2024/11/27 更新




イソベ ヒロキ
磯部 大樹
理学研究院 物理学部門 准教授


  • Nonlinear edge transport in a quantum Hall system

    Isobe H., Nagaosa N.

    Science advances   10 ( 43 )   eado2704   2024年10月   ISSN:2375-2548


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Science advances  

    Nonlinear transport phenomena in condensed matter reflect the geometric nature, quantum coherence, and many-body correlation of electronic states. Electric currents in solids are classified into (i) ohmic current, (ii) supercurrent, and (iii) geometric or topological current. While the nonlinear current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the former two categories have been extensive research topics recently, those of the last category remains unexplored. Among them, the quantum Hall current is a representative example. Realized in two-dimensional electronic systems under a strong magnetic field, the topological protection quantizes the Hall conductance in the unit of e2/h (e, elementary charge; and h, Planck constant), of which the edge transport picture gives a good account. Here, we theoretically study the nonlinear I-VH characteristic of the edge transport up to third order in VH. We find that nonlinearity arises in the Hall response from electron-electron interaction between the counterpropagating edge channels with the nonlinear energy dispersions. We also discuss possible experimental observations.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado2704

    Web of Science



  • Third-order nonlinear Hall effect in a quantum Hall system

    He, P; Isobe, H; Koon, GKW; Tan, JY; Hu, JX; Li, JR; Nagaosa, N; Shen, J

    NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY   19 ( 10 )   1460 - 1465   2024年10月   ISSN:1748-3387 eISSN:1748-3395


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nature Nanotechnology  

    In two-dimensional systems, perpendicular magnetic fields can induce a bulk band gap and chiral edge states, which gives rise to the quantum Hall effect. The quantum Hall effect is characterized by zero longitudinal resistance (Rxx) and Hall resistance (Rxy) plateaus quantized to h/(υe2) in the linear response regime, where υ is the Landau level filling factor, e is the elementary charge and h is Planck’s constant. Here we explore the nonlinear response of monolayer graphene when tuned to a quantum Hall state. We observe a third-order Hall effect that exhibits a nonzero voltage plateau scaling cubically with the probe current. By contrast, the third-order longitudinal voltage remains zero. The magnitude of the third-order response is insensitive to variations in magnetic field (down to ~5 T) and in temperature (up to ~60 K). Moreover, the third-order response emerges in graphene devices with a variety of geometries, different substrates and stacking configurations. We term the effect third-order nonlinear response of the quantum Hall state and propose that electron–electron interaction between the quantum Hall edge states is the origin of the nonlinear response of the quantum Hall state.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01730-1

    Web of Science




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