Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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9 people were found.
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No. Organization Position Name Field of Specialization
1 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Professor Baba Yoshihiro Immunology
2 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Professor Yoshinori Fukui Immunogenetics, Molecular Immunology, Cell Biology
3 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Associate Professor SHINYA TANAKA Immunology
4 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Associate Professor Uruno Takehito Biological Chemistry, Immunology, Cancer biology, Metabolites, Pharmaceutical science
5 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Assistant Professor Hatano Shinya Immunity
6 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Assistant Professor Kazufumi Kunimura Immunology, Cell biology
7 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Assistant Professor Yutaro Yada
8 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Assistant Professor
9 Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Assistant Professor
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