Updated on 2024/10/02




Center for Advanced Medical Open Innovation Associate Professor
Kyushu University Hospital Angiocardiology(Concurrent)
Kyushu University Hospital Angiocardiology(Concurrent)
Kyushu University Hospital Angiocardiology(Concurrent)
Associate Professor
Contact information
Basic/clinical research and clinical practice


  • MD, PhD

Research History

  • 国立研究開発法人 国立循環器病研究センター 医療法人 済生会二日市病院 独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構

    国立研究開発法人 国立循環器病研究センター 医療法人 済生会二日市病院 独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構

Research Interests・Research Keywords

  • Research theme:Research for the construction and utilization of infrastructure for collection of electrophysiological findings and treatment data to realize "God's eye" and "God's technique" in percutaneous catheter myocardial ablation for refractory atrial fibrillation.

    Keyword:machine learning; atrial fibrilation; treatment

    Research period: 2021.11 - 2024.11


    Keyword:chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, edoxaban, anticoagulation

    Research period: 2021.4 - 2023.3

  • Research theme:High-precision diagnostic imaging program development research to save patients with undiagnosed chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

    Keyword:pulmonary hypertension, machine learning

    Research period: 2020.4 - 2022.3

  • Research theme:Multicenter registry study on chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

    Keyword:chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, registry

    Research period: 2018.8 - 2021.5

  • Research theme:Pulmonary circulation Hemodynamics Regulatory science

    Keyword:Pulmonary circulation、Hemodynamics、Regulatory science

    Research period: 2017.4 - 2021.3


  • 九州大学医学部循環器内科 同門会論文賞


  • Case Report Award


  • Award for Best Poster Presentation

    2015.6   HAKATA Cardiovascular Conference  

  • 研究奨励賞

    2011.6   生体医工学会  

  • 若手研究奨励賞

    2010.6   日本循環制御医学会総会  


  • Outcomes of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension After Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty and Pulmonary Endarterectomy

    Masaki K., Hosokawa K., Funakoshi K., Taniguchi Y., Adachi S., Inami T., Yamashita J., Ogino H., Tsujino I., Hatano M., Yaoita N., Ikeda N., Shimokawahara H., Tanabe N., Kubota K., Shigeta A., Ogihara Y., Horimoto K., Dohi Y., Kawakami T., Tamura Y., Tatsumi K., Abe K., Hiraide T., Ikemiyagi H., Fukumoto Y., Ikeda S., Sato K., Kimura K., Sugimoto K., Kitaoka H., Tsujita K., Sato A., Sugimura K., Takamura M., Hashimoto A., Konishi H., Odagiri K.

    JACC: Asia   4 ( 8 )   577 - 589   2024.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:JACC: Asia  

    Background: The contemporary outcome of balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) and pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) are unclear. Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the characteristics and outcomes of CTEPH patients treated with BPA and PEA in Japan. Methods: Among 1,270 participants enrolled between 2018 and 2023 in the CTEPH AC (Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Anticoagulant) registry, a Japanese nationwide CTEPH registry, 369 treatment-naive patients (BPA strategy: n = 313; PEA strategy: n = 56) and 690 on-treatment patients (BPA strategy: n = 561; PEA strategy: n = 129) were classified according to the presence of prior reperfusion therapy. Morbidity and mortality events (all-cause death, rescue mechanical reperfusion therapy, and/or initiation of parenteral pulmonary vasodilators), pulmonary hemodynamics, exercise tolerance, and relevant laboratory test results were evaluated. Results: The BPA strategy was chosen in older patients than the PEA strategy (mean age, BPA vs PEA: 66.5 ± 12.6 years vs 62.5 ± 11.8 years; P = 0.028). Median follow-up period was 615 (Q1-Q3: 311-997) days in treatment-naive patients and 1,136 (Q1-Q3: 684-1,300) days in on-treatment patients. BPA strategy had as acceptable morbidity and mortality as PEA strategy (5-year morbidity and mortality event rate, BPA vs PEA: 10.2% [95% CI: 5.2%-19.5%] vs 16.1% [95% CI: 4.3%-50.6%] in treatment-naive patients; 9.7% [95% CI: 6.7%-13.8%] vs 6.9% [95% CI: 2.7%-17.3%] in on-treatment patients), with greater improvement of renal function; glomerular filtration rate in propensity score-matched population (difference between change: 4.9 [95% CI: 0.5-9.3] mL/min/1.73 m2; P = 0.030). Conclusions: BPA strategy was more frequently chosen in older patients compared with PEA strategy and showed acceptable outcomes for efficacy with greater advantage for improvement in renal function. (Multicenter registry of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in Japan; UMIN000033784)

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jacasi.2024.05.007



  • Overview of the 87<sup>th</sup> Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS2023) ― New Challenge With Next Generation ―

    Matoba Tetsuya, Nakano Yasuhiro, Katsuki Shunsuke, Ide Tomomi, Matsushima Shouji, Fujino Takeo, Hashimoto Toru, Shinohara Keisuke, Abe Kohtaro, Hosokawa Kazuya, Sakamoto Takafumi, Sakamoto Ichiro, Kakino Takamori, Ishikita Ayako, Nishizaki Akiko, Sakamoto Kazuo, Takase Susumu, Nagayama Tomomi, Tohyama Takeshi, Nagata Takuya, Kinugawa Shintaro, Tsutsui Hiroyuki

    Circulation Journal   88 ( 4 )   615 - 619   2024.3   ISSN:13469843 eISSN:13474820

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Circulation Society  

    <p>The 87<sup>th</sup>Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS2023) was held in March 2023 in Fukuoka, Japan, marking the first in-person gathering after the COVID-19 pandemic. With the theme of “New Challenge With Next Generation” the conference emphasized the development of future cardiovascular leaders and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). Notable sessions included the Mikamo Lecture on heart failure and the Mashimo Lecture on AI in medicine. Various hands-on sessions and participatory events were well received, promoting learning and networking. Post-event surveys showed high satisfaction among participants, with positive feedback on face-to-face interactions and the overall experience. JCS2023, attended by 17,852 participants, concluded successfully, marking a significant milestone in post-pandemic meetings, and advancing cardiovascular medicine.</p>

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.cj-24-0127

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  • Dynamic chest radiography for pulmonary vascular diseases: clinical applications and correlation with other imaging modalities

    Yamasaki, Y; Kamitani, T; Sagiyama, K; Hino, T; Kisanuki, M; Tabata, K; Isoda, T; Kitamura, Y; Abe, K; Hosokawa, K; Toyomura, D; Moriyama, S; Kawakubo, M; Yabuuchi, H; Ishigami, K

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY   42 ( 2 )   126 - 144   2024.2   ISSN:1867-1071 eISSN:1867-108X

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japanese Journal of Radiology  

    Dynamic chest radiography (DCR) is a novel functional radiographic imaging technique that can be used to visualize pulmonary perfusion without using contrast media. Although it has many advantages and clinical utility, most radiologists are unfamiliar with this technique because of its novelty. This review aims to (1) explain the basic principles of lung perfusion assessment using DCR, (2) discuss the advantages of DCR over other imaging modalities, and (3) review multiple specific clinical applications of DCR for pulmonary vascular diseases and compare them with other imaging modalities.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-023-01483-2

    Web of Science



  • A Multicenter, Single-Blind, Randomized, Warfarin-Controlled Trial of Edoxaban in Patients With Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension: KABUKI Trial

    Hosokawa, K; Watanabe, H; Taniguchi, Y; Ikeda, N; Inami, T; Yasuda, S; Murohara, T; Hatano, M; Tamura, Y; Yamashita, J; Tatsumi, K; Tsujino, I; Kobayakawa, Y; Adachi, S; Yaoita, N; Minatsuki, S; Todaka, K; Fukuda, K; Tsutsui, H; Abe, K

    CIRCULATION   149 ( 5 )   406 - 409   2024.1   ISSN:0009-7322 eISSN:1524-4539

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    Language:English   Publisher:Circulation  

    DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067528

    Web of Science



  • Adult-onset idiopathic peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis

    Tamura, Y; Tamura, Y; Shigeta, A; Hosokawa, K; Taniguchi, Y; Inami, T; Adachi, S; Tsujino, I; Nakanishi, N; Sato, K; Sakamoto, J; Tanabe, N; Takama, N; Nakamura, K; Kubota, K; Komura, N; Kato, S; Yamashita, J; Takei, M; Joho, S; Ishii, S; Takemura, R; Sugimura, K; Tatsumi, K

    EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL   62 ( 6 )   2023.12   ISSN:0903-1936 eISSN:1399-3003

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    Language:English   Publisher:The European respiratory journal  

    BACKGROUND: Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis (PPS) refers to stenosis of the pulmonary artery from the trunk to the peripheral arteries. Although paediatric PPS is well described, the clinical characteristics of adult-onset idiopathic PPS have not been established. Our objectives in this study were to characterise the disease profile of adult-onset PPS. METHODS: We collected data in Japanese centres. This cohort included patients who underwent pulmonary angiography (PAG) and excluded patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension or Takayasu arteritis. Patient backgrounds, right heart catheterisation (RHC) findings, imaging findings and treatment profiles were collected. RESULTS: 44 patients (median (interquartile range) age 39 (29-57) years; 29 females (65.9%)) with PPS were enrolled from 20 centres. In PAG, stenosis of segmental and peripheral pulmonary arteries was observed in 41 (93.2%) and 36 patients (81.8%), respectively. 35 patients (79.5%) received medications approved for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 22 patients (50.0%) received combination therapy. 25 patients (56.8%) underwent transcatheter pulmonary angioplasty. RHC data showed improvements in both mean pulmonary arterial pressure (44 versus 40 mmHg; p<0.001) and pulmonary vascular resistance (760 versus 514 dyn·s·cm-5; p<0.001) from baseline to final follow-up. The 3-, 5- and 10-year survival rates of patients with PPS were 97.5% (95% CI 83.5-99.6%), 89.0% (95% CI 68.9-96.4%) and 67.0% (95% CI 41.4-83.3%), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, patients with adult-onset idiopathic PPS presented with segmental and peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis. Although patients had severe pulmonary hypertension at baseline, they showed a favourable treatment response to PAH drugs combined with transcatheter pulmonary angioplasty.

    DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00763-2023

    Web of Science



  • Characteristics in patients with adult-onset idiopathic peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis

    Tamura, Y; Tamura, Y; Takemura, R; Shigeta, A; Hosokawa, K; Taniguchi, Y; Inami, T; Adachi, S; Tsujita, I; Nakanishi, N; Sato, K; Sakamoto, J; Tanabe, N; Sugimura, K

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   44   2023.11   ISSN:0195-668X eISSN:1522-9645

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  • 特集 変革期を迎えた肺高血圧症-次世代の病態理解,診断,治療とは? Ⅱ.各論:各種肺高血圧症の診断と治療 CTEPHに対する薬物療法-抗凝固療法も含めて

    細川 和也

    循環器ジャーナル   71 ( 4 )   556 - 561   2023.10   ISSN:24323284 eISSN:24323292

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    Publisher:株式会社 医学書院  

    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1438200744

    CiNii Research

  • Dynamic chest radiography for pulmonary vascular diseases: clinical applications and correlation with other imaging modalities

    Yamasaki Yuzo, Kamitani Takeshi, Sagiyama Koji, Hino Takuya, Kisanuki Megumi, Tabata Kosuke, Isoda Takuro, Kitamura Yoshiyuki, Abe Kohtaro, Hosokawa Kazuya, Toyomura Daisuke, Moriyama Shohei, Kawakubo Masateru, Yabuuchi Hidetake, Ishigami Kousei

    Japanese Journal of Radiology   42   126 - 144   2023.8   ISSN:18671071 eISSN:1867108X

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    Dynamic chest radiography (DCR) is a novel functional radiographic imaging technique that can be used to visualize pulmonary perfusion without using contrast media. Although it has many advantages and clinical utility, most radiologists are unfamiliar with this technique because of its novelty. This review aims to (1) explain the basic principles of lung perfusion assessment using DCR, (2) discuss the advantages of DCR over other imaging modalities, and (3) review multiple specific clinical applications of DCR for pulmonary vascular diseases and compare them with other imaging modalities.

    CiNii Research

  • Long-term outcome of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension using direct oral anticoagulants and warfarin: a Japanese prospective cohort study

    Hosokawa, K; Abe, K; Funakoshi, K; Tamura, Y; Nakashima, N; Todaka, K; Taniguchi, Y; Inami, T; Adachi, S; Tsujino, I; Yamashita, J; Minatsuki, S; Ikeda, N; Shimokawahara, H; Kawakami, T; Ogo, T; Hatano, M; Ogino, H; Fukumoto, Y; Tanabe, N; Matsubara, H; Fukuda, K; Tatsumi, K; Tsutsui, H

    JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS   21 ( 8 )   2151 - 2162   2023.8   ISSN:1538-7933 eISSN:1538-7836

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    Language:English   Publisher:Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis  

    Background: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) requires lifelong anticoagulation. Long-term outcomes of CTEPH under current anticoagulants are unclear. Objectives: The CTEPH AC registry is a prospective, nationwide cohort study comparing the safety and effectiveness of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) and warfarin for CTEPH. Patients/Methods: Patients with CTEPH, both tre atment-naïve and on treatment, were eligible for the registry. Inclusion criteria were patients aged ≥20 years and those who were diagnosed with CTEPH according to standard guidelines. Exclusion criteria were not specified. The primary efficacy outcome was a composite morbidity, and mortality outcome comprised all-cause death, rescue reperfusion therapy, initiation of parenteral pulmonary vasodilators, and worsened 6-minute walk distance and WHO functional class. The safety outcome was clinically relevant bleeding, including major bleeding. Results: Nine hundred twenty-seven patients on oral anticoagulants at baseline were analyzed: 481 (52%) used DOACs and 446 (48%) used warfarin. The 1-, 2-, and 3-year rates of composite morbidity and mortality outcome were comparable between the DOAC and warfarin groups (2.6%, 3.1%, and 4.2% vs 3.0%, 4.8%, and 5.9%, respectively; P = .52). The 1-, 2-, and 3-year rates of clinically relevant bleeding were significantly lower in DOACs than in the warfarin group (0.8%, 2.4%, and 2.4% vs 2.5%, 4.8%, and 6.4%, respectively; P = 0.036). Multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression models revealed lower risk of clinically relevant bleeding in the DOAC group than the warfarin group (hazard ratio: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.13-0.91; P = .032). Conclusion: This registry demonstrated that under current standard of care, morbidity and mortality events were effectively prevented regardless of anticoagulants, while the clinically relevant bleeding rate was lower when using DOACs compared with warfarin.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.03.036

    Web of Science



  • Technical Considerations for Performing Safe and Effective Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

    Hosokawa K., Yamasaki Y., Abe K.

    Interventional Cardiology Clinics   12 ( 3 )   367 - 380   2023.7   ISSN:22117458

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    Language:English   Publisher:Interventional Cardiology Clinics  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.iccl.2023.02.003



  • Efficacy of Dynamic Chest Radiography for Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

    Yamasaki, Y; Abe, K; Kamitani, T; Hosokawa, K; Hida, T; Sagiyama, K; Matsuura, Y; Baba, S; Isoda, T; Maruoka, Y; Kitamura, Y; Moriyama, S; Yoshikawa, H; Fukumoto, T; Yabuuchi, H; Ishigami, K

    RADIOLOGY   306 ( 3 )   e220908   2023.3   ISSN:0033-8419

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    Language:English   Publisher:Radiology  

    Background: While current guidelines require lung ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scanning as the first step to diagnose chronic pulmonary embolism in pulmonary hypertension (PH), its use may be limited by low availability and/or exposure to ionizing radiation. Purpose: To compare the performance of dynamic chest radiography (DCR) and lung V/Q scanning for detection of chronic thromboembolic PH (CTEPH). Materials and Methods: Patients with PH who underwent DCR and V/Q scanning in the supine position from December 2019 to July 2021 were retrospectively screened. The diagnosis of CTEPH was confirmed with right heart catheterization and invasive pulmonary angiography. Observer tests were conducted to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of DCR and V/Q scanning. The lungs were divided into six areas (upper, middle, and lower for both) in the anteroposterior image, and the number of lung areas with thromboembolic perfusion defects was scored. Diagnostic performance was compared between DCR and V/Q scanning using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Agreement between the interpretation of DCR and that of V/Q scanning was assessed using the Cohen kappa coefficient and percent agreement. Results: A total of 50 patients with PH were analyzed: 29 with CTEPH (mean age, 64 years ± 15 [SD]; 19 women) and 21 without CTEPH (mean age, 61 years ± 22; 14 women). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of DCR were 97%, 86%, and 92%, respectively, and those of V/Q scanning were 100%, 86%, and 94%, respectively. Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for DCR and V/Q scanning were 0.92 (95% CI: 0.79, 0.97) and 0.93 (95% CI: 0.78, 0.98). Agreement between the consensus interpretation of DCR and that of V/Q scanning was substantial (κ = 0.79 [95% CI: 0.61, 0.96], percent agreement = 0.9 [95% CI: 0.79, 0.95]). Conclusion: Dynamic chest radiography had similar efficacy to ventilation-perfusion scanning in the detection of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

    DOI: 10.1148/radiol.220908

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  • Right ventricular strain and volume analyses through deep learning-based fully automatic segmentation based on radial long-axis reconstruction of short-axis cine magnetic resonance images

    Kawakubo, M; Moriyama, D; Yamasaki, Y; Abe, K; Hosokawa, K; Moriyama, T; Triadyaksa, P; Wibowo, A; Nagao, M; Arai, H; Nishimura, H; Kadokami, T

    MAGNETIC RESONANCE MATERIALS IN PHYSICS BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE   35 ( 6 )   911 - 921   2022.12   ISSN:1352-8661

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    Language:English   Publisher:Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine  

    Objective: We propose a deep learning-based fully automatic right ventricle (RV) segmentation technique that targets radially reconstructed long-axis (RLA) images of the center of the RV region in routine short axis (SA) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to compare the accuracy of deep learning-based fully automatic segmentation of RLA images with the accuracy of conventional deep learning-based segmentation in SA orientation in terms of the measurements of RV strain parameters. Materials and methods: We compared the accuracies of the above-mentioned methods in RV segmentations and in measuring RV strain parameters by Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) and correlation coefficients. Results: DSC of RV segmentation of the RLA method exhibited a higher value than those of the conventional SA methods (0.84 vs. 0.61). Correlation coefficient with respect to manual RV strain measurements in the fully automatic RLA were superior to those in SA measurements (0.5–0.7 vs. 0.1–0.2). Discussion: Our proposed RLA realizes accurate fully automatic extraction of the entire RV region from an available CMR cine image without any additional imaging. Our findings overcome the complexity of image analysis in CMR without the limitations of the RV visualization in echocardiography.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10334-022-01017-3

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  • Balloon pulmonary angioplasty versus riociguat in inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (MR BPA) an open-label, randomised controlled trial

    Kawakami, T; Matsubara, H; Shinke, T; Abe, K; Kohsaka, S; Hosokawa, K; Taniguchi, Y; Shimokawahara, H; Yamada, Y; Kataoka, M; Ogawa, A; Murata, M; Jinzaki, M; Hirata, K; Tsutsui, H; Sato, Y; Fukuda, K

    LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE   10 ( 10 )   949 - 960   2022.10   ISSN:2213-2600

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Lancet Respiratory Medicine  

    Background: Treatment options for patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension ineligible for pulmonary endarterectomy (inoperable CTEPH) include balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) and riociguat. However, these two treatment options have not been compared prospectively. We aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of BPA and riociguat in patients with inoperable CTEPH. Methods: This open-label, randomised controlled trial was conducted at four high-volume CTEPH centres in Japan. Patients aged 20–80 years with inoperable CTEPH (mean pulmonary arterial pressure ≥25 to <60 mm Hg and pulmonary artery wedge pressure ≤15 mm Hg) and WHO functional class II or III were randomly assigned (1:1) to BPA or riociguat via a computer program located at the registration centre using a minimisation method with biased-coin assignment. In the BPA group, the aim was for BPA to be completed within 4 months of the initial date of the first procedure. BPA was repeated until mean pulmonary arterial pressure decreased to less than 25 mm Hg. The frequency of BPA procedures depended on the difficulty and number of the lesions. In the riociguat group, 1·0 mg riociguat was administered orally thrice daily. When the systolic blood pressure was maintained at 95 mm Hg or higher, the dose was increased by 0·5 mg every 2 weeks up to a maximum of 2·5 mg thrice daily; dose adjustment was completed within 4 months of the date of the first dose. The primary endpoint was change in mean pulmonary arterial pressure from baseline to 12 months, measured in the full analysis set (patients who were enrolled and randomly assigned to one of the study treatments, and had at least one assessment after randomisation). BPA-related complications and indices related to clinical worsening were recorded throughout the study period. Adverse events were recorded throughout the study period and evaluated in the safety analysis set (patients who were enrolled and randomely assigned to one of the study treatments, and had received part of or all the study treatments). This trial is registered in the Japan Registry of Clinical Trials (jRCT; jRCTs031180239) and is completed. Findings: Between Jan 8, 2016, and Oct 31, 2019, 61 patients with inoperable CTEPH were enrolled and randomly assigned to BPA (n=32) or riociguat (n=29). Patients in the BPA group underwent an average of 4·7 (SD 1·6) BPA procedures. In the riociguat group, the mean maintenance dose was 7·0 (SD 1·0) mg/day at 12 months. At 12 months, mean pulmonary arterial pressure had improved by −16·3 (SE 1·6) mm Hg in the BPA group and −7·0 (1·5) mm Hg in the riociguat group (group difference −9·3 mm Hg [95% CI −12·7 to −5·9]; p<0·0001). A case of clinical worsening of pulmonary hypertension occurred in the riociguat group, whereas none occurred in the BPA group. The most common adverse event was haemosputum, haemoptysis, or pulmonary haemorrhage, affecting 14 patients (44%) in the BPA group and one (4%) in the riociguat group. In 147 BPA procedures done in 31 patients, BPA-related complications were observed in 17 procedures (12%) in eight patients (26%). Interpretation: Compared with riociguat, BPA was associated with a greater improvement in mean pulmonary arterial pressure in patients with inoperable CTEPH at 12 months, although procedure-related complications were reported. These findings support BPA as a reasonable option for inoperable CTEPH in centres with experienced BPA operators, with attention to procedure-related complications. Funding: Bayer Yakuhin. Translation: For the Japanese translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.

    DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(22)00171-0

    Web of Science



  • Dynamic Chest Radiography of Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism

    Yamasaki, Y; Hosokawa, K; Abe, K; Ishigami, K

    RADIOLOGY-CARDIOTHORACIC IMAGING   4 ( 4 )   e220086   2022.8   ISSN:2638-6135

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    Language:English   Publisher:Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging  

    DOI: 10.1148/ryct.220086

    Web of Science



  • Efficacy and safety of edoxaban in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: protocol for a multicentre, randomised, warfarin-controlled, parallel group trial-KABUKI trial

    Hosokawa, K; Abe, K; Kishimoto, J; Kobayakawa, Y; Todaka, K; Tamura, Y; Tatsumi, K; Inami, T; Ikeda, N; Taniguchi, Y; Minatsuki, S; Murohara, T; Yasuda, S; Fukuda, K; Tsutsui, H

    BMJ OPEN   12 ( 7 )   e061225   2022.7   ISSN:2044-6055

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    Language:English   Publisher:BMJ Open  

    Introduction Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a complication of prior pulmonary thromboembolism (PE), caused by incomplete clot dissolution after PE. In patients with CTEPH, lifelong anticoagulation is mandatory to prevent recurrence of PE and secondary in situ thrombus formation. Warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, is commonly used for anticoagulation in CTEPH based on historical experience and evidence. The anticoagulant activity of warfarin is affected by food and drug interactions, requiring regular monitoring of prothrombin time. The lability of anticoagulant effect often results in haemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications. Thus, lifelong warfarin is a handicap in terms of safety and convenience. Currently, the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in CTEPH has increased with the advent of four DOACs. The safety of DOACs is superior to warfarin, with less intracranial bleeding in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolism. Edoxaban, the latest DOAC, also has proven efficacy and safety for those diseases in two large clinical trials; the ENGAGE-AF trial and HOKUSAI-VTE trial. The present trial seeks to evaluate whether edoxaban is non-inferior to warfarin in preventing worsening of CTEPH. Methods and analysis The KABUKI trial (is an investigator-initiated, multicentre, phase 3, randomised, single-blind, parallel-group, warfarin-controlled, non-inferiority trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of edoxaban versus warfarin (vitamin K Antagonist) in subjects with chronic thromBoembolic pUlmonary hypertension taking warfarin (vitamin K antagonIst) at baseline) is designed to prove the non-inferiority of edoxaban to warfarin in terms of efficacy and safety in patients with CTEPH. Ethics and dissemination This study is approved by the Institutional Review Board of each participating institution. The findings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, including positive, negative and inconclusive results. Trial registration number NCT04730037. Protocol version This paper was written per the study protocol V.4.0, dated 29 January 2021.

    DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061225

    Web of Science



  • Beneficial Effects of Pulmonary Vasodilators on Pre-Capillary Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis

    Kimuro, K; Hosokawa, K; Abe, K; Masaki, K; Imakiire, S; Sakamoto, T; Tsutsui, H

    LIFE-BASEL   12 ( 6 )   2022.6   ISSN:2075-1729 eISSN:2075-1729

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    Language:English   Publisher:Life  

    Background: In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis, comorbid pulmonary hypertension (PH) aggravates exercise tolerance and eventually worsens the prognosis. The treatment strategy for pre-capillary PH, including combined pre-and post-capillary PH (Cpc-PH), has not been established. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of pulmonary vasodilators on exercise tolerance and pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with CKD on hemodialysis. Methods and Results: The medical records of 393 patients with suspected PH who underwent right heart catheterization were reviewed. Of these, seven patients had isolated pre-capillary PH and end-stage CKD on hemodialysis. Pulmonary vasodilators decreased pulmonary vascular resistance from 5.9 Wood units (interquartile range (IQR), 5.5–7.6) at baseline to 3.1 Wood units (IQR, 2.6–3.3) post-treatment (p = 0.02) as well as increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure from 10 mmHg (IQR, 7–11) to 11 mmHg (IQR, 8–16) (p = 0.04). Pulmonary vasodilators increased the World Health Organization functional class I or II from 0% to 100% (p = 0.0002) and the 6 min walk distance from 273 m (IQR, 185–365) to 490 m (IQR, 470–550) (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Pulmonary vasodilators for PH in patients with CKD on hemodialysis decrease pulmonary vascular resistance and eventually improve exercise tolerance. Pulmonary vasodilators may help hemodialysis patients with pre-capillary PH, although careful management considering the risk of pulmonary edema is required.

    DOI: 10.3390/life12060780

    Web of Science



  • Increased Pulmonary Arterial Compliance after Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty Predicts Exercise Tolerance Improvement in Inoperable CTEPH Patients with Lower Pulmonary Arterial Pressure

    Umemoto, S; Abe, K; Hosokawa, K; Horimoto, K; Saku, K; Sakamoto, T; Tsutsui, H

    HEART & LUNG   52   8 - 15   2022.3   ISSN:0147-9563 eISSN:1527-3288

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    Language:English   Publisher:Heart and Lung  

    Background: Balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) improved pulmonary arterial compliance (CPA) and exercise tolerance in patients with inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Objectives: To investigate whether CPA is a useful index to indicate exercise tolerance improvement by BPA in CTEPH patients. Methods: The correlation between changes in CPA and improvements in 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) by BPA was retrospectively analyzed in 70 patients (Analysis 1), and it was sequentially analyzed in 46 symptomatic patients who achieved mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP)<30mmHg (Analysis 2). Results: We enrolled 70 patients (female/male:57/13, mean age:59 years) who underwent a total of 352 BPA sessions which significantly increased CPA (1.5±0.8 vs. 3.0±1.0 mL/mmHg) and decreased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) (8.0 ± 3.9 vs. 3.6 ± 1.7 wood units). The correlation coefficient between improvement in 6MWD and changes in PVR and CPA were r=0.21 (p=0.09) and r=0.14 (p=0.26) (Analysis 1). In Analysis 2, those were r=0.32 (p=0.06) and r=0.38 (p=0.02), respectively. Conclusions: CPA can be a useful index to indicate the improvement in exercise tolerance by BPA in symptomatic patients with lower mPAP.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2021.11.003

    Web of Science



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Industrial property rights

Patent   Number of applications: 0   Number of registrations: 0
Utility model   Number of applications: 0   Number of registrations: 0
Design   Number of applications: 0   Number of registrations: 0
Trademark   Number of applications: 0   Number of registrations: 0

Professional Memberships

  • 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会

  • 日本肺高血圧・肺循環学会

  • 日本循環制御医学会

  • 日本内科学会

  • 日本循環器学会

Committee Memberships

  • 日本循環器学会   肺高血圧・静脈血栓症ガイドライン作成班  

    2023.4 - 2025.5   

  • Steering committee member   Domestic

    2020.4 - 2021.6   

  • 日本循環器学会 九州支部   with/post COVID-19 での循環器医の在り方 WG   Domestic

    2020.4 - 2021.6   

  • Councilor   Domestic

    2017.4 - 2020.3   

Academic Activities

  • シンポジスト

    日本心臓病学会  2022.9 - 2022.6

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • シンポジスト

    日本肺高血圧肺循環学会  2022.6

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:5

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:3

  • シンポジスト


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:3

  • PMDA審査専門委員 PMDA副作用評価報告

    Role(s): Review, evaluation

    独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構  2017.4 - 2024.3

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    Type:Scientific advice/Review 

  • シンポジスト

    日本循環器学会総会  2016.3

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • シンポジスト

    日本睡眠学会  2014.7

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  • シンポジスト

    日本心不全学会  2013.11 - 2019.6

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

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Research Projects

  • 胸部X線動態撮影と人工知能を組み合わせた全自動式肺塞栓症診断システムの開発

    Grant number:23K07111  2023.4 - 2027.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    山崎 誘三, 神谷 武志, 鷺山 幸二, 日野 卓也, 藪内 英剛, 石神 康生, 河窪 正照, 阿部 弘太郎, 細川 和也

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    Grant type:Scientific research funding

    急性肺塞栓症は時に致死的になる重篤な疾患である。 造影CTや肺血流シンチグラフィによる早期診断が必要であるが、造影剤、被曝などの問題点も存在する。胸部X線動態撮影は、造影剤や放射性同位元素を用いる ことなく、単純X線撮影システムを用いて、肺血流情報を得ることができる最新の検査技術である。本研究では、胸部X線動態撮影を肺塞栓症診断補助装置として確立し、さらに胸部X線動態撮影と人工知能を組み合わせた全自動式の肺塞栓症診断システムの開発を目指す。

    CiNii Research

  • 難治性心房細動に対する経皮的カテーテル心筋焼灼術における「神の目」と「神の技」を具現化するための電気生理所見および治療データの収集基盤構築と利活用のための研究

    2022.4 - 2022.6


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  • 心房細動において非不整脈時の生体情報から至適心筋焼灼部位を詮索する機械学習の開発

    Grant number:22K08185  2022 - 2024

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    坂本 和生, 遠山 岳詩, 細川 和也

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Scientific research funding


    CiNii Research

  • 難治性心房細動に対する経皮的カテーテル心筋焼灼術における「神の目」と「神の技」を具現化するための電気生理所見および治療データの収集基盤構築と利活用のための研究

    2021.6 - 2024.6


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  • 急性肺血栓塞栓症等の肺循環障害型疾患患者の肺循環動態評価における低線量胸部動態X線画像の有用性検討

    2021.5 - 2024.3


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Other funds from industry-academia collaboration

  • 疾患登録システム(患者レジストリ)を活用した医薬品の実用化を目指す臨床研究・医師主導治験 ②ステップ2(実施):患者レジストリを活用した臨床研究・医師主導治験を実施する研究(令和2年度一次公募)

    2021.4 - 2022.6


  • レジストリを活用した慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症に対するエドキサバンの適応拡大のための第Ⅲ相医師主導治験

    2021 - 2024

    国立研究開発法人 日本医療研究開発機構 臨床研究・治験推進研究事業

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Contract research

  • 難治性心房細動に対する経皮的カテーテル心筋焼灼術における「神の目」と「神の技」を具現化するための電気生理所見および治療データの収集基盤構築と利活用のための研究

    2021 - 2023

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Contract research

  • Study of a high-precision diagnostic imaging program for undiagnosed patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

    Grant number:20K17120  2020 - 2022

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Early-Career Scientists

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

    CiNii Research

  • 慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症に関する多施設共同レジストリ研究

    2018.4 - 2022.6


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  • 慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症の診療の質を高めるプロジェクト

    2018.4 - 2020.3

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  • 多施設レジストリを活用し、慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症に対するエドキサバン(DU-176b)の適応拡大を目指すコンセプト策定研究

    2018 - 2021


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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Contract research

  • 慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症に関する多施設共同レジストリ研究

    2018 - 2020


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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Contract research

  • 難治性血圧調節失調を克服するためのバイオニック圧受容器の開発

    2015 - 2016

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

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Educational Activities

  • Guidance for medical students in the Faculty of Medicine: 5th grade bedside teaching, 6th grade clinical clerkship training
    Lecture for a medical student at the Faculty of Medicine: 4th grade symptomatology
    OSCE guidance

Class subject

  • OSCE心電図

    2022.10 - 2023.3   Second semester

  • Postcc OSCE

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 症候学

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • OSCE医療面接

    2020.4 - 2020.9   First semester

  • 症候学

    2020.4 - 2020.9   First semester

  • 症候学

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • OSCE胸部

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • OSCE医療面接

    2019.4 - 2019.9   First semester

  • 症候学

    2018.10 - 2019.3   Second semester

  • OSCE胸部

    2018.4 - 2018.9   First semester

  • OSCE心電図

    2018.4 - 2018.9   First semester

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Visiting, concurrent, or part-time lecturers at other universities, institutions, etc.

  • 2018  ミシガン大学 医学部  Domestic/International Classification:Overseas 

  • 2018  ミシガン大学 医学部  Domestic/International Classification:Overseas 

Other educational activity and Special note

  • 2021  Class Teacher 

  • 2021  Special Affairs 

  • 2020  Class Teacher 

  • 2020  Special Affairs 

  • 2019  Class Teacher 

  • 2019  Special Affairs 

  • 2018  Class Teacher 

  • 2018  Special Affairs 

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Outline of Social Contribution and International Cooperation activities

  • 肺動脈カテーテル法の普及(他大学医師への実技指導・教育)

Educational Activities for Highly-Specialized Professionals in Other Countries

  • 2018.6 - 2019.7   経皮的バルーン肺動脈形成術の指導

    Main countries of student/trainee affiliation:United States

Acceptance of Foreign Researchers, etc.

  • テンプル大学

    Acceptance period: 2020.1  

    Nationality:United States

Travel Abroad

  • 2019.6

    Staying countory name 1:United States   Staying institution name 1:ミシガン大学

Specialized clinical area

  • Biology / Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy / Internal Medicine / Cardiology

  • Biology / Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy / Internal Medicine / Cardiology

  • Biology / Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy / Internal Medicine / Cardiology

Clinician qualification

  • Specialist

    The Japanese Circulation Society(JCS)

  • Specialist

    The Japanese Circulation Society(JCS)

  • Specialist

    The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine(JSIM)

Year of medical license acquisition

  • 2003

Notable Clinical Activities

  • 国際的な肺動脈カテーテル法の普及 慢性肺血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症の全国レジストリ構築