2024/12/04 更新




ニシダ ルリコ
西田 留梨子
九州大学病院 検査部 助教


  • ST合剤耐性の<i>Nocardia wallacei</i>による肺ノカルジア症をclavulanic acid/amoxicillinで治療しえた1例

    中澤 愛美, 横山 貴士, 佐藤 依子, 西田 留梨子, 内田 勇二郎

    感染症学雑誌   97 ( 4 )   136 - 140   2023年7月   ISSN:03875911 eISSN:1884569X


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本感染症学会  

    DOI: 10.11150/kansenshogakuzasshi.e23001

    CiNii Research

  • ST合剤耐性のNocardia wallaceiによる肺ノカルジア症をclavulanic acid/amoxicillinで治療しえた1例

    中澤 愛美, 横山 貴士, 佐藤 依子, 西田 留梨子, 内田 勇二郎

    感染症学雑誌   97 ( 4 )   136 - 140   2023年7月   ISSN:0387-5911


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本感染症学会  

    86歳女性。肺炎を繰り返し、他院で精査を行うも起炎菌は同定できず、環境誘発による肺炎とし、環境整備を行っていたが、今回、血痰が出現し、改善がみられないため、精査加療目的で当科へ紹介となった。喀痰培養をはじめ遺伝子解析、画像所見を踏まえて、Nocardia wallaceiによる肺ノカルジア症と診断された。治療を行うにあたり、感受性検査でST合剤が耐性であったことから、levofloxacin(LVFX)の内服を開始した。だが、クレアチニンおよびカルシウム値の上昇を認めたため、LVFX中止し、検査値の改善後、Clavulanic acid/amoxicillinの内服に変更した。その結果、症状や画像所見は改善し、治療終了11ヵ月現在、再燃なく経過している。

  • Breakthrough candidemia with hematological disease: Results from a single-center retrospective study in Japan, 2009-2020

    Nishida, R; Eriguchi, Y; Miyake, N; Nagasaki, Y; Yonekawa, A; Mori, Y; Kato, K; Akashi, K; Shimono, N

    MEDICAL MYCOLOGY   61 ( 6 )   2023年6月   ISSN:1369-3786 eISSN:1460-2709


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Medical Mycology  

    Breakthrough candidemia (BrC) is a significant problem in immunocompromised patients, particularly those with hematological disorders. To assess the characteristics of BrC in patients with hematologic disease treated with novel antifungal agents, we collected clinical and microbiological information on said patients from 2009 to 2020 in our institution. Forty cases were identified, of which 29 (72.5%) received hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT)-related therapy. At BrC onset, the most administered class of antifungal agents were echinocandins, administered to 70% of patients. Candida guilliermondii complex was the most frequently isolated species (32.5%), followed by C. parapsilosis (30%). These two isolates were echinocandin-susceptible in vitro but had naturally occurring FKS gene polymorphisms that reduced echinocandin susceptibility. Frequent isolation of these echinocandin-reduced-susceptible strains in BrC may be associated with the widespread use of echinocandins. In this study, the 30-day crude mortality rate in the group receiving HSCT-related therapy was significantly higher than in the group not receiving it (55.2% versus 18.2%, P =. 0297). Most patients affected by C. guilliermondii complex BrC (92.3%) received HSCT-related therapy and had a 30-day mortality rate of 53.8%; despite treatment administration, 3 of 13 patients had persistent candidemia. Based on our results, C. guilliermondii complex BrC is a potentially fatal condition in patients receiving HSCT-related therapy with echinocandin administration.

    DOI: 10.1093/mmy/myad056

    Web of Science



  • 肺Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense症の播種に起因する縦隔膿瘍と感染性動脈瘤の1症例(A case of mediastinal abscess and infected aortic aneurysm caused by dissemination of Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense pulmonary disease)

    Matsumoto Yuji, Murata Masayuki, Takayama Koji, Yamasaki Sho, Hiramine Satoshi, Toyoda Kazuhiro, Kibe Yasushi, Nishida Ruriko, Kimura Satoshi, Sonoda Hiromichi, Shiose Akira, Shimono Nobuyuki

    Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy   29 ( 1 )   82 - 86   2023年1月   ISSN:1341-321X


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:エルゼビア・ジャパン(株)  

    症例は81歳男性で、発熱と倦怠感を主訴に当院紹介となった。患者は10年前に大動脈弁逆流症による大動脈弁置換術、5年前に感染性心内膜炎による2回目の大動脈弁置換術を受け、同時に胃癌と診断され幽門側胃切除術を受けていた。2年前に肺NTM症と診断されていた。入院時の全身の外観はわずかに不良で肩と膝の関節痛を訴えていた。表在リンパ節は触診できなかった。血清アルブミン値の減少とCRP値の軽度上昇がみられた。9ヵ月前の胃癌フォローアップ造影CT検査で大動脈弁近傍の液体貯留が示されたが、無症状のため精密検査は実施されなかった。入院5日後に実施された造影CTで前縦隔内のリング状増強低密度領域、低密度領域近くの上行大動脈の偽動脈瘤、両側胸膜液が示された。右側胸膜液の穿刺により漏出性胸水が認められたが培養でNTMは検出されなかった。感染性大動脈瘤と縦隔膿瘍が示唆されたためバンコマイシンとメロペネムを投与した。血液培養で分離された抗酸菌は迅速発育菌であったためメロペネム/アミカシン/クラリスロマイシンに切り替えた。感染性動脈瘤破裂が認められ、緊急の大動脈置換術と縦隔膿瘍ドレナージを実施した。縦隔膿瘍と心膜パッチからMycobacterium abscessus subsp. massilienseが分離された。3剤治療により術後CRP値は低下し血液培養は陰性となり、2ヵ月後リハビリ病院へ転院した。

  • A case of mediastinal abscess and infected aortic aneurysm caused by dissemination of Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense pulmonary disease

    Matsumoto, Y; Murata, M; Takayama, K; Yamasaki, S; Hiramine, S; Toyoda, K; Kibe, Y; Nishida, R; Kimura, S; Sonoda, H; Shiose, A; Shimono, N

    JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY   29 ( 1 )   82 - 86   2023年1月   ISSN:1341-321X eISSN:1437-7780


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy  

    An 81-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of fever and malaise that had persisted for 3 months. The patient had undergone two aortic valve replacements, 10 and 5 years previously, because of aortic valve regurgitation and infectious endocarditis. He also had had asymptomatic Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MABC) pulmonary disease for the two previous years. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed a mediastinal abscess and an ascending aortic aneurysm. Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense was cultured from his blood, suggesting the aortic aneurysm was secondary to infection of an implanted device. After enlargement over only a few days, a leakage of contrast medium to the mediastinal abscess was found on computed tomography. The patient was diagnosed with rupture of an infectious aortic aneurysm, and emergency aortic replacement and drainage of the mediastinal abscess were successful. The patient was treated with several antibiotics, including meropenem, amikacin, and clarithromycin, and his general condition improved. Cultures from both the mediastinal abscess and a pericardial patch that was placed at the time of surgery 5 years previously revealed MABC. In our case, the infected aortic aneurysm most likely resulted from MABC pulmonary disease rather than from previous intraoperative contamination. This route of infection is rare. Physicians should be aware of the possibility of dissemination and subsequent infection of implants related to MABC pulmonary disease.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jiac.2022.09.017

    Web of Science



  • 母集団薬物動態解析に基づくメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌感染成人患者のための簡素なダプトマイシン投与レジメン(Simplified daptomycin dosing regimen for adult patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections based on population pharmacokinetic analysis)

    Yamada Takaaki, Soda Midori, Nishida Ruriko, Miyake Noriko, Maeshiro Yasutaka, Oida Yasuhisa, Yamashita Yuji, Egashira Nobuaki, Shimono Nobuyuki, Kitaichi Kiyoyuki, Ieiri Ichiro

    Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics   44   1 - 8   2022年6月   ISSN:1347-4367


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本薬物動態学会  


  • Simplified daptomycin dosing regimen for adult patients with methicillin-resistant<i> Staphylococcus</i><i> aureus</i> infections based on population pharmacokinetic analysis

    Yamada, T; Soda, M; Nishida, R; Miyake, N; Maeshiro, Y; Oida, Y; Yamashita, Y; Egashira, N; Shimono, N; Kitaichi, K; Ieiri, I

    DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS   44   100444   2022年6月   ISSN:1347-4367 eISSN:1880-0920


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics  

    Daptomycin is used to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. Current guidelines recommend higher daptomycin doses (8–10 mg/kg) for severe infections; however, pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic-based dosing strategies are still limited. Therefore, we designed a new optimal daptomycin dosing regimen for patients with MRSA infections using a population PK modeling approach. A total of 110 plasma concentrations from 47 adult patients who received daptomycin in general wards were enrolled for population PK modeling. The target area under the concentration-time curve/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ratio, target peak/MIC ratio, and threshold of the trough concentration for safety were set to >666, >60, and 24.3 mg/L, respectively. Renal function was indicated as a significant covariate for daptomycin clearance. The simulated probability of target attainment was more than 90% at MIC values of 0.25 and 0.5 mg/L in all patients at the standard dose (6 mg/kg). In contrast, comprehensive simulation assessments recommended 10 mg/kg every 24 h in patients with creatinine clearance >60 mL/min for MIC values of 1.0 mg/L. We propose a new simplified daptomycin dosing regimen stratified by renal function and MIC values based on PK model-based simulation analyses. The proposed regimen is expected to maximize clinical efficacy and minimize adverse events.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dmpk.2022.100444

    Web of Science



  • <i>Helicobacter</i> <i>cinaedi</i> is a human-adapted lineage in the <i>Helicobacter cinaedi</i>/<i>canicola</i>/'<i>magdeburgensis</i>' complex

    Gotoh, Y; Atsuta, Y; Taniguchi, T; Nishida, R; Nakamura, K; Ogura, Y; Misawa, N; Hayashi, T

    MICROBIAL GENOMICS   8 ( 5 )   2022年5月   ISSN:2057-5858


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Microbial Genomics  

    Helicobacter cinaedi is an enterohepatic Helicobacter that causes bacteremia and other diseases in humans. While H. cinaedi-like strains are isolated from animals, including dog isolates belonging to a recently proposed H. canicola, little is known about the genetic differences between H. cinaedi and these animal isolates. Here, we sequenced 43 H. cinaedi-or H. canicola-like strains isolated from humans, hamsters, rats and dogs and collected 81 genome sequences of H. cinaedi, H. canicola and other enterohepatic Helicobacter strains from public databases. Genomic comparison of these strains identified four distinct clades (clades I–IV) in H. cinaedi/canicola/‘magderbugensis’ (HCCM) complex. Among these, clade I corresponds to H. cinaedi sensu stricto and represents a human-adapted lineage in the complex. We identified several genomic features unique to clade I. They include the accumulation of antimicrobial resistance-related mutations that reflects the human association of clade I and the larger genome size and the presence of a CRISPR-Cas system and multiple toxin-antitoxin and restriction-modification systems, both of which indicate the contribution of horizontal gene transfer to the evolution of clade I. In addition, nearly all clade I strains but only a few strains belonging to one minor clade contained a highly variable genomic region encoding a type VI secretion system (T6SS), which could play important roles in gut colonization by killing competitors or inhibiting their growth. We also developed a method to systematically search for H. cinaedi sequences in large metagenome data sets based on the results of genome comparison. Using this method, we successfully identified multiple HCCM complex-containing human faecal metagenome samples and obtained the sequence information covering almost the entire genome of each strain. Importantly, all were clade I strains, supporting our conclusion that H. cinaedi sensu stricto is a human-adapted lineage in the HCCM complex.

    DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000830

    Web of Science



  • Global population structure of the <i>Serratia marcescens</i> complex and identification of hospital- adapted lineages in the complex

    Ono, T; Taniguchi, I; Nakamura, K; Nagano, DS; Nishida, R; Gotoh, Y; Ogura, Y; Sato, MP; Iguchi, A; Murase, K; Yoshimura, D; Itoh, T; Shima, A; Dubois, D; Oswald, E; Shiose, A; Gotoh, N; Hayashi, T

    MICROBIAL GENOMICS   8 ( 3 )   2022年3月   ISSN:2057-5858


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Microbial Genomics  

    Serratia marcescens is an important nosocomial pathogen causing various opportunistic infections, such as urinary tract infec-tions, bacteremia and sometimes even hospital outbreaks. The recent emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains further pose serious threats to global public health. This bacterium is also ubiquitously found in natural environments, but the genomic differences between clinical and environmental isolates are not clear, including those between S. marcescens and its close relatives. In this study, we performed a large-scale genome analysis of S. marcescens and closely related species (referred to as the ‘S. marcescens complex’), including more than 200 clinical and environmental strains newly sequenced here. Our analysis revealed their phylogenetic relationships and complex global population structure, comprising 14 clades, which were defined based on whole-genome average nucleotide identity. Clades 10, 11, 12 and 13 corresponded to S. nematodiphila, S. marcescens sensu stricto, S. ureilytica and S. surfactantfaciens, respectively. Several clades exhibited distinct genome sizes and GC contents and a negative correlation of these genomic parameters was observed in each clade, which was associated with the acquisition of mobile genetic elements (MGEs), but different types of MGEs, plasmids or prophages (and other inte-grative elements), were found to contribute to the generation of these genomic variations. Importantly, clades 1 and 2 mostly comprised clinical or hospital environment isolates and accumulated a wide range of antimicrobial resistance genes, including various extended-spectrum β-lactamase and carbapenemase genes, and fluoroquinolone target site mutations, leading to a high proportion of MDR strains. This finding suggests that clades 1 and 2 represent hospital-adapted lineages in the S. marc-escens complex although their potential virulence is currently unknown. These data provide an important genomic basis for reconsidering the classification of this group of bacteria and reveal novel insights into their evolution, biology and differential importance in clinical settings.

    DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000793

    Web of Science



  • 当科での膵移植後真菌症の検討

    野口 浩司, 加来 啓三, 岡部 安博, 西田 留梨子, 下野 信行, 中村 雅史

    移植   57 ( Supplement )   s298_1 - s298_1   2022年   ISSN:05787947 eISSN:21880034


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本移植学会  


    DOI: 10.11386/jst.57.supplement_s298_1

    CiNii Research


