを担当している。 [社会活動] 学会等の委員会を通じた社会活動を行っている。


  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 熱工学


  • M.Sc. in Renewable Energy and Architecture

  • 博士(工学)


  • 東京農工大学・助教


  • 東京農工大学

    - 2005年


  • 東京農工大学   生物システム応用科学研究科

    - 2005年


    国名: 日本国



  • 研究テーマ:環境低負荷型冷凍空調システム


    研究期間: 2024年

  • 研究テーマ:吸着冷凍機/ヒートポンプ


    研究期間: 2024年

  • 研究テーマ:デシカント空調システムの高性能化


    研究期間: 2017年4月 - 2020年3月

  • 研究テーマ:太陽熱利用システムの高性能化


    研究期間: 2017年4月 - 2020年3月

  • 研究テーマ:次世代型型ヒートポンプ/冷凍サイクルの研究


    研究期間: 2017年4月 - 2020年3月

  • 研究テーマ:吸着式ヒートポンプ・蓄熱システムの開発


    研究期間: 2017年4月 - 2020年3月

  • 研究テーマ:未利用熱発電サイクルの研究


    研究期間: 2017年4月 - 2020年3月

  • 研究テーマ:吸着式ヒートポンプの高性能化


    研究期間: 2011年12月 - 2017年3月

  • 研究テーマ:建築一体型気化式冷却システムの研究


    研究期間: 2010年4月 - 2011年4月

  • 研究テーマ:民生用小型吸着冷凍機の開発


    研究期間: 2010年4月 - 2011年4月

  • 研究テーマ:二段蒸発型吸着冷凍機の開発


    研究期間: 2008年4月 - 2011年3月

  • 研究テーマ:接触熱抵抗の低減による吸着熱交換器の性能向上


    研究期間: 2008年4月 - 2011年3月

  • 研究テーマ:デシカント空調によるエネルギーコスト削減効果の評価


    研究期間: 2008年4月 - 2009年3月

  • 研究テーマ:固定床型デシカント換気空調機の開発


    研究期間: 2007年4月 - 2010年3月

  • 研究テーマ:吸着冷凍機の最適設計および運転パラメータの最適化


    研究期間: 2006年4月 - 2009年3月


  • 研究業績賞

    2021年7月   日本機械学会環境工学部門   吸着冷凍機やデシカント空調など、吸着材を利用した熱駆動冷凍空調技術に関する一連の研究業績に対する受賞

  • 学術賞

    2012年5月   日本冷凍空調学会  

  • 平成21年度電気学会 電力エネルギー部門誌 優秀論文賞

    2010年9月   電気学会  


    小田拓也,宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫,PPSによるコージェネレーションの余剰電力融通 —電力取引のモデル化と利益配分の分析 —,電気学会論文集 B,Vol.129, No.8, pp.1009– 1017, 2009

  • 日本太陽エネルギー学会 論文賞


  • 論文賞

    2009年3月   日本太陽エネルギー学会  


    秋澤 淳,佐藤大幸,宮崎隆彦,柏木孝夫「太陽熱温水器の屋根方位に対する 導入確率と省エネルギー効果の期待値」太陽エネルギー,Vol.34, No.6, 59–65, 2008.
    秋澤 淳,佐藤大幸,宮崎隆彦,柏木孝夫「太陽熱温水器に対するユーザ意識の アンケート調査および選好特性の推定」太陽エネルギー,Vol.34, No.6, 67–72, 2008.

  • 日本冷凍空調学会 優秀講演賞


  • 優秀講演賞

    2007年5月   日本冷凍空調学会  


    2006年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会 講演題目「Particle Swarm Optimization の適用による単段型吸着冷凍機の最適設計」

  • 日本冷凍空調学会 優秀講演賞


  • 優秀講演賞

    1999年5月   日本冷凍空調学会  


    平成10年度日本冷凍空調学会学術講演会 講演題目「LNG 冷熱を用いた多段動力回収システム —アンモニア・水混合媒体を用い たサイクルのエクセルギー評価—」



  • Analytical Model of a Combined Adsorption Cooling and Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 査読 国際誌

    Heat Transfer Engineering   2016年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2016.1195135

  • 活性炭-高圧冷媒系吸着過程における熱物質移動解析シミュレーション 査読

    中本 大志朗, 宮崎 隆彦, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, 小山 繁

    33 ( 2 )   173 - 183   2016年6月



  • Non-isothermal adsorption rate model of activated carbon-ethanol pair for solar cooling applications estimated through CFD simulation 査読 国際誌

    JRIBI SKANDER, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    Proceedings of the 7th International Renewable Energy Congress   2016年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • CFD Simulation of Ethanol Adsorption onto Activated Carbon for Adsorption Cooling Applications 査読 国際誌

    JRIBI SKANDER, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference   2016年3月



  • Simulation of gas cooler of CO2 heat pump water heater for different tube geometries 査読 国際誌

    Marzia Khanam, Kazuhide Ito, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control   2015年10月



  • The Maisotsenko Cycle as a Heat and Mass Recovery Device for Co-Generation 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies   2015年10月



  • Optimum cycle time for one bed operation of activated carbon-ethanol pair adsorption cooling system 査読 国際誌

    Fauziah Jerai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha, S. Maeda, T. Onda, T. Maruyama

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control   2015年10月



  • Study on adsorption characteristics of activated carbon - R 32 pair for heat pump application 査読 国際誌

    Daishiro Nakamoto, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control   2015年10月



  • 球状活性炭とエタノールを用いた吸着式冷凍システムの性能予測 査読

    今村 駿斗, Takahiko Miyazaki, I.I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   32 ( 3 )   241 - 253   2015年9月



  • スマートキャンパスの運用による大学の二酸化炭素排出抑制−第1報:個別建物の需要特性と外気エンタルピーによる夏期電力需要予測− 査読

    坂内 正明, Takahiko Miyazaki

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   32 ( 3 )   231 - 240   2015年9月



  • Importance of Pre-cooling and Pre-heating on Performances of One Bed Adsorption Cooling Systems with Activated Carbon-ethanol Pair (創立90周年記念号) -- (特集 再生可能エネルギーと冷凍空調) 査読

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   32 ( 3 )   381 - 392   2015年9月



    This paper presents theoretical and experimental investigation of an adsorption cooling system to predict the cycle performance of one bed adsorber based on the equilibrium condition. For this particular study, activated carbon-ethanol pair was chosen as the adsorbent-refrigerant pair because of a high adsorption capacity of activated carbons against ethanol. The experiment was conducted on five different pre-cooling and pre-heating settings. The experiments carried out were divided to two sections. First, the preliminary experiments were carried out on two extreme conditions. For the first extreme condition, the adsorption and desorption process were carried out without pre-cooling and pre-heating. Whilst for the second extreme condition, the adsorbent was pre-cooled and pre-heated until the adsorbent reach adsorption and desorption temperature. Then the experiments were carried out with three different time of pre-cooling/pre-heating time which was selected based on the preliminary experiments. The heat balance were analyzed critically and the optimum cycle time, namely the pre-cooling and pre-heating time for each adsorption and desorption process is discussed by identifying the suitable adsorbent pressure and temperature of the system.

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.15-26RE

  • Steady-state analysis on thermally driven adsorption air-conditioning system for agricultural greenhouses 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    Procedia Engineering   118   185 - 192   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Adsorption characteristics of ethanol onto promising adsorbents for adsorption cooling applications 査読 国際誌

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2015)   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Transient simulation of finned tube type adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol as adsorbent-refrigerant pair 査読 国際誌

    JRIBI SKANDER, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2015)   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Optimization of adsorption isotherm taxonomy for open-cycle desiccant air-conditioning applications 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2015)   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Performancesimulationofadsorptionrefrigeration/heatpumpwithsilicagel-waterandactivatedcarbon-ethanol combinations 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • A study on adsorption of water onto carbon based adsorbents 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Performance Prediction of Adsorption Heat Pump Systems Using Activated Carbon and R 32 Pair 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2014   2014年4月



  • Performance investigation of adsorption – compression hybrid refrigeration systems 査読 国際誌

    21 ( 4 )   1350024   2013年11月



  • Analytical model of a combined adsorption cooling and mechanical vapor compression refrigeration system 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha

    Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Advanced Thermofluids   2013年11月



  • Adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption of difluoromethane on activated carbons 査読 国際誌

    Ahamed A. Askalany, Bidyut Baran Saha, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Kandadai Srinivasan, Ibrahim M. Ismail

    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data   58   2828 - 2834   2013年9月



  • Cyclic performance of adsorption chiller using a compact adsorption heat exchanger 国際誌

    Naoya Makimoto, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru

    14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (14th CSS-EEST)   2013年2月



  • Study on adsorption cooling cycles based on activated carbon and low GWP refrigerant pairs 査読 国際誌

    Saha Baran Bidyut, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru

    10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earch   2012年11月



  • Dynamic simulation on a mechanical/thermal compression hybrid air-conditionning cycle 査読 国際誌

    Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru, Kutub Uddin

    The 6th Asian conference on Refigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA2012)   2012年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Low pressure refrigeration cycle using CO2 refrigerant by adsorption phenomena 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the Eighth KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference   2012年3月



  • The experimental investigation of the dual evaporator type adsorption chiller 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuya Tani, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    Proceedings of the 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2011   2011年6月



  • Simulation analysis of an open-cycle adsorption air conditioning system − Numeral modeling of a fixed bed dehumidification unit and the maisotsenko cycle cooling unit 査読 国際誌

    12 ( 2-4 )   341 - 354   2011年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Study on the Maisotsenko cycle evaporative cooler driven by the solar chimney 査読 国際誌

    T. Miyazaki, A. Akisawa1, I. Nikai

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • The cycle time optimization of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Masato Takaku, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • The performance analysis of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Bidyut Baran Saha

    International Journal of Refrigeration   33 ( 2 )   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2009.10.005

  • Study on energy saving air-conditioning system using compact desiccant ventilation units, Part 28: The optimization of the operating conditions of direct heating regeneration type desiccant unit 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Yusaku Motohashi, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Shinji Shindoh, Masazumi Godo, Takeshi Takatsuka

    2010 International Symposium on Next- generation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology   2010年2月



  • 固定床型デシカント換気空調機の開発 第 1 報:各種吸着材を用いたデシカントユニットの性能評価 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,進藤伸二,神戸正純,高塚 威,濱本芳徳,森 英夫

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   26 ( 4 )   2009年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • 固定床型デシカント換気空調機の開発 第 2 報:蓄熱ユニットを備えたデシカント換気空調システムの吸着材再生方 式に関する検討 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,上田祐樹,進藤伸二,神戸正純,高塚 威

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   26 ( 4 )   2009年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • The influence of the heat exchanger parameters on the optimum cycle time of adsorption chillers 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa

    Applied Thermal Engineering   29 ( 13 )   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.01.005

  • A new cycle time allocation for enhancing the performance of two-bed adsorption chillers 査読 国際誌

    T. Miyazaki, A. Akisawa, B.B. Saha, I.I. El-Sharkawy, A. Chakraborty

    International Journal of Refrigeration   32 ( 5 )   2009年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2008.12.002

  • Performance improvement of desiccant air conditioning systems by the recirculation of product air 査読 国際誌

    T. Miyazaki, Y. Higashida, I. Nikai, A. Akisawa, T. Kashiwagi

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2008   2008年9月



  • Energy saving potential of adsorption chillers in office buildings by cycle time control at part load conditions 査読 国際誌

    T. Miyazaki, A. Akisawa, T. Oda, T. Kashiwagi

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2008   2008年9月



  • 大域的最適化手法の適用による吸着冷凍機の性能向上 — Particle Swarm Optimization によるサイクルタイムの最適化 — 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫,赤平 亮

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   25 ( 1 )   2008年3月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Comparison of the optimum performances of adsorption heat pump cycles with various adsorbent- adsorbate pairs 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Aep Saepul Uyun, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Proceedings of the 8th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference   2007年8月



  • 事務所ビルディングに対する省エネルギー方策の評価 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,菅原大誉,柏木孝夫,坂内正明

    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集   ( 117 )   2006年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Development of a novel concentration photovoltaic generator for buildings with double facades: Design of a nonimaging Fresnel lens solar concentrator for vertical use 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Hiroyoshi Tasai, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings   2006年10月



  • The effects of solar chimneys on thermal load mitigation of office buildings under the Japanese climate 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Renewable Energy   31 ( 7 )   2006年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2005.05.003

  • Particle Swarm Optimization による民生ビル用コージェネレーションシステムの最適化 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   23 ( 2 )   2006年6月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Application of the particle swarm optimization to the design of heating and cooling plants of buildings 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning   I   2006年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Energy savings of office buildings by the use of semi-transparent solar cells for windows 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Renewable Energy   30 ( 3 )   2005年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2004.05.010

  • オフィスビルにおける省エネルギーを目的とした昼光利用と高性能窓システムの経済性評価 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫

    太陽エネルギー   31 ( 2 )   2005年3月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • A computational fluid dynamics analysis of solar chimneys integrated with photovoltaics 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi, Guohui Gan

    World Renewable Energy Congress VIII,   2004年9月



  • Energy self-sufficient urban buildings: Evaluation of buildings integrated photovoltaics 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ralf Leutz, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    World Renewable Energy Congress VII   2002年7月



  • LNG 冷熱を利用した三段階動力回収システム —エクセルギー効率を最大化するサイクル運転条件— 査読

    宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   18 ( 2 )   2001年6月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • A combined power cycle using refuse incinerator and LNG cold energy 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Yong Tae Kang, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Energy   25 ( 7 )   2000年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0360-5442(00)00002-5

  • Dynamic performance analysis of adsorption heat transformer system driven by large pressure jump for low-grade waste heat upgrade

    Liu, XT; Saren, S; Chen, HN; Li, MX; Jeong, JH; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    APPLIED ENERGY   377   124478 - 124478   2025年1月   ISSN:0306-2619 eISSN:1872-9118


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    Upgrading low-grade industrial waste heat to higher temperatures plays a crucial role in improving energy efficiency and advancing sustainable development. In this study, a comprehensive dynamic performance analysis of a dual-bed adsorption heat transformer (AHT) system driven by a large pressure jump is conducted to upgrade the low-grade waste heat. The AQSOA-Z05/water working pair is investigated under constant flow output (CFO) and constant temperature output (CTO) modes. The theoretical maximum temperature lift potential governing adsorbent selection and operating conditions is thoroughly explored. Compared to the CFO mode, the CTO mode is found to provide more stable and controllable high-temperature output suitable for practical applications while achieving a higher specific heating power. Further, key parameters influencing system performance, such as adsorption connecting pipe diameter, target temperature lift, ambient and waste heat temperatures, are systematically analyzed under the CTO mode. Ambient temperatures of 0–30 °C facilitate stable operation, whereas waste heat below 70 °C leads to performance deterioration. To bridge the variable flow output under the CTO mode with heat load demands, integrating a heat storage tank and control system is suggested. The insights provided are expected to furnish valuable guidelines for the design and optimization of the AHT system, thereby facilitating more effective utilization of waste heat and contributing to sustainable industrial practices.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.124478

    Web of Science



  • Unsteady-state entropy generation analysis of the counter-flow dew-point evaporative coolers

    Yang, C; Chen, HN; Miyazaki, T; Kim, YD; Thu, K

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   257   2024年12月   ISSN:1359-4311 eISSN:1873-5606


    出版者・発行元:Applied Thermal Engineering  

    The surging demand for air conditioning, especially in hot climates, underscores the urgency of strategies aimed at curbing fossil fuel reliance and fostering energy saving strategy. Despite the longstanding utility and advantages of the conventional mechanical vapor compression refrigeration system, sustainability hurdles persist owing to its pronounced electricity demand. While evaporative cooling, harnessing water evaporation, emerges as a more efficient alternative, its efficacy is contingent upon environmental conditions. Addressing this, dew-point evaporative cooling (DPEC) presents an innovative direction, showcasing superior efficiency by directing supply air into a wet channel. This study delves into the thermodynamic losses within a counter-flow configured DPEC system, employing a transient entropy generation model rooted in the second law of thermodynamics to provide a comprehensive analysis of DPEC's performance. Key findings that emerged from this study reveal that (1) the transient entropy generation is intricately distributed across different layers of the dew point evaporative cooling (DPEC) system, including dry air, wet air, the channel plate, and the water film; (2) Parametric analyses highlight the significant impact of factors on entropy generation, inlet air temperature has a minimal effect on system efficiency, but higher temperatures increase thermal losses. Excessive humidity limits evaporative potential, while low humidity significantly increases entropy generation. The system performs optimally at a working ratio of 0.3 and lower air velocities (within the inlet air velocity range of 0.6 to 2.2 m/s). Channel length has little impact, while the system is more sensitive to channel height, with a height of 2.5–3.5 mm being conducive to better performance. Experimental validation demonstrates the model's accuracy in predicting system performance. The research contributes to a deeper understanding of DPEC systems, offering insights for achieving optimal operating conditions and enhancing overall efficiency in the pursuit of sustainable development.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.124443

    Web of Science


  • Influence of aging on textural properties and symmetry of K-zeolites synthesized via a green route from waste pumice

    Mutebi, D; Miksik, F; Spring, AM; Yaningsih, I; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS   31 ( 6 )   2153 - 2163   2024年12月   ISSN:1380-2224 eISSN:1573-4854


    出版者・発行元:Journal of Porous Materials  

    This study not only explores the fabrication of rare zeolites from waste pumice and examines the impact of aging on their porosity and adsorbate uptake but also provides practical insights for waste management and agricultural applications. The use of organic templates was avoided in the synthesis due to their high cost and pollution associated with their calcination. Potassium-exchanged gonnardite (K-Gon) and perlialite were hydrothermally synthesized using KOH. Interestingly, we found that increasing the magnetic stirring duration during synthesis had a significant impact on the products’ surface area and pore volume, leading to an increase from 39 m²/g to 182 m²/g and from 0.11 cm³/g to 0.30 cm³/g, respectively. This improvement resulted in an increased adsorbate uptake at higher pressures. At shorter stirring times, potassium-exchanged gonnardite zeolite with tetragonal symmetry was the most prevalent phase, which differs from the orthorhombic symmetry of Na-rich gonnardites. Additionally, we observed that the product content of perlialite (hexagonal symmetry) increased with longer stirring durations while K+ ions decreased. This suggests that increased stirring time can increase the disorderliness of extra framework particles, as seen in perlialite, as opposed to K-Gon. Longer stirring time produces other zeolites with slightly less K but improved textural properties, which can potentially accommodate more water. It is also useful for agricultural purposes, such as keeping soils moist and decontaminated, and as adsorbents for greenhouses’ air conditioning.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10934-024-01663-z

    Web of Science


  • Optimization of conventional-zeolite-synthesis from waste pumice for water adsorption

    Mutebi, D; Miksik, F; Spring, AM; Yaningsih, I; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY   35 ( 12 )   2024年12月   ISSN:0921-8831 eISSN:1568-5527


    出版者・発行元:Advanced Powder Technology  

    This research reports conventionally-synthesized-zeolites with comparatively large surface area (SSA) and water-uptake prepared solely from waste-pumice. Notably, the synthesis process avoided using additional commercial raw materials, organic templates, and high temperatures, so that the process was less costly and ecofriendly. To optimize the process, the synthesis time was varied, and the mixture of the raw material and alkaline solution was stirred for 12 h. The zeolite mother liquor was also recycled. Water adsorption experiments were carried out using gravimetric measurements. The Na-P1-rich zeolite product with an optimal water uptake of 0.256 g/g was synthesized after 48 h of hydrothermal activation (H). On the other hand, the product's optimal SSA of 186 m2/g was achieved after 36H under similar conditions (rich in faujasite). Adsorption isotherms showed that water uptake increased with activation time and with the inclusion of mother liquor recycling. Furthermore, recycling resulted in a product with enhanced SSA compared to its precursor. Un-recycled products exhibited relatively high-water uptake both at low and high relative-pressure, while the recycled product had a high uptake at high relative pressure. All products could be used in adsorption heat pump (AHP) applications (air conditioning) suited for high relative humidity (RH) environments. However, high-synthesis-time non-recycled products could also work for low RH AHP applications.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2024.104713

    Web of Science


  • A review of recent advances in sustainable preparation of high-performing activated carbon for dehumidification technology

    Yu, H; Saren, S; Miksik, F; Conte, P; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE   59 ( 43 )   20121 - 20156   2024年11月   ISSN:0022-2461 eISSN:1573-4803


    出版者・発行元:Journal of Materials Science  

    Air-conditioning (A/C) systems in tropical regions are characterized by significant energy consumption for latent load handling. Decoupling of the latent load from the A/C units can be achieved using a dedicated dehumidification system while the A/C systems handle only the sensible heat at high efficiencies. Desiccants are widely used in industry, and adsorbent materials that exhibit a unique isotherm shape, i.e. "S shape", have been developed extensively. Recently, activated carbons (ACs) have been discussed as effective adsorbents for dehumidification applications. Although pristine ACs are considered to be hydrophobic materials, certain surface treatments initiate surface phenomena that promote water vapour uptake at relative pressures above 0.4 due to microdroplet aggregation. This work reviews and reports the latest developments of sustainable activated carbons for dehumidification using a multiscale approach spanning from the sustainable precursor selection, “green” activation processes and surface functionalization, adsorption thermodynamics, and system-level developments. With the focus on sustainability, we demonstrate that water adsorption and viable adsorption range are gradually improving with the progressing research, and they are reaching operational values required for practical use. The unique adsorption process of water onto ACs is further explained in detail using solvation theory on the microdomains created by the hydrophilic functional groups while providing clarification of thermodynamic properties adopting the specificities of water/activated carbon adsorption pair. The predicted performance of a desiccant dehumidification system utilizing activated carbon is evaluated using the local weather conditions of numerous major cities worldwide. The highest dehumidification performances of activated carbon, as indicated by the unified SDP (specific dehumidification power) value, are reached particularly in cities that suffer from high humidity and temperature the most proving the viability of this cheap and sustainable material. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.)

    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-024-10265-8

    Web of Science


  • Adsorption thermal energy storage: The problematic of theoretical and practical adsorption materials performance

    Miksik F., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    AIP Conference Proceedings   3124 ( 1 )   2024年9月   ISSN:0094243X


    出版者・発行元:AIP Conference Proceedings  

    Adsorption thermal energy storage (aTES) is one of the possible technologies that could help to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels. The advantages of the adsorption systems lie in the possibility to supply hot as well as cold, and the fact that the aTES systems have negligible energy losses over time and therefore are also suitable for seasonal storage. Selection of the right adsorption pair to store the maximum amount of energy is then the key factor for high-efficiency system. In this work, we introduce the basic principles of the adsorption thermal energy storage and analyze the pivotal aspects for the high-performance adsorption thermal energy storage, not too dissimilar from the adsorption heat pumps. The adsorbate of choice for the storage applications remains water with the highest energy density coming from high enthalpy of vaporization and high polarity of the water molecules. Modern high-yield adsorbents for adsorption thermal energy storage are nearly without any exception tailored microporous materials with high water affinity such as microporous silica, zeolites and zeolite like materials and metal organic frameworks (MOFs).

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0228013


  • Numerical-based Assessment on Thermal Performance Factor of TiO<inf>2</inf>/Water Nanofluids Inside Twisted Tape Insert Tube

    Kristiawan B., Amin S.U.A., Wijayanta A.T., Juwana W.E., Enoki K., Miyazaki T.

    AIP Conference Proceedings   3124 ( 1 )   2024年9月   ISSN:0094243X


    出版者・発行元:AIP Conference Proceedings  

    In this simulation, convection heat transfer, friction factor, and flowing TiO2/water nanofluids inside the double tube concentric heat exchanger for both plain and insert twisted tape insert was approached by the numerical estimation using fluent Ansys software. The numerical were carried out in the Reynolds number range from 5000 to 10,000, the particle concentrations used 0.1%, and twisted tape insert with a ratio of 7 was used. As the Reynolds number rises, the nanofluid Nusselt number increases as well. The findings demonstrated that, compared to a simple tube heat exchanger, the twisted tube heat exchanger showed increased heat transfer, and the addition of nanofluid TiO2/water can increase the Nusselt number.

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0228360


  • Evaluation and development of improved thermodynamic models for adsorbed phase properties in adsorption cycles

    Saren, S; Miksik, F; Seo, S; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER   229   2024年9月   ISSN:0017-9310 eISSN:1879-2189


    出版者・発行元:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  

    In adsorption processes, gaseous molecules are trapped on the surfaces of the solid adsorbent because of the surface forces. In contrast to bulk liquid or gaseous phases, fluids in adsorbed phase display distinctive characteristics. Understanding of the adsorbed phase and developing accurate models for its thermodynamic properties are crucial in assessing adsorption processes. Most existing models for the adsorbed phase often portend thermodynamic inconsistencies since they invoked numerous assumptions (e.g., ideal gas behavior of the adsorbate and negligible adsorbed phase's specific volume). We thoroughly propose and examine thermodynamically consistent models for adsorbed phase thermodynamics (specific heat, enthalpy, and entropy). A new specific heat capacity expression is derived accounting for the typically neglected adsorbed phase specific volume. Adsorbed phase properties calculated using these new models exhibit behaviors closer to the liquid phase compared to the gaseous phase. In contrast, enthalpy and entropy of the adsorbed phase calculated using the models available in the literature have been found exceeding the corresponding gaseous phase boundaries at higher pressure/coverage. The proposed correlations are applied to the thermodynamic characterization of a newly developed adsorbent material, activated carbon MSF-A30M with ethanol adsorbate, and compared against other activated carbons reported in the literature. The comparison shows consistent values of thermodynamic properties, well within the theoretical boundaries. As a practical application of the new correlations, we applied them to evaluate the performance of the adsorption heat pumps using 30 different working pairs. Accurate evaluations of the entropy, which is a thermodynamic state property, will lead to improved entropy generation calculations using the classical thermodynamic approach. This work will significantly contribute to improved tracking of thermodynamic losses in adsorption processes, from low coverage to near saturation pressures (details on thermodynamics loss evaluations of the cycles not covered in the present work).

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2024.125579

    Web of Science


  • Investigating the Effect of Natural Gas Composition on Centrifugal Gas Compressors Used in Gas Turbine Power Plants

    Fujita D., Miyazaki T.

    International Journal of Energy Production and Management   9 ( 3 )   181 - 186   2024年9月   ISSN:20563272


    出版者・発行元:International Journal of Energy Production and Management  

    The investigation of the substantial impact of natural gas composition on the parameters for operation as well as the performance of centrifugal gas compressors in gas turbine power plants is presented in this paper. The efficiency and dependability of these compressors are greatly impacted by the composition of natural gas, which is defined by the different proportions of methane, ethane, propane, butane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other trace elements. This paper attempts to outline the complex effects of different gas compositions on compressor efficiency, maintenance needs, and overall plant operations through a thorough examination. Important factors to consider include how compressor longevity and performance are affected by gas density, energy content, corrosive components, moisture content, inert gases, and combustion characteristics. In addition, the study examines mitigating tactics to deal with issues brought on by variations in gas composition, including material compatibility, adaptive technologies, monitoring systems, and maintenance plans. This study offers insightful information that is crucial for maximizing the dependability and efficiency of centrifugal gas compressors in gas turbine power plants under various natural gas compositions.

    DOI: 10.18280/ijepm.090307


  • Impact of adsorption on thermal conductivity dynamics of adsorbate and adsorbent: Molecular dynamics study of methane and Cu-BTC

    Chen, HN; Saren, S; Liu, XT; Jeong, JH; Miyazaki, T; Kim, YD; Thu, K

    ISCIENCE   27 ( 8 )   110449   2024年8月   eISSN:2589-0042


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:iScience  

    Understanding changes in thermodynamic and transport properties during adsorption is crucial for the thermal management of metal-organic frameworks, which also imposes significant challenges for improved performance and energy density of adsorption system. Because of phase transitions in the intermolecular interactions involved in the adsorption phenomena, transport properties including the thermal conductivity exhibit interesting behaviors, yet fully understood. This study employs detailed molecular dynamics simulations to replicate the methane/Cu-BTC adsorption phenomenon for the evaluation of their thermal conductivities across different pressures and temperatures. The molecular simulations show that the thermal conductivities of both the adsorbent (Cu-BTC) and adsorbate (methane, adsorbed phase) vary notably during adsorption processes. Using the concepts of the change in the degree of free movements of the adsorbate molecules and atomic vibration of adsorbent, the reduction of the adsorbate thermal conductivity (∼70–93%) and increase thermal conductivity of the adsorbent (up to 3 times) in Cu-BTC+CH4 pair are explained.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110449

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  • A comprehensive review of granular structures as photothermal absorber materials

    Sarifudin, A; Yaningsih, I; Kristiawan, B; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T; Silitonga, AS; Ong, HC; Zainal, BS



    出版者・発行元:Thermal Science and Engineering Progress  

    Light trapping is a popular method used to improve the performance of photothermal absorbers. Granular structures are one of the light-trapping structures currently developed. In this paper, a review on the working principle and types of granular structures is presented. Furthermore, recent findings pertaining to the innovations of granular structures as photothermal absorber materials are discussed. This paper presents the extent of research and development in this area and identify the potential of granular structures as photothermal absorbers. The performance metrics used to evaluate the performance of photothermal absorber materials are described, which will be useful as a reference for making valid and reliable measurements. Moreover, this paper presents the material properties, types of fluid flow, and energy loss management that need to be considered when analyzing the performance of photothermal absorbers, which will serve as a reference for scientists and engineers for future sustainable technology development.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tsep.2024.102689

    Web of Science


  • Investigating maximum temperature lift potential of the adsorption heat transformer cycle using IUPAC classified isotherms

    Saren, S; Mitra, S; Miksik, F; Miyazaki, T; Ng, KC; Thu, K

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER   225   2024年6月   ISSN:0017-9310 eISSN:1879-2189


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  

    Adsorption heat transformer (AHT) cycle is capable of upgrading the low-grade waste heat to a higher temperature. The maximum temperature lift of the AHT cycle can represent its theoretical performance limit. However, such a metric is currently absent from the literature due to the scarcity of fundamental studies on the heat upgrading sorption cycles. Therefore, in the present study, three models are proposed to derive the ‘maximum temperature lift’ of a typical AHT cycle: (i) heat engine heat pump representation, (ii) the 2nd law of thermodynamic formulation, and (iii) complete preheating. The first two models are developed based on the reversible cycle approach, whereas the 3rd model incorporates adsorbed phase properties. Thus, the first two models might be considered as the formulations for the thermodynamic temperature limit (lift) of an AHT cycle while the 3rd model is specific to the nature of a particular adsorbent + adsorbate pair which might be close to practical applications. The reversible models predict a maximum temperature lift of 22 ∘C to 58 ∘C for heat source temperatures between 50 ∘C to 80 ∘C. The 3rd model exhibits lower values of maximum temperature lift compared to the reversible models, owing to the inclusion of material properties in its formulation. The performance of the models is demonstrated by determining the maximum temperature lift of four water-based adsorption working pairs, each featuring distinct IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) isotherm types. This study will help propel the working pair selection and the thermodynamic modeling of sorption cycles to achieve its near maximum capability.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2024.125384

    Web of Science



  • Low-GWP Refrigerant blends as Replacements of R410A for Domestic Heat Pumps

    髙田 信夫, 宮崎 隆彦

    Evergreen   11 ( 2 )   1435 - 1441   2024年6月   ISSN:21890420 eISSN:24325953


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:九州大学グリーンテクノロジー研究教育センター  

    Domestic heat pump is regarded as the most important contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings. R410A has been one of the most popular refrigerants in the heat pump system because of its eXcellent thermodynamic performance with near azeotropic nature. HoweVer, R410A greatly impacts climate with its global warming potential (GWP) which is eValuated as 2088 CO2-equiValent. Thus, this research purpose is to inVestigate refrigerant blends with a low GWP to replace R410A in domestic refrigeration applications. A screening of blends is carried out among the list of 5 low-GWP refrigerants, including R451A, R454A, R454C, R455A, and R459B, which are mainly combined by R32, R1234yf, R1234ze(E), and Carbon DioXide. The selection is based on the target GWPs (lower than 300), and the coefficient of performances (COPs) are analyzed on a single-stage heat pump cycle model by Python. The results present that the Volumetric capacities of low-GWP refrigerants are all lower than R410A, but their COPs are higher eXcept for R455A. R454A is considered the most accessible alternatiVe to R410A while its COP is 2% higher than R410A with the largest Volumetric capacity among low-GWP refrigerants. The climate impacts of these low-GWP refrigerants are also studied by the Life Cycle Climate Performance, which shows 22%~25% lower than the emissions of R410A. This research might supply a clue for the deVelopment of these new refrigerants to replace R410A.

    DOI: 10.5109/7183465


    CiNii Research

  • Real-World Autonomous Driving Control: An Empirical Study Using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Algorithm

    Zhao P., Yuan Z., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    Evergreen   11 ( 2 )   887 - 899   2024年6月   ISSN:21890420



    This article preprocesses environmental information and use it as input for the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. The algorithm is directly trained on a model vehicle in a real environment, allowing it to control the distance between the vehicle and surrounding objects. The training converges after approximately 200 episodes, demonstrating the PPO algorithm's ability to tolerate uncertainty, noise, and interference in a real training environment to some extent. Furthermore, tests of the trained model in different scenarios reveal that even when the input information is processed and does not provide a comprehensive view of the environment, the PPO algorithm can still effectively achieve control objectives and accomplish challenging tasks.


  • Fabrication of novel mixed matrix polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) intended for renewable hydrogen production <i>via</i> electrolysis application

    Mokete, R; Miksik, F; Selyanchyn, R; Takata, N; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T

    ENERGY ADVANCES   3 ( 5 )   1019 - 1036   2024年5月   eISSN:2753-1457


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Energy Advances  

    Hydrogen gas is among the sustainable energy forms that counteract the energy crisis. Polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) derived from biomass fillers and polyvinyl-based matrix blends have been fabricated and applied in H2 generation through electrolysis. Faradaic efficiencies ranging from 82.8 ± 1.9% to 88.9 ± 1.6% were exhibited when voltages of 6.5 V, 8 V and 10 V were applied; thus, proton conduction and hence H2 generation commenced at 2-2.5 V. The apparent morphology of the PEMs that verified the incorporation of pine bark (PB) and Chinese Tallow Seed Capsule (CT) fillers was visible as surface bumps and internal cavities within the PEMs. Although the proton conductivity of Nafion™ 115's (NF-M) was 23.94 mS cm−1, those of the fabricated PEMs (PB-M, CT-M and SSA-M) were 1.33, 0.46 and 0.48 mS cm−1, respectively. The PB-M exhibited good characteristics, including functional groups and water adsorption; thus, H2 production was achieved, but losses such as bubble production affected efficiency. This study presents a cost-effective alternative for H2 production that can be used in diverse applications.

    DOI: 10.1039/d3ya00503h

    Web of Science



  • Local Entropy Generation Analysis of the Counter-Flow Dew-Point Evaporative Coolers

    Yang C., Chen H., Miyazaki T., Kim Y.D., Khargotra R., Thu K.

    Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities   5 ( 2 )   2024年5月   ISSN:26426641


    出版者・発行元:Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities  

    A comfortable indoor working circumstance can be accomplished by a ventilation and air conditioning system. There are several factors influencing the quality of indoor air, with the insufficiency of ventilation accounting for over 50% of the overall considerations. While traditional air conditioner is able to fulfill the needs of ventilation and indoor temperature control, low-efficiency and high energy consumption no longer align with the current sustainable and energy-efficiency goals. Thus, the development of energy-saving and high-efficiency air conditioning systems is crucial for realizing green and efficient building practices. Evaporative cooling technology, specifically dew-point evaporative cooling, has garnered extensive attention as an efficient cooling method and a candidate for environmentally friendly and high-performance alternatives to traditional air conditioning systems. This article investigates the thermodynamic losses involved in a dew-point evaporative cooling system using the counter-flow design. Detailed mathematical models for the evaporative cooler along with the entropy generation in the channels are developed. The model facilitates calculations of (1) the entropy generation distribution in different layers within the system and (2) the entropy generation of each layer and the whole system under various input conditions. Approaching the system from the second law of thermodynamics perspective, this model serves as a guide for selecting the optimal operating conditions, thus promoting the widespread application and commercialization of dew-point evaporative cooling systems with the counter-flow structure.

    DOI: 10.1115/1.4065740


  • Open adsorption system for atmospheric CO2 capture: Scaling and sensitivity analysis

    Liu, XT; Saren, S; Chen, HN; Jeong, JH; Li, MX; Dang, CB; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    ENERGY   294   2024年5月   ISSN:0360-5442 eISSN:1873-6785


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Energy  

    Open adsorption process of gas mixtures involves complex heat and mass transfer mechanisms. Understanding of the physical mechanisms and their impacts on the adsorption process from gas mixtures is vital. In this study, a detailed analysis of an open CO2 adsorption from CO2/N2 mixtures using zeolite 13X-APG was investigated. Key physical mechanisms (unsteady, diffusive, convective, and component source, etc.) involved were scrutinized, and their order of magnitudes relative to the system energy complex were determined. The influences of these physical mechanisms on the equilibrium and dynamic nature throughout the capture were quantified. The validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for the same adsorption domain were carried out to verify the rationality of the scaling method. The adsorption time, tad; the maximum average temperature, T‾max; CO2 removal rate, Rre,CO2; equilibrium pressure drop, ΔPeq on different scale parameters and their sensitivity were investigated. The maximum relative sensitivity to porosity was found to be −0.945, 0.0235, −0.357, and −5.33 for tad, T‾max, Rre,CO2 and ΔPeq, respectively. It is observed that heat transfer by the conduction mechanism inside the bed significantly influences all scale parameters, except for ΔPeq. This work will contribute to a better understanding of the atmospheric CO2 adsorption and provide guidance for the design optimization.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2024.130805

    Web of Science



  • Energy, exergy and environmental (3E) analysis of low GWP refrigerants in cascade refrigeration system for low temperature applications

    Butt, SS; Perera, UA; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K; Higashi, Y

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION   160   373 - 389   2024年4月   ISSN:0140-7007 eISSN:1879-2081


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Refrigeration  

    This study presents a comparative energy, exergy, and life cycle climate performance (LCCP) analysis of various refrigerants in a cascade refrigeration system (CRS). The refrigerants analyzed in the low-temperature cycle (LTC) include R-23, R-116, R-41, R-170, R-1150, and R-1132a whereas high-temperature cycle (HTC) utilizes R-404A, R-455A, R-454C, R-459B, R-161, R-290, R-1270, and R-1234yf. For the first time for CRS, LCCP analysis is conducted and fourth generation low GWP and less flammable prospective refrigerants R-1132a, R-455A, R-454C, R-459B are analyzed. The study aims to find a refrigerant pair that outperforms R-23/R-404A in terms of thermodynamic efficiency while also considering environmental impact and safety considerations. Among the 48 refrigerant groups analyzed, the study reveals that R-170/R-161 and R-41/R-161 demonstrate superior performance in terms of thermodynamic efficiency and environmental impact assessment whereas the largest exergy destruction components are HTC/LTC compressors. However, if flammability is a major concern, the recommended refrigerant pair is R-1132a/R-1234yf, as it is a suitable alternative in terms of safety considerations while still maintaining favorable thermodynamic and environmental performance.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.12.020

    Web of Science



  • Investigating the impact of pore structure and surface chemistry on CO2 adsorption in graphitic slit-pores using GCMC simulation

    Saren, S; Chen, HN; Miksik, F; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K



    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects  

    Carbon capture, storage, and utilization from post-combustion processes using adsorption phenomena has emerged as a promising solution to the greenhouse gas emission crisis. The capacity of solid porous adsorbents dictates the performance of such carbon capture processes. Developments of porous adsorbents with favourable structural and chemical characteristics of the pore have been a major research area. Computational tools, notably the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, are widely employed to characterize the adsorption process in crystalline adsorbents like metal-organic frameworks and zeolites. Activated carbons are becoming promising alternatives to conventionally-used zeolite adsorbents for CO2 adsorption, because of their abundant microporosity and cost performance. However, the amorphous nature of the activated carbon materials poses a challenge in accurately modelling their pore characteristics and their adsorption process. Therefore, this study systematically explores the effect of pore size distribution and type of functional groups on the adsorption of CO2 on activated carbons using a simplified slit-pore graphite structure representing the activated carbon adsorbent. Four different pore sizes (7 Å, 8.9 Å, 18.5 Å, and 27.9 Å) and three oxygen-containing functional groups (Carbonyl, Hydroxyl, and Carboxyl) were selected to model the graphite structures. Results from the GCMC simulation reveal a significant rise in the CO2 adsorption capacity (from 4 mmol/g to 21 mmol/g) as the pore size was increased from 7 Å to 27.9 Å. Likewise, the functional groups enhance the low-pressure adsorption process by reducing the onset pressure of the pore filling by a factor of 100, especially in ultra-micropores. Likewise, we demonstrate the increase in the isosteric heat of adsorption due to the reduction in the pore size and the presence of functional groups. Additionally, the study illustrates the adsorbed phase behaviour of CO2 concerning the pore characteristics, a facet often overlooked in the existing literature. The adsorbed phase local density and molecular orientation distribution are analysed to understand the variation in the adsorption uptake and isosteric heat of adsorption properties. The study further identifies the adsorbed phase monolayer to multilayer transition and the ‘T′-shaped orientation of the adsorbed CO2 molecules as the key contributors to the high isosteric heat of adsorption in 8.9 Å pore size. It is envisaged that this study will navigate the precision adsorbent development for an efficient carbon capture process.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.133113

    Web of Science



  • A Study of Japan's Energy Landscape in the Transition to Renewable Electricity

    Fujita D., Miyazaki T.

    International Journal of Energy Production and Management   9 ( 1 )   37 - 43   2024年3月   ISSN:20563272


    出版者・発行元:International Journal of Energy Production and Management  

    The global shift towards renewable energy sources is driven by the desire for a sustainable energy future. Integrating intermittent renewable sources and maintaining grid stability are obstacles that must be overcome to achieve this goal, which is why grid stability and energy storage systems are being investigated in this study using Energy PLAN simulation. This study conducts a thorough analysis of energy storage solutions necessary to support Japan's energy landscape shift to renewable electricity. It offers a comprehensive analysis considering technological, environmental, and policy aspects to evaluate the applicability, difficulties, and potential of renewable electricity. Technical factors emphasize how critical it is to maintain grid balance and consider scalability and technology compatibility with Japan's distinct energy infrastructure. Economic analyses examine revenue streams, levelized storage prices, investment needs, and cost-benefit evaluations to shed light on the viability and appeal of technologies for storing energy from an economic standpoint. The goal of synthesizing these several characteristics is to provide policymakers, and energy stakeholders participating in Japan's ambitious journey towards renewable electricity with strategic insights, practical recommendations, and a roadmap. This study aims to steer Japan's energy landscape towards resilience, sustainability, and diversification by establishing links between imperatives, economic feasibility, and technical breakthroughs.

    DOI: 10.18280/ijepm.090105


  • Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of adsorption equilibria of MSC30 with R32 for supercritical adsorption cooling systems

    Yang, ZS; Sultan, M; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER   219   2024年2月   ISSN:0017-9310 eISSN:1879-2189


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  

    In the present study, the adsorption isotherms of difluoromethane (R32) on the activated carbon (MSC 30) throughout a temperature range of 25 °C to 150 °C and pressures up to 3000 kPa are measured for possible application in adsorption cooling systems. The Dubinin-Astakhov model was used to fit the experimental data. A thermodynamic model is proposed in this study to investigate the adsorption potential under supercritical conditions. The model is validated using the isotherm data from the experiments and literatures for different working pairs. The validation results exhibited a good agreement between the proposed model and the experimental data, signifying the precision and dependability of the model. The corresponding adsorption isosteric heat model was derived and verified, taking into account both the inclusion and exclusion of the adsorbed volume correction. Furthermore, the developed models were utilized in the equilibrium analysis of an adsorption heat pump to evaluate the performance of the system in terms of the theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) and specific cooling energy (SCE). The analysis covered the driving heat source temperature ranging from 30 °C to 150 °C, with different evaporation temperatures and adsorption temperatures. The results showed that the maximum COP value of 0.47 for the adsorption heat pump system employing the MSC30+R32 pair was achieved at a desorption temperature of 115 °C, at which the SCE was 315.5 kJ·kg−1. The results can potentially improve the accuracy of predicting adsorption behavior and contribute to the development of more efficient and effective adsorption systems.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.124873

    Web of Science



  • Characterization and optimization of pore structure and water adsorption capacity in pinecone-derived activated carbon by steam activation

    Yu, H; Miksík, F; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T

    POWDER TECHNOLOGY   431   2024年1月   ISSN:0032-5910 eISSN:1873-328X


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Powder Technology  

    Activated carbon, due to its notable porosity and cost-effectiveness, emerges as a promising desiccant material. This research delves into the utilization of pinecones as a precursor for the production of activated carbon through steam activation. The resultant activated carbon samples presented a porous structure and exhibited a high water adsorption capacity, with the highest adsorption capacity reaching 0.35 kg/kg, placing it in competition with commercial silica gel. Various experimental parameters were systematically manipulated during the production process to optimize both the pore structure and water adsorption capacity of the activated carbon samples. Elevating the carbonization temperature from 700 °C to 900 °C proved effective in enhancing pore distribution and elevating water adsorption capacity. Furthermore, higher activation temperatures contributed to the formation of additional mesopores and macropores, possibly attributable to micropore enlargement through steam activation. Nevertheless, these elevated activation temperatures resulted in an undesired increment in mesopores concerning water adsorption. The extension of activation time led to increased micropore formation, albeit with concurrent disruption, culminating in heightened total pore volume and surface area. This extension shifted the water adsorption-desorption isotherm to higher relative pressure ranges, accompanied by a larger hysteresis loop. Moreover, an increased steam mass flow rate was found to enhance the pore structure and water adsorption capacity of the activated carbon. The activated carbons exhibited sigmoid-shaped isotherms, signifying their suitability for both open-cycle and closed-cycle adsorption systems.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2023.119084

    Web of Science



  • Dew-point evaporative cooling of PV panels for improved performance

    Yang, C; Lin, J; Miksik, F; Miyazaki, T; Thu, K

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   236   2024年1月   ISSN:1359-4311 eISSN:1873-5606


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Thermal Engineering  

    Solar energy is an important energy source for a sustainable future. The advancements of solar cells for electricity production require improvements in the cooling technology. Conventional air cooling is not able to cool the photovoltaic (PV) panels effectively. On the other hand, dew-point evaporative cooling (DPEC) can bring down the inlet air temperature below its wet bulb which makes itself an excellent candidate for PV cooling. In this work, a novel cooling configuration that consists of two wet channels: one in the cooler (conventional DPEC) to produce the pre-cooled supply air and the other at the back of the PV panel, was proposed. A physics-based mathematical model utilizing local weather conditions was developed for the system to investigate its transient performance. The cooling performance and subsequent improvement in the PV's energy efficiency of the proposed system were compared with a traditional DPEC-based cooling approach. It was observed that the proposed system can maintain an efficiency of more than 15&#37; (with 16.7&#37; maximum) under two environmental conditions in summer, which is an increase of 16.4&#37; compared to air cooling. The proposed PV cooling method will help to improve the overall performance of the solar PV systems and increase renewable energy utilizations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.121695

    Web of Science




    Sarifudin A., Yaningsih I., Kristiawan B., Wibawa A., Miyazaki T., Thu K., Silitonga A.S., Ong H.C.

    Journal of Applied Engineering Science   22 ( 1 )   147 - 162   2024年   ISSN:1451-4117 eISSN:1821-3197


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Applied Engineering Science  

    The development of cost-effective and environmentally friendly solar thermal technologies that deliver high performance poses several challenges, where the collector and absorber components play a pivotal role. This research addresses these issues by investigating enhanced temperature generation using a 30 cm × 30 cm Fresnel lens collector under solar illumination from a xenon lamp. Natural stone materials (andesite, coal, and pumice), characterized by granular structures with an average diameter of 1.68–2.00 mm, were selected because of their abundance and eco-friendliness. This research is focused on evaluating the effect of Fresnel lens on temperature generation performance. Two types of temperature generation tests were carried out: wet tests (where the natural stone materials were immersed in distilled water) and dry tests (where the natural stone materials were used in dry conditions). The morphologies of the natural stone materials were examined using an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Furthermore, the optical properties of the natural stone materials were analyzed using an ultraviolet–visible (UV–VIS) spectrophotometer. The findings revealed that there were significant improvements in the photothermal absorber performance with the use of a Fresnel lens in dry tests, where the highest temperature was achieved for coal (103.25 °C), followed by andesite (89.00 °C) and pumice (73.00 °C). The impurities varied between the materials, where the impurities were most dominant for pumice while coal was more uniform. Further examination using scanning electron microscope showed that all materials had light-trapping structures in the form of rough surfaces, pores, and crack gaps. Andesite was dominated by rough surfaces, while coal and pumice were dominated by crack gaps and pores, respectively. However, based on the UV–VIS spectrophotometric results, there were no correlations between the optical properties (absorbance, reflectance, and transmittance) and temperature achieved by the photothermal absorber materials. This research demonstrates the potential of using natural stone materials as photothermal absorbers in combination with a Fresnel lens collector for low-to-medium temperature solar thermal applications.

    DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-47834



  • 機能性活性炭によるフロン類の吸着特性評価

    徐 祥源, 前城 裕太, MIKSIK Frantisek, THU Kyaw, 宮崎 隆彦

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   advpub ( 0 )   27 - 41   2024年   ISSN:13444905 eISSN:2185789X


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本冷凍空調学会  

    <p>本研究で吸着材に使用した粉末状活性炭(MSC-30)は,吸着材としてよく使われてきたシリカゲルより比表面積が大きく,さらに大きな吸着量が得られると期待される.吸着質には地球温暖化への影響が非常に小さい低GWP 冷媒のR 1233zd(E)を使用し,その吸着特性を同じ低GWP 冷媒のR 1234yf と比較した.本研究の結果から,単位質量あたりの吸着量および平衡状態に至るまでの吸着速度ともにR 1233zd(E) がより優れた結果を示した.なお,吸着相における体積変化を理論的に考慮したモデルで吸着熱を予測した結果,ほぼ同程度であった.吸着特性に関するこれらの基本情報は,機能性活性炭をフロン類の回収,分離,再生に活用するための基礎情報として高い有効性を有する.</p>

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.23-25_oa

    CiNii Research


    Purjam M., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference   937 - 945   2024年


    出版者・発行元:Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference  

    Ultralow-temperature (ULT) refrigeration is essential for various applications, including food, pharmaceutical, and cryogenic processes, where stringent temperature control is required. However, the energy intensity and the use of high-GWP refrigerants in these systems contribute to global warming and climate change. R23 and later R23 mixtures, like R508b, have been considered as zero ozone-depleting potential refrigerants, but their excessive global warming potential has always been a topic of concern. The theoretical replacements are multi-refrigerant multi-cascade cycles which are not efficient or economical enough to be accepted by manufacturers. R1150, R744a and R170 are considered as an environmentally friendly refrigerants to replace R23 family. However, their infra-room critical temperature makes them suitable only in bottoming cycles of cascade systems. This project presents an innovative approach to the single-refrigerant ULT refrigeration cycle. An optimized four-stage flash intercooling turboexpander cycle was designed and thermodynamically analyzed. COP around 0.5 is achievable, even though the cycle has a temperature lift of 140°C and an approximate compression ratio (CR) of 100. Pressure optimization caused the compressors to achieve isentropic efficiency ranging from 0.6 to 0.7, with compression ratios between 2.5 and 4. Different refrigerants and operating conditions were simulated under realistic assumptions and the positive impact of using turboexpanders on performance was confirmed.

    DOI: 10.1615/TFEC2024.hpu.050699


  • Temperature Generation of Granular Photothermal Absorber Natural Materials Using Fresnel Lens Collector

    Sarifudin A., Yaningsih I., Kristiawan B., Miyazaki T., Thu K.

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering   313 - 317   2024年   ISSN:21954356 ISBN:9789819701056


    出版者・発行元:Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering  

    The collector and absorberAbsorber are the two main components most influential in obtaining high solarSolar thermal performance. This study used a 30 × 30 cm Fresnel lens under a xenon lamp to improve the temperature generation performance. The materials photothermal absorbersAbsorber used are coal, andesite, and pumice, with an average granular structure diameter of 1.68–2 mm. This study aims to examine the effect of Fresnel lenses on the temperature generation performance of natural materials with granular as light trap structures and investigate which materials have the best performance. This study used an experimental method with dry and wet conditions in distilled water (H2O). The results show that the use of Fresnel lenses improves temperature generation performance. The best materials sequence in wet conditions are andesite, coal, and pumice. While in dry conditions are coal, andesite, and pumice. The heat generated has the potential to be applied to low and medium-temperature solarSolar thermal technology.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0106-3_50


  • Techno-economic analysis on the balance of plant (BOP) equipment due to switching fuel from natural gas to hydrogen in gas turbine power plants

    Fujita, D; Miyazaki, T

    AIMS ENERGY   12 ( 2 )   464 - 480   2024年   ISSN:2333-8326 eISSN:2333-8334


    出版者・発行元:AIMS Energy  

    The concerns over greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impacts, climate change, and sustainability continue to grow. As a result of countermeasures, many modern gas turbine power plants and combined cycle power plants are considering to use hydrogen as a clean fuel alternative to fossil fuels in the power plant industry. We assessed the implications of such transition from natural gas to hydrogen as fuel in a gas turbine power plant’s balance of plant (BOP) equipment. Using the DWSIM process simulation software and the methodology of compression power changes against different gas compositions, the impact of blending hydrogen with natural gas on temperature differentials, energy consumption, adiabatic efficiency, compression power, and economic implications in gas turbine power plants were examined in this paper. We discovered, through analysis, that there was not a noticeable boost in compression power or energy consumption when 50% hydrogen and 50% natural gas were blended. Similarly, there was no discernible difference in temperature differentials or adiabatic efficiency when 30% hydrogen and 70% natural gas were blended. Moreover, mixing 50% hydrogen and 50% natural gas did not result in a noticeable cost climb. In addition, the techno-economic analysis presented in this paper offered valuable insights for power plant engineers, power generation companies, investors in energy sectors, and policymakers, highlighting the nature of the fuel shift and its implications on the economy and technology.

    DOI: 10.3934/energy.2024021

    Web of Science


  • Particulate Matter Phytoremediation Effectiveness of Japanese Prunus × Yedoensis Tree Through Spring and Summer Season

    Hammad D., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    E3S Web of Conferences   465   2023年12月   ISSN:2555-0403 eISSN:2267-1242


    掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:E3S Web of Conferences  

    Using green biofilters can help eliminate air pollutants and improve urban air quality. In the current study, Prunus × Yedoensis capacity of phytoremediation was investigated as a bio filter of Particulate matter (PM) in spring and summer seasons in Japan. Two samples were analysed to extract three fractions of PM (coarse, fine and ultra-fine). Results showed lower deposition of PM in spring season with total of 20.2 μg.cm-2 and high proportion for fine fraction (2.5-10μm), comparing with summer season which showed a higher deposition of PM with total of 31.9 μg.cm-2. Ultra-fine fraction (0.2–2.5μm) recorded the highest values with a percentage of 23.9% of the total PM deposition. Leaf micromorphological characteristics such as, rough surface and serrated margin can enhance the Prunus × Yedoensis ability of particulate matter accretion. This study confirms that vegetation has an efficient role in improving the quality of urban air. Further structural analysis should be included to deepen the understanding of phytoremediation phenomena in plants.

    DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202346502030



  • Potential Evaluation of Power-to-Gas system by using Wind Turbine and PEM

    Mizobe K., Chairunnisa , Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    E3S Web of Conferences   465   2023年12月   ISSN:2555-0403 eISSN:2267-1242


    掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:E3S Web of Conferences  

    The Power-to-Gas (PTG) is one of the progressing technologies that enables the conversion of electrical energy into hydrogen or methane gas. This study focuses on the comprehensive analysis of energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, and exergy destruction rate within the PTG overall system. The investigation covers the evaluation of the wind turbine for power generation, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) employed in hydrogen production, and the methanation unit dedicated to methane production. The analysis examines the overall system as well as each individual component. By quantifying the energy and exergy efficiencies, this study provides potential improvements for maximizing the PTG system's overall effectiveness. The outcomes of this study contribute to the advancement and deployment of PTG technologies, thereby facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and promoting sustainable energy solutions.

    DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202346501011



  • A comprehensive investigation of r32 adsorption kinetics onto MSC30 activated carbon powder

    Yang, ZS; Sultan, M; Shahzad, MW; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T



    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer  

    The thermogravimetric method was employed to measure the adsorption kinetics of difluoromethane (R32) on MSC30 activated carbon powder adsorbent over a wide range of temperatures (25 °C to 150 °C) and pressures (up to 3000 kPa). The accuracy of various adsorption kinetics models, including FD model, LDF model, semi-infinite model, and modified adsorption kinetics models, were assessed to compare their suitability for predicting the kinetics uptake of the MSC30/R32 working pair. Based on the fitting of the Arrhenius equation, the activation energy Ea and pre-exponential coefficient [Formula presented] were calculated to be 6262.37 (kJ·kg−1) and 0.00853 (s−1), respectively. The MSC30/R32 pair exhibited the highest diffusion time constant and adsorption rate among the common MSC30/refrigerant pairs. Furthermore, a new mass transfer coefficient model was proposed to enhance the accuracy and broaden the range of applicability of the existing model (Jribi model). Comprehensive validations were carried out using various adsorbent-adsorbate pairs over a wide temperature range. The Jribi model in conjunction with the proposed mass transfer coefficient model achieved high accuracy and precision in predicting the adsorption dynamics of diverse working pairs, both during the initial stage and near the saturation state. This study provides valuable insight into the adsorption kinetics analysis, which is essential in accurately simulating adsorption systems for various applications, including refrigeration and air conditioning.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2023.107148

    Web of Science



  • Investigation on energy-saving potential from heat rejection pressure management in a CO2 transcritical vapor compression system

    Ko, JD; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   235   2023年11月   ISSN:1359-4311 eISSN:1873-5606


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Thermal Engineering  

    Heat rejection pressure is an important factor influencing the performance of a CO2 (R-744) transcritical vapor compression system. Previous relevant studies have investigated the optimum heat rejection pressure ensuring the maximum coefficient of performance (COP) and operating parameters affecting the optimum pressure value. However, studies presenting quantitatively how much energy can save when an R-744 transcritical system operates in the optimum heat rejection pressure are still rather limited. This work aims to investigate an energy-saving potential gain achieved by managing heat rejection pressure in an R-744 transcritical system and provides quantitatively how much energy can save with that. In that way, this work tries to fill out the research gap. Simulations were carried out employing prevalidated model, the system COP was investigated in various operating conditions, and the optimum heat rejection pressure securing the maximum COP was found. The optimum heat rejection pressure found in this work was compared to the existing correlations, thereby the comparison results are provided in this paper. The system's dynamic performance was also investigated in two different cases: when the expansion valve opening was regulated for the optimum heat rejection pressure, and when the valve opening was adjusted with a thermostatic expansion valve conventionally. In this study, it is observed the given system reduces the compressor power consumption by 62% when the refrigerant temperature at the main gas cooler outlet varies within a range of 33 ℃ to 45 ℃ and the evaporator temperature of 1 ℃. Consequently, in terms of energy-saving potential, this paper highlights the importance of heat rejection pressure management in an R-744 transcritical system and the significance of proper selection for the control target of an expansion valve depending on the system's operating regime.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.121397

    Web of Science



  • Alkaline leaching-carbon from sugarcane solid waste for screen-printed carbon electrode

    Rahmawati, F; Heliani, KR; Wijayanta, AT; Zainul, R; Wijaya, K; Miyazaki, T; Miyawaki, J

    CHEMICAL PAPERS   77 ( 6 )   3399 - 3411   2023年6月   ISSN:0366-6352 eISSN:2585-7290


    出版者・発行元:Chemical Papers  

    In this research, carbon powder produced from bagasse, solid waste of sugarcane production, was used as raw material for creating screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE), which is named SPAC600. Bagasse was carbonized at 600 °C under N2 flows to produce carbon. The carbonized bagasse was then treated with alkaline solution to leach out the impurities; therefore, the result, AC600, provides a significant increase in surface area from 24.8 to 197.10 m2 g−1. Alkaline treatment also changed the morphology of carbon powder into smaller flakes and removed C–H- aromatic vibration and C–O stretching within Fourier transformed- infrared (FTIR) spectra. The treatment also increases the electric conductivity from 10.01 S/cm to 25.39 S/cm. Alkaline leaching also increases the electrochemical performance of the electrode, proven by the significant increase of anodic current density, Ipa from 5.5 to 12.8 μA, for screen-printed carbon without alkaline leaching (SPC600) and SPAC600, respectively. Furthermore, ferrocene addition to the working electrode (WE) part of the prepared SPCE even increases the electrochemical performance as an analytic electrode, proven by the anodic current density of 173.0 μA. Even though the performance is still lower than a commercial SPCE which provides anodic current density up to 2000 μA, further treatment and modification may enhance the performance of the SPAC600.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11696-023-02712-8

    Web of Science


  • Numerical Approach of TiO<inf>2</inf> and CNT Nanofluids Flowing in Circular, Rectangular, and Triangular Tubes

    Sutanto B., Kristiawan B., Yaningsih I., Wijayanta A.T., Miyazaki T.

    AIP Conference Proceedings   2674   2023年5月   ISSN:0094243X ISBN:9780735444195


    出版者・発行元:AIP Conference Proceedings  

    This work investigates a numerical study for titanium dioxide (TiO2) and carbon nanotube (CNT) nanofluid heat transfer performance. Nanofluid flowed in an inner concentric tube with circular, rectangular, and triangular channels were simulated using a mixture model in the Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase approach. The effect of Reynold number on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristic were observed. The results showed an increasing Nusselt number and a decreasing friction factor with an increment in Reynold number. Furthermore, the similar hydraulic diameter in circular, rectangular, and triangular tubes produced different mass flow rates of nanofluid flow inside the inner tube. The different mass flow rates affected their temperature distribution and Nusselt number. These results contribute to our understanding of how nanofluids enhance the heat transfer performance in various tube profiles.

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0114128


  • Impacts of the internal heat recovery scheme on the performance of an adsorption heat transformer cycle for temperature upgrade

    Saren, S; Mitra, S; Miksik, F; Miyazaki, T; Ng, KC; Thu, K



    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer  

    Adsorption heat transformer (AHT) cycles, unlike adsorption cooling cycles, upgrade the heat source to a higher temperature. Despite the renewed interest in the AHT cycles, its performance enhancement schemes along with their impacts are yet to be explored extensively. Heat and mass recovery schemes on the adsorption cooling/heating cycles have been extensively studied. However, AHT cycles are fundamentally different from those cycles since the AHT cycles employ isothermal-adiabtic processes. Thus, similar impacts of the heat and mass recovery scheme as in the cooling/heating cycles cannot be expected in AHT cycles. Therefore, the impacts and limitations of the internal heat recovery scheme on the AHT cycle are investigated in the current study. The heat recovery scheme aims to minimize the requisite uptake consumption for preheating the adsorber bed by recovering the sensible heat between two adsorber beds having different temperatures. This sensible heat exchange is modeled using modified energy-balance equations to capture the non-linearity of the adsorption process. The preheating uptake loss decreases from 0.014 kg/kg to 0.007 kg/kg at the heat source-heat supply temperature combination of 60 °C–80 °C due to the maximum possible heat recovery in the AHT cycle. As a result of the reduced preheating uptake loss, approximately 5&#37; and 10&#37; increase in the useful heat ratio and exergy efficiency of the AHT cycle, respectively are obtained. This modified AHT cycle further improves the performance ratio of the hybrid AHT-MED (multi-effect distillation) system from 4.6 to 4.9 at the heat source temperature of 58 °C. Furthermore, a parametric analysis of the cycle's performance metrics has been conducted for various degrees of heat recovery, representing the effect of realistic heat exchanger effectiveness during the recovery process. This study will help propel the theoretical development of the adsorption-based thermodynamic systems.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2023.106774

    Web of Science



  • Numerical study on the Effect of Rectangular and Triangular Counter-Rotating Vortex Generators on the H-Rotor Wind Turbine Performance

    Indri Yaningsih, Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana, Eko Prasetya Budiana, Mohamad Muqoffa, Zainal Arifin, Suyitno, Koji Enoki, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Evergreen   10 ( 1 )   230 - 241   2023年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/6781073

  • 分子動力学を用いた金属有機構造体によるメタンの吸着

    陳 昊楠, Saren Sagar, 劉 雪涛, 宮崎 隆彦, Kyaw Thu

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2023.27 ( 0 )   D211   2023年   eISSN:24242950


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmepes.2023.27.d211

    CiNii Research

  • Research on the Prediction of Activated Carbon Properties Using Machine Learning

    Zhao Peng, YU Hao, THU Kyaw, MIYAZAKI Takahiko

    The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   2023.27 ( 0 )   D212   2023年   eISSN:24242950


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>This study presents a predictive model utilizing artificial neural networks (ANNs), specifically Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Deep Neural Networks (DNN), to forecast the properties of activated carbon under various experimental conditions. The prediction model focuses on the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area and total pore volume of the activated carbon, with the carbonization temperature, activation temperature, and activation agent as the determining factors. A dataset comprising around 100 samples was used for training the model and testing its accuracy. Results indicate that the DNN model, despite its increased complexity, exhibits superior performance over the MLP model in predicting the properties of activated carbon. The DNN model showed a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 14.19% for the BET surface area prediction and 17.90% for the total pore volume prediction. The findings underscore the potential of using DNN models in optimizing activated carbon production processes and tailoring its properties for specific applications. Nonetheless, the study suggests the need for expanding the dataset and including more influential factors to further enhance the model's accuracy and reliability.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmepes.2023.27.d212

    CiNii Research

  • Particulate Matter Phytoremediation Capacity of Four Japanese Roadside Green Biofilters

    Hammad D.S., Mikšík F., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    Environmental Science and Engineering   263 - 274   2023年   ISSN:1863-5520 ISBN:9789819941001 eISSN:1863-5539


    掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:Environmental Science and Engineering  

    Particulate matter (PM) accumulation on the leaves of two trees and two shrubs were examined for 14 days to study the ability of broad leaves to capture particulate matter in Japan. Two healthy mature leaf samples of each specimen were carefully collected and analyzed through the gravimetric analysis method (four filtration steps). PM in different divisions can be captured and deposited inside the leaf foliage. Fine particles were the highest portion of the PM content captured by the analyzed trees. Leaf features such as hair and wax have been associated with high PM accumulation as presented in Toxicodendron succedaneum (waxy glossy leaves) which was the most effective species among the analyzed species for all PM fraction divisions (PM10, PM 2.5, and PM 0.2), and Prunus × yedoensis (hairy leaves) that captured the largest portion of ultra-fine PM. The surface area has no effect on the accumulation of particulate matter since the Ficus erecta shrub has the largest surface area, but the lowest portions of PM among of the investigated species.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-4101-8_20



  • Recent development in adsorption desalination: A state of the art review

    Asfahan, HM; Sultan, M; Miyazaki, T; Saha, BB; Askalany, AA; Shahzad, MW; Worek, W

    APPLIED ENERGY   328   2022年12月   ISSN:0306-2619 eISSN:1872-9118


    出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    Adsorption desalination is prescribed as a promising and eco-friendly solution for mitigating water scarcity, owing to its utilization of low-grade thermal waste and zero liquid brine discharge. The keystones that regulate the performance of the adsorption desalination system (ADS) include nature of adsorbents, system design, and operating conditions. The present study aims to provide a state of the art review on the keystones of ADS. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) hold remarkable adsorption capacity and tunable structure. However, hydrothermal instability, high cost, and complex synthesizing procedures are the potential challenges that need to be addressed. The technological advancements in ADS have been classified into: (i) Conventional Approach, (ii) Heat and Mass Recovery Approaches, (iii) Hybridization Approaches, (iv) and Adsorbent Substituting Approach. The study provides critical insight and compares the performance of each approach based on specific daily water production (SDWP), specific cooling power (SCP), and coefficient of performance (COP). The conventional ADS produce SDWP of 4.7 m3/ton/d, however producing zero and/or minimal SCP while using payable energy of 1.50 kWh/m3. In heat/mass recovery approaches, pressure equalization-valve delay schemes and master–slave configuration provide ∼ 5 % additional water adsorption/desorption on/from silica-gel and reduce ∼ 50 % thermal heating load, respectively. Evaporator-condenser amalgamation emphasizes the evaporator temperature of 30–42 °C leading towards ∼ 69 % higher SDWP with zero SCP. Dual stage, multi evaporators/condensers scheme is found supportive in cogenerating feature of ADS thereby improvising COP to ∼ 0.87. In hybridization approach, ejector integrated ADS produces SDWP of 80 m3/ton and COP of 2.22 using payable energy of 0.92 kWh/m3, however, needs experimental validation. In the adsorbent substituting approach, CPO-27(Ni), Emim-Ac/Syloid 72FP, and composite adsorbent manifest the SDWP to higher levels. The operating conditions are sensitive and need to optimize depending on the configuration of ADS. Possible future research directions may include efficient designing/ sizing of evaporators/ condensers, minimizing the heat and mass transfer resistances in adsorber/desorber reactor, optimize the thickness of the adsorbent layer in heat exchangers, and investigating wide range of adsorbent classes that can be driven with very low regeneration temperature.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120101

    Web of Science


  • Performance and design analyses of various configurations of dew point evaporative cooling-based desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) systems for hot and humid conditions

    Marco Lao, Jie Lin, František Mikšík, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki



    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration  

    Thermally driven desiccant- and evaporative cooling-based technologies are promising greener and cheaper alternatives to compressor-based systems due to the separate handling of latent and sensible loads. Desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) systems comprise a desiccant dehumidifier, a sensible cooling unit, a heat source for regeneration, and a heat recovery unit. These components of a DAC system can be arranged in various ways to give different configurations with varying advantages and disadvantages. In this study, five configurations of thermally driven desiccant dehumidifier- and dew point evaporative cooling (DPEC)-based DAC systems were investigated. Seven evaluation criteria namely regeneration temperature, desiccant moisture removal capacity, COPt, DPEC L/H, heat exchanger UA, system size, and fan power requirement were employed. Results show that the standard cycle in ventilation mode offers the highest COPt despite having the highest regeneration temperature. Recirculation of the return room air can operate at a significantly lower regeneration temperature at the expense of larger equipment size and much lower COPt. DAC with an internally cooled dehumidification can operate at low regeneration temperature at the expense of higher fan power and slightly lower COPt. Dividing the dehumidification process into two stages can offer operation at moderately lower regeneration temperature without severely affecting the other criteria. This study can serve as a guide for the selection of an appropriate DAC configuration for space cooling depending on the objective criteria and the resources available.

    DOI: 10.1007/s44189-022-00011-7

    Web of Science



  • Parametric analysis of a counter-flow dew point evaporative cooler

    Marco L., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences   8   253 - 258   2022年10月   ISSN:24341436 eISSN:24341436


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:九州大学大学院総合理工学府  

    Dew point evaporative cooling (DPEC), a type of indirect evaporative cooling where a single stream of air flows sequentially through the dry and wet channels, can cool air theoretically to its dew point temperature. In this study, the effects of design parameters, operating parameters, and inlet air condition to the cooling performance of a counter-flow DPEC was investigated. It has been shown that for the nominal condition of channel length = 1m, channel height = 5mm, inlet air velocity = 1.5 m/s, and working air ratio = 0.3, the inlet air with temperature of 30o C and humidity of 0.010 kg/kg da was cooled to 19.3oC which is lower that its wet bulb temperature of 19.6oC. The temperature can be cooled further by increasing the channel length, decreasing the channel height, decreasing the inlet air velocity, or increasing the working air ratio.

    DOI: 10.5109/5909100


    CiNii Research


  • Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Helium Ericsson Power Cycle: A Novel Model for Pseudo-isothermal Compression and Expansion

    Purjam M., Thu K., Miyazaki T.

    International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences   8   285 - 290   2022年10月   ISSN:24341436 eISSN:24341436


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:九州大学大学院総合理工学府  

    Nuclear energy has been considered as clean and environmentally friendly method of power production. With the emergence of Generation IV reactor, a new horizon was opened in nuclear technology. The invention of new materials and production processes and magnetic bearings, the new ideas for increasing the efficiency of nuclear power plants are being considered more feasible. In this paper the thermodynamic analysis of a Helium pseudo-isothermal expansion and compression power cycle which can be utilized to couple with a Very High-temperature Gas Reactor (VHTR) was performed. A novel thermodynamic modelling of estimating the isothermal process based on the irreversibility during the compression or expansion was done. The results show that isothermal process is not so far from the reality and the power cycle can exceed other designs in terms of efficiency.

    DOI: 10.5109/5909105


    CiNii Research


  • Special Issue on Sciences and Innovations in Heat Pump/Refrigeration: Volume II

    Miyazaki, T; Enoki, K; Ahn, J

    APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL   12 ( 20 )   2022年10月   eISSN:2076-3417


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app122010630

    Web of Science



  • Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Desiccant Dehumidification System Operating by Low Regeneration Temperature

    Yaningsih, I; Wijayanta, AT; Miyazaki, T

    HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING   43 ( 19 )   1639 - 1651   2022年9月   ISSN:0145-7632 eISSN:1521-0537


    出版者・発行元:Heat Transfer Engineering  

    Heat and mass transfer characteristics (HMTCs), which defined the latent and sensible load, are essential for developing an effective desiccant dehumidification system (DSDHS). Therefore, the current work provides an investigation on the HMTCs, in the form of the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers. Under constant adsorption temperature of 293 K, the HMTCs were analyzed with three different regeneration temperatures of 308 K, 318 K, and 328 K. While the velocities were kept constant of 0.1 kg/s both for adsorption and regeneration processes. The DSDHS used the polymer material having the highest adsorption capacity of 0.78 kg/kg. Using the thermal and mass resistance approaches, the heat, and mass transfer coefficients were able to predict. The results show that the highest regeneration temperature revealed the most top differences between the humidity ratio inlet and outlet, which was 2.2 g/kg. The Nusselt number values, as well as Sherwood number, tend to increase with the rise of regeneration temperature. The proposed empirical correlation for predicting the HMTCs was followed by the experimental data with a maximum discrepancy of 17%. It is suggested that the properties of the interface must be carefully acquired to reduce the discrepancy between the experimental data and analytical.

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2021.2000582

    Web of Science


  • The second law analysis of a humidification-dehumidification desalination system using M-cycle

    Mansoor Abdul Aziz, Jie Lin, František Mikšík, Takahiko Miyazaki, Kyaw Thu



    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments  

    Humidification-dehumidification desalination (HDD) systems offer a feasible approach for the production of fresh water in inaccessible areas as they can be operational using renewable energy and require little maintenance. Various studies are being carried out to boost the system performance. In this paper, an open air open water HDD system is proposed that exploits the enhanced evaporation and condensation processes by implementing with the Maisotsenko cycle (M-cycle). The system utilizes solar energy as the energy input to heat the saline water. A thermodynamic model is formulated under steady-state conditions, considering the first and second law of thermodynamics. The energetic and exergetic performance of the system is studied. The model is first validated with the experimental data and a good agreement is found where the maximum discrepancy is about 6.0 &#37;. Effects of different operating conditions on key performance parameters such as the Gain Output Ratio (GOR), specific energy consumption (SEC), exergy destruction, and exergy efficiency are analyzed. An improvement is observed in the GOR when the inlet air temperature is raised at constant humidity ratio. The system exhibits better performance in dry air environment when compared with humid air environment. The analysis shows a maximum mass flow rate of desalinated water of 22.3 kg/h, recovery ratio (RR) of 0.223, GOR of 3, SEC of 0.23 kWh/kg and an exergy efficiency of 43.21 &#37;.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2022.102141

    Web of Science



  • Simulation-based assessment of the thermal-hydraulic performance of titania-based nanofluids in a circular-mini-channel tube

    Kristiawan B., Enoki K., Juwana W.E., Rachmanto R.A., Wijayanta A.T., Miyazaki T.

    International Journal of Ambient Energy   43 ( 1 )   8022 - 8035   2022年6月   ISSN:0143-0750 eISSN:2162-8246


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Ambient Energy  

    Simulation-based assessment is performed here by using the single-phase model (S-PM) and the two-phase mixture model (T-PMM). The models are used to investigate the heat transfer performance of TiO2/water nanofluids inside a circular tube with a diameter of 1.09 mm and a length of 306 mm. Reynolds numbers are varied from 600 to 2100, while the nano-particle concentration is 1.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 vol.&#37;. Higher friction factor (f) and convective heat transfer coefficient (h) were observed for titania-based nanofluids compared to those of the base fluid (water). Heat transfer performance of the nanofluid increases as the nanoparticle concentration is increased. Likewise, the augmentation in pressure drop increases with nano-particle concentration. The highest enhancement in the Nusselt number of 14.81&#37; was observed for nanoparticles with a concentration of 5 vol.&#37; at the Reynolds number of about 1500.

    DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2022.2085797



  • On the performance improvement of an inverted Brayton Cycle using a regenerative heat and mass exchanger

    Matsui, K; Lin, J; Thu, K; Miyazaki, T

    ENERGY   249   2022年6月   ISSN:0360-5442 eISSN:1873-6785


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Energy  

    Recovery of the low-temperature waste heat for electricity generation has been gaining a significant interest. An Inverted Brayton Cycle (IBC) is often employed to convert the low-temperature waste-heat to electricity while the thermal efficiency and specific work output are poor. In this paper, a new energy recovery scheme is introduced incorporating the IBC with a Regenerative Heat and Mass Exchanger (RHME). The RHME is a heat and mass exchanger that consolidates a recuperator (for thermal efficiency improvement) and an Indirect Evaporative Cooler (for enhanced specific work). Numerical models for RHME and the IBC were judiciously developed where possible condensation in the product air channel was accounted for. The model was validated with the experimental data and the cycle was investigated for various waste-heat sources (50–150 °C). When compared to a conventional air-cooling IBC system, incorporating the current energy recovery scheme increases the thermal efficiency from 8.13&#37; to 14.36&#37; and specific work output from 10.38 to 12.46 kJ/kg equivalent to 76.63&#37; and 20.1&#37; improvements, respectively. The unprecedented performance improvement is realised from the exploitation of the regenerative and air-saturation (cooling) mechanisms for both energy recovery and cooling of the working fluid.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2022.123726

    Web of Science



  • Effects of temperature and humidity ratio on the performance of desiccant dehumidification system under low-temperature regeneration

    Hao Yu, Sang won Seo, František Mikšík, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki, Kim Choon Ng

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY   148 ( 8 )   3045 - 3058   2022年5月   ISSN:1388-6150 eISSN:1588-2926


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  

    The desiccant dehumidification system can separate the latent heat and sensible heat in the air-conditioning system and achieve energy savings by removing latent heat. Industrial waste heat and renewable energy could be utilized in desiccant dehumidification systems, where the desorption process can be performed below 70 °C. The vapor pressure and temperature of the regenerating air dictate the desorption process corresponding to the isotherm properties. This study has focused on the effects of various temperatures and humidity ratios of regeneration air on the performance of a desiccant dehumidifier using a polymer as an adsorbent. Experiments were performed using the regeneration air with the humidity ratios of 0.005 kg kg−1, 0.010 kg kg−1, 0.015 kg kg−1, and 0.020 kg kg−1, while the air temperatures were varied from 40 °C to 70 °C. The evaluation of this study employs the adsorption/desorption amount, average moisture removal capacity, and latent energy ratio (LER) of the regeneration process as key performance indexes. At the regeneration temperature of 68 °C, the peak desorption amount at the humidity ratio of 0.005 kg kg−1 and 0.010 kg kg−1 both reached 0.011 kg kg−1. The results indicated that the higher desorption temperature led to a higher desorption amount. Besides, with the increased desorption temperature, the average moisture removal capacity increases. In contrast, the high humidity ratio of regeneration air resulted in a weak dehumidification ability. Lower regeneration temperature was difficult to apply to regenerate the polymer-based desiccant under a high-humidity-ratio atmosphere. To attain a high LER, a lower humidity ratio of dry air and regeneration temperature was preferred. The regeneration air with a humidity ratio of 0.020 kg kg−1 is not suitable to apply in the dehumidification system in the temperature range of 40–70 °C.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10973-022-11368-7

    Web of Science



  • Adsorption heat transformer cycle using multiple adsorbent plus water pairs for waste heat upgrade

    Saren, S; Mitra, S; Miyazaki, T; Ng, KC; Thu, K

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY   148 ( 8 )   3059 - 3071   2022年4月   ISSN:1388-6150 eISSN:1588-2926


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  

    Adsorption heat transformers (AHTs) are considered as promising systems for upgrading waste heat to a higher temperature. The cycle operates among three temperature reservoirs: (i) heat sink at the low temperature (TL), (ii) heat source at the medium temperature (TM), and (iii) heat supply at the high temperature (TH). In the present study, the performance the AHT cycle was analyzed for possible applications in the waste heat upgrade and thermal desalination. An equilibrium model was developed using adsorption characteristics and isotherm data. Five types of commercially available silica gels and three types of zeolites were investigated as adsorbents. Nonlinear optimization technique was utilized for the determination of the intermediate pressure and uptake for preheating and precooling phase of the AHT cycle. The performance parameters in terms of useful heat ratio and condensation heat ratio were determined and compared for the reservoir temperatures at 30 °C (TL)—60 °C (TM)—80 °C (TH). Parametric evaluation of the performance parameters was carried out based on the variation in gross temperature lift, as well as the heat exchanger mass ratio. It was found out that reduction in the gross temperature lift had a positive impact on the useful heat ratio and a negative influence on the condensation heat ratio of the AHT cycle. Significant variations in the maximum adsorption capacity and slope of the isosteric heat of adsorption across various adsorption pairs containing zeolites were observed. As a result, AQSOA-Z01 zeolite exhibited the highest heat exchange values of the AHT cycle in the range of ~ 320–370 kJ per kg of adsorbent. On the contrary, type AQSOA-Z02 zeolite displayed the lowest corresponding values in the range of ~ 60–90 kJ kg-1 of adsorbent. On the other hand, variation across the different silica gel adsorbents was comparatively smaller because of similar isotherm and isosteric heat of adsorption characteristics. This study will assist the research on the theoretical development of the AHT cycle via material selection and system design optimization.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10973-022-11350-3

    Web of Science



  • Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Desorption Temperature on the Performance of Low Humidity Desorption Process

    YU Hao, SEO Sangwon, THU Kyaw, MIYAZAKI Takahiko

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers   39 ( 1 )   69   2022年3月   ISSN:13444905 eISSN:2185789X


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  

    <p>With the increase in energy consumption, energy-saving attracts lots of attention. The desiccant dehumidification system is a potential substitute for the air-conditioning system that can achieve energy saving by decreasing the energy input for latent heat. Besides, the desiccant dehumidification system can further utilize the low-temperature heat waste in the desorption process. Thus, this study has focused on the low temperatures range between 40ºC and 70ºC on the desorption process with low humidity ratios of dry air as 0.005 kg/kg. The results indicate that, with the increasing desorption temperature, the water removal amount also increases, which means the ability of dry air to capture moisture from desiccant increases with higher temperature. At the desorption temperature of 68ºC, the average moisture removal capacity reached the peak, 0.0081kg/kg. Conversely, the coefficient of performance (COP) of the desorption process presented a downward trend with increasing desorption temperature. At desorption temperature 41ºC the COP is highest at almost 0.8, then gradually dropped to around 0.51 at desorption temperature 68ºC. The optimal desorption temperature can be determined as 54ºC.</p>

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.21-40de_em_oa

    CiNii Research

  • Progress on Thermal Energy Storage Using Nanotailored Silica with Aluminium Doping

    MIKSIK Frantisek, MIYAZAKI Takahiko

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers   39 ( 1 )   87   2022年3月   ISSN:13444905 eISSN:2185789X


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  

    <p>Nanotailored microporous silica represents one of the more recent artificially prepared advanced materials used in heat transformation and conservation field after silica gel and various zeolite and zeolite-like materials. In this work, we introduce experimental findings on the energy characteristics of water adsorption on nanotailored microporous silica with 1.5 % aluminium doping in the structure. The downscaled system in this work simulates actual working conditions in a controlled environment for both heating and cooling mode. The key properties of this material lie in the regeneration temperatures 60 to 80 ℃ and COP, which reaches values around 0.6 in case of cooling and 0.7 in case of heating. In absolute values at Δ<i>T</i> = 15 ℃, the system reaches storing capacities of about 90 Wh and 126 Wh per adsorbent kilogram in terms of cooling and heating potential energy, respectively. An important factor of kinetic influence on system performance is discussed on a basis of constant time experiment and time-dependent energy flow breakthrough analysis. Constraining factors are found to be in parallel through the driving force of the pressure swing as well as the heat transfer through the body of the adsorption bed.</p>

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.21-37de_em_oa

    CiNii Research

  • Improving Water Vapor Adsorption Capacity at Low Humidity on Activated Carbon by Introducing Active Functional Groups Through Ozone Activation


    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers   39 ( 1 )   93   2022年3月   ISSN:13444905 eISSN:2185789X


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  

    <p>Water vapor adsorption on activated carbon (AC) for dehumidification purposes has gained much attention due to the abundance of benefits provided by AC. The working region limited in high water vapor relative pressure (<i>P/P0</i>) makes this material suitable only for removing water vapor at a highly humid region. In this study, ozone oxidation was conducted to introduce more oxygen-based functional groups on AC to attract more water molecules. Based on surface characterization results, ozone oxidation increases oxygen functional groups such as carboxylic on AC but decreases their pores. The more AC exposed to ozone, the more different properties could be observed. The increment of functional groups enhances the water vapor adsorption uptake at <i>P/P0</i> ≤ 0.6, shifting the water sorption into lower <i>P/P0</i>.</p>

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.21-36de_em_oa

    CiNii Research

  • Measurements of saturation pressures for the novel refrigerant R1132(E)

    Perera U.A., Sakoda N., Miyazaki T., Thu K., Higashi Y.

    International Journal of Refrigeration   135   148 - 153   2022年3月   ISSN:0140-7007


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Refrigeration  

    R1132(E) (trans-1,2-difluoroethylene, C2H2F2) is a potential next generation refrigerant to be utilized in air conditioning applications. This hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerant possesses an extremely low-GWP value below 1 and it is an excellent candidate for replacing R32 in blends such as R410A, which are subjected to local and international greenhouse gas regulations for limiting global warming. Two isochoric apparatus were used to measure the saturation pressures of R1132(E) from 240 K to its critical temperature. At the critical temperature, the critical pressure of R1132(E) was also directly measured. Twenty-four saturation pressures including the critical point were used for optimizing a Wagner-type equation representing the saturation pressure curve. The absolute average deviation of the saturation pressures of R1132(E) predicted by the model using the fitted parameters and the experimental data is 0.02&#37;. The optimized Wagner-type equation of saturation pressures is used for determining the acentric factor of R1132(E) as 0.2433, which is further utilized for the prediction of the saturation pressures using the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state within an absolute average deviation of 0.31&#37;.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.12.014



  • Experimental investigation of a thermally driven pumping system for a potential application with a microgrid system for rural communities

    Yemanebirhan Abirham, Frantisek Mikšík, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   17 ( 1 )   21-00323 - 21-00323   2022年1月   ISSN:1880-5566 eISSN:18805566


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本機械学会・社団法人日本伝熱学会  

    Renewable energy-based microgrid systems are widely being studied as electrification methods for rural communities in developing countries. Waste heat generated by the components of the microgrid systems, such as the biogas driven generators (BDG), presents the potential of utilizing the low-grade heat in a way that can contribute to the sustainability of such energy systems. From the points of view of affordability, local manufacturability, and applicability for agriculture, thermally driven pumps (TDP) may be attractive for coupling with such microgrid systems. Therefore, the current study has focused on the development of a new type of thermally driven pumping system as a potential waste heat utilization component for microgrid applications in rural areas. A liquid piston-type TDP concept without moving parts, except few valves, was developed and parametric experimental investigations were carried out. The performance and characteristics of the system were studied, which revealed that the proposed system has a superior performance compared to the literature. It was also found that the system performance strongly depends on the heat addition rate and delivery capacity of the system, which are suitable characteristics for the intended application. Hence, the experimental data were used to estimate whether the proposed system can pump enough water that needs to be supplied for the biogas production to supply a 10 kW BDG unit of a microgrid. It was found that 87 – 93&#37; of the total pumped water (13 – 27 m3) would be available for agricultural and other purposes while only 6 – 13&#37; would need to be fed to the biogas digester. Generally, the results seem to be promising, and yet there are potentials for the optimization and improvement of the proposed system, hence they have been pointed out.

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.21-00323

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research


  • A novel hybrid adsorption heat transformer – multi-effect distillation (AHT-MED) system for improved performance and waste heat upgrade

    Saren, S; Mitra, S; Miyazaki, T; Ng, KC; Thu, K

    APPLIED ENERGY   305   2022年1月   ISSN:0306-2619 eISSN:1872-9118


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    Multi-effect distillation (MED) systems are considered to be the most energy-efficient thermal desalination methods. This paper introduces the development of a novel thermal desalination system for performance superior to MED systems for the same operating temperature limits. Such an unprecedented achievement was attained by upgrading the heat source using the chemical potential of adsorption phenomena. The proposed Adsorption Heat Transformer (AHT) cycle hybridized with Multi-effect distillation system (AHT-MED) exhibits higher performance ratio and water production rate than a conventional MED system for the same heating source and sink. The heat generated by the heat of adsorption with the temperature higher than the heat source is supplied to the first effect of the MED system, thus, extending the temperature difference between the Top Brine Temperature (TBT) and Bottom Brine Temperature (BBT). The higher temperature difference offers more number of effects, with the equivalent temperature difference between the effects (ΔTe) as the design parameter. Using the low-temperature heat source (as low as 58 °C), the system can employ an increased number of effects (as high as 11) due to the supply of heat at an increased temperature of around 80 °C. The proposed system achieves a higher performance ratio (approximately 5.4) and water production rate (2 kg/s) compared to the standalone MED system (PR: 4.2, WPR: 1 kg/s) with the number of effects of the hybrid system as 10 at constant interstage temperature difference between the standalone and hybrid systems. This novel AHT-MED system opens up new possibilities for low-temperature heat source-driven thermal desalination with significantly improved performance.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117744

    Web of Science



  • Energy-Efficient Humidity Pump System for Poultry Houses

    Sultan M., Aleem M., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology   431 - 457   2022年1月   ISSN:1865-3529 eISSN:1865-3537


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:論文集(書籍)内論文   出版者・発行元:Green Energy and Technology  

    The poultry industry is a major contributor to worldwide food production. Poultry birds are fatally sensitive to humidity and temperature. Therefore, a temperature/humidity control system is principally required for optimum growth of the birds. Conventionally, to regulate temperature/humidity in control sheds, vapor compression air-conditioning systems are used which are not only costly but also consume an enormous amount of primary energy. Alternatively, evaporative cooling pads are also used which increase humidity level inside control sheds results in various fungal diseases. In this regard, this study explores desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) options for climatic conditions of Multan (Pakistan). These systems are operated with thermal energy that could be available via low-grade waste heat and renewable energy options. Such systems would allow the development of poultry houses in off-grid remote areas which eventually support the green smart grid’s philosophy. Two DAC options are studied which are involved in standalone DAC and evaporative cooling (EC) assisted DAC concepts. Psychrometric and thermodynamic analysis with two types of desiccant materials is used in the study (i.e., silica-gel and hydrophilic polymeric-sorbent). The study determined body-weight-gain, feed-conversion-ratio, sensible/latent heat, and temperature-humidity-index of birds. As such, the performance of the proposed systems is investigated for cooling capacity and COP. According to results, the EC-assisted polymeric-sorbent system has resulted feasible in terms of maximum cooling capacity and COP. This system could achieve thermal comfort of birds at THI of less than 30 °C.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90720-4_16



  • 熱駆動ポンプシステムの性能に対する蒸発速度の向上の影響

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2022.26 ( 0 )   E134   2022年   eISSN:24242950


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmepes.2022.26.e134

    CiNii Research


    Cheng Yang, Miksik Frantisek, Thu Kyaw, Miyazaki Takahiko

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2022.32 ( 0 )   1402-07-06   2022年   eISSN:24242969


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>Dew-point evaporative cooling is an air conditioning technology which has possibility of achieving lower temperature, higher efficiency, lower water consumption. Understanding the heat and mass transfer principles of the system is crucial for the applications. This study presents a mathematical model which is conducted to (1) study the heat and mass transfer processes under different initial condition; (2) analyze the factors affecting the performance of system. And an experimental setup has been adopted to give a validation for the numerical model</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2022.32.1402-07-06

    CiNii Research

  • Evaluate the possibility of adsorption heat pump application using Activate Carbon and Freon refrigerant pairs

    Won S.S., Miksik F., Thu K., Takahiko M.

    International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences   141 - 146   2022年   eISSN:2434-1436


    掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences  

    In order to utilize the adsorption chiller or heat pump as a next-generation air conditioning system, several issues still remain, such as performance improvement, miniaturization, and cost reduction. It is known that the activated carbon-freon refrigerant pair has a relatively lower coefficient of performance (COP) than the silica gel-water or freon refrigerant pair and zeolite-water pair. However, there is a possibility to contribute minimize the adsorption heat pump system utilizing Freon refrigerant since it works in high-pressure regions and has a high saturation vapor density. Therefore, evaluating and improving the performance of Freon refrigerant is an important future task.

    DOI: 10.5109/5909083



  • Zero-Energy Cool Chamber for Tomato Storage

    Muhammad Khalid, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad N. Ashraf, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Green Energy and Technology   85 - 100   2021年12月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_5

  • Desiccant Dehumidification Cooling System for Poultry Houses in Multan (Pakistan)

    Muhammad Aleem, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Green Energy and Technology   19 - 42   2021年12月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_2

  • Desiccant Dehumidification System for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables

    65 - 83   2021年12月



    Fresh fruits and vegetables are perishable and possess short life under ambient conditions. Post-harvest losses are one of the major concerns in the storage of fruits and vegetables. In this regard, proper control of temperature and humidity is required to reduce post-harvest losses and enhance the shelf life of fruit and vegetables with the finest quality, quantity, and nutritive attributes. Several options such as vapor compression-based air-conditioning systems have been studied and implemented worldwide for possible storage of fruits and vegetables but consume a huge amount of energy and degrading the environment. Therefore, in this study, the energy-efficient standalone desiccant air conditioning (DAC) and Maisotsenko cycle-based desiccant air conditioning (M-DAC) systems were explored from the viewpoint of potential storage of fruits and vegetables. The systems analysis to check the feasibility was carried out in the climatic conditions of Multan, Pakistan. The proposed systems were thermodynamically explored from the viewpoint of ideal temperature and humidity control storage zones, cooling capacity, and coefficient of performance (COP). The results appreciably showed that the M-DAC system performed relatively better than the proposed standalone DAC system. It was found that the cooling capacity and COP of the M-DAC system were found 32.5 kJ/kg and 1.07, respectively, as compared with standalone DAC.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_4

  • Evaporative Cooling and Desiccant Dehumidification Air Conditioning Options for Livestock Thermal Comfort

    Hafiz S. Ullah, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Hadeed Ashraf, Muhammad Ishaq, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Green Energy and Technology   43 - 63   2021年12月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_3

  • Evaporative and Desiccant Air-Conditioning Systems for Wet Markets

    Muhammad N. Ashraf, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad Khalid, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Green Energy and Technology   101 - 121   2021年12月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_6

  • Maisotsenko-Cycle Assisted Desiccant Dehumidification System Configurations for Agricultural Product Storage

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Green Energy and Technology   1 - 17   2021年12月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_1

  • Theoretical dehumidification capacity of acorn nutshell-based activated carbon under two Asian urban cities’ ambient air condition

    131   137 - 145   2021年11月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Indoor air humidity plays a vital role in determining occupants’ health and industrial product quality. Removing excess humidity by adsorption dehumidification is still facing a challenge in finding a suitable material with high adsorption capacity and low regeneration temperature. In this study, the theoretical dehumidification capacity of prepared acorn nutshell-based activated carbons was calculated and compared with silica gel type RD and RD-2060. The calculation was based on the outdoor air condition in two Asian capital cities: Jakarta and Tokyo. The theoretical study found that prepared activated carbon has better dehumidification performance under Jakarta conditions using regeneration temperatures of less than 60°C. Under Tokyo conditions, activated carbon shows auspicious performance during the summer season. Compared with silica gels, acorn nutshell-based activated carbon has a better dehumidification capacity to process high humidity ambient air with a lower regeneration temperature.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.08.012

  • A review of recent advances in adsorption desalination technologies

    Nadia Riaz, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Muhammad Wakil Shahzad, Muhammad Farooq, Uzair Sajjad, Yasir Niaz

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer   128   2021年11月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2021.105594

  • Development of biomass based-activated carbon for adsorption dehumidification

    Chairunnisa, Frantisek Miksik, Takahiko Miyazaki, Kyaw Thu, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Nakabayashi, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Fitria Rahmawati

    Energy Reports   7   5871 - 5884   2021年11月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.09.003

  • Saturation pressure measurements of the new refrigerant HFO1132(E) 査読 国際誌

    Uthpara Perera, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki, Naoya Sakoda, Yukihiro Higashi

    Proceedings of 2nd Conference on HFOs and Low GWP blends   12 - 19   2021年6月



    DOI: 10.18462/iir.HFO.2021.1023

  • Investigation of a Thermal Power Pumping cycle system using alternative working fluids

    Y. T. Abirham, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki, F. Mikšík

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY   41 ( 3 )   215 - 234   2021年5月   ISSN:1478-6451 eISSN:1478-646X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Sustainable Energy  

    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the potential working fluids for a promising thermodynamic cycle (Thermal Power Pump cycle) for the utilisation of low-grade heat. The cycle was analyzed along with nucleate boiling correlations and film condensation analysis for variable heat source temperatures (50–150°C) using nine potential working fluids. The working fluids showed varying degrees of cycle performance and system size requirements. Among the working fluids, cyclopentane seems to be an attractive choice of working fluid, due to its superior cycle performance over the wide range of heat source temperatures with moderate system size requirements. For temperatures above 146°C and below 60°C, water and n-pentane are selected, respectively. Working fluids with stronger molecular forces seem to approach the properties of an ideal working fluid for better performance of the system.

    DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2021.1924717

    Web of Science


  • Transient analysis of an electric vehicle air-conditioning system using CO<inf>2</inf> for start-up and cabin pull-down operations

    Jaedeok Ko, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Thermal Engineering   190   2021年5月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116825

  • Thermodynamic modeling of an improved transcritical carbon dioxide cycle with ejector: Aiming low-temperature refrigeration

    Mojtaba Purjam, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Thermal Engineering   188   2021年4月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.116531

  • The exergy investigation of a mechanical vapor compression chiller for cooling using r410a

    Uthpala Perera, Nobuo Takata, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yukihiro Higashi, Kyaw Thu

    Evergreen   8 ( 1 )   213 - 220   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/4372281

  • Thermodynamic feasibility evaluation of a novel low-temperature ejector-based trans-critical r744 refrigeration cycle

    Mojtaba Purjam, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Evergreen   8 ( 1 )   204 - 212   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/4372280

  • Thermodynamic analysis and impact of thermal masses on adsorption cycles using MaxsorbIII/R245fa and SAC-2/R245fa pairs

    S. Seo, H. Kawakami, F. Miksik, N. Takata, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki

    International Journal of Refrigeration   123   52 - 62   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.12.005

  • Spatiotemporal investigation of evaporative cooling options for greenhouse air-conditioning application in Pakistan

    Shazia Noor, Hadeed Ashraf, Ghulam Hussain, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Aamir Shakoor, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Mahmood Riaz

    Fresenius Environmental Bulletin   30 ( 3 )   2858 - 2870   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Performance evaluation of an adsorption heat pump system using msc‐30/r1234yf pair with the impact of thermal masses

    Sangwon Seo, František Mikšík, Yuta Maeshiro, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    11 ( 5 )   1 - 25   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In this study, we evaluated the performance of low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant R1234yf on the activated carbon (MSC‐30) for adsorption heating applications. The ad-sorption isotherms of MSC‐30/R1234yf were measured using a constant‐volume–variable‐pressure (CVVP) method from very low relative pressure to the practical operating ranges. The data were fitted with several isotherm models using non‐linear curve fitting. An improved equilibrium model was employed to investigate the influence of dead thermal masses, i.e., the heat exchanger assembly and the non‐adsorbing part of the adsorbent. The model employed the model for the isosteric heat of adsorption where the adsorbed phase volume was accounted for. The performance of the heat pump was compared with MSC‐30/R134a pair using the data from the literature. The analysis cov-ered the desorption temperature ranging from 60 °C to 90 °C, with the evaporation temperature at 5 °C and the adsorption temperature and condensation temperature set to 30 °C. It was observed that the adsorption isotherms of R1234yf on MSC‐30 were relatively lower than those of R134a by approximately 12&#37;. The coefficient of performance (COP) of the selected pair was found to vary from 0.03 to 0.35 depending on the heat source temperature. We demonstrated that due to lower latent heat, MSC‐30/R1234yf pair exhibits slightly lower cycle performance compared to the MSC‐ 30/R134a pair. However, the widespread adaptation of environmentally friendly R1234yf in auto-mobile heat pump systems may call for the implementation of adsorption systems such as the direct hybridization using a single refrigerant. The isotherm and performance data presented in this work will be essential for such applications.

    DOI: 10.3390/app11052279

  • Experiments on energy‐efficient evaporative cooling systems for poultry farm application in Multan (Pakistan)

    13 ( 5 )   1 - 22   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Poultry are one of the most vulnerable species of its kind once the temperature‐humidity nexus is explored. This is so because the broilers lack sweat glands as compared to humans and undergo panting process to mitigate their latent heat (moisture produced in the body) in the air. As a result, moisture production inside poultry house needs to be maintained to avoid any serious health and welfare complications. Several strategies such as compressor‐based air‐conditioning systems have been implemented worldwide to attenuate the heat stress in poultry, but these are not economical. Therefore, this study focuses on the development of low‐cost and environmentally friendly improved evaporative cooling systems (DEC, IEC, MEC) from the viewpoint of heat stress in poultry houses. Thermodynamic analysis of these systems was carried out for the climatic conditions of Multan, Pakistan. The results appreciably controlled the environmental conditions which showed that for the months of April, May, and June, the decrease in temperature by direct evapo-rative cooling (DEC), indirect evaporative cooling (IEC), and Maisotsenko‐Cycle evaporative cooling (MEC) systems is 7–10 °C, 5–6.5 °C, and 9.5–12 °C, respectively. In case of July, August, and September, the decrease in temperature by DEC, IEC, and MEC systems is 5.5–7 °C, 3.5–4.5 °C, and 7–7.5 °C, respectively. In addition, drop in temperature‐humidity index (THI) values by DEC, IEC, and MEC is 3.5–9 °C, 3–7 °C, and 5.5–10 °C, respectively for all months. Optimum temperature and relative humidity conditions are determined for poultry birds and thereby, systems’ performance is thermodynamically evaluated for poultry farms from the viewpoint of THI, temperature‐humid-ity‐velocity index (THVI), and thermal exposure time (ET). From the analysis, it is concluded that MEC system performed relatively better than others due to its ability of dew‐point cooling and achieved THI threshold limit with reasonable temperature and humidity indexes.

    DOI: 10.3390/su13052836

  • Comparative study of thermal water pumping cycles

    Y. T. Abirham, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki, N. Takata

    Evergreen   8 ( 1 )   239 - 248   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/4372284

  • Highly microporous activated carbon from acorn nutshells and its performance in water vapor adsorption

    Chairunnisa, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki, K. Nakabayashi, J. Miyawaki, A. T. Wij Ayanta, F. Rahmawati

    Evergreen   8 ( 1 )   249 - 254   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/4372285

  • How lubricant plays a role in the heat pump system

    Yang Changru, Nobuo Takata, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Evergreen   8 ( 1 )   198 - 203   2021年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5109/4372279

  • Carbon from bagasse activated with water vapor and its adsorption performance for methylene blue

    Fitria Rahmawati, Arikasuci Fitonna Ridassepri, Chairunnisa, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   11 ( 2 )   1 - 16   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app11020678

  • The life cycle climate performance evaluation of low-GWP refrigerants for domestic heat pumps

    Changru Yang, Sangwon Seo, Nobuo Takata, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    International Journal of Refrigeration   121   33 - 42   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.09.020

  • Study on adsorption equilibrium of adsorbent-refrigerant pairs for adsorption cooling system application

    Faizan Shabir, Muhammad Sultan, Shazia Noor, Ghulam Hussain, Takahiko Miyazaki, Aamir Shakoor, Rabia Kanwal, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad A. Imran, Muhammad U. Khalid

    Fresenius Environmental Bulletin   30 ( 1 )   216 - 224   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Performance evaluation of a heat pump system using an HFC32/HFO1234yf blend with GWP below 150 for heating applications

    Kyaw Thu, Kosei Takezato, Nobuo Takata, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yukihiro Higashi

    Applied Thermal Engineering   182   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115952

  • Investigation of a cascaded CO<inf>2</inf> refrigeration system using phase change materials for energy-saving potentials

    Jaedeok Ko, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Thermal Engineering   182   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.116104

  • Drop-in experiments and exergy assessment of HFC-32/HFO-1234yf/R744 mixture with GWP below 150 for domestic heat pumps

    Kyaw Thu, Kosei Takezato, Nobuo Takata, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yukihiro Higashi

    International Journal of Refrigeration   121   289 - 301   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.10.009

  • Enhancing water adsorption capacity of acorn nutshell based activated carbon for adsorption thermal energy storage application

    Energy Reports   6   255 - 263   2020年12月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.11.038

  • Investigating solid and liquid desiccant dehumidification options for room air-conditioning and drying applications

    B. Kiran Naik, Mullapudi Joshi, P. Muthukumar, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Redmond R. Shamshiri, Hadeed Ashraf

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 24 )   1 - 22   2020年12月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/su122410582

  • Enhancing the thermal performance of TiO2/water nanofluids flowing in a helical microfin tube

    Budi Kristiawan, Ahmad Imam Rifa'i, Koji Enoki, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki

    POWDER TECHNOLOGY   376   254 - 262   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2020.08.020

  • Enhancing the thermal performance of TiO<inf>2</inf>/water nanofluids flowing in a helical microfin tube

    Budi Kristiawan, Ahmad Imam Rifa'i, Koji Enoki, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Powder Technology   376   254 - 262   2020年10月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2020.08.020

  • CFD Simulation of CO<inf>2</inf> Adsorption onto Activated Carbon for Gas Separation and Storage Applications

    Skander Jribi, Boutheina Zallama, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering   187 - 193   2020年8月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52071-7_26

  • Adsorption isotherm modelling of water on nano-tailored mesoporous silica based on distribution function

    Energies   13 ( 6 )   2020年8月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en13164247

  • Heat Pump Cycle Using Refrigerant Mixtures of HFC32 and HFO1234yf

    Kosei Takezato, Shou Senba, Takahiko Miyazaki, Nobuo Takata, Yukihiro Higashi, Kyaw Thu

    Heat Transfer Engineering   42 ( 13-14 )   1097 - 1106   2020年6月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2020.1776997

  • Dynamic modeling and validation of a carbon dioxide heat pump system

    Jaedeok Ko, Nobuo Takata, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Evergreen   7 ( 2 )   172 - 194   2020年6月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Exergy Investigation of R410A as a ‘Drop In’ Refrigerant in a Water-Cooled Mechanical Vapor Compression Cycle

    42 ( 13-14 )   1069 - 1086   2020年6月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The urge to replace hydrofluorocarbons which possess high global warming potentials has taken center stage in the air conditioning industry due to both international and local policies such as the Kigali Amendment and Japan’s revised Fluorinated Gas law. This has prompted the exploration of novel refrigerants as well as their mixtures to create high performance environmentally friendly alternatives. These refrigerants can be integrated into existing systems as ‘drop in’ refrigerants, which provide a simpler and low cost substitution process to replace environmentally harmful refrigerants such as R410a. R410a is currently a widely used refrigerant in air conditioning systems, but is to be phased out of use under the Kigali Amendment by the late 2040s. Thus to compare the suitability of replacing this refrigerant with environmentally friendly ‘drop in’ alternatives, a preliminary baseline investigation on a mechanical vapor compression chiller with R410a is conducted via performance and exergy indicators. The testing procedure utilized Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Standard 551/591 which revealed an optimum charge amount of 0.70 kg with a peak performance near 88&#37; of full capacity. The heat exchanger overall heat transfer coefficients showed varying trends, whilst the exergy destruction was as expected highest for the compressor.

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2020.1776990

  • Effect of wing-pitch ratio of double-sided delta-wing tape insert on the improvement of convective heat transfer 査読

    Agung Tri Wijayanta, Indri Yaningsih, Wibawa Endra Juwana, Muhammad Aziz, Takahiko Miyazaki

    International Journal of Thermal Sciences   151   2020年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106261

  • A hybrid power cycle using an inverted Brayton cycle with an indirect evaporative device for waste-heat recovery 査読

    Kohei Matsui, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Thermal Engineering   170   2020年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115029

  • Recent updates on the adsorption capacities of adsorbent-adsorbate pairs for heat transformation applications 査読

    Faizan Shabir, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut B. Saha, Ahmed Askalany, Imran Ali, Yuguang Zhou, Riaz Ahmad, Redmond R. Shamshiri

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews   119   2020年3月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109630

  • Influence of phase change phenomena on the performance of a desiccant dehumidification system 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   10 ( 3 )   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app10030868

  • Detailed investigation on properties of novel commercial mesoporous silica materials 査読

    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials   289   2019年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.109644

  • Study on water-vapor adsorption onto polymer and carbon based adsorbents for air-conditioning applications 査読

    Muhammad Hamid Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Evergreen   6 ( 3 )   215 - 224   2019年9月



  • Étude expérimentale sur la performance d'un système à adsorption utilisant une paire Maxsorb III/éthanol 査読

    105   148 - 157   2019年9月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The performance of an adsorption system using Maxsorb III + ethanol pair is investigated for practical heat pump applications. An adsorption system using a single bed with a single evaporator/condenser is employed and the performance of the system is assessed for various regeneration temperatures (80 °C, 70 °C and 60 °C). The impact of the adsorption time on the performance of the selected pair is further evaluated. The potential application of the present adsorbent + adsorbate pair is the automobile air-conditioning system where the exhaust waste heat will be recovered to operate the adsorption system. Thus, antifreeze fluid is employed as the heat transfer medium for the adsorber and the evaporator/condenser heat exchanger. A mathematical model is developed to estimate the uptake amount from the experimental data. The sensible heat change (thermal mass), the superheating of the refrigerant in the adsorber, the adsorber heat leak and the heat rejection to the heat transfer medium are accounted for. The uptake amount is further verified using the classical p–T–q diagram. For operation using 30 °C adsorber coolant inlet and 15 °C chilled water inlet, the cooling capacity of the present system ranges from 15 to 35 W for the adsorption times of 600 s and 300 s, respectively. It is observed that the regeneration temperature significantly influences the net uptake of the system. The maximum net uptake is recorded to be about 0.995 kg/kg for the regeneration temperature of 80 °C. The system is further assessed using the ratio of the cooling capacity to the adsorption heat.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.06.009

  • Heat transfer enhancement of TiO2/water nanofluids flowing inside a square minichannel with a microfin structure A numerical investigation 査読

    Budi Kristiawan, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Koji Enoki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Muhammad Aziz

    Energies   12 ( 16 )   2019年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en12163041

  • Material selection and properties for adsorption heat storage perspectivity of TMPS series mesoporous silica nano-materials 査読

    Frantisek Miksik, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Adsorption   25 ( 6 )   1137 - 1145   2019年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10450-019-00107-4

  • Special issue on sciences in heat pump and refrigeration 査読

    Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   9 ( 11 )   2019年6月



    DOI: 10.3390/app9112385

  • Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop using TiO <inf>2</inf> /distilled water nanofluid inside counter flow double tube heat exchanger

    Ahmad Imam Rifa'I, Muhammad Faisal Hasan, Budi Kristiawan, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Kyaw Thu, Koji Enoki

    AIP Conference Proceedings   2097   2019年4月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5098218

  • Effect of relative humidity on thermal conductivity of zeolite-based adsorbents Theory and experiments 査読

    Shazia Hanif, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Thermal Engineering   150   11 - 18   2019年3月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.12.144

  • Experimental evaluation of desiccant dehumidification and air-conditioning system for energy-efficient storage of dried fruits 査読

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Building Services Engineering Research and Technology   2019年1月



    DOI: 10.1177/0143624419893660

  • Solid desiccant dehumidification-based air-conditioning system for agricultural storage application Theory and experiments 査読

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy   2019年1月



    DOI: 10.1177/0957650919869503

  • Significance of Temperature and Humidity Control for Agricultural Products Storage Overview of Conventional and Advanced Options 査読

    Muhammad Hamid Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki

    International Journal of Food Engineering   2019年1月



    DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2019-0063

  • Investigation of energy-efficient solid desiccant system for the drying of wheat grains 査読

    Shazia Hanif, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering   12 ( 1 )   221 - 228   2019年1月



    DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20191201.3854

  • Adsorption of Difluoromethane (HFC-32) onto phenol resin based adsorbent Theory and experiments 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun Sig Kil, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer   127   348 - 356   2018年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.07.097

  • Viscosities, Densities, and Refractive Indices of Aqueous Propane-1,3-diol 査読

    Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data   63 ( 12 )   4350 - 4367   2018年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00403

  • Thermal hydraulic characteristics of turbulent single-phase flow in an enhanced tube using louvered strip insert with various slant angles 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Journal of Thermal Sciences   134   355 - 362   2018年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.08.025

  • Double-sided delta-wing tape inserts to enhance convective heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a double-pipe heat exchanger 査読

    Agung Tri Wijayanta, Indri Yaningsih, Muhammad Aziz, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Applied Thermal Engineering   145   27 - 37   2018年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.09.009

  • Analysis of heat and mass transfer characteristics of desiccant dehumidifier system with honeycomb configuration 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Applied Thermal Engineering   144   658 - 669   2018年11月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.08.066

  • Remarque sur la mauvaise distribution du frigorigène R134a en écoulement dans un évaporateur à collecteur 査読

    95   1 - 9   2018年11月



    After publishing our articles on the studies of the vapor–liquid phase distribution in a header type evaporator consisting of upward [refer to Wijayanta et al., 2016] and downward [refer to Wijayanta et al., 2017] minichannel-branching conduits, we were motivated to extend the work to the heating load acting on the branches because till date, it is believed to cause maldistribution. Refrigerant R134a experiments with heating loads from 50 to 300 W on the branches were performed. The vapor quality in the test section inlet was maintained between approximately 0.1 and 0.4. Although a larger phase separation occurred in the header at the maximum heating load of 300 W at a vapor quality in the test section inlet of 0.41, it was notable that the geometry configuration had a stronger effect on the phase distribution.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.08.003

  • Critical review on the developments and future aspects of adsorption heat pumps for automobile air conditioning 査読

    Shinnosuke Maeda, Kyaw Thu, Tomohiro Maruyama, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   8 ( 11 )   2018年10月



    DOI: 10.3390/app8112061

  • Evaporative heat exchangers

    Takahiko Miyazaki

    Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering   1521 - 1533   2018年7月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26695-4_22

  • Optimization of adsorption isotherm types for desiccant air-conditioning applications 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Renewable Energy   121   441 - 450   2018年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.045

  • Numerical investigation of small-scale adsorption cooling system performance employing activated carbon-ethanol pair 査読

    Marzia Khanam, Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Energies   11 ( 6 )   2018年6月



    DOI: 10.3390/en11061499

  • Key factors of solar energy progress in Bangladesh until 2017 査読

    Khanam Marzia, Muhammad Faisal Hasan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   5 ( 2 )   78 - 85   2018年6月



    DOI: 10.5109/1936220

  • Heat transfer enhancement of TiO2/water nanofluid at laminar and turbulent flows A numerical approach for evaluating the effect of nanoparticle loadings 査読

    Budi Kristiawan, Budi Santoso, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Muhammad Aziz, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Energies   11 ( 6 )   2018年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en11061584

  • Experimental study on dehumidification technology using honeycomb desiccant block 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Muhammad Hamid Mahmood, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   5 ( 2 )   11 - 18   2018年6月



    DOI: 10.5109/1936212

  • Exergy analysis of serpentine thermosyphon solar water heater 査読

    Muhammad Faisal Hasan, Md. Sayeed Ur Rahim Mahadi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Kyaw Thu

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   8 ( 3 )   2018年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app8030391

  • Steady-state investigation of desiccant drying system for agricultural applications 査読

    Shazia Hanif, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   5 ( 1 )   33 - 42   2018年3月



  • Solar assisted evaporative cooling based passive air-conditioning system for agricultural and livestock applications 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Muhammad H. Mahmood, Zahid M. Khan

    Journal of Engineering Science and Technology   13 ( 3 )   693 - 703   2018年3月



  • Influence of minimum quantity lubrication with Al2O3 nanoparticles on cutting parameters in drilling process

    Sofia Fitrina, Budi Kristiawan, Eko Surojo, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    3rd International Conference on Industrial Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2017 3rd International Conference on Industrial Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering   1931   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5024115

  • V-cut twisted tape insert effect on heat transfer enhancement of single phase turbulent flow heat exchanger 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1931   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5024097

  • Influence of minimum quantity lubrication with Al2O3 nanoparticles on cutting parameters in drilling process 査読

    Sofia Fitrina, Budi Kristiawan, Eko Surojo, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1931   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5024115

  • V-cut twisted tape insert effect on heat transfer enhancement of single phase turbulent flow heat exchanger

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    3rd International Conference on Industrial Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2017 3rd International Conference on Industrial Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering   1931   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5024097

  • Performance evaluation of hydrophilic organic polymer sorbents for desiccant air-conditioning applications 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Zahid M. Khan

    Adsorption Science and Technology   36 ( 1-2 )   311 - 326   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1177/0263617417692338

  • Impact of blockage ratio on thermal performance of delta-winglet vortex generators 査読

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   8 ( 2 )   2018年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app8020181

  • Ethanol adsorption uptake and kinetics onto waste palm trunk and mangrove based activated carbons 査読

    Animesh Pal, Hyun-Sig Kil, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   122   389 - 397   2017年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.04.099

  • Equilibrium and kinetics of CO2 adsorption onto activated carbon 査読

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Animesh Pal, Mohamed M. Younes, Shigeru Koyama, Aref Maalej



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.12.114

  • Analytical Model of a Combined Adsorption Cooling and Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 査読

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Heat Transfer Engineering   38 ( 4 )   423 - 430   2017年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2016.1195135

  • CFD simulation and experimental validation of ethanol adsorption onto activated carbon packed heat exchanger 査読

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.10.019

  • Simulation par la mécanique numérique des fluides (CFD) et validation expérimentale de l'adsorption de l’éthanol sur un échangeur de chaleur compact à charbon actif 査読

    74   343 - 351   2017年2月



    Experimental validation of simulated adsorber/desorber beds for sorption cooling applications is essential to obtain reliable results. We have conducted rigorous simulation of the adsorption process occurring in a finned tube adsorber utilizing 2D-axisymmetric geometry. The adsorber uses activated carbon–ethanol as adsorbent–refrigerant pair. It is cooled with water at nearly 30 °C and experiencing a sharp pressure increase of ethanol from 0.95 kPa initially to 6 kPa. The simulated temperatures at adsorbent thicknesses of 0, 1, 5 and 10 mm from tube outer diameter showed an increase in adsorbent temperature up to 20 °C from its initial temperature. They were slightly higher at start of adsorption and were consistent with experimental data at higher flow time. The validated CFD model will serve as a base for evaluating and optimizing activated carbon–ethanol adsorption cooling cycle. It can be extended also to different adsorber designs and other adsorbent–adsorbate pairs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.10.019

  • Refrigerant distribution in horizontal headers with downward minichannel-branching conduits: Experiment, empirical correlation and two-phase flow pattern map 査読

    Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE   81   430 - 444   2017年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.09.011

  • Refrigerant distribution in horizontal headers with downward minichannel-branching conduits: Experiment, empirical correlation and two-phase flow pattern map 招待 査読 国際誌

    81   430 - 444   2017年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Study toward high-performance thermally driven air-conditioning systems

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Jin Miyawaki, Tomonori Ohba, Seong-Ho Yoon, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    1st International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016, ICESNANO 2016 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016, ICESNANO 2016   1788   2017年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4968250

  • Overview of the Maisotsenko cycle - A way towards dew point evaporative cooling 査読

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS   66   537 - 555   2016年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.08.022

  • Corrected adsorption rate model of activated carbon-ethanol pair by means of CFD simulation 査読

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.08.004

  • Experimental investigation of CO2 adsorption onto a carbon based consolidated composite adsorbent for adsorption cooling application 査読

    Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. EI-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   109   304 - 311   2016年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.031

  • Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents-ethanol pairs 査読 国際誌

    11 ( 20 )   12234 - 12238   2016年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Liquid-vapor phase distribution in horizontal headers with upward minichannel-branching conduits 査読

    Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE   76   264 - 274   2016年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.03.021

  • Water vapor sorption kinetics of polymer based sorbents: Theory and experiments 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Tomohiro Maruyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Takashi Nakamura

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   106   192 - 202   2016年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.05.192

  • Close and open cycle adsorption kinetics: Development of correlation for desiccant air-conditioning 査読 国際誌

    35 ( 1 )   1 - 8   2016年6月



  • Cycle Optimization on Reheat Adsorption Cycle Applying Fixed Chilled Water Outlet Temperature 査読

    I. Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki

    HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING   37 ( 7-8 )   606 - 615   2016年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2015.1066650

  • Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2013 (IMPRES2013): Part I 査読

    Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki

    HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING   37 ( 7-8 )   603 - 605   2016年5月



    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2015.1066645

  • A study on consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application 査読

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Animesh Pal, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   98   1214 - 1220   2016年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.12.105

  • Steady-state investigation of water vapor adsorption for thermally driven adsorption based greenhouse air-conditioning system 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    RENEWABLE ENERGY   86   785 - 795   2016年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2015.09.015

  • An overview of solid desiccant dehumidification and air conditioning systems 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS   46   16 - 29   2015年6月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.02.038

  • Insights of water vapor sorption onto polymer based sorbents 査読

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Tomohiro Maruyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Takashi Nakamura



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10450-015-9663-y

  • Study of a silica gel-water-based three-bed dual-mode adsorption cooling cycle 査読 国際誌

    Abul Fazal Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha

    Heat Transfer Research   46 ( 3 )   213 - 232   2015年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1615/HeatTransRes.2014007215

  • Adsorption of ethanol onto phenol resin based adsorbents for developing next generation cooling systems 査読

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkavvy, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.10.012

  • Ethanol adsorption onto metal organic framework: Theory and experiments 査読

    Bidyut Baran Saha, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Stefan K. Henninger, Annika Herbst, Christoph Janiak

    ENERGY   79   363 - 370   2015年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2014.11.022

  • Dynamic simulation of adsorption heat pumps with surface treated activated carbon-ethanol pairs 査読 国際誌

    Hayato Imamura, Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2014   2014年11月



  • Adsorption characteristics of ethanol onto functional activated carbons with controlled oxygen content 査読

    Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun-Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon

    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING   72 ( 2 )   211 - 218   2014年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.03.062

  • Study on adsorption heat pump cycles using activated carbon-R32 pair 査読 国際誌

    Tsutomu Sumii, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2014   2014年11月



  • Experimental Study on Carbon Based Adsorbents for Greenhouse Dehumidification 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy   1 ( 2 )   5 - 11   2014年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Optimized Performance of One-Bed Adsorption Cooling System 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue   2014年7月




    Fauziah Jerai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tadayoshi Onda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    Proceedings of the Grand Renewable Energy 2014   2014年7月



  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Adsorption Refrigeration Cycles Using Parent and Surface Treated Maxsorb III/Ethanol Pairs 査読 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue   2014年7月



  • Adsorption of ethanol onto parent and surface treated activated carbon powders 査読

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.02.046

  • Characterization of adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for developing high performance adsorption cooling systems 査読 国際誌

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Stefan K. Henninger

    Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • The Performance of Three Bed Re-heat Combined Adsorption Chiller 査読 国際誌

    I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Proceedings of the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2014   2014年4月



  • Utilization of Desiccant Air-Conditioning System for Improvement in Greenhouse Productivity: A Neglected Area of Research in Pakistan 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha

    International Journal of Environment   4 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2014年3月



  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Adsorption Cooling Cycle using Ethanol-Surface treated Maxsorb III Pairs 査読 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy   1 ( 1 )   25 - 31   2014年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • シリカゲル/FAM-Z01を用いた凝縮熱による二重効用吸着冷凍サイクルの性能解析 査読

    Marlinda, 上田祐樹, 秋澤淳, 宮崎隆彦

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   31 ( 1 )   1 - 9   2014年3月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.31.1

  • Design and performance of Four-Stage Adsorption System 査読

    A.F.M.Mizanur Rahman, Y.Ueda, A.Akisawa, T.Miyazaki, B.B.Saha

    International Journal of Research in Engineeringand Science (IJRES)   2 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Design and performance of Four-Stage Adsorption System

  • Adsorption of ethanol onto carbon based adsorbents 査読 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON

    Proceedings of the 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Cabon Saves the Earth   2013年11月



  • Adsorption cooling cum desalination cycles 査読 国際誌

    Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Cabon Saves the Earth   2013年11月



  • Performance Comparison of Three-Bed Adsorption Cooling System With Optimal Cycle Time Setting 査読

    Abul Fazal Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Bidyut Baran Saha, Atsushi Akisawa

    HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING   34 ( 11-12 )   938 - 947   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2012.753571

  • Performance investigation of a solar-powered adsorption cooling system: a case study for Egypt 査読 国際誌

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Hossam Abdelmeguid, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Takahiko Miyazaki

    The Proceedings of the IMPRES2013   390 - 395   2013年9月



  • Adsorption of water vapor onto silica gel using innovative compact fin and tube heat exchanger 査読 国際誌

    Seung Taek Oh, KEISHI KARIYA, Yoshinori Hamamoto, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hideo Mori, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    The Proceedings of the IMPRES2013   362 - 367   2013年9月



  • Adsorption kinetics of ethanol onto functional activated carbons with controlled oxygen content 査読 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun Siq Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON

    The Proceedings of the IMPRES2013   356 - 361   2013年9月



  • Modified linear driving force model for accurate approximation of adsorption kinetics experimental data 査読 国際誌

    Ahmed A. Askalany, Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Ibrahim M. Ismail

    The Proceedings of the IMPRES2013   351 - 355   2013年9月



  • Cycle optimization on re-heat adsorption cycle applying fixed chilled water outlet temperature 査読 国際誌

    I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki

    The Proceedings of the IMPRES2013   59 - 66   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • Study on adsorption cooling system -Fundamental to system evaluation- 査読 国際誌

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Energy and Technology   153   2013年8月



  • Consideration of solid desiccant dehumidification and air conditioning system for greenhouses of Pakistan: A feasibility study 査読 国際誌

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Energy and Technology   185 - 190   2013年8月



  • Design and Performance of an Innovative Four-Bed, Three-Stage Adsorption Cycle 査読

    Abul Fazal Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha

    ENERGIES   6 ( 3 )   1365 - 1384   2013年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en6031365

  • Adsorption isotherms of R134a and R32 onto activated carbons 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru, Saha Baran Bidyut

    14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (14th CSS-EEST)   2013年2月



  • Potential estimation of hourly blank storage space and charge loads of EVs using road traffic census and vehicles status 査読

    Takuya Oda, Masakazu Ito, Norihiro Kawasaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takao Kashiwagi

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   182 ( 3 )   30 - 38   2013年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/eej.22352

  • Performance evaluation of desiccant dehumidification and evaporative cooling 国際誌

    Pornpipat Yoosa, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru

    14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (14th CSS-EEST)   2013年2月



  • Thermodynamic analysis of HFCs-ethnol sub-cooler type hybrid refrigeration system 国際誌

    Kutub Uddin, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru, Saha Baran Bidyut

    14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (14th CSS-EEST)   2013年2月



  • Innovative Design and Performance of Three-Bed Two-Stage Adsorption Cycle under Optimized Cycle Time 査読

    Abul Fazal Mohammad Mizanur RAHMAN, Yuki UEDA, Atsushi AKISAWA, Takahiko MIYAZAKI, Bidyut Baran SAHA

    Journal of Environment and Engineering   7 ( 1 )   92 - 108   2012年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Innovative Design and Performance of Three-Bed Two-Stage Adsorption Cycle under Optimized Cycle Time
    This paper presents an innovative design of a three-bed two-stage silica gel-water based adsorption cycle aiming to minimize the overall size of four-bed two-stage cycle. One heat exchanger bed was removed from former four-bed two-stage system and operational strategy was taken to increase the adsorption time compare to desorption time in the proposed design. A simulation model for the proposed cycle was developed in order to analyze the influence of cycle time on the performance of the system in terms of specific cooling power (SCP) and coefficient of performance (COP). The cycle time was optimized to obtain the maximum SCP for different heat source temperatures using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. Sensitivity analysis of the cycle time was conducted using contour plot of SCP and chilled water outlet temperature for driving heat source temperature at 55°C. Optimize results were compared with the results of four-bed two-stage cycle. It was found that the SCP was increased for the proposed cycle over the whole range of regeneration temperature. The proposed cycle seems advantageous from the economic viewpoint due to its improved performance and reduced volume.

    DOI: 10.1299/jee.7.92

  • 全国アンケート調査による太陽光発電システムに関する導入意識とコンジョイント分析 査読

    伊藤雅一, 小田拓也, 宮崎隆彦, 川崎憲広, 田口晋也, 杉原弘恭, 秋澤淳, 黒川浩助

    エネルギー・資源   33 ( 6 )   1 - 8   2012年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • The effect of heating water temperature on the performance of an adsorption cooling system using activated carbon power/ethanol pair 国際誌

    Naoya Makimoto, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Proceedings of the 13th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering   2011年11月



  • The cooling performance of a building integrated evaporative cooling system driven by solar energy 査読

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Isao Nikai

    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS   43 ( 9 )   2211 - 2218   2011年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.05.004

  • Mサイクルを用いた建築一体型太陽エネルギー駆動冷房システムによる省エネルギー可能性の評価 査読

    宮崎隆彦, 秋澤淳, 二階勲

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   28 ( 3 )   269 - 277   2011年9月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.28.269

  • バイオマス利用エネルギー供給システムの経済性・環境性評価—産業系事業所における木質バイオマスコージェネレーション導入の効果分析— 査読

    石田康, 坂内正明, 宮崎 隆彦, 中沢真一, 横山隆一

    日本エネルギー学会誌   90 ( 6 )   547 - 553   2011年6月



  • 交通センサス観測結果等を用いた乗用車のEV充電負荷曲線 と充電ポテンシャルの推定 査読

    小田拓也, 伊藤雅一, 川崎憲広, 宮崎隆彦, 柏木孝夫

    電気学会論文誌B   131 ( 12 )   2011年5月



  • 石油残渣IGCCの適用が電源構成と石油精製工程に与える影響 査読

    小野晴明, 荒木圭司, 小田拓也, 宮崎隆彦, 上田裕樹, 秋澤 淳

    日本エネルギ-学会誌   90 ( 3 )   2011年3月



  • Performance Analysis of a Double-effect Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle with a Silica Gel/Water Working Pair 査読

    Marlinda, Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    ENERGIES   3 ( 11 )   1704 - 1720   2010年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en3111704

  • Theoretical analysis of the optimal configuration of co-generation systems and competitiveness of heating/cooling technologies 査読

    Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takao Kashiwagi

    ENERGY   35 ( 10 )   4071 - 4078   2010年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2010.06.015

  • PPSによるコージェネレーションの余剰電力融通 —経済的最適化が一次エネルギー消費に与える影響— 査読

    小田拓也, 秋澤 淳, 宮崎隆彦, 柏木孝夫

    電気学会論文誌B   130 ( 8 )   2010年8月



  • The performance of PVT collector in Japan 査読 国際誌

    T. Nualboonrueng, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, A. Akisawa

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Characteristics of CIS photovoltaic module 査読 国際誌

    H. Tasai, T. Miyazaki, A. Akisawa

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Utilization of wasted heat from refuse incineration with heat transportation by ammonia-water heat pump system 査読 国際誌

    A. Akisawa, K. Araki, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Solar thermal collecting performance with non-imaging fresnel lens to concentrate infrared irradiation 査読 国際誌

    A. Akisawa, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Low-cost oriented micro hydropower using motorboat propellers as the hydro turbines 査読 国際誌

    A. Akisawa, M. Ashida, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, M. Horio

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Estimation of GY photovoltaic energy generated by rooftop solar panel systems in Japan using GIS data 査読 国際誌

    H. Sugihara, J. Yamashita, Y. Ikoma, A. Akisawa, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, T. Kashiwagi

    Renewable Energy 2010   2010年7月



  • Application of ammonia-water absorption cycle to transfer cooling and heating at ambi- ent temperature 査読 国際誌

    Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Kazumichi Araki, Toshitaka Takei

    Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • 既築建物等に対する空調用電力消費量の推定手法 —大学建物における検証— 査読

    小田拓也, 宮崎隆彦, 植田 譲, 伊藤雅一, 川崎憲広, 柏木孝夫

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   27 ( 2 )   2010年6月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Improvement of adsorption heat exchangers by the enhancement of contact points between adsorbent and surface 査読 国際誌

    Masakazu Sato, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  • シリカゲル二重効用吸着冷凍サイクルの静的解析 査読

    マルリンダ, 宮崎隆彦, 上田祐樹, 秋澤 淳

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   27 ( 1 )   2010年3月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Numerical analysis of double effect adsorption refrigeration cycle using silica-gel/water working pair 査読 国際誌

    Marlinda, Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    2010 International Symposium on Next- generation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology   2010年2月



  • Numerical analysis of an advanced three-bed mass recovery adsorption refrigeration cycle 査読 国際誌

    A.S. Uyun, A. Akisawa, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, T. Kashiwagi,

    Applied Thermal Engineering   29 ( 14-15 )   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.02.008

  • High performance cascading adsorption refrigeration cycle with internal heat recovery driven by a low grade heat source temperature 査読 国際誌

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    Energies   2 ( 4 )   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en20401170

  • PPSによるコージェネレーションの余剰電力融通 —電力取引のモデル化と利益配分の分析 — 査読

    小田拓也,宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏木孝夫

    電気学会論文集 B   129 ( 8 )   2009年8月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Experimental investigation of a three-bed adsorption refrigeration chiller employing an advanced mass recovery cycle 査読 国際誌

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    Energies   2 ( 3 )   2009年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en20300531

  • 再生可能エネルギーと需要の双方の変動を考慮した電力貯蔵容量の基礎的解析 査読


    電気学会論文集 B   129 ( 5 )   2009年5月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • The optimal operation criteria for a gas turbine co- generation system 査読 国際誌

    Yasushi Ishida, Masaaki Bannai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yasushi Harada, Ryuichi Yokoyama, Atsushi Akisawa

    Energies   2 ( 2 )   2009年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3390/en20200202

  • 太陽熱温水器の屋根方位に対する導入確率と省エネルギー効果の期待値 査読

    秋澤 淳,佐藤大幸,宮崎隆彦,柏木孝夫

    太陽エネルギー   34 ( 6 )   2008年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • 太陽熱温水器に対するユーザ意識のアンケート調査および選好特性の推定 査読

    秋澤 淳,佐藤大幸,宮崎隆彦,柏木孝夫

    太陽エネルギー   34 ( 6 )   2008年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Application of solution transportation absorption heat pump to transfer cooling and heating with single working fluid 査読 国際誌

    A. Akisawa, S. Matsuo, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, T. Kashiwagi

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2008   2008年9月



  • Performance analysis of air cycle refrigerator integrated desiccant system for cooling and dehumidifying warehouse 査読 国際誌

    S. S. Elsayed, T. Miyazaki, Y. Hamamoto, A. Akisawa, T. Kashiwagi

    International Journal of Refrigeration   31 ( 2 )   2008年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2007.07.002

  • Risk hedging against the fuel price fluctuation in energy service business 査読 国際誌

    Masaaki Bannai, Yasushi Tomita, Yasushi Ishida, Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Energy   32 ( 11 )   2007年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2007.05.003

  • Performance comparison of double-effect adsorption refrigeration cycles 査読 国際誌

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Proceedings of the 8th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference   2007年8月



  • Experimental study on adsorption chiller with reheat two stage cycle 査読 国際誌

    I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati, Aep Saepul Uyun, K.C.A. Alam, Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    Proceedings of the 8th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference   2007年8月



  • 蒸気再生過程を組み込んだマルチベッド型吸着冷凍サイクルの性能向上 査読

    Md. Zafar Iqbal Khan, Bidyut Baran Saha, K.C. Amanul Alam, 宮崎隆彦,秋澤 淳,柏 木孝夫

    日本冷凍 空調学会論文集   23 ( 4 )   2006年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Possibility of applying biomass energy to Japanese greenhouses for crop production 査読 国際誌

    Atsuhiro Kawamura, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings   2006年10月



  • Desiccant dehumidification for solar driven absorption air conditioning 査読 国際誌

    Ralf Leutz, Bidyut B. Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi, Hiroshi Okano, Ryuji Kuramitsu

    World Renewable Energy Congress V   1998年9月





  • 吸着式冷凍機/ヒートポンプによる低温排熱活用技術

    宮崎 隆彦( 担当: 監修)

    S&T出版  2014年6月 


    記述言語:日本語   著書種別:学術書

  • 熱駆動サイクル技術の基礎と応用 ーカーボンニュートラル社会に貢献する冷凍空調技術ー

    監修 秋澤 淳,宮崎隆彦,榎木光治( 担当: 共著)

    日本工業出版  2023年3月 


    記述言語:日本語   著書種別:学術書

  • Maisotsenko-Cycle Assisted Desiccant Dehumidification System Configurations for Agricultural Product Storage

    Mahmood M.H., Sultan M., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology  2022年    ISSN:18653529


    Agricultural products storage and postharvest losses are linked with optimal temperature humidity conditions. In this regard, desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) technology is investigated due to its ability to control the temperature and humidity distinctly. Six kinds of evaporative cooling-assisted DAC system configurations are thermodynamically investigated using heat/mass transfer balance for climatic conditions of Fukuoka (Japan). In case of S-II, S-IV, and S-VI configurations, there are no direct evaporative cooler (DEC) in regeneration air stream. These configurations provided higher dehumidification with less regeneration heat due to provision of regeneration air stream to heat exchanger at high dry bulb and low dew point temperatures. System configuration S-V achieved higher cooling capacity and thermal COP due to consideration of DEC on regeneration air stream without considering indirect evaporative cooler on supply air stream. Three efficient configurations (S-II, S-IV, and S-V) are further evaluated for agricultural product storage and other applications. The S-II configuration achieves latent load at regeneration temperature of 80 °C; however, the modification of two-stage cooling is suggested in S-II to achieve the sensible load for storage of agricultural products. It can also employ for greenhouse air conditioning even at low regeneration temperature depending upon the type and growth stage of the crop.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_1


  • Evaporative Cooling and Desiccant Dehumidification Air Conditioning Options for Livestock Thermal Comfort

    Ullah H.S., Sultan M., Mahmood M.H., Ashraf H., Ishaq M., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology  2022年    ISSN:18653529


    This study provides insights into the applicability of evaporative cooling systems for livestock air conditioning (AC) for the climatic conditions of Multan (Pakistan). Usually, direct evaporative cooling systems are used in Pakistan which are inefficient and fail to achieve the required temperature and humidity levels for livestock thermal comfort. Therefore, three different types of evaporative cooling i.e., direct evaporative cooling (DEC), indirect evaporative cooling (IEC), Maisotsenko cycle evaporative cooling (MEC) systems, and desiccant dehumidification hybrid evaporative cooling (M-DAC) system, are explored for livestock air conditioning in Multan. The study aims to explore the best livestock AC option from the viewpoints of temperature gradient, temperature-humidity index (THI), and system performance. The MEC and M-DAC systems could achieve the required livestock thermal comfort. The DEC system achieved maximum effectiveness i.e., 0.9, whereas, it was 0.55 and 0.65 in case of the IEC and MEC systems. In addition, the M-DAC system achieved highest temperature gradient (i.e., 20 °C), whereas it was 10.5, 9.3, and 7.1 °C in case of the DEC, MEC, and IEC systems. The MEC and M-DAC systems achieved optimum temperature-humidity-index for livestock thermal comfort (i.e., 68–72). Thus, the study concludes the M-DAC system as an optimum system for livestock AC.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_3


  • Evaporative and Desiccant Air-Conditioning Systems for Wet Markets

    Ashraf M.N., Mahmood M.H., Sultan M., Khalid M., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology  2022年    ISSN:18653529


    The air conditions inside wet markets may affect the human health, and the quality of food products. Humid conditions promote the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms that lead towards certain human diseases and loss of products’ qualitative and nutritional attributes. It highlights the importance of air-conditioning to sustain environmental health in wet markets. Two energy-efficient air-conditioning/cooling systems, i.e., standalone Maisotsenko evaporative cooling system (S-1) and desiccant air-conditioning system (S-2), were proposed in this study. These systems were investigated for their applicability in wet markets under ambient conditions of Punjab, Pakistan. The study area was divided into three climatic zones due to the spatio-temporal variations. The results revealed that the proposed system S-1 was applicable during April and May, while S-2 was suitable in critical months (June, July, August, and September) in all the climatic zones. The system (S-2) performance was further evaluated based on thermal coefficient of performance, wet-bulb, and dew-point effectiveness.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_6


  • Desiccant Dehumidification System for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables

    Ishaq M., Sultan M., Aleem M., Bilal M., Ullah H.S., Mahmood M.H., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology  2022年    ISSN:18653529


    Fresh fruits and vegetables are perishable and possess short life under ambient conditions. Post-harvest losses are one of the major concerns in the storage of fruits and vegetables. In this regard, proper control of temperature and humidity is required to reduce post-harvest losses and enhance the shelf life of fruit and vegetables with the finest quality, quantity, and nutritive attributes. Several options such as vapor compression-based air-conditioning systems have been studied and implemented worldwide for possible storage of fruits and vegetables but consume a huge amount of energy and degrading the environment. Therefore, in this study, the energy-efficient standalone desiccant air conditioning (DAC) and Maisotsenko cycle-based desiccant air conditioning (M-DAC) systems were explored from the viewpoint of potential storage of fruits and vegetables. The systems analysis to check the feasibility was carried out in the climatic conditions of Multan, Pakistan. The proposed systems were thermodynamically explored from the viewpoint of ideal temperature and humidity control storage zones, cooling capacity, and coefficient of performance (COP). The results appreciably showed that the M-DAC system performed relatively better than the proposed standalone DAC system. It was found that the cooling capacity and COP of the M-DAC system were found 32.5 kJ/kg and 1.07, respectively, as compared with standalone DAC.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_4


  • Desiccant Dehumidification Cooling System for Poultry Houses in Multan (Pakistan)

    Aleem M., Sultan M., Mahmood M.H., Miyazaki T.

    Green Energy and Technology  2022年    ISSN:18653529


    Poultry industries play a major role in Pakistan’s economy as well as developing countries. Poultry birds are sensitive to slight variation in ambient air temperature and humidity. Therefore, temperature-humidity control system is principally required for optimum growth of the birds. Conventionally, vapor-compression-based air-conditioning systems are used in poultry houses to control temperature and humidity. These systems degrade the environment and consume huge amount of primary energy. In this regard, the present study investigates energy-efficient thermally driven desiccant dehumidification-based evaporative cooling system for monthly basis climatic conditions of Multan (Pakistan). The present study explored standalone desiccant air-conditioning system (S-DAC) and Maisotsenko cycle assisted DAC system (M-DAC) using silica-gel and hydrophilic polymeric-sorbent desiccant materials from the viewpoints of slope of dehumidification line, dehumidification capacity, cooling capacity, and coefficient of performance (COP). In addition, the study explored surface temperature, surface area, total sensible heat loss, evaporative heat loss, total heat loss, and temperature-humidity index (THI) of the poultry birds. The results showed that the polymer-based M-DAC system was feasible in terms of maximum dehumidification capacity, cooling capacity, and COP (i.e., 4.3 g/kg-DA, 14.9 kJ/kg, and 0.5, respectively) and achieved thermal comfort (THI &lt; 30℃) of poultry birds throughout the year.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86394-4_2


  • Chapter 5 Energy-Efficient Air-Conditioning Systems for Nonhuman Applications, in Refrigeration edited by Orhan Ekren

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki( 担当: 共著)

    INTECH  2017年8月 


    記述言語:英語   著書種別:学術書

  • Evaporative Heat Exchanger, Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering

    Takahiko Miyazaki( 担当: 共著)

    Springer  2017年7月 


    記述言語:英語   著書種別:学術書

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32003-8_22-1

  • デシカント空調システムの基礎理論と最新技術

    宮崎 隆彦( 担当: 共著)

    S&T出版  2015年9月 


    記述言語:日本語   著書種別:学術書

  • Chemical Science & Engineering Series 3, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems

    ( 担当: 編集)

    Touka Shobo  2013年9月 


    記述言語:英語   著書種別:学術書

  • Advances in Adsorption Technology, Ch.8 Multi-bed adsorption heat pump cycles and their optimal operation

    A. Akisawa, T. Miyazaki( 担当: 共著)

    Nova Science Publishers  2010年8月 


    記述言語:英語   著書種別:学術書



  • 除湿を伴う Maisotsenko サイクル空調システム の理論性能評価

    宮崎 隆彦, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko, 小山 繁

    日本冷凍空調学会 年次大会2015  2015年10月 


    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:早稲田大学(東京)   国名:日本国  

  • Evaluation of desiccant air conditioning applicability for agricultural sector of Pakistan



    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • CFD simulations of heat exchanging adsorber/desorber employing activated carbon-ethanol pair



    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Investigation of alternative adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for cooling application



    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 吸着式ヒートポンプの性能向上を目指した材料開発とシステム研究の融合

    宮崎 隆彦, El-Sharkawy Ibrahim, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, 小山 繁, KIL HYUNSIG, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊

    第16回西日本地区技術交流会  2015年9月 


    開催年月日: 2015年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:九州大学筑紫キャンパス(福岡)   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭素/エタノール系吸着冷凍サイクルの高性能化に関する研究

    李 皓楠, Fauziah Binti Jerai, 宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, 前多 信之介, 恩田 忠義, 丸山 智弘

    第 20 回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2015年6月 


    開催年月日: 2015年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東北大学(仙台)   国名:日本国  

  • 容量法による吸着特性実験 ~吸着発熱による吸着速度への影響~

    中本 大志朗, 角井 務, 宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN

    第 20 回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2015年6月 


    開催年月日: 2015年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東北大学(仙台)   国名:日本国  

  • A study on phenol resin based adsorbent/ethanol pairs for cooling application



    開催年月日: 2015年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 吸着剤を用いた折り返し流路型熱交換器の熱・物質移動特性の予測

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    第 52 回日本伝熱シンポジウム  2015年6月 


    開催年月日: 2015年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:福岡国際会議場(福岡)   国名:日本国  

  • 吸着冷凍機内圧力変化の詳細シミュレーションに基づく性能解析

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    第 49 回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2015年4月 


    開催年月日: 2015年4月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学(東京)   国名:日本国  

  • Waste heat utilization by adsorption heat pumps

    International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum 2015, Workshop on Thermal Issues for Hydrogen and Related Energy Systems  2015年2月 


    開催年月日: 2015年2月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Theoretical analysis on energy saving air conditioning using activated carbons 招待 国際会議

    12th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth  2014年12月 


    開催年月日: 2014年12月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 吸着技術を利用した冷凍・空調システムの研究・活用動向

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    第84回マリンエンジニアリング学術講演会  2014年11月 


    開催年月日: 2014年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:海峡メッセ下関,山口   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭に対する R32の吸着速度解析

    角井 務, 中本 大志朗, 宮崎 隆彦, シャハ ビデュット バラン, 小山 繁

    2014年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2014年9月 


    開催年月日: 2014年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:佐賀大学,佐賀   国名:日本国  

  • 粉末状活性炭素/エタノール系吸着式冷凍システムの性能に対する熱源温度の影響に関する実験的研究

    日本機械学会第19回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2014年6月 


    開催年月日: 2014年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:アオッサ,福井   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭-HFC 冷媒の容量法吸着量測定に基づく吸着動特性の推定

    宮崎 隆彦, 松本 隼人, 小山 繁, El-Sharkawy Ibrahim, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN

    日本機械学会第19回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2014年6月 


    開催年月日: 2014年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:アオッサ,福井   国名:日本国  

  • ヒートポンプ・デシカント複合型農業用空調システムの研究 第2報:温室環境下におけるデシカントブロックの性能評価

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, 工藤智士, 吉田兼大

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2012  2012年11月 


    開催年月日: 2012年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:熊本大学,熊本   国名:日本国  

  • ヒートポンプ・デシカント複合型農業用空調システムの研究 第1報:シミュレーションによるシステム構成の検討

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, 松本翔馬, 工藤智士

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2012  2012年11月 


    開催年月日: 2012年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:熊本大学,熊本   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭-エタノール系吸着サイクルを用いたカスケード型ハイブリッドサイクルの性能解析

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, Kutub Uddin

    日本冷凍空調学会2012年度年次大会  2012年9月 


    開催年月日: 2012年9月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:北海道工業大学,北海道   国名:日本国  

  • 固定床型デシカント除湿と気化式冷却システムの連成シミュレーションによる性能解析

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本冷凍空調学会2012年度年次大会  2012年9月 


    開催年月日: 2012年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:北海道工業大学,北海道   国名:日本国  

  • 吸着速度を考慮したバイナリー空調システムの性能解析

    宮崎 隆彦, 寺尾勇太朗, 小山 繁

    日本機械学会第17回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2012年6月 


    開催年月日: 2012年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:九州大学医学部キャンパス   国名:日本国  

  • 1 ベッド吸着冷凍サイクルによる圧縮冷凍サイクル凝縮器冷却効果の連成シミュレーション

    宮崎隆彦, 大久保賢一, 秋澤 淳, 清水宣伯

    第46回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2012年4月 


    開催年月日: 2012年4月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • CFDを用いた吸着層内シミュレーションによる接触熱抵抗低減効果の解析

    佐藤雅一, 宮崎隆彦, 上田祐樹, 秋澤 淳

    第45回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2011年4月 


    開催年月日: 2011年4月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学(東京)   国名:日本国  

  • 3ベッド二段蒸発型吸着冷凍サイクルの性能に対する吸脱着時間の影響

    谷 優也, 宮崎隆彦, 上田祐樹, 秋澤 淳

    第45回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2011年4月 


    開催年月日: 2011年4月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学(東京)   国名:日本国  

  • Ejector based climate control systems with heat and mass recuperation through the Maisotsenko cycle

    Oleksii Drakhnia, Dmytro Buyadgie, Olexiy Buyadgie, Takahiko Miyazaki, Valeriy Maisotsenko, Andrei Chamchine

    25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, ICR 2019  2019年1月 


    開催年月日: 2019年8月



  • Effects of cooling method for condensation heat transfer in plate-fin heat exchanger

    Sho Fukuda, Takahiko Miyazaki, Nobuo Takata, Shigeru Koyama

    25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, ICR 2019  2019年1月 


    開催年月日: 2019年8月



  • Study on Desiccant Air-Conditioning System for Livestock Application in Pakistan

    Hassan Niaz, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Zahid M. Khan

    2nd International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency, ICECE 2018  2018年11月 


    開催年月日: 2018年10月



  • Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop using TiO 2 /distilled water nanofluid inside counter flow double tube heat exchanger

    Ahmad Imam Rifa'I, Muhammad Faisal Hasan, Budi Kristiawan, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Thu Kyaw, Koji Enoki

    4th International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2018  2019年4月 


    開催年月日: 2018年10月



  • Desiccant dehumidification system for low desorption temperature

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    4th International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2018  2019年4月 


    開催年月日: 2018年10月



  • Evaluation of solid desiccant drying system for drying grains

    Shazia Hanif, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2018  2018年1月 


    開催年月日: 2018年6月



  • Condensation heat transfer of R1234ze(Z) in the vertical channels

    Sho Fukuda, Shohei Oishi, Teppei Tanoura, Takahiko Miyazaki, Nobuo Takata, Shigeru Koyama

    9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2018  2018年1月 


    開催年月日: 2018年6月



  • Effect of desorption temperature on performance of the desiccant dehumidification system

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2018  2018年1月 


    開催年月日: 2018年6月



  • Heat and mass transfer analysis of adsorption heat-exchangers 国際会議

    Xiaodi Zhang, Marzia Khanam, Takahiko Miyazaki

    The 6th International Conference on Cryogenics & Refrigeration  2018年4月 


    開催年月日: 2018年4月



  • Efficiency analysis of the binary fluid ejector refrigerating system 国際会議

    Wu Weiyi, Drakhnia Oleksii, Buyadgie Olexiy, Miyazaki Takahiko, Buyadgie Dmytro

    The 6th International Conference on Cryogenics & Refrigeration  2018年4月 


    開催年月日: 2018年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Investigation of Maisotsenko Cycle (M-cycle) Air-Conditioning System for Multan(Pakistan)

    Muhammad Kashif, Takahiko Miyazaki, Muhammad Sultan, Zahid Mahmood Khan, Muhammad H. Mahmood

    2017 International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency, ICECE 2017  2017年6月 


    開催年月日: 2017年11月



  • Investigation of Optimal Working Fluid for Low-Temperature Driven Organic Rankine Cycles 国際会議

    Dai Yamane, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Norito Uchiyama, Yasuyuki Fujita, Hirotaka Dohi

    The Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference  2017年10月 


    開催年月日: 2017年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 小型吸着ヒートポンプの CFD シミュレーション による吸着熱交換器の性能解析

    Marzia Khanam, Skander Jribi, 宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2017  2017年9月 


    開催年月日: 2017年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 活性炭-エタノール系吸着蓄熱システムの実験的 検討

    竹田那美, 宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, 丸山 智弘, 前多信之介, 川俣 達

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2017  2017年9月 


    開催年月日: 2017年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Experimental Investigation On The Performance Of An Adsorption System Using Maxsorb III + Ethanol Pair 国際会議

    Kyaw Thu, Nami Takeda, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Tomohiro Maruyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Toru Kawamata

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Numerical Simulation Of Desiccant Air-Conditioning System For Agricultural Greenhouses 国際会議

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Impact Of Blockage Ratio On Performance Enhancement In The Presence Of Delta Winglet Vortex Generators 国際会議

    Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Enhanced Convective Heat Transfer Using Titania-Dispersed Nanofluids 国際会議

    Budi Kristiawan, Samsul Kamal, Suhanan Suhanan, Yanuar Yanuar, Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Performance Optimization And Economic Analysis Of Solar Based Desiccant Wheel Grain Dryer 国際会議

    Shazia Hanif, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Adsorption And Desorption Of Water On Mesoporous Silica For Energy Storage 国際会議

    Frantisek Miksik, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Josef Kotlik

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017  2017年8月 


    開催年月日: 2017年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ハニカムソーラーヒータの研究:その2アルミニウムハニカムソーラーヒータの効率と実験的研究

    Meng Xianhong, Jing Chengjun, Kyaw Thu, 宮崎隆彦, 小山 繁

    第27回環境工学総合シンポジウム  2017年7月 


    開催年月日: 2017年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ハニカムソーラーヒータの研究:その1太陽熱の最大化のためのハニカム寸法の最適化

    Muhammad Faisal Hasan, Kyaw Thu, 宮崎隆彦, 小山 繁

    第27回環境工学総合シンポジウム  2017年7月 


    開催年月日: 2017年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 非共沸混合作動流体を用いたオーガニックランキンサイクルの熱力学的サイクルシミュレーション

    山根 大, 宮崎隆彦, 小山繁, 内山典人, 藤田泰行, 土肥弘敬

    第21回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2017年6月 


    開催年月日: 2017年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 低温熱回収カリーナサイクルにおける熱源温度条件の影響

    川上隼人, 宮崎隆彦, 小山繁, 内山典人, 藤田泰行, 土肥弘敬

    第21回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2017年6月 


    開催年月日: 2017年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Mesoporous silica materials for adsorption heat storage



    開催年月日: 2017年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 活性炭充填熱交換器による蒸発−吸着過程の実験的評価

    竹田那美, 李皓楠, 宮崎隆彦, 宮脇仁, THU Kyaw, SAHA Bidyut, 小山 繁, KIL Hyun-sig, 中林 康治, 尹聖昊, 丸山智弘, 前多信之介, 川俣達

    第54回日本伝熱シンポジウム  2017年5月 


    開催年月日: 2017年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  





    開催年月日: 2017年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Simulation of Thermal Compression with Activated Carbon-Ethanol Pair 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    The 5th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants  2017年4月 


    開催年月日: 2017年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    Frantisek Miksik, Takahiko Miyazaki

    The 5th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants  2017年4月 


    開催年月日: 2017年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • エタノール-活性炭系吸着冷凍機の同的シミュレーションに対する吸着速度モデルの影響

    横山幸之介, 宮崎隆彦, 小山繁

    第50回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2017年4月 


    開催年月日: 2017年4月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Low Cost Technologies for Agricultural Product Storage: Prospective and Challenges 国際会議

    Muhammad Hamid Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017  2017年3月 


    開催年月日: 2017年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Feasibility of Adsorption Refrigeration Systems with Carbon Dioxide as Refrigerant 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Skander Jribi, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun-Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon

    Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017  2017年3月 


    開催年月日: 2017年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Scope of nano/micro polymeric materials for farm air- conditioning applications 国際会議

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    The 6th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology  2017年3月 


    開催年月日: 2017年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 活性炭を利用した蓄熱システムの性能予測

    宮崎隆彦, 小山繁

    日本機械学会九州支部第70期総会・講演会  2017年3月 


    開催年月日: 2017年3月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 活性炭-エタノール系の吸着速度解析とモデル化

    横山幸之介, 宮崎隆彦, 小山繁

    第30回日本吸着学会研究発表会  2016年11月 


    開催年月日: 2016年11月



  • 農業用貯蔵へのデシカント空調システムの応用

    MAHMOOD Muhammad Hamid, 宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2016  2016年9月 


    開催年月日: 2016年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Study toward High-Performance Thermally Driven Air-Conditioning Systems 招待 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Jin Miyawaki, Tomonori Ohba, Seong-Ho Yoon, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016  2016年8月 


    開催年月日: 2016年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 小温度差オーガニックランキンサイクルの最適作動媒体探索

    山根 大, 宮崎隆彦, 小山 繁, 内山典人, 前田典生, 土肥弘敬

    第26回環境工学総合シンポジウム  2016年6月 


    開催年月日: 2016年6月 - 2016年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 吸着式ヒートポンプ用熱交換器の最適形状の探索

    Marzia Khanam, 宮崎隆彦, Bidyut Baran Saha, 小山 繁

    第26回環境工学総合シンポジウム  2016年6月 


    開催年月日: 2016年6月 - 2016年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 農業用デシカント空調システムの実験的研究

    第21回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2016年6月 


    開催年月日: 2016年6月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 容量法による活性炭‐フロン系冷媒吸着測定のシミュレーション解析

    中本大志朗, 横山幸之介, 宮崎隆彦, SAHA Bidyut, 小山繁

    第53回日本伝熱シンポジウム  2016年5月 


    開催年月日: 2016年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Preparation and characterization of consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application

    Pal Animesh, El-Sharkawy Ibrahim, Miyazaki Takahiko, Saha Bidyut, Koyama Shigeru



    開催年月日: 2016年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Simulation analysis of heat recovery humidifier

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2016 


    開催年月日: 2016年5月



  • Adsorption characteristics of consolidated adsorbents + ethanol pairs

    Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2016 


    開催年月日: 2016年5月



  • Performance investigation of a finned tube adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol pair

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2016 


    開催年月日: 2016年5月



  • 活性炭による高圧冷媒の吸着速度における温度および圧力依存性の解析

    横山幸之介, 中本大志朗, 宮崎隆彦, 小山繁, Bidyut Baran Saha

    第50回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2016年4月 


    開催年月日: 2016年4月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Non-isothermal adsorption rate model of activated carbon-ethanol pair for solar cooling applications estimated through CFD simulation

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    7th International Renewable Energy Congress, IREC 2016  2016年5月 


    開催年月日: 2016年3月




    Takahiko Miyazakia, Shigeru Koyamaa, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    The 4th International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies  2015年10月 


    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Optimum cycle time for one bed operation of activated carbon-ethanol pair adsorption cooling system 国際会議

    F. Jerai, T. Miyazaki, B.B. Saha

    3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control  2015年10月 


    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Simulation of gas cooler of CO2 heat pump water heater for different tube geometries 国際会議

    M. Khanam, K. Ito, T. Miyazaki

    3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control  2015年10月 


    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Study on adsorption characteristics of activated carbon - R 32 pair for heat pump application 国際会議

    D. Nakamoto, T. Miyazaki, B.B. Saha, S. Koyama

    3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control  2015年10月 


    開催年月日: 2015年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Alternative technology for cooling

    Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Technology, ICGET 2015  2015年11月 


    開催年月日: 2015年9月



  • Transient simulation of finned tube type adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol as adsorbent-refrigerant pair

    Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, ICR 2015 


    開催年月日: 2015年8月



  • Adsorption characteristics of ethanol onto promising adsorbents for adsorption cooling applications

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, ICR 2015  2015年1月 


    開催年月日: 2015年8月



  • Optimization of adsorption isotherm taxonomy for open-cycle desiccant air-conditioning applications

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, ICR 2015  2015年1月 


    開催年月日: 2015年8月



  • Steady-state Analysis on Thermally Driven Adsorption Air-conditioning System for Agricultural Greenhouses

    Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction, ICSDEC 2015  2015年1月 


    開催年月日: 2015年5月



  • Steady-state analysis on thermally driven adsorption air-conditioning system for agricultural greenhouses 国際会議

    M. Sultan, T. Miyazaki, B.B. Saha, S. Koyama, V.S. Maisotsenko

    International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction  2015年5月 


    開催年月日: 2015年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Study on adsorption heat pump cycles using activated carbon-R32 pair 国際会議

    Tsutomu SUMII, Takahiko MIYAZAKI, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru KOYAMA

    International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2014  2014年11月 


    開催年月日: 2014年11月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Dynamic simulation of adsorption heat pumps with surface treated activated carbon-ethanol pairs 国際会議

    Hayato IMAMURA, Takahiko MIYAZAKI, I. I. El-Sharlawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru KOYAMA

    International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2014  2014年11月 


    開催年月日: 2014年11月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Experimental investigation of ethanol adsorption onto Metal-Organic Frameworks for cooling appli- cation



    開催年月日: 2014年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Experimental adsorption isotherms and adsorption cooling cycle performance of organic polymer sorbent-water pair



    開催年月日: 2014年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • A study on adsorption of ethanol onto consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application



    開催年月日: 2014年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    Fauziah Jerai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tadayoshi Onda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    Grand Renewable Energy 2014  2014年5月 


    開催年月日: 2014年5月



  • Performance simulation of adsorption refrigeration/heat pump with silica gel-water and activated carbon-ethanol combinations

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2014 


    開催年月日: 2014年5月



  • A study on adsorption of water onto carbon based adsorbents

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2014 


    開催年月日: 2014年5月



  • Characterization of adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for developing high performance adsorption cooling systems

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Stefan K. Henninger

    7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2014 


    開催年月日: 2014年5月



  • Performance Prediction of Adsorp- tion Heat Pump Systems Using Activated Carbon and R 32 Pair 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2014  2014年4月 


    開催年月日: 2014年3月 - 2014年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • The Performance of Three Bed Re-heat Combined Adsorption Chiller 国際会議

    I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki

    International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2014  2014年4月 


    開催年月日: 2014年3月 - 2014年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ヒートポンプ・デシカント複合型農業用空調システムの冬期暖房除湿実験

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, 吉田兼大

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2013  2013年10月 


    開催年月日: 2013年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:弘前大学,青森   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭のエタノール吸着速度に関する実験的研究

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, Kutub Uddin, 今村駿斗, El-Sharkawy Ibrahim

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2013  2013年10月 


    開催年月日: 2013年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:弘前大学,青森   国名:日本国  

  • 水素処理活性炭に対するエタノール吸着速度

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, Kutub Uddin, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, Kil Hyun Siq

    2013年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2013年9月 


    開催年月日: 2013年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東海大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭に対するR32 の吸着特性の測定とシステム性能の予測

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, 松本隼人, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, El-Sharkawy Ibrahim, アスカラニー アハメド

    2013年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2013年9月 


    開催年月日: 2013年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東海大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭へのR410A の吸着等温線

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, Askalany Ahmed, Ismail Ibrahim M.

    2013年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2013年9月 


    開催年月日: 2013年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東海大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • Study on Adsorption Cooling System — Fundamental to System Evaluation — 招待 国際会議



    開催年月日: 2013年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Analytical Model of a Combined Adsorption Cooling and Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 国際会議

    T. Miyazaki, S. Koyama, B.B. Saha

    The 6th International Meeting on Advanced Thermofluids  2013年8月 


    開催年月日: 2013年8月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Study on thermally driven desiccant air conditioning system under tropical climate



    開催年月日: 2013年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 低GWP 冷媒を用いた多段型吸着冷凍サイクルの静的解析

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本機械学会 第18 回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2013年6月 


    開催年月日: 2013年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:千葉大学西千葉キャンパス,千葉   国名:日本国  

  • Cycle time allocation effect on the performance of adsorption cooling systems



    開催年月日: 2013年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 活性炭によるエタノール平衡吸着量の測定と冷凍サイクルの性能評価

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, 今村駿斗, 牧本直也

    第47 回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2013年4月 


    開催年月日: 2013年4月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • 活性炭を利用した吸着式ヒートポンプの研究

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本冷凍空調学会第13回西日本地区技術交流会  2012年9月 


    開催年月日: 2012年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:九州大学筑紫キャンパス,福岡   国名:日本国  

  • Dynamic simulation on a mechanical/thermal compression hybrid air-conditioning cycle

    Takahiko Miyazaki, K. Uddin, Shigeru Koyama

    6th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2012 


    開催年月日: 2012年8月



  • MATLAB-Simlink を利用した吸着冷凍サイクルのシミュレーション手法

    大久保賢一, 秋澤 淳, 宮崎隆彦, 清水宣伯

    第46回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  2012年4月 


    開催年月日: 2012年4月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京海洋大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • Low Pressure Refrigeration Cycle Using CO2 Refrigerant by Adsorption Phenomena 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama

    The Eighth KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference  2012年3月 


    開催年月日: 2012年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 低GWP冷媒を作動媒体とした機械圧縮-熱圧縮カスケード冷凍サイクルの静的解析

    寺尾勇太朗, 宮崎隆彦, 小山 繁

    2011年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2011年9月 


    開催年月日: 2011年9月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • メイソチェンコサイクルを組み合わせたヒートポンプ加熱湿式デシカント空調システムの性能評価

    高久将人, 宮崎隆彦, 二階 勲, 上田祐樹, 秋澤 淳

    2011年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2011年9月 


    開催年月日: 2011年9月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • 二段蒸発型吸着冷凍機の静的解析による吸着剤-冷媒の検討

    宮崎隆彦, 寺尾勇太朗, 牧本直也, ビデュット バラン シャハ, 小山 繁

    2011年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2011年9月 


    開催年月日: 2011年9月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:東京大学,東京   国名:日本国  

  • 太陽電池集熱ハイブリッドシステムの省エネルギー性評価

    平山 薫, Thipjak Nualboonrueng, 宮崎隆彦, 上田祐樹, 秋澤 淳

    日本機械学会第21回環境工学総合シンポジウム2011  2011年7月 


    開催年月日: 2011年6月 - 2011年7月

    記述言語:その他   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:産業技術総合研究所,東京   国名:日本国  

  • The cycle time optimization of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Masato Takaku, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System, ACRA 2010  2010年6月 


    開催年月日: 2010年6月



  • Application of ammonia-water absorption cycle to transfer cooling and heating at ambient temperature

    Atsushi Akisawa, Kazumichi Araki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Toshitaka Takei

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System, ACRA 2010  2010年 


    開催年月日: 2010年6月



  • Improvement of adsorption heat exchangers by the enhancement of contact points between adsorbent and surface

    Masakazu Sato, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System, ACRA 2010  2010年 


    開催年月日: 2010年6月



  • High concentration non-imaging Fresnel lens design with flat upper surface

    Atsushi Akisawa, Takayuki Sato, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takao Kashiwagi, Masao Hiramatsu

    High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications II  2007年12月 


    開催年月日: 2007年8月



  • Application of the particle swarm optimization to the design of heating and cooling plants of buildings 国際会議

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, ACRA 2006  2006年5月 


    開催年月日: 2006年5月





  • Renewable Heat(再生可能エネルギー熱)利用技術の展望


    タクマ技報   2019年4月



  • 熱駆動サイクル技術の基礎と応用 第3回:デューリング線図とサイクル設計


    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   2017年6月



  • エネルギー貯蔵材料としての吸着剤


    月刊ケミカルエンジニアリング   2017年4月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 新規開発活性炭の吸着特性評価に基づく吸着冷凍サイクルの熱力学的解析

    宮崎 隆彦



    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 吸着技術を利用した冷凍・空調システムの研究・活用動向

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌   2015年7月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 多段型吸着冷凍機の最適運転条件における性能比較

    宮崎隆彦, 秋澤 淳, 上田祐樹




  • 次世代冷媒・冷凍空調技術の基本性能・最適化・評価手法および安全性・リスク評価 ファイナルレポート

    井上 順広, 上村 茂弘, 齋藤 潔, 東 之弘, 迫田 直也, 宮崎 隆彦, Kyaw Thu, 宮本 泰行, 田中 勝之, 近藤 智恵子, 狩野 祐也, 赤坂 亮, 福田 翔, 宮良 明男, 仮屋 圭史, 宮良 明男, 仮屋 圭史, 近藤 智恵子, 劉 宇飛, 福田 翔, 井上 順広, 地下 大輔, 齋藤 潔, 山口 誠一, ジャンネッティ ニコロ, 鄭 宗秀, 金 武重, 東條 健司, 榎木 光治, 井上洋平, 清 雄一, 齋藤 潔, ジャンネッティ ニコロ, 鄭 宗秀, 宮岡 洋一, 清 雄一, 東 之弘, 飛原 英治, 伊藤 誠, 斎藤 静雄, 党 超鋲, 飛原 英治, 今村 友彦, 椎名 拡海, 高橋 良尭, 松木 亮, 佐分利 禎, 久保田 士郎, 滝澤 賢二, 高市 健二, 山下 浩司, 岸本 哲郎, 西口 章, 上村 茂弘, 上村 茂弘, 齋藤 潔, 齋藤 潔, ジャンネッティ ニコロ, 宮岡 洋一, 齋藤 潔, ジャンネッティ ニコロ, 宮岡 洋一, 齋藤 潔, 宮岡 洋一, 齋藤 潔, 宮岡 洋一, 飛原 英治, 谷 逹也, 平田 亮太, 伊藤 誠, 斎藤 静雄, 飛原 英治



    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本冷凍空調学会  

    DOI: 10.60203/ngrfr_ja.2023


    その他リンク: https://www.jsrae.or.jp/committee/jisedai_R/Final_Report-j.pdf

  • Basic Performance, Optimization, and Safety and Risk Evaluation of Next-Generation Refrigerants and Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Technologies - Final report

    Norihiro INOUE, Shigehiro UEMURA, Kiyoshi SAITO, Yukihiro HIGASHI, Naoya SAKODA, Takahiko MIYAZAKI, Kyaw THU, Hiroyuki MIYAMOTO, Katsuyuki TANAKA, Chieko KONDOU, Yuya KANO, Ryo AKASAKA, Sho FUKUDA, Akio MIYARA, Keishi KARIYA, Akio MIYARA, Keishi KARIYA, Chieko KONDOU, Yufei LIU, Sho FUKUDA, Norihiro INOUE, Daisuke JIGE, Kiyoshi SAITO, Seiichi YAMAGUCHI, Niccolo GIANNETTI, Jongsoo JEONG, Moojoong KIM, Kenji TOJO, Koji ENOKI, Yohei INOUE, Yuichi SEI, Kiyoshi SAITO, Niccolo GIANNETTI, Jongsoo JEONG, Yoichi MIYAOKA, Yuichi SEI, Yukihiro HIGASHI, Eiji HIHARA, Makoto ITO, Shizuo SAITOH, Chaobin DANG, Eiji Hihara, Tomohiko IMAMURA, Hiroumi SHIINA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Ryo MATSUKI, Tei SABURI, Shiro KUBOTA, Kenji TAKIZAWA, Kenji TAKAICHI, Koji YAMASHITA, Kiyoshi SAITO, Kiyoshi SAITO, Niccolo GIANNETTI, Yoichi MIYAOKA, Kiyoshi SAITO, Niccolo GIANNETTI, Yoichi MIYAOKA, Kiyoshi SAITO, Yoichi MIYAOKA, Kiyoshi SAITO, Yoichi MIYAOKA, Eiji HIHARA, Tatsuya TANI, Ryota HIRATA, Makoto ITO, Shizuo SAITOH, Eiji HIHARA



    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  

    DOI: 10.60203/ngrfr_en.2023


    その他リンク: https://www.jsrae.or.jp/jsrae/committee/jisedai_R/Final_Report-e.pdf

  • 次世代低GWP冷媒の伝熱特性とサイクル性能評価(NEDOプロジェクトの成果)

    宮良明男, 仮屋圭史, 井上順広, 地下大輔, 近藤智恵子, 福田翔, 宮崎隆彦, THU Kyaw

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023年   ISSN:2188-5397


  • Special Issue on Sciences and Innovations in Heat Pump/Refrigeration: Volume II

    Miyazaki T., Enoki K., Ahn J.

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   12 ( 20 )   2022年10月   eISSN:2076-3417


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Applied Sciences (Switzerland)  

    DOI: 10.3390/app122010630

    Web of Science



  • 熱駆動サイクル技術の基礎と応用 第24回:吸着冷凍機・ヒートポンプの研究動向


    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   2019年3月



  • 熱駆動サイクル技術の基礎と応用 第20回:自動車における吸着蓄熱技術の紹介


    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   2018年11月



  • 熱駆動サイクル技術の基礎と応用 第16回:吸着冷凍サイクルの高性能化

    赤平亮,秋澤淳,江崎丈裕,小林敬幸,ビデュット バラン シャハ,宮崎隆彦

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   2018年7月



  • Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents - ethanol pairs

    Animesh Pal, Animesh Pal, Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Khairul Habib, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences   2016年1月



    Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents - ethanol pairs
    ©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). This study deals with the thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents-ethanol pairs. The studied composites are named as composite A (50&#37; Maxsorb III, 40&#37; expanded graphite (EG), 10&#37; binder) and composite C (70&#37; Maxsorb III, 20&#37; expanded graphite (EG), 10&#37; binder). The Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) and Dubinin Astakhov (D-A) equation are used to draw pressure-temperature-concentration (P-T-W) diagrams of the assorted pairs. The specific cooling effect (SCE) and coefficient of performance (COP) of both pairs have been simulated for desorption temperatures ranging from 40 to 90 °C at different evaporator temperatures along with a heat sink at 30 °C by considering a time independent thermodynamic model. The maximum COPs of composite A-ethanol and composite C-ethanol based cooling systems are found to be 0.69 and 0.765, respectively.

  • Adsorption characteristics of consolidated adsorbents + ethanol pairs

    Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    ACRA 2016 - 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning   2016年1月



    Adsorption characteristics of consolidated adsorbents + ethanol pairs
    In this study, adsorption characteristics of ethanol onto consolidated composite adsorbents have been investigated experimentally. The prepared consolidated composites are combinations of highly porous activated carbon powder namely Maxsorb III, expanded graphite (EG) and binder with judiciously selected mass ratios. Samples with different packing densities and different compositions have been prepared. Adsorption equilibrium uptakes of ethanol onto the prepared samples have been measured. Experiments have been conducted across assorted adsorption temperatures that are useful for the operation of adsorption chillers. The Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) and the Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) equations have been used to fit the adsorption isotherm data. Thermal conductivities of the prepared composites have been measured using a microflash apparatus. Results showed that the thermal conductivities of prepared samples are significantly higher than those of activated carbon powders.

  • Desiccant air-conditioning system for storage of fruits and vegetables: Pakistan preview

    Muhammad H. Mahmood, Muhammad, H. Mahmood, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad Sultan, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   2016年1月



    Desiccant air-conditioning system for storage of fruits and vegetables: Pakistan preview
    © 2015, Novel Carbon Resource Sciences. All rights reserved. In the present study the desiccant air-conditioning system has been investigated for the on-farm storage of fruits and vegetables in Pakistan. In this regard, ideal storage zone for the studied agricultural products is established in order to ascertain the system applicability. The dehumidification performance of the silica-gel based desiccant wheel has been analysed with low regeneration temperature (50°C. by using the model of Beccali et. al. Three environmental conditions (A: highly humid, B: moderately humid &amp; C: less humid. are considered for the analysis of desiccant air-conditioning system. The latent and sensible loads of air-conditioning are achieved by the silica-gel desiccant wheel dehumidification and Maisotsenko cycle evaporative cooling respectively. The results of the study envisaged that desiccant wheel performs higher dehumidification in climatic condition ‘A’ due to higher ambient air relative humidity as compared to the other climatic conditions. However, higher heat energy is required for its regeneration in the climatic condition ‘A’. This study concluded that the desiccant air-conditioning system can be efficiently used for on-farm storage of fruits and vegetables in Pakistan. Also, the renewable energy sources of the country like solar energy and bio-gas can be potentially harvested for the regeneration of desiccant wheel. The study further proposes the use of hybrid desiccant air-conditioning system where standalone DAC system cannot achieve the sensible load.

  • Performance investigation of a finned tube adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol pair

    Skander Jribi, Skander Jribi, Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Shinnosuke Maeda, Tomohiro Maruyama

    ACRA 2016 - 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning   2016年1月



    Performance investigation of a finned tube adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol pair
    This study presents 2D-axisymmetric heat and mass transfer simulations of a finned tube adsorber employing activated carbon-ethanol as the adsorbent-refrigerant pair. The simulation is carried out with Ansys-Fluent v16.2 and the mathematical model consists of mass, momentum and energy conservation equations as well as confirmed adsorption isotherms and adsorption kinetics from measured experimental data. The simulated temperatures at different adsorbent thicknesses agreed fairly with those measured in an adsorption chiller setup in our laboratory. Moreover performance investigation is performed for heating, cooling and evaporation temperature of 80, 30 and 15 °C, respectively. The cooling capacity reached 245.9 W/kgAC whereas COP is found to be 0.42. The CFD simulation will allow design and performance optimization of the finned tube adsorber for adsorption chiller applications. It can be extended also to different absorber-heat exchanger designs and different adsorbent-refrigerant pairs.

  • Simulation analysis of heat recovery humidifier

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Valeriy S. Maisotsenko

    ACRA 2016 - 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning   2016年1月



    Simulation analysis of heat recovery humidifier
    The study investigated a highly effective humidifier employing the Maisotsenko-Cycle heat and mass recovery structure. The performance of the proposed humidifier is predicted by simulation and humidifying capacity was predicted.

  • Overview of adsorption cooling system based on activated carbon - alcohol pair

    Fauziah Jerai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   2015年1月



    Overview of adsorption cooling system based on activated carbon - alcohol pair
    © 2015, Novel Carbon Resource Sciences. All rights reserved. The depletion of ozone layers and climate problems have been calling for rapid developments in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HFCs) free air conditioning and heat pump technologies. Using environmental benign refrigerants such as alcohol in adsorption air-conditioning systems will reduced the production of unwanted ozone depleting substances, whilst activated carbon as adsorbent can achieve higher adsorption capacity and rapid adsorption uptake rates. Additionally, it’s also environmental friendly and harmless. From this viewpoint, utilization of activated carbon adsorption system using natural alcohol as refrigerants has been in demand. The researchers put efforts to enhance the performance of adsorption systems by modification in adsorbent properties, optimizing the adsorbers’ heat exchanger design, and so on towards making this technology competitive with the available cooling system in the market. The objective of this paper is to review on the past efforts of various kinds of researches and methods used to validate the efficiency and suitability of activated carbon as the adsorbent material, with ethanol/methanol for cooling and refrigerant applications.


    Jerai Fauziah, Imamura Hayato, Miyazaki Takahiko, Bidyut Baran Saha, Koyama Shigeru, Maeda Shinnosuke, Onda Tadayoshi, Maruyama Tomohiro




    Operating conditions play an important role in order to achieve the maximum performance for an adsorption cooling system. Therefore, in this study the performance of an adsorption cooling system using activated carbon powder/ethanol pair has been experimentally investigated by varying the heat source temperatures ranging from 70 to 90℃. From the theoretical calculations, it was shown that increasing the heating source temperature gives significant results on the adsorption heat value. The experimental study revealed heat losses that would cause degradations in COP in the actual system.

  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Adsorption Cooling Cycle using Ethanol-Surface treated Maxsorb Ⅲ Pairs




    We have devised a method that employs surface- and self-capacitive sensing principles for touch detection with a single-layered capacitive touch panel. In this method, a single electrode layer consisting of a stripe-shaped one-dimensional electrode array was used to enable multi-touch detection, and a capacitive sensing circuit that uses a trans-impedance amplifier was selected to simplify the circuit structure of the touch panel. The results indicate that the number of the panel fabrication processes and the amount of the touch electrode material required can be reduced by half by using the proposed method.

  • Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using ethanol-surface treated Maxsorb III pairs

    Kutub Uddin, Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   2014年1月



    Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using ethanol-surface treated Maxsorb III pairs
    © 2014, Novel Carbon Resource Sciences. All rights reserved. Adsorption isotherms of ethanol onto surface treated activated carbons, namely H 2 treated Maxsorb III and KOH-H 2 treated Maxsorb III have been investigated experimentally. The magnetic suspension adsorption measurement unit of type MSB-VG-S2 is used for measuring the equilibrium uptake over adsorption temperatures range from 30 to 70 ºC and evaporation temperatures between -6 and 65 ºC. The Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) and Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) adsorption isotherm models are used to correlate the experimental data and to draw pressure-temperature-concentration (P-T-W) diagrams of the assorted pairs. Employing a time independent thermodynamic model, the coefficient of performance (COP) and specific cooling capacity (SCE) of the ideal adsorption cooling cycle has also been studied. Theoretical results show that the cycle performance using H 2 -Maxsorb III/ethanol pair is superior to that of KOH-H 2 -Maxsorb III/ethanol pair.

  • A study on adsorption of water onto carbon based adsorbents

    Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut B. Saha, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    ACRA 2014 - Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年1月



    A study on adsorption of water onto carbon based adsorbents
    In the present study, an experimental analysis for adsorption of water onto carbon based adsorbent i.e. activated carbon powder (AC) has been presented. An experimental system has been employed to measure adsorption isotherms of AC and RD type silica-gel with water. Experimental data for AC have been correlated using an appropriate adsorption isotherm model. The isosteric heat of adsorption of the assorted AC/water pair has been extracted from the present experimental data. On the basis of experimental investigation the greenhouse desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) is proposed as an appropriate water-sorption application for AC. A psychometric comparison of AC with silica-gel for greenhouse DAC is given which highlights the importance of carbon-water pair in the adsorption science.

  • Characterization of adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for developing high performance adsorption cooling systems

    Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Kutub Uddin, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama, Stefan K. Henninger

    ACRA 2014 - Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年1月



    Characterization of adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for developing high performance adsorption cooling systems
    This paper presents an experimental investigation of adsorption isotherms and kinetics of promising adsorbent/refrigerant pairs towards the performance improvement of adsorption cooling systems. Adsorbents used in the present study are (i) parent Maxsorb III, (ii) KOH-H2 treated Maxsorb III, and (iii) a metal organic framework (MOF) material namely, MIL-101Cr. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics of the assorted pairs have been measured using magnetic suspension adsorption measurement unit (MSB-VG-S2). Experiments have been conducted across assorted adsorption temperatures that are useful for the operation of adsorption chillers. The Dubinin-Astakhov equation is used to fit adsorption isotherms whilst adsorption kinetics is presented by the Fickian diffusion model. Experimental results show that, among the assorted pairs, parent Maxsorb III/ethanol pair has the highest adsorption equilibrium uptake. However, the diffusional time constant of MIL-101Cr is found to be higher than that of other studied pairs.

  • Experimental study on carbon based adsorbents for greenhouse dehumidification

    Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad Sultan, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawl, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawl, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawl, Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    Evergreen   2014年1月



    Experimental study on carbon based adsorbents for greenhouse dehumidification
    © 2014, Novel Carbon Resource Sciences. All rights reserved. Adsorption of water vapors onto silica-gel and two types of carbon based adsorbents (CBAs) has been experimentally investigated. Adsoption data has been analyzed for various adsorption models. The Guggenhein, Anderson. De-Boer (GAB) and Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) models gave the good fit for silica-gel and CBAs respectively with an error of less than 5&#37;. The greenhouse air-is proposed the water sorption application for CBAs. Results showed that the CBAs can dehumidify the greenhouse air by utilizing low regeneration temperature and 3-6 times less adsorbent mass as compared to silica-gel. The isosteric heat of adsorption of CBA &amp; Iwater pair does not extremely effect on dehumidification performance.

  • Performance simulation of adsorption refrigeration/heat pump with silica gel-water and activated carbon-ethanol combinations

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut B. Saha, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Shigeru Koyama

    ACRA 2014 - Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning   2014年1月



    Performance simulation of adsorption refrigeration/heat pump with silica gel-water and activated carbon-ethanol combinations
    The paper compared the performances of adsorption refrigeration/heat pump systems between the silica gel-water and the activated carbon-ethaonol as adsorbent-adsorbate combinations. The system performance was predicted in a wide range of heat source/sink by simulation. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics of the silica gel-water pair were taken from the literature, and those of the activated carbon-ethanol pair were measured by our group. The results revealed the suitable range for each combination for the application of space cooling, space heating, and hot water production.

  • F203 Cycle time allocation effect on the performance of adsorption cooling systems powered by SOFC waste heat

    Seung Taek Oh, Bidyut Baran Saha, Miyazaki Takahiko, Koyama Shigeru




    F203 Cycle time allocation effect on the performance of adsorption cooling systems powered by SOFC waste heat
    In the present study, performances of two-bed type adsorption cooling systems powered by waste heat from SOFC employing silica gel/water and ACF/ethanol pairs as adsorbent/refrigerant pair are evaluated m terms of cycle time(adsorption/desorption cycle time plus pre-heating/pre-coolingcycle time) allocations It is found that silica gel/water basedadsorption cooling system performed optimally at 600 s of cycletime which includes 30 s of switching time and ACF/ethanolbased adsorption cooling system provides highest performances at 1200 s of cycle time which includes 35 s of switching timel

  • F201 低GWP冷媒を用いた多段型吸着冷凍サイクルの静的解析(OS10 外燃機関・廃熱利用技術(1))

    宮崎 隆彦, 小山 繁

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2013年6月



    A high pressure adsorption refrigeration cycle, which uses activated carbons as adsorbent and low GWP refrigerant (R 1234ze) as refrigerant, was proposed and the theoretical performance was investigated by static analysis. The coefficient of performance (COP) of multi-stage cycles was compared with that of single stage cycle under the desorption temperature of 80-120℃, adsorption/condensation temperature of 50℃, and evaporation temperature of 15℃ The medium pressure levels of the multi-stage cycles were optimized to maximize the COP. It was shown that two stage cycle had advantage in theoretical COP with desorption temperature lower than 100℃.

  • 低温熱を冷熱に変える技術—吸着冷凍機

    宮崎 隆彦

    化学工学   2012年9月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • Dynamic simulation on a mechanical/thermal compression hybrid air-conditioning cycle

    T. Miyazaki, K. Uddin, S. Koyama

    6th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2012   2012年1月



    Dynamic simulation on a mechanical/thermal compression hybrid air-conditioning cycle
    In the study, we propose a hybrid air-conditioning cycle of mechanical vapour compression and thermal vapour compression. In the bottoming cycle, the refrigerant is compressed by a mechanical compressor from the evaporator to the medium pressure condenser. In the topping cycle, the other refrigerant is compressed by adsorption phenomena, where low temperature heat is used as a driving force, from the medium pressure condenser to the higher pressure condenser. R 1234ze is the refrigerant of the mechanical compression cycle, while CO2 is the refrigerant of the thermally compression cycle, where the activated carbon is the adorbent of CO2. Based on the measured adsorption kinetics of CO2 on the activated carbon, the system is modelled using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The dynamic characteristics of the system is investigated by simulation, and the reduction in mechanical power for the mechanical compressor is revealed.

  • The performance analysis of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Bidyut Baran Saha




    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2009.10.005

  • The cycle time optimization of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Masato Takaku, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2010 - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System   2010年1月



    The cycle time optimization of a novel dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller
    Copyright © 2010 by the Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering (JSRAE). The novel, dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller was proposed for the enhancement of the performance of adsorption chillers. The chiller is equipped with two evaporators, three adsorbent beds, and a condenser. The evaporators work at different pressure levels, which enhances the working range of the adsorbate concentration. It was predicted that the specific cooling capacity and the coefficient of performance of the dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller enhanced by 50&#37; and by 70&#37;, respectively, compared with the conventional, two-bed single-stage adsorption chiller at the same operating conditions. The aim of the study was to further increase the specific cooling capacity of the dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller by the optimization of the operating conditions. It is known that the cooling capacity of adsorption chillers can be maximized by the optimal cycle time. In the study, the particle swarm optimization was applied to the simulation of the dual evaporator type three-bed adsorption chiller and the optimal cycle time of the chiller was found. The results showed that the performance improvement by the optimization was significant in the case of driving heat source temperature under 75°C.

  • Application of ammonia-water absorption cycle to transfer cooling and heating at ambient temperature

    Atsushi Akisawa, Kazumichi Araki, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Toshitaka Takei

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2010 - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System   2010年1月



    Application of ammonia-water absorption cycle to transfer cooling and heating at ambient temperature
    Copyright © 2010 by the Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering (JSRAE). Utilizing wasted heat is an important issue to reduce primary fuel consumption. Because wasted heat sources are not always located near heat demand, it is required to transport thermal energy efficiently. The authors proposed an application of absorption cycle to heat transportation. In contrast with conventional chilled water transportation, the proposed absorption system has the generator-condenser pair at the heat source side while the evaporator-absorber pair at the demand side, and transfers absorption solutions between them. The solution transportation can transfer thermal energy which is converted into the difference of solution concentration. In this study, the proposed system named STA is expanded to supply heating from the absorber as well, which enhances the COP and reduces primary fuel consumption. STA combined with refuse incineration power generation was investigated to utilize steam from the incineration to provide power, cooling and heating simultaneously. The primary fuel substitution is estimated to be 1.7 times as much as that of power generation only system.

  • Improvement of adsorption heat exchangers by the enhancement of contact points between adsorbent and surface

    Masakazu Sato, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ACRA 2010 - Green Breeze from Asia: Frontiers of Refrigerants, Heat Transfer and System   2010年1月



    Improvement of adsorption heat exchangers by the enhancement of contact points between adsorbent and surface
    Copyright © 2010 by the Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering (JSRAE). In this study, we are aiming at the improvement of heat exchangers for the adsorption heat pump. To achieve it, it is important to reduce thermal contact resistance between adsorbent and heat transfer surface. The thermal contact resistance can be reduced by increasing the contact points between adsorbents and heat transfer surface. To increase the contact points, four patterns of heat transfer surface geometry were examined. They are flat surface, V-shaped surface, oblong surface, and arc shaped surface, which have one, two, three and maximum contact points, respectively. The flat surface is the one used by the conventional heat exchanger, and the arc shaped surface is the ideal one. The heat conduction in the adsorbent (silica gel) bed was predicted by mathematical simulation. The structure of adsorbent bed was the hexagonal closest packing. For the fundamental analysis, a two dimensional model was developed, and steady-state simulation was performed. The results showed that V-shaped surface could increase heat flux by 10 &#37;. In addition, the reduction of the thermal contact resistance was more effective on the thinner adsorbent layer than that on the thicker one.

  • Multi-bed adsorption heat pump cycles and their optimal operation

    Atsushi Akisawa, Takahiko Miyazaki

    Advances in Adsorption Technology   2010年1月



    Multi-bed adsorption heat pump cycles and their optimal operation
    © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. The chapter consists of two parts. The first part describes advanced adsorption heat pump cycles. The second part presents cycle simulations with optimization to maximize cooling effect. Multi-stage adsorption heat pump cycles are expected to utilize low temperature heat of 50-70 degC. Two-stage cycle and three-stage cycle have been investigated experimentally to clarify appropriate range of heat source temperature. Furthermore, new single stage cycles are proposed based on an idea of reheat scheme, where single stage cycle operates as quasi-two stage cycle. It can expand the temperature range for lower side. The other interesting idea is single stage cycle with three beds in contrast with two beds of conventional single stage cycle. The third bed runs twice as quickly as the other beds to adsorb more vapor from the evaporator. The process of mass recovery from desorption side to adsorption side has an important role in the cycles. Configuration, operation and performance of the cycles are described in the first part. In the second part, adsorption cycles have some control variables for the operation such as cycle time allocation for adsorption, desorption, precooling, preheating processes. It means that cycle has freedom to maximize the performance under given external conditions. It was, however, difficult to attain the optimum due to large freedom of the system. The authors succeeded to employ a nonlinear optimization technique named Particle Swarm Optimization to find optimal time allocation. The method, optimal settings of the parameters and optimal performance are discussed.

  • High Performance Cascading Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle with Internal Heat Recovery Driven by a Low Grade Heat Source Temperature

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    ENERGIES   2009年12月



    DOI: 10.3390/en20401170

  • Numerical analysis of an advanced three-bed mass recovery adsorption refrigeration cycle

    A. S. Uyun, A. Akisawa, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ueda, T. Kashiwagi




    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.02.008

  • The influence of heat exchanger parameters on the optimum cycle time of adsorption chillers

    Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa




    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.01.005

  • Experimental Investigation of a Three-Bed Adsorption Refrigeration Chiller Employing an Advanced Mass Recovery Cycle

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    ENERGIES   2009年9月



    DOI: 10.3390/en20300531

  • Experimental Investigation of a Three-Bed Adsorption Refrigeration Chiller Employing an Advanced Mass Recovery Cycle

    Aep Saepul Uyun, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yuki Ueda, Atsushi Akisawa

    ENERGIES   2009年9月



    DOI: 10.3390/en20300531

  • A new cycle time allocation for enhancing the performance of two-bed adsorption chillers

    T. Miyazaki, A. Akisawa, B. B. Saha, I. I. El-Sharkawy, A. Chakraborty




    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2008.12.002

  • The Optimal Operation Criteria for a Gas Turbine Cogeneration System

    Yasushi Ishida, Masaaki Bannai, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yasushi Harada, Ryuichi Yokoyama, Atsushi Akisawa

    ENERGIES   2009年6月



    DOI: 10.3390/en20200202

  • Performance analysis of air cycle refrigerator integrated desiccant system for cooling and dehumidifying warehouse

    S. S. Elsayed, T. Miyazaki, Y. Hamamoto, A. Akisawa, T. Kashiwagi




    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2007.07.002

  • Risk hedging against the fuel price fluctuation in energy service business

    Masaaki Bannai, Yasushi Tomita, Yasushi Ishida, Takahiko Miyazaki, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi

    ENERGY   2007年11月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2007.05.003

  • 建物形態の改善による空調設備の省エネルギー・省コスト化

    宮崎 隆彦, 小田 拓也, 秋澤 淳, 柏木 孝夫

    研究発表会講演論文集 / エネルギー・資源学会 [編]   2006年6月



  • The effects of solar chimneys on thermal load mitigation of office buildings under the Japanese climate

    T Miyazaki, A Akisawa, T Kashiwagi

    RENEWABLE ENERGY   2006年6月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2005.05.003

  • Energy savings of office buildings by the use of semi-transparent solar cells for windows

    T Miyazaki, A Akisawa, T Kashiwagi

    RENEWABLE ENERGY   2005年3月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2004.05.010

  • 業務用ビルディングに対する省エネルギー方策の評価

    秋澤 淳, 菅原 大誉, 宮崎 隆彦, 柏木 孝夫, 坂内 正明

    研究発表会講演論文集 / エネルギー・資源学会 [編]   2003年6月



  • LNG冷熱を用いた多段階動力回収システム-アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いたサイクルのエクセルギー評価-

    宮崎 隆彦

    冷凍   1999年6月



  • LNG冷熱を利用した多段階動力回収システム : アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いたランキンサイクル

    秋澤 淳, 宮崎 隆彦, 湯澤 政明, 柏木 孝夫

    研究発表会講演論文集 = / Japan Society of Energy and Resources   1998年4月





  • 日本冷凍空調学会

  • 日本機械学会

  • 太陽エネルギー学会

  • 日本伝熱学会

  • 日本吸着学会

  • Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

  • Japan Solar Energy Society

  • The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan

  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • 日本太陽エネルギー学会

  • 日本機械学会


  • 日本太陽エネルギー学会


  • 日本吸着学会


  • 日本冷凍空調学会


  • 日本伝熱学会


  • 太陽エネルギー学会


  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


  • Japan Solar Energy Society


  • Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers




  • 日本冷凍空調学会   代表会員   国内

    2021年5月 - 2023年4月   

  • 代表会員   代表会員   国内

    2019年4月 - 2021年3月   

  • 協議員   協議員   国内

    2012年4月 - 2014年3月   


  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 東京 Japan ) 2017年8月




  • Applied Sciences 国際学術貢献

    2016年11月 - 2018年9月



  • その他

    2015年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  ( 早稲田大学(東京) Japan ) 2015年10月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2015  ( 佐賀大学 Japan ) 2015年10月




  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会第16回西日本地区技術交流会  ( 九州大学筑紫キャンパス,福岡 Japan ) 2015年9月



  • Other 国際学術貢献

    The 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2015)  ( Yokohama Japan Japan ) 2015年8月



  • その他

    日本機械学会第20回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 東北大学(仙台) Japan ) 2015年6月



  • その他

    日本機械学会 第20回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 東北大学,仙台 Japan ) 2015年6月




  • その他

    第 52 回日本伝熱シンポジウム  ( 福岡国際会議場(福岡) Japan ) 2015年6月



  • その他

    日本伝熱学会 第52回日本伝熱シンポジウム  ( 福岡国際会議場,福岡 Japan ) 2015年6月




  • その他

    日本伝熱学会 第52回日本伝熱シンポジウム  ( 福岡国際会議場,福岡 Japan ) 2015年6月




  • その他

    第 49 回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  ( 東京海洋大学(東京) Japan ) 2015年4月



  • 日本冷凍空調学会

    2014年10月 - 2015年9月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会第15回西日本地区技術交流会  ( 九州大学筑紫キャンパス,福岡 Japan ) 2014年9月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2014  ( 佐賀大学 Japan ) 2014年9月




  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2014  ( 佐賀大学 Japan ) 2014年9月




  • その他

    2014年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  ( 佐賀大学,佐賀 Japan ) 2014年9月



  • その他

    日本機械学会第19回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( アオッサ,福井 Japan ) 2014年6月



  • その他

    日本機械学会 第19回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( アオッサ,福井 Japan ) 2014年6月




  • Other 国際学術貢献

    The 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning  ( Jeju, Korea Korea Korea ) 2014年5月



  • Heat Transfer Engineering, Special Issue 国際学術貢献

    2014年4月 - 2015年3月



  • ASEAN Engineering Journal 国際学術貢献

    2013年10月 - 2015年9月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会第14回西日本地区技術交流会  ( 九州大学筑紫キャンパス,福岡 Japan ) 2013年9月



  • その他

    2013年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  ( 東海大学,東京 Japan ) 2013年9月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2013  ( 東海大学 Japan ) 2013年9月




  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 九州大学伊都キャンパス,福岡 Japan ) 2013年9月



  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 九州大学伊都キャンパス Japan ) 2013年9月




  • Heat Transfer Engineering 国際学術貢献

    2013年9月 - 2014年5月



  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 北九州市立大学,福岡 Japan ) 2013年8月



  • その他

    日本機械学会 第18回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 千葉大学西千葉キャンパス Japan ) 2013年6月




  • その他

    日本機械学会第18回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 千葉大学,千葉 Japan ) 2013年6月



  • 日本冷凍空調学会


    2013年5月 - 2017年5月



  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 九州大学筑紫キャンパス Japan ) 2013年2月




  • その他

    九州伝熱セミナー  ( ゆふトピア,大分 Japan ) 2012年12月



  • その他

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2012  ( 熊本大学,熊本 Japan ) 2012年11月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会2012年度年次大会  ( 北海道工業大学,北海道 Japan ) 2012年9月



  • その他

    日本機械学会第17回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 九州大学医学部キャンパス,福岡 Japan ) 2012年6月



  • その他

    日本機械学会 第17回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  ( 九州大学医学部キャンパス Japan ) 2012年6月



  • その他

    第46回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会  ( 東京海洋大学,東京 Japan ) 2012年4月



  • Other 国際学術貢献

    The 8th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference  ( Songdo Convensia Center, Incheon Korea Korea ) 2012年3月



  • その他 国際学術貢献

    ( 九州大学筑紫キャンパス Japan ) 2011年11月




  • 日本冷凍空調学会論文集

    2011年10月 - 2012年2月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2011  ( 東京大学(東京) Japan ) 2011年9月



  • 日本冷凍空調学会

    2011年5月 - 2011年9月



  • 日本冷凍空調学会

    2011年4月 - 2013年5月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2010  ( 金沢大学(石川) Japan ) 2010年9月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2010  ( 金沢大学(石川) Japan ) 2010年9月




  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2009  ( 中央大学(東京) Japan ) 2009年10月



  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2009  ( 中央大学(東京) Japan ) 2009年10月




  • その他

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会2007  ( 東京農工大学(東京) Japan ) 2007年10月






  • 機械学習を利用した極低温冷凍機のスマート制御に関する研究

    研究課題/領域番号:22KF0297  2023年3月 - 2024年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費





    CiNii Research

  • 機械学習を利用した極低温冷凍機のスマート制御に関する研究

    研究課題/領域番号:22F21742  2022年 - 2023年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)



  • 機械学習を利用した極低温冷凍機のスマート制御に関する研究

    研究課題/領域番号:21F21742  2021年 - 2022年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)




    CiNii Research

  • エジェクタ内相変化の物理機構モデル構築と最適冷媒探索

    研究課題/領域番号:17H03537  2017年 - 2019年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)



  • 二酸化炭素を冷媒に用いる太陽熱駆動冷凍機の開発




  • 学術研究助成/活性炭吸着冷凍機の実用化を目指した吸着熱交換器最適形状の探索




  • 平成27年度 国際学術研究助成/メイソチェンコサイクルを応用した冷却・除湿熱交換器の基礎的検討




  • 大学等研究助成制度/コージェネレーション排熱駆動エアコンの開発—空冷式小型吸着冷凍機の研究




  • 民生用建築における低温排熱利用を目的とした小型吸着冷凍機の開発

    2010年10月 - 2011年3月



    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:その他産学連携による資金

  • 吸着冷凍機の小型・高性能化につながる多点接触型伝熱面の開発

    2009年6月 - 2010年3月



    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:その他産学連携による資金

  • 学術研究助成/接触熱抵抗の低減による吸着熱交換器の伝熱特性の向上






  • 大学院総合理工学府総合理工学専攻機械・システム理工学メジャーにおいて熱エネルギー利用システム工学I,IIの講義を担当。学部では,工学部III群の熱力学1,融合基礎工学科の伝熱学,機械科学実験II,III等の講義・演習を担当している。


  • 流体機械

    2024年10月 - 2024年12月   秋学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅱ

    2024年10月 - 2024年12月   秋学期

  • 機械電気科学設計演習

    2024年10月 - 2024年12月   秋学期

  • 機械電気科学実験Ⅲ

    2024年10月 - 2024年12月   秋学期

  • 伝熱学Ⅱ(伝熱学)

    2024年6月 - 2024年8月   夏学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅰ

    2024年6月 - 2024年8月   夏学期

  • 伝熱学

    2024年4月 - 2024年9月   前期

  • グローバル科目Ⅱ(討論)

    2024年4月 - 2024年9月   前期

  • エネルギー・環境学A

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • 伝熱学Ⅰ(伝熱学)

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学(熱力学Ⅰ(S2-21))

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(B)

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(S2-21)

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • エネルギー・環境学B

    2024年4月 - 2024年6月   春学期

  • 流体機械

    2023年12月 - 2024年2月   冬学期

  • 課題集約演習

    2023年12月 - 2024年2月   冬学期

  • 機械電気科学実験Ⅳ

    2023年12月 - 2024年2月   冬学期

  • 機械電気科学実験Ⅲ

    2023年10月 - 2023年12月   秋学期

  • エネルギー工学基礎Ⅱ

    2023年10月 - 2023年12月   秋学期

  • エネルギー工学演習

    2023年10月 - 2023年12月   秋学期

  • 機械電気科学設計演習

    2023年10月 - 2023年12月   秋学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅱ

    2023年10月 - 2023年12月   秋学期

  • 機械電気科学実験Ⅱ

    2023年6月 - 2023年8月   夏学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅰ

    2023年6月 - 2023年8月   夏学期

  • 伝熱学Ⅱ

    2023年6月 - 2023年8月   夏学期

  • 総合理工学修士実験

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 環境エネルギー工学博士論文演習

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学特別講究

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 総合理工学特別講究第二

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 総合理工学修士演習

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 総合理工学修士演習

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   通年

  • 持続可能なエネルギーシステムと建築環境

    2023年4月 - 2023年9月   前期

  • 伝熱学

    2023年4月 - 2023年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2023年4月 - 2023年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2023年4月 - 2023年9月   前期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(S2-21)

    2023年4月 - 2023年6月   春学期

  • 伝熱学Ⅰ

    2023年4月 - 2023年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学

    2023年4月 - 2023年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(B)

    2023年4月 - 2023年6月   春学期

  • 融合基礎工学展望

    2022年10月 - 2023年3月   後期

  • 自動制御

    2022年10月 - 2023年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅱ

    2022年10月 - 2022年12月   秋学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅰ

    2022年6月 - 2022年8月   夏学期

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学特別講究

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • 総合理工学修士演習

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • 総合理工学修士実験

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学演習

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • Exercise for Doctoral Thesis

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • Doctoral Research

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • 環境エネルギー工学博士論文演習

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   通年

  • エネルギー環境理工学演習Ⅱ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • 力学基礎

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • エネルギー環境理工学演習Ⅰ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • エネルギー環境理工学基礎Ⅱ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • エネルギー環境理工学基礎Ⅰ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • エネルギー環境理工学特論Ⅱ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • エネルギー環境理工学特論Ⅰ

    2022年4月 - 2022年9月   前期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(C)

    2022年4月 - 2022年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ【エネルギー変換基礎論ⅠB】

    2022年4月 - 2022年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ【エネルギー変換基礎論ⅠA】

    2022年4月 - 2022年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ【熱力学】

    2022年4月 - 2022年6月   春学期

  • 熱力学Ⅰ(S2-21)

    2022年4月 - 2022年6月   春学期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅱ

    2021年12月 - 2022年2月   冬学期

  • Advanced Course on Energy and Environmental Science and Engi

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • エネルギー環境理工学演習Ⅰ

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • エネルギー環境理工学基礎Ⅱ

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • エネルギー環境理工学基礎Ⅰ

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • 自動制御

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • Advanced Seminar on Energy and Environmental Science and Eng

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • Advanced Course on Energy and Environmental Science and Engi

    2021年10月 - 2022年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学Ⅰ

    2021年10月 - 2021年12月   秋学期

  • 熱環境システム特別講究

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月   通年

  • 力学基礎

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • 力学基礎

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学博士論文演習

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学演習

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • Advanced Seminar on Energy and Environmental Science and Eng

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • Advanced Course on Energy and Environmental Science and Engi

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • Advanced Course on Energy and Environmental Science and Engi

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • Exercises in Thermal Energy Conversion Systems

    2021年4月 - 2021年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • 伝熱工学実践

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • 自動制御

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • Thermal Energy Utilization Systems

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • Discussion Leading & Organizing

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • 伝熱工学実践

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2020年10月 - 2021年3月   後期

  • エネルギー科学とマネージメントⅢ

    2020年4月 - 2021年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2020年4月 - 2021年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学演習

    2020年4月 - 2020年9月   前期

  • 課題集約演習

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • 物理学概論B演習

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • 自動制御

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • 物理学概論B演習

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • *Thermal Energy Utilization Systems

    2019年10月 - 2020年3月   後期

  • 動力解析学

    2019年10月 - 2019年12月   秋学期

  • 基礎熱工学

    2019年10月 - 2019年12月   秋学期

  • 産業活動実習

    2019年4月 - 2020年3月   通年

  • Exercise for Doctoral Thesis

    2019年4月 - 2020年3月   通年

  • Doctoral Research

    2019年4月 - 2020年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学特別講究

    2019年4月 - 2020年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2019年4月 - 2020年3月   通年

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2019年4月 - 2019年9月   前期

  • 伝熱工学実践

    2019年4月 - 2019年9月   前期

  • Exercises in Thermal Energy Conversion Systems

    2019年4月 - 2019年9月   前期

  • Advanced Topics of Energy and Environmental Engineering

    2019年4月 - 2019年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学演習

    2019年4月 - 2019年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2018年10月 - 2019年3月   後期

  • 物理学概論B演習

    2018年10月 - 2019年3月   後期

  • プレゼンテーション演習

    2018年10月 - 2019年3月   後期

  • プレゼンテーション演習

    2018年10月 - 2019年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2018年10月 - 2019年3月   後期

  • 基礎熱工学

    2018年10月 - 2018年12月   秋学期

  • 基礎熱工学

    2018年10月 - 2018年12月   秋学期

  • 動力解析学

    2018年10月 - 2018年12月   秋学期

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2018年4月 - 2019年3月   通年

  • Doctoral Research (III)

    2018年4月 - 2019年3月   通年

  • Doctoral Research

    2018年4月 - 2019年3月   通年

  • Exercise for Doctoral Thesis

    2018年4月 - 2019年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学演習

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • Topics of Energy and Environmental Engineering

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • 伝熱工学実践

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • Topics of Energy and Environmental Engineering

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • Exercise in Thermal Energy Conversion Systems

    2018年4月 - 2018年9月   前期

  • Thermal Energy Utilization Systems

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • Thermal Energy Utilization Systems

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • プレゼンテーション演習

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 物理学概論B演習

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 動力解析学

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 物理学概論B演習

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 動力解析学

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 課題集約演習

    2017年10月 - 2018年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学実験

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月   通年

  • Doctoral Research

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月   通年

  • Exercise for Doctoral Thesis

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月   通年

  • 環境エネルギー工学博士論文演習

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月   通年

  • 熱エネルギー変換システム学特別講究

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月   通年

  • 環境エネルギー工学特別講義第十五

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • Advanced Topics of Energy and Environmental Engineering

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • Fundamentals of Energy and Environmental Engineering I

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • Advanced Topics of Energy and Environmental Engineering

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • Exercises in Thermal Energy Conversion Systems

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 伝熱工学基礎

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 伝熱工学基礎

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • エネルギー変換システム工学

    2017年4月 - 2017年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2016年10月 - 2017年3月   後期

  • 課題集約演習

    2016年10月 - 2017年3月   後期

  • 伝熱工学基礎

    2016年4月 - 2016年9月   前期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2016年4月 - 2016年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2016年4月 - 2016年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2016年4月 - 2016年9月   前期

  • エネルギー変換システム工学

    2016年4月 - 2016年9月   前期

  • 課題集約演習

    2015年10月 - 2016年3月   後期

  • Fundamentals on Interdisciplinary Sciences, Material, Energy, Environment

    2015年10月 - 2016年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2015年10月 - 2016年3月   後期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2015年4月 - 2015年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2015年4月 - 2015年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2015年4月 - 2015年9月   前期

  • 課題集約演習

    2014年10月 - 2015年3月   後期

  • Fundamentals on Interdisciplinary Sciences, Material, Energy, Environment

    2014年10月 - 2015年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2014年10月 - 2015年3月   後期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2014年4月 - 2014年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2014年4月 - 2014年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2014年4月 - 2014年9月   前期

  • 課題集約演習

    2013年10月 - 2014年3月   後期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2013年10月 - 2014年3月   後期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2013年4月 - 2013年9月   前期

  • 自動制御

    2013年4月 - 2013年9月   前期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2013年4月 - 2013年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2012年10月 - 2013年3月   後期

  • 異分野特別演習

    2012年10月 - 2013年3月   後期

  • 課題集約演習

    2012年10月 - 2013年3月   後期

  • 自動制御

    2012年4月 - 2012年9月   前期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2012年4月 - 2012年9月   前期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2012年4月 - 2012年9月   前期

  • 熱エネルギー利用システム工学

    2011年10月 - 2012年3月   後期

  • 環境エネルギー工学特論

    2011年10月 - 2012年3月   後期

  • エネルギー工学実験

    2011年4月 - 2011年9月   前期



  • 2014年3月   役割:参加   名称:グローバル化対応研修(多文化理解力向上コース)


  • 2014年1月   役割:参加   名称:グローバル化対応研修(英語による講義法指導コース)


  • 2011年9月   役割:参加   名称:男女共同参画の取組み


  • 2011年4月   役割:参加   名称:学生のメンタルヘルス


  • 2011年4月   役割:参加   名称:新任教員研修



  • 平成17年度 日本ガス協会 熱駆動冷凍機システム将来ビジョン研究会 委員・事務局
    平成19-20年度 電気学会「省エネ法改正に伴う生産現場における省エネ技術の適用動向」調査専門委員会 委員・幹事補佐
    平成23年 企業活力研究所 産業技術研究会 委員
    平成23年度- 日本冷凍空調学会 西日本地区事業推進委員会 委員(平成27-28年度 幹事)
    平成26年度- 日本冷凍空調学会 デシカント・吸着系技術委員会 委員(平成27-28年度 幹事)
    平成26年10月- 日本機械学会環境工学部門「吸収・吸着を用いた環境制御技術の高度化に関する研究会」 主査
    平成27年度 福岡市立小中学校の環境・エネルギーに関する検討会 委員


  • 活性炭講座「活性炭を利用した熱マネージメント技術」

    活性炭技術研究会  活性炭講座(第20講および第168回講演会  2019年11月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 活性炭講座「活性炭を利用した熱マネージメント技術」

    活性炭技術研究会  活性炭講座(第20講および第168回講演会  2019年11月




  • 講演「太陽の熱で部屋を涼しくする技術」

    日本イノベーション融合学会  IFSJ第6回研究発表会in福岡  2019年6月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 講演「太陽の熱で部屋を涼しくする技術」

    日本イノベーション融合学会  IFSJ第6回研究発表会in福岡  2019年6月




  • 講演「吸着材を利用した排熱利用技術の現状と課題」

    日本マリンエンジニアリング学会  小浜温泉バイナリー発電所 見学会  2018年11月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 講演「吸着材を利用した排熱利用技術の現状と課題」

    日本マリンエンジニアリング学会  小浜温泉バイナリー発電所 見学会  2018年11月




  • 先端工学特論「多孔質材料を利用した省エネルギー先端技術」

    久留米工業高専専攻科  2015年11月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 先端工学特論「多孔質材料を利用した省エネルギー先端技術」

    久留米工業高専専攻科  2015年11月




  • さろんセミナー「外気の湿度ポテンシャルを利用した冷房装置の温暖湿潤気候への適用について」

    日本冷凍空調学会  2015年8月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • さろんセミナー「外気の湿度ポテンシャルを利用した冷房装置の温暖湿潤気候への適用について」

    日本冷凍空調学会  2015年8月




  • 出前講義「家電のサイエンス~身近な技術の最先端研究~」

    熊本県立第二高等学校  2015年7月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 出前講義「家電のサイエンス〜身近な技術の最先端研究〜」

    熊本県立第二高等学校  2015年7月




  • 「Workshop on Energy-Saving and Environmentally Benign Air-Conditioning Technologies」を開催

    主催:日本機械学会環境工学部門「吸収・吸着を用いた環境制御技術の高度化に関する研究会」 協賛:日本冷凍空調学会「デシカント・吸着・吸収・化学系技術委員会」  2015年6月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 「Workshop on Energy-Saving and Environmentally Benign Air-Conditioning Technologies」を開催

    主催:日本機械学会環境工学部門「吸収・吸着を用いた環境制御技術の高度化に関する研究会」 協賛:日本冷凍空調学会「デシカント・吸着・吸収・化学系技術委員会」  2015年6月




  • 出前講義「身近な技術の最先端研究~家電のサイエンス~」

    熊本県立第二高等学校  2014年7月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 出前講義「身近な技術の最先端研究~家電のサイエンス~」

    長崎県立諫早高等学校  2014年7月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 出前講義「身近な技術の最先端研究〜家電のサイエンス〜」

    長崎県立諫早高等学校  2014年7月




  • 出前講義「身近な技術の最先端研究〜家電のサイエンス〜」

    熊本県立第二高等学校  2014年7月




  • 吸着式冷凍機/ヒートポンプの技術・活用動向 -未利用低温を熱駆動源として使用する省エネルギー化技術-

    S&T出版  連合会館 4階 404 (東京都千代田区神田駿河台3-2-11)  2014年6月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 吸着式冷凍機/ヒートポンプの技術・活用動向 -未利用低温を熱駆動源として使用する省エネルギー化技術-

    S&T出版  連合会館 4階 404 (東京都千代田区神田駿河台3-2-11)  2014年6月




  • JSRAE 調査研究プロジェクト「将来冷媒の先進熱交換器に関する調査研究」第6 回委員会,活性炭による各種冷媒の吸着特性評価とヒートポンプへの応用

    日本冷凍空調学会  2013年9月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • JSRAE 調査研究プロジェクト「将来冷媒の先進熱交換器に関する調査研究」第6 回委員会,活性炭による各種冷媒の吸着特性評価とヒートポンプへの応用

    日本冷凍空調学会  2013年9月




  • 2013年度 第1回 粉体操作に伴う諸現象に関する勉強会,高比表面積活性炭材料を用いた吸着冷凍機の研究

    粉体工学会  2013年8月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 2013年度 第1回 粉体操作に伴う諸現象に関する勉強会,高比表面積活性炭材料を用いた吸着冷凍機の研究

    粉体工学会  2013年8月




  • マリンエンジニアリング月例講演会「吸収・吸着技術を利用した熱駆動冷凍・空調システムについて」

    日本マリンエンジニアリング学会  2012年11月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • マリンエンジニアリング月例講演会「吸収・吸着技術を利用した熱駆動冷凍・空調システムについて」

    日本マリンエンジニアリング学会  2012年11月




  • 出前講義「お風呂の残り湯で冷房!乾燥剤を利用したエアコンの原理」

    下関西高校  2012年10月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 出前講義「お風呂の残り湯で冷房!乾燥剤を利用したエアコンの原理」

    下関西高校  2012年10月




  • 日本機械学会講習会 冷凍空調技術に関するシミュレーション技術II「吸着冷凍サイクルの動的シミュレーションと最適化手法」

    日本機械学会  2012年5月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 日本機械学会講習会 冷凍空調技術に関するシミュレーション技術II「吸着冷凍サイクルの動的シミュレーションと最適化手法」

    日本機械学会  2012年5月




  • 講演「自然冷媒・低GWP冷媒を用いた吸着式ヒートポンプ・空調システムの研究について」

    (財)ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター,次世代冷媒ヒートポンプ研究会  東京  2012年3月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • 講演「自然冷媒・低GWP冷媒を用いた吸着式ヒートポンプ・空調システムの研究について」

    (財)ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター,次世代冷媒ヒートポンプ研究会  東京  2012年3月




  • 熱で冷やす

    城南高校,スーパー・サイエンス・ハイスクール(SSH)  2011年6月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 熱をあやつる科学技術の話

    春日高校,サイエンス・パートナーシップ・プロジェクト(SPP)  2011年6月


    対象: 幼稚園以下, 小学生, 中学生, 高校生


  • 熱で冷やす

    城南高校,スーパー・サイエンス・ハイスクール(SSH)  2011年6月




  • 熱をあやつる科学技術の話

    春日高校,サイエンス・パートナーシップ・プロジェクト(SPP)  2011年6月






  • 釜山国立大学・教授

    受入れ期間: 2022年11月 - 2023年1月   (期間):1ヶ月以上



  • Universite Laval・Post doctoral researcher

    受入れ期間: 2022年4月 - 2023年9月   (期間):1ヶ月以上



  • アスワン大学(エジプト)・助教

    受入れ期間: 2019年10月 - 2020年3月   (期間):1ヶ月以上



  • 米国クーラードゥ社・主任科学者

    受入れ期間: 2015年5月 - 2015年6月   (期間):1ヶ月以上




  • 2023年4月 - 2024年3月   専攻 メジャー主任

  • 2022年4月 - 2023年3月   学科 教務委員長

  • 2021年11月 - 2026年3月   学府 キャンパスアジアプラスプログラム責任者